path: root/sandbox/tibs/pysource/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 474 deletions
diff --git a/sandbox/tibs/pysource/ b/sandbox/tibs/pysource/
deleted file mode 100755
index 8823c9265..000000000
--- a/sandbox/tibs/pysource/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-"""Utilities for pysource
-import types
-import string
-import compiler
-# We'd better have at least *one* module in this package that demonstrates
-# *not* using reST for our docstrings...
-__docformat__ = "none"
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-PLAINTEXT = "plaintext"
-RESTRUCTUREDTEXT = "restructuredtext"
-canonical_format = { "plaintext" : PLAINTEXT,
- "plain" : PLAINTEXT,
- "none" : PLAINTEXT,
- "restructuredtext" : RESTRUCTUREDTEXT,
- }
-def docformat(text):
- """Interpret a module's __docformat__ string.
- Returns a tuple of (format,language)
- """
- if text == None:
- return PLAINTEXT,"en"
- words = string.split(string.lower(text))
- #print words
- if len(words) == 0:
- return PLAINTEXT,"en"
- elif len(words) > 2:
- raise ValueError,"__docformat__ may be at most two 'words'"
- if len(words) == 2:
- language = string.lower(words[1])
- else:
- language = "en"
- try:
- format = canonical_format[string.lower(words[0])]
- except KeyError:
- legal = canonical_format.keys()
- legal.sort()
- raise ValueError,"__docformat__ should be one of %s"%legal
- return format,language
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def flatten(item):
- """Retrieve some simpler representation of our AST.
- (and it's not meant to be 'theoretically' wonderful, just something
- I can look at to work out how an AST works...)
- """
- if isinstance(item,compiler.ast.Node):
- things = [item.__class__.__name__]
- children = item.getChildren()
- for child in children:
- things.append(flatten(child))
- return things
- else:
- return [item]
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def treeprint(stream,item,indent=0):
- """Simple pretty printer for the AST."""
- if isinstance(item,compiler.ast.Node):
- stream.write("\n%s<%s>"%(" "*indent,item.__class__.__name__))
- children = item.getChildren()
- for child in children:
- treeprint(stream,child,indent+2)
- # Fake our docstring as a sub-node (it's *really* more an attribute)
- if hasattr(item,"docstring"):
- stream.write("\n%s <docstring> %s"%(" "*indent,item.docstring))
- # And ditto for a remembered assignment expression
- if hasattr(item,"assign_expr"):
- stream.write("\n%s <assign_expr>"%(" "*indent))
- treeprint(stream,item.assign_expr,indent+4)
- else:
- stream.write(" ")
- stream.write(`item`)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def find_attr_docs(tree,verbose=0):
- """Find candidates for documented attributes
- Note that after this, it may be that the AST will not garbage collect
- its own nodes properly anymore, as we are adding in cross-linkages.
- """
- if not isinstance(tree,compiler.ast.Node):
- return
- children = tree.getChildren()
- # Might as well get our recursion done with first...
- for child in children:
- find_attr_docs(child,verbose)
- # I believe that only Stmt nodes can have Assign and Discard
- # nodes as children
- if not isinstance(tree,compiler.ast.Stmt):
- return
- if len(children) == 0:
- return
- pairs = []
- last = children[0]
- for item in children[1:]:
- pairs.append((last,item))
- last = item
- for this,next in pairs:
- if isinstance(this,compiler.ast.Assign) and \
- isinstance(next,compiler.ast.Discard):
- if verbose:
- print
- print
- print "*** Attribute docstring candidate"
- treeprint(this,4)
- treeprint(next,4)
- print
- nextexpr = next.expr
- if isinstance(nextexpr,compiler.ast.Const):
- if type(nextexpr.value) == types.StringType:
- docstring = nextexpr.value
- else:
- if verbose:
- print
- print "... Discarded constant is not a string"
- continue
- else:
- if verbose:
- print
- print "... Discarded expression is not a constant"
- continue
- # If there is more than one assignment attached to
- # the <Assign> node, we are not interested
- if len(this.nodes) > 1:
- if verbose:
- print
- print "... (but there are too many assignments in the <Assign>)"
- continue
- target = this.nodes[0]
- if isinstance(target,compiler.ast.AssName):
- # Let's be cheeky and glue the docstring on...
- target.docstring = docstring
- elif isinstance(target,compiler.ast.AssAttr):
- # Let's be cheeky and glue the docstring on...
- target.docstring = docstring
- else:
- if verbose:
- print
- print "... (but the assignment is to a tuple/list/etc.)"
- continue
- if verbose:
- print
- print "Becomes:"
- treeprint(this,4)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def find_attr_vals(tree,verbose=0):
- """Find attributes whose values we're interested in.
- Clearly, when this is working, it could do with being "folded" into
- `find_attr_docs()`.
- Note that after this, it may be that the AST will not garbage collect
- its own nodes properly anymore, as we are adding in cross-linkages.
- """
- if not isinstance(tree,compiler.ast.Node):
- return
- children = tree.getChildren()
- # Might as well get our recursion done with first...
- for child in children:
- find_attr_vals(child,verbose)
- # I believe that only Stmt nodes can have Assign and Discard
- # nodes as children
- if not isinstance(tree,compiler.ast.Stmt):
- return
- for this in children:
- if isinstance(this,compiler.ast.Assign):
- if verbose:
- print
- print
- print "*** Assignment - name/value candidate"
- treeprint(this,4)
- print
- # If there is more than one assignment attached to
- # the <Assign> node, we are not interested
- if len(this.nodes) > 1:
- if verbose:
- print
- print "... (but there are too many assignments in the <Assign>)"
- continue
- target = this.nodes[0]
- if isinstance(target,compiler.ast.AssName) or \
- isinstance(target,compiler.ast.AssAttr):
- # Let's be cheeky and glue the associated expression on...
- target.assign_expr = this.expr
- else:
- if verbose:
- print
- print "... (but the assignment is to a tuple/list/etc.)"
- continue
- if verbose:
- print
- print "Becomes:"
- treeprint(this,4)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def stringify_arg(thing):
- """Return a string representation of a function argument.
- This just works for tuples of (strings or tuples (of strings ...) ...)
- """
- if type(thing) == types.StringType:
- return thing
- elif type(thing) == types.TupleType:
- innards = []
- for item in thing:
- innards.append(stringify_arg(item))
- return "(" + string.join(innards,",") + ")"
- else:
- raise ValueError,"Tried to stringify type %s"%type(thing)
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def merge_args(args,defaults):
- """Merge together arguments and defaults from an argument list.
- Returns a list of argument strings.
- """
- if args == None:
- return []
- if defaults == None:
- defaults = []
- # This is horrible - do it nicely later on!
- argstrs = []
- for item in args:
- argstrs.append(stringify_arg(item))
- pos = len(args) - len(defaults)
- next = 0
- for index in range(pos,len(args)):
- thing = defaults[next]
- thing = stringify_expr(thing)
- argstrs[index] = "%s=%s"%(argstrs[index],thing)
- next = next + 1
- return argstrs
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-def stringify_expr(thing):
- """Return a very simple string representation of an expression node
- Specifically, this function aims to support stringifying things
- which can be on the RHS of an assignment - is that *actually* the
- same as stringifying expression nodes?
- """
- # Humph - saving typing may be a good thing...
- strify = stringify_expr
- #print thing.__class__.__name__
- if thing == None:
- return 'None'
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Add):
- return strify(thing.left) + " + " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.And):
- exprs = []
- for node in thing.nodes:
- exprs.append(strify(node))
- return string.join(exprs," && ")
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.AssAttr):
- # Attribute as target of assignment
- if thing.flags == compiler.consts.OP_ASSIGN:
- return strify(thing.expr) + "." + thing.attrname
- else:
- raise ValueError,"Unexpected flag %d in %s"%(thing.flags,`thing`)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.AssName):
- # Name as target of assignment, but this also means name
- # as target of "in" assignment (e.g., "x in [1,2,3]"),
- # which is why *we're* interested in it (since this can
- # occur in list comprehensions, which can occur as the
- # RHS of assignments)
- if thing.flags == compiler.consts.OP_ASSIGN:
- return
- else:
- raise ValueError,"Unexpected flag %d in %s"%(thing.flags,`thing`)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Backquote):
- return "`" + strify(thing.expr) + "`"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Bitand):
- exprs = []
- for node in thing.nodes:
- exprs.append(strify(node))
- return string.join(exprs," & ")
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Bitor):
- exprs = []
- for node in thing.nodes:
- exprs.append(strify(node))
- return string.join(exprs," | ")
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Bitxor):
- exprs = []
- for node in thing.nodes:
- exprs.append(strify(node))
- return string.join(exprs," ^ ")
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.CallFunc):
- # Yuck - this is getting complicated!
- # (for an example, see method `hyperlink_target` in
- # restructuredtext/
- str = strify(thing.node) + "("
- arglist = []
- if thing.args:
- for arg in thing.args:
- arglist.append(strify(arg))
- if thing.star_args:
- arglist.append("*"+strify(thing.star_args))
- if thing.dstar_args:
- arglist.append("**"+strify(thing.dstar_args))
- if arglist:
- str += string.join(arglist,", ")
- return str+")"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Compare):
- str = strify(thing.expr) + " "
- for op,val in thing.ops:
- str += op + " " + strify(val)
- return str
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Const):
- # Try not to let long strings take up too much room...
- value = thing.value
- if type(value) == type("") and len(value) > 50:
- value = value[:47] + "..."
- # Make Python decide for us if it needs quotes round it
- # (and, if so, what sort)
- return `value`
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Dict):
- innards = []
- for key,val in thing.items:
- key = strify(key)
- val = strify(val)
- innards.append(key+":"+val)
- return "{" + string.join(innards,", ") + "}"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Div):
- return strify(thing.left) + " / " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Ellipsis):
- return "..."
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Getattr):
- return strify(thing.expr) + "." + thing.attrname
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Invert):
- # Bitwise negation
- return "~" + strify(thing.expr)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Keyword):
- # An 'arg=value' within a function call
- return + "=" + strify(thing.expr)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Lambda):
- str = "lambda "
- if thing.flags != 0:
- str += " <flag %d> "%thing.flags
- str += string.join(merge_args(thing.argnames,thing.defaults),", ")
- str += ": "
- str += strify(thing.code)
- return str
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.LeftShift):
- return strify(thing.left) + " << " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.List):
- innards = []
- for item in thing.nodes:
- innards.append(strify(item))
- return "[" + string.join(innards,", ") + "]"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.ListComp):
- str = "["+strify(thing.expr)
- for node in thing.quals:
- str += " "+strify(node)
- return str+"]"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.ListCompFor):
- str = "for "+strify(thing.assign)
- str += " in "+strify(thing.list)
- if thing.ifs:
- for node in thing.ifs:
- str += " "+strify(node)
- return str
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.ListCompIf):
- return "if "+strify(thing.test)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Mod):
- return strify(thing.left) + "%" + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Mul):
- return strify(thing.left) + " * " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Name):
- return
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Not):
- return "not " + strify(thing.expr)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Or):
- exprs = []
- for node in thing.nodes:
- exprs.append(strify(node))
- return string.join(exprs," || ")
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Power):
- return strify(thing.left) + " ** " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.RightShift):
- return strify(thing.left) + " >> " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Slice):
- if thing.flags != compiler.consts.OP_APPLY:
- raise ValueError,"Unexpected flag %d in %s"%(thing.flags,`thing`)
- return strify(thing.expr) + "[" + \
- strify(thing.lower) + ":" + strify(thing.upper) + "]"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Sliceobj):
- slicelist = []
- for idx in thing.nodes:
- slicelist.append(strify(idx))
- return string.join(slicelist,":")
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Sub):
- return strify(thing.left) + " - " + strify(thing.right)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Subscript):
- if thing.flags != compiler.consts.OP_APPLY:
- raise ValueError,"Unexpected flag %d in %s"%(thing.flags,`thing`)
- str = strify(thing.expr) + "["
- sublist = []
- for sub in thing.subs:
- sublist.append(strify(sub))
- return str + string.join(sublist,", ") + "]"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.Tuple):
- innards = []
- for item in thing.nodes:
- innards.append(strify(item))
- return "(" + string.join(innards,", ") + ")"
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.UnaryAdd):
- return "+" + strify(thing.expr)
- elif isinstance(thing,compiler.ast.UnarySub):
- return "-" + strify(thing.expr)
- else:
- return _whatsthis(thing)
-def _whatsthis(thing):
- # Wrong, but what else can we do?
- import sys
- print >>sys.stderr,"stringify_expr - don't recognise %s %s"%\
- (thing.__class__.__name__,thing)
- return `thing`