path: root/sandbox/ianb/extractor/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'sandbox/ianb/extractor/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/ianb/extractor/ b/sandbox/ianb/extractor/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9411ecf6a..000000000
--- a/sandbox/ianb/extractor/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,336 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-This module extracts the documentation from a module, and converts
-it into a single reST document.
- ./ > some_module.txt
-For more:
- ./ --help
-The document is based on the module's docstring -- no other
-documentation is implicitly included.
-Other documentation can be explicitly included by using the directives
-``.. inline:: function_or_class`` or ``.. inline-all::``.
-The first directive includes the docstring from that function or
-class. When the directive is encountered inside a class, it can refer
-either to the global or local namespace, as in ``..inline::
-Document.add_child`` or ``.. inline:: add_child``.
-The second directive will include all children of the module or class,
-except those which start with a ``"_"`` (i.e., private), those that
-have ``:ignore:`` anywhere in their docstring, or those that have
-already been included.
-You can also force a docstring to be ignored by using
-``.. ignore:: function_or_class``. This is useful for properties,
-whose documentation will not be extracted, or other times when
-you want to document the function or class separately from its
-* Allow docstrings to override the normal function argument
- list (e.g., to hide non-public optional arguments).
-* Some sort of table of contents support.
-import os, re, sys
-from docutils.readers.python import moduleparser
-class Document:
- def __init__(self, node, module):
- self.node = node
- = []
- self.children = {}
- self.module = module
- def add_child(self, child):
- self.children[] = child
- def process(self):
- for child in self.node.children:
- self.process_node(child)
- def process_node(self, node):
- if isinstance(node, moduleparser.Docstring):
- elif isinstance(node, moduleparser.Class):
- self.add_child(Class(node, self.module))
- elif isinstance(node, moduleparser.Function):
- self.add_child(Function(node, self.module))
- def documentation(self, context=None):
- if context is None:
- return Document.documentation(self, DocContext())
- newParts = []
- for part in
- if type(part) is type(""):
- doc = self.module.substitute(part, self, context)
- newParts.append(doc + "\n")
- continue
- if'_') \
- and not'__'):
- continue
- if context.seen(part):
- continue
- doc = part.documentation(context)
- if doc.lower().find(':ignore:') != -1:
- continue
- newParts.append(indent(doc))
- context.setSeen(self)
- return '\n'.join(newParts)
-class DocContext:
- def __init__(self):
- self.partsSeen = {}
- def seen(self, obj):
- return self.partsSeen.has_key(obj)
- def setSeen(self, obj):
- self.partsSeen[obj] = 1
-class Module(Document):
- def __init__(self, filename, text=None):
- self.filename = filename
- if text is None:
- text = open(filename).read()
- self.module_text = text
- = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]
- node = moduleparser.parse_module(text, filename)
- Document.__init__(self, node, self)
- self.imports = []
- self.subber = InlineSubstitution(self)
- self.process()
- def substitute(self, s, currentNode=None, context=None):
- return self.subber.substitute(s, currentNode, context)
- def process_node(self, node):
- if isinstance(node, moduleparser.Import):
- self.imports.append((node.names, node.from_name))
- else:
- Document.process_node(self, node)
- def documentation(self, context=None):
- return "%s\n%s\n\n%s" % \
- (,
- "=" * len(,
- Document.documentation(self, context=None))
- def importText(self, im):
- if im[1]:
- return 'from %s import %s' % (im[1], im[0])
- else:
- return 'import %s' % im[0]
-class InlineSubstitution:
- def __init__(self, rootNode):
- self.rootNode = rootNode
- _inlineRE = re.compile(r'( *).. +inline:: *(.*)')
- _inlineAllRE = re.compile(r'( *).. +inline-all:: *')
- _ignoreRE = re.compile(r'( *).. ignore:: *(.*)\n?')
- def substitute(self, s, currentNode=None, context=None):
- if currentNode is None:
- currentNode = self.rootNode
- s = self._ignoreRE.sub(
- lambda m, cur=currentNode, con=context, : self._ignoreSubber(m, cur, con),
- s)
- s = self._inlineRE.sub(
- lambda m, cur=currentNode, con=context: self._inlineSubber(m, cur, con),
- s)
- s = self._inlineAllRE.sub(
- lambda m, cur=currentNode, con=context: self._inlineAllSubber(m, cur, con),
- s)
- return s
- def _inlineSubber(self, match, currentNode, context):
- level = len(
- name ='.')
- child = self._getChild(name, currentNode)
- return indent(self.substitute(child.documentation(context), child), level)
- def _ignoreSubber(self, match, currentNode, context):
- name ='.')
- child = self._getChild(name, currentNode)
- context.setSeen(child)
- return ''
- def _getChild(self, name, currentNode):
- nameList = name
- obj = currentNode
- while 1:
- if not nameList:
- return obj
- if not obj.children.has_key(nameList[0]):
- if currentNode is self.rootNode:
- raise NameError, '%s not found' % '.'.join(name)
- else:
- return self._getChild(name, self.rootNode)
- obj = obj.children[nameList[0]]
- nameList = nameList[1:]
- def _inlineAllSubber(self, match, currentNode, context):
- level = len(
- children = currentNode.children.keys()
- children.sort()
- children = [currentNode.children[name] for name in children]
- allDocs = []
- for child in children:
- if'_'):
- continue
- doc = child.documentation(context)
- if doc.lower().find(':ignore:') != -1:
- continue
- allDocs.append(self.substitute(doc, child))
- return indent('\n'.join(allDocs), level)
-class Function(Document):
- def __init__(self, node, module):
- Document.__init__(self, node, module)
- =
- self.parameters = []
- self.process()
- def process_node(self, node):
- if isinstance(node, moduleparser.ParameterList):
- for parameter in node.children:
- self.process_parameter(parameter)
- else:
- Document.process_node(self, node)
- def process_parameter(self, param):
- ## @@: handle defaults, *args, etc.
- if == 'self':
- return
- if param.children:
- val = ('default', (, param.children[0].text))
- elif isinstance(param, moduleparser.ExcessPositionalArguments):
- val = ('*',
- elif isinstance(param, moduleparser.ExcessKeywordArguments):
- val = ('**',
- else:
- val = ('normal',
- self.parameters.append(val)
- def documentation(self, context):
- d = "`%s(%s)`:\n" % (,
- ', '.join([self.parameterText(p)
- for p in self.parameters]))
- doc = Document.documentation(self, context)
- if not doc:
- doc = "Not documented."
- return d + indent(doc) + "\n"
- def parameterText(self, param):
- t, name = param
- if t == 'normal':
- return name
- elif t == 'default':
- return '%s=%s' % (name[0], name[1])
- elif t == '*':
- return '*%s' % name
- elif t == '**':
- return '**%s' % name
- else:
- assert 0
-class Class(Document):
- def __init__(self, node, module):
- Document.__init__(self, node, module)
- self.bases = []
- =
- for attr, value in node.attlist():
- if attr == 'bases':
- self.bases = value
- self.process()
- def documentation(self, context):
- if self.bases:
- base = 'class `%s(%s)`:' % (, self.bases)
- else:
- base = 'class `%s`:' %
- return base + "\n" + indent(Document.documentation(self, context))
-def indent(text, amount=4):
- return '\n'.join([(' '*amount) + line for line in text.split('\n')])
-def create_documentation(filename, output):
- if type(output) is type(""):
- output = open(output, 'w')
- mod = Module(filename)
- doc = mod.documentation()
- if doc.lower().find(':ignore:') == -1:
- output.write(mod.documentation())
-## Command-line interface
-def main(options, args):
- for arg in args:
- if os.path.isdir(arg) and options.recurse:
- main(options, [os.path.join(arg, f) for f in os.listdir(arg)])
- continue
- if options.recurse and not arg.endswith('.py'):
- continue
- filename = os.path.splitext(arg)[0] + ".txt"
- filename = os.path.join(options.output, filename)
- filename = os.path.normpath(filename)
- if not options.quiet:
- sys.stdout.write('%s -> %s ...' % (os.path.normpath(arg),
- filename))
- sys.stdout.flush()
- create_documentation(arg, filename)
- if not options.quiet:
- sys.stdout.write('done.\n')
- sys.stdout.flush()
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- from optparse import OptionParser
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-r', '--recurse',
- action="store_true",
- dest="recurse",
- default=0,
- help="recurse into subdirectories")
- parser.add_option('-o', '--output',
- dest="output",
- help="write documentation to FILE (or directory)",
- metavar="FILE")
- parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet',
- dest="quiet",
- default=0,
- action="store_true",
- help="be quiet")
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- if len(args) == 1 and options.output \
- and not os.path.isdir(options.output):
- if options.output == '-':
- options.output = sys.stdout
- create_documentation(args[0], options.output)
- else:
- if not options.output:
- options.output = '.'
- main(options, args)