path: root/docs/user/slide-shows.txt
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+.. include:: <s5defs.txt>
+ Easy Slide Shows With reST & S5
+:Authors: David Goodger & Chris Liechti
+:Date: $Date$
+.. This document has been placed in the public domain.
+.. container:: handout
+ How to create quick, good-looking presentation slide shows with
+ Docutils_/reStructuredText_ and S5_.
+ This document serves both as a user manual and as a usage example
+ of the writer and the front end.
+ To view this document as a slide show see
+ (or `your
+ local copy <slide-shows.s5.html>`__).
+.. contents::
+ :class: handout
+.. class:: tiny
+* S5 themes are designed for full-screen display areas with a 4:3
+ aspect ratio. If the slide text doesn't fit in your browser window,
+ try decreasing the text size.
+* Use the space bar to advance, Page Up/Down & arrow keys to navigate.
+* Best viewed in Firefox_, Safari, and Konqueror. Click the "|mode|"
+ button to switch between presentation & handout/outline modes. Hit
+ the "C" key to display the navigation controls, or mouse over the
+ lower right-hand corner.
+* Functionality is limited in Opera. Switch to full-screen mode (F11
+ key) to activate Opera Show.
+* S5 works in Internet Explorer, but it may look ugly.
+.. container:: handout
+ The first slide of a presentation consists of all visible text up
+ to the first section title. The document title is also added to
+ the footer of all slides.
+ The "footer" directive is used to specify part of the slide footer
+ text. It is currently limited to one short line (one paragraph).
+ There is no support for the "header" directive in the themes
+ included with Docutils.
+.. _Docutils:
+.. _reStructuredText:
+.. _S5:
+.. _Firefox:
+.. |bullet| unicode:: U+02022
+.. |mode| unicode:: U+00D8 .. capital o with stroke
+.. footer:: Location |bullet| Date
+.. class:: handout
+ ```` is a Docutils_ front end that outputs HTML for use
+ with S5_, a "Simple Standards-based Slide Show System" by Eric
+ Meyer.
+.. topic:: Installation
+ :class: handout
+ Prerequisites: Python and the Docutils_ package have to be
+ installed. See the `Docutils README`__ file for installation
+ instructions.
+ __
+* reStructuredText
+ .. class:: handout
+ Uses normal reStructuredText as input.
+* One section per slide
+ .. class:: handout
+ Each first-level section is converted into a single slide.
+* XHTML output
+ .. container:: handout
+ Presentations can be viewed using most modern graphical web
+ browsers. The browser must support CSS, JavaScript, and XHTML.
+ S5 even works with IE!
+ S5 was designed to add the functionality of the `Opera Show`_
+ standard (without Opera Show's limitations) to non-Opera
+ browsers. Unfortunately, most of S5's CSS and JavaScript
+ extensions don't function in the Opera browser.
+ .. _Opera Show:
+* Themes
+ .. class:: handout
+ A variety of themes are available. See `Example Themes`_, below.
+* ````
+ .. class:: handout
+ The front-end tool to generate S5 slide shows.
+.. topic:: Keyboard Controls
+ :class: handout
+ The following apply in any supporting browser besides Opera, which
+ uses the default Opera Show controls instead.
+ .. list-table::
+ :header-rows: 1
+ * - Action
+ - Key(s)
+ * - Go to the next slide
+ - * [Space bar]
+ * [Return]
+ * [Enter]
+ * [Right arrow]
+ * [Down arrow]
+ * [Page down]
+ * Click the left mouse button outside of the control area,
+ Flash object, or movie
+ * - Go to the previous slide
+ - * [Left arrow]
+ * [Up arrow]
+ * [Page up]
+ * - Go to the title (first) slide
+ - [Home]
+ * - Go to the last slide
+ - [End]
+ * - Jump directly to a slide
+ - Type the slide number, then hit [Return] or [Enter]
+ * - Skip forward *n* slides
+ - Type the number of slides to skip, then hit any "go to next"
+ key (except [Return] or [Enter])
+ * - Skip backward *n* slides
+ - Type the number of slides to skip, then hit any "go to
+ previous" key
+ * - Switch between slideshow and outline view
+ - * [T]
+ * Click the |mode| button
+ * - Show/hide slide controls
+ - * [C]
+ * Move the mouse pointer over the control area
+ Further details of the S5 user interface can be found at `Eric
+ Meyer's S5 page`__.
+ __ S5_
+Features (1)
+.. container:: handout
+ The S5/HTML Writer supports all the standard Docutils HTML
+ features. S5 has been released to the Public Domain.
+S5-specific features:
+.. class:: incremental
+* The document title is duplicated on each slide in the S5 footer.
+* The ``footer`` directive may be used to define additional text in
+ the S5 footer.
+ .. container:: handout
+ But it is limited to one line of text.
+ This is useful for information such as the date of the
+ presentation and/or the location. The field in the footer is
+ left blank if no ``footer`` directive is used.
+ Example::
+ .. footer:: Location - Date
+ There is also a progress indicator (slide counter) in the footer
+ that can be enabled. It's disabled by default.
+* Incremental display.
+ .. class:: handout
+ An "incremental" class can be assigned to lists and other elements
+ to get one-item-at-a-time behavior (like this list). Incremental
+ display does not work in the Opera browser.
+* Text auto-scaling.
+ .. class:: handout
+ The text size adjusts relative to the size of your browser window
+ automatically. You may need to reload the document after resizing
+ the window. The browser and platform affect the font used; be sure
+ to test the slide show on the presentation system.
+Features (2): Handouts
+.. container:: handout
+ The contents of any element with a "class" attribute value of
+ "handout" are hidden in the slide presentation, and are only
+ visible when the presentation is printed, or viewed in outline
+ mode. "Handout"-class elements can appear anywhere in the text, as
+ often as needed.
+ This means that the slides and extra handout material can be
+ combined in one document. The handout can be printed directly from
+ the browser, and it will contain more than just silly framed
+ slides. This can be used to provide more detailed information, or
+ for speaker's notes.
+.. class:: incremental
+* Use the "class" directive::
+ .. class:: handout
+ .. container:: handout
+ The ``.. class:: handout`` directive can be used to tag
+ individual paragraphs and other elements. The "class" directive
+ applies to the first element immediately following::
+ .. class:: handout
+ This paragraph will get a
+ ``class="handout"`` attribute.
+ This paragraph will not be affected.
+ It also applies to multiple elements in the directive content::
+ .. class:: handout
+ These paragraphs are the content
+ of the "class" directive. And as such...
+ Both paragraphs will *individually* receive
+ ``class="handout"`` attributes.
+* Use the "container" directive::
+ .. container:: handout
+ .. container:: handout
+ Arbitrary handout blocks can be created using the ``container``
+ directive. The content is treated as one.
+* Use the "class" option of directives that support it::
+ .. topic:: Extra Material For Handouts
+ :class: handout
+.. container:: handout
+ The following directives support "class" options:
+ * all admonition directives ("admonition", "note", "hint", etc.)
+ * "image" & "figure"
+ * "topic"
+ * "sidebar"
+ * "line-block"
+ * "parsed-literal"
+ * "rubric"
+ * "compound"
+ * "table", "csv-table", & "list-table"
+ * "target-notes" (more about that below)
+ * "role" (pre-defined; more below)
+ Handout contents are also visible on the screen if the S5 view mode
+ is toggled from "slide show" to "outline" mode.
+.. class:: incremental
+1. Some Docutils features are not supported by some themes.
+ .. container:: handout
+ For example, header rendering is not supported by the themes
+ supplied with Docutils.
+ The "header" directive is used to set header text. S5
+ automatically inserts section/slide titles into the "header"
+ area of a slide. If both Docutils headers and S5 headers (slide
+ titles) exist simultaneously, they interfere with each other.
+2. Care must be taken with the "contents" directive.
+ .. container:: handout
+ The ``--no-toc-backlinks`` option is the default for the S5/HTML
+ writer (``toc_backlinks=0`` setting). Other values for this
+ setting will change the CSS class of headings such that they
+ won't show up correctly in the slide show.
+ Use the ``:class: handout`` option on the "contents" directive
+ to limit the table of contents to the handout/outline mode
+ only::
+ .. contents::
+ :class: handout
+.. class:: incremental
+3. Subsections ...
+... may be used, sparingly.
+.. container:: handout
+ Only first-level sections become slides. Not many levels of
+ subsections can fit on a slide.
+ Subsections (of any level) work normally in handouts though. Add
+ "``.. class:: handout``" before a subsection (or sub-subsection, or
+ ...), and the entire subsection will only appear in the handout.
+Generating a Slide Show (1)
+.. class:: incremental
+1. Open a console (terminal, command shell) and go to the folder
+ containing your file, ``slides.txt``.
+2. Run the command::
+ slides.txt slides.html
+3. Specify an S5 theme with the ``--theme`` option.
+ .. class:: handout
+ Docutils will copy the S5 theme files into a ``ui/<theme>`` folder
+ beside the output HTML file. A slide show can also link to an
+ existing theme using the ``--theme-url`` option.
+Generating a Slide Show (2)
+.. class:: incremental
+4. Include a copy of any linked stylesheet.
+ .. class:: handout
+ The default Docutils stylesheet, ``html4css1.css``, will normally
+ be embedded in the output HTML. If you choose to link to a
+ stylesheet instead of embedding, you must include a copy (suggested
+ location: in the ``ui/`` directory).
+5. Open ``slides.html`` in a web browser.
+6. Expand the browser window to full-screen mode, and speak.
+ .. class:: handout
+ The `Web Developer`__ extension for Firefox is very useful. With
+ it, you can resize your browser window to the exact dimensions of
+ the projector you'll be using, so you can test beforehand. There
+ are many other useful features as well.
+ __
+7. Profit!
+Examples (1)
+.. sidebar:: Hint
+ Admonitions, tables, sidebars, and other elements can be used in
+ on-screen presentations in handouts. Images too!
+ .. image:: images/happy_monkey.png
+ :alt: sample image
+===== ===== ======
+ A B A or B
+===== ===== ======
+False False False
+True False True
+False True True
+True True True
+===== ===== ======
+Examples (2): Incremental Text
+.. class:: incremental
+ Paragraphs can be displayed one at a time...
+ .. container::
+ ... or a bunch at a time.
+ This second paragraph is displayed together with the previous
+ one by grouping them with the "container" directive.
+`We can also display` `one` `word` `at` `a` `time,`
+`or a phrase` `at a time,`
+`or even` `o`\ `n`\ `e` `l`\ `e`\ `t`\ `t`\ `e`\ `r` `at a time!`
+`(But the markup ain't pretty.)`
+Examples (3): Incr. Graphics
+Let's play... Rock, Scissors, Paper
+.. container:: animation
+ .. image:: images/rsp-empty.png
+ :class: hidden slide-display
+ .. class:: incremental hidden slide-display
+ .. image:: images/rsp-objects.png
+ .. image:: images/rsp-cuts.png
+ .. image:: images/rsp-covers.png
+ .. image:: images/rsp-breaks.png
+ .. image:: images/rsp-all.png
+ :class: incremental
+.. class:: incremental
+* Several themes are available, and they're easy to adapt.
+ .. container:: handout
+ Themes from the `S5 tutorial`__ can be used. These themes are in
+ the public domain and may be redistributed freely.
+ __
+ Sites with other S5 themes:
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ S5 is becoming more popular every day. Do a web search for "S5
+ theme" and you're bound to find plenty of choices.
+* "``--theme``" option.
+ .. container:: handout
+ The theme can be specified with the "``--theme``" command-line
+ option.
+ Example::
+ rst2s5 --theme big-black slides.txt slides.html
+ The default theme is "default".
+* "``theme``" setting.
+ .. class:: handout
+ You can set the theme with the "``theme``" configuration file
+ setting.
+* Copied to ``./ui/<theme>/``.
+ .. class:: handout
+ Themes are copied into a ``ui/<theme>`` folder inside the folder
+ containing the presentation.
+* Link with "``--theme-url``" option.
+ .. class:: handout
+ Link to a theme on the same or another web site, using the
+ "``--theme-url``" option or "``theme_url``" configuration file
+ setting.
+Example Themes
+.. class:: handout
+ The default theme, "default", is a simplified version of S5's
+ default theme. It accommodates up to 13 lines of text.
+.. class:: center
+ "default"
+ .. image:: images/default.png
+ :align: center
+Example Themes: Small Text
+.. class:: handout
+ The "small-white" and "small-black" themes are simplifications of
+ the default theme (**small** black text on a **white** background,
+ and **small** black text on a **white** background, respectively).
+ They each accommodate up to 15 lines of text.
+.. list-table::
+ :class: borderless
+ * - "small-white"
+ .. image:: images/small-white.png
+ - "small-black"
+ .. image:: images/small-black.png
+Example Themes: Large Text
+.. class:: handout
+ The "big-white" and "big-black" themes feature very large, bold
+ text, with no footers. Only five short lines fit in a slide.
+.. list-table::
+ :class: borderless
+ * - "big-white"
+ .. image:: images/big-white.png
+ - "big-black"
+ .. image:: images/big-black.png
+Example Themes: Medium Text
+.. class:: handout
+ The "medium-white" and "medium-black" themes feature medium-sized
+ text. Up to 8 lines of text are accommodated.
+.. list-table::
+ :class: borderless
+ * - "medium-white"
+ .. image:: images/medium-white.png
+ - "medium-black"
+ .. image:: images/medium-black.png
+S5 Theme Files
+An S5 theme consists of a directory containing several files --
+stylesheets, JavaScript, and graphics:
+.. image:: images/s5-files.png
+ :align: center
+.. container:: handout
+ The generated HTML contains the entire slide show text. It also
+ contains links to the following files:
+ * slides.css simply contains import links to:
+ - s5-core.css: Default styles critical to the proper functioning
+ of the slide show; don't touch this!
+ - framing.css: Sets the basic layout of slide components (header,
+ footer, controls, etc. This file is the often edited.
+ - pretty.css: Presentation styles that give the slide show a
+ unique look and feel. This is the file that you're most likely
+ to edit for a custom theme. You can make a whole new theme
+ just by editing this file, and not touching the others.
+ * outline.css: Styles for outline mode.
+ * print.css: Styles for printing; hides most layout elements, and
+ may display others.
+ * opera.css: Styles necessary for the proper functioning of S5 in
+ Opera Show.
+ * slides.js: the JavaScript that drives the dynamic side of the
+ slide show (actions and navigation controls). It automatically
+ IDs the slides when the document loads, builds the navigation
+ menu, handles the hiding and showing of slides, and so on. The
+ code also manages the fallback to Opera Show if you're using
+ the Opera web browser.
+ Two files are included to support PNG transparency (alpha
+ channels) in Internet Explorer:
+ -
+ - blank.gif
+Making a Custom Theme
+.. class:: incremental
+1. Run "`` --theme <base-theme> <doc>.txt <doc>.html``".
+ .. class:: handout
+ This initializes the ``ui`` directory with the base theme files.
+2. Copy ``ui/<base-theme>`` to ``ui/<new-theme>``.
+3. Edit the styles.
+ .. class:: handout
+ Start with ``pretty.css``; edit ``framing.css`` if you need to make
+ layout changes.
+4. Run "`` --theme <new-theme> <doc>.txt <doc>.html``".
+ .. class:: handout
+ Open your ``<doc>.html`` in a browser to test the new theme.
+5. Rinse & repeat.
+ .. class:: handout
+ Repeat from step 3 until you're satisfied.
+.. TODO: What to do next:
+ * add a ``__base__`` file
+ * create a personal reusable theme (plugin)
+ * submit the new theme to Docutils
+ ``docutils/writers/s5_html/themes/<theme>``
+.. container:: handout
+ Resources:
+ * W3C's `Learning CSS <>`__
+ * `Creating An S5 Theme <>`__
+ * A short tutorial on how to create themes (in German):
+ `Eigenes Theme erstellen <>`__
+Classes: Incremental (1)
+.. class:: handout
+ Several "class" attribute values have built-in support in the
+ themes supplied with Docutils.
+.. class:: incremental
+ As described earlier,
+ * ``.. class:: incremental``
+ * ``.. container:: incremental``
+ * ::
+ .. sidebar:: title
+ :class: incremental
+Classes: Incremental (2)
+The "incremental" interpreted text role is also supported:
+.. class:: incremental
+ ::
+ :incremental:`This will appear first,` `and
+ this will appear second.`:incremental:
+ Requires "``.. include:: <s5defs.txt>``".
+.. container:: handout
+ As you can see, this markup is not very convenient.
+.. class:: incremental
+ | But ``s5defs.txt`` includes this useful definition:
+ | "``.. default-role:: incremental``". So:
+ ::
+ `This` `is` `all` `we` `need`
+`This` `is` `all` `we` `need` `to mark up incremental text.`
+Classes: Incremental (3)
+.. class:: small
+ .. container:: animation
+ .. image:: images/empty.png
+ :class: hidden slide-display
+ .. class:: incremental hidden slide-display
+ .. image:: images/1.png
+ .. image:: images/2.png
+ .. image:: images/3.png
+ :class: incremental
+.. container:: handout
+ This is how the example works.
+ The animation effects are caused by placing successive images at
+ the same location, laying each image over the last. For best
+ results, all images should be the same size, and the positions of
+ image elements should be consistent. Use image transparency (alpha
+ channels) to get overlay effects.
+ Absolute positioning is used, which means that the images take up
+ no space in the flow. If you want text to follow the images, you
+ have to specify the total size of the container via a style.
+ Otherwise, the images and any following text will overlap.
+ These class values do the work:
+ animation
+ This wraps the container with styles that position the images
+ absolutely, overlaying them over each other. Only useful on a
+ container.
+ hidden
+ Unless overridden (by "slide-display", for example), these
+ elements will not be displayed. Only the last image will be
+ displayed in handout mode, when print, or when processed to
+ ordinary HTML, because it does *not* carry a "hidden" class.
+ slide-display
+ In conjunction with "hidden", these elements will only appear
+ on the slide, preventing clutter in the handout.
+ incremental
+ The second and subsequent images will appear one at a time.
+ The first image will already be present when the slide is
+ displayed, because it does *not* carry an "incremental" class.
+Classes: Text Size
+.. class:: incremental
+ * :tiny:`tiny` (class & role name: "tiny", e.g. "``:tiny:`text```")
+ * :small:`small` ("small")
+ * normal (unstyled)
+ * :big:`big` ("big")
+ * :huge:`huge` ("huge")
+ Requires "``.. include:: <s5defs.txt>``".
+Classes: Alignment
+.. class:: incremental
+ .. class:: left
+ Left (class name: "left")
+ .. class:: center
+ Center ("center" & "centre")
+ .. class:: right
+ Right ("right")
+.. class:: handout
+ These classes apply to block-level elements only. They cannot be
+ used for inline text (i.e., they're not interpreted text roles).
+.. class:: incremental
+ Example::
+ .. class:: center
+ Text to be centered.
+Classes: Text Colours
+:black:`black` [black], :gray:`gray`, :silver:`silver`, :white:`white`
+[white], :maroon:`maroon`, :red:`red`, :magenta:`magenta`,
+:fuchsia:`fuchsia`, :pink:`pink`, :orange:`orange`, :yellow:`yellow`,
+:lime:`lime`, :green:`green`, :olive:`olive`, :teal:`teal`,
+:cyan:`cyan`, :aqua:`aqua`, :blue:`blue`, :navy:`navy`,
+The class names and role names are the same as the colour names. For
+example, "``:orange:`text```" produces ":orange:`text`".
+.. class:: incremental
+Requires "``.. include:: <s5defs.txt>``".
+Classes: Borderless Tables
+.. class:: handout
+ Here's an ordinary, unstyled table:
+.. class:: incremental
+ ========= =======
+ Sometimes borders
+ --------- -------
+ are useful.
+ ========= =======
+ And after applying "``.. class:: borderless``":
+ .. class:: borderless
+ ======= ========== =======
+ But sometimes, borders
+ ------- ---------- -------
+ are **not** wanted.
+ ======= ========== =======
+Classes: Print-Only
+.. class:: handout
+ Elements with ``class="print"`` attributes display their contents
+ when printed, overriding ``class="hidden"``.
+.. class:: incremental
+ Example: the "target-notes" directive::
+ .. topic:: Links
+ :class: hidden print
+ .. target-notes::
+ :class: hidden print
+.. container:: handout
+ One good example, used in this document, is the "target-notes"
+ directive. For each external target (hyperlink) in the text, this
+ directive generates a footnote containing the visible URL as
+ content. Footnote references are placed after each hyperlink
+ reference.
+ The "topic" directive is given a "class" attribute with values
+ "hidden" and "print", so the entire topic will only be displayed
+ when printed. The "target-notes" directive also assigns a "class"
+ attributes with values "hidden" and "print" to each of the footnote
+ references it inserts throughout the text; they will only show up
+ when printed.
+.. class:: incremental
+ Other uses may require "``.. include:: <s5defs.txt>``".
+Useful Extensions For Firefox
+* `Autohide`__
+ .. class:: handout
+ Automatically hides toolbars in full-screen mode.
+ __
+* `Web Developer`__
+ .. class:: handout
+ Adds a context submenu and a toolbar with a lot of useful
+ functionality, including the viewing and live editing of
+ stylesheets, and sizing the browser window.
+ __
+To Do
+.. class:: incremental
+ * Multi-display support:
+ - speaker's notes on the laptop screen
+ - slides on the projector
+ - two views stay in sync
+ - presentation controlled from either display
+ * Add timeout to incremental style.
+ .. class:: handout
+ I.e., incremental-specific style should go away (revert to
+ normal) after a certain interval.
+ These will require some serious JavaScript-fu!
+That's All, Folks!
+.. class:: huge
+ Further information:
+ Docutils users' mailing list:
+ `Any questions?`
+.. topic:: Links
+ :class: hidden print
+ .. target-notes:: :class: hidden print