path: root/docs/build/branches.rst
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authorMike Bayer <>2014-11-22 15:39:44 -0500
committerMike Bayer <>2014-11-22 15:39:44 -0500
commit86070f6829e20e91847aed39cd934a394015c5d3 (patch)
tree254d54a24aa16d3d803cfa1185d9431116a10305 /docs/build/branches.rst
parenta2a95c2ae3d310d53a65e0f18a4d3762b5694826 (diff)
- now that branching is an enormous chapter, break out the docs into
individual pages. the pages here are a little slim in the middle but overall the one-page docs were getting extremely long.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/build/branches.rst')
1 files changed, 782 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/build/branches.rst b/docs/build/branches.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e6714e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/build/branches.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,782 @@
+.. _branches:
+Working with Branches
+.. note:: Alembic 0.7.0 features an all-new versioning model that fully
+ supports branch points, merge points, and long-lived, labeled branches,
+ including independent branches originating from multiple bases.
+ A great emphasis has been placed on there being almost no impact on the
+ existing Alembic workflow, including that all commands work pretty much
+ the same as they did before, the format of migration files doesn't require
+ any change (though there are some changes that are recommended),
+ and even the structure of the ``alembic_version``
+ table does not change at all. However, most alembic commands now offer
+ new features which will break out an Alembic environment into
+ "branch mode", where things become a lot more intricate. Working in
+ "branch mode" should be considered as a "beta" feature, with many new
+ paradigms and use cases still to be stress tested in the wild.
+ Please tread lightly!
+.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
+A **branch** describes a point in a migration stream when two or more
+versions refer to the same parent migration as their anscestor. Branches
+occur naturally when two divergent source trees, both containing Alembic
+revision files created independently within those source trees, are merged
+together into one. When this occurs, the challenge of a branch is to **merge** the
+branches into a single series of changes, so that databases established
+from either source tree individually can be upgraded to reference the merged
+result equally. Another scenario where branches are present are when we create them
+directly; either at some point in the migration stream we'd like different
+series of migrations to be managed independently (e.g. we create a tree),
+or we'd like separate migration streams for different features starting
+at the root (e.g. a *forest*). We'll illustrate all of these cases, starting
+with the most common which is a source-merge-originated branch that we'll
+Starting with the "account table" example we began in :ref:`create_migration`,
+assume we have our basemost version ``1975ea83b712``, which leads into
+the second revision ``ae1027a6acf``, and the migration files for these
+two revisions are checked into our source repository.
+Consider if we merged into our source repository another code branch which contained
+a revision for another table called ``shopping_cart``. This revision was made
+against our first Alembic revision, the one that generated ``account``. After
+loading the second source tree in, a new file
+```` exists within our ``versions`` directory.
+Both it, as well as ````, reference
+```` as the "downgrade" revision. To illustrate::
+ # main source tree:
+ 1975ea83b712 (create account table) -> ae1027a6acf (add a column)
+ # branched source tree
+ 1975ea83b712 (create account table) -> 27c6a30d7c24 (add shopping cart table)
+Above, we can see ``1975ea83b712`` is our **branch point**; two distinct versions
+both refer to it as its parent. The Alembic command ``branches`` illustrates
+this fact::
+ $ alembic branches --verbose
+ Rev: 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint)
+ Parent: <base>
+ Branches into: 27c6a30d7c24, ae1027a6acf
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ create account table
+ Revision ID: 1975ea83b712
+ Revises:
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:46.257104
+ -> 27c6a30d7c24 (head), add shopping cart table
+ -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
+History shows it too, illustrating two ``head`` entries as well
+as a ``branchpoint``::
+ $ alembic history
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (head), add shopping cart table
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+We can get a view of just the current heads using ``alembic heads``::
+ $ alembic heads --verbose
+ Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
+ Parent: 1975ea83b712
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ add shopping cart table
+ Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
+ Revises: 1975ea83b712
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407
+ Rev: ae1027a6acf (head)
+ Parent: 1975ea83b712
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ add a column
+ Revision ID: ae1027a6acf
+ Revises: 1975ea83b712
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677
+If we try to run an ``upgrade`` to the usual end target of ``head``, Alembic no
+longer considers this to be an unambiguous command. As we have more than
+one ``head``, the ``upgrade`` command wants us to provide more information::
+ $ alembic upgrade head
+ FAILED: Multiple head revisions are present for given argument 'head'; please specify a specific
+ target revision, '<branchname>@head' to narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads
+The ``upgrade`` command gives us quite a few options in which we can proceed
+with our upgrade, either giving it information on *which* head we'd like to upgrade
+towards, or alternatively stating that we'd like *all* heads to be upgraded
+towards at once. However, in the typical case of two source trees being
+merged, we will want to pursue a third option, which is that we can **merge** these
+Merging Branches
+An Alembic merge is a migration file that joins two or
+more "head" files together. If the two branches we have right now can
+be said to be a "tree" structure, introducing this merge file will
+turn it into a "diamond" structure::
+ -- ae1027a6acf -->
+ / \
+ <base> --> 1975ea83b712 --> --> mergepoint
+ \ /
+ -- 27c6a30d7c24 -->
+We create the merge file using ``alembic merge``; with this command, we can
+pass to it an argument such as ``heads``, meaning we'd like to merge all
+heads. Or, we can pass it individual revision numbers sequentally::
+ $ alembic merge -m "merge ae1 and 27c" ae1027 27c6a
+ Generating /path/to/foo/versions/ ... done
+Looking inside the new file, we see it as a regular migration file, with
+the only new twist is that ``down_revision`` points to both revisions::
+ """merge ae1 and 27c
+ Revision ID: 53fffde5ad5
+ Revises: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:31:50.811663
+ """
+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+ revision = '53fffde5ad5'
+ down_revision = ('ae1027a6acf', '27c6a30d7c24')
+ branch_labels = None
+ from alembic import op
+ import sqlalchemy as sa
+ def upgrade():
+ pass
+ def downgrade():
+ pass
+This file is a regular migration file, and if we wish to, we may place
+:class:`.Operations` directives into the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()``
+functions like any other migration file. Though it is probably best to limit
+the instructions placed here only to those that deal with any kind of
+reconciliation that is needed between the two merged branches, if any.
+The ``heads`` command now illustrates that the multiple heads in our
+``versions/`` directory have been resolved into our new head::
+ $ alembic heads --verbose
+ Rev: 53fffde5ad5 (head) (mergepoint)
+ Merges: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ merge ae1 and 27c
+ Revision ID: 53fffde5ad5
+ Revises: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:31:50.811663
+History shows a similar result, as the mergepoint becomes our head::
+ $ alembic history
+ ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5 (head) (mergepoint), merge ae1 and 27c
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+With a single ``head`` target, a generic ``upgrade`` can proceed::
+ $ alembic upgrade head
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5, merge ae1 and 27c
+.. topic:: merge mechanics
+ The upgrade process traverses through all of our migration files using
+ a **topological sorting** algorithm, treating the list of migration
+ files not as a linked list, but as a **directed acyclic graph**. The starting
+ points of this traversal are the **current heads** within our database,
+ and the end point is the "head" revision or revisions specified.
+ When a migration proceeds across a point at which there are multiple heads,
+ the ``alembic_version`` table will at that point store *multiple* rows,
+ one for each head. Our migration process above will emit SQL against
+ ``alembic_version`` along these lines:
+ .. sourcecode:: sql
+ -- Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
+ INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('1975ea83b712')
+ -- Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+ UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='27c6a30d7c24' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = '1975ea83b712'
+ -- Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
+ INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('ae1027a6acf')
+ -- Running upgrade ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5, merge ae1 and 27c
+ DELETE FROM alembic_version WHERE alembic_version.version_num = 'ae1027a6acf'
+ UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='53fffde5ad5' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = '27c6a30d7c24'
+ At the point at which both ``27c6a30d7c24`` and ``ae1027a6acf`` exist within our
+ database, both values are present in ``alembic_version``, which now has
+ two rows. If we upgrade to these two versions alone, then stop and
+ run ``alembic current``, we will see this::
+ $ alembic current --verbose
+ Current revision(s) for postgresql://scott:XXXXX@localhost/test:
+ Rev: ae1027a6acf
+ Parent: 1975ea83b712
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ add a column
+ Revision ID: ae1027a6acf
+ Revises: 1975ea83b712
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677
+ Rev: 27c6a30d7c24
+ Parent: 1975ea83b712
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ add shopping cart table
+ Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
+ Revises: 1975ea83b712
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407
+ A key advantage to the ``merge`` process is that it will
+ run equally well on databases that were present on version ``ae1027a6acf``
+ alone, versus databases that were present on version ``27c6a30d7c24`` alone;
+ whichever version was not yet applied, will be applied before the merge point
+ can be crossed. This brings forth a way of thinking about a merge file,
+ as well as about any Alembic revision file. As they are considered to
+ be "nodes" within a set that is subject to topological sorting, each
+ "node" is a point that cannot be crossed until all of its dependencies
+ are satisfied.
+ Prior to Alembic's support of merge points, the use case of databases
+ sitting on different heads was basically impossible to reconcile; having
+ to manually splice the head files together invariably meant that one migration
+ would occur before the other, thus being incompatible with databases that
+ were present on the other migration.
+Working with Explicit Branches
+The ``alembic upgrade`` command hinted at other options besides merging when
+dealing with multiple heads. Let's back up and assume we're back where
+we have as our heads just ``ae1027a6acf`` and ``27c6a30d7c24``::
+ $ alembic heads
+ 27c6a30d7c24
+ ae1027a6acf
+Earlier, when we did ``alembic upgrade head``, it gave us an error which
+suggested ``please specify a specific target revision, '<branchname>@head' to
+narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads`` in order to proceed
+without merging. Let's cover those cases.
+Referring to all heads at once
+The ``heads`` identifier is a lot like ``head``, except it explicitly refers
+to *all* heads at once. That is, it's like telling Alembic to do the operation
+for both ``ae1027a6acf`` and ``27c6a30d7c24`` simultaneously. If we started
+from a fresh database and ran ``upgrade heads`` we'd see::
+ $ alembic upgrade heads
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+Since we've upgraded to ``heads``, and we do in fact have more than one head,
+that means these two distinct heads are now in our ``alembic_version`` table.
+We can see this if we run ``alembic current``::
+ $ alembic current
+ ae1027a6acf (head)
+ 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
+That means there's two rows in ``alembic_version`` right now. If we downgrade
+one step at a time, Alembic will **delete** from the ``alembic_version`` table
+each branch that's closed out, until only one branch remains; then it will
+continue updating the single value down to the previous versions::
+ $ alembic downgrade -1
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade ae1027a6acf -> 1975ea83b712, add a column
+ $ alembic current
+ 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
+ $ alembic downgrade -1
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade 27c6a30d7c24 -> 1975ea83b712, add shopping cart table
+ $ alembic current
+ 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint)
+ $ alembic downgrade -1
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade 1975ea83b712 -> , create account table
+ $ alembic current
+Referring to a Specific Version
+We can pass a specific version number to ``upgrade``. Alembic will ensure that
+all revisions upon which this version depends are invoked, and nothing more.
+So if we ``upgrade`` either to ``27c6a30d7c24`` or ``ae1027a6acf`` specifically,
+it guarantees that ``1975ea83b712`` will have been applied, but not that
+any "sibling" versions are applied::
+ $ alembic upgrade 27c6a
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+With ``1975ea83b712`` and ``27c6a30d7c24`` applied, ``ae1027a6acf`` is just
+a single additional step::
+ $ alembic upgrade ae102
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
+Working with Branch Labels
+To satisfy the use case where an environment has long-lived branches, especially
+independent branches as will be discussed in the next section, Alembic supports
+the concept of **branch labels**. These are string values that are present
+within the migration file, using the new identifier ``branch_labels``.
+For example, if we want to refer to the "shopping cart" branch using the name
+"shoppingcart", we can add that name to our file
+ """add shopping cart table
+ """
+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+ revision = '27c6a30d7c24'
+ down_revision = '1975ea83b712'
+ branch_labels = ('shoppingcart',)
+ # ...
+The ``branch_labels`` attribute refers to a string name, or a tuple
+of names, which will now apply to this revision, all descendants of this
+revision, as well as all ancestors of this revision up until the preceding
+branch point, in this case ``1975ea83b712``. We can see the ``shoppingcart``
+label applied to this revision::
+ $ alembic history
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head), add shopping cart table
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+With the label applied, the name ``shoppingcart`` now serves as an alias
+for the ``27c6a30d7c24`` revision specifically. We can illustrate this
+by showing it with ``alembic show``::
+ $ alembic show shoppingcart
+ Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
+ Parent: 1975ea83b712
+ Branch names: shoppingcart
+ Path: foo/versions/
+ add shopping cart table
+ Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
+ Revises: 1975ea83b712
+ Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407
+However, when using branch labels, we usually want to use them using a syntax
+known as "branch at" syntax; this syntax allows us to state that we want to
+use a specific revision, let's say a "head" revision, in terms of a *specific*
+branch. While normally, we can't refer to ``alembic upgrade head`` when
+there's multiple heads, we *can* refer to this head specifcally using
+``shoppingcart@head`` syntax::
+ $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@head
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+The ``shoppingcart@head`` syntax becomes important to us if we wish to
+add new migration files to our versions directory while maintaining multiple
+branches. Just like the ``upgrade`` command, if we attempted to add a new
+revision file to our multiple-heads layout without a specific parent revision,
+we'd get a familiar error::
+ $ alembic revision -m "add a shopping cart column"
+ FAILED: Multiple heads are present; please specify the head revision on
+ which the new revision should be based, or perform a merge.
+The ``alembic revision`` command is pretty clear in what we need to do;
+to add our new revision specifically to the ``shoppingcart`` branch,
+we use the ``--head`` argument, either with the specific revision identifier
+``27c6a30d7c24``, or more generically using our branchname ``shoppingcart@head``::
+ $ alembic revision -m "add a shopping cart column" --head shoppingcart@head
+ Generating /path/to/foo/versions/ ... done
+``alembic history`` shows both files now part of the ``shoppingcart`` branch::
+ $ alembic history
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
+ 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+We can limit our history operation just to this branch as well::
+ $ alembic history -r shoppingcart:
+ 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
+If we want to illustrate the path of ``shoppingcart`` all the way from the
+base, we can do that as follows::
+ $ alembic history -r :shoppingcart@head
+ 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+We can run this operation from the "base" side as well, but we get a different
+ $ alembic history -r shoppingcart@base:
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
+ 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+When we list from ``shoppingcart@base`` without an endpoint, it's really shorthand
+for ``-r shoppingcart@base:heads``, e.g. all heads, and since ``shoppingcart@base``
+is the same "base" shared by the ``ae1027a6acf`` revision, we get that
+revision in our listing as well. The ``<branchname>@base`` syntax can be
+useful when we are dealing with individual bases, as we'll see in the next
+The ``<branchname>@head`` format can also be used with revision numbers
+instead of branch names, though this is less convenient. If we wanted to
+add a new revision to our branch that includes the un-labeled ``ae1027a6acf``,
+if this weren't a head already, we could ask for the "head of the branch
+that includes ``ae1027a6acf``" as follows::
+ $ alembic revision -m "add another account column" --head ae10@head
+ Generating /path/to/foo/versions/ ... done
+More Label Syntaxes
+The ``heads`` symbol can be combined with a branch label, in the case that
+your labeled branch itself breaks off into multiple branches::
+ $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@heads
+Relative identifiers, as introduced in :ref:`relative_migrations`,
+work with labels too. For example, upgrading to ``shoppingcart@+2``
+means to upgrade from current heads on "shoppingcart" upwards two revisions::
+ $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@+2
+This kind of thing works from history as well::
+ $ alembic history -r current:shoppingcart@+2
+.. _multiple_bases:
+Working with Multiple Bases
+We've seen in the previous section that ``alembic upgrade`` is fine
+if we have multiple heads, ``alembic revision`` allows us to tell it which
+"head" we'd like to associate our new revision file with, and branch labels
+allow us to assign names to branches that we can use in subsequent commands.
+Let's put all these together and refer to a new "base", that is, a whole
+new tree of revision files that will be semi-independent of the account/shopping
+cart revisions we've been working with. This new tree will deal with
+database tables involving "networking".
+.. _multiple_version_directories:
+Setting up Multiple Version Directories
+While optional, it is often the case that when working with multiple bases,
+we'd like different sets of version files to exist within their own directories;
+typically, if an application is organized into several sub-modules, each
+one would have a version directory containing migrations pertinent to
+that module. So to start out, we can edit ``alembic.ini`` to refer
+to multiple directories; we'll also state the current ``versions``
+directory as one of them::
+ # version location specification; this defaults
+ # to foo/versions. When using multiple version
+ # directories, initial revisions must be specified with --version-path
+ version_locations = %(here)s/model/networking %(here)s/alembic/versions
+The new directory ``%(here)s/model/networking`` is in terms of where
+the ``alembic.ini`` file is, as we are using the symbol ``%(here)s`` which
+resolves to this location. When we create our first new revision
+targeted at this directory,
+``model/networking`` will be created automatically if it does not
+exist yet. Once we've created a revision here, the path is used automatically
+when generating subsequent revision files that refer to this revision tree.
+Creating a Labeled Base Revision
+We also want our new branch to have its own name, and for that we want to
+apply a branch label to the base. In order to achieve this using the
+``alembic revision`` command without editing, we need to ensure our
+```` file, used
+for generating new revision files, has the appropriate substitutions present.
+If Alembic version 0.7.0 or greater was used to generate the original
+migration environment, this is already done. However when working with an older
+environment, ```` needs to have this directive added, typically
+underneath the ``down_revision`` directive::
+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+ revision = ${repr(up_revision)}
+ down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)}
+ # add this here in order to use revision with branch_label
+ branch_labels = ${repr(branch_labels)}
+With this in place, we can create a new revision file, starting up a branch
+that will deal with database tables involving networking; we specify the
+``--head`` version of ``base``, a ``--branch-label`` of ``networking``,
+and the directory we want this first revision file to be
+placed in with ``--version-path``::
+ $ alembic revision -m "create networking branch" --head=base --branch-label=networking --version-path=model/networking
+ Creating directory /path/to/foo/model/networking ... done
+ Generating /path/to/foo/model/networking/ ... done
+If we ran the above command and we didn't have the newer ````
+directive, we'd get this error::
+ FAILED: Version 3cac04ae8714 specified branch_labels networking, however
+ the migration file foo/model/networking/
+ does not have them; have you upgraded your to include the 'branch_labels'
+ section?
+When we receive the above error, and we would like to try again, we need to
+either **delete** the incorrectly generated file in order to run ``revision``
+again, *or* we can edit the ````
+directly to add the ``branch_labels`` in of our choosing.
+Running with Multiple Bases
+Once we have a new, permanent (for as long as we desire it to be)
+base in our system, we'll always have multiple heads present::
+ $ alembic heads
+ 3cac04ae8714 (networking) (head)
+ 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head)
+ ae1027a6acf (head)
+When we want to add a new revision file to ``networking``, we specify
+``networking@head`` as the ``--head``. The appropriate version directory
+is now selected automatically based on the head we choose::
+ $ alembic revision -m "add ip number table" --head=networking@head
+ Generating /path/to/foo/model/networking/ ... done
+It's important that we refer to the head using ``networking@head``; if we
+only refer to ``networking``, that refers to only ``3cac04ae8714`` specifically;
+if we specify this and it's not a head, ``alembic revision`` will make sure
+we didn't mean to specify the head::
+ $ alembic revision -m "add DNS table" --head=networking
+ FAILED: Revision 3cac04ae8714 is not a head revision; please
+ specify --splice to create a new branch from this revision
+As mentioned earlier, as this base is independent, we can view its history
+from the base using ``history -r networking@base:``::
+ $ alembic history -r networking@base:
+ 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking) (head), add DNS table
+ 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
+ <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
+At the moment, this is the same output we'd get at this point if we used
+``-r :networking@head``. However, that will change later on as we use
+additional directives.
+We may now run upgrades or downgrades freely, among individual branches
+(let's assume a clean database again)::
+ $ alembic upgrade networking@head
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 3cac04ae8714, create networking branch
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf, add ip number table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea, add DNS table
+or against the whole thing using ``heads``::
+ $ alembic upgrade heads
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879, add a shopping cart column
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267, add another account column
+Branch Dependencies
+When working with multiple roots, it is expected that these different
+revision streams will need to refer to one another. For example, a new
+revision in ``networking`` which needs to refer to the ``account``
+table will want to establish ``55af2cb1c267, add another account column``,
+the last revision that
+works with the account table, as a dependency. From a graph perspective,
+this means nothing more that the new file will feature both
+``55af2cb1c267, add another account column`` and ``29f859a13ea, add DNS table`` as "down" revisions,
+and looks just as though we had merged these two branches together. However,
+we don't want to consider these as "merged"; we want the two revision
+streams to *remain independent*, even though a version in ``networking``
+is going to reach over into the other stream. To support this use case,
+Alembic provides a directive known as ``depends_on``, which allows
+a revision file to refer to another as a "dependency", very similar to
+an entry in ``down_revision`` from a graph perspective, but different
+from a semantic perspective.
+First we will build out our new revision on the ``networking`` branch
+in the usual way::
+ $ alembic revision -m "add ip account table" --head=networking@head
+ Generating /path/to/foo/model/networking/ ... done
+Next, we'll add an explicit dependency inside the file, by placing the
+directive ``depends_on='55af2cb1c267'`` underneath the other directives::
+ # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
+ revision = '2a95102259be'
+ down_revision = '29f859a13ea'
+ branch_labels = None
+ depends_on='55af2cb1c267'
+Currently, ``depends_on`` needs to be a real revision number, not a partial
+number or branch name.
+We can see the effect this directive has when we view the history
+of the ``networking`` branch in terms of "heads", e.g., all the revisions that
+are descendants::
+ $ alembic history -r :networking@head
+ 29f859a13ea (55af2cb1c267) -> 2a95102259be (networking) (head), add ip account table
+ 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table
+ 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
+ <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
+ ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267 (effective head), add another account column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, Add a column
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+What we see is that the full history of the ``networking`` branch, in terms
+of an "upgrade" to the "head", will include that the tree building
+up ``55af2cb1c267, add another account column``
+will be pulled in first. Interstingly, we don't see this displayed
+when we display history in the other direction, e.g. from ``networking@base``::
+ $ alembic history -r networking@base:
+ 29f859a13ea (55af2cb1c267) -> 2a95102259be (networking) (head), add ip account table
+ 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table
+ 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
+ <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
+The reason for the discrepancy is that displaying history from the base
+shows us what would occur if we ran a downgrade operation, instead of an
+upgrade. If we downgraded all the files in ``networking`` using
+``networking@base``, the dependencies aren't affected, they're left in place.
+We also see something odd if we view ``heads`` at the moment::
+ $ alembic heads
+ 2a95102259be (networking) (head)
+ 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head)
+ 55af2cb1c267 (effective head)
+The head file that we used as a "dependency", ``55af2cb1c267``, is displayed
+as an "effective" head, which we can see also in the history display earlier.
+What this means is that at the moment, if we were to upgrade all versions
+to the top, the ``55af2cb1c267`` revision number would not actually be
+present in the ``alembic_version`` table; this is because it does not have
+a branch of its own subsequent to the ``2a95102259be`` revision which depends
+on it::
+ $ alembic upgrade heads
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 29f859a13ea, 55af2cb1c267 -> 2a95102259be, add ip account table
+ $ alembic current
+ 2a95102259be (head)
+ 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
+The entry is still displayed in ``alembic heads`` because Alembic knows that
+even though this revision isn't a "real" head, it's still something that
+we developers consider semantically to be a head, so it's displayed, noting
+its special status so that we don't get quite as confused when we don't
+see it within ``alembic current``.
+If we add a new revision onto ``55af2cb1c267``, the branch again becomes
+a "real" branch which can have its own entry in the database::
+ $ alembic revision -m "more account changes" --head=55af2cb@head
+ Generating /path/to/foo/versions/ ... done
+ $ alembic upgrade heads
+ INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 55af2cb1c267 -> 34e094ad6ef1, more account changes
+ $ alembic current
+ 2a95102259be (head)
+ 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
+ 34e094ad6ef1 (head)
+For posterity, the revision tree now looks like::
+ $ alembic history
+ 29f859a13ea (55af2cb1c267) -> 2a95102259be (networking) (head), add ip account table
+ 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table
+ 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
+ <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
+ 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head), add shopping cart table
+ 55af2cb1c267 -> 34e094ad6ef1 (head), more account changes
+ ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267, add another account column
+ 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, Add a column
+ <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
+ --- 27c6 --> d747 --> <head>
+ / (shoppingcart)
+ <base> --> 1975 -->
+ \
+ --- ae10 --> 55af --> <head>
+ ^
+ +--------+ (dependency)
+ |
+ |
+ <base> --> 3782 -----> 109e ----> 29f8 ---> 2a95 --> <head>
+ (networking)
+If there's any point to be made here, it's if you are too freely branching, merging
+and labeling, things can get pretty crazy! Hence the branching system should
+be used carefully and thoughtfully for best results.