path: root/
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* [testlib] Remove obsolete backwards compatibilityRémi Cardona2014-09-281-8/+1
* [testlib] 'test' module from python 3 creates temporary directory on importRémi Cardona2014-09-281-8/+0
* Use six.moves.input instead of lgc.compat.raw_inputJulien Cristau2014-09-231-2/+2
* [testlib] stop using internal unittest _addSkip methodJulien Cristau2014-09-221-1/+6
* [py3k] use dict.items() / dict.values() instead of .iter*Rémi Cardona2014-07-281-1/+1
* [py3k] Import configparser from six.movesRémi Cardona2014-07-161-4/+3
* [py3k] Import range from six.movesRémi Cardona2014-07-161-5/+5
* [py3k] Replace basestring with six.string_typesRémi Cardona2014-07-171-3/+4
* [py3k] Import builtins from six.movesRémi Cardona2014-07-141-1/+2
* [py3k] print functionRémi Cardona2014-09-171-10/+14
* [compat] Remove callable (related to #264017)Rémi Cardona2014-09-181-3/+0
* Use next(iterator) instead of py3k incompatible (related to #...Rémi Cardona2014-07-161-2/+2
* Use "except as" syntax (related to #264017)Rémi Cardona2014-07-161-10/+10
* Use inspect.isgeneratorfunction() (related to #264017)Rémi Cardona2014-07-181-19/+4
* [compat] Remove InheritableSet (related to #264017)Rémi Cardona2014-07-281-2/+2
* [compat] Deprecate any() and all() (related to #264017)Rémi Cardona2014-07-281-1/+1
* [pytest] drop compatibility code for python < 2.4 (related to #264017)David Douard2014-08-251-19/+5
* [testlib] Handle skip methods as in unittestDenis Laxalde2014-06-051-0/+10
* [testlib] handle skips in setUp and tearDownJulien Cristau2013-11-221-0/+3
* fix assertIsNotNone py< 2.7 implementationSylvain Th?nault2013-10-041-1/+1
* testlib: assertIsNotNone missing for python 2.6Sylvain Th?nault2013-08-211-0/+3
* testlib: fix for python 3.3Julien Cristau2013-07-221-5/+8
* [testlib] check for generators in with_tempdirJulien Cristau2013-02-221-0/+15
* python3: fix code and test so most tests go green. Partially closes #104047Sylvain Th?nault2012-10-231-0/+4
* silent unittest2 warningsSylvain Th?nault2012-08-291-7/+7
* Adapt in order to be compatible with Jython which doesn't have a _...Sylvain Th?nault2012-07-171-5/+7
* testlib: ensure DocTest does not alter __builtins__Pierre-Yves David2012-03-151-1/+8
* replace sys.exit with raise ImportError (closes: #84159)Alexandre Fayolle2011-12-081-1/+1
* hack to avoid crash if error during doctestSylvain Th?nault2011-09-061-2/+5
* [packaging] prepare 0.55.1logilab-common-version-0.55.1Nicolas Chauvat2011-03-281-1/+1
* testlib: proper assertRaises compatible with old usage and as unittest2 conte...Sylvain Th?nault2011-01-061-9/+3
* [unittest2] warn for non-standard usage of assertRaises (exception assignment)Julien Jehannet2010-12-131-3/+21
* [unittest2] add deprecation warnings about new api about module level fixturesJulien Jehannet2011-01-041-1/+64
* [testlib] forgot qrefresh before qfinish :(Nicolas Chauvat2010-12-271-3/+5
* [testlib] add relative tolerance to assertFloatAlmostEqualsAdrien Chauve2010-07-291-2/+4
* [testlib] do not stop generative test if exception occuredJulien Jehannet2010-11-291-2/+3
* [testlib] manage SkipTest exception in __call__ statement (as unittest2 does)Julien Jehannet2010-11-291-0/+3
* fix: shouldn't remove color optionEmile Anclin2010-12-061-2/+41
* py3k: replace "file(path)" with "open(path)"Emile Anclin2010-12-061-1/+1
* update manpageEmile Anclin2010-12-061-1/+0
* cleanup: remove unsupported options capture, printonly and colorEmile Anclin2010-12-061-48/+2
* cleanup: remove more deprecated stuffEmile Anclin2010-12-061-42/+9
* cleanup: remove 2.3 support in testlibEmile Anclin2010-12-061-37/+18
* cleanup: remove DFCaptureEmile Anclin2010-12-061-138/+0
* [testlib] move dbc feature into pytest module + correct wrong importJulien Jehannet2010-11-241-25/+2
* [testlib] adapt testlib skip code with unittest2Julien Jehannet2010-11-231-9/+11
* [testlib ]add a context argument to assertDictEquals to ease extensionPierre-Yves David2010-11-221-2/+6
* pytest: make test suite compatible with 2.7 (fix ParseError logic)Julien Jehannet2010-11-221-15/+22
* fix testsEmile Anclin2010-11-221-1/+1
* pytest: make test suite compatible with 2.7Julien Jehannet2010-11-171-2/+3