path: root/CHANGES
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Diffstat (limited to 'CHANGES')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 471 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 8e7ab6b..4414858 100644
@@ -1,479 +1,15 @@
-- [feature] Explicit error message describing the case
- when downgrade --sql is used without specifying
- specific start/end versions. #66
-- [bug] Removed erroneous "emit_events" attribute
- from operations.create_table() documentation.
- #81
-- [bug] Fixed the minute component in file_template
- which returned the month part of the create date.
-- [feature] Support for tables in alternate schemas
- has been added fully to all operations, as well as to
- the autogenerate feature. When using autogenerate,
- specifying the flag include_schemas=True to
- Environment.configure() will also cause autogenerate
- to scan all schemas located by Inspector.get_schema_names(),
- which is supported by *some* (but not all)
- SQLAlchemy dialects including Postgresql.
- *Enormous* thanks to Bruno Binet for a huge effort
- in implementing as well as writing tests. #33.
-- [feature] The command line runner has been organized
- into a reusable CommandLine object, so that other
- front-ends can re-use the argument parsing built
- in. #70
-- [feature] Added "stdout" option to Config, provides
- control over where the "print" output of commands like
- "history", "init", "current" etc. are sent. #43
-- [bug] Fixed the "multidb" template which was badly out
- of date. It now generates revision files using
- the configuration to determine the different
- upgrade_<xyz>() methods needed as well, instead of
- needing to hardcode these. Huge thanks to
- BryceLohr for doing the heavy lifting here. #71
-- [bug] Fixed the regexp that was checking for .py files
- in the version directory to allow any .py file through.
- Previously it was doing some kind of defensive checking,
- probably from some early notions of how this directory
- works, that was prohibiting various filename patterns
- such as those which begin with numbers. #72
-- [bug] Fixed MySQL rendering for server_default which
- didn't work if the server_default was a generated
- SQL expression. Courtesy Moriyoshi Koizumi.
-- [feature] Added support for alteration of MySQL
- columns that have AUTO_INCREMENT, as well as enabling
- this flag. Courtesy Moriyoshi Koizumi.
-- [feature] Added include_symbol option to
- EnvironmentContext.configure(),
- specifies a callable which will include/exclude tables
- in their entirety from the autogeneration process
- based on name. #27
-- [feature] Added year, month, day, hour, minute, second
- variables to file_template. #59
-- [feature] Added 'primary' to the list of constraint types
- recognized for MySQL drop_constraint().
-- [feature] Added --sql argument to the "revision" command,
- for the use case where the "revision_environment"
- config option is being used but SQL access isn't
- desired.
-- [bug] Repaired create_foreign_key() for
- self-referential foreign keys, which weren't working
- at all.
-- [bug] 'alembic' command reports an informative
- error message when the configuration is missing
- the 'script_directory' key. #63
-- [bug] Fixes made to the constraints created/dropped
- alongside so-called "schema" types such as
- Boolean and Enum. The create/drop constraint logic
- does not kick in when using a dialect that doesn't
- use constraints for these types, such as postgresql,
- even when existing_type is specified to
- alter_column(). Additionally, the constraints
- are not affected if existing_type is passed but
- type_ is not, i.e. there's no net change
- in type. #62
-- [bug] Improved error message when specifiying
- non-ordered revision identifiers to cover
- the case when the "higher" rev is None,
- improved message overall. #66
-- [bug] Fixed issue whereby reflected server defaults
- wouldn't be quoted correctly; uses repr() now.
- #31
-- [bug] Fixed issue whereby when autogenerate would
- render create_table() on the upgrade side for a
- table that has a Boolean type, an unnecessary
- CheckConstraint() would be generated. #58
-- [feature] Implemented SQL rendering for
- CheckConstraint() within autogenerate upgrade,
- including for literal SQL as well as SQL Expression
- Language expressions.
-- [bug] Fixed command-line bug introduced by the
- "revision_environment" feature.
-NOTE: 0.3.3 was released with a command line bug,
-so please skip right to 0.3.4
-- [feature] New config argument
- "revision_environment=true", causes to
- be run unconditionally when the "revision" command
- is run, to support templates with
- dependencies on custom "template_args".
-- [feature] Added "template_args" option to configure()
- so that an can add additional arguments
- to the template context when running the
- "revision" command. This requires either --autogenerate
- or the configuration directive "revision_environment=true".
-- [bug] Added "type" argument to op.drop_constraint(),
- and implemented full constraint drop support for
- MySQL. CHECK and undefined raise an error.
- MySQL needs the constraint type
- in order to emit a DROP CONSTRAINT. #44
-- [feature] Added version_table argument to
- EnvironmentContext.configure(), allowing for the
- configuration of the version table name. #34
-- [feature] Added support for "relative" migration
- identifiers, i.e. "alembic upgrade +2",
- "alembic downgrade -1". Courtesy
- Atsushi Odagiri for this feature.
-- [bug] Fixed bug whereby directories inside of
- the template directories, such as __pycache__
- on Pypy, would mistakenly be interpreted as
- files which are part of the template. #49
-- [feature] Basic support for Oracle added,
- courtesy shgoh. #40
-- [feature] Added support for UniqueConstraint
- in autogenerate, courtesy Atsushi Odagiri
-- [bug] Fixed support of schema-qualified
- ForeignKey target in column alter operations,
- courtesy Alexander Kolov.
-- [bug] Fixed bug whereby create_unique_constraint()
- would include in the constraint columns that
- are added to all Table objects using events,
- externally to the generation of the constraint.
-- [bug] bulk_insert() fixes:
- 1. bulk_insert() operation was
- not working most likely since the 0.2 series
- when used with an engine. #41
- 2. Repaired bulk_insert() to complete when
- used against a lower-case-t table and executing
- with only one set of parameters, working
- around SQLAlchemy bug #2461 in this regard.
- 3. bulk_insert() uses "inline=True" so that phrases
- like RETURNING and such don't get invoked for
- single-row bulk inserts.
- 4. bulk_insert() will check that you're passing
- a list of dictionaries in, raises TypeError
- if not detected.
-- [general] The focus of 0.3 is to clean up
- and more fully document the public API of Alembic,
- including better accessors on the MigrationContext
- and ScriptDirectory objects. Methods that are
- not considered to be public on these objects have
- been underscored, and methods which should be public
- have been cleaned up and documented, including:
- MigrationContext.get_current_revision()
- ScriptDirectory.iterate_revisions()
- ScriptDirectory.get_current_head()
- ScriptDirectory.get_heads()
- ScriptDirectory.get_base()
- ScriptDirectory.generate_revision()
-- [feature] Added a bit of autogenerate to the
- public API in the form of the function
- alembic.autogenerate.compare_metadata.
-- [feature] Informative error message when op.XYZ
- directives are invoked at module import time.
-- [bug] Fixed inappropriate direct call to
- util.err() and therefore sys.exit()
- when Config failed to locate the
- config file within library usage.
- [#35]
-- [bug] Autogenerate will emit CREATE TABLE
- and DROP TABLE directives according to
- foreign key dependency order.
-- [bug] implement 'tablename' parameter on
- drop_index() as this is needed by some
- backends.
-- [feature] Added execution_options parameter
- to op.execute(), will call execution_options()
- on the Connection before executing.
- The immediate use case here is to allow
- access to the new no_parameters option
- in SQLAlchemy 0.7.6, which allows
- some DBAPIs (psycopg2, MySQLdb) to allow
- percent signs straight through without
- escaping, thus providing cross-compatible
- operation with DBAPI execution and
- static script generation.
-- [bug] won't install argparse if on
- Python 2.7/3.2
-- [feature] script_location can be interpreted
- by pkg_resources.resource_filename(), if
- it is a non-absolute URI that contains
- colons. This scheme is the same
- one used by Pyramid. [#29]
-- [feature] added missing support for
- onupdate/ondelete flags for
- ForeignKeyConstraint, courtesy Giacomo Bagnoli
-- [bug] fixed a regression regarding an autogenerate
- error message, as well as various glitches
- in the Pylons sample template. The Pylons sample
- template requires that you tell it where to
- get the Engine from now. courtesy
- Marcin Kuzminski [#30]
-- [bug] drop_index() ensures a dummy column
- is added when it calls "Index", as SQLAlchemy
- 0.7.6 will warn on index with no column names.
-- [bug] Fixed the generation of CHECK constraint,
- regression from 0.2.0 [#26]
-- [feature] API rearrangement allows everything
- Alembic does to be represented by contextual
- objects, including EnvironmentContext,
- MigrationContext, and Operations. Other
- libraries and applications can now use
- things like "alembic.op" without relying
- upon global configuration variables.
- The rearrangement was done such that
- existing migrations should be OK,
- as long as they use the pattern
- of "from alembic import context" and
- "from alembic import op", as these
- are now contextual objects, not modules.
- [#19]
-- [feature] The naming of revision files can
- now be customized to be some combination
- of "rev id" and "slug", the latter of which
- is based on the revision message.
- By default, the pattern "<rev>_<slug>"
- is used for new files. New script files
- should include the "revision" variable
- for this to work, which is part of
- the newer scripts.
- [#24]
-- [bug] templates call
- connection.close() to better support
- programmatic usage of commands; use
- NullPool in conjunction with create_engine()
- as well so that no connection resources
- remain afterwards. [#25]
-- [bug] fix the config.main() function to honor
- the arguments passed, remove no longer used
- "scripts/alembic" as setuptools creates this
- for us. [#22]
-- [bug] Fixed alteration of column type on
- MSSQL to not include the keyword "TYPE".
-- [feature] Can create alembic.config.Config
- with no filename, use set_main_option()
- to add values. Also added set_section_option()
- which will add sections. [#23]
-- [bug] Clean up file write operations so that
- file handles are closed.
-- [feature] PyPy is supported.
-- [feature] Python 2.5 is supported, needs
- __future__.with_statement
-- [bug] Fix autogenerate so that "pass" is
- generated between the two comments
- if no net migrations were present.
-- [bug] Fix autogenerate bug that prevented
- correct reflection of a foreign-key
- referenced table in the list of "to remove".
- [#16]
-- [bug] Fix bug where create_table() didn't
- handle self-referential foreign key
- correctly [#17]
-- [bug] Default prefix for autogenerate
- directives is "op.", matching the
- mako templates. [#18]
-- [feature] Add alembic_module_prefix argument
- to configure() to complement
- sqlalchemy_module_prefix. [#18]
-- [bug] fix quotes not being rendered in
- ForeignKeConstraint during
- autogenerate [#14]
-- Initial release. Status of features:
-- Alembic is used in at least one production
- environment, but should still be considered
- ALPHA LEVEL SOFTWARE as of this release,
- particularly in that many features are expected
- to be missing / unimplemented. Major API
- changes are not anticipated but for the moment
- nothing should be assumed.
- The author asks that you *please* report all
- issues, missing features, workarounds etc.
- to the bugtracker, at
- .
-- Python 3 is supported and has been tested.
-- The "Pylons" and "MultiDB" environment templates
- have not been directly tested - these should be
- considered to be samples to be modified as
- needed. Multiple database support itself
- is well tested, however.
-- Postgresql and MS SQL Server environments
- have been tested for several weeks in a production
- environment. In particular, some involved workarounds
- were implemented to allow fully-automated dropping
- of default- or constraint-holding columns with
- SQL Server.
-- MySQL support has also been implemented to a
- basic degree, including MySQL's awkward style
- of modifying columns being accommodated.
-- Other database environments not included among
- those three have *not* been tested, *at all*. This
- includes Firebird, Oracle, Sybase. Adding
- support for these backends should be
- straightforward. Please report all missing/
- incorrect behaviors to the bugtracker! Patches
- are welcome here but are optional - please just
- indicate the exact format expected by the target
- database.
-- SQLite, as a backend, has almost no support for
- schema alterations to existing databases. The author
- would strongly recommend that SQLite not be used in
- a migration context - just dump your SQLite database
- into an intermediary format, then dump it back
- into a new schema. For dev environments, the
- dev installer should be building the whole DB from
- scratch. Or just use Postgresql, which is a much
- better database for non-trivial schemas.
- Requests for full ALTER support on SQLite should be
- reported to SQLite's bug tracker at
- as Alembic will not be implementing the
- "rename the table to a temptable then copy the
- data into a new table" workaround.
- Note that Alembic will at some point offer an
- extensible API so that you can implement commands
- like this yourself.
-- Well-tested directives include add/drop table, add/drop
- column, including support for SQLAlchemy "schema"
- types which generate additional CHECK
- constraints, i.e. Boolean, Enum. Other directives not
- included here have *not* been strongly tested
- in production, i.e. rename table, etc.
-- Both "online" and "offline" migrations, the latter
- being generated SQL scripts to hand off to a DBA,
- have been strongly production tested against
- Postgresql and SQL Server.
-- Modify column type, default status, nullable, is
- functional and tested across PG, MSSQL, MySQL,
- but not yet widely tested in production usage.
+Please see:
-- Many migrations are still outright missing, i.e.
- create/add sequences, etc. As a workaround,
- execute() can be used for those which are missing,
- though posting of tickets for new features/missing
- behaviors is strongly encouraged.
+ /docs/changelog.html
-- Autogenerate feature is implemented and has been
- tested, though only a little bit in a production setting.
- In particular, detection of type and server
- default changes are optional and are off by default;
- they can also be customized by a callable.
- Both features work but can have surprises particularly
- the disparity between BIT/TINYINT and boolean,
- which hasn't yet been worked around, as well as
- format changes performed by the database on defaults
- when it reports back. When enabled, the PG dialect
- will execute the two defaults to be compared to
- see if they are equivalent. Other backends may
- need to do the same thing.
+ /docs/build/changelog.rst
- The autogenerate feature only generates
- "candidate" commands which must be hand-tailored
- in any case, so is still a useful feature and
- is safe to use. Please report missing/broken features
- of autogenerate! This will be a great feature and
- will also improve SQLAlchemy's reflection services.
-- Support for non-ASCII table, column and constraint
- names is mostly nonexistent. This is also a
- straightforward feature add as SQLAlchemy itself
- supports unicode identifiers; Alembic itself will
- likely need fixes to logging, column identification
- by key, etc. for full support here.
-- Support for tables in remote schemas,
- i.e. "schemaname.tablename", is very poor.
- Missing "schema" behaviors should be
- reported as tickets, though in the author's
- experience, migrations typically proceed only
- within the default schema.
+for the current CHANGES.