path: root/src/apscheduler/datastores/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/apscheduler/datastores/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 602 deletions
diff --git a/src/apscheduler/datastores/ b/src/apscheduler/datastores/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c165b8..0000000
--- a/src/apscheduler/datastores/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-from collections import defaultdict
-from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
-from typing import Any, Iterable
-from uuid import UUID
-import anyio
-import attrs
-import sniffio
-import tenacity
-from sqlalchemy import and_, bindparam, or_, select
-from sqlalchemy.engine import URL, Result
-from sqlalchemy.exc import IntegrityError, InterfaceError
-from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio import create_async_engine
-from sqlalchemy.ext.asyncio.engine import AsyncEngine
-from sqlalchemy.sql.ddl import DropTable
-from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import BindParameter
-from .._enums import ConflictPolicy
-from .._events import (
- DataStoreEvent,
- JobAcquired,
- JobAdded,
- JobDeserializationFailed,
- ScheduleAdded,
- ScheduleDeserializationFailed,
- ScheduleRemoved,
- ScheduleUpdated,
- TaskAdded,
- TaskRemoved,
- TaskUpdated,
-from .._exceptions import ConflictingIdError, SerializationError, TaskLookupError
-from .._structures import Job, JobResult, Schedule, Task
-from import AsyncEventBroker
-from ..marshalling import callable_to_ref
-from .base import BaseAsyncDataStore
-from .sqlalchemy import _BaseSQLAlchemyDataStore
-class AsyncSQLAlchemyDataStore(_BaseSQLAlchemyDataStore, BaseAsyncDataStore):
- """
- Uses a relational database to store data.
- When started, this data store creates the appropriate tables on the given database
- if they're not already present.
- Operations are retried (in accordance to ``retry_settings``) when an operation
- raises :exc:`sqlalchemy.OperationalError`.
- This store has been tested to work with PostgreSQL (asyncpg driver) and MySQL
- (asyncmy driver).
- :param engine: an asynchronous SQLAlchemy engine
- :param schema: a database schema name to use, if not the default
- :param serializer: the serializer used to (de)serialize tasks, schedules and jobs
- for storage
- :param lock_expiration_delay: maximum amount of time (in seconds) that a scheduler
- or worker can keep a lock on a schedule or task
- :param retry_settings: Tenacity settings for retrying operations in case of a
- database connecitivty problem
- :param start_from_scratch: erase all existing data during startup (useful for test
- suites)
- """
- engine: AsyncEngine
- @classmethod
- def from_url(cls, url: str | URL, **options) -> AsyncSQLAlchemyDataStore:
- """
- Create a new asynchronous SQLAlchemy data store.
- :param url: an SQLAlchemy URL to pass to :func:`~sqlalchemy.create_engine`
- (must use an async dialect like ``asyncpg`` or ``asyncmy``)
- :param kwargs: keyword arguments to pass to the initializer of this class
- :return: the newly created data store
- """
- engine = create_async_engine(url, future=True)
- return cls(engine, **options)
- def _retry(self) -> tenacity.AsyncRetrying:
- # OSError is raised by asyncpg if it can't connect
- return tenacity.AsyncRetrying(
- stop=self.retry_settings.stop,
- wait=self.retry_settings.wait,
- retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type((InterfaceError, OSError)),
- after=self._after_attempt,
- sleep=anyio.sleep,
- reraise=True,
- )
- async def start(self, event_broker: AsyncEventBroker) -> None:
- await super().start(event_broker)
- asynclib = sniffio.current_async_library() or "(unknown)"
- if asynclib != "asyncio":
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"This data store requires asyncio; currently running: {asynclib}"
- )
- # Verify that the schema is in place
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- if self.start_from_scratch:
- for table in self._metadata.sorted_tables:
- await conn.execute(DropTable(table, if_exists=True))
- await conn.run_sync(self._metadata.create_all)
- query = select(self.t_metadata.c.schema_version)
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- version = result.scalar()
- if version is None:
- await conn.execute(
- self.t_metadata.insert(values={"schema_version": 1})
- )
- elif version > 1:
- raise RuntimeError(
- f"Unexpected schema version ({version}); "
- f"only version 1 is supported by this version of "
- f"APScheduler"
- )
- async def _deserialize_schedules(self, result: Result) -> list[Schedule]:
- schedules: list[Schedule] = []
- for row in result:
- try:
- schedules.append(Schedule.unmarshal(self.serializer, row._asdict()))
- except SerializationError as exc:
- await self._events.publish(
- ScheduleDeserializationFailed(schedule_id=row["id"], exception=exc)
- )
- return schedules
- async def _deserialize_jobs(self, result: Result) -> list[Job]:
- jobs: list[Job] = []
- for row in result:
- try:
- jobs.append(Job.unmarshal(self.serializer, row._asdict()))
- except SerializationError as exc:
- await self._events.publish(
- JobDeserializationFailed(job_id=row["id"], exception=exc)
- )
- return jobs
- async def add_task(self, task: Task) -> None:
- insert = self.t_tasks.insert().values(
- func=callable_to_ref(task.func),
- max_running_jobs=task.max_running_jobs,
- misfire_grace_time=task.misfire_grace_time,
- )
- try:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- await conn.execute(insert)
- except IntegrityError:
- update = (
- self.t_tasks.update()
- .values(
- func=callable_to_ref(task.func),
- max_running_jobs=task.max_running_jobs,
- misfire_grace_time=task.misfire_grace_time,
- )
- .where( ==
- )
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- await conn.execute(update)
- await self._events.publish(TaskUpdated(
- else:
- await self._events.publish(TaskAdded(
- async def remove_task(self, task_id: str) -> None:
- delete = self.t_tasks.delete().where( == task_id)
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.execute(delete)
- if result.rowcount == 0:
- raise TaskLookupError(task_id)
- else:
- await self._events.publish(TaskRemoved(task_id=task_id))
- async def get_task(self, task_id: str) -> Task:
- query = select(
- [
- self.t_tasks.c.func,
- self.t_tasks.c.max_running_jobs,
- self.t_tasks.c.state,
- self.t_tasks.c.misfire_grace_time,
- ]
- ).where( == task_id)
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- row = result.first()
- if row:
- return Task.unmarshal(self.serializer, row._asdict())
- else:
- raise TaskLookupError(task_id)
- async def get_tasks(self) -> list[Task]:
- query = select(
- [
- self.t_tasks.c.func,
- self.t_tasks.c.max_running_jobs,
- self.t_tasks.c.state,
- self.t_tasks.c.misfire_grace_time,
- ]
- ).order_by(
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- tasks = [
- Task.unmarshal(self.serializer, row._asdict()) for row in result
- ]
- return tasks
- async def add_schedule(
- self, schedule: Schedule, conflict_policy: ConflictPolicy
- ) -> None:
- event: DataStoreEvent
- values = schedule.marshal(self.serializer)
- insert = self.t_schedules.insert().values(**values)
- try:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- await conn.execute(insert)
- except IntegrityError:
- if conflict_policy is ConflictPolicy.exception:
- raise ConflictingIdError( from None
- elif conflict_policy is ConflictPolicy.replace:
- del values["id"]
- update = (
- self.t_schedules.update()
- .where( ==
- .values(**values)
- )
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- await conn.execute(update)
- event = ScheduleUpdated(
-, next_fire_time=schedule.next_fire_time
- )
- await self._events.publish(event)
- else:
- event = ScheduleAdded(
-, next_fire_time=schedule.next_fire_time
- )
- await self._events.publish(event)
- async def remove_schedules(self, ids: Iterable[str]) -> None:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- delete = self.t_schedules.delete().where(
- )
- if self._supports_update_returning:
- delete = delete.returning(
- removed_ids: Iterable[str] = [
- row[0] for row in await conn.execute(delete)
- ]
- else:
- # TODO: actually check which rows were deleted?
- await conn.execute(delete)
- removed_ids = ids
- for schedule_id in removed_ids:
- await self._events.publish(ScheduleRemoved(schedule_id=schedule_id))
- async def get_schedules(self, ids: set[str] | None = None) -> list[Schedule]:
- query =
- if ids:
- query = query.where(
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- return await self._deserialize_schedules(result)
- async def acquire_schedules(self, scheduler_id: str, limit: int) -> list[Schedule]:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- now =
- acquired_until = now + timedelta(seconds=self.lock_expiration_delay)
- schedules_cte = (
- select(
- .where(
- and_(
- self.t_schedules.c.next_fire_time.isnot(None),
- self.t_schedules.c.next_fire_time <= now,
- or_(
- self.t_schedules.c.acquired_until.is_(None),
- self.t_schedules.c.acquired_until < now,
- ),
- )
- )
- .order_by(self.t_schedules.c.next_fire_time)
- .limit(limit)
- .with_for_update(skip_locked=True)
- .cte()
- )
- subselect = select([])
- update = (
- self.t_schedules.update()
- .where(
- .values(acquired_by=scheduler_id, acquired_until=acquired_until)
- )
- if self._supports_update_returning:
- update = update.returning(*self.t_schedules.columns)
- result = await conn.execute(update)
- else:
- await conn.execute(update)
- query =
- and_(self.t_schedules.c.acquired_by == scheduler_id)
- )
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- schedules = await self._deserialize_schedules(result)
- return schedules
- async def release_schedules(
- self, scheduler_id: str, schedules: list[Schedule]
- ) -> None:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- update_events: list[ScheduleUpdated] = []
- finished_schedule_ids: list[str] = []
- update_args: list[dict[str, Any]] = []
- for schedule in schedules:
- if schedule.next_fire_time is not None:
- try:
- serialized_trigger = self.serializer.serialize(
- schedule.trigger
- )
- except SerializationError:
- self._logger.exception(
- "Error serializing trigger for schedule %r – "
- "removing from data store",
- )
- finished_schedule_ids.append(
- continue
- update_args.append(
- {
- "p_id":,
- "p_trigger": serialized_trigger,
- "p_next_fire_time": schedule.next_fire_time,
- }
- )
- else:
- finished_schedule_ids.append(
- # Update schedules that have a next fire time
- if update_args:
- p_id: BindParameter = bindparam("p_id")
- p_trigger: BindParameter = bindparam("p_trigger")
- p_next_fire_time: BindParameter = bindparam("p_next_fire_time")
- update = (
- self.t_schedules.update()
- .where(
- and_(
- == p_id,
- self.t_schedules.c.acquired_by == scheduler_id,
- )
- )
- .values(
- trigger=p_trigger,
- next_fire_time=p_next_fire_time,
- acquired_by=None,
- acquired_until=None,
- )
- )
- next_fire_times = {
- arg["p_id"]: arg["p_next_fire_time"] for arg in update_args
- }
- # TODO: actually check which rows were updated?
- await conn.execute(update, update_args)
- updated_ids = list(next_fire_times)
- for schedule_id in updated_ids:
- event = ScheduleUpdated(
- schedule_id=schedule_id,
- next_fire_time=next_fire_times[schedule_id],
- )
- update_events.append(event)
- # Remove schedules that have no next fire time or failed to
- # serialize
- if finished_schedule_ids:
- delete = self.t_schedules.delete().where(
- )
- await conn.execute(delete)
- for event in update_events:
- await self._events.publish(event)
- for schedule_id in finished_schedule_ids:
- await self._events.publish(ScheduleRemoved(schedule_id=schedule_id))
- async def get_next_schedule_run_time(self) -> datetime | None:
- statenent = (
- select(self.t_schedules.c.next_fire_time)
- .where(self.t_schedules.c.next_fire_time.isnot(None))
- .order_by(self.t_schedules.c.next_fire_time)
- .limit(1)
- )
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.execute(statenent)
- return result.scalar()
- async def add_job(self, job: Job) -> None:
- marshalled = job.marshal(self.serializer)
- insert = self.t_jobs.insert().values(**marshalled)
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- await conn.execute(insert)
- event = JobAdded(
- task_id=job.task_id,
- schedule_id=job.schedule_id,
- tags=job.tags,
- )
- await self._events.publish(event)
- async def get_jobs(self, ids: Iterable[UUID] | None = None) -> list[Job]:
- query =
- if ids:
- job_ids = [job_id for job_id in ids]
- query = query.where(
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- return await self._deserialize_jobs(result)
- async def acquire_jobs(self, worker_id: str, limit: int | None = None) -> list[Job]:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- now =
- acquired_until = now + timedelta(seconds=self.lock_expiration_delay)
- query = (
- .join(self.t_tasks, == self.t_jobs.c.task_id)
- .where(
- or_(
- self.t_jobs.c.acquired_until.is_(None),
- self.t_jobs.c.acquired_until < now,
- )
- )
- .order_by(self.t_jobs.c.created_at)
- .with_for_update(skip_locked=True)
- .limit(limit)
- )
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- if not result:
- return []
- # Mark the jobs as acquired by this worker
- jobs = await self._deserialize_jobs(result)
- task_ids: set[str] = {job.task_id for job in jobs}
- # Retrieve the limits
- query = select(
- [
- self.t_tasks.c.max_running_jobs
- - self.t_tasks.c.running_jobs,
- ]
- ).where(
- self.t_tasks.c.max_running_jobs.isnot(None),
- )
- result = await conn.execute(query)
- job_slots_left: dict[str, int] = dict(result.fetchall())
- # Filter out jobs that don't have free slots
- acquired_jobs: list[Job] = []
- increments: dict[str, int] = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
- for job in jobs:
- # Don't acquire the job if there are no free slots left
- slots_left = job_slots_left.get(job.task_id)
- if slots_left == 0:
- continue
- elif slots_left is not None:
- job_slots_left[job.task_id] -= 1
- acquired_jobs.append(job)
- increments[job.task_id] += 1
- if acquired_jobs:
- # Mark the acquired jobs as acquired by this worker
- acquired_job_ids = [ for job in acquired_jobs]
- update = (
- self.t_jobs.update()
- .values(
- acquired_by=worker_id, acquired_until=acquired_until
- )
- .where(
- )
- await conn.execute(update)
- # Increment the running job counters on each task
- p_id: BindParameter = bindparam("p_id")
- p_increment: BindParameter = bindparam("p_increment")
- params = [
- {"p_id": task_id, "p_increment": increment}
- for task_id, increment in increments.items()
- ]
- update = (
- self.t_tasks.update()
- .values(
- running_jobs=self.t_tasks.c.running_jobs + p_increment
- )
- .where( == p_id)
- )
- await conn.execute(update, params)
- # Publish the appropriate events
- for job in acquired_jobs:
- await self._events.publish(JobAcquired(, worker_id=worker_id))
- return acquired_jobs
- async def release_job(
- self, worker_id: str, task_id: str, result: JobResult
- ) -> None:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- # Record the job result
- if result.expires_at > result.finished_at:
- marshalled = result.marshal(self.serializer)
- insert = self.t_job_results.insert().values(**marshalled)
- await conn.execute(insert)
- # Decrement the number of running jobs for this task
- update = (
- self.t_tasks.update()
- .values(running_jobs=self.t_tasks.c.running_jobs - 1)
- .where( == task_id)
- )
- await conn.execute(update)
- # Delete the job
- delete = self.t_jobs.delete().where(
- == result.job_id
- )
- await conn.execute(delete)
- async def get_job_result(self, job_id: UUID) -> JobResult | None:
- async for attempt in self._retry():
- with attempt:
- async with self.engine.begin() as conn:
- # Retrieve the result
- query =
- self.t_job_results.c.job_id == job_id
- )
- row = (await conn.execute(query)).first()
- # Delete the result
- delete = self.t_job_results.delete().where(
- self.t_job_results.c.job_id == job_id
- )
- await conn.execute(delete)
- return (
- JobResult.unmarshal(self.serializer, row._asdict())
- if row
- else None
- )