diff options
2 files changed, 496 insertions, 483 deletions
diff --git a/tests/brain/ b/tests/brain/
index a0bbd8ec..700d5b4e 100644
--- a/tests/brain/
+++ b/tests/brain/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import unittest
import pytest
import astroid
-from astroid import MANAGER, bases, builder, nodes, objects, test_utils, util
+from astroid import MANAGER, builder, nodes, objects, test_utils, util
from astroid.bases import Instance
from astroid.brain.brain_namedtuple_enum import _get_namedtuple_fields
from astroid.exceptions import (
@@ -143,488 +143,6 @@ class ThreadingBrainTest(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIsInstance(next(inferred.igetattr(method)), astroid.BoundMethod)
-class EnumBrainTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_simple_enum(self) -> None:
- module = builder.parse(
- """
- import enum
- class MyEnum(enum.Enum):
- one = "one"
- two = "two"
- def mymethod(self, x):
- return 5
- """
- )
- enumeration = next(module["MyEnum"].infer())
- one = enumeration["one"]
- self.assertEqual(one.pytype(), "")
- for propname in ("name", "value"):
- prop = next(iter(one.getattr(propname)))
- self.assertIn("", prop.decoratornames())
- meth = one.getattr("mymethod")[0]
- self.assertIsInstance(meth, astroid.FunctionDef)
- def test_looks_like_enum_false_positive(self) -> None:
- # Test that a class named Enumeration is not considered a builtin enum.
- module = builder.parse(
- """
- class Enumeration(object):
- def __init__(self, name, enum_list):
- pass
- test = 42
- """
- )
- enumeration = module["Enumeration"]
- test = next(enumeration.igetattr("test"))
- self.assertEqual(test.value, 42)
- def test_user_enum_false_positive(self) -> None:
- # Test that a user-defined class named Enum is not considered a builtin enum.
- ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Enum:
- pass
- class Color(Enum):
- red = 1
- #@
- """
- )
- assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
- inferred = ast_node.inferred()
- self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
- self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, 1)
- def test_ignores_with_nodes_from_body_of_enum(self) -> None:
- code = """
- import enum
- class Error(enum.Enum):
- Foo = "foo"
- Bar = "bar"
- with "error" as err:
- pass
- """
- node = builder.extract_node(code)
- inferred = next(node.infer())
- assert "err" in inferred.locals
- assert len(inferred.locals["err"]) == 1
- def test_enum_multiple_base_classes(self) -> None:
- module = builder.parse(
- """
- import enum
- class Mixin:
- pass
- class MyEnum(Mixin, enum.Enum):
- one = 1
- """
- )
- enumeration = next(module["MyEnum"].infer())
- one = enumeration["one"]
- clazz = one.getattr("__class__")[0]
- self.assertTrue(
- clazz.is_subtype_of(".Mixin"),
- "Enum instance should share base classes with generating class",
- )
- def test_int_enum(self) -> None:
- module = builder.parse(
- """
- import enum
- class MyEnum(enum.IntEnum):
- one = 1
- """
- )
- enumeration = next(module["MyEnum"].infer())
- one = enumeration["one"]
- clazz = one.getattr("__class__")[0]
- self.assertTrue(
- clazz.is_subtype_of(""),
- "IntEnum based enums should be a subtype of int",
- )
- def test_enum_func_form_is_class_not_instance(self) -> None:
- cls, instance = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- f = Enum('Audience', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
- f #@
- f(1) #@
- """
- )
- inferred_cls = next(cls.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred_cls, bases.Instance)
- inferred_instance = next(instance.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred_instance, bases.Instance)
- self.assertIsInstance(next(inferred_instance.igetattr("name")), nodes.Const)
- self.assertIsInstance(next(inferred_instance.igetattr("value")), nodes.Const)
- def test_enum_func_form_iterable(self) -> None:
- instance = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')
- Animal
- """
- )
- inferred = next(instance.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred, astroid.Instance)
- self.assertTrue(inferred.getattr("__iter__"))
- def test_enum_func_form_subscriptable(self) -> None:
- instance, name = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')
- Animal['ant'] #@
- Animal['ant'].name #@
- """
- )
- instance = next(instance.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(instance, astroid.Instance)
- inferred = next(name.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred, astroid.Const)
- def test_enum_func_form_has_dunder_members(self) -> None:
- instance = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')
- for i in Animal.__members__:
- i #@
- """
- )
- instance = next(instance.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(instance, astroid.Const)
- self.assertIsInstance(instance.value, str)
- def test_infer_enum_value_as_the_right_type(self) -> None:
- string_value, int_value = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class A(Enum):
- a = 'a'
- b = 1
- A.a.value #@
- A.b.value #@
- """
- )
- inferred_string = string_value.inferred()
- assert any(
- isinstance(elem, astroid.Const) and elem.value == "a"
- for elem in inferred_string
- )
- inferred_int = int_value.inferred()
- assert any(
- isinstance(elem, astroid.Const) and elem.value == 1 for elem in inferred_int
- )
- def test_mingled_single_and_double_quotes_does_not_crash(self) -> None:
- node = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class A(Enum):
- a = 'x"y"'
- A.a.value #@
- """
- )
- inferred_string = next(node.infer())
- assert inferred_string.value == 'x"y"'
- def test_special_characters_does_not_crash(self) -> None:
- node = builder.extract_node(
- """
- import enum
- class Example(enum.Enum):
- NULL = '\\N{NULL}'
- Example.NULL.value
- """
- )
- inferred_string = next(node.infer())
- assert inferred_string.value == "\N{NULL}"
- def test_dont_crash_on_for_loops_in_body(self) -> None:
- node = builder.extract_node(
- """
- class Commands(IntEnum):
- _ignore_ = 'Commands index'
- _init_ = 'value string'
- BEL = 0x07, 'Bell'
- Commands = vars()
- for index in range(4):
- Commands[f'DC{index + 1}'] = 0x11 + index, f'Device Control {index + 1}'
- Commands
- """
- )
- inferred = next(node.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, astroid.ClassDef)
- def test_enum_tuple_list_values(self) -> None:
- tuple_node, list_node = builder.extract_node(
- """
- import enum
- class MyEnum(enum.Enum):
- a = (1, 2)
- b = [2, 4]
- MyEnum.a.value #@
- MyEnum.b.value #@
- """
- )
- inferred_tuple_node = next(tuple_node.infer())
- inferred_list_node = next(list_node.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred_tuple_node, astroid.Tuple)
- assert isinstance(inferred_list_node, astroid.List)
- assert inferred_tuple_node.as_string() == "(1, 2)"
- assert inferred_list_node.as_string() == "[2, 4]"
- def test_enum_starred_is_skipped(self) -> None:
- code = """
- from enum import Enum
- class ContentType(Enum):
- TEXT, PHOTO, VIDEO, GIF, YOUTUBE, *_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
- ContentType.TEXT #@
- """
- node = astroid.extract_node(code)
- next(node.infer())
- def test_enum_name_is_str_on_self(self) -> None:
- code = """
- from enum import Enum
- class TestEnum(Enum):
- def func(self):
- #@
- self.value #@
- #@
- TestEnum.value #@
- """
- i_name, i_value, c_name, c_value = astroid.extract_node(code)
- # <instance>.name should be a string, <class>.name should be a property (that
- # forwards the lookup to __getattr__)
- inferred = next(i_name.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, nodes.Const)
- assert inferred.pytype() == "builtins.str"
- inferred = next(c_name.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, objects.Property)
- # Inferring .value should not raise InferenceError. It is probably Uninferable
- # but we don't particularly care
- next(i_value.infer())
- next(c_value.infer())
- def test_enum_name_and_value_members_override_dynamicclassattr(self) -> None:
- code = """
- from enum import Enum
- class TrickyEnum(Enum):
- name = 1
- value = 2
- def func(self):
- #@
- self.value #@
- #@
- TrickyEnum.value #@
- """
- i_name, i_value, c_name, c_value = astroid.extract_node(code)
- # All of these cases should be inferred as enum members
- inferred = next(i_name.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
- assert inferred.pytype() == ""
- inferred = next(c_name.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
- assert inferred.pytype() == ""
- inferred = next(i_value.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
- assert inferred.pytype() == ".TrickyEnum.value"
- inferred = next(c_value.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
- assert inferred.pytype() == ".TrickyEnum.value"
- def test_enum_subclass_member_name(self) -> None:
- ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class EnumSubclass(Enum):
- pass
- class Color(EnumSubclass):
- red = 1
- #@
- """
- )
- assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
- inferred = ast_node.inferred()
- self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
- self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, "red")
- def test_enum_subclass_member_value(self) -> None:
- ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class EnumSubclass(Enum):
- pass
- class Color(EnumSubclass):
- red = 1
- #@
- """
- )
- assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
- inferred = ast_node.inferred()
- self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
- self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, 1)
- def test_enum_subclass_member_method(self) -> None:
- # See Pylint issue #2626
- ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class EnumSubclass(Enum):
- def hello_pylint(self) -> str:
- return
- class Color(EnumSubclass):
- red = 1
- #@
- """
- )
- assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
- inferred = ast_node.inferred()
- self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
- self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, "red")
- def test_enum_subclass_different_modules(self) -> None:
- # See Pylint issue #2626
- astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class EnumSubclass(Enum):
- pass
- """,
- "a",
- )
- ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from a import EnumSubclass
- class Color(EnumSubclass):
- red = 1
- #@
- """
- )
- assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
- inferred = ast_node.inferred()
- self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
- self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, 1)
- def test_members_member_ignored(self) -> None:
- ast_node = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum
- class Animal(Enum):
- a = 1
- __members__ = {}
- Animal.__members__ #@
- """
- )
- inferred = next(ast_node.infer())
- self.assertIsInstance(inferred, astroid.Dict)
- self.assertTrue(inferred.locals)
- def test_enum_as_renamed_import(self) -> None:
- """Originally reported in"""
- ast_node: nodes.Attribute = builder.extract_node(
- """
- from enum import Enum as PyEnum
- class MyEnum(PyEnum):
- ENUM_KEY = "enum_value"
- """
- )
- inferred = next(ast_node.infer())
- assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
- assert == "ENUM_KEY"
- def test_class_named_enum(self) -> None:
- """Test that the user-defined class named `Enum` is not inferred as `enum.Enum`"""
- astroid.extract_node(
- """
- class Enum:
- def __init__(self, one, two):
- = one
- self.two = two
- def pear(self):
- ...
- """,
- "module_with_class_named_enum",
- )
- attribute_nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- import module_with_class_named_enum
- module_with_class_named_enum.Enum("apple", "orange") #@
- typo_module_with_class_named_enum.Enum("apple", "orange") #@
- """
- )
- name_nodes = astroid.extract_node(
- """
- from module_with_class_named_enum import Enum
- Enum("apple", "orange") #@
- TypoEnum("apple", "orange") #@
- """
- )
- # Test that both of the successfully inferred `Name` & `Attribute`
- # nodes refer to the user-defined Enum class.
- for inferred in (attribute_nodes[0].inferred()[0], name_nodes[0].inferred()[0]):
- assert isinstance(inferred, astroid.Instance)
- assert == "Enum"
- assert inferred.qname() == "module_with_class_named_enum.Enum"
- assert "pear" in inferred.locals
- # Test that an `InferenceError` is raised when an attempt is made to
- # infer a `Name` or `Attribute` node & they cannot be found.
- for node in (attribute_nodes[1], name_nodes[1]):
- with pytest.raises(InferenceError):
- node.inferred()
class PytestBrainTest(unittest.TestCase):
def test_pytest(self) -> None:
ast_node = builder.extract_node(
diff --git a/tests/brain/ b/tests/brain/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9d95d2ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/brain/
@@ -0,0 +1,495 @@
+# Licensed under the LGPL:
+# For details:
+# Copyright (c)
+from __future__ import annotations
+import unittest
+import pytest
+import astroid
+from astroid import bases, builder, nodes, objects
+from astroid.exceptions import InferenceError
+class EnumBrainTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_simple_enum(self) -> None:
+ module = builder.parse(
+ """
+ import enum
+ class MyEnum(enum.Enum):
+ one = "one"
+ two = "two"
+ def mymethod(self, x):
+ return 5
+ """
+ )
+ enumeration = next(module["MyEnum"].infer())
+ one = enumeration["one"]
+ self.assertEqual(one.pytype(), "")
+ for propname in ("name", "value"):
+ prop = next(iter(one.getattr(propname)))
+ self.assertIn("", prop.decoratornames())
+ meth = one.getattr("mymethod")[0]
+ self.assertIsInstance(meth, astroid.FunctionDef)
+ def test_looks_like_enum_false_positive(self) -> None:
+ # Test that a class named Enumeration is not considered a builtin enum.
+ module = builder.parse(
+ """
+ class Enumeration(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, enum_list):
+ pass
+ test = 42
+ """
+ )
+ enumeration = module["Enumeration"]
+ test = next(enumeration.igetattr("test"))
+ self.assertEqual(test.value, 42)
+ def test_user_enum_false_positive(self) -> None:
+ # Test that a user-defined class named Enum is not considered a builtin enum.
+ ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ class Enum:
+ pass
+ class Color(Enum):
+ red = 1
+ #@
+ """
+ )
+ assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
+ inferred = ast_node.inferred()
+ self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
+ self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, 1)
+ def test_ignores_with_nodes_from_body_of_enum(self) -> None:
+ code = """
+ import enum
+ class Error(enum.Enum):
+ Foo = "foo"
+ Bar = "bar"
+ with "error" as err:
+ pass
+ """
+ node = builder.extract_node(code)
+ inferred = next(node.infer())
+ assert "err" in inferred.locals
+ assert len(inferred.locals["err"]) == 1
+ def test_enum_multiple_base_classes(self) -> None:
+ module = builder.parse(
+ """
+ import enum
+ class Mixin:
+ pass
+ class MyEnum(Mixin, enum.Enum):
+ one = 1
+ """
+ )
+ enumeration = next(module["MyEnum"].infer())
+ one = enumeration["one"]
+ clazz = one.getattr("__class__")[0]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ clazz.is_subtype_of(".Mixin"),
+ "Enum instance should share base classes with generating class",
+ )
+ def test_int_enum(self) -> None:
+ module = builder.parse(
+ """
+ import enum
+ class MyEnum(enum.IntEnum):
+ one = 1
+ """
+ )
+ enumeration = next(module["MyEnum"].infer())
+ one = enumeration["one"]
+ clazz = one.getattr("__class__")[0]
+ self.assertTrue(
+ clazz.is_subtype_of(""),
+ "IntEnum based enums should be a subtype of int",
+ )
+ def test_enum_func_form_is_class_not_instance(self) -> None:
+ cls, instance = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ f = Enum('Audience', ['a', 'b', 'c'])
+ f #@
+ f(1) #@
+ """
+ )
+ inferred_cls = next(cls.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred_cls, bases.Instance)
+ inferred_instance = next(instance.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred_instance, bases.Instance)
+ self.assertIsInstance(next(inferred_instance.igetattr("name")), nodes.Const)
+ self.assertIsInstance(next(inferred_instance.igetattr("value")), nodes.Const)
+ def test_enum_func_form_iterable(self) -> None:
+ instance = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')
+ Animal
+ """
+ )
+ inferred = next(instance.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred, astroid.Instance)
+ self.assertTrue(inferred.getattr("__iter__"))
+ def test_enum_func_form_subscriptable(self) -> None:
+ instance, name = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')
+ Animal['ant'] #@
+ Animal['ant'].name #@
+ """
+ )
+ instance = next(instance.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance, astroid.Instance)
+ inferred = next(name.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred, astroid.Const)
+ def test_enum_func_form_has_dunder_members(self) -> None:
+ instance = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog')
+ for i in Animal.__members__:
+ i #@
+ """
+ )
+ instance = next(instance.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance, astroid.Const)
+ self.assertIsInstance(instance.value, str)
+ def test_infer_enum_value_as_the_right_type(self) -> None:
+ string_value, int_value = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class A(Enum):
+ a = 'a'
+ b = 1
+ A.a.value #@
+ A.b.value #@
+ """
+ )
+ inferred_string = string_value.inferred()
+ assert any(
+ isinstance(elem, astroid.Const) and elem.value == "a"
+ for elem in inferred_string
+ )
+ inferred_int = int_value.inferred()
+ assert any(
+ isinstance(elem, astroid.Const) and elem.value == 1 for elem in inferred_int
+ )
+ def test_mingled_single_and_double_quotes_does_not_crash(self) -> None:
+ node = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class A(Enum):
+ a = 'x"y"'
+ A.a.value #@
+ """
+ )
+ inferred_string = next(node.infer())
+ assert inferred_string.value == 'x"y"'
+ def test_special_characters_does_not_crash(self) -> None:
+ node = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ import enum
+ class Example(enum.Enum):
+ NULL = '\\N{NULL}'
+ Example.NULL.value
+ """
+ )
+ inferred_string = next(node.infer())
+ assert inferred_string.value == "\N{NULL}"
+ def test_dont_crash_on_for_loops_in_body(self) -> None:
+ node = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ class Commands(IntEnum):
+ _ignore_ = 'Commands index'
+ _init_ = 'value string'
+ BEL = 0x07, 'Bell'
+ Commands = vars()
+ for index in range(4):
+ Commands[f'DC{index + 1}'] = 0x11 + index, f'Device Control {index + 1}'
+ Commands
+ """
+ )
+ inferred = next(node.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, astroid.ClassDef)
+ def test_enum_tuple_list_values(self) -> None:
+ tuple_node, list_node = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ import enum
+ class MyEnum(enum.Enum):
+ a = (1, 2)
+ b = [2, 4]
+ MyEnum.a.value #@
+ MyEnum.b.value #@
+ """
+ )
+ inferred_tuple_node = next(tuple_node.infer())
+ inferred_list_node = next(list_node.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred_tuple_node, astroid.Tuple)
+ assert isinstance(inferred_list_node, astroid.List)
+ assert inferred_tuple_node.as_string() == "(1, 2)"
+ assert inferred_list_node.as_string() == "[2, 4]"
+ def test_enum_starred_is_skipped(self) -> None:
+ code = """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class ContentType(Enum):
+ TEXT, PHOTO, VIDEO, GIF, YOUTUBE, *_ = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
+ ContentType.TEXT #@
+ """
+ node = astroid.extract_node(code)
+ next(node.infer())
+ def test_enum_name_is_str_on_self(self) -> None:
+ code = """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class TestEnum(Enum):
+ def func(self):
+ #@
+ self.value #@
+ #@
+ TestEnum.value #@
+ """
+ i_name, i_value, c_name, c_value = astroid.extract_node(code)
+ # <instance>.name should be a string, <class>.name should be a property (that
+ # forwards the lookup to __getattr__)
+ inferred = next(i_name.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, nodes.Const)
+ assert inferred.pytype() == "builtins.str"
+ inferred = next(c_name.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, objects.Property)
+ # Inferring .value should not raise InferenceError. It is probably Uninferable
+ # but we don't particularly care
+ next(i_value.infer())
+ next(c_value.infer())
+ def test_enum_name_and_value_members_override_dynamicclassattr(self) -> None:
+ code = """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class TrickyEnum(Enum):
+ name = 1
+ value = 2
+ def func(self):
+ #@
+ self.value #@
+ #@
+ TrickyEnum.value #@
+ """
+ i_name, i_value, c_name, c_value = astroid.extract_node(code)
+ # All of these cases should be inferred as enum members
+ inferred = next(i_name.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
+ assert inferred.pytype() == ""
+ inferred = next(c_name.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
+ assert inferred.pytype() == ""
+ inferred = next(i_value.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
+ assert inferred.pytype() == ".TrickyEnum.value"
+ inferred = next(c_value.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
+ assert inferred.pytype() == ".TrickyEnum.value"
+ def test_enum_subclass_member_name(self) -> None:
+ ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class EnumSubclass(Enum):
+ pass
+ class Color(EnumSubclass):
+ red = 1
+ #@
+ """
+ )
+ assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
+ inferred = ast_node.inferred()
+ self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
+ self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, "red")
+ def test_enum_subclass_member_value(self) -> None:
+ ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class EnumSubclass(Enum):
+ pass
+ class Color(EnumSubclass):
+ red = 1
+ #@
+ """
+ )
+ assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
+ inferred = ast_node.inferred()
+ self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
+ self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, 1)
+ def test_enum_subclass_member_method(self) -> None:
+ # See Pylint issue #2626
+ ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class EnumSubclass(Enum):
+ def hello_pylint(self) -> str:
+ return
+ class Color(EnumSubclass):
+ red = 1
+ #@
+ """
+ )
+ assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
+ inferred = ast_node.inferred()
+ self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
+ self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, "red")
+ def test_enum_subclass_different_modules(self) -> None:
+ # See Pylint issue #2626
+ astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class EnumSubclass(Enum):
+ pass
+ """,
+ "a",
+ )
+ ast_node = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ from a import EnumSubclass
+ class Color(EnumSubclass):
+ red = 1
+ #@
+ """
+ )
+ assert isinstance(ast_node, nodes.NodeNG)
+ inferred = ast_node.inferred()
+ self.assertEqual(len(inferred), 1)
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred[0], astroid.Const)
+ self.assertEqual(inferred[0].value, 1)
+ def test_members_member_ignored(self) -> None:
+ ast_node = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum
+ class Animal(Enum):
+ a = 1
+ __members__ = {}
+ Animal.__members__ #@
+ """
+ )
+ inferred = next(ast_node.infer())
+ self.assertIsInstance(inferred, astroid.Dict)
+ self.assertTrue(inferred.locals)
+ def test_enum_as_renamed_import(self) -> None:
+ """Originally reported in"""
+ ast_node: nodes.Attribute = builder.extract_node(
+ """
+ from enum import Enum as PyEnum
+ class MyEnum(PyEnum):
+ ENUM_KEY = "enum_value"
+ """
+ )
+ inferred = next(ast_node.infer())
+ assert isinstance(inferred, bases.Instance)
+ assert == "ENUM_KEY"
+ def test_class_named_enum(self) -> None:
+ """Test that the user-defined class named `Enum` is not inferred as `enum.Enum`"""
+ astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ class Enum:
+ def __init__(self, one, two):
+ = one
+ self.two = two
+ def pear(self):
+ ...
+ """,
+ "module_with_class_named_enum",
+ )
+ attribute_nodes = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ import module_with_class_named_enum
+ module_with_class_named_enum.Enum("apple", "orange") #@
+ typo_module_with_class_named_enum.Enum("apple", "orange") #@
+ """
+ )
+ name_nodes = astroid.extract_node(
+ """
+ from module_with_class_named_enum import Enum
+ Enum("apple", "orange") #@
+ TypoEnum("apple", "orange") #@
+ """
+ )
+ # Test that both of the successfully inferred `Name` & `Attribute`
+ # nodes refer to the user-defined Enum class.
+ for inferred in (attribute_nodes[0].inferred()[0], name_nodes[0].inferred()[0]):
+ assert isinstance(inferred, astroid.Instance)
+ assert == "Enum"
+ assert inferred.qname() == "module_with_class_named_enum.Enum"
+ assert "pear" in inferred.locals
+ # Test that an `InferenceError` is raised when an attempt is made to
+ # infer a `Name` or `Attribute` node & they cannot be found.
+ for node in (attribute_nodes[1], name_nodes[1]):
+ with pytest.raises(InferenceError):
+ node.inferred()