path: root/sandbox/amk/abc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox/amk/abc/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 157 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/amk/abc/ b/sandbox/amk/abc/
deleted file mode 100644
index f663cd765..000000000
--- a/sandbox/amk/abc/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-Implements a 'music' directive that accepts musical passages written
-in ABC notation. Requires that abcm2ps and Ghostscript be installed.
-.. music::
- % Sample file to test various features of abc2ps
- X:1
- T:Scale
- M:C
- K: clef=bass
- "C,"C,"D,"D,
-import os, sys, tempfile, popen2
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.parsers.rst.directives import register_directive
-music_counter = 1
-def ABCDirective (name, arguments, options, content, lineno,
- content_offset, block_text, state, state_machine):
- abc_temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile("wt")
- abc_temp.write("\n".join(content))
- abc_temp.flush()
- fd, ps_temp = tempfile.mkstemp()
- global music_counter
- output_path = state.document.settings._destination or '.'
- output_name = os.path.join(output_path, 'music-%i.png' % music_counter)
- music_counter += 1
- sts1 = sts2 = sts3 = 0
- pipe = popen2.Popen3('abcm2ps -O/dev/stdout - < %s > %s'
- % (, ps_temp),
- capturestderr=True
- )
- pipe.tochild.close()
- errors =
- errors = parse_errors(errors, lineno)
- sts1 = pipe.wait()
- if sts1 == 0:
- sts2 = os.system('gs -q -sOutputFile=%s -sDEVICE=pngmono - <%s'
- % (output_name, ps_temp))
- if sts2 == 0:
- sts3 = os.system('gs -q -sOutputFile=%s -sDEVICE=pngmono - <%s'
- % (output_name, ps_temp))
- try:
- os.unlink(ps_temp)
- except os.error:
- pass
- abc_temp.close()
- if sts1 != 0 or sts2 != 0:
- error = state_machine.reporter.error(
- 'Error processing music directive:\n\t' +
- ('\n\t'.join(errors)),
- nodes.literal_block(block_text, block_text),
- line=lineno)
- return [error]
- else:
- # Crop excess whitespace from the image
- crop_image(output_name)
- # Return an image directive.
- options['uri'] = os.path.basename(output_name)
- return [nodes.image(output_name, **options)]
-import re
-error_pat = re.compile('(in line )(\d+)')
-def parse_errors (errors, line_start):
- lines = errors.split('\n')
- lines = [ line for line in lines if line.startswith('Error')]
- def f (m):
- return + str(line_start+int(
- lines = [ error_pat.sub(f, line) for line in lines]
- return lines
-def crop_image (filename):
- """Reads the image specified by filename, crops excess space off it,
- and writes it out to the same file."""
- from PIL import Image
- image =
- for edge in 'NSWE':
- image = _crop(image, edge)
-def _crop (image, edge):
- im_x, im_y = image.size
- if edge == 'N':
- start = (0,0)
- scan_increment = (1,0)
- line_increment = (0,1)
- elif edge == 'S':
- start = (0,im_y-1)
- scan_increment = (1,0)
- line_increment = (0,-1)
- elif edge == 'E':
- start = (im_x-1,0)
- scan_increment = (0,1)
- line_increment = (-1,0)
- elif edge == 'W':
- start = (0,0)
- scan_increment = (0,1)
- line_increment = (1,0)
- # Look for blank lines
- def is_white (color):
- return color == 255
- def is_blank (x,y):
- x_inc, y_inc = scan_increment
- while 0 <= x < im_x and 0 <= y < im_y:
- point = image.getpixel((x,y))
- if not is_white(point):
- return False
- x += x_inc
- y += y_inc
- return True
- # Look for blank edges, jumping in increments of JUMP pixels.
- JUMP = 5
- x, y = start
- x_inc, y_inc = line_increment
- while is_blank(x,y):
- x += x_inc * JUMP
- y += y_inc * JUMP
- # Found a non-blank line, so scan back
- x -= x_inc
- y -= y_inc
- while not is_blank(x,y):
- x -= x_inc
- y -= y_inc
- # OK; x,y are now on the first blank line, so crop it
- if edge == 'N':
- box = (0,y, im_x, im_y)
- elif edge == 'S':
- box = (0,0, im_x, y)
- elif edge == 'E':
- box = (0,0, x, im_y)
- elif edge == 'W':
- box = (x,0, im_x, im_y)
- image = image.crop(box)
- image.load()
- return image
-ABCDirective.content = True
-def register():
- register_directive('music', ABCDirective)