path: root/docs/build/naming.rst
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authorMike Bayer <>2014-11-22 15:39:44 -0500
committerMike Bayer <>2014-11-22 15:39:44 -0500
commit86070f6829e20e91847aed39cd934a394015c5d3 (patch)
tree254d54a24aa16d3d803cfa1185d9431116a10305 /docs/build/naming.rst
parenta2a95c2ae3d310d53a65e0f18a4d3762b5694826 (diff)
- now that branching is an enormous chapter, break out the docs into
individual pages. the pages here are a little slim in the middle but overall the one-page docs were getting extremely long.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/build/naming.rst')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/build/naming.rst b/docs/build/naming.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1937bd6
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+++ b/docs/build/naming.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+.. _tutorial_constraint_names:
+The Importance of Naming Constraints
+An important topic worth mentioning is that of constraint naming conventions.
+As we've proceeded here, we've talked about adding tables and columns, and
+we've also hinted at lots of other operations listed in :ref:`ops` such as those
+which support adding or dropping constraints like foreign keys and unique
+constraints. The way these constraints are referred to in migration scripts
+is by name, however these names by default are in most cases generated by
+the relational database in use, when the constraint is created. For example,
+if you emitted two CREATE TABLE statements like this on Postgresql::
+ test=> CREATE TABLE user_account (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);
+ test=> CREATE TABLE user_order (
+ test(> user_account_id INTEGER REFERENCES user_account(id));
+Suppose we wanted to DROP the REFERENCES that we just applied to the
+``user_order.user_account_id`` column, how do we do that? At the prompt,
+we'd use ``ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>``, or if
+using Alembic we'd be using :meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint`. But both
+of those functions need a name - what's the name of this constraint?
+It does have a name, which in this case we can figure out by looking at the
+Postgresql catalog tables::
+ test=> SELECT r.conname FROM
+ test-> pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
+ test-> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.oid = r.conrelid
+ test-> WHERE c.relname='user_order' AND r.contype = 'f'
+ test-> ;
+ conname
+ ---------------------------------
+ user_order_user_account_id_fkey
+ (1 row)
+The name above is not something that Alembic or SQLAlchemy created;
+``user_order_user_account_id_fkey`` is a naming scheme used internally by
+Postgresql to name constraints that are otherwise not named.
+This scheme doesn't seem so complicated, and we might want to just use our
+knowledge of it so that we know what name to use for our
+:meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint` call. But is that a good idea? What
+if for example we needed our code to run on Oracle as well. OK, certainly
+Oracle uses this same scheme, right? Or if not, something similar. Let's
+ Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
+ Table created.
+ SQL> CREATE TABLE user_order (
+ 3 user_account_id INTEGER REFERENCES user_account(id));
+ Table created.
+ SQL> SELECT constraint_name FROM all_constraints WHERE
+ 2 table_name='USER_ORDER' AND constraint_type in ('R');
+ -----------------------------------------------------
+ SYS_C0029334
+Oh, we can see that is.....much worse. Oracle's names are entirely unpredictable
+alphanumeric codes, and this will make being able to write migrations
+quite tedious, as we'd need to look up all these names.
+The solution to having to look up names is to make your own names. This is
+an easy, though tedious thing to do manually. For example, to create our model
+in SQLAlchemy ensuring we use names for foreign key constraints would look like::
+ from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey
+ meta = MetaData()
+ user_account = Table('user_account', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
+ )
+ user_order = Table('user_order', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column('user_order_id', Integer,
+ ForeignKey('', name='fk_user_order_id'))
+ )
+Simple enough, though this has some disadvantages. The first is that it's tedious;
+we need to remember to use a name for every :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKey` object,
+not to mention every :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`, :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.CheckConstraint`,
+:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index`, and maybe even :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint`
+as well if we wish to be able to alter those too, and beyond all that, all the
+names have to be globally unique. Even with all that effort, if we have a naming scheme in mind,
+it's easy to get it wrong when doing it manually each time.
+What's worse is that manually naming constraints (and indexes) gets even more
+tedious in that we can no longer use convenience features such as the ``.unique=True``
+or ``.index=True`` flag on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`::
+ user_account = Table('user_account', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', String(50), unique=True)
+ )
+Above, the ``unique=True`` flag creates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`, but again,
+it's not named. If we want to name it, manually we have to forego the usage
+of ``unique=True`` and type out the whole constraint::
+ user_account = Table('user_account', meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', String(50)),
+ UniqueConstraint('name', name='uq_user_account_name')
+ )
+There's a solution to all this naming work, which is to use an **automated
+naming convention**. For some years, SQLAlchemy has encourgaged the use of
+DDL Events in order to create naming schemes. The :meth:``
+event in particular is the best place to intercept when :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Constraint`
+and :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index` objects are being associated with a parent
+:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object, and to assign a ``.name`` to the constraint while making
+use of the name of the table and associated columns.
+But there is also a better way to go, which is to make use of a feature
+new in SQLAlchemy 0.9.2 which makes use of the events behind the scenes known as
+:paramref:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.naming_convention`. Here, we can
+create a new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` object while passing a dictionary referring
+to a naming scheme::
+ convention = {
+ "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
+ "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
+ "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
+ "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
+ "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"
+ }
+ metadata = MetaData(naming_convention=convention)
+If we define our models using a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` as above, the given
+naming convention dictionary will be used to provide names for all constraints
+and indexes.
+.. _autogen_naming_conventions:
+Integration of Naming Conventions into Operations, Autogenerate
+As of Alembic 0.6.4, the naming convention feature is integrated into the
+:class:`.Operations` object, so that the convention takes effect for any
+constraint that is otherwise unnamed. The naming convention is passed to
+:class:`.Operations` using the :paramref:`.MigrationsContext.configure.target_metadata`
+parameter in ````, which is normally configured when autogenerate is
+ # in your application's model:
+ meta = MetaData(naming_convention={
+ "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
+ "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
+ "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
+ "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
+ "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"
+ })
+ # .. in your Alembic
+ # add your model's MetaData object here
+ # for 'autogenerate' support
+ from myapp import mymodel
+ target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
+ # ...
+ def run_migrations_online():
+ # ...
+ context.configure(
+ connection=connection,
+ target_metadata=target_metadata
+ )
+Above, when we render a directive like the following::
+ op.add_column('sometable', Column('q', Boolean(name='q_bool')))
+The Boolean type will render a CHECK constraint with the name
+``"ck_sometable_q_bool"``, assuming the backend in use does not support
+native boolean types.
+We can also use op directives with constraints and not give them a name
+at all, if the naming convention doesn't require one. The value of
+``None`` will be converted into a name that follows the appopriate naming
+ def upgrade():
+ op.create_unique_constraint(None, 'some_table', 'x')
+When autogenerate renders constraints in a migration script, it renders them
+typically with their completed name. If using at least Alembic 0.6.4 as well
+as SQLAlchemy 0.9.4, these will be rendered with a special directive
+:meth:`.Operations.f` which denotes that the string has already been
+ def upgrade():
+ op.create_unique_constraint(op.f('uq_const_x'), 'some_table', 'x')
+For more detail on the naming convention feature, see :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`.