path: root/test/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 868 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c30b263d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+# Authors: David Goodger; Garth Kidd
+# Contact:
+# Revision: $Revision$
+# Date: $Date$
+# Copyright: This module has been placed in the public domain.
+Exports the following:
+ - `statemachine` is 'docutils.statemachine'
+ - `nodes` is 'docutils.nodes'
+ - `urischemes` is 'docutils.urischemes'
+ - `utils` is 'docutils.utils'
+ - `transforms` is 'docutils.transforms'
+ - `states` is 'docutils.parsers.rst.states'
+ - `tableparser` is 'docutils.parsers.rst.tableparser'
+ - `StandardTestCase`
+ - `CustomTestCase`
+ - `CustomTestSuite`
+ - `TransformTestCase`
+ - `TransformTestSuite`
+ - `ParserTestCase`
+ - `ParserTestSuite`
+ - `ParserTransformTestCase`
+ - `PEPParserTestCase`
+ - `PEPParserTestSuite`
+ - `GridTableParserTestCase`
+ - `GridTableParserTestSuite`
+ - `SimpleTableParserTestCase`
+ - `SimpleTableParserTestSuite`
+ - `WriterPublishTestCase`
+ - `LatexWriterPublishTestCase`
+ - `PseudoXMLWriterPublishTestCase`
+ - `HtmlWriterPublishTestCase`
+ - `PublishTestSuite`
+ - `HtmlFragmentTestSuite`
+ - `DevNull` (output sink)
+__docformat__ = 'reStructuredText'
+import sys
+import os
+testroot = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__) or os.curdir)
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.normpath(os.path.join(testroot, '..')))
+sys.path.insert(0, testroot)
+sys.path.append(os.path.normpath(os.path.join(testroot, '..', 'extras')))
+import unittest
+import docutils_difflib
+import inspect
+from pprint import pformat
+from types import UnicodeType, StringType
+import package_unittest
+import docutils
+import docutils.core
+from docutils import frontend, nodes, statemachine, urischemes, utils
+from docutils.transforms import universal
+from docutils.parsers import rst
+from docutils.parsers.rst import states, tableparser, roles, languages
+from docutils.readers import standalone, pep
+from docutils.statemachine import StringList, string2lines
+ from docutils.readers.python import moduleparser
+ from tokenize import generate_tokens
+ del generate_tokens
+except ImportError: # moduleparser depends on modules added in Python 2.2
+ moduleparser = None
+ import mypdb as pdb
+ import pdb
+# Hack to make repr(StringList) look like repr(list):
+StringList.__repr__ = StringList.__str__
+class DevNull:
+ """Output sink."""
+ def write(self, string):
+ pass
+ def close(self):
+ pass
+class StandardTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ """
+ Helper class, providing the same interface as unittest.TestCase,
+ but with useful setUp and comparison methods.
+ """
+ def setUp(self):
+ os.chdir(testroot)
+ def failUnlessEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
+ """Fail if the two objects are unequal as determined by the '=='
+ operator.
+ """
+ if not first == second:
+ raise self.failureException, \
+ (msg or '%s != %s' % _format_str(first, second))
+ def failIfEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
+ """Fail if the two objects are equal as determined by the '=='
+ operator.
+ """
+ if first == second:
+ raise self.failureException, \
+ (msg or '%s == %s' % _format_str(first, second))
+ # Synonyms for assertion methods
+ assertEqual = assertEquals = failUnlessEqual
+ assertNotEqual = assertNotEquals = failIfEqual
+class CustomTestCase(StandardTestCase):
+ """
+ Helper class, providing extended functionality over unittest.TestCase.
+ The methods failUnlessEqual and failIfEqual have been overwritten
+ to provide better support for multi-line strings. Furthermore,
+ see the compare_output method and the parameter list of __init__.
+ """
+ compare = docutils_difflib.Differ().compare
+ """Comparison method shared by all subclasses."""
+ def __init__(self, method_name, input, expected, id, run_in_debugger=0,
+ suite_settings=None):
+ """
+ Initialise the CustomTestCase.
+ Arguments:
+ method_name -- name of test method to run.
+ input -- input to the parser.
+ expected -- expected output from the parser.
+ id -- unique test identifier, used by the test framework.
+ run_in_debugger -- if true, run this test under the pdb debugger.
+ suite_settings -- settings overrides for this test suite.
+ """
+ = id
+ self.input = input
+ self.expected = expected
+ self.run_in_debugger = run_in_debugger
+ self.suite_settings = suite_settings or {}
+ # Ring your mother.
+ unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, method_name)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """
+ Return string conversion. Overridden to give test id, in addition to
+ method name.
+ """
+ return '%s; %s' % (, unittest.TestCase.__str__(self))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<%s %s>" % (, unittest.TestCase.__repr__(self))
+ def clear_roles(self):
+ # Language-specific roles and roles added by the
+ # "default-role" and "role" directives are currently stored
+ # globally in the roles._roles dictionary. This workaround
+ # empties that dictionary.
+ roles._roles = {}
+ def setUp(self):
+ StandardTestCase.setUp(self)
+ self.clear_roles()
+ def compare_output(self, input, output, expected):
+ """`input`, `output`, and `expected` should all be strings."""
+ if isinstance(input, UnicodeType):
+ input = input.encode('raw_unicode_escape')
+ if isinstance(output, UnicodeType):
+ output = output.encode('raw_unicode_escape')
+ if isinstance(expected, UnicodeType):
+ expected = expected.encode('raw_unicode_escape')
+ try:
+ self.assertEquals(output, expected)
+ except AssertionError, error:
+ print >>sys.stderr, '\n%s\ninput:' % (self,)
+ print >>sys.stderr, input
+ try:
+ comparison = ''.join(,
+ output.splitlines(1)))
+ print >>sys.stderr, '-: expected\n+: output'
+ print >>sys.stderr, comparison
+ except AttributeError: # expected or output not a string
+ # alternative output for non-strings:
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'expected: %r' % expected
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'output: %r' % output
+ raise error
+class CustomTestSuite(unittest.TestSuite):
+ """
+ A collection of CustomTestCases.
+ Provides test suite ID generation and a method for adding test cases.
+ """
+ id = ''
+ """Identifier for the TestSuite. Prepended to the
+ TestCase identifiers to make identification easier."""
+ next_test_case_id = 0
+ """The next identifier to use for non-identified test cases."""
+ def __init__(self, tests=(), id=None, suite_settings=None):
+ """
+ Initialize the CustomTestSuite.
+ Arguments:
+ id -- identifier for the suite, prepended to test cases.
+ suite_settings -- settings overrides for this test suite.
+ """
+ unittest.TestSuite.__init__(self, tests)
+ self.suite_settings = suite_settings or {}
+ if id is None:
+ mypath = os.path.abspath(
+ sys.modules[CustomTestSuite.__module__].__file__)
+ outerframes = inspect.getouterframes(inspect.currentframe())
+ for outerframe in outerframes[1:]:
+ if outerframe[3] != '__init__':
+ callerpath = outerframe[1]
+ if callerpath is None:
+ # It happens sometimes. Why is a mystery.
+ callerpath = os.getcwd()
+ callerpath = os.path.abspath(callerpath)
+ break
+ mydir, myname = os.path.split(mypath)
+ if not mydir:
+ mydir = os.curdir
+ if callerpath.startswith(mydir):
+ = callerpath[len(mydir) + 1:] # caller's module
+ else:
+ = callerpath
+ else:
+ = id
+ def addTestCase(self, test_case_class, method_name, input, expected,
+ id=None, run_in_debugger=0, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Create a CustomTestCase in the CustomTestSuite.
+ Also return it, just in case.
+ Arguments:
+ test_case_class -- the CustomTestCase to add
+ method_name -- a string; CustomTestCase.method_name is the test
+ input -- input to the parser.
+ expected -- expected output from the parser.
+ id -- unique test identifier, used by the test framework.
+ run_in_debugger -- if true, run this test under the pdb debugger.
+ """
+ if id is None: # generate id if required
+ id = self.next_test_case_id
+ self.next_test_case_id += 1
+ # test identifier will become suiteid.testid
+ tcid = '%s: %s' % (, id)
+ # suite_settings may be passed as a parameter;
+ # if not, set from attribute:
+ kwargs.setdefault('suite_settings', self.suite_settings)
+ # generate and add test case
+ tc = test_case_class(method_name, input, expected, tcid,
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger, **kwargs)
+ self.addTest(tc)
+ return tc
+ def generate_no_tests(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+class TransformTestCase(CustomTestCase):
+ """
+ Output checker for the transform.
+ Should probably be called TransformOutputChecker, but I can deal with
+ that later when/if someone comes up with a category of transform test
+ cases that have nothing to do with the input and output of the transform.
+ """
+ option_parser = frontend.OptionParser(components=(rst.Parser,))
+ settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
+ settings.report_level = 1
+ settings.halt_level = 5
+ settings.debug = package_unittest.debug
+ settings.warning_stream = DevNull()
+ unknown_reference_resolvers = ()
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.transforms = kwargs['transforms']
+ """List of transforms to perform for this test case."""
+ self.parser = kwargs['parser']
+ """Input parser for this test case."""
+ del kwargs['transforms'], kwargs['parser'] # only wanted here
+ CustomTestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def supports(self, format):
+ return 1
+ def test_transforms(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ settings = self.settings.copy()
+ settings.__dict__.update(self.suite_settings)
+ document = utils.new_document('test data', settings)
+ self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
+ # Don't do a ``populate_from_components()`` because that would
+ # enable the Transformer's default transforms.
+ document.transformer.add_transforms(self.transforms)
+ document.transformer.add_transform(universal.TestMessages)
+ document.transformer.components['writer'] = self
+ document.transformer.apply_transforms()
+ output = document.pformat()
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
+ def test_transforms_verbosely(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ print '\n',
+ print '-' * 70
+ print self.input
+ settings = self.settings.copy()
+ settings.__dict__.update(self.suite_settings)
+ document = utils.new_document('test data', settings)
+ self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
+ print '-' * 70
+ print document.pformat()
+ for transformClass in self.transforms:
+ transformClass(document).apply()
+ output = document.pformat()
+ print '-' * 70
+ print output
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
+class TransformTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ """
+ A collection of TransformTestCases.
+ A TransformTestSuite instance manufactures TransformTestCases,
+ keeps track of them, and provides a shared test fixture (a-la
+ setUp and tearDown).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, parser, suite_settings=None):
+ self.parser = parser
+ """Parser shared by all test cases."""
+ CustomTestSuite.__init__(self, suite_settings=suite_settings)
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest',
+ testmethod='test_transforms'):
+ """
+ Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
+ Each dictionary key (test type's name) maps to a tuple, whose
+ first item is a list of transform classes and whose second
+ item is a list of tests. Each test is a list: input, expected
+ output, optional modifier. The optional third entry, a
+ behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily disable this test) or
+ 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests should be
+ self-documenting and not require external comments.
+ """
+ for name, (transforms, cases) in dict.items():
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case)==3:
+ # TODO: (maybe) change the 3rd argument to a dict, so it
+ # can handle more cases by keyword ('disable', 'debug',
+ # 'settings'), here and in other generateTests methods.
+ # But there's also the method that
+ # HtmlPublishPartsTestSuite uses <DJG>
+ if case[2]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(
+ TransformTestCase, testmethod,
+ transforms=transforms, parser=self.parser,
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger)
+class ParserTestCase(CustomTestCase):
+ """
+ Output checker for the parser.
+ Should probably be called ParserOutputChecker, but I can deal with
+ that later when/if someone comes up with a category of parser test
+ cases that have nothing to do with the input and output of the parser.
+ """
+ parser = rst.Parser()
+ """Parser shared by all ParserTestCases."""
+ option_parser = frontend.OptionParser(components=(rst.Parser,))
+ settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
+ settings.report_level = 5
+ settings.halt_level = 5
+ settings.debug = package_unittest.debug
+ def test_parser(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ settings = self.settings.copy()
+ settings.__dict__.update(self.suite_settings)
+ document = utils.new_document('test data', settings)
+ self.parser.parse(self.input, document)
+ output = document.pformat()
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
+class ParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ """
+ A collection of ParserTestCases.
+ A ParserTestSuite instance manufactures ParserTestCases,
+ keeps track of them, and provides a shared test fixture (a-la
+ setUp and tearDown).
+ """
+ test_case_class = ParserTestCase
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
+ """
+ Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
+ Each dictionary key (test type name) maps to a list of tests. Each
+ test is a list: input, expected output, optional modifier. The
+ optional third entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily
+ disable this test) or 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests
+ should be self-documenting and not require external comments.
+ """
+ for name, cases in dict.items():
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case)==3:
+ if case[2]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(
+ self.test_case_class, 'test_parser',
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger)
+class PEPParserTestCase(ParserTestCase):
+ """PEP-specific parser test case."""
+ parser = rst.Parser(rfc2822=1, inliner=rst.states.Inliner())
+ """Parser shared by all PEPParserTestCases."""
+ option_parser = frontend.OptionParser(components=(rst.Parser, pep.Reader))
+ settings = option_parser.get_default_values()
+ settings.report_level = 5
+ settings.halt_level = 5
+ settings.debug = package_unittest.debug
+class PEPParserTestSuite(ParserTestSuite):
+ """A collection of PEPParserTestCases."""
+ test_case_class = PEPParserTestCase
+class GridTableParserTestCase(CustomTestCase):
+ parser = tableparser.GridTableParser()
+ def test_parse_table(self):
+ self.parser.setup(StringList(string2lines(self.input), 'test data'))
+ try:
+ self.parser.find_head_body_sep()
+ self.parser.parse_table()
+ output = self.parser.cells
+ except Exception, details:
+ output = '%s: %s' % (details.__class__.__name__, details)
+ self.compare_output(self.input, pformat(output) + '\n',
+ pformat(self.expected) + '\n')
+ def test_parse(self):
+ try:
+ output = self.parser.parse(StringList(string2lines(self.input),
+ 'test data'))
+ except Exception, details:
+ output = '%s: %s' % (details.__class__.__name__, details)
+ self.compare_output(self.input, pformat(output) + '\n',
+ pformat(self.expected) + '\n')
+class GridTableParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ """
+ A collection of GridTableParserTestCases.
+ A GridTableParserTestSuite instance manufactures GridTableParserTestCases,
+ keeps track of them, and provides a shared test fixture (a-la setUp and
+ tearDown).
+ """
+ test_case_class = GridTableParserTestCase
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
+ """
+ Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
+ Each dictionary key (test type name) maps to a list of tests. Each
+ test is a list: an input table, expected output from parse_table(),
+ expected output from parse(), optional modifier. The optional fourth
+ entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily disable this test)
+ or 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests should be
+ self-documenting and not require external comments.
+ """
+ for name, cases in dict.items():
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case) == 4:
+ if case[-1]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(self.test_case_class, 'test_parse_table',
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger)
+ self.addTestCase(self.test_case_class, 'test_parse',
+ input=case[0], expected=case[2],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger)
+class SimpleTableParserTestCase(GridTableParserTestCase):
+ parser = tableparser.SimpleTableParser()
+class SimpleTableParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ """
+ A collection of SimpleTableParserTestCases.
+ """
+ test_case_class = SimpleTableParserTestCase
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
+ """
+ Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
+ Each dictionary key (test type name) maps to a list of tests. Each
+ test is a list: an input table, expected output from parse(), optional
+ modifier. The optional third entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0
+ (temporarily disable this test) or 1 (run this test under the pdb
+ debugger). Tests should be self-documenting and not require external
+ comments.
+ """
+ for name, cases in dict.items():
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case) == 3:
+ if case[-1]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(self.test_case_class, 'test_parse',
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger)
+class PythonModuleParserTestCase(CustomTestCase):
+ def test_parser(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ module = moduleparser.parse_module(self.input, 'test data').pformat()
+ output = str(module)
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
+ def test_token_parser_rhs(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ tr = moduleparser.TokenParser(self.input)
+ output = tr.rhs(1)
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
+class PythonModuleParserTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ """
+ A collection of PythonModuleParserTestCase.
+ """
+ notified = None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if moduleparser is None:
+ if not self.notified:
+ print ('Tests of docutils.readers.python skipped; '
+ 'Python 2.2 or higher required.')
+ PythonModuleParserTestSuite.notified = 1
+ self.generateTests = self.generate_no_tests
+ CustomTestSuite.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest',
+ testmethod='test_parser'):
+ """
+ Stock the suite with test cases generated from a test data dictionary.
+ Each dictionary key (test type's name) maps to a list of tests. Each
+ test is a list: input, expected output, optional modifier. The
+ optional third entry, a behavior modifier, can be 0 (temporarily
+ disable this test) or 1 (run this test under the pdb debugger). Tests
+ should be self-documenting and not require external comments.
+ """
+ for name, cases in dict.items():
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case)==3:
+ if case[2]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(
+ PythonModuleParserTestCase, testmethod,
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger)
+class WriterPublishTestCase(CustomTestCase, docutils.SettingsSpec):
+ """
+ Test case for publish.
+ """
+ settings_default_overrides = {'_disable_config': 1,
+ 'strict_visitor': 1}
+ writer_name = '' # set in subclasses or constructor
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if kwargs.has_key('writer_name'):
+ self.writer_name = kwargs['writer_name']
+ del kwargs['writer_name']
+ CustomTestCase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def test_publish(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ output = docutils.core.publish_string(
+ source=self.input,
+ reader_name='standalone',
+ parser_name='restructuredtext',
+ writer_name=self.writer_name,
+ settings_spec=self,
+ settings_overrides=self.suite_settings)
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, self.expected)
+class PublishTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ def __init__(self, writer_name, suite_settings=None):
+ """
+ `writer_name` is the name of the writer to use.
+ """
+ CustomTestSuite.__init__(self, suite_settings=suite_settings)
+ self.test_class = WriterPublishTestCase
+ self.writer_name = writer_name
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
+ for name, cases in dict.items():
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case)==3:
+ if case[2]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(
+ self.test_class, 'test_publish',
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger,
+ # Passed to constructor of self.test_class:
+ writer_name=self.writer_name)
+class HtmlPublishPartsTestSuite(CustomTestSuite):
+ def generateTests(self, dict, dictname='totest'):
+ for name, (settings_overrides, cases) in dict.items():
+ settings = self.suite_settings.copy()
+ settings.update(settings_overrides)
+ for casenum in range(len(cases)):
+ case = cases[casenum]
+ run_in_debugger = 0
+ if len(case)==3:
+ if case[2]:
+ run_in_debugger = 1
+ else:
+ continue
+ self.addTestCase(
+ HtmlWriterPublishPartsTestCase, 'test_publish',
+ input=case[0], expected=case[1],
+ id='%s[%r][%s]' % (dictname, name, casenum),
+ run_in_debugger=run_in_debugger,
+ suite_settings=settings)
+class HtmlWriterPublishPartsTestCase(WriterPublishTestCase):
+ """
+ Test case for HTML writer via the publish_parts interface.
+ """
+ writer_name = 'html'
+ settings_default_overrides = \
+ WriterPublishTestCase.settings_default_overrides.copy()
+ settings_default_overrides['stylesheet'] = ''
+ def test_publish(self):
+ if self.run_in_debugger:
+ pdb.set_trace()
+ parts = docutils.core.publish_parts(
+ source=self.input,
+ reader_name='standalone',
+ parser_name='restructuredtext',
+ writer_name=self.writer_name,
+ settings_spec=self,
+ settings_overrides=self.suite_settings)
+ output = self.format_output(parts)
+ # interpolate standard variables:
+ expected = self.expected % {'version': docutils.__version__}
+ self.compare_output(self.input, output, expected)
+ standard_content_type_template = ('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type"'
+ ' content="text/html; charset=%s" />\n')
+ standard_generator_template = (
+ '<meta name="generator"'
+ ' content="Docutils %s:" />\n')
+ standard_html_meta_value = (
+ standard_content_type_template
+ + standard_generator_template % docutils.__version__)
+ standard_meta_value = standard_html_meta_value % 'utf-8'
+ standard_html_prolog = """\
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="%s" ?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
+ def format_output(self, parts):
+ """Minimize & standardize the output."""
+ # remove redundant parts:
+ del parts['whole']
+ assert parts['body'] == parts['fragment']
+ del parts['body']
+ # remove standard portions:
+ parts['meta'] = parts['meta'].replace(self.standard_meta_value, '')
+ parts['html_head'] = parts['html_head'].replace(
+ self.standard_html_meta_value, '...')
+ parts['html_prolog'] = parts['html_prolog'].replace(
+ self.standard_html_prolog, '')
+ # remove empty values:
+ for key in parts.keys():
+ if not parts[key]:
+ del parts[key]
+ # standard output format:
+ keys = parts.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ output = []
+ for key in keys:
+ output.append("%r: '''%s'''"
+ % (key, parts[key].encode('raw_unicode_escape')))
+ if output[-1].endswith("\n'''"):
+ output[-1] = output[-1][:-4] + "\\n'''"
+ return '{' + ',\n '.join(output) + '}\n'
+def exception_data(code):
+ """
+ Execute `code` and return the resulting exception, the exception arguments,
+ and the formatted exception string.
+ """
+ try:
+ exec(code)
+ except Exception, detail:
+ return (detail, detail.args,
+ '%s: %s' % (detail.__class__.__name__, detail))
+def _format_str(*args):
+ r"""
+ Return a tuple containing representations of all args.
+ Same as map(repr, args) except that it returns multi-line
+ representations for strings containing newlines, e.g.::
+ '''\
+ foo \n\
+ bar
+ baz'''
+ instead of::
+ 'foo \nbar\n\nbaz'
+ This is a helper function for CustomTestCase.
+ """
+ import re
+ return_tuple = []
+ for i in args:
+ r = repr(i)
+ if ( (isinstance(i, StringType) or isinstance(i, UnicodeType))
+ and '\n' in i):
+ stripped = ''
+ if isinstance(i, UnicodeType):
+ # stripped = 'u' or 'U'
+ stripped = r[0]
+ r = r[1:]
+ # quote_char = "'" or '"'
+ quote_char = r[0]
+ assert quote_char in ("'", '"')
+ assert r[0] == r[-1]
+ r = r[1:-1]
+ r = (stripped + 3 * quote_char + '\\\n' +
+ re.sub(r'(?<!\\)((\\\\)*)\\n', r'\1\n', r) +
+ 3 * quote_char)
+ r = re.sub(r' \n', r' \\n\\\n', r)
+ return_tuple.append(r)
+ return tuple(return_tuple)