path: root/docs/build/tutorial.rst
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authorMike Bayer <>2014-11-22 15:39:44 -0500
committerMike Bayer <>2014-11-22 15:39:44 -0500
commit86070f6829e20e91847aed39cd934a394015c5d3 (patch)
tree254d54a24aa16d3d803cfa1185d9431116a10305 /docs/build/tutorial.rst
parenta2a95c2ae3d310d53a65e0f18a4d3762b5694826 (diff)
- now that branching is an enormous chapter, break out the docs into
individual pages. the pages here are a little slim in the middle but overall the one-page docs were getting extremely long.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/build/tutorial.rst')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 1670 deletions
diff --git a/docs/build/tutorial.rst b/docs/build/tutorial.rst
index aa945ed..5eda91d 100644
--- a/docs/build/tutorial.rst
+++ b/docs/build/tutorial.rst
@@ -518,1676 +518,10 @@ Back to nothing - and up again::
INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea83b712
INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf
+Next Steps
-Auto Generating Migrations
-Alembic can view the status of the database and compare against the table metadata
-in the application, generating the "obvious" migrations based on a comparison. This
-is achieved using the ``--autogenerate`` option to the ``alembic revision`` command,
-which places so-called *candidate* migrations into our new migrations file. We
-review and modify these by hand as needed, then proceed normally.
-To use autogenerate, we first need to modify our ```` so that it gets access
-to a table metadata object that contains the target. Suppose our application
-has a `declarative base <>`_
-in ``myapp.mymodel``. This base contains a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` object which
-contains :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` objects defining our database. We make sure this
-is loaded in ```` and then passed to :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` via the
-``target_metadata`` argument. The ```` sample script already has a
-variable declaration near the top for our convenience, where we replace ``None``
-with our :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`. Starting with::
- # add your model's MetaData object here
- # for 'autogenerate' support
- # from myapp import mymodel
- # target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
- target_metadata = None
-we change to::
- from myapp.mymodel import Base
- target_metadata = Base.metadata
-If we look later in the script, down in ``run_migrations_online()``,
-we can see the directive passed to :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure`::
- def run_migrations_online():
- engine = engine_from_config(
- config.get_section(config.config_ini_section), prefix='sqlalchemy.')
- connection = engine.connect()
- context.configure(
- connection=connection,
- target_metadata=target_metadata
- )
- trans = connection.begin()
- try:
- context.run_migrations()
- trans.commit()
- except:
- trans.rollback()
- raise
-We can then use the ``alembic revision`` command in conjunction with the
-``--autogenerate`` option. Suppose
-our :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` contained a definition for the ``account`` table,
-and the database did not. We'd get output like::
- $ alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Added account table"
- INFO [alembic.context] Detected added table 'account'
- Generating /path/to/foo/alembic/versions/
-We can then view our file ```` and see that a rudimentary migration
-is already present::
- """empty message
- Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
- Revises: None
- Create Date: 2011-11-08 11:40:27.089406
- """
- # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
- revision = '27c6a30d7c24'
- down_revision = None
- from alembic import op
- import sqlalchemy as sa
- def upgrade():
- ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
- op.create_table(
- 'account',
- sa.Column('id', sa.Integer()),
- sa.Column('name', sa.String(length=50), nullable=False),
- sa.Column('description', sa.VARCHAR(200)),
- sa.Column('last_transaction_date', sa.DateTime()),
- sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('id')
- )
- ### end Alembic commands ###
- def downgrade():
- ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
- op.drop_table("account")
- ### end Alembic commands ###
-The migration hasn't actually run yet, of course. We do that via the usual ``upgrade``
-command. We should also go into our migration file and alter it as needed, including
-adjustments to the directives as well as the addition of other directives which these may
-be dependent on - specifically data changes in between creates/alters/drops.
-Autogenerate will by default detect:
-* Table additions, removals.
-* Column additions, removals.
-* Change of nullable status on columns.
-* Basic changes in indexes and explcitly-named unique constraints
-.. versionadded:: 0.6.1 Support for autogenerate of indexes and unique constraints.
-Autogenerate can *optionally* detect:
-* Change of column type. This will occur if you set
- the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_type` parameter
- to ``True``, or to a custom callable.
- The feature works well in most cases,
- but is off by default so that it can be tested on the target schema
- first. It can also be customized by passing a callable here; see the
- function's documentation for details.
-* Change of server default. This will occur if you set
- the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_server_default`
- paramter to ``True``, or to a custom callable.
- This feature works well for simple cases but cannot always produce
- accurate results. The Postgresql backend will actually invoke
- the "detected" and "metadata" values against the database to
- determine equivalence. The feature is off by default so that
- it can be tested on the target schema first. Like type comparison,
- it can also be customized by passing a callable; see the
- function's documentation for details.
-Autogenerate can *not* detect:
-* Changes of table name. These will come out as an add/drop of two different
- tables, and should be hand-edited into a name change instead.
-* Changes of column name. Like table name changes, these are detected as
- a column add/drop pair, which is not at all the same as a name change.
-* Anonymously named constraints. Give your constraints a name,
- e.g. ``UniqueConstraint('col1', 'col2', name="my_name")``
-* Special SQLAlchemy types such as :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum` when generated
- on a backend which doesn't support ENUM directly - this because the
- representation of such a type
- in the non-supporting database, i.e. a CHAR+ CHECK constraint, could be
- any kind of CHAR+CHECK. For SQLAlchemy to determine that this is actually
- an ENUM would only be a guess, something that's generally a bad idea.
- To implement your own "guessing" function here, use the
- :meth:`` event
- to alter the SQLAlchemy type passed for certain columns and possibly
- :meth:`` to intercept
- unwanted CHECK constraints.
-Autogenerate can't currently, but will *eventually* detect:
-* Some free-standing constraint additions and removals,
- like CHECK and FOREIGN KEY - these are not fully implemented.
-* Sequence additions, removals - not yet implemented.
-.. _autogen_render_types:
-Rendering Custom Types in Autogenerate
-The methodology Alembic uses to generate SQLAlchemy type constructs
-as Python code is plain old ``__repr__()``. SQLAlchemy's built-in types
-for the most part have a ``__repr__()`` that faithfully renders a
-Python-compatible constructor call, but there are some exceptions, particularly
-in those cases when a constructor accepts arguments that aren't compatible
-with ``__repr__()``, such as a pickling function.
-When building a custom type that will be rendered into a migration script,
-it is often necessary to explicitly give the type a ``__repr__()`` that will
-faithfully reproduce the constructor for that type. But beyond that, it
-also is usually necessary to change how the enclosing module or package
-is rendered as well;
-this is accomplished using the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item`
-configuration option::
- def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context):
- """Apply custom rendering for selected items."""
- if type_ == 'type' and isinstance(obj, MySpecialType):
- return "mypackage.%r" % obj
- # default rendering for other objects
- return False
- def run_migrations_online():
- # ...
- context.configure(
- connection=connection,
- target_metadata=target_metadata,
- render_item=render_item,
- # ...
- )
- # ...
-Above, we also need to make sure our ``MySpecialType`` includes an appropriate
-``__repr__()`` method, which is invoked when we call it against ``"%r"``.
-The callable we use for :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item`
-can also add imports to our migration script. The ``autogen_context`` passed in
-contains an entry called ``autogen_context['imports']``, which is a Python
-``set()`` for which we can add new imports. For example, if ``MySpecialType``
-were in a module called ``mymodel.types``, we can add the import for it
-as we encounter the type::
- def render_item(type_, obj, autogen_context):
- """Apply custom rendering for selected items."""
- if type_ == 'type' and isinstance(obj, MySpecialType):
- # add import for this type
- autogen_context['imports'].add("from mymodel import types")
- return "types.%r" % obj
- # default rendering for other objects
- return False
-The finished migration script will include our imports where the
-``${imports}`` expression is used, producing output such as::
- from alembic import op
- import sqlalchemy as sa
- from mymodel import types
- def upgrade():
- op.add_column('sometable', Column('mycolumn', types.MySpecialType()))
-.. _autogen_module_prefix:
-Controlling the Module Prefix
-When using :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_item`, note that
-we deliver not just the reproduction of the type, but we can also deliver the
-"module prefix", which is a module namespace from which our type can be found
-within our migration script. When Alembic renders SQLAlchemy types, it will
-typically use the value of
-which defaults to ``"sa."``, to achieve this::
- Column("my_column", sa.Integer())
-When we use a custom type that is not within the ``sqlalchemy.`` module namespace,
-by default Alembic will use the **value of __module__ for the custom type**::
- Column("my_column", myapp.models.utils.types.MyCustomType())
-Above, it seems our custom type is in a very specific location, based on
-the length of what ``__module__`` reports. It's a good practice to
-not have this long name render into our migration scripts, as it means
-this long and arbitrary name will be hardcoded into all our migration
-scripts; instead, we should create a module that is
-explicitly for custom types that our migration files will use. Suppose
-we call it ``myapp.migration_types``::
- # myapp/
- from myapp.models.utils.types import MyCustomType
-We can provide the name of this module to our autogenerate context using
- def run_migrations_online():
- # ...
- context.configure(
- connection=connection,
- target_metadata=target_metadata,
- user_module_prefix="myapp.migration_types.",
- # ...
- )
- # ...
-Where we'd get a migration like::
- Column("my_column", myapp.migration_types.MyCustomType())
-Now, when we inevitably refactor our application to move ``MyCustomType``
-somewhere else, we only need modify the ``myapp.migration_types`` module,
-instead of searching and replacing all instances within our migration scripts.
-.. versionchanged:: 0.7.0
- :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.user_module_prefix`
- no longer defaults to the value of
- :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.sqlalchemy_module_prefix`
- when left at ``None``; the ``__module__`` attribute is now used.
-.. versionadded:: 0.6.3 Added :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.user_module_prefix`.
-Generating SQL Scripts (a.k.a. "Offline Mode")
-A major capability of Alembic is to generate migrations as SQL scripts, instead of running
-them against the database - this is also referred to as *offline mode*.
-This is a critical feature when working in large organizations
-where access to DDL is restricted, and SQL scripts must be handed off to DBAs. Alembic makes
-this easy via the ``--sql`` option passed to any ``upgrade`` or ``downgrade`` command. We
-can, for example, generate a script that revises up to rev ``ae1027a6acf``::
- $ alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf --sql
- INFO [alembic.context] Context class PostgresqlContext.
- INFO [alembic.context] Will assume transactional DDL.
- CREATE TABLE alembic_version (
- version_num VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL
- );
- INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade None -> 1975ea83b712
- CREATE TABLE account (
- name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
- description VARCHAR(200),
- );
- INFO [alembic.context] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf
- INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('ae1027a6acf');
-While the logging configuration dumped to standard error, the actual script was dumped to standard output -
-so in the absence of further configuration (described later in this section), we'd at first be using output
-redirection to generate a script::
- $ alembic upgrade ae1027a6acf --sql > migration.sql
-Getting the Start Version
-Notice that our migration script started at the base - this is the default when using offline
-mode, as no database connection is present and there's no ``alembic_version`` table to read from.
-One way to provide a starting version in offline mode is to provide a range to the command line.
-This is accomplished by providing the "version" in ``start:end`` syntax::
- $ alembic upgrade 1975ea83b712:ae1027a6acf --sql > migration.sql
-The ``start:end`` syntax is only allowed in offline mode; in "online" mode, the ``alembic_version``
-table is always used to get at the current version.
-It's also possible to have the ```` script retrieve the "last" version from
-the local environment, such as from a local file. A scheme like this would basically
-treat a local file in the same way ``alembic_version`` works::
- if context.is_offline_mode():
- version_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(config.config_file_name), "version.txt")
- if os.path.exists(version_file):
- current_version = open(version_file).read()
- else:
- current_version = None
- context.configure(, starting_version=current_version)
- context.run_migrations()
- end_version = context.get_revision_argument()
- if end_version and end_version != current_version:
- open(version_file, 'w').write(end_version)
-Writing Migration Scripts to Support Script Generation
-The challenge of SQL script generation is that the scripts we generate can't rely upon
-any client/server database access. This means a migration script that pulls some rows
-into memory via a ``SELECT`` statement will not work in ``--sql`` mode. It's also
-important that the Alembic directives, all of which are designed specifically to work
-in both "live execution" as well as "offline SQL generation" mode, are used.
-Customizing the Environment
-Users of the ``--sql`` option are encouraged to hack their ```` files to suit their
-needs. The ```` script as provided is broken into two sections: ``run_migrations_online()``
-and ``run_migrations_offline()``. Which function is run is determined at the bottom of the
-script by reading :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.is_offline_mode`, which basically determines if the
-``--sql`` flag was enabled.
-For example, a multiple database configuration may want to run through each
-database and set the output of the migrations to different named files - the :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure`
-function accepts a parameter ``output_buffer`` for this purpose. Below we illustrate
-this within the ``run_migrations_offline()`` function::
- from alembic import context
- import myapp
- import sys
- db_1 = myapp.db_1
- db_2 = myapp.db_2
- def run_migrations_offline():
- """Run migrations *without* a SQL connection."""
- for name, engine, file_ in [
- ("db1", db_1, "db1.sql"),
- ("db2", db_2, "db2.sql"),
- ]:
- context.configure(
- url=engine.url,
- transactional_ddl=False,
- output_buffer=open(file_, 'w'))
- context.execute("-- running migrations for '%s'" % name)
- context.run_migrations(name=name)
- sys.stderr.write("Wrote file '%s'" % file_)
- def run_migrations_online():
- """Run migrations *with* a SQL connection."""
- for name, engine in [
- ("db1", db_1),
- ("db2", db_2),
- ]:
- connection = engine.connect()
- context.configure(connection=connection)
- try:
- context.run_migrations(name=name)
- session.commit()
- except:
- session.rollback()
- raise
- if context.is_offline_mode():
- run_migrations_offline()
- else:
- run_migrations_online()
-.. _batch_migrations:
-Running "Batch" Migrations for SQLite and Other Databases
-.. note:: "Batch mode" for SQLite and other databases is a new and intricate
- feature within the 0.7.0 series of Alembic, and should be
- considered as "beta" for the next several releases.
-.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
-The SQLite database presents a challenge to migration tools
-in that it has almost no support for the ALTER statement upon which
-relational schema migrations rely upon. The rationale for this stems from
-philosophical and architectural concerns within SQLite, and they are unlikely
-to be changed.
-Migration tools are instead expected to produce copies of SQLite tables that
-correspond to the new structure, transfer the data from the existing
-table to the new one, then drop the old table. For our purposes here
-we'll call this **"move and copy"** workflow, and in order to accommodate it
-in a way that is reasonably predictable, while also remaining compatible
-with other databases, Alembic provides the **batch** operations context.
-Within this context, a relational table is named, and then a series of
-mutation operations to that table alone are specified within
-the block. When the context is complete, a process begins whereby the
-"move and copy" procedure begins; the existing table structure is reflected
-from the database, a new version of this table is created with the given
-changes, data is copied from the
-old table to the new table using "INSERT from SELECT", and finally the old
-table is dropped and the new one renamed to the original name.
-The :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` method provides the gateway to this
- with op.batch_alter_table("some_table") as batch_op:
- batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
- batch_op.drop_column('bar')
-When the above directives are invoked within a migration script, on a
-SQLite backend we would see SQL like:
-.. sourcecode:: sql
- CREATE TABLE _alembic_batch_temp (
- foo INTEGER,
- );
- INSERT INTO _alembic_batch_temp (id) SELECT FROM some_table;
- DROP TABLE some_table;
- ALTER TABLE _alembic_batch_temp RENAME TO some_table;
-On other backends, we'd see the usual ``ALTER`` statements done as though
-there were no batch directive - the batch context by default only does
-the "move and copy" process if SQLite is in use, and if there are
-migration directives other than :meth:`.Operations.add_column` present,
-which is the one kind of column-level ALTER statement that SQLite supports.
-:meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` can be configured
-to run "move and copy" unconditionally in all cases, including on databases
-other than SQLite; more on this is below.
-Dealing with Constraints
-One area of difficulty with "move and copy" is that of constraints. If
-the SQLite database is enforcing referential integrity with
-``PRAGMA FOREIGN KEYS``, this pragma may need to be disabled when the workflow
-mode proceeds, else remote constraints which refer to this table may prevent
-it from being dropped; additionally, for referential integrity to be
-re-enabled, it may be necessary to recreate the
-foreign keys on those remote tables to refer again to the new table (this
-is definitely the case on other databases, at least). SQLite is normally used
-without referential integrity enabled so this won't be a problem for most
-"Move and copy" also currently does not account for CHECK constraints, assuming
-table reflection is used. If the table being recreated has any CHECK
-constraints, they need to be specified explicitly, such as using
- with op.batch_alter_table("some_table", table_args=[
- CheckConstraint('x > 5')
- ]) as batch_op:
- batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
- batch_op.drop_column('bar')
-For UNIQUE constraints, SQLite unlike any other database supports the concept
-of a UNIQUE constraint that has no name at all; all other backends always
-assign a name of some kind to all constraints that are otherwise not named
-when they are created. In SQLAlchemy, an unnamed UNIQUE constraint is
-implicit when the ``unique=True`` flag is present on a
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`, so on SQLite these constraints will
-remain unnamed.
-The issue here is that SQLAlchemy until version 1.0 does not report on these
-SQLite-only unnamed constraints when the table is reflected. So to support
-the recreation of unnamed UNIQUE constraints, either they should be named
-in the first place, or again specified within
-Working in Offline Mode
-Another big limitation of "move and copy" is that in order to make a copy
-of a table, the structure of that table must be known.
-:meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` by default will use reflection to
-get this information, which means that "online" mode is required; the
-``--sql`` flag **cannot** be used without extra steps.
-To support offline mode, the system must work without table reflection
-present, which means the full table as it intends to be created must be
-passed to :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table` using
- meta = MetaData()
- some_table = Table(
- 'some_table', meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('bar', String(50))
- )
- with op.batch_alter_table("some_table", copy_from=some_table) as batch_op:
- batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
- batch_op.drop_column('bar')
-The above use pattern is pretty tedious and quite far off from Alembic's
-preferred style of working; however, if one needs to do SQLite-compatible
-"move and copy" migrations and need them to generate flat SQL files in
-"offline" mode, there's not much alternative.
-Batch mode with Autogenerate
-The syntax of batch mode is essentially that :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table`
-is used to enter a batch block, and the returned :class:`.BatchOperations` context
-works just like the regular :class:`.Operations` context, except that
-the "table name" and "schema name" arguments are omitted.
-To support rendering of migration commands in batch mode for autogenerate,
-configure the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.render_as_batch`
-flag in ````::
- context.configure(
- connection=connection,
- target_metadata=target_metadata,
- render_as_batch=True
- )
-Autogenerate will now generate along the lines of::
- def upgrade():
- ### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
- with op.batch_alter_table('address', schema=None) as batch_op:
- batch_op.add_column(sa.Column('street', sa.String(length=50), nullable=True))
-This mode is safe to use in all cases, as the :meth:`.Operations.batch_alter_table`
-directive by default only takes place for SQLite; other backends will
-behave just as they normally do in the absense of the batch directives.
-Note that autogenerate support does not include "offline" mode, where
-the :paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from` parameter is used.
-The table definition here would need to be entered into migration files
-manually if this is needed.
-Batch mode with databases other than SQLite
-There's an odd use case some shops have, where the "move and copy" style
-of migration is useful in some cases for databases that do already support
-ALTER. There's some cases where an ALTER operation may block access to the
-table for a long time, which might not be acceptable. "move and copy" can
-be made to work on other backends, though with a few extra caveats.
-The batch mode directive will run the "recreate" system regardless of
-backend if the flag ``recreate='always'`` is passed::
- with op.batch_alter_table("some_table", recreate='always') as batch_op:
- batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
-The issues that arise in this mode are mostly to do with constraints.
-Databases such as Postgresql and MySQL with InnoDB will enforce referential
-integrity (e.g. via foreign keys) in all cases. Unlike SQLite, it's not
-as simple to turn off referential integrity across the board (nor would it
-be desirable). Since a new table is replacing the old one, existing
-foreign key constraints which refer to the target table will need to be
-unconditionally dropped before the batch operation, and re-created to refer
-to the new table afterwards. Batch mode currently does not provide any
-automation for this.
-The Postgresql database and possibly others also have the behavior such
-that when the new table is created, a naming conflict occurs with the
-named constraints of the new table, in that they match those of the old
-table, and on Postgresql, these names need to be unique across all tables.
-The Postgresql dialect will therefore emit a "DROP CONSTRAINT" directive
-for all constraints on the old table before the new one is created; this is
-"safe" in case of a failed operation because Postgresql also supports
-transactional DDL.
-Note that also as is the case with SQLite, CHECK constraints need to be
-moved over between old and new table manually using the
-:paramref:`.Operations.batch_alter_table.table_args` parameter.
-.. _tutorial_constraint_names:
-The Importance of Naming Constraints
-An important topic worth mentioning is that of constraint naming conventions.
-As we've proceeded here, we've talked about adding tables and columns, and
-we've also hinted at lots of other operations listed in :ref:`ops` such as those
-which support adding or dropping constraints like foreign keys and unique
-constraints. The way these constraints are referred to in migration scripts
-is by name, however these names by default are in most cases generated by
-the relational database in use, when the constraint is created. For example,
-if you emitted two CREATE TABLE statements like this on Postgresql::
- test=> CREATE TABLE user_account (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY);
- test=> CREATE TABLE user_order (
- test(> user_account_id INTEGER REFERENCES user_account(id));
-Suppose we wanted to DROP the REFERENCES that we just applied to the
-``user_order.user_account_id`` column, how do we do that? At the prompt,
-we'd use ``ALTER TABLE <tablename> DROP CONSTRAINT <constraint_name>``, or if
-using Alembic we'd be using :meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint`. But both
-of those functions need a name - what's the name of this constraint?
-It does have a name, which in this case we can figure out by looking at the
-Postgresql catalog tables::
- test=> SELECT r.conname FROM
- test-> pg_catalog.pg_class c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
- test-> JOIN pg_catalog.pg_constraint r ON c.oid = r.conrelid
- test-> WHERE c.relname='user_order' AND r.contype = 'f'
- test-> ;
- conname
- ---------------------------------
- user_order_user_account_id_fkey
- (1 row)
-The name above is not something that Alembic or SQLAlchemy created;
-``user_order_user_account_id_fkey`` is a naming scheme used internally by
-Postgresql to name constraints that are otherwise not named.
-This scheme doesn't seem so complicated, and we might want to just use our
-knowledge of it so that we know what name to use for our
-:meth:`.Operations.drop_constraint` call. But is that a good idea? What
-if for example we needed our code to run on Oracle as well. OK, certainly
-Oracle uses this same scheme, right? Or if not, something similar. Let's
- Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production
- Table created.
- SQL> CREATE TABLE user_order (
- 3 user_account_id INTEGER REFERENCES user_account(id));
- Table created.
- SQL> SELECT constraint_name FROM all_constraints WHERE
- 2 table_name='USER_ORDER' AND constraint_type in ('R');
- -----------------------------------------------------
- SYS_C0029334
-Oh, we can see that is.....much worse. Oracle's names are entirely unpredictable
-alphanumeric codes, and this will make being able to write migrations
-quite tedious, as we'd need to look up all these names.
-The solution to having to look up names is to make your own names. This is
-an easy, though tedious thing to do manually. For example, to create our model
-in SQLAlchemy ensuring we use names for foreign key constraints would look like::
- from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, Column, Integer, ForeignKey
- meta = MetaData()
- user_account = Table('user_account', meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
- )
- user_order = Table('user_order', meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('user_order_id', Integer,
- ForeignKey('', name='fk_user_order_id'))
- )
-Simple enough, though this has some disadvantages. The first is that it's tedious;
-we need to remember to use a name for every :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKey` object,
-not to mention every :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`, :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.CheckConstraint`,
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index`, and maybe even :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint`
-as well if we wish to be able to alter those too, and beyond all that, all the
-names have to be globally unique. Even with all that effort, if we have a naming scheme in mind,
-it's easy to get it wrong when doing it manually each time.
-What's worse is that manually naming constraints (and indexes) gets even more
-tedious in that we can no longer use convenience features such as the ``.unique=True``
-or ``.index=True`` flag on :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`::
- user_account = Table('user_account', meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('name', String(50), unique=True)
- )
-Above, the ``unique=True`` flag creates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`, but again,
-it's not named. If we want to name it, manually we have to forego the usage
-of ``unique=True`` and type out the whole constraint::
- user_account = Table('user_account', meta,
- Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
- Column('name', String(50)),
- UniqueConstraint('name', name='uq_user_account_name')
- )
-There's a solution to all this naming work, which is to use an **automated
-naming convention**. For some years, SQLAlchemy has encourgaged the use of
-DDL Events in order to create naming schemes. The :meth:``
-event in particular is the best place to intercept when :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Constraint`
-and :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index` objects are being associated with a parent
-:class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object, and to assign a ``.name`` to the constraint while making
-use of the name of the table and associated columns.
-But there is also a better way to go, which is to make use of a feature
-new in SQLAlchemy 0.9.2 which makes use of the events behind the scenes known as
-:paramref:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.naming_convention`. Here, we can
-create a new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` object while passing a dictionary referring
-to a naming scheme::
- convention = {
- "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
- "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
- "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
- "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
- "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"
- }
- metadata = MetaData(naming_convention=convention)
-If we define our models using a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` as above, the given
-naming convention dictionary will be used to provide names for all constraints
-and indexes.
-.. _autogen_naming_conventions:
-Integration of Naming Conventions into Operations, Autogenerate
-As of Alembic 0.6.4, the naming convention feature is integrated into the
-:class:`.Operations` object, so that the convention takes effect for any
-constraint that is otherwise unnamed. The naming convention is passed to
-:class:`.Operations` using the :paramref:`.MigrationsContext.configure.target_metadata`
-parameter in ````, which is normally configured when autogenerate is
- # in your application's model:
- meta = MetaData(naming_convention={
- "ix": 'ix_%(column_0_label)s',
- "uq": "uq_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s",
- "ck": "ck_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s",
- "fk": "fk_%(table_name)s_%(column_0_name)s_%(referred_table_name)s",
- "pk": "pk_%(table_name)s"
- })
- # .. in your Alembic
- # add your model's MetaData object here
- # for 'autogenerate' support
- from myapp import mymodel
- target_metadata = mymodel.Base.metadata
- # ...
- def run_migrations_online():
- # ...
- context.configure(
- connection=connection,
- target_metadata=target_metadata
- )
-Above, when we render a directive like the following::
- op.add_column('sometable', Column('q', Boolean(name='q_bool')))
-The Boolean type will render a CHECK constraint with the name
-``"ck_sometable_q_bool"``, assuming the backend in use does not support
-native boolean types.
-We can also use op directives with constraints and not give them a name
-at all, if the naming convention doesn't require one. The value of
-``None`` will be converted into a name that follows the appopriate naming
- def upgrade():
- op.create_unique_constraint(None, 'some_table', 'x')
-When autogenerate renders constraints in a migration script, it renders them
-typically with their completed name. If using at least Alembic 0.6.4 as well
-as SQLAlchemy 0.9.4, these will be rendered with a special directive
-:meth:`.Operations.f` which denotes that the string has already been
- def upgrade():
- op.create_unique_constraint(op.f('uq_const_x'), 'some_table', 'x')
-For more detail on the naming convention feature, see :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`.
-.. _branches:
-Working with Branches
-.. note:: Alembic 0.7.0 features an all-new versioning model that fully
- supports branch points, merge points, and long-lived, labeled branches,
- including independent branches originating from multiple bases.
- A great emphasis has been placed on there being almost no impact on the
- existing Alembic workflow, including that all commands work pretty much
- the same as they did before, the format of migration files doesn't require
- any change (though there are some changes that are recommended),
- and even the structure of the ``alembic_version``
- table does not change at all. However, most alembic commands now offer
- new features which will break out an Alembic environment into
- "branch mode", where things become a lot more intricate. Working in
- "branch mode" should be considered as a "beta" feature, with many new
- paradigms and use cases still to be stress tested in the wild.
- Please tread lightly!
-.. versionadded:: 0.7.0
-A **branch** describes a point in a migration stream when two or more
-versions refer to the same parent migration as their anscestor. Branches
-occur naturally when two divergent source trees, both containing Alembic
-revision files created independently within those source trees, are merged
-together into one. When this occurs, the challenge of a branch is to **merge** the
-branches into a single series of changes, so that databases established
-from either source tree individually can be upgraded to reference the merged
-result equally. Another scenario where branches are present are when we create them
-directly; either at some point in the migration stream we'd like different
-series of migrations to be managed independently (e.g. we create a tree),
-or we'd like separate migration streams for different features starting
-at the root (e.g. a *forest*). We'll illustrate all of these cases, starting
-with the most common which is a source-merge-originated branch that we'll
-Starting with the "account table" example we began in :ref:`create_migration`,
-assume we have our basemost version ``1975ea83b712``, which leads into
-the second revision ``ae1027a6acf``, and the migration files for these
-two revisions are checked into our source repository.
-Consider if we merged into our source repository another code branch which contained
-a revision for another table called ``shopping_cart``. This revision was made
-against our first Alembic revision, the one that generated ``account``. After
-loading the second source tree in, a new file
-```` exists within our ``versions`` directory.
-Both it, as well as ````, reference
-```` as the "downgrade" revision. To illustrate::
- # main source tree:
- 1975ea83b712 (create account table) -> ae1027a6acf (add a column)
- # branched source tree
- 1975ea83b712 (create account table) -> 27c6a30d7c24 (add shopping cart table)
-Above, we can see ``1975ea83b712`` is our **branch point**; two distinct versions
-both refer to it as its parent. The Alembic command ``branches`` illustrates
-this fact::
- $ alembic branches --verbose
- Rev: 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint)
- Parent: <base>
- Branches into: 27c6a30d7c24, ae1027a6acf
- Path: foo/versions/
- create account table
- Revision ID: 1975ea83b712
- Revises:
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:46.257104
- -> 27c6a30d7c24 (head), add shopping cart table
- -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
-History shows it too, illustrating two ``head`` entries as well
-as a ``branchpoint``::
- $ alembic history
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (head), add shopping cart table
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-We can get a view of just the current heads using ``alembic heads``::
- $ alembic heads --verbose
- Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
- Parent: 1975ea83b712
- Path: foo/versions/
- add shopping cart table
- Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
- Revises: 1975ea83b712
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407
- Rev: ae1027a6acf (head)
- Parent: 1975ea83b712
- Path: foo/versions/
- add a column
- Revision ID: ae1027a6acf
- Revises: 1975ea83b712
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677
-If we try to run an ``upgrade`` to the usual end target of ``head``, Alembic no
-longer considers this to be an unambiguous command. As we have more than
-one ``head``, the ``upgrade`` command wants us to provide more information::
- $ alembic upgrade head
- FAILED: Multiple head revisions are present for given argument 'head'; please specify a specific
- target revision, '<branchname>@head' to narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads
-The ``upgrade`` command gives us quite a few options in which we can proceed
-with our upgrade, either giving it information on *which* head we'd like to upgrade
-towards, or alternatively stating that we'd like *all* heads to be upgraded
-towards at once. However, in the typical case of two source trees being
-merged, we will want to pursue a third option, which is that we can **merge** these
-Merging Branches
-An Alembic merge is a migration file that joins two or
-more "head" files together. If the two branches we have right now can
-be said to be a "tree" structure, introducing this merge file will
-turn it into a "diamond" structure::
- -- ae1027a6acf -->
- / \
- <base> --> 1975ea83b712 --> --> mergepoint
- \ /
- -- 27c6a30d7c24 -->
-We create the merge file using ``alembic merge``; with this command, we can
-pass to it an argument such as ``heads``, meaning we'd like to merge all
-heads. Or, we can pass it individual revision numbers sequentally::
+The vast majority of Alembic environments make heavy use of the
+"autogenerate" feature. Continue onto the next section, :doc:`autogenerate`.
- $ alembic merge -m "merge ae1 and 27c" ae1027 27c6a
- Generating /path/to/foo/alembic/versions/ ... done
-Looking inside the new file, we see it as a regular migration file, with
-the only new twist is that ``down_revision`` points to both revisions::
- """merge ae1 and 27c
- Revision ID: 53fffde5ad5
- Revises: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:31:50.811663
- """
- # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
- revision = '53fffde5ad5'
- down_revision = ('ae1027a6acf', '27c6a30d7c24')
- branch_labels = None
- from alembic import op
- import sqlalchemy as sa
- def upgrade():
- pass
- def downgrade():
- pass
-This file is a regular migration file, and if we wish to, we may place
-:class:`.Operations` directives into the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()``
-functions like any other migration file. Though it is probably best to limit
-the instructions placed here only to those that deal with any kind of
-reconciliation that is needed between the two merged branches, if any.
-The ``heads`` command now illustrates that the multiple heads in our
-``versions/`` directory have been resolved into our new head::
- $ alembic heads --verbose
- Rev: 53fffde5ad5 (head) (mergepoint)
- Merges: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24
- Path: foo/versions/
- merge ae1 and 27c
- Revision ID: 53fffde5ad5
- Revises: ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:31:50.811663
-History shows a similar result, as the mergepoint becomes our head::
- $ alembic history
- ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5 (head) (mergepoint), merge ae1 and 27c
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-With a single ``head`` target, a generic ``upgrade`` can proceed::
- $ alembic upgrade head
- INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
- INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5, merge ae1 and 27c
-.. topic:: merge mechanics
- The upgrade process traverses through all of our migration files using
- a **topological sorting** algorithm, treating the list of migration
- files not as a linked list, but as a **directed acyclic graph**. The starting
- points of this traversal are the **current heads** within our database,
- and the end point is the "head" revision or revisions specified.
- When a migration proceeds across a point at which there are multiple heads,
- the ``alembic_version`` table will at that point store *multiple* rows,
- one for each head. Our migration process above will emit SQL against
- ``alembic_version`` along these lines:
- .. sourcecode:: sql
- -- Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
- INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('1975ea83b712')
- -- Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
- UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='27c6a30d7c24' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = '1975ea83b712'
- -- Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
- INSERT INTO alembic_version (version_num) VALUES ('ae1027a6acf')
- -- Running upgrade ae1027a6acf, 27c6a30d7c24 -> 53fffde5ad5, merge ae1 and 27c
- DELETE FROM alembic_version WHERE alembic_version.version_num = 'ae1027a6acf'
- UPDATE alembic_version SET version_num='53fffde5ad5' WHERE alembic_version.version_num = '27c6a30d7c24'
- At the point at which both ``27c6a30d7c24`` and ``ae1027a6acf`` exist within our
- database, both values are present in ``alembic_version``, which now has
- two rows. If we upgrade to these two versions alone, then stop and
- run ``alembic current``, we will see this::
- $ alembic current --verbose
- Current revision(s) for postgresql://scott:XXXXX@localhost/test:
- Rev: ae1027a6acf
- Parent: 1975ea83b712
- Path: foo/versions/
- add a column
- Revision ID: ae1027a6acf
- Revises: 1975ea83b712
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:02:54.849677
- Rev: 27c6a30d7c24
- Parent: 1975ea83b712
- Path: foo/versions/
- add shopping cart table
- Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
- Revises: 1975ea83b712
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407
- A key advantage to the ``merge`` process is that it will
- run equally well on databases that were present on version ``ae1027a6acf``
- alone, versus databases that were present on version ``27c6a30d7c24`` alone;
- whichever version was not yet applied, will be applied before the merge point
- can be crossed. This brings forth a way of thinking about a merge file,
- as well as about any Alembic revision file. As they are considered to
- be "nodes" within a set that is subject to topological sorting, each
- "node" is a point that cannot be crossed until all of its dependencies
- are satisfied.
- Prior to Alembic's support of merge points, the use case of databases
- sitting on different heads was basically impossible to reconcile; having
- to manually splice the head files together invariably meant that one migration
- would occur before the other, thus being incompatible with databases that
- were present on the other migration.
-Working with Explicit Branches
-The ``alembic upgrade`` command hinted at other options besides merging when
-dealing with multiple heads. Let's back up and assume we're back where
-we have as our heads just ``ae1027a6acf`` and ``27c6a30d7c24``::
- $ alembic heads
- 27c6a30d7c24
- ae1027a6acf
-Earlier, when we did ``alembic upgrade head``, it gave us an error which
-suggested ``please specify a specific target revision, '<branchname>@head' to
-narrow to a specific head, or 'heads' for all heads`` in order to proceed
-without merging. Let's cover those cases.
-Referring to all heads at once
-The ``heads`` identifier is a lot like ``head``, except it explicitly refers
-to *all* heads at once. That is, it's like telling Alembic to do the operation
-for both ``ae1027a6acf`` and ``27c6a30d7c24`` simultaneously. If we started
-from a fresh database and ran ``upgrade heads`` we'd see::
- $ alembic upgrade heads
- INFO [alembic.migration] Context impl PostgresqlImpl.
- INFO [alembic.migration] Will assume transactional DDL.
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
-Since we've upgraded to ``heads``, and we do in fact have more than one head,
-that means these two distinct heads are now in our ``alembic_version`` table.
-We can see this if we run ``alembic current``::
- $ alembic current
- ae1027a6acf (head)
- 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
-That means there's two rows in ``alembic_version`` right now. If we downgrade
-one step at a time, Alembic will **delete** from the ``alembic_version`` table
-each branch that's closed out, until only one branch remains; then it will
-continue updating the single value down to the previous versions::
- $ alembic downgrade -1
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade ae1027a6acf -> 1975ea83b712, add a column
- $ alembic current
- 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
- $ alembic downgrade -1
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade 27c6a30d7c24 -> 1975ea83b712, add shopping cart table
- $ alembic current
- 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint)
- $ alembic downgrade -1
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running downgrade 1975ea83b712 -> , create account table
- $ alembic current
-Referring to a Specific Version
-We can pass a specific version number to ``upgrade``. Alembic will ensure that
-all revisions upon which this version depends are invoked, and nothing more.
-So if we ``upgrade`` either to ``27c6a30d7c24`` or ``ae1027a6acf`` specifically,
-it guarantees that ``1975ea83b712`` will have been applied, but not that
-any "sibling" versions are applied::
- $ alembic upgrade 27c6a
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
-With ``1975ea83b712`` and ``27c6a30d7c24`` applied, ``ae1027a6acf`` is just
-a single additional step::
- $ alembic upgrade ae102
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
-Working with Branch Labels
-To satisfy the use case where an environment has long-lived branches, especially
-independent branches as will be discussed in the next section, Alembic supports
-the concept of **branch labels**. These are string values that are present
-within the migration file, using the new identifier ``branch_labels``.
-For example, if we want to refer to the "shopping cart" branch using the name
-"shoppingcart", we can add that name to our file
- """add shopping cart table
- """
- # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
- revision = '27c6a30d7c24'
- down_revision = '1975ea83b712'
- branch_labels = ('shoppingcart',)
- # ...
-The ``branch_labels`` attribute refers to a string name, or a tuple
-of names, which will now apply to this revision, all descendants of this
-revision, as well as all ancestors of this revision up until the preceding
-branch point, in this case ``1975ea83b712``. We can see the ``shoppingcart``
-label applied to this revision::
- $ alembic history
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head), add shopping cart table
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-With the label applied, the name ``shoppingcart`` now serves as an alias
-for the ``27c6a30d7c24`` revision specifically. We can illustrate this
-by showing it with ``alembic show``::
- $ alembic show shoppingcart
- Rev: 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
- Parent: 1975ea83b712
- Branch names: shoppingcart
- Path: foo/versions/
- add shopping cart table
- Revision ID: 27c6a30d7c24
- Revises: 1975ea83b712
- Create Date: 2014-11-20 13:03:11.436407
-However, when using branch labels, we usually want to use them using a syntax
-known as "branch at" syntax; this syntax allows us to state that we want to
-use a specific revision, let's say a "head" revision, in terms of a *specific*
-branch. While normally, we can't refer to ``alembic upgrade head`` when
-there's multiple heads, we *can* refer to this head specifcally using
-``shoppingcart@head`` syntax::
- $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@head
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
-The ``shoppingcart@head`` syntax becomes important to us if we wish to
-add new migration files to our versions directory while maintaining multiple
-branches. Just like the ``upgrade`` command, if we attempted to add a new
-revision file to our multiple-heads layout without a specific parent revision,
-we'd get a familiar error::
- $ alembic revision -m "add a shopping cart column"
- FAILED: Multiple heads are present; please specify the head revision on
- which the new revision should be based, or perform a merge.
-The ``alembic revision`` command is pretty clear in what we need to do;
-to add our new revision specifically to the ``shoppingcart`` branch,
-we use the ``--head`` argument, either with the specific revision identifier
-``27c6a30d7c24``, or more generically using our branchname ``shoppingcart@head``::
- $ alembic revision -m "add a shopping cart column" --head shoppingcart@head
- Generating /path/to/foo/alembic/versions/ ... done
-``alembic history`` shows both files now part of the ``shoppingcart`` branch::
- $ alembic history
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
- 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-We can limit our history operation just to this branch as well::
- $ alembic history -r shoppingcart:
- 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
-If we want to illustrate the path of ``shoppingcart`` all the way from the
-base, we can do that as follows::
- $ alembic history -r :shoppingcart@head
- 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-We can run this operation from the "base" side as well, but we get a different
- $ alembic history -r shoppingcart@base:
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf (head), add a column
- 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879 (shoppingcart) (head), add a shopping cart column
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart), add shopping cart table
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-When we list from ``shoppingcart@base`` without an endpoint, it's really shorthand
-for ``-r shoppingcart@base:heads``, e.g. all heads, and since ``shoppingcart@base``
-is the same "base" shared by the ``ae1027a6acf`` revision, we get that
-revision in our listing as well. The ``<branchname>@base`` syntax can be
-useful when we are dealing with individual bases, as we'll see in the next
-The ``<branchname>@head`` format can also be used with revision numbers
-instead of branch names, though this is less convenient. If we wanted to
-add a new revision to our branch that includes the un-labeled ``ae1027a6acf``,
-if this weren't a head already, we could ask for the "head of the branch
-that includes ``ae1027a6acf``" as follows::
- $ alembic revision -m "add another account column" --head ae10@head
- Generating /path/to/foo/alembic/versions/ ... done
-More Label Syntaxes
-The ``heads`` symbol can be combined with a branch label, in the case that
-your labeled branch itself breaks off into multiple branches::
- $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@heads
-Relative identifiers, as introduced in :ref:`relative_migrations`,
-work with labels too. For example, upgrading to ``shoppingcart@+2``
-means to upgrade from current heads on "shoppingcart" upwards two revisions::
- $ alembic upgrade shoppingcart@+2
-This kind of thing works from history as well::
- $ alembic history -r current:shoppingcart@+2
-.. _multiple_bases:
-Working with Multiple Bases
-We've seen in the previous section that ``alembic upgrade`` is fine
-if we have multiple heads, ``alembic revision`` allows us to tell it which
-"head" we'd like to associate our new revision file with, and branch labels
-allow us to assign names to branches that we can use in subsequent commands.
-Let's put all these together and refer to a new "base", that is, a whole
-new tree of revision files that will be semi-independent of the account/shopping
-cart revisions we've been working with. This new tree will deal with
-database tables involving "networking".
-.. _multiple_version_directories:
-Setting up Multiple Version Directories
-While optional, it is often the case that when working with multiple bases,
-we'd like different sets of version files to exist within their own directories;
-typically, if an application is organized into several sub-modules, each
-one would have a version directory containing migrations pertinent to
-that module. So to start out, we can edit ``alembic.ini`` to refer
-to multiple directories; we'll also state the current ``versions``
-directory as one of them::
- # version location specification; this defaults
- # to foo/versions. When using multiple version
- # directories, initial revisions must be specified with --version-path
- version_locations = %(here)s/model/networking %(here)s/alembic/versions
-The new folder ``%(here)s/model/networking`` is in terms of where
-the ``alembic.ini`` file is as we are using the symbol ``%(here)s`` which
-resolves to this. When we create our first new revision, the directory
-``model/networking`` will be created automatically if it does not
-exist yet. Once we've created a revision here, the path is used automatically
-when generating subsequent revision files that refer to this revision tree.
-Creating a Labeled Base Revision
-We also want our new branch to have its own name, and for that we want to
-apply a branch label to the base. In order to achieve this using the
-``alembic revision`` command without editing, we need to ensure our
-```` file, used
-for generating new revision files, has the appropriate substitutions present.
-If Alembic version 0.7.0 or greater was used to generate the original
-migration environment, this is already done. However when working with an older
-environment, ```` needs to have this directive added, typically
-underneath the ``down_revision`` directive::
- # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
- revision = ${repr(up_revision)}
- down_revision = ${repr(down_revision)}
- # add this here in order to use revision with branch_label
- branch_labels = ${repr(branch_labels)}
-With this in place, we can create a new revision file, starting up a branch
-that will deal with database tables involving networking; we specify the
-``--head`` version of ``base``, a ``--branch-label`` of ``networking``,
-and the directory we want this first revision file to be
-placed in with ``--version-path``::
- $ alembic revision -m "create networking branch" --head=base --branch-label=networking --version-path=model/networking
- Creating directory /path/to/foo/model/networking ... done
- Generating /path/to/foo/model/networking/ ... done
-If we ran the above command and we didn't have the newer ````
-directive, we'd get this error::
- FAILED: Version 3cac04ae8714 specified branch_labels networking, however
- the migration file foo/model/networking/
- does not have them; have you upgraded your to include the 'branch_labels'
- section?
-When we receive the above error, and we would like to try again, we need to
-either **delete** the incorrectly generated file in order to run ``revision``
-again, *or* we can edit the ````
-directly to add the ``branch_labels`` in of our choosing.
-Running with Multiple Bases
-Once we have a new, permanent (for as long as we desire it to be)
-base in our system, we'll always have multiple heads present::
- $ alembic heads
- 3cac04ae8714 (networking) (head)
- 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head)
- ae1027a6acf (head)
-When we want to add a new revision file to ``networking``, we specify
-``networking@head`` as the ``--head``. The appropriate version directory
-is now selected automatically based on the head we choose::
- $ alembic revision -m "add ip number table" --head=networking@head
- Generating /path/to/foo/model/networking/ ... done
-It's important that we refer to the head using ``networking@head``; if we
-only refer to ``networking``, that refers to only ``3cac04ae8714`` specifically;
-if we specify this and it's not a head, ``alembic revision`` will make sure
-we didn't mean to specify the head::
- $ alembic revision -m "add DNS table" --head=networking
- FAILED: Revision 3cac04ae8714 is not a head revision; please
- specify --splice to create a new branch from this revision
-As mentioned earlier, as this base is independent, we can view its history
-from the base using ``history -r networking@base:``::
- $ alembic history -r networking@base:
- 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking) (head), add DNS table
- 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
- <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
-Note this is the same output we'd get at this point if we used
-``-r :networking@head``.
-We may now run upgrades or downgrades freely, among individual branches
-(let's assume a clean database again)::
- $ alembic upgrade networking@head
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 3cac04ae8714, create networking branch
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf, add ip number table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea, add DNS table
-or against the whole thing using ``heads``::
- $ alembic upgrade heads
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade -> 1975ea83b712, create account table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24, add shopping cart table
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 27c6a30d7c24 -> d747a8a8879, add a shopping cart column
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, add a column
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267, add another account column
-Branch Dependencies
-When working with multiple roots, it is expected that these different
-revision streams will need to refer to one another. For example, a new
-revision in ``networking`` which needs to refer to the ``account``
-table will want to establish ``55af2cb1c267, add another account column``,
-the last revision that
-works with the account table, as a dependency. From a graph perspective,
-this means nothing more that the new file will feature both
-``55af2cb1c267`` and ``29f859a13ea , add DNS table`` as "down" revisions,
-and looks just as though we had merged these two branches together. However,
-we don't want to consider these as "merged"; we want the two revision
-streams to *remain independent*, even though a version in ``networking``
-is going to reach over into the other stream. To support this use case,
-Alembic provides a directive known as ``depends_on``, which allows
-a revision file to refer to another as a "dependency", very similar to
-an entry in ``down_revision`` but not quite.
-First we will build out our new revision on the ``networking`` branch
-in the usual way::
- $ alembic revision -m "add ip account table" --head=networking@head
- Generating /path/to/foo/model/networking/ ... done
-Next, we'll add an explicit dependency inside the file, by placing the
-directive ``depends_on='55af2cb1c267'`` underneath the other directives::
- # revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
- revision = '2a95102259be'
- down_revision = '29f859a13ea'
- branch_labels = None
- depends_on='55af2cb1c267'
-Currently, ``depends_on`` needs to be a real revision number, not a partial
-number or branch name.
-We now can see the effect this directive has, when we view the history
-of the ``networking`` branch in terms of "heads", e.g., all the revisions that
-are descendants::
- $ alembic history -r :networking@head
- 29f859a13ea (55af2cb1c267) -> 2a95102259be (networking) (head), add ip account table
- 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table
- 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
- <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
- ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267 (effective head), add another account column
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, Add a column
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
-What we see is that the full history of the ``networking`` branch, in terms
-of an "upgrade" to the "head", will include that the tree building
-up ``55af2cb1c267 (effective head), add another account column``
-will be pulled in first. Interstingly, we don't see this displayed
-when we display history in the other direction, e.g. from ``networking@base``::
- $ alembic history -r networking@base:
- 29f859a13ea (55af2cb1c267) -> 2a95102259be (networking) (head), add ip account table
- 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table
- 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
- <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
-The reason for the discrepancy is that displaying history from the base
-shows us what would occur if we ran a downgrade operation, instead of an
-upgrade. If we downgraded all the files in ``networking`` using
-``networking@base``, the dependencies aren't affected, they're left in place.
-We also see something odd if we view ``heads`` at the moment::
- $ alembic heads
- 2a95102259be (networking) (head)
- 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head)
- 55af2cb1c267 (effective head)
-The head file that we used as a "dependency", ``55af2cb1c267`` is displayed
-as an "effective" head, which we can see also in the history display earlier.
-What this means is that at the moment, if we were to upgrade all versions
-to the top, the ``55af2cb1c267`` revision number would not actually be
-present in the ``alembic_version`` table; this is because it does not have
-a branch of its own subsequent to the ``2a95102259be`` revision which depends
-on it::
- $ alembic upgrade heads
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 29f859a13ea, 55af2cb1c267 -> 2a95102259be, add ip account table
- $ alembic current
- 2a95102259be (head)
- 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
-If we add a new revision onto ``55af2cb1c267``, now this branch again becomes
-a "real" branch which would have its own entry in the database::
- $ alembic revision -m "more account changes" --head=55af2cb@head
- Generating /path/to/foo/versions/ ... done
- $ alembic upgrade heads
- INFO [alembic.migration] Running upgrade 55af2cb1c267 -> 34e094ad6ef1, more account changes
- $ alembic current
- 2a95102259be (head)
- 27c6a30d7c24 (head)
- 34e094ad6ef1 (head)
-For posterity, the revision tree now looks like::
- $ alembic history
- 29f859a13ea (55af2cb1c267) -> 2a95102259be (networking) (head), add ip account table
- 109ec7d132bf -> 29f859a13ea (networking), add DNS table
- 3cac04ae8714 -> 109ec7d132bf (networking), add ip number table
- <base> -> 3cac04ae8714 (networking), create networking branch
- 1975ea83b712 -> 27c6a30d7c24 (shoppingcart) (head), add shopping cart table
- 55af2cb1c267 -> 34e094ad6ef1 (head), more account changes
- ae1027a6acf -> 55af2cb1c267, add another account column
- 1975ea83b712 -> ae1027a6acf, Add a column
- <base> -> 1975ea83b712 (branchpoint), create account table
- --- 27c6 --> d747 --> <head>
- / (shoppingcart)
- <base> --> 1975 -->
- \
- --- ae10 --> 55af --> <head>
- ^
- +--------+ (dependency)
- |
- |
- <base> --> 3782 -----> 109e ----> 29f8 ---> 2a95 --> <head>
- (networking)
-If there's any point to be made here, it's if you are too freely branching, merging
-and labeling, things can get pretty crazy! Hence the branching system should
-be used carefully and thoughtfully for best results.
-.. _building_uptodate:
-Building an Up to Date Database from Scratch
-There's a theory of database migrations that says that the revisions in existence for a database should be
-able to go from an entirely blank schema to the finished product, and back again. Alembic can roll
-this way. Though we think it's kind of overkill, considering that SQLAlchemy itself can emit
-the full CREATE statements for any given model using :meth:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.create_all`. If you check out
-a copy of an application, running this will give you the entire database in one shot, without the need
-to run through all those migration files, which are instead tailored towards applying incremental
-changes to an existing database.
-Alembic can integrate with a :meth:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData.create_all` script quite easily. After running the
-create operation, tell Alembic to create a new version table, and to stamp it with the most recent
-revision (i.e. ``head``)::
- # inside of a "create the database" script, first create
- # tables:
- my_metadata.create_all(engine)
- # then, load the Alembic configuration and generate the
- # version table, "stamping" it with the most recent rev:
- from alembic.config import Config
- from alembic import command
- alembic_cfg = Config("/path/to/yourapp/alembic.ini")
- command.stamp(alembic_cfg, "head")
-When this approach is used, the application can generate the database using normal SQLAlchemy
-techniques instead of iterating through hundreds of migration scripts. Now, the purpose of the
-migration scripts is relegated just to movement between versions on out-of-date databases, not
-*new* databases. You can now remove old migration files that are no longer represented
-on any existing environments.
-To prune old migration files, simply delete the files. Then, in the earliest, still-remaining
-migration file, set ``down_revision`` to ``None``::
- # replace this:
- #down_revision = '290696571ad2'
- # with this:
- down_revision = None
-That file now becomes the "base" of the migration series.