path: root/sandbox/edloper/roles/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 296 deletions
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-# Author: Edward Loper
-# Contact:
-# Revision: $Revision$
-# Date: $Date$
-# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
-This module defines standard interpreted text role functions, a registry for
-interpreted text roles, and an API for adding to and retrieving from the
-The interface for interpreted role functions is as follows::
- def role_fn(name, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, attributes={}):
- code...
-- ``name`` is the local name of the interpreted text role, the role name
- actually used in the document.
-- ``rawtext`` is a string containing the entire interpreted text construct.
- Include it as a literal block in a system message if there is a problem.
-- ``text`` is the interpreted text content.
-- ``lineno`` is the line number where the interpreted text beings.
-- ``inliner`` is the Inliner object that called the role function.
- It defines the following useful attributes: ``reporter``,
- ``problematic``, ``memo``, ``parent``, ``document``.
-- ``attributes``: A dictionary of additional attributes for the generated
- elements, used for customization.
-Interpreted role functions return a tuple of two values:
-- A list of nodes which will be inserted into the document tree at the
- point where the interpreted role was encountered (can be an empty
- list).
-- A list of system messages, which will be inserted into the document tree
- immediately after the end of the current inline block (can also be empty).
-__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
-import re
-from docutils import nodes
-from docutils.parsers.rst.languages import en as _fallback_language_module
-DEFAULT_INTERPRETED_ROLE = 'title-reference'
-The canonical name of the default interpreted role. This role is used
-when no role is specified for a piece of interpreted text.
-_role_registry = {}
-"""Mapping of canonical role names to role functions. Language-dependent role
-names are defined in the ``language`` subpackage."""
-_roles = {}
-"""Mapping of local or language-dependent interpreted text role names to role
-def role(role_name, language_module, lineno, inliner):
- """
- Locate and return a role function from its language-dependent name, along
- with a list of system messages. If the role is not found in the current
- language, check English. Return None if the named role cannot be found.
- """
- normname = role_name.lower()
- messages = []
- msg_text = []
- if _roles.has_key(normname):
- return _roles[normname], messages
- if role_name:
- canonicalname = None
- try:
- canonicalname = language_module.roles[normname]
- except AttributeError, error:
- msg_text.append('Problem retrieving role entry from language '
- 'module %r: %s.' % (language_module, error))
- except KeyError:
- msg_text.append('No role entry for "%s" in module "%s".'
- % (role_name, language_module.__name__))
- else:
- # If we didn't find it, try English as a fallback.
- if not canonicalname:
- try:
- canonicalname = _fallback_language_module.roles[normname]
- msg_text.append('Using English fallback for role "%s".'
- % role_name)
- except KeyError:
- msg_text.append('Trying "%s" as canonical role name.'
- % role_name)
- # The canonical name should be an English name, but just in case:
- canonicalname = normname
- # Collect any messages that we generated.
- if msg_text:
- message ='\n'.join(msg_text), line=lineno)
- messages.append(message)
- # Look the role up in the registry, and return it.
- if _role_registry.has_key(canonicalname):
- role_fn = _role_registry[canonicalname]
- register_local_role(normname, role_fn)
- return role_fn, messages
- else:
- return None, messages # Error message will be generated by caller.
-def register_canonical_role(name, role_fn):
- """
- Register an interpreted text role by its canonical name.
- :Parameters:
- - `name`: The canonical name of the interpreted role.
- - `role_fn`: The role function. See the module docstring.
- """
- _role_registry[name] = role_fn
-def register_local_role(name, role_fn):
- """
- Register an interpreted text role by its local or language-dependent name.
- :Parameters:
- - `name`: The local or language-dependent name of the interpreted role.
- - `role_fn`: The role function. See the module docstring.
- """
- _roles[name] = role_fn
-def register_generic_role(canonical_name, node_class):
- """For roles which simply wrap a given `node_class` around the text."""
- # Dynamically define a role function:
- def role_fn(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, nc=node_class):
- return generic_role_helper(nc, role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner)
- # Register the role:
- register_canonical_role(canonical_name, role_fn)
-def generic_role_helper(node_class, role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner,
- attributes={}):
- # If we wanted to, we could recursively call inliner.nested_parse
- # to interpret the text contents here (after appropriately
- # refactoring Inliner.parse).
- return [node_class(rawtext, text, **attributes)], []
-def register_custom_role(local_name, attributes):
- """For roles defined in a document."""
- def role_fn(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, atts=attributes):
- return generic_role_helper(
- nodes.inline, role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner, attributes=atts)
- register_local_role(local_name, role_fn)
-# Define and register the standard roles:
-register_generic_role('abbreviation', nodes.abbreviation)
-register_generic_role('acronym', nodes.acronym)
-register_generic_role('emphasis', nodes.emphasis)
-register_generic_role('literal', nodes.literal)
-register_generic_role('strong', nodes.strong)
-register_generic_role('subscript', nodes.subscript)
-register_generic_role('superscript', nodes.superscript)
-register_generic_role('title-reference', nodes.title_reference)
-class URIReferenceRole:
- """
- An Abstract base class for specialized URI reference roles. A URI
- reference role is an interpreted text role that creates a single
- referencenode, whose `label` and `refuri` are based on the
- contents of the interpreted text.
- Each subclass should override `label` and `uri`, which map the
- intepreted text into a label and a uri, respectively. If the
- subclass needs to check the validity of the interpreted text, then
- it should also override `verify`, which raises a ValueError if the
- interpreted text is badly formatted.
- """
- def __call__(self, role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner):
- try:
- self.verify(text)
- except ValueError, e:
- msg = inliner.reporter.error(str(e), line=lineno)
- prb = inliner.problematic(text, text, msg)
- return [prb], [msg]
- label = self.label(text)
- uri = self.uri(text)
- return [nodes.reference(rawtext, label, refuri=uri)], []
- def verify(self, text):
- """
- Check that `text` contains valid interpreted text for this uri
- reference role. If `text` is invalid, then raise a ValueError
- whose text describes the problem. If the text is valid, then
- return.
- """
- return
- def label(self, text):
- """Return the reference label corresponding to `text`"""
- raise NotImplementedError
- def uri(self, text):
- """Return the reference target corresponding to `text`"""
- raise NotImplementedError
-class PEPReferenceRole(URIReferenceRole):
- """An interpreted text role for referencing PEPs."""
- def __init__(self, base_url):
- """
- :Parameters:
- - `base_url`: The URL of the directory where PEPs are
- stored.
- """
- if base_url == '' or base_url.endswith('/'):
- self.pep_url = base_url+'pep-%04d.html'
- else:
- self.pep_url = base_url+'/pep-%04d.html'
- _PEP_RE = re.compile(r'\d{1,4}')
- def verify(self, text):
- if not self._PEP_RE.match(text):
- raise ValueError('PEP number must be a number from 0 '+
- 'to 9999; "%s" is invalid.' % text)
- def label(self, text):
- return 'PEP %s' % text
- def uri(self, text):
- return self.pep_url % int(text)
-# Define both remote & local versions, to make it easier for the
-# user to swap the other in (with register_canonical_role). Use
-# the remote version by default.
-pep_reference_role = PEPReferenceRole('')
-local_pep_reference_role = PEPReferenceRole('')
-register_canonical_role('pep-reference', pep_reference_role)
-class RFCReferenceRole(URIReferenceRole):
- """An interpreted text role for referencing RFCs."""
- def __init__(self, base_url):
- """
- :Parameters:
- - `base_url`: The URL of the directory where RFCs are
- stored.
- """
- if base_url == '' or base_url.endswith('/'):
- self.rfc_url = base_url+'rfc%d.html'
- else:
- self.rfc_url = base_url+'/rfc%d.html'
- _RFC_RE = re.compile(r'[1-9]\d*')
- def verify(self, text):
- if not self._RFC_RE.match(text):
- raise ValueError('RFC number must be a number greater than '
- 'or equal to 1; "%s" is invalid.' % text)
- def label(self, text):
- return 'RFC %s' % text
- def uri(self, text):
- return self.rfc_url % int(text)
-# Define both remote & local versions, to make it easier for the
-# user to swap the other in (with register_canonical_role). Use
-# the remote version by default.
-rfc_reference_role = RFCReferenceRole('')
-local_rfc_reference_role = RFCReferenceRole('')
-register_canonical_role('rfc-reference', rfc_reference_role)
-# Register roles that are currently unimplemented.
-def unimplemented_role(role, rawtext, text, lineno, inliner):
- msg = inliner.reporter.error(
- 'Interpreted text role "%s" not implemented.' % role, line=lineno)
- prb = inliner.problematic(rawtext, rawtext, msg)
- return [prb], [msg]
-register_canonical_role('index', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('named-reference', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('anonymous-reference', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('uri-reference', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('footnote-reference', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('citation-reference', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('substitution-reference', unimplemented_role)
-register_canonical_role('target', unimplemented_role)
-# This one should remain unimplemented, for testing purposes:
-register_canonical_role('restructuredtext-unimplemented-role', unimplemented_role)