path: root/sandbox/holdenweb/asyncore.rst
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- asyncore
- Asynchronous socket handler
-Synopsis: A base class for developing asynchronous socket
- handling services.
-Type: module builtin
-Module-Author: Sam Rushing <>
-Author: Christopher Petrilli <>
-Author: Steve Holden <>
-.. Type: ... builtin, standard, various others: any specific usages required?
-.. Heavily adapted from original documentation by Sam Rushing.
-.. ............................................
-.. This is the (first) RFC822-reader strawman
-.. ............................................
-.. Presumes a custom reader appropriate to docpy
-.. RFC822 continuation IS allowed (see Synopsis)
-.. Needtocheck: RFC822-readers and multiple entities? (Author lines)
-.. Dunno about implication of \section in the original
-.. Dunno about comments (#?); "Credit: Sam Rushing?"
-.. Note in passing: names of new roles and directives made similar to
-.. the existing docpy macros on purpose (for existing corpus & community)
-.. Markups needed, used, and existing in rst:
-.. *emphasis*
-.. Markups needed, used, and modified by this strawman:
-.. ``code``
-.. Roles needed below by this strawman:
-.. :cfunction:``
-.. :module:``
-.. :refmodule:``
-.. :class:``
-.. :function:``
-.. :var:``
-.. :label:``
-.. Directives needed below by this strawman:
-.. .. funcdesc::
-.. need to parse for optional argumnents shown as [...]
-.. .. classdesc::
-.. .. datadesc::
-.. TBS - formals, e.g., funcdesc - several alternatives proposed
-.. below (see funcdesc) in this draft
-.. the one shown first seems on track for consensus 04.3.20
-.. (the directive will parse brackets, etc. - easier to use!)
-This module provides the basic infrastructure for writing asynchronous
-socket service clients and servers.
-There are only two ways to have a program on a single processor do
-"more than one thing at a time." Multi-threaded programming is the
-simplest and most popular way to do it, but there is another very
-different technique, that lets you have nearly all the advantages of
-multi-threading, without actually using multiple threads. It's really
-only practical if your program is largely I/O bound. If your program
-is processor bound, then pre-emptive scheduled threads are probably what
-you really need. Network servers are rarely processor bound, however.
-If your operating system supports the :cfunction:`select()` system call
-in its I/O library (and nearly all do), then you can use it to juggle
-multiple communication channels at once; doing other work while your
-I/O is taking place in the "background." Although this strategy can
-seem strange and complex, especially at first, it is in many ways
-easier to understand and control than multi-threaded programming.
-The :module:`asyncore` module solves many of the difficult problems for
-you, making the task of building sophisticated high-performance
-network servers and clients a snap. For "conversational" applications
-and protocols the companion :refmodule:`asynchat` module is invaluable.
-The basic idea behind both modules is to create one or more network
-*channels*, instances of class :class:`asyncore.dispatcher` and
-:class:`asynchat.async_chat`. Creating the channels adds them to a global
-map, used by the :function:`loop()` function if you do not provide it
-with your own :var:`map`.
-Once the initial channel(s) is(are) created, calling the :function:`loop()`
-function activates channel service, which continues until the last
-channel (including any that have been added to the map during asynchronous
-service) is closed.
-.. funcdesc:: loop([timeout [, use_poll [, map]]])
- Enter a polling loop that only terminates after all open channels
- have been closed. All arguments are optional. The :var:`timeout`
- argument sets the timeout parameter for the appropriate
- :function:`select()` or :function:`poll()` call, measured in seconds;
- the default is 30 seconds. The :var:`use_poll` parameter, if true,
- indicates that :function:`poll()` should be used in preference to
- :function:`select()` (the default is ``False``). The :var:`map` parameter
- is a dictionary whose items are the channels to watch. As channels
- are closed they are deleted from their map. If :var:`map` is
- omitted, a global map is used (this map is updated by the default
- class :method:`__init__()`
- -- make sure you extend, rather than override, :method:`__init__()`
- if you want to retain this behavior).
- Channels (instances of :class:`asyncore.dispatcher`, :class:`asynchat.async_chat`
- and subclasses thereof) can freely be mixed in the map.
-.. classdesc:: dispatcher()
- The :class:`dispatcher` class is a thin wrapper around a low-level socket object.
- To make it more useful, it has a few methods for event-handling which are called
- from the asynchronous loop.
- Otherwise, it can be treated as a normal non-blocking socket object.
- Two class attributes can be modified, to improve performance,
- or possibly even to conserve memory.
- .. datadesc:: ac_in_buffer_size
- The asynchronous input buffer size (default ``4096``).
- .. datadesc:: ac_out_buffer_size
- The asynchronous output buffer size (default ``4096``).
- The firing of low-level events at certain times or in certain connection
- states tells the asynchronous loop that certain higher-level events have
- taken place. For example, if we have asked for a socket to connect to
- another host, we know that the connection has been made when the socket
- becomes writable for the first time (at this point you know that you may
- write to it with the expectation of success). The implied higher-level
- events are:
- =================== ===============================================
- ``Event`` Description
- ------------------- -----------------------------------------------
- ``handle_connect()`` Implied by the first write event
- ``handle_close()`` Implied by a read event with no data available
- ``handle_accept()`` Implied by a read event on a listening socket
- =================== ===============================================
- During asynchronous processing, each mapped channel's :method:`readable()`
- and :method:`writable()` methods are used to determine whether the channel's
- socket should be added to the list of channels :cfunction:`select()`\ ed or
- :cfunction:`poll()`\ ed for read and write events.
-Thus, the set of channel events is larger than the basic socket events.
-The full set of methods that can be overridden in your subclass follows:
-.. methoddesc:: handle_read()
- Called when the asynchronous loop detects that a :method:`read()`
- call on the channel's socket will succeed.
-.. methoddesc:: handle_write()
- Called when the asynchronous loop detects that a writable socket
- can be written.
- Often this method will implement the necessary buffering for
- performance. For example::
- def handle_write(self):
- sent = self.send(self.buffer)
- self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:]
-.. methoddesc:: handle_expt()
- Called when there is out of band (OOB) data for a socket
- connection. This will almost never happen, as OOB is
- tenuously supported and rarely used.
-.. methoddesc:: handle_connect()
- Called when the active opener's socket actually makes a connection.
- Might send a ``welcome'' banner, or initiate a protocol
- negotiation with the remote endpoint, for example.
-.. methoddesc:: handle_close()
- Called when the socket is closed.
-.. methoddesc:: handle_error()
- Called when an exception is raised and not otherwise handled. The default
- version prints a condensed traceback.
-.. methoddesc:: handle_accept()
- Called on listening channels (passive openers) when a
- connection can be established with a new remote endpoint that
- has issued a :method:`connect() call for the local endpoint.
-.. methoddesc:: readable()
- Called each time around the asynchronous loop to determine whether a
- channel's socket should be added to the list on which read events can
- occur. The default method simply returns ``True``,
- indicating that by default, all channels will be interested in
- read events.
-.. methoddesc:: writable()
- Called each time around the asynchronous loop to determine whether a
- channel's socket should be added to the list on which write events can
- occur. The default method simply returns ``True``,
- indicating that by default, all channels will be interested in
- write events.
-In addition, each channel delegates or extends many of the socket methods.
-Most of these are nearly identical to their socket partners.
-.. methoddesc:: create_socket(family, type)
- This is identical to the creation of a normal socket, and
- will use the same options for creation. Refer to the
- :refmodule:`socket` documentation for information on creating
- sockets.
-.. methoddesc:: connect(address)
- As with the normal socket object, :var:`address` is a
- tuple with the first element the host to connect to, and the
- second the port number.
-.. methoddesc:: send(data)
- Send :var:`data` to the remote end-point of the socket.
-.. methoddesc:: recv(buffer_size)
- Read at most :var:`buffer_size` bytes from the socket's remote end-point.
- An empty string implies that the channel has been closed from the other
- end.
-.. methoddesc:: listen(backlog)
- Listen for connections made to the socket. The :var:`backlog`
- argument specifies the maximum number of queued connections
- and should be at least 1; the maximum value is
- system-dependent (usually 5).
-.. methoddesc:: bind(address)
- Bind the socket to :var:`address`. The socket must not already
- be bound. (The format of :var:`address` depends on the address
- family --- see above.)
-.. methoddesc:: accept()
- Accept a connection. The socket must be bound to an address
- and listening for connections. The return value is a pair
- ``(conn , address)`` where :var:`conn` is a
- *new* socket object usable to send and receive data on
- the connection, and :var:`address` is the address bound to the
- socket on the other end of the connection.
-.. methoddesc:: close()
- Close the socket. All future operations on the socket object
- will fail. The remote end-point will receive no more data (after
- queued data is flushed). Sockets are automatically closed
- when they are garbage-collected.
- asyncore Example basic HTTP client :label:`asyncore-example`
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- As a basic example, below is a very basic HTTP client that uses the
- :class:`dispatcher` class to implement its socket handling::
- class http_client(asyncore.dispatcher):
- def __init__(self, host,path):
- asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self)
- self.path = path
- self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- self.connect( (host, 80) )
- self.buffer = 'GET %s HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n' % self.path
- def handle_connect(self):
- pass
- def handle_read(self):
- data = self.recv(8192)
- print data
- def writable(self):
- return (len(self.buffer) > 0)
- def handle_write(self):
- sent = self.send(self.buffer)
- self.buffer = self.buffer[sent:]