diff options
3 files changed, 1845 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/details.rst b/doc/source/cli/details.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f303c09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/cli/details.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,1503 @@
+Image service (glance) command-line client
+The glance client is the command-line interface (CLI) for
+the Image service (glance) API and its extensions.
+This chapter documents :command:`glance` version ``2.7.0``.
+For help on a specific :command:`glance` command, enter:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ glance help COMMAND
+.. _glance_command_usage:
+glance usage
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance [--version] [-d] [-v] [--get-schema] [--no-ssl-compression] [-f]
+ [--os-image-url OS_IMAGE_URL]
+ [--os-image-api-version OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION]
+ [--profile HMAC_KEY] [--key-file OS_KEY] [--ca-file OS_CACERT]
+ [--cert-file OS_CERT] [--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME]
+ [--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN]
+ [--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE]
+ [--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE] [--insecure]
+ [--os-cacert <ca-certificate>] [--os-cert <certificate>]
+ [--os-key <key>] [--timeout <seconds>] [--os-auth-type <name>]
+ [--os-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL] [--os-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID]
+ [--os-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME]
+ [--os-project-id OS_PROJECT_ID]
+ [--os-project-name OS_PROJECT_NAME]
+ [--os-project-domain-id OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID]
+ [--os-project-domain-name OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_NAME]
+ [--os-trust-id OS_TRUST_ID]
+ [--os-default-domain-id OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_ID]
+ [--os-default-domain-name OS_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_NAME]
+ [--os-user-id OS_USER_ID] [--os-username OS_USERNAME]
+ [--os-user-domain-id OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID]
+ [--os-user-domain-name OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME]
+ [--os-password OS_PASSWORD]
+ <subcommand> ...
+.. _glance_command_options:
+glance optional arguments
+ show program's version number and exit
+``-d, --debug``
+ Defaults to ``env[GLANCECLIENT_DEBUG]``.
+``-v, --verbose``
+ Print more verbose output.
+ Ignores cached copy and forces retrieval of schema
+ that generates portions of the help text. Ignored with
+ API version 1.
+ **DEPRECATED!** This option is deprecated and not used
+ anymore. SSL compression should be disabled by default
+ by the system SSL library.
+``-f, --force``
+ Prevent select actions from requesting user
+ confirmation.
+``--os-image-url OS_IMAGE_URL``
+ Defaults to ``env[OS_IMAGE_URL]``. If the provided image
+ url
+ contains
+ a
+ version
+ number
+ and
+ \`--os-image-api-version\`
+ is
+ omitted
+ the
+ version
+ of
+ the
+ will
+ be
+ picked as the image api version to use.
+``--os-image-api-version OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION``
+ Defaults to ``env[OS_IMAGE_API_VERSION]`` or 2.
+``--profile HMAC_KEY``
+ HMAC key to use for encrypting context data for
+ performance profiling of operation. This key should be
+ the value of HMAC key configured in osprofiler
+ middleware in glance, it is specified in paste
+ configuration file at /etc/glance/api-paste.ini and
+ /etc/glance/registry-paste.ini. Without key the
+ profiling will not be triggered even if osprofiler is
+ enabled on server side.
+``--key-file OS_KEY``
+ **DEPRECATED!** Use --os-key.
+``--ca-file OS_CACERT``
+ **DEPRECATED!** Use --os-cacert.
+``--cert-file OS_CERT``
+ **DEPRECATED!** Use --os-cert.
+``--os-region-name OS_REGION_NAME``
+ Defaults to ``env[OS_REGION_NAME]``.
+``--os-auth-token OS_AUTH_TOKEN``
+ Defaults to ``env[OS_AUTH_TOKEN]``.
+``--os-service-type OS_SERVICE_TYPE``
+ Defaults to ``env[OS_SERVICE_TYPE]``.
+``--os-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE``
+ Defaults to ``env[OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE]``.
+``--os-auth-type <name>, --os-auth-plugin <name>``
+ Authentication type to use
+.. _glance_explain:
+glance explain
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance explain <MODEL>
+Describe a specific model.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of model to describe.
+.. _glance_image-create:
+glance image-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-create [--architecture <ARCHITECTURE>]
+ [--protected [True|False]] [--name <NAME>]
+ [--instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID>]
+ [--min-disk <MIN_DISK>] [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
+ [--kernel-id <KERNEL_ID>]
+ [--tags <TAGS> [<TAGS> ...]]
+ [--os-version <OS_VERSION>]
+ [--disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>]
+ [--os-distro <OS_DISTRO>] [--id <ID>]
+ [--owner <OWNER>] [--ramdisk-id <RAMDISK_ID>]
+ [--min-ram <MIN_RAM>]
+ [--container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>]
+ [--property <key=value>] [--file <FILE>]
+ [--progress]
+Create a new image.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--architecture <ARCHITECTURE>``
+ Operating system architecture as specified in
+``--protected [True|False]``
+ If true, image will not be deletable.
+``--name <NAME>``
+ Descriptive name for the image
+``--instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID>``
+ Metadata which can be used to record which instance
+ this image is associated with. (Informational only,
+ does not create an instance snapshot.)
+``--min-disk <MIN_DISK>``
+ Amount of disk space (in GB) required to boot image.
+``--visibility <VISIBILITY>``
+ Scope of image accessibility Valid values: public,
+ private, community, shared
+``--kernel-id <KERNEL_ID>``
+ ID of image stored in Glance that should be used as
+ the kernel when booting an AMI-style image.
+``--tags <TAGS> [<TAGS> ...]``
+ List of strings related to the image
+``--os-version <OS_VERSION>``
+ Operating system version as specified by the
+ distributor
+``--disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>``
+ Format of the disk Valid values: None, ami, ari, aki,
+ vhd, vhdx, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, iso, ploop
+``--os-distro <OS_DISTRO>``
+ Common name of operating system distribution as
+ specified
+ in
+``--id <ID>``
+ An identifier for the image
+``--owner <OWNER>``
+ Owner of the image
+``--ramdisk-id <RAMDISK_ID>``
+ ID of image stored in Glance that should be used as
+ the ramdisk when booting an AMI-style image.
+``--min-ram <MIN_RAM>``
+ Amount of ram (in MB) required to boot image.
+``--container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>``
+ Format of the container Valid values: None, ami, ari,
+ aki, bare, ovf, ova, docker
+``--property <key=value>``
+ Arbitrary property to associate with image. May be
+ used multiple times.
+``--file <FILE>``
+ Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded
+ during creation. Alternatively, the image data can be
+ passed to the client via stdin.
+ Show upload progress bar.
+.. _glance_image-deactivate:
+glance image-deactivate
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-deactivate <IMAGE_ID>
+Deactivate specified image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to deactivate.
+.. _glance_image-delete:
+glance image-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-delete <IMAGE_ID> [<IMAGE_ID> ...]
+Delete specified image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image(s) to delete.
+.. _glance_image-download:
+glance image-download
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-download [--file <FILE>] [--progress] <IMAGE_ID>
+Download a specific image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to download.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--file <FILE>``
+ Local file to save downloaded image data to. If this is not
+ specified and there is no redirection the image data will not
+ be saved.
+ Show download progress bar.
+.. _glance_image-list:
+glance image-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-list [--limit <LIMIT>] [--page-size <SIZE>]
+ [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
+ [--member-status <MEMBER_STATUS>] [--owner <OWNER>]
+ [--property-filter <KEY=VALUE>]
+ [--checksum <CHECKSUM>] [--tag <TAG>]
+ [--sort-key {name,status,container_format,disk_format,size,id,created_at,updated_at}]
+ [--sort-dir {asc,desc}] [--sort <key>[:<direction>]]
+List images you can access.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--limit <LIMIT>``
+ Maximum number of images to get.
+``--page-size <SIZE>``
+ Number of images to request in each paginated request.
+``--visibility <VISIBILITY>``
+ The visibility of the images to display.
+``--member-status <MEMBER_STATUS>``
+ The status of images to display.
+``--owner <OWNER>``
+ Display images owned by <OWNER>.
+``--property-filter <KEY=VALUE>``
+ Filter images by a user-defined image property.
+``--checksum <CHECKSUM>``
+ Displays images that match the checksum.
+``--tag <TAG>``
+ Filter images by a user-defined tag.
+``--sort-key {name,status,container_format,disk_format,size,id,created_at,updated_at}``
+ Sort image list by specified fields. May be used
+ multiple times.
+``--sort-dir {asc,desc}``
+ Sort image list in specified directions.
+``--sort <key>[:<direction>]``
+ Comma-separated list of sort keys and directions in
+ the form of <key>[:<asc|desc>]. Valid keys: name,
+ status, container_format, disk_format, size, id,
+ created_at, updated_at. OPTIONAL.
+.. _glance_image-reactivate:
+glance image-reactivate
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-reactivate <IMAGE_ID>
+Reactivate specified image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to reactivate.
+.. _glance_image-show:
+glance image-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-show [--human-readable] [--max-column-width <integer>]
+Describe a specific image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to describe.
+**Optional arguments:**
+ Print image size in a human-friendly format.
+``--max-column-width <integer>``
+ The max column width of the printed table.
+.. _glance_image-tag-delete:
+glance image-tag-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-tag-delete <IMAGE_ID> <TAG_VALUE>
+Delete the tag associated with the given image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of the image from which to delete tag.
+ Value of the tag.
+.. _glance_image-tag-update:
+glance image-tag-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-tag-update <IMAGE_ID> <TAG_VALUE>
+Update an image with the given tag.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Image to be updated with the given tag.
+ Value of the tag.
+.. _glance_image-update:
+glance image-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-update [--architecture <ARCHITECTURE>]
+ [--protected [True|False]] [--name <NAME>]
+ [--instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID>]
+ [--min-disk <MIN_DISK>] [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
+ [--kernel-id <KERNEL_ID>]
+ [--os-version <OS_VERSION>]
+ [--disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>]
+ [--os-distro <OS_DISTRO>] [--owner <OWNER>]
+ [--ramdisk-id <RAMDISK_ID>] [--min-ram <MIN_RAM>]
+ [--container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>]
+ [--property <key=value>] [--remove-property key]
+Update an existing image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to update.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--architecture <ARCHITECTURE>``
+ Operating system architecture as specified in
+``--protected [True|False]``
+ If true, image will not be deletable.
+``--name <NAME>``
+ Descriptive name for the image
+``--instance-uuid <INSTANCE_UUID>``
+ Metadata which can be used to record which instance
+ this image is associated with. (Informational only,
+ does not create an instance snapshot.)
+``--min-disk <MIN_DISK>``
+ Amount of disk space (in GB) required to boot image.
+``--visibility <VISIBILITY>``
+ Scope of image accessibility Valid values: public,
+ private, community, shared
+``--kernel-id <KERNEL_ID>``
+ ID of image stored in Glance that should be used as
+ the kernel when booting an AMI-style image.
+``--os-version <OS_VERSION>``
+ Operating system version as specified by the
+ distributor
+``--disk-format <DISK_FORMAT>``
+ Format of the disk Valid values: None, ami, ari, aki,
+ vhd, vhdx, vmdk, raw, qcow2, vdi, iso, ploop
+``--os-distro <OS_DISTRO>``
+ Common name of operating system distribution as
+ specified
+ in
+``--owner <OWNER>``
+ Owner of the image
+``--ramdisk-id <RAMDISK_ID>``
+ ID of image stored in Glance that should be used as
+ the ramdisk when booting an AMI-style image.
+``--min-ram <MIN_RAM>``
+ Amount of ram (in MB) required to boot image.
+``--container-format <CONTAINER_FORMAT>``
+ Format of the container Valid values: None, ami, ari,
+ aki, bare, ovf, ova, docker
+``--property <key=value>``
+ Arbitrary property to associate with image. May be
+ used multiple times.
+ key
+ Name of arbitrary property to remove from the image.
+.. _glance_image-upload:
+glance image-upload
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance image-upload [--file <FILE>] [--size <IMAGE_SIZE>] [--progress]
+Upload data for a specific image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to upload data to.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--file <FILE>``
+ Local file that contains disk image to be uploaded.
+ Alternatively, images can be passed to the client via
+ stdin.
+``--size <IMAGE_SIZE>``
+ Size in bytes of image to be uploaded. Default is to
+ get size from provided data object but this is
+ supported in case where size cannot be inferred.
+ Show upload progress bar.
+.. _glance_location-add:
+glance location-add
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance location-add --url <URL> [--metadata <STRING>] <IMAGE_ID>
+Add a location (and related metadata) to an image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image to which the location is to be added.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--url <URL>``
+ URL of location to add.
+``--metadata <STRING>``
+ Metadata associated with the location. Must be a valid
+ JSON object (default: {})
+.. _glance_location-delete:
+glance location-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance location-delete --url <URL> <IMAGE_ID>
+Remove locations (and related metadata) from an image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image whose locations are to be removed.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--url <URL>``
+ URL of location to remove. May be used multiple times.
+.. _glance_location-update:
+glance location-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance location-update --url <URL> [--metadata <STRING>] <IMAGE_ID>
+Update metadata of an image's location.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of image whose location is to be updated.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--url <URL>``
+ URL of location to update.
+``--metadata <STRING>``
+ Metadata associated with the location. Must be a valid
+ JSON object (default: {})
+.. _glance_md-namespace-create:
+glance md-namespace-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-create [--schema <SCHEMA>]
+ [--created-at <CREATED_AT>]
+ [--resource-type-associations <RESOURCE_TYPE_ASSOCIATIONS> [<RESOURCE_TYPE_ASSOCIATIONS> ...]]
+ [--protected [True|False]] [--self <SELF>]
+ [--display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>]
+ [--owner <OWNER>]
+ [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
+ [--updated-at <UPDATED_AT>]
+ [--description <DESCRIPTION>]
+Create a new metadata definitions namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of the namespace.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--schema <SCHEMA>``
+``--created-at <CREATED_AT>``
+ Date and time of namespace creation.
+``--resource-type-associations <RESOURCE_TYPE_ASSOCIATIONS> [...]``
+``--protected [True|False]``
+ If true, namespace will not be deletable.
+``--self <SELF>``
+``--display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>``
+ The user friendly name for the namespace. Used by UI
+ if available.
+``--owner <OWNER>``
+ Owner of the namespace.
+``--visibility <VISIBILITY>``
+ Scope of namespace accessibility. Valid values:
+ public, private
+``--updated-at <UPDATED_AT>``
+ Date and time of the last namespace modification.
+``--description <DESCRIPTION>``
+ Provides a user friendly description of the namespace.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-delete:
+glance md-namespace-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-delete <NAMESPACE>
+Delete specified metadata definitions namespace with its contents.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace to delete.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-import:
+glance md-namespace-import
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-import [--file <FILEPATH>]
+Import a metadata definitions namespace from file or standard input.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--file <FILEPATH>``
+ Path to file with namespace schema to import.
+ Alternatively, namespaces schema can be passed to the
+ client via stdin.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-list:
+glance md-namespace-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-list [--resource-types <RESOURCE_TYPES>]
+ [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
+ [--page-size <SIZE>]
+List metadata definitions namespaces.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--resource-types <RESOURCE_TYPES>``
+ Resource type to filter namespaces.
+``--visibility <VISIBILITY>``
+ Visibility parameter to filter namespaces.
+``--page-size <SIZE>``
+ Number of namespaces to request in each paginated
+ request.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-objects-delete:
+glance md-namespace-objects-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-objects-delete <NAMESPACE>
+Delete all metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-properties-delete:
+glance md-namespace-properties-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-properties-delete <NAMESPACE>
+Delete all metadata definitions property inside a specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-resource-type-list:
+glance md-namespace-resource-type-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-resource-type-list <NAMESPACE>
+List resource types associated to specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-show:
+glance md-namespace-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-show [--resource-type <RESOURCE_TYPE>]
+ [--max-column-width <integer>]
+Describe a specific metadata definitions namespace. Lists also the namespace
+properties, objects and resource type associations.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace to describe.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--resource-type <RESOURCE_TYPE>``
+ Applies prefix of given resource type associated to a
+ namespace to all properties of a namespace.
+``--max-column-width <integer>``
+ The max column width of the printed table.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-tags-delete:
+glance md-namespace-tags-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-tags-delete <NAMESPACE>
+Delete all metadata definitions tags inside a specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-namespace-update:
+glance md-namespace-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-namespace-update [--created-at <CREATED_AT>]
+ [--protected [True|False]]
+ [--namespace <NAMESPACE>] [--self <SELF>]
+ [--display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>]
+ [--owner <OWNER>]
+ [--visibility <VISIBILITY>]
+ [--updated-at <UPDATED_AT>]
+ [--description <DESCRIPTION>]
+Update an existing metadata definitions namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace to update.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--created-at <CREATED_AT>``
+ Date and time of namespace creation.
+``--protected [True|False]``
+ If true, namespace will not be deletable.
+``--namespace <NAMESPACE>``
+ The unique namespace text.
+``--self <SELF>``
+``--display-name <DISPLAY_NAME>``
+ The user friendly name for the namespace. Used by UI
+ if available.
+``--owner <OWNER>``
+ Owner of the namespace.
+``--visibility <VISIBILITY>``
+ Scope of namespace accessibility. Valid values:
+ public, private
+``--updated-at <UPDATED_AT>``
+ Date and time of the last namespace modification.
+``--description <DESCRIPTION>``
+ Provides a user friendly description of the namespace.
+.. _glance_md-object-create:
+glance md-object-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-object-create --name <NAME> --schema <SCHEMA> <NAMESPACE>
+Create a new metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the object will belong.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--name <NAME>``
+ Internal name of an object.
+``--schema <SCHEMA>``
+ Valid JSON schema of an object.
+.. _glance_md-object-delete:
+glance md-object-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-object-delete <NAMESPACE> <OBJECT>
+Delete a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the object belongs.
+ Name of an object.
+.. _glance_md-object-list:
+glance md-object-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-object-list <NAMESPACE>
+List metadata definitions objects inside a specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-object-property-show:
+glance md-object-property-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-object-property-show [--max-column-width <integer>]
+Describe a specific metadata definitions property inside an object.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the object belongs.
+ Name of an object.
+ Name of a property.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--max-column-width <integer>``
+ The max column width of the printed table.
+.. _glance_md-object-show:
+glance md-object-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-object-show [--max-column-width <integer>]
+Describe a specific metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the object belongs.
+ Name of an object.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--max-column-width <integer>``
+ The max column width of the printed table.
+.. _glance_md-object-update:
+glance md-object-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-object-update [--name <NAME>] [--schema <SCHEMA>]
+Update metadata definitions object inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the object belongs.
+ Name of an object.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--name <NAME>``
+ New name of an object.
+``--schema <SCHEMA>``
+ Valid JSON schema of an object.
+.. _glance_md-property-create:
+glance md-property-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-property-create --name <NAME> --title <TITLE> --schema
+Create a new metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the property will belong.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--name <NAME>``
+ Internal name of a property.
+``--title <TITLE>``
+ Property name displayed to the user.
+``--schema <SCHEMA>``
+ Valid JSON schema of a property.
+.. _glance_md-property-delete:
+glance md-property-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-property-delete <NAMESPACE> <PROPERTY>
+Delete a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the property belongs.
+ Name of a property.
+.. _glance_md-property-list:
+glance md-property-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-property-list <NAMESPACE>
+List metadata definitions properties inside a specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-property-show:
+glance md-property-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-property-show [--max-column-width <integer>]
+Describe a specific metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the property belongs.
+ Name of a property.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--max-column-width <integer>``
+ The max column width of the printed table.
+.. _glance_md-property-update:
+glance md-property-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-property-update [--name <NAME>] [--title <TITLE>]
+ [--schema <SCHEMA>]
+Update metadata definitions property inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace the property belongs.
+ Name of a property.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--name <NAME>``
+ New name of a property.
+``--title <TITLE>``
+ Property name displayed to the user.
+``--schema <SCHEMA>``
+ Valid JSON schema of a property.
+.. _glance_md-resource-type-associate:
+glance md-resource-type-associate
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-resource-type-associate [--updated-at <UPDATED_AT>]
+ [--name <NAME>]
+ [--properties-target <PROPERTIES_TARGET>]
+ [--prefix <PREFIX>]
+ [--created-at <CREATED_AT>]
+Associate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--updated-at <UPDATED_AT>``
+ Date and time of the last resource type association
+ modification.
+``--name <NAME>``
+ Resource type names should be aligned with Heat
+ resource types whenever possible: http://docs.openstac
+``--properties-target <PROPERTIES_TARGET>``
+ Some resource types allow more than one key / value
+ pair per instance. For example, Cinder allows user and
+ image metadata on volumes. Only the image properties
+ metadata is evaluated by Nova (scheduling or drivers).
+ This property allows a namespace target to remove the
+ ambiguity.
+``--prefix <PREFIX>``
+ Specifies the prefix to use for the given resource
+ type. Any properties in the namespace should be
+ prefixed with this prefix when being applied to the
+ specified resource type. Must include prefix separator
+ (e.g. a colon :).
+``--created-at <CREATED_AT>``
+ Date and time of resource type association.
+.. _glance_md-resource-type-deassociate:
+glance md-resource-type-deassociate
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-resource-type-deassociate <NAMESPACE> <RESOURCE_TYPE>
+Deassociate resource type with a metadata definitions namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+ Name of resource type.
+.. _glance_md-resource-type-list:
+glance md-resource-type-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-resource-type-list
+List available resource type names.
+.. _glance_md-tag-create:
+glance md-tag-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-tag-create --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE>
+Add a new metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of the namespace the tag will belong to.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--name <NAME>``
+ The name of the new tag to add.
+.. _glance_md-tag-create-multiple:
+glance md-tag-create-multiple
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-tag-create-multiple --names <NAMES> [--delim <DELIM>]
+Create new metadata definitions tags inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of the namespace the tags will belong to.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--names <NAMES>``
+ A comma separated list of tag names.
+``--delim <DELIM>``
+ The delimiter used to separate the names (if none is
+ provided then the default is a comma).
+.. _glance_md-tag-delete:
+glance md-tag-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-tag-delete <NAMESPACE> <TAG>
+Delete a specific metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of the namespace to which the tag belongs.
+ Name of the tag.
+.. _glance_md-tag-list:
+glance md-tag-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-tag-list <NAMESPACE>
+List metadata definitions tags inside a specific namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of namespace.
+.. _glance_md-tag-show:
+glance md-tag-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-tag-show <NAMESPACE> <TAG>
+Describe a specific metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of the namespace to which the tag belongs.
+ Name of the tag.
+.. _glance_md-tag-update:
+glance md-tag-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance md-tag-update --name <NAME> <NAMESPACE> <TAG>
+Rename a metadata definitions tag inside a namespace.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Name of the namespace to which the tag belongs.
+ Name of the old tag.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--name <NAME>``
+ New name of the new tag.
+.. _glance_member-create:
+glance member-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance member-create <IMAGE_ID> <MEMBER_ID>
+Create member for a given image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Image with which to create member.
+ Tenant to add as member.
+.. _glance_member-delete:
+glance member-delete
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance member-delete <IMAGE_ID> <MEMBER_ID>
+Delete image member.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Image from which to remove member.
+ Tenant to remove as member.
+.. _glance_member-list:
+glance member-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance member-list --image-id <IMAGE_ID>
+Describe sharing permissions by image.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--image-id <IMAGE_ID>``
+ Image to display members of.
+.. _glance_member-update:
+glance member-update
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance member-update <IMAGE_ID> <MEMBER_ID> <MEMBER_STATUS>
+Update the status of a member for a given image.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ Image from which to update member.
+ Tenant to update.
+ Updated status of member. Valid Values: accepted, rejected,
+ pending
+.. _glance_task-create:
+glance task-create
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance task-create [--type <TYPE>] [--input <STRING>]
+Create a new task.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--type <TYPE>``
+ Type of Task. Please refer to Glance schema or
+ documentation to see which tasks are supported.
+``--input <STRING>``
+ Parameters of the task to be launched
+.. _glance_task-list:
+glance task-list
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance task-list [--sort-key {id,type,status}] [--sort-dir {asc,desc}]
+ [--page-size <SIZE>] [--type <TYPE>]
+ [--status <STATUS>]
+List tasks you can access.
+**Optional arguments:**
+``--sort-key {id,type,status}``
+ Sort task list by specified field.
+``--sort-dir {asc,desc}``
+ Sort task list in specified direction.
+``--page-size <SIZE>``
+ Number of tasks to request in each paginated request.
+``--type <TYPE>``
+ Filter tasks to those that have this type.
+``--status <STATUS>``
+ Filter tasks to those that have this status.
+.. _glance_task-show:
+glance task-show
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: glance task-show <TASK_ID>
+Describe a specific task.
+**Positional arguments:**
+ ID of task to describe.
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/index.rst b/doc/source/cli/index.rst
index 01b594c..3d78974 100644
--- a/doc/source/cli/index.rst
+++ b/doc/source/cli/index.rst
@@ -27,5 +27,6 @@ Once you've configured your authentication parameters, you can run
.. toctree::
+ details
+ property-keys
diff --git a/doc/source/cli/property-keys.rst b/doc/source/cli/property-keys.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7996bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/cli/property-keys.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+Image service property keys
+The following keys, together with the components to which they are specific,
+can be used with the property option for both the
+:command:`openstack image set` and :command:`openstack image create` commands.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack image set IMG-UUID --property architecture=x86_64
+.. note::
+ Behavior set using image properties overrides behavior set using flavors.
+ For more information, refer to the `Manage images
+ <>`_
+ in the OpenStack Administrator Guide.
+.. list-table:: Image service property keys
+ :widths: 15 35 50 90
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Specific to
+ - Key
+ - Description
+ - Supported values
+ * - All
+ - ``architecture``
+ - The CPU architecture that must be supported by the hypervisor. For
+ example, ``x86_64``, ``arm``, or ``ppc64``. Run :command:`uname -m`
+ to get the architecture of a machine. We strongly recommend using
+ the architecture data vocabulary defined by the `libosinfo project
+ <>`_ for this purpose.
+ - * ``alpha`` - `DEC 64-bit RISC
+ <>`_
+ * ``armv7l`` - `ARM Cortex-A7 MPCore
+ <>`_
+ * ``cris`` - `Ethernet, Token Ring, AXis—Code Reduced Instruction
+ Set <>`_
+ * ``i686`` - `Intel sixth-generation x86 (P6 micro architecture)
+ <>`_
+ * ``ia64`` - `Itanium <>`_
+ * ``lm32`` - `Lattice Micro32
+ <>`_
+ * ``m68k`` - `Motorola 68000
+ <>`_
+ * ``microblaze`` - `Xilinx 32-bit FPGA (Big Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * ``microblazeel`` - `Xilinx 32-bit FPGA (Little Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * ``mips`` - `MIPS 32-bit RISC (Big Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * ``mipsel`` - `MIPS 32-bit RISC (Little Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * ``mips64`` - `MIPS 64-bit RISC (Big Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * ``mips64el`` - `MIPS 64-bit RISC (Little Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * ``openrisc`` - `OpenCores RISC
+ <>`_
+ * ``parisc`` - `HP Precision Architecture RISC
+ <>`_
+ * parisc64 - `HP Precision Architecture 64-bit RISC
+ <>`_
+ * ppc - `PowerPC 32-bit <>`_
+ * ppc64 - `PowerPC 64-bit <>`_
+ * ppcemb - `PowerPC (Embedded 32-bit)
+ <>`_
+ * s390 - `IBM Enterprise Systems Architecture/390
+ <>`_
+ * s390x - `S/390 64-bit <>`_
+ * sh4 - `SuperH SH-4 (Little Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * sh4eb - `SuperH SH-4 (Big Endian)
+ <>`_
+ * sparc - `Scalable Processor Architecture, 32-bit
+ <>`_
+ * sparc64 - `Scalable Processor Architecture, 64-bit
+ <>`_
+ * unicore32 - `Microprocessor Research and Development Center RISC
+ Unicore32 <>`_
+ * x86_64 - `64-bit extension of IA-32
+ <>`_
+ * xtensa - `Tensilica Xtensa configurable microprocessor core
+ <>`_
+ * xtensaeb - `Tensilica Xtensa configurable microprocessor core
+ <>`_ (Big Endian)
+ * - All
+ - ``hypervisor_type``
+ - The hypervisor type. Note that ``qemu`` is used for both QEMU and KVM
+ hypervisor types.
+ - ``hyperv``, ``ironic``, ``lxc``, ``qemu``, ``uml``, ``vmware``, or
+ ``xen``.
+ * - All
+ - ``instance_type_rxtx_factor``
+ - Optional property allows created servers to have a different bandwidth
+ cap than that defined in the network they are attached to. This factor
+ is multiplied by the ``rxtx_base`` property of the network. The
+ ``rxtx_base`` property defaults to ``1.0``, which is the same as the
+ attached network. This parameter is only available for Xen or NSX based
+ systems.
+ - Float (default value is ``1.0``)
+ * - All
+ - ``instance_uuid``
+ - For snapshot images, this is the UUID of the server used to create this
+ image.
+ - Valid server UUID
+ * - All
+ - ``img_config_drive``
+ - Specifies whether the image needs a config drive.
+ - ``mandatory`` or ``optional`` (default if property is not used).
+ * - All
+ - ``kernel_id``
+ - The ID of an image stored in the Image service that should be used as
+ the kernel when booting an AMI-style image.
+ - Valid image ID
+ * - All
+ - ``os_distro``
+ - The common name of the operating system distribution in lowercase
+ (uses the same data vocabulary as the
+ `libosinfo project`_). Specify only a recognized
+ value for this field. Deprecated values are listed to assist you in
+ searching for the recognized value.
+ - * ``arch`` - Arch Linux. Do not use ``archlinux`` or ``org.archlinux``.
+ * ``centos`` - Community Enterprise Operating System. Do not use
+ ``org.centos`` or ``CentOS``.
+ * ``debian`` - Debian. Do not use ``Debian` or ``org.debian``.
+ * ``fedora`` - Fedora. Do not use ``Fedora``, ``org.fedora``, or
+ ``org.fedoraproject``.
+ * ``freebsd`` - FreeBSD. Do not use ``org.freebsd``, ``freeBSD``, or
+ ``FreeBSD``.
+ * ``gentoo`` - Gentoo Linux. Do not use ``Gentoo`` or ``org.gentoo``.
+ * ``mandrake`` - Mandrakelinux (MandrakeSoft) distribution. Do not use
+ ``mandrakelinux`` or ``MandrakeLinux``.
+ * ``mandriva`` - Mandriva Linux. Do not use ``mandrivalinux``.
+ * ``mes`` - Mandriva Enterprise Server. Do not use ``mandrivaent`` or
+ ``mandrivaES``.
+ * ``msdos`` - Microsoft Disc Operating System. Do not use ``ms-dos``.
+ * ``netbsd`` - NetBSD. Do not use ``NetBSD`` or ``org.netbsd``.
+ * ``netware`` - Novell NetWare. Do not use ``novell`` or ``NetWare``.
+ * ``openbsd`` - OpenBSD. Do not use ``OpenBSD`` or ``org.openbsd``.
+ * ``opensolaris`` - OpenSolaris. Do not use ``OpenSolaris`` or
+ ``org.opensolaris``.
+ * ``opensuse`` - openSUSE. Do not use ``suse``, ``SuSE``, or
+ `` org.opensuse``.
+ * ``rhel`` - Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Do not use ``redhat``, ``RedHat``,
+ or ``com.redhat``.
+ * ``sled`` - SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop. Do not use ``com.suse``.
+ * ``ubuntu`` - Ubuntu. Do not use ``Ubuntu``, ``com.ubuntu``,
+ ``org.ubuntu``, or ``canonical``.
+ * ``windows`` - Microsoft Windows. Do not use ````
+ or ``windoze``.
+ * - All
+ - ``os_version``
+ - The operating system version as specified by the distributor.
+ - Valid version number (for example, ``11.10``).
+ * - All
+ - ``os_secure_boot``
+ - Secure Boot is a security standard. When the instance starts,
+ Secure Boot first examines software such as firmware and OS by their
+ signature and only allows them to run if the signatures are valid.
+ For Hyper-V: Images must be prepared as Generation 2 VMs. Instance must
+ also contain ``hw_machine_type=hyperv-gen2`` image property. Linux
+ guests will also require bootloader's digital signature provided as
+ ``os_secure_boot_signature`` and
+ ``hypervisor_version_requires'>=10.0'`` image properties.
+ - * ``required`` - Enable the Secure Boot feature.
+ * ``disabled`` or ``optional`` - (default) Disable the Secure Boot
+ feature.
+ * - All
+ - ``ramdisk_id``
+ - The ID of image stored in the Image service that should be used as the
+ ramdisk when booting an AMI-style image.
+ - Valid image ID.
+ * - All
+ - ``vm_mode``
+ - The virtual machine mode. This represents the host/guest ABI
+ (application binary interface) used for the virtual machine.
+ - * ``hvm`` - Fully virtualized. This is the mode used by QEMU and KVM.
+ * ``xen`` - Xen 3.0 paravirtualized.
+ * ``uml`` - User Mode Linux paravirtualized.
+ * ``exe`` - Executables in containers. This is the mode used by LXC.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_cpu_sockets``
+ - The preferred number of sockets to expose to the guest.
+ - Integer.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_cpu_cores``
+ - The preferred number of cores to expose to the guest.
+ - Integer.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_cpu_threads``
+ - The preferred number of threads to expose to the guest.
+ - Integer.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_disk_bus``
+ - Specifies the type of disk controller to attach disk devices to.
+ - One of ``scsi``, ``virtio``, ``uml``, ``xen``, ``ide``, or ``usb``.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_rng_model``
+ - Adds a random-number generator device to the image's instances. The
+ cloud administrator can enable and control device behavior by
+ configuring the instance's flavor. By default:
+ * The generator device is disabled.
+ * ``/dev/random`` is used as the default entropy source. To specify a
+ physical HW RNG device, use the following option in the nova.conf
+ file:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ rng_dev_path=/dev/hwrng
+ - ``virtio``, or other supported device.
+ * - libvirt API driver, Hyper-V driver
+ - ``hw_machine_type``
+ - For libvirt: Enables booting an ARM system using the specified machine
+ type. By default, if an ARM image is used and its type is not specified,
+ Compute uses ``vexpress-a15`` (for ARMv7) or ``virt`` (for AArch64)
+ machine types.
+ For Hyper-V: Specifies whether the Hyper-V instance will be a generation
+ 1 or generation 2 VM. By default, if the property is not provided, the
+ instances will be generation 1 VMs. If the image is specific for
+ generation 2 VMs but the property is not provided accordingly, the
+ instance will fail to boot.
+ - For libvirt: Valid types can be viewed by using the
+ :command:`virsh capabilities` command (machine types are displayed in
+ the ``machine`` tag).
+ For hyper-V: Acceptable values are either ``hyperv-gen1`` or
+ ``hyperv-gen2``.
+ * - libvirt API driver, XenAPI driver
+ - ``os_type``
+ - The operating system installed on the image. The ``libvirt`` API driver
+ and ``XenAPI`` driver contains logic that takes different actions
+ depending on the value of the ``os_type`` parameter of the image.
+ For example, for ``os_type=windows`` images, it creates a FAT32-based
+ swap partition instead of a Linux swap partition, and it limits the
+ injected host name to less than 16 characters.
+ - ``linux`` or ``windows``.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_scsi_model``
+ - Enables the use of VirtIO SCSI (``virtio-scsi``) to provide block
+ device access for compute instances; by default, instances use VirtIO
+ Block (``virtio-blk``). VirtIO SCSI is a para-virtualized SCSI
+ controller device that provides improved scalability and performance,
+ and supports advanced SCSI hardware.
+ - ``virtio-scsi``
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_serial_port_count``
+ - Specifies the count of serial ports that should be provided. If
+ ``hw:serial_port_count`` is not set in the flavor's extra_specs, then
+ any count is permitted. If ``hw:serial_port_count`` is set, then this
+ provides the default serial port count. It is permitted to override the
+ default serial port count, but only with a lower value.
+ - Integer
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_video_model``
+ - The video image driver used.
+ - ``vga``, ``cirrus``, ``vmvga``, ``xen``, or ``qxl``.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_video_ram``
+ - Maximum RAM for the video image. Used only if a ``hw_video:ram_max_mb``
+ value has been set in the flavor's extra_specs and that value is higher
+ than the value set in ``hw_video_ram``.
+ - Integer in MB (for example, ``64``).
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_watchdog_action``
+ - Enables a virtual hardware watchdog device that carries out the
+ specified action if the server hangs. The watchdog uses the
+ ``i6300esb`` device (emulating a PCI Intel 6300ESB). If
+ ``hw_watchdog_action`` is not specified, the watchdog is disabled.
+ - * ``disabled`` - (default) The device is not attached. Allows the user to
+ disable the watchdog for the image, even if it has been enabled using
+ the image's flavor.
+ * ``reset`` - Forcefully reset the guest.
+ * ``poweroff`` - Forcefully power off the guest.
+ * ``pause`` - Pause the guest.
+ * ``none`` - Only enable the watchdog; do nothing if the server hangs.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``os_command_line``
+ - The kernel command line to be used by the ``libvirt`` driver, instead
+ of the default. For Linux Containers (LXC), the value is used as
+ arguments for initialization. This key is valid only for Amazon kernel,
+ ``ramdisk``, or machine images (``aki``, ``ari``, or ``ami``).
+ -
+ * - libvirt API driver and VMware API driver
+ - ``hw_vif_model``
+ - Specifies the model of virtual network interface device to use.
+ - The valid options depend on the configured hypervisor.
+ * ``KVM`` and ``QEMU``: ``e1000``, ``ne2k_pci``, ``pcnet``,
+ ``rtl8139``, and ``virtio``.
+ * VMware: ``e1000``, ``e1000e``, ``VirtualE1000``, ``VirtualE1000e``,
+ ``VirtualPCNet32``, ``VirtualSriovEthernetCard``, and
+ ``VirtualVmxnet``.
+ * Xen: ``e1000``, ``netfront``, ``ne2k_pci``, ``pcnet``, and
+ ``rtl8139``.
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_vif_multiqueue_enabled``
+ - If ``true``, this enables the ``virtio-net multiqueue`` feature. In
+ this case, the driver sets the number of queues equal to the number
+ of guest vCPUs. This makes the network performance scale across a
+ number of vCPUs.
+ - ``true`` | ``false``
+ * - libvirt API driver
+ - ``hw_boot_menu``
+ - If ``true``, enables the BIOS bootmenu. In cases where both the image
+ metadata and Extra Spec are set, the Extra Spec setting is used. This
+ allows for flexibility in setting/overriding the default behavior as
+ needed.
+ - ``true`` or ``false``
+ * - VMware API driver
+ - ``vmware_adaptertype``
+ - The virtual SCSI or IDE controller used by the hypervisor.
+ - ``lsiLogic``, ``lsiLogicsas``, ``busLogic``, ``ide``, or
+ ``paraVirtual``.
+ * - VMware API driver
+ - ``vmware_ostype``
+ - A VMware GuestID which describes the operating system installed in
+ the image. This value is passed to the hypervisor when creating a
+ virtual machine. If not specified, the key defaults to ``otherGuest``.
+ - See ` <>`_.
+ * - VMware API driver
+ - ``vmware_image_version``
+ - Currently unused.
+ - ``1``
+ * - XenAPI driver
+ - ``auto_disk_config``
+ - If ``true``, the root partition on the disk is automatically resized
+ before the instance boots. This value is only taken into account by
+ the Compute service when using a Xen-based hypervisor with the
+ ``XenAPI`` driver. The Compute service will only attempt to resize if
+ there is a single partition on the image, and only if the partition
+ is in ``ext3`` or ``ext4`` format.
+ - ``true`` or ``false``