diff options
15 files changed, 2174 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/alembic/ b/alembic/
index dbcd106..273acbb 100644
--- a/alembic/
+++ b/alembic/
@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@ class CommandLine:
and fn.__module__ == "alembic.command"
- spec = compat.inspect_getargspec(fn)
- if spec[3]:
+ spec = compat.inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
+ if spec[3] is not None:
positional = spec[0][1 : -len(spec[3])]
kwarg = spec[0][-len(spec[3]) :]
diff --git a/alembic/context.pyi b/alembic/context.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a33d52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/context.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+# ### this file stubs are generated by tools/ - do not edit ###
+# ### imports are manually managed
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import ContextManager
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import TextIO
+from typing import Tuple
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Union
+ from sqlalchemy.engine.base import Connection
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import MetaData
+ from .migration import MigrationContext
+ from .runtime.migration import _ProxyTransaction
+### end imports ###
+def begin_transaction() -> Union["_ProxyTransaction", ContextManager]:
+ """Return a context manager that will
+ enclose an operation within a "transaction",
+ as defined by the environment's offline
+ and transactional DDL settings.
+ e.g.::
+ with context.begin_transaction():
+ context.run_migrations()
+ :meth:`.begin_transaction` is intended to
+ "do the right thing" regardless of
+ calling context:
+ * If :meth:`.is_transactional_ddl` is ``False``,
+ returns a "do nothing" context manager
+ which otherwise produces no transactional
+ state or directives.
+ * If :meth:`.is_offline_mode` is ``True``,
+ returns a context manager that will
+ invoke the :meth:`.DefaultImpl.emit_begin`
+ and :meth:`.DefaultImpl.emit_commit`
+ methods, which will produce the string
+ directives ``BEGIN`` and ``COMMIT`` on
+ the output stream, as rendered by the
+ target backend (e.g. SQL Server would
+ * Otherwise, calls :meth:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.begin`
+ on the current online connection, which
+ returns a :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Transaction`
+ object. This object demarcates a real
+ transaction and is itself a context manager,
+ which will roll back if an exception
+ is raised.
+ Note that a custom ```` script which
+ has more specific transactional needs can of course
+ manipulate the :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ directly to produce transactional state in "online"
+ mode.
+ """
+def configure(
+ connection: Optional["Connection"],
+ url: Optional[str],
+ dialect_name: Optional[str],
+ dialect_opts: Optional[dict],
+ transactional_ddl: Optional[bool],
+ transaction_per_migration: bool,
+ output_buffer: Optional[TextIO],
+ starting_rev: Optional[str],
+ tag: Optional[str],
+ template_args: Optional[dict],
+ render_as_batch: bool,
+ target_metadata: Optional["MetaData"],
+ include_name: Optional[Callable],
+ include_object: Optional[Callable],
+ include_schemas: bool,
+ process_revision_directives: Optional[Callable],
+ compare_type: bool,
+ compare_server_default: bool,
+ render_item: Optional[Callable],
+ literal_binds: bool,
+ upgrade_token: str,
+ downgrade_token: str,
+ alembic_module_prefix: str,
+ sqlalchemy_module_prefix: str,
+ user_module_prefix: Optional[str],
+ on_version_apply: Optional[Callable],
+ **kw
+) -> None:
+ """Configure a :class:`.MigrationContext` within this
+ :class:`.EnvironmentContext` which will provide database
+ connectivity and other configuration to a series of
+ migration scripts.
+ Many methods on :class:`.EnvironmentContext` require that
+ this method has been called in order to function, as they
+ ultimately need to have database access or at least access
+ to the dialect in use. Those which do are documented as such.
+ The important thing needed by :meth:`.configure` is a
+ means to determine what kind of database dialect is in use.
+ An actual connection to that database is needed only if
+ the :class:`.MigrationContext` is to be used in
+ "online" mode.
+ If the :meth:`.is_offline_mode` function returns ``True``,
+ then no connection is needed here. Otherwise, the
+ ``connection`` parameter should be present as an
+ instance of :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`.
+ This function is typically called from the ````
+ script within a migration environment. It can be called
+ multiple times for an invocation. The most recent
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ for which it was called is the one that will be operated upon
+ by the next call to :meth:`.run_migrations`.
+ General parameters:
+ :param connection: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ to use
+ for SQL execution in "online" mode. When present, is also
+ used to determine the type of dialect in use.
+ :param url: a string database url, or a
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.url.URL` object.
+ The type of dialect to be used will be derived from this if
+ ``connection`` is not passed.
+ :param dialect_name: string name of a dialect, such as
+ "postgresql", "mssql", etc.
+ The type of dialect to be used will be derived from this if
+ ``connection`` and ``url`` are not passed.
+ :param dialect_opts: dictionary of options to be passed to dialect
+ constructor.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.12
+ :param transactional_ddl: Force the usage of "transactional"
+ DDL on or off;
+ this otherwise defaults to whether or not the dialect in
+ use supports it.
+ :param transaction_per_migration: if True, nest each migration script
+ in a transaction rather than the full series of migrations to
+ run.
+ :param output_buffer: a file-like object that will be used
+ for textual output
+ when the ``--sql`` option is used to generate SQL scripts.
+ Defaults to
+ ``sys.stdout`` if not passed here and also not present on
+ the :class:`.Config`
+ object. The value here overrides that of the :class:`.Config`
+ object.
+ :param output_encoding: when using ``--sql`` to generate SQL
+ scripts, apply this encoding to the string output.
+ :param literal_binds: when using ``--sql`` to generate SQL
+ scripts, pass through the ``literal_binds`` flag to the compiler
+ so that any literal values that would ordinarily be bound
+ parameters are converted to plain strings.
+ .. warning:: Dialects can typically only handle simple datatypes
+ like strings and numbers for auto-literal generation. Datatypes
+ like dates, intervals, and others may still require manual
+ formatting, typically using :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal`.
+ .. note:: the ``literal_binds`` flag is ignored on SQLAlchemy
+ versions prior to 0.8 where this feature is not supported.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal`
+ :param starting_rev: Override the "starting revision" argument
+ when using ``--sql`` mode.
+ :param tag: a string tag for usage by custom ```` scripts.
+ Set via the ``--tag`` option, can be overridden here.
+ :param template_args: dictionary of template arguments which
+ will be added to the template argument environment when
+ running the "revision" command. Note that the script environment
+ is only run within the "revision" command if the --autogenerate
+ option is used, or if the option "revision_environment=true"
+ is present in the alembic.ini file.
+ :param version_table: The name of the Alembic version table.
+ The default is ``'alembic_version'``.
+ :param version_table_schema: Optional schema to place version
+ table within.
+ :param version_table_pk: boolean, whether the Alembic version table
+ should use a primary key constraint for the "value" column; this
+ only takes effect when the table is first created.
+ Defaults to True; setting to False should not be necessary and is
+ here for backwards compatibility reasons.
+ :param on_version_apply: a callable or collection of callables to be
+ run for each migration step.
+ The callables will be run in the order they are given, once for
+ each migration step, after the respective operation has been
+ applied but before its transaction is finalized.
+ Each callable accepts no positional arguments and the following
+ keyword arguments:
+ * ``ctx``: the :class:`.MigrationContext` running the migration,
+ * ``step``: a :class:`.MigrationInfo` representing the
+ step currently being applied,
+ * ``heads``: a collection of version strings representing the
+ current heads,
+ * ``run_args``: the ``**kwargs`` passed to :meth:`.run_migrations`.
+ Parameters specific to the autogenerate feature, when
+ ``alembic revision`` is run with the ``--autogenerate`` feature:
+ :param target_metadata: a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
+ object, or a sequence of :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
+ objects, that will be consulted during autogeneration.
+ The tables present in each :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData`
+ will be compared against
+ what is locally available on the target
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection`
+ to produce candidate upgrade/downgrade operations.
+ :param compare_type: Indicates type comparison behavior during
+ an autogenerate
+ operation. Defaults to ``False`` which disables type
+ comparison. Set to
+ ``True`` to turn on default type comparison, which has varied
+ accuracy depending on backend. See :ref:`compare_types`
+ for an example as well as information on other type
+ comparison options.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`compare_types`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_server_default`
+ :param compare_server_default: Indicates server default comparison
+ behavior during
+ an autogenerate operation. Defaults to ``False`` which disables
+ server default
+ comparison. Set to ``True`` to turn on server default comparison,
+ which has
+ varied accuracy depending on backend.
+ To customize server default comparison behavior, a callable may
+ be specified
+ which can filter server default comparisons during an
+ autogenerate operation.
+ defaults during an autogenerate operation. The format of this
+ callable is::
+ def my_compare_server_default(context, inspected_column,
+ metadata_column, inspected_default, metadata_default,
+ rendered_metadata_default):
+ # return True if the defaults are different,
+ # False if not, or None to allow the default implementation
+ # to compare these defaults
+ return None
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ compare_server_default = my_compare_server_default
+ )
+ ``inspected_column`` is a dictionary structure as returned by
+ :meth:`sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.get_columns`, whereas
+ ``metadata_column`` is a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Column` from
+ the local model environment.
+ A return value of ``None`` indicates to allow default server default
+ comparison
+ to proceed. Note that some backends such as Postgresql actually
+ execute
+ the two defaults on the database side to compare for equivalence.
+ .. seealso::
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.compare_type`
+ :param include_name: A callable function which is given
+ the chance to return ``True`` or ``False`` for any database reflected
+ object based on its name, including database schema names when
+ the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas` flag
+ is set to ``True``.
+ The function accepts the following positional arguments:
+ * ``name``: the name of the object, such as schema name or table name.
+ Will be ``None`` when indicating the default schema name of the
+ database connection.
+ * ``type``: a string describing the type of object; currently
+ ``"schema"``, ``"table"``, ``"column"``, ``"index"``,
+ ``"unique_constraint"``, or ``"foreign_key_constraint"``
+ * ``parent_names``: a dictionary of "parent" object names, that are
+ relative to the name being given. Keys in this dictionary may
+ include: ``"schema_name"``, ``"table_name"``.
+ E.g.::
+ def include_name(name, type_, parent_names):
+ if type_ == "schema":
+ return name in ["schema_one", "schema_two"]
+ else:
+ return True
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ include_schemas = True,
+ include_name = include_name
+ )
+ .. versionadded:: 1.5
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas`
+ :param include_object: A callable function which is given
+ the chance to return ``True`` or ``False`` for any object,
+ indicating if the given object should be considered in the
+ autogenerate sweep.
+ The function accepts the following positional arguments:
+ * ``object``: a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.SchemaItem` object such
+ as a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`,
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`,
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Index`
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`,
+ or :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKeyConstraint` object
+ * ``name``: the name of the object. This is typically available
+ via ````.
+ * ``type``: a string describing the type of object; currently
+ ``"table"``, ``"column"``, ``"index"``, ``"unique_constraint"``,
+ or ``"foreign_key_constraint"``
+ * ``reflected``: ``True`` if the given object was produced based on
+ table reflection, ``False`` if it's from a local :class:`.MetaData`
+ object.
+ * ``compare_to``: the object being compared against, if available,
+ else ``None``.
+ E.g.::
+ def include_object(object, name, type_, reflected, compare_to):
+ if (type_ == "column" and
+ not reflected and
+"skip_autogenerate", False)):
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ include_object = include_object
+ )
+ For the use case of omitting specific schemas from a target database
+ when :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas` is
+ set to ``True``, the :attr:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table.schema`
+ attribute can be checked for each :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`
+ object passed to the hook, however it is much more efficient
+ to filter on schemas before reflection of objects takes place
+ using the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ hook.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_schemas`
+ :param render_as_batch: if True, commands which alter elements
+ within a table will be placed under a ``with batch_alter_table():``
+ directive, so that batch migrations will take place.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`batch_migrations`
+ :param include_schemas: If True, autogenerate will scan across
+ all schemas located by the SQLAlchemy
+ :meth:`~sqlalchemy.engine.reflection.Inspector.get_schema_names`
+ method, and include all differences in tables found across all
+ those schemas. When using this option, you may want to also
+ use the :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ parameter to specify a callable which
+ can filter the tables/schemas that get included.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogenerate_include_hooks`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_name`
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.include_object`
+ :param render_item: Callable that can be used to override how
+ any schema item, i.e. column, constraint, type,
+ etc., is rendered for autogenerate. The callable receives a
+ string describing the type of object, the object, and
+ the autogen context. If it returns False, the
+ default rendering method will be used. If it returns None,
+ the item will not be rendered in the context of a Table
+ construct, that is, can be used to skip columns or constraints
+ within op.create_table()::
+ def my_render_column(type_, col, autogen_context):
+ if type_ == "column" and isinstance(col, MySpecialCol):
+ return repr(col)
+ else:
+ return False
+ context.configure(
+ # ...
+ render_item = my_render_column
+ )
+ Available values for the type string include: ``"column"``,
+ ``"primary_key"``, ``"foreign_key"``, ``"unique"``, ``"check"``,
+ ``"type"``, ``"server_default"``.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogen_render_types`
+ :param upgrade_token: When autogenerate completes, the text of the
+ candidate upgrade operations will be present in this template
+ variable when ```` is rendered. Defaults to
+ ``upgrades``.
+ :param downgrade_token: When autogenerate completes, the text of the
+ candidate downgrade operations will be present in this
+ template variable when ```` is rendered. Defaults to
+ ``downgrades``.
+ :param alembic_module_prefix: When autogenerate refers to Alembic
+ :mod:`alembic.operations` constructs, this prefix will be used
+ (i.e. ``op.create_table``) Defaults to "``op.``".
+ Can be ``None`` to indicate no prefix.
+ :param sqlalchemy_module_prefix: When autogenerate refers to
+ SQLAlchemy
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` or type classes, this prefix
+ will be used
+ (i.e. ``sa.Column("somename", sa.Integer)``) Defaults to "``sa.``".
+ Can be ``None`` to indicate no prefix.
+ Note that when dialect-specific types are rendered, autogenerate
+ will render them using the dialect module name, i.e. ``mssql.BIT()``,
+ ``postgresql.UUID()``.
+ :param user_module_prefix: When autogenerate refers to a SQLAlchemy
+ type (e.g. :class:`.TypeEngine`) where the module name is not
+ under the ``sqlalchemy`` namespace, this prefix will be used
+ within autogenerate. If left at its default of
+ ``None``, the ``__module__`` attribute of the type is used to
+ render the import module. It's a good practice to set this
+ and to have all custom types be available from a fixed module space,
+ in order to future-proof migration files against reorganizations
+ in modules.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`autogen_module_prefix`
+ :param process_revision_directives: a callable function that will
+ be passed a structure representing the end result of an autogenerate
+ or plain "revision" operation, which can be manipulated to affect
+ how the ``alembic revision`` command ultimately outputs new
+ revision scripts. The structure of the callable is::
+ def process_revision_directives(context, revision, directives):
+ pass
+ The ``directives`` parameter is a Python list containing
+ a single :class:`.MigrationScript` directive, which represents
+ the revision file to be generated. This list as well as its
+ contents may be freely modified to produce any set of commands.
+ The section :ref:`customizing_revision` shows an example of
+ doing this. The ``context`` parameter is the
+ :class:`.MigrationContext` in use,
+ and ``revision`` is a tuple of revision identifiers representing the
+ current revision of the database.
+ The callable is invoked at all times when the ``--autogenerate``
+ option is passed to ``alembic revision``. If ``--autogenerate``
+ is not passed, the callable is invoked only if the
+ ``revision_environment`` variable is set to True in the Alembic
+ configuration, in which case the given ``directives`` collection
+ will contain empty :class:`.UpgradeOps` and :class:`.DowngradeOps`
+ collections for ``.upgrade_ops`` and ``.downgrade_ops``. The
+ ``--autogenerate`` option itself can be inferred by inspecting
+ ``context.config.cmd_opts.autogenerate``.
+ The callable function may optionally be an instance of
+ a :class:`.Rewriter` object. This is a helper object that
+ assists in the production of autogenerate-stream rewriter functions.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`customizing_revision`
+ :ref:`autogen_rewriter`
+ :paramref:`.command.revision.process_revision_directives`
+ Parameters specific to individual backends:
+ :param mssql_batch_separator: The "batch separator" which will
+ be placed between each statement when generating offline SQL Server
+ migrations. Defaults to ``GO``. Note this is in addition to the
+ customary semicolon ``;`` at the end of each statement; SQL Server
+ considers the "batch separator" to denote the end of an
+ individual statement execution, and cannot group certain
+ dependent operations in one step.
+ :param oracle_batch_separator: The "batch separator" which will
+ be placed between each statement when generating offline
+ Oracle migrations. Defaults to ``/``. Oracle doesn't add a
+ semicolon between statements like most other backends.
+ """
+def execute(sql, execution_options):
+ """Execute the given SQL using the current change context.
+ The behavior of :meth:`.execute` is the same
+ as that of :meth:`.Operations.execute`. Please see that
+ function's documentation for full detail including
+ caveats and limitations.
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext` has
+ first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def get_bind():
+ """Return the current 'bind'.
+ In "online" mode, this is the
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection` currently being used
+ to emit SQL to the database.
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def get_context() -> "MigrationContext":
+ """Return the current :class:`.MigrationContext` object.
+ If :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.configure` has not been
+ called yet, raises an exception.
+ """
+def get_head_revision() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Return the hex identifier of the 'head' script revision.
+ If the script directory has multiple heads, this
+ method raises a :class:`.CommandError`;
+ :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_head_revisions` should be preferred.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ .. seealso:: :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_head_revisions`
+ """
+def get_head_revisions() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Return the hex identifier of the 'heads' script revision(s).
+ This returns a tuple containing the version number of all
+ heads in the script directory.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def get_revision_argument() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Get the 'destination' revision argument.
+ This is typically the argument passed to the
+ ``upgrade`` or ``downgrade`` command.
+ If it was specified as ``head``, the actual
+ version number is returned; if specified
+ as ``base``, ``None`` is returned.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def get_starting_revision_argument() -> Union[str, Tuple[str, ...], None]:
+ """Return the 'starting revision' argument,
+ if the revision was passed using ``start:end``.
+ This is only meaningful in "offline" mode.
+ Returns ``None`` if no value is available
+ or was configured.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def get_tag_argument() -> Optional[str]:
+ """Return the value passed for the ``--tag`` argument, if any.
+ The ``--tag`` argument is not used directly by Alembic,
+ but is available for custom ```` configurations that
+ wish to use it; particularly for offline generation scripts
+ that wish to generate tagged filenames.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_x_argument` - a newer and more
+ open ended system of extending ```` scripts via the command
+ line.
+ """
+def get_x_argument(as_dictionary: bool):
+ """Return the value(s) passed for the ``-x`` argument, if any.
+ The ``-x`` argument is an open ended flag that allows any user-defined
+ value or values to be passed on the command line, then available
+ here for consumption by a custom ```` script.
+ The return value is a list, returned directly from the ``argparse``
+ structure. If ``as_dictionary=True`` is passed, the ``x`` arguments
+ are parsed using ``key=value`` format into a dictionary that is
+ then returned.
+ For example, to support passing a database URL on the command line,
+ the standard ```` script can be modified like this::
+ cmd_line_url = context.get_x_argument(
+ as_dictionary=True).get('dbname')
+ if cmd_line_url:
+ engine = create_engine(cmd_line_url)
+ else:
+ engine = engine_from_config(
+ config.get_section(config.config_ini_section),
+ prefix='sqlalchemy.',
+ poolclass=pool.NullPool)
+ This then takes effect by running the ``alembic`` script as::
+ alembic -x dbname=postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname upgrade head
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.EnvironmentContext.get_tag_argument`
+ :attr:`.Config.cmd_opts`
+ """
+def is_offline_mode() -> bool:
+ """Return True if the current migrations environment
+ is running in "offline mode".
+ This is ``True`` or ``False`` depending
+ on the ``--sql`` flag passed.
+ This function does not require that the :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has been configured.
+ """
+def is_transactional_ddl():
+ """Return True if the context is configured to expect a
+ transactional DDL capable backend.
+ This defaults to the type of database in use, and
+ can be overridden by the ``transactional_ddl`` argument
+ to :meth:`.configure`
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext`
+ has first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def run_migrations(**kw) -> None:
+ """Run migrations as determined by the current command line
+ configuration
+ as well as versioning information present (or not) in the current
+ database connection (if one is present).
+ The function accepts optional ``**kw`` arguments. If these are
+ passed, they are sent directly to the ``upgrade()`` and
+ ``downgrade()``
+ functions within each target revision file. By modifying the
+ ```` file so that the ``upgrade()`` and ``downgrade()``
+ functions accept arguments, parameters can be passed here so that
+ contextual information, usually information to identify a particular
+ database in use, can be passed from a custom ```` script
+ to the migration functions.
+ This function requires that a :class:`.MigrationContext` has
+ first been made available via :meth:`.configure`.
+ """
+def static_output(text):
+ """Emit text directly to the "offline" SQL stream.
+ Typically this is for emitting comments that
+ start with --. The statement is not treated
+ as a SQL execution, no ; or batch separator
+ is added, etc.
+ """
diff --git a/alembic/op.pyi b/alembic/op.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76912dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/op.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,1160 @@
+# ### this file stubs are generated by tools/ - do not edit ###
+# ### imports are manually managed
+from typing import Any
+from typing import Callable
+from typing import List
+from typing import Optional
+from typing import Sequence
+from typing import Type
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import Union
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import TableClause
+from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import Update
+ from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import BinaryExpression
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import conv
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import TextClause
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.functions import Function
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Column
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Computed
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Identity
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.schema import Table
+ from sqlalchemy.sql.type_api import TypeEngine
+ from .operations.ops import MigrateOperation
+ from .util.sqla_compat import _literal_bindparam
+### end imports ###
+def add_column(
+ table_name: str, column: "Column", schema: Optional[str]
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue an "add column" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, String
+ op.add_column('organization',
+ Column('name', String())
+ )
+ The provided :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object can also
+ specify a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKey`, referencing
+ a remote table name. Alembic will automatically generate a stub
+ "referenced" table and emit a second ALTER statement in order
+ to add the constraint separately::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, INTEGER, ForeignKey
+ op.add_column('organization',
+ Column('account_id', INTEGER, ForeignKey(''))
+ )
+ Note that this statement uses the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
+ construct as is from the SQLAlchemy library. In particular,
+ default values to be created on the database side are
+ specified using the ``server_default`` parameter, and not
+ ``default`` which only specifies Python-side defaults::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, TIMESTAMP, func
+ # specify "DEFAULT NOW" along with the column add
+ op.add_column('account',
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ :param table_name: String name of the parent table.
+ :param column: a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Column` object
+ representing the new column.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def alter_column(
+ table_name: str,
+ column_name: str,
+ nullable: Optional[bool],
+ comment: Union[str, bool, None],
+ server_default: Any,
+ new_column_name: Optional[str],
+ type_: Union["TypeEngine", Type["TypeEngine"], None],
+ existing_type: Union["TypeEngine", Type["TypeEngine"], None],
+ existing_server_default: Union[str, bool, "Identity", "Computed", None],
+ existing_nullable: Optional[bool],
+ existing_comment: Optional[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue an "alter column" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ Generally, only that aspect of the column which
+ is being changed, i.e. name, type, nullability,
+ default, needs to be specified. Multiple changes
+ can also be specified at once and the backend should
+ "do the right thing", emitting each change either
+ separately or together as the backend allows.
+ MySQL has special requirements here, since MySQL
+ cannot ALTER a column without a full specification.
+ When producing MySQL-compatible migration files,
+ it is recommended that the ``existing_type``,
+ ``existing_server_default``, and ``existing_nullable``
+ parameters be present, if not being altered.
+ Type changes which are against the SQLAlchemy
+ "schema" types :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`
+ and :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum` may also
+ add or drop constraints which accompany those
+ types on backends that don't support them natively.
+ The ``existing_type`` argument is
+ used in this case to identify and remove a previous
+ constraint that was bound to the type object.
+ :param table_name: string name of the target table.
+ :param column_name: string name of the target column,
+ as it exists before the operation begins.
+ :param nullable: Optional; specify ``True`` or ``False``
+ to alter the column's nullability.
+ :param server_default: Optional; specify a string
+ SQL expression, :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text`,
+ or :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.DefaultClause` to indicate
+ an alteration to the column's default value.
+ Set to ``None`` to have the default removed.
+ :param comment: optional string text of a new comment to add to the
+ column.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param new_column_name: Optional; specify a string name here to
+ indicate the new name within a column rename operation.
+ :param type\_: Optional; a :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`
+ type object to specify a change to the column's type.
+ For SQLAlchemy types that also indicate a constraint (i.e.
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`, :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum`),
+ the constraint is also generated.
+ :param autoincrement: set the ``AUTO_INCREMENT`` flag of the column;
+ currently understood by the MySQL dialect.
+ :param existing_type: Optional; a
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`
+ type object to specify the previous type. This
+ is required for all MySQL column alter operations that
+ don't otherwise specify a new type, as well as for
+ when nullability is being changed on a SQL Server
+ column. It is also used if the type is a so-called
+ SQLlchemy "schema" type which may define a constraint (i.e.
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Boolean`,
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.types.Enum`),
+ so that the constraint can be dropped.
+ :param existing_server_default: Optional; The existing
+ default value of the column. Required on MySQL if
+ an existing default is not being changed; else MySQL
+ removes the default.
+ :param existing_nullable: Optional; the existing nullability
+ of the column. Required on MySQL if the existing nullability
+ is not being changed; else MySQL sets this to NULL.
+ :param existing_autoincrement: Optional; the existing autoincrement
+ of the column. Used for MySQL's system of altering a column
+ that specifies ``AUTO_INCREMENT``.
+ :param existing_comment: string text of the existing comment on the
+ column to be maintained. Required on MySQL if the existing comment
+ on the column is not being changed.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param postgresql_using: String argument which will indicate a
+ SQL expression to render within the Postgresql-specific USING clause
+ within ALTER COLUMN. This string is taken directly as raw SQL which
+ must explicitly include any necessary quoting or escaping of tokens
+ within the expression.
+ """
+def batch_alter_table(
+ table_name,
+ schema,
+ recreate,
+ partial_reordering,
+ copy_from,
+ table_args,
+ table_kwargs,
+ reflect_args,
+ reflect_kwargs,
+ naming_convention,
+ """Invoke a series of per-table migrations in batch.
+ Batch mode allows a series of operations specific to a table
+ to be syntactically grouped together, and allows for alternate
+ modes of table migration, in particular the "recreate" style of
+ migration required by SQLite.
+ "recreate" style is as follows:
+ 1. A new table is created with the new specification, based on the
+ migration directives within the batch, using a temporary name.
+ 2. the data copied from the existing table to the new table.
+ 3. the existing table is dropped.
+ 4. the new table is renamed to the existing table name.
+ The directive by default will only use "recreate" style on the
+ SQLite backend, and only if directives are present which require
+ this form, e.g. anything other than ``add_column()``. The batch
+ operation on other backends will proceed using standard ALTER TABLE
+ operations.
+ The method is used as a context manager, which returns an instance
+ of :class:`.BatchOperations`; this object is the same as
+ :class:`.Operations` except that table names and schema names
+ are omitted. E.g.::
+ with op.batch_alter_table("some_table") as batch_op:
+ batch_op.add_column(Column('foo', Integer))
+ batch_op.drop_column('bar')
+ The operations within the context manager are invoked at once
+ when the context is ended. When run against SQLite, if the
+ migrations include operations not supported by SQLite's ALTER TABLE,
+ the entire table will be copied to a new one with the new
+ specification, moving all data across as well.
+ The copy operation by default uses reflection to retrieve the current
+ structure of the table, and therefore :meth:`.batch_alter_table`
+ in this mode requires that the migration is run in "online" mode.
+ The ``copy_from`` parameter may be passed which refers to an existing
+ :class:`.Table` object, which will bypass this reflection step.
+ .. note:: The table copy operation will currently not copy
+ CHECK constraints, and may not copy UNIQUE constraints that are
+ unnamed, as is possible on SQLite. See the section
+ :ref:`sqlite_batch_constraints` for workarounds.
+ :param table_name: name of table
+ :param schema: optional schema name.
+ :param recreate: under what circumstances the table should be
+ recreated. At its default of ``"auto"``, the SQLite dialect will
+ recreate the table if any operations other than ``add_column()``,
+ ``create_index()``, or ``drop_index()`` are
+ present. Other options include ``"always"`` and ``"never"``.
+ :param copy_from: optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ that will act as the structure of the table being copied. If omitted,
+ table reflection is used to retrieve the structure of the table.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`batch_offline_mode`
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.reflect_args`
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.reflect_kwargs`
+ :param reflect_args: a sequence of additional positional arguments that
+ will be applied to the table structure being reflected / copied;
+ this may be used to pass column and constraint overrides to the
+ table that will be reflected, in lieu of passing the whole
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` using
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from`.
+ :param reflect_kwargs: a dictionary of additional keyword arguments
+ that will be applied to the table structure being copied; this may be
+ used to pass additional table and reflection options to the table that
+ will be reflected, in lieu of passing the whole
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` using
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.batch_alter_table.copy_from`.
+ :param table_args: a sequence of additional positional arguments that
+ will be applied to the new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` when
+ created, in addition to those copied from the source table.
+ This may be used to provide additional constraints such as CHECK
+ constraints that may not be reflected.
+ :param table_kwargs: a dictionary of additional keyword arguments
+ that will be applied to the new :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`
+ when created, in addition to those copied from the source table.
+ This may be used to provide for additional table options that may
+ not be reflected.
+ :param naming_convention: a naming convention dictionary of the form
+ described at :ref:`autogen_naming_conventions` which will be applied
+ to the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.MetaData` during the reflection
+ process. This is typically required if one wants to drop SQLite
+ constraints, as these constraints will not have names when
+ reflected on this backend. Requires SQLAlchemy **0.9.4** or greater.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`dropping_sqlite_foreign_keys`
+ :param partial_reordering: a list of tuples, each suggesting a desired
+ ordering of two or more columns in the newly created table. Requires
+ that :paramref:`.batch_alter_table.recreate` is set to ``"always"``.
+ Examples, given a table with columns "a", "b", "c", and "d":
+ Specify the order of all columns::
+ with op.batch_alter_table(
+ "some_table", recreate="always",
+ partial_reordering=[("c", "d", "a", "b")]
+ ) as batch_op:
+ pass
+ Ensure "d" appears before "c", and "b", appears before "a"::
+ with op.batch_alter_table(
+ "some_table", recreate="always",
+ partial_reordering=[("d", "c"), ("b", "a")]
+ ) as batch_op:
+ pass
+ The ordering of columns not included in the partial_reordering
+ set is undefined. Therefore it is best to specify the complete
+ ordering of all columns for best results.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4.0
+ .. note:: batch mode requires SQLAlchemy 0.8 or above.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`batch_migrations`
+ """
+def bulk_insert(
+ table: Union["Table", "TableClause"], rows: List[dict], multiinsert: bool
+) -> None:
+ """Issue a "bulk insert" operation using the current
+ migration context.
+ This provides a means of representing an INSERT of multiple rows
+ which works equally well in the context of executing on a live
+ connection as well as that of generating a SQL script. In the
+ case of a SQL script, the values are rendered inline into the
+ statement.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ from datetime import date
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
+ from sqlalchemy import String, Integer, Date
+ # Create an ad-hoc table to use for the insert statement.
+ accounts_table = table('account',
+ column('id', Integer),
+ column('name', String),
+ column('create_date', Date)
+ )
+ op.bulk_insert(accounts_table,
+ [
+ {'id':1, 'name':'John Smith',
+ 'create_date':date(2010, 10, 5)},
+ {'id':2, 'name':'Ed Williams',
+ 'create_date':date(2007, 5, 27)},
+ {'id':3, 'name':'Wendy Jones',
+ 'create_date':date(2008, 8, 15)},
+ ]
+ )
+ When using --sql mode, some datatypes may not render inline
+ automatically, such as dates and other special types. When this
+ issue is present, :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal` may be used::
+ op.bulk_insert(accounts_table,
+ [
+ {'id':1, 'name':'John Smith',
+ 'create_date':op.inline_literal("2010-10-05")},
+ {'id':2, 'name':'Ed Williams',
+ 'create_date':op.inline_literal("2007-05-27")},
+ {'id':3, 'name':'Wendy Jones',
+ 'create_date':op.inline_literal("2008-08-15")},
+ ],
+ multiinsert=False
+ )
+ When using :meth:`.Operations.inline_literal` in conjunction with
+ :meth:`.Operations.bulk_insert`, in order for the statement to work
+ in "online" (e.g. non --sql) mode, the
+ :paramref:`~.Operations.bulk_insert.multiinsert`
+ flag should be set to ``False``, which will have the effect of
+ individual INSERT statements being emitted to the database, each
+ with a distinct VALUES clause, so that the "inline" values can
+ still be rendered, rather than attempting to pass the values
+ as bound parameters.
+ :param table: a table object which represents the target of the INSERT.
+ :param rows: a list of dictionaries indicating rows.
+ :param multiinsert: when at its default of True and --sql mode is not
+ enabled, the INSERT statement will be executed using
+ "executemany()" style, where all elements in the list of
+ dictionaries are passed as bound parameters in a single
+ list. Setting this to False results in individual INSERT
+ statements being emitted per parameter set, and is needed
+ in those cases where non-literal values are present in the
+ parameter sets.
+ """
+def create_check_constraint(
+ constraint_name: Optional[str],
+ table_name: str,
+ condition: "BinaryExpression",
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create check constraint" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import column, func
+ op.create_check_constraint(
+ "ck_user_name_len",
+ "user",
+ func.len(column('name')) > 5
+ )
+ CHECK constraints are usually against a SQL expression, so ad-hoc
+ table metadata is usually needed. The function will convert the given
+ arguments into a :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.CheckConstraint` bound
+ to an anonymous table in order to emit the CREATE statement.
+ :param name: Name of the check constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`,
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param table_name: String name of the source table.
+ :param condition: SQL expression that's the condition of the
+ constraint. Can be a string or SQLAlchemy expression language
+ structure.
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or
+ NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param initially: optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value>
+ when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def create_exclude_constraint(
+ constraint_name: str, table_name: str, *elements: Any, **kw: Any
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue an alter to create an EXCLUDE constraint using the
+ current migration context.
+ .. note:: This method is Postgresql specific, and additionally
+ requires at least SQLAlchemy 1.0.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_exclude_constraint(
+ "user_excl",
+ "user",
+ ("period", '&&'),
+ ("group", '='),
+ where=("group != 'some group'")
+ )
+ Note that the expressions work the same way as that of
+ the ``ExcludeConstraint`` object itself; if plain strings are
+ passed, quoting rules must be applied manually.
+ :param name: Name of the constraint.
+ :param table_name: String name of the source table.
+ :param elements: exclude conditions.
+ :param where: SQL expression or SQL string with optional WHERE
+ clause.
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or
+ NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param initially: optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value>
+ when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within.
+ """
+def create_foreign_key(
+ constraint_name: str,
+ source_table: str,
+ referent_table: str,
+ local_cols: List[str],
+ remote_cols: List[str],
+ onupdate: Optional[str],
+ ondelete: Optional[str],
+ deferrable: Optional[bool],
+ initially: Optional[str],
+ match: Optional[str],
+ source_schema: Optional[str],
+ referent_schema: Optional[str],
+ **dialect_kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create foreign key" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_foreign_key(
+ "fk_user_address", "address",
+ "user", ["user_id"], ["id"])
+ This internally generates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ containing the necessary columns, then generates a new
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.ForeignKeyConstraint`
+ object which it then associates with the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
+ Any event listeners associated with this action will be fired
+ off normally. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.AddConstraint`
+ construct is ultimately used to generate the ALTER statement.
+ :param name: Name of the foreign key constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`,
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param source_table: String name of the source table.
+ :param referent_table: String name of the destination table.
+ :param local_cols: a list of string column names in the
+ source table.
+ :param remote_cols: a list of string column names in the
+ remote table.
+ :param onupdate: Optional string. If set, emit ON UPDATE <value> when
+ issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
+ :param ondelete: Optional string. If set, emit ON DELETE <value> when
+ issuing DDL for this constraint. Typical values include CASCADE,
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or NOT
+ DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param source_schema: Optional schema name of the source table.
+ :param referent_schema: Optional schema name of the destination table.
+ """
+def create_index(
+ index_name: str,
+ table_name: str,
+ columns: Sequence[Union[str, "TextClause", "Function"]],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ unique: bool,
+ **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create index" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_index('ik_test', 't1', ['foo', 'bar'])
+ Functional indexes can be produced by using the
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import text
+ op.create_index('ik_test', 't1', [text('lower(foo)')])
+ :param index_name: name of the index.
+ :param table_name: name of the owning table.
+ :param columns: a list consisting of string column names and/or
+ :func:`~sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` constructs.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param unique: If True, create a unique index.
+ :param quote:
+ Force quoting of this column's name on or off, corresponding
+ to ``True`` or ``False``. When left at its default
+ of ``None``, the column identifier will be quoted according to
+ whether the name is case sensitive (identifiers with at least one
+ upper case character are treated as case sensitive), or if it's a
+ reserved word. This flag is only needed to force quoting of a
+ reserved word which is not known by the SQLAlchemy dialect.
+ :param \**kw: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned above are
+ dialect specific, and passed in the form
+ ``<dialectname>_<argname>``.
+ See the documentation regarding an individual dialect at
+ :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments.
+ """
+def create_primary_key(
+ constraint_name: str,
+ table_name: str,
+ columns: List[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create primary key" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_primary_key(
+ "pk_my_table", "my_table",
+ ["id", "version"]
+ )
+ This internally generates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ containing the necessary columns, then generates a new
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.PrimaryKeyConstraint`
+ object which it then associates with the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
+ Any event listeners associated with this action will be fired
+ off normally. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.AddConstraint`
+ construct is ultimately used to generate the ALTER statement.
+ :param name: Name of the primary key constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param table_name: String name of the target table.
+ :param columns: a list of string column names to be applied to the
+ primary key constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def create_table(table_name: str, *columns, **kw) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "create table" instruction using the current migration
+ context.
+ This directive receives an argument list similar to that of the
+ traditional :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` construct, but without the
+ metadata::
+ from sqlalchemy import INTEGER, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, Column
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_table(
+ 'account',
+ Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', VARCHAR(50), nullable=False),
+ Column('description', NVARCHAR(200)),
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ Note that :meth:`.create_table` accepts
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
+ constructs directly from the SQLAlchemy library. In particular,
+ default values to be created on the database side are
+ specified using the ``server_default`` parameter, and not
+ ``default`` which only specifies Python-side defaults::
+ from alembic import op
+ from sqlalchemy import Column, TIMESTAMP, func
+ # specify "DEFAULT NOW" along with the "timestamp" column
+ op.create_table('account',
+ Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ The function also returns a newly created
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object, corresponding to the table
+ specification given, which is suitable for
+ immediate SQL operations, in particular
+ :meth:`.Operations.bulk_insert`::
+ from sqlalchemy import INTEGER, VARCHAR, NVARCHAR, Column
+ from alembic import op
+ account_table = op.create_table(
+ 'account',
+ Column('id', INTEGER, primary_key=True),
+ Column('name', VARCHAR(50), nullable=False),
+ Column('description', NVARCHAR(200)),
+ Column('timestamp', TIMESTAMP,
+ )
+ op.bulk_insert(
+ account_table,
+ [
+ {"name": "A1", "description": "account 1"},
+ {"name": "A2", "description": "account 2"},
+ ]
+ )
+ :param table_name: Name of the table
+ :param \*columns: collection of :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Column`
+ objects within
+ the table, as well as optional :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Constraint`
+ objects
+ and :class:`~.sqlalchemy.schema.Index` objects.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param \**kw: Other keyword arguments are passed to the underlying
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object created for the command.
+ :return: the :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object corresponding
+ to the parameters given.
+ """
+def create_table_comment(
+ table_name: str,
+ comment: Optional[str],
+ existing_comment: None,
+ schema: Optional[str],
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Emit a COMMENT ON operation to set the comment for a table.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param table_name: string name of the target table.
+ :param comment: string value of the comment being registered against
+ the specified table.
+ :param existing_comment: String value of a comment
+ already registered on the specified table, used within autogenerate
+ so that the operation is reversible, but not required for direct
+ use.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.Operations.drop_table_comment`
+ :paramref:`.Operations.alter_column.comment`
+ """
+def create_unique_constraint(
+ constraint_name: Optional[str],
+ table_name: str,
+ columns: Sequence[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+ **kw
+) -> Any:
+ """Issue a "create unique constraint" instruction using the
+ current migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ from alembic import op
+ op.create_unique_constraint("uq_user_name", "user", ["name"])
+ This internally generates a :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object
+ containing the necessary columns, then generates a new
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.UniqueConstraint`
+ object which it then associates with the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table`.
+ Any event listeners associated with this action will be fired
+ off normally. The :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.AddConstraint`
+ construct is ultimately used to generate the ALTER statement.
+ :param name: Name of the unique constraint. The name is necessary
+ so that an ALTER statement can be emitted. For setups that
+ use an automated naming scheme such as that described at
+ :ref:`sqla:constraint_naming_conventions`,
+ ``name`` here can be ``None``, as the event listener will
+ apply the name to the constraint object when it is associated
+ with the table.
+ :param table_name: String name of the source table.
+ :param columns: a list of string column names in the
+ source table.
+ :param deferrable: optional bool. If set, emit DEFERRABLE or
+ NOT DEFERRABLE when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param initially: optional string. If set, emit INITIALLY <value>
+ when issuing DDL for this constraint.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def drop_column(
+ table_name: str, column_name: str, schema: Optional[str], **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "drop column" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ drop_column('organization', 'account_id')
+ :param table_name: name of table
+ :param column_name: name of column
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param mssql_drop_check: Optional boolean. When ``True``, on
+ Microsoft SQL Server only, first
+ drop the CHECK constraint on the column using a
+ SQL-script-compatible
+ block that selects into a @variable from sys.check_constraints,
+ then exec's a separate DROP CONSTRAINT for that constraint.
+ :param mssql_drop_default: Optional boolean. When ``True``, on
+ Microsoft SQL Server only, first
+ drop the DEFAULT constraint on the column using a
+ SQL-script-compatible
+ block that selects into a @variable from sys.default_constraints,
+ then exec's a separate DROP CONSTRAINT for that default.
+ :param mssql_drop_foreign_key: Optional boolean. When ``True``, on
+ Microsoft SQL Server only, first
+ drop a single FOREIGN KEY constraint on the column using a
+ SQL-script-compatible
+ block that selects into a @variable from
+ sys.foreign_keys/sys.foreign_key_columns,
+ then exec's a separate DROP CONSTRAINT for that default. Only
+ works if the column has exactly one FK constraint which refers to
+ it, at the moment.
+ """
+def drop_constraint(
+ constraint_name: str,
+ table_name: str,
+ type_: Optional[str],
+ schema: Optional[str],
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Drop a constraint of the given name, typically via DROP CONSTRAINT.
+ :param constraint_name: name of the constraint.
+ :param table_name: table name.
+ :param type\_: optional, required on MySQL. can be
+ 'foreignkey', 'primary', 'unique', or 'check'.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
+def drop_index(
+ index_name: str, table_name: Optional[str], schema: Optional[str], **kw
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "drop index" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ drop_index("accounts")
+ :param index_name: name of the index.
+ :param table_name: name of the owning table. Some
+ backends such as Microsoft SQL Server require this.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param \**kw: Additional keyword arguments not mentioned above are
+ dialect specific, and passed in the form
+ ``<dialectname>_<argname>``.
+ See the documentation regarding an individual dialect at
+ :ref:`dialect_toplevel` for detail on documented arguments.
+ """
+def drop_table(table_name: str, schema: Optional[str], **kw: Any) -> None:
+ """Issue a "drop table" instruction using the current
+ migration context.
+ e.g.::
+ drop_table("accounts")
+ :param table_name: Name of the table
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ :param \**kw: Other keyword arguments are passed to the underlying
+ :class:`sqlalchemy.schema.Table` object created for the command.
+ """
+def drop_table_comment(
+ table_name: str, existing_comment: Optional[str], schema: Optional[str]
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Issue a "drop table comment" operation to
+ remove an existing comment set on a table.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.0.6
+ :param table_name: string name of the target table.
+ :param existing_comment: An optional string value of a comment already
+ registered on the specified table.
+ .. seealso::
+ :meth:`.Operations.create_table_comment`
+ :paramref:`.Operations.alter_column.comment`
+ """
+def execute(
+ sqltext: Union[str, "TextClause", "Update"], execution_options: None
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Execute the given SQL using the current migration context.
+ The given SQL can be a plain string, e.g.::
+ op.execute("INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES ('some value')")
+ Or it can be any kind of Core SQL Expression construct, such as
+ below where we use an update construct::
+ from sqlalchemy.sql import table, column
+ from sqlalchemy import String
+ from alembic import op
+ account = table('account',
+ column('name', String)
+ )
+ op.execute(
+ account.update().\\
+ where('account 1')).\\
+ values({'name':op.inline_literal('account 2')})
+ )
+ Above, we made use of the SQLAlchemy
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.table` and
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.column` constructs to make a brief,
+ ad-hoc table construct just for our UPDATE statement. A full
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.schema.Table` construct of course works perfectly
+ fine as well, though note it's a recommended practice to at least
+ ensure the definition of a table is self-contained within the migration
+ script, rather than imported from a module that may break compatibility
+ with older migrations.
+ In a SQL script context, the statement is emitted directly to the
+ output stream. There is *no* return result, however, as this
+ function is oriented towards generating a change script
+ that can run in "offline" mode. Additionally, parameterized
+ statements are discouraged here, as they *will not work* in offline
+ mode. Above, we use :meth:`.inline_literal` where parameters are
+ to be used.
+ For full interaction with a connected database where parameters can
+ also be used normally, use the "bind" available from the context::
+ from alembic import op
+ connection = op.get_bind()
+ connection.execute(
+ account.update().where('account 1').
+ values({"name": "account 2"})
+ )
+ Additionally, when passing the statement as a plain string, it is first
+ coerceed into a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct
+ before being passed along. In the less likely case that the
+ literal SQL string contains a colon, it must be escaped with a
+ backslash, as::
+ op.execute("INSERT INTO table (foo) VALUES ('\:colon_value')")
+ :param sql: Any legal SQLAlchemy expression, including:
+ * a string
+ * a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct.
+ * a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.insert` construct.
+ * a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.update`,
+ :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.insert`,
+ or :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.delete` construct.
+ * Pretty much anything that's "executable" as described
+ in :ref:`sqlexpression_toplevel`.
+ .. note:: when passing a plain string, the statement is coerced into
+ a :func:`sqlalchemy.sql.expression.text` construct. This construct
+ considers symbols with colons, e.g. ``:foo`` to be bound parameters.
+ To avoid this, ensure that colon symbols are escaped, e.g.
+ ``\:foo``.
+ :param execution_options: Optional dictionary of
+ execution options, will be passed to
+ :meth:`sqlalchemy.engine.Connection.execution_options`.
+ """
+def f(name: str) -> "conv":
+ """Indicate a string name that has already had a naming convention
+ applied to it.
+ This feature combines with the SQLAlchemy ``naming_convention`` feature
+ to disambiguate constraint names that have already had naming
+ conventions applied to them, versus those that have not. This is
+ necessary in the case that the ``"%(constraint_name)s"`` token
+ is used within a naming convention, so that it can be identified
+ that this particular name should remain fixed.
+ If the :meth:`.Operations.f` is used on a constraint, the naming
+ convention will not take effect::
+ op.add_column('t', 'x', Boolean(name=op.f('ck_bool_t_x')))
+ Above, the CHECK constraint generated will have the name
+ ``ck_bool_t_x`` regardless of whether or not a naming convention is
+ in use.
+ Alternatively, if a naming convention is in use, and 'f' is not used,
+ names will be converted along conventions. If the ``target_metadata``
+ contains the naming convention
+ ``{"ck": "ck_bool_%(table_name)s_%(constraint_name)s"}``, then the
+ output of the following:
+ op.add_column('t', 'x', Boolean(name='x'))
+ will be::
+ CONSTRAINT ck_bool_t_x CHECK (x in (1, 0)))
+ The function is rendered in the output of autogenerate when
+ a particular constraint name is already converted.
+ """
+def get_bind() -> "Connection":
+ """Return the current 'bind'.
+ Under normal circumstances, this is the
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.engine.Connection` currently being used
+ to emit SQL to the database.
+ In a SQL script context, this value is ``None``. [TODO: verify this]
+ """
+def get_context():
+ """Return the :class:`.MigrationContext` object that's
+ currently in use.
+ """
+def implementation_for(op_cls: Any) -> Callable:
+ """Register an implementation for a given :class:`.MigrateOperation`.
+ This is part of the operation extensibility API.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`operation_plugins` - example of use
+ """
+def inline_literal(
+ value: Union[str, int], type_: None
+) -> "_literal_bindparam":
+ """Produce an 'inline literal' expression, suitable for
+ using in an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement.
+ When using Alembic in "offline" mode, CRUD operations
+ aren't compatible with SQLAlchemy's default behavior surrounding
+ literal values,
+ which is that they are converted into bound values and passed
+ separately into the ``execute()`` method of the DBAPI cursor.
+ An offline SQL
+ script needs to have these rendered inline. While it should
+ always be noted that inline literal values are an **enormous**
+ security hole in an application that handles untrusted input,
+ a schema migration is not run in this context, so
+ literals are safe to render inline, with the caveat that
+ advanced types like dates may not be supported directly
+ by SQLAlchemy.
+ See :meth:`.execute` for an example usage of
+ :meth:`.inline_literal`.
+ The environment can also be configured to attempt to render
+ "literal" values inline automatically, for those simple types
+ that are supported by the dialect; see
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.literal_binds` for this
+ more recently added feature.
+ :param value: The value to render. Strings, integers, and simple
+ numerics should be supported. Other types like boolean,
+ dates, etc. may or may not be supported yet by various
+ backends.
+ :param type\_: optional - a :class:`sqlalchemy.types.TypeEngine`
+ subclass stating the type of this value. In SQLAlchemy
+ expressions, this is usually derived automatically
+ from the Python type of the value itself, as well as
+ based on the context in which the value is used.
+ .. seealso::
+ :paramref:`.EnvironmentContext.configure.literal_binds`
+ """
+def invoke(operation: "MigrateOperation") -> Any:
+ """Given a :class:`.MigrateOperation`, invoke it in terms of
+ this :class:`.Operations` instance.
+ """
+def register_operation(name: str, sourcename: Optional[str]) -> Callable:
+ """Register a new operation for this class.
+ This method is normally used to add new operations
+ to the :class:`.Operations` class, and possibly the
+ :class:`.BatchOperations` class as well. All Alembic migration
+ operations are implemented via this system, however the system
+ is also available as a public API to facilitate adding custom
+ operations.
+ .. seealso::
+ :ref:`operation_plugins`
+ """
+def rename_table(
+ old_table_name: str, new_table_name: str, schema: Optional[str]
+) -> Optional["Table"]:
+ """Emit an ALTER TABLE to rename a table.
+ :param old_table_name: old name.
+ :param new_table_name: new name.
+ :param schema: Optional schema name to operate within. To control
+ quoting of the schema outside of the default behavior, use
+ the SQLAlchemy construct
+ :class:`~sqlalchemy.sql.elements.quoted_name`.
+ """
diff --git a/alembic/operations/ b/alembic/operations/
index d4ec7b1..21f7a85 100644
--- a/alembic/operations/
+++ b/alembic/operations/
@@ -2,8 +2,12 @@ from contextlib import contextmanager
import textwrap
from typing import Any
from typing import Callable
+from typing import ForwardRef # noqa
from typing import Iterator
+from typing import List # noqa
from typing import Optional
+from typing import Sequence # noqa
+from typing import Type # noqa
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from typing import Union
@@ -14,9 +18,12 @@ from . import schemaobj
from .. import util
from ..util import sqla_compat
from ..util.compat import inspect_formatargspec
-from ..util.compat import inspect_getargspec
+from ..util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec
+NoneType = type(None)
+ from sqlalchemy import Table # noqa
from sqlalchemy.engine import Connection
from .batch import BatchOperationsImpl
@@ -107,7 +114,7 @@ class Operations(util.ModuleClsProxy):
fn = getattr(op_cls, sourcename)
source_name = fn.__name__
- spec = inspect_getargspec(fn)
+ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
name_args = spec[0]
assert name_args[0:2] == ["cls", "operations"]
@@ -143,8 +150,10 @@ class Operations(util.ModuleClsProxy):
"doc": fn.__doc__,
- globals_ = {"op_cls": op_cls}
+ globals_ = dict(globals())
+ globals_.update({"op_cls": op_cls})
lcl = {}
exec(func_text, globals_, lcl)
setattr(cls, name, lcl[name])
fn.__func__.__doc__ = (
diff --git a/alembic/py.typed b/alembic/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/alembic/py.typed
diff --git a/alembic/script/ b/alembic/script/
index 8f9e35e..8990148 100644
--- a/alembic/script/
+++ b/alembic/script/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ def register(name: str) -> Callable:
def decorate(fn):
_registry[name] = fn
+ return fn
return decorate
@@ -112,7 +113,7 @@ def _parse_cmdline_options(cmdline_options_str: str, path: str) -> List[str]:
-def console_scripts(path, options):
+def console_scripts(path, options, ignore_output=False):
import pkg_resources
@@ -128,6 +129,9 @@ def console_scripts(path, options):
cmdline_options_str = options.get("options", "")
cmdline_options_list = _parse_cmdline_options(cmdline_options_str, path)
+ kw = {}
+ if ignore_output:
+ kw["stdout"] = kw["stderr"] = subprocess.DEVNULL
@@ -137,4 +141,5 @@ def console_scripts(path, options):
+ cmdline_options_list,
+ **kw
diff --git a/alembic/testing/ b/alembic/testing/
index 05b2e34..98ef82d 100644
--- a/alembic/testing/
+++ b/alembic/testing/
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.testing import engines
from sqlalchemy.testing import exclusions
from sqlalchemy.testing import mock
from sqlalchemy.testing import provide_metadata
+from sqlalchemy.testing import skip_if
from sqlalchemy.testing import uses_deprecated
from sqlalchemy.testing.config import combinations
from sqlalchemy.testing.config import fixture
diff --git a/alembic/util/ b/alembic/util/
index a07813c..b87f8a6 100644
--- a/alembic/util/
+++ b/alembic/util/
@@ -1,48 +1,10 @@
-import collections
-import inspect
import io
import os
-from typing import Any
-from typing import Callable
-from typing import Dict
-from typing import List
-from typing import Optional
-from typing import Type
-is_posix = == "posix"
-ArgSpec = collections.namedtuple(
- "ArgSpec", ["args", "varargs", "keywords", "defaults"]
-def inspect_getargspec(func: Callable) -> ArgSpec:
- """getargspec based on fully vendored getfullargspec from Python 3.3."""
- if inspect.ismethod(func):
- func = func.__func__ # type: ignore
- if not inspect.isfunction(func):
- raise TypeError("{!r} is not a Python function".format(func))
+from sqlalchemy.util import inspect_getfullargspec # noqa
+from sqlalchemy.util.compat import inspect_formatargspec # noqa
- co = func.__code__
- if not inspect.iscode(co):
- raise TypeError("{!r} is not a code object".format(co))
- nargs = co.co_argcount
- names = co.co_varnames
- nkwargs = co.co_kwonlyargcount
- args = list(names[:nargs])
- nargs += nkwargs
- varargs = None
- if co.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS:
- varargs = co.co_varnames[nargs]
- nargs = nargs + 1
- varkw = None
- if co.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARKEYWORDS:
- varkw = co.co_varnames[nargs]
- return ArgSpec(args, varargs, varkw, func.__defaults__) # type: ignore
+is_posix = == "posix"
string_types = (str,)
@@ -50,76 +12,6 @@ binary_type = bytes
text_type = str
-def _formatannotation(annotation, base_module=None):
- """vendored from python 3.7"""
- if getattr(annotation, "__module__", None) == "typing":
- return repr(annotation).replace("typing.", "")
- if isinstance(annotation, type):
- if annotation.__module__ in ("builtins", base_module):
- return annotation.__qualname__
- return annotation.__module__ + "." + annotation.__qualname__
- return repr(annotation)
-def inspect_formatargspec(
- args: List[str],
- varargs: Optional[str] = None,
- varkw: Optional[str] = None,
- defaults: Optional[Any] = None,
- kwonlyargs: tuple = (),
- kwonlydefaults: Dict[Any, Any] = {},
- annotations: Dict[Any, Any] = {},
- formatarg: Type[str] = str,
- formatvarargs: Callable = lambda name: "*" + name,
- formatvarkw: Callable = lambda name: "**" + name,
- formatvalue: Callable = lambda value: "=" + repr(value),
- formatreturns: Callable = lambda text: " -> " + text,
- formatannotation: Callable = _formatannotation,
-) -> str:
- """Copy formatargspec from python 3.7 standard library.
- Python 3 has deprecated formatargspec and requested that Signature
- be used instead, however this requires a full reimplementation
- of formatargspec() in terms of creating Parameter objects and such.
- Instead of introducing all the object-creation overhead and having
- to reinvent from scratch, just copy their compatibility routine.
- """
- def formatargandannotation(arg):
- result = formatarg(arg)
- if arg in annotations:
- result += ": " + formatannotation(annotations[arg])
- return result
- specs = []
- if defaults:
- firstdefault = len(args) - len(defaults)
- for i, arg in enumerate(args):
- spec = formatargandannotation(arg)
- if defaults and i >= firstdefault:
- spec = spec + formatvalue(defaults[i - firstdefault])
- specs.append(spec)
- if varargs is not None:
- specs.append(formatvarargs(formatargandannotation(varargs)))
- else:
- if kwonlyargs:
- specs.append("*")
- if kwonlyargs:
- for kwonlyarg in kwonlyargs:
- spec = formatargandannotation(kwonlyarg)
- if kwonlydefaults and kwonlyarg in kwonlydefaults:
- spec += formatvalue(kwonlydefaults[kwonlyarg])
- specs.append(spec)
- if varkw is not None:
- specs.append(formatvarkw(formatargandannotation(varkw)))
- result = "(" + ", ".join(specs) + ")"
- if "return" in annotations:
- result += formatreturns(formatannotation(annotations["return"]))
- return result
# produce a wrapper that allows encoded text to stream
# into a given buffer, but doesn't close it.
# not sure of a more idiomatic approach to this.
diff --git a/alembic/util/ b/alembic/util/
index 87a9aca..4db9a5f 100644
--- a/alembic/util/
+++ b/alembic/util/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ from sqlalchemy.util import memoized_property # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import to_list # noqa
from sqlalchemy.util import unique_list # noqa
-from .compat import inspect_getargspec
+from .compat import inspect_getfullargspec
from .compat import string_types
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ class ModuleClsProxy(metaclass=_ModuleClsMeta):
translations = getattr(fn, "_legacy_translations", [])
if translations:
- spec = inspect_getargspec(fn)
+ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
if spec[0] and spec[0][0] == "self":
@@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ class ModuleClsProxy(metaclass=_ModuleClsMeta):
lcl = {}
exec(func_text, globals_, lcl)
return lcl[name]
diff --git a/alembic/util/ b/alembic/util/
index e1ccd41..b2b6f06 100644
--- a/alembic/util/
+++ b/alembic/util/
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ sqla_14 = _vers >= (1, 4)
from sqlalchemy import Computed # noqa
except ImportError:
- Computed = None # type: ignore
+ Computed = type(None) # type: ignore
has_computed = False
has_computed_reflection = False
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ else:
from sqlalchemy import Identity # noqa
except ImportError:
- Identity = None # type: ignore
+ Identity = type(None) # type: ignore
has_identity = False
# attributes common to Indentity and Sequence
diff --git a/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst b/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst
index 7f8aa6c..fa4d2cf 100644
--- a/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst
+++ b/docs/build/unreleased/py3_typing.rst
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
.. change::
:tags: feature, general
- pep-484 type annotations have been added throughout the library. This
- should be helpful in providing Mypy and IDE support, however there is not
- full support for Alembic's dynamically modified "op" namespace as of yet; a
- future release will likely modify the approach used for importing this
- namespace to be better compatible with pep-484 capabilities. \ No newline at end of file
+ pep-484 type annotations have been added throughout the library.
+ Additionally, stub .pyi files have been added for the "dynamically"
+ generated Alembic modules ``alembic.op`` and ``alembic.config``, which
+ include complete function signatures and docstrings, so that the functions
+ in these namespaces will have both IDE support (vscode, pycharm, etc) as
+ well as support for typing tools like Mypy. The files themselves are
+ statically generated from their source functions within the source tree. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 025a93a..d2df66c 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -47,6 +47,9 @@ install_requires =
tz =
+alembic = *.pyi, py.typed
exclude =
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5186c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import alembic
+from alembic.testing import eq_
+from alembic.testing import skip_if
+from alembic.testing import TestBase
+_home = Path(__file__).parent.parent
+def requirements():
+ try:
+ import black # noqa
+ import zimports # noqa
+ return False
+ except Exception:
+ return True
+def run_command(file):
+ res =
+ [
+ sys.executable,
+ str((_home / "tools" / "").relative_to(_home)),
+ "--stdout",
+ "--file",
+ file,
+ ],
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ cwd=_home,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+ )
+ return res
+class TestStubFiles(TestBase):
+ @skip_if(requirements, "black and zimports are required for this test")
+ def test_op_pyi(self):
+ res = run_command("op")
+ generated = res.stdout
+ expected = Path(alembic.__file__).parent / "op.pyi"
+ eq_(generated, expected.read_text())
+ @skip_if(requirements, "black and zimports are required for this test")
+ def test_context_pyi(self):
+ res = run_command("context")
+ generated = res.stdout
+ expected = Path(alembic.__file__).parent / "context.pyi"
+ eq_(generated, expected.read_text())
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6dfed09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import sys
+from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
+import textwrap
+from mako.pygen import PythonPrinter
+from alembic.operations.base import Operations
+from alembic.runtime.environment import EnvironmentContext
+from alembic.script.write_hooks import console_scripts
+from alembic.util.compat import inspect_formatargspec
+from alembic.util.compat import inspect_getfullargspec
+ "op": {"context", "create_module_class_proxy"},
+ "context": {
+ "config",
+ "create_module_class_proxy",
+ "get_impl",
+ "requires_connection",
+ "script",
+ },
+def generate_pyi_for_proxy(
+ cls: type,
+ progname: str,
+ source_path: Path,
+ destination_path: Path,
+ ignore_output: bool,
+ ignore_items: set,
+ imports = []
+ read_imports = False
+ with open(source_path) as read_file:
+ for line in read_file:
+ if line.startswith("# ### this file stubs are generated by"):
+ read_imports = True
+ elif line.startswith("### end imports ###"):
+ read_imports = False
+ break
+ elif read_imports:
+ imports.append(line.rstrip())
+ with open(destination_path, "w") as buf:
+ printer = PythonPrinter(buf)
+ printer.writeline(
+ f"# ### this file stubs are generated by {progname} - do not edit ###"
+ )
+ for line in imports:
+ buf.write(line + "\n")
+ printer.writeline("### end imports ###")
+ buf.write("\n\n")
+ for name in dir(cls):
+ if name.startswith("_") or name in ignore_items:
+ continue
+ meth = getattr(cls, name)
+ if callable(meth):
+ _generate_stub_for_meth(cls, name, printer)
+ else:
+ _generate_stub_for_attr(cls, name, printer)
+ printer.close()
+ console_scripts(
+ str(destination_path),
+ {"entrypoint": "zimports", "options": "-e"},
+ ignore_output=ignore_output,
+ )
+ pyproject = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "pyproject.toml"
+ console_scripts(
+ str(destination_path),
+ {"entrypoint": "black", "options": f"--config {pyproject}"},
+ ignore_output=ignore_output,
+ )
+def _generate_stub_for_attr(cls, name, printer):
+ printer.writeline(f"{name}: Any")
+def _generate_stub_for_meth(cls, name, printer):
+ fn = getattr(cls, name)
+ while hasattr(fn, "__wrapped__"):
+ fn = fn.__wrapped__
+ spec = inspect_getfullargspec(fn)
+ name_args = spec[0]
+ assert name_args[0:1] == ["self"] or name_args[0:1] == ["cls"]
+ name_args[0:1] = []
+ def _formatannotation(annotation, base_module=None):
+ if getattr(annotation, "__module__", None) == "typing":
+ retval = repr(annotation).replace("typing.", "")
+ elif isinstance(annotation, type):
+ if annotation.__module__ in ("builtins", base_module):
+ retval = annotation.__qualname__
+ else:
+ retval = annotation.__module__ + "." + annotation.__qualname__
+ else:
+ retval = repr(annotation)
+ retval = re.sub(
+ r'ForwardRef\(([\'"].+?[\'"])\)', lambda m:, retval
+ )
+ retval = re.sub("NoneType", "None", retval)
+ return retval
+ argspec = inspect_formatargspec(
+ *spec, formatvalue=lambda value: "", formatannotation=_formatannotation
+ )
+ func_text = textwrap.dedent(
+ """\
+ def %(name)s%(argspec)s:
+ '''%(doc)s'''
+ """
+ % {
+ "name": name,
+ "argspec": argspec,
+ "doc": fn.__doc__,
+ }
+ )
+ printer.write_indented_block(func_text)
+def run_file(
+ source_path: Path, cls_to_generate: type, stdout: bool, ignore_items: set
+ progname = Path(sys.argv[0]).as_posix()
+ if not stdout:
+ generate_pyi_for_proxy(
+ cls_to_generate,
+ progname,
+ source_path=source_path,
+ destination_path=source_path,
+ ignore_output=False,
+ ignore_items=ignore_items,
+ )
+ else:
+ with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".pyi") as f:
+ f.close()
+ generate_pyi_for_proxy(
+ cls_to_generate,
+ progname,
+ source_path=source_path,
+ ignore_output=True,
+ ignore_items=ignore_items,
+ )
+ f_path = Path(
+ sys.stdout.write(f_path.read_text())
+ f_path.unlink()
+def main(args):
+ location = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "alembic"
+ if args.file in {"all", "op"}:
+ run_file(
+ location / "op.pyi", Operations, args.stdout, IGNORE_ITEMS["op"]
+ )
+ if args.file in {"all", "context"}:
+ run_file(
+ location / "context.pyi",
+ EnvironmentContext,
+ args.stdout,
+ IGNORE_ITEMS["context"],
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ parser = ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--file",
+ choices={"op", "context", "all"},
+ default="all",
+ help="Which file to generate. Default is to regenerate all files",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--stdout",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="Write to stdout instead of saving to file",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ main(args)
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 20e55ab..5cdbce5 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ deps=pytest>4.6
sqlalchemy: sqlalchemy>=1.3.0
+ zimports
+ black