path: root/src/M2Crypto/SSL
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11 files changed, 2369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46d397a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+SSL peer certificate checking routines
+Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Open Source Applications Foundation.
+All rights reserved.
+Copyright 2008 Heikki Toivonen. All rights reserved.
+__all__ = ['SSLVerificationError', 'NoCertificate', 'WrongCertificate',
+ 'WrongHost', 'Checker']
+import re
+import socket
+from M2Crypto import X509, m2, six # noqa
+from typing import AnyStr, Optional # noqa
+class SSLVerificationError(Exception):
+ pass
+class NoCertificate(SSLVerificationError):
+ pass
+class WrongCertificate(SSLVerificationError):
+ pass
+class WrongHost(SSLVerificationError):
+ def __init__(self, expectedHost, actualHost, fieldName='commonName'):
+ # type: (str, AnyStr, str) -> None
+ """
+ This exception will be raised if the certificate returned by the
+ peer was issued for a different host than we tried to connect to.
+ This could be due to a server misconfiguration or an active attack.
+ :param expectedHost: The name of the host we expected to find in the
+ certificate.
+ :param actualHost: The name of the host we actually found in the
+ certificate.
+ :param fieldName: The field name where we noticed the error. This
+ should be either 'commonName' or 'subjectAltName'.
+ """
+ if fieldName not in ('commonName', 'subjectAltName'):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Unknown fieldName, should be either commonName ' +
+ 'or subjectAltName')
+ SSLVerificationError.__init__(self)
+ self.expectedHost = expectedHost
+ self.actualHost = actualHost
+ self.fieldName = fieldName
+ def __str__(self):
+ # type: () -> str
+ s = 'Peer certificate %s does not match host, expected %s, got %s' \
+ % (self.fieldName, self.expectedHost, self.actualHost)
+ return six.ensure_text(s)
+class Checker(object):
+ numericIpMatch = re.compile('^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)*$')
+ def __init__(self, host=None, peerCertHash=None, peerCertDigest='sha1'):
+ # type: (Optional[str], Optional[bytes], str) -> None
+ = host
+ if peerCertHash is not None:
+ peerCertHash = six.ensure_binary(peerCertHash)
+ self.fingerprint = peerCertHash
+ self.digest = peerCertDigest # type: str
+ def __call__(self, peerCert, host=None):
+ # type: (X509.X509, Optional[str]) -> bool
+ if peerCert is None:
+ raise NoCertificate('peer did not return certificate')
+ if host is not None:
+ = host # type: str
+ if self.fingerprint:
+ if self.digest not in ('sha1', 'md5'):
+ raise ValueError('unsupported digest "%s"' % self.digest)
+ if self.digest == 'sha1':
+ expected_len = 40
+ elif self.digest == 'md5':
+ expected_len = 32
+ else:
+ raise ValueError('Unexpected digest {0}'.format(self.digest))
+ if len(self.fingerprint) != expected_len:
+ raise WrongCertificate(
+ ('peer certificate fingerprint length does not match\n' +
+ 'fingerprint: {0}\nexpected = {1}\n' +
+ 'observed = {2}').format(self.fingerprint,
+ expected_len,
+ len(self.fingerprint)))
+ expected_fingerprint = six.ensure_text(self.fingerprint)
+ observed_fingerprint = peerCert.get_fingerprint(md=self.digest)
+ if observed_fingerprint != expected_fingerprint:
+ raise WrongCertificate(
+ ('peer certificate fingerprint does not match\n' +
+ 'expected = {0},\n' +
+ 'observed = {1}').format(expected_fingerprint,
+ observed_fingerprint))
+ if
+ hostValidationPassed = False
+ self.useSubjectAltNameOnly = False
+ # subjectAltName=DNS:somehost[, ...]*
+ try:
+ subjectAltName = peerCert.get_ext('subjectAltName').get_value()
+ if self._splitSubjectAltName(, subjectAltName):
+ hostValidationPassed = True
+ elif self.useSubjectAltNameOnly:
+ raise WrongHost(,
+ actualHost=subjectAltName,
+ fieldName='subjectAltName')
+ except LookupError:
+ pass
+ # commonName=somehost[, ...]*
+ if not hostValidationPassed:
+ hasCommonName = False
+ commonNames = ''
+ for entry in peerCert.get_subject().get_entries_by_nid(
+ m2.NID_commonName):
+ hasCommonName = True
+ commonName = entry.get_data().as_text()
+ if not commonNames:
+ commonNames = commonName
+ else:
+ commonNames += ',' + commonName
+ if self._match(, commonName):
+ hostValidationPassed = True
+ break
+ if not hasCommonName:
+ raise WrongCertificate('no commonName in peer certificate')
+ if not hostValidationPassed:
+ raise WrongHost(,
+ actualHost=commonNames,
+ fieldName='commonName')
+ return True
+ def _splitSubjectAltName(self, host, subjectAltName):
+ # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr) -> bool
+ """
+ >>> check = Checker()
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='')
+ True
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='DNS:*')
+ True
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='DNS:m*')
+ True
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='DNS:m*')
+ False
+ >>> check.useSubjectAltNameOnly
+ True
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='DNS:m*, othername:<unsupported>')
+ False
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='DNS:m*,')
+ False
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='DNS:m*,')
+ True
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName=',')
+ True
+ >>> check.useSubjectAltNameOnly
+ True
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='')
+ False
+ >>> check._splitSubjectAltName(host='',
+ ... subjectAltName='othername:<unsupported>')
+ False
+ >>> check.useSubjectAltNameOnly
+ False
+ """
+ self.useSubjectAltNameOnly = False
+ for certHost in subjectAltName.split(','):
+ certHost = certHost.lower().strip()
+ if certHost[:4] == 'dns:':
+ self.useSubjectAltNameOnly = True
+ if self._match(host, certHost[4:]):
+ return True
+ elif certHost[:11] == 'ip address:':
+ self.useSubjectAltNameOnly = True
+ if self._matchIPAddress(host, certHost[11:]):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _match(self, host, certHost):
+ # type: (str, str) -> bool
+ """
+ >>> check = Checker()
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='')
+ True
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='*')
+ True
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='m*')
+ True
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='m*')
+ True
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='m*')
+ False
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='*.*.com')
+ False
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='')
+ True
+ >>> check._match(host='', certHost='*.2.3.4')
+ False
+ >>> check._match(host='1234', certHost='1234')
+ True
+ """
+ # XXX See RFC 2818 and 3280 for matching rules, this is may not
+ # XXX yet be complete.
+ host = host.lower()
+ certHost = certHost.lower()
+ if host == certHost:
+ return True
+ if certHost.count('*') > 1:
+ # Not sure about this, but being conservative
+ return False
+ if self.numericIpMatch.match(host) or \
+ self.numericIpMatch.match(certHost.replace('*', '')):
+ # Not sure if * allowed in numeric IP, but think not.
+ return False
+ if certHost.find('\\') > -1:
+ # Not sure about this, maybe some encoding might have these.
+ # But being conservative for now, because regex below relies
+ # on this.
+ return False
+ # Massage certHost so that it can be used in regex
+ certHost = certHost.replace('.', '\.')
+ certHost = certHost.replace('*', '[^\.]*')
+ if re.compile('^%s$' % certHost).match(host):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def _matchIPAddress(self, host, certHost):
+ # type: (AnyStr, AnyStr) -> bool
+ """
+ >>> check = Checker()
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='',
+ ... certHost='')
+ False
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='', certHost='')
+ True
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='', certHost='*.2.3.4')
+ False
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='', certHost='')
+ False
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='::1', certHost='::1')
+ True
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='::1', certHost='0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1')
+ True
+ >>> check._matchIPAddress(host='::1', certHost='::2')
+ False
+ """
+ try:
+ canonical = socket.getaddrinfo(host, 0, 0, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
+ certCanonical = socket.getaddrinfo(certHost, 0, 0,
+ socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0,
+ except:
+ return False
+ return canonical == certCanonical
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f2dbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+"""SSL Ciphers
+Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+__all__ = ['Cipher', 'Cipher_Stack']
+from M2Crypto import m2, six
+from typing import Iterable # noqa
+class Cipher(object):
+ def __init__(self, cipher):
+ # type: (str) -> None
+ self.cipher = cipher
+ def __len__(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.ssl_cipher_get_bits(self.cipher)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ # type: () -> str
+ return "%s-%s" % (, len(self))
+ def __str__(self):
+ # type: () -> str
+ return "%s-%s" % (, len(self))
+ def version(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.ssl_cipher_get_version(self.cipher)
+ def name(self):
+ # type: () -> str
+ return six.ensure_text(m2.ssl_cipher_get_name(self.cipher))
+class Cipher_Stack(object):
+ def __init__(self, stack):
+ # type: (bytes) -> None
+ """
+ :param stack: binary of the C-type STACK_OF(SSL_CIPHER)
+ """
+ self.stack = stack
+ def __len__(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.sk_ssl_cipher_num(self.stack)
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ # type: (int) -> Cipher
+ if not 0 <= idx < m2.sk_ssl_cipher_num(self.stack):
+ raise IndexError('index out of range')
+ v = m2.sk_ssl_cipher_value(self.stack, idx)
+ return Cipher(v)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ # type: () -> Iterable
+ for i in six.moves.range(m2.sk_ssl_cipher_num(self.stack)):
+ yield self[i]
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5693c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,712 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+"""SSL Connection aka socket
+Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved.
+Portions created by Open Source Applications Foundation (OSAF) are
+Copyright (C) 2004-2007 OSAF. All Rights Reserved.
+Copyright 2008 Heikki Toivonen. All rights reserved.
+import logging
+import socket
+import io
+from M2Crypto import BIO, Err, X509, m2, six, util # noqa
+from M2Crypto.SSL import Checker, Context, timeout # noqa
+from M2Crypto.SSL import SSLError
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Cipher import Cipher, Cipher_Stack
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Session import Session
+from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Union # noqa
+__all__ = ['Connection',
+ 'timeout', # XXX Not really, but for documentation purposes
+ ]
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _serverPostConnectionCheck(*args, **kw):
+ # type: (*Any, **Any) -> int
+ return 1
+class Connection(object):
+ """An SSL connection."""
+ serverPostConnectionCheck = _serverPostConnectionCheck
+ m2_bio_free = m2.bio_free
+ m2_ssl_free = m2.ssl_free
+ m2_bio_noclose = m2.bio_noclose
+ def __init__(self, ctx, sock=None, family=socket.AF_INET):
+ # type: (Context, socket.socket, int) -> None
+ """
+ :param ctx: SSL.Context
+ :param sock: socket to be used
+ :param family: socket family
+ """
+ # The Checker needs to be an instance attribute
+ # and not a class attribute for thread safety reason
+ self.clientPostConnectionCheck = Checker.Checker()
+ self._bio_freed = False
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ self.ssl = m2.ssl_new(self.ctx.ctx) # type: bytes
+ if sock is not None:
+ self.socket = sock
+ else:
+ self.socket = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ self._fileno = self.socket.fileno()
+ self._timeout = self.socket.gettimeout()
+ if self._timeout is None:
+ self._timeout = -1.0
+ self.ssl_close_flag = m2.bio_noclose
+ if self.ctx.post_connection_check is not None:
+ self.set_post_connection_check_callback(
+ self.ctx.post_connection_check)
+ = None
+ def _free_bio(self):
+ """
+ Free the sslbio and sockbio, and close the socket.
+ """
+ # Do not do it twice
+ if not self._bio_freed:
+ if getattr(self, 'sslbio', None):
+ self.m2_bio_free(self.sslbio)
+ if getattr(self, 'sockbio', None):
+ self.m2_bio_free(self.sockbio)
+ if self.ssl_close_flag == self.m2_bio_noclose and \
+ getattr(self, 'ssl', None):
+ self.m2_ssl_free(self.ssl)
+ self.socket.close()
+ self._bio_freed = True
+ def __del__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ # Notice that M2Crypto doesn't automatically shuts down the
+ # connection here. You have to call self.close() in your
+ # program, M2Crypto won't do it automatically for you.
+ self._free_bio()
+ def close(self, freeBio=False):
+ """
+ if freeBio is true, call _free_bio
+ """
+ # type: () -> None
+ m2.ssl_shutdown(self.ssl)
+ if freeBio:
+ self._free_bio()
+ def clear(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """
+ If there were errors in this connection, call clear() rather
+ than close() to end it, so that bad sessions will be cleared
+ from cache.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_clear(self.ssl)
+ def set_shutdown(self, mode):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ """Sets the shutdown state of the Connection to mode.
+ The shutdown state of an ssl connection is a bitmask of (use
+ m2.SSL_* constants):
+ 0 No shutdown setting, yet.
+ A "close notify" shutdown alert was sent to the peer, the
+ connection is being considered closed and the session is
+ closed and correct.
+ A shutdown alert was received form the peer, either a normal
+ "close notify" or a fatal error.
+ same time.
+ :param mode: set the mode bitmask.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_set_shutdown1(self.ssl, mode)
+ def get_shutdown(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Get the current shutdown mode of the Connection."""
+ return m2.ssl_get_shutdown(self.ssl)
+ def bind(self, addr):
+ # type: (util.AddrType) -> None
+ self.socket.bind(addr)
+ def listen(self, qlen=5):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ self.socket.listen(qlen)
+ def ssl_get_error(self, ret):
+ # type: (int) -> int
+ return m2.ssl_get_error(self.ssl, ret)
+ def set_bio(self, readbio, writebio):
+ # type: (BIO.BIO, BIO.BIO) -> None
+ """Explicitly set read and write bios
+ Connects the BIOs for the read and write operations of the
+ TLS/SSL (encrypted) side of ssl.
+ The SSL engine inherits the behaviour of both BIO objects,
+ respectively. If a BIO is non-blocking, the Connection will also
+ have non-blocking behaviour.
+ If there was already a BIO connected to Connection, BIO_free()
+ will be called (for both the reading and writing side, if
+ different).
+ :param readbio: BIO for reading
+ :param writebio: BIO for writing.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_set_bio(self.ssl, readbio._ptr(), writebio._ptr())
+ def set_client_CA_list_from_file(self, cafile):
+ # type: (AnyStr) -> None
+ """Set the acceptable client CA list.
+ If the client returns a certificate, it must have been issued by
+ one of the CAs listed in cafile.
+ Makes sense only for servers.
+ :param cafile: Filename from which to load the CA list.
+ :return: 0 A failure while manipulating the STACK_OF(X509_NAME)
+ object occurred or the X509_NAME could not be
+ extracted from cacert. Check the error stack to find
+ out the reason.
+ 1 The operation succeeded.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_set_client_CA_list_from_file(self.ssl, cafile)
+ def set_client_CA_list_from_context(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """
+ Set the acceptable client CA list. If the client
+ returns a certificate, it must have been issued by
+ one of the CAs listed in context.
+ Makes sense only for servers.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_set_client_CA_list_from_context(self.ssl, self.ctx.ctx)
+ def setup_addr(self, addr):
+ # type: (util.AddrType) -> None
+ self.addr = addr
+ def set_ssl_close_flag(self, flag):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ """
+ By default, SSL struct will be freed in __del__. Call with
+ m2.bio_close to override this default.
+ :param flag: either m2.bio_close or m2.bio_noclose
+ """
+ if flag not in (m2.bio_close, m2.bio_noclose):
+ raise ValueError("flag must be m2.bio_close or m2.bio_noclose")
+ self.ssl_close_flag = flag
+ def setup_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ # Make a BIO_s_socket.
+ self.sockbio = m2.bio_new_socket(self.socket.fileno(), 0)
+ # Link SSL struct with the BIO_socket.
+ m2.ssl_set_bio(self.ssl, self.sockbio, self.sockbio)
+ # Make a BIO_f_ssl.
+ self.sslbio = m2.bio_new(m2.bio_f_ssl())
+ # Link BIO_f_ssl with the SSL struct.
+ m2.bio_set_ssl(self.sslbio, self.ssl, m2.bio_noclose)
+ def _setup_ssl(self, addr):
+ # type: (util.AddrType) -> None
+ """Deprecated"""
+ self.setup_addr(addr)
+ self.setup_ssl()
+ def set_accept_state(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Sets Connection to work in the server mode."""
+ m2.ssl_set_accept_state(self.ssl)
+ def accept_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[int]
+ """Waits for a TLS/SSL client to initiate the TLS/SSL handshake.
+ The communication channel must already have been set and
+ assigned to the ssl by setting an underlying BIO.
+ :return: 0 The TLS/SSL handshake was not successful but was shut
+ down controlled and by the specifications of the
+ TLS/SSL protocol. Call get_error() with the return
+ value ret to find out the reason.
+ 1 The TLS/SSL handshake was successfully completed,
+ a TLS/SSL connection has been established.
+ <0 The TLS/SSL handshake was not successful because
+ a fatal error occurred either at the protocol level
+ or a connection failure occurred. The shutdown was
+ not clean. It can also occur of action is need to
+ continue the operation for non-blocking BIOs. Call
+ get_error() with the return value ret to find
+ out the reason.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_accept(self.ssl, self._timeout)
+ def accept(self):
+ # type: () -> Tuple[Connection, util.AddrType]
+ """Accept an SSL connection.
+ The return value is a pair (ssl, addr) where ssl is a new SSL
+ connection object and addr is the address bound to the other end
+ of the SSL connection.
+ :return: tuple of Connection and addr. Address can take very
+ various forms (see socket documentation), for IPv4 it
+ is tuple(str, int), for IPv6 a tuple of four (host,
+ port, flowinfo, scopeid), where the last two are
+ optional ints.
+ """
+ sock, addr = self.socket.accept()
+ ssl = Connection(self.ctx, sock)
+ ssl.addr = addr
+ ssl.setup_ssl()
+ ssl.set_accept_state()
+ ssl.accept_ssl()
+ check = getattr(self, 'postConnectionCheck',
+ self.serverPostConnectionCheck)
+ if check is not None:
+ if not check(ssl.get_peer_cert(), ssl.addr[0]):
+ raise Checker.SSLVerificationError(
+ 'post connection check failed')
+ return ssl, addr
+ def set_connect_state(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Sets Connection to work in the client mode."""
+ m2.ssl_set_connect_state(self.ssl)
+ def connect_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[int]
+ return m2.ssl_connect(self.ssl, self._timeout)
+ def connect(self, addr):
+ # type: (util.AddrType) -> int
+ """Overloading socket.connect()
+ :param addr: addresses have various depending on their type
+ :return:status of ssl_connect()
+ """
+ self.socket.connect(addr)
+ self.addr = addr
+ self.setup_ssl()
+ self.set_connect_state()
+ ret = self.connect_ssl()
+ check = getattr(self, 'postConnectionCheck',
+ self.clientPostConnectionCheck)
+ if check is not None:
+ if not check(self.get_peer_cert(),
+ if else self.addr[0]):
+ raise Checker.SSLVerificationError(
+ 'post connection check failed')
+ return ret
+ def shutdown(self, how):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ m2.ssl_set_shutdown(self.ssl, how)
+ def renegotiate(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Renegotiate this connection's SSL parameters."""
+ return m2.ssl_renegotiate(self.ssl)
+ def pending(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Return the numbers of octets that can be read from the connection."""
+ return m2.ssl_pending(self.ssl)
+ def _write_bio(self, data):
+ # type: (bytes) -> int
+ return m2.ssl_write(self.ssl, data, self._timeout)
+ def _write_nbio(self, data):
+ # type: (bytes) -> int
+ return m2.ssl_write_nbio(self.ssl, data)
+ def _read_bio(self, size=1024):
+ # type: (int) -> bytes
+ if size <= 0:
+ raise ValueError('size <= 0')
+ return m2.ssl_read(self.ssl, size, self._timeout)
+ def _read_nbio(self, size=1024):
+ # type: (int) -> bytes
+ if size <= 0:
+ raise ValueError('size <= 0')
+ return m2.ssl_read_nbio(self.ssl, size)
+ def write(self, data):
+ # type: (bytes) -> int
+ if self._timeout != 0.0:
+ return self._write_bio(data)
+ return self._write_nbio(data)
+ sendall = send = write
+ def _decref_socketios(self):
+ pass
+ def recv_into(self, buff, nbytes=0):
+ # type: (Union[bytearray, memoryview], int) -> int
+ """
+ A version of recv() that stores its data into a buffer rather
+ than creating a new string. Receive up to buffersize bytes from
+ the socket. If buffersize is not specified (or 0), receive up
+ to the size available in the given buffer.
+ If buff is bytearray, it will have after return length of the
+ actually returned number of bytes. If buff is memoryview, then
+ the size of buff won't change (it cannot), but all bytes after
+ the number of returned bytes will be NULL.
+ :param buffer: a buffer for the received bytes
+ :param nbytes: maximum number of bytes to read
+ :return: number of bytes read
+ See recv() for documentation about the flags.
+ """
+ n = len(buff) if nbytes == 0 else nbytes
+ if n <= 0:
+ raise ValueError('size <= 0')
+ # buff_bytes are actual bytes returned
+ buff_bytes = m2.ssl_read(self.ssl, n, self._timeout)
+ buflen = len(buff_bytes)
+ # memoryview type has been added in 2.7
+ if isinstance(buff, memoryview):
+ buff[:buflen] = buff_bytes
+ buff[buflen:] = b'\x00' * (len(buff) - buflen)
+ else:
+ buff[:] = buff_bytes
+ return buflen
+ def read(self, size=1024):
+ # type: (int) -> bytes
+ if self._timeout != 0.0:
+ return self._read_bio(size)
+ return self._read_nbio(size)
+ recv = read
+ def setblocking(self, mode):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ """Set this connection's underlying socket to _mode_.
+ Set blocking or non-blocking mode of the socket: if flag is 0,
+ the socket is set to non-blocking, else to blocking mode.
+ Initially all sockets are in blocking mode. In non-blocking mode,
+ if a recv() call doesn't find any data, or if a send() call can't
+ immediately dispose of the data, a error exception is raised;
+ in blocking mode, the calls block until they can proceed.
+ s.setblocking(0) is equivalent to s.settimeout(0.0);
+ s.setblocking(1) is equivalent to s.settimeout(None).
+ :param mode: new mode to be set
+ """
+ self.socket.setblocking(mode)
+ if mode:
+ self._timeout = -1.0
+ else:
+ self._timeout = 0.0
+ def settimeout(self, timeout):
+ # type: (float) -> None
+ """Set this connection's underlying socket's timeout to _timeout_."""
+ self.socket.settimeout(timeout)
+ self._timeout = timeout
+ if self._timeout is None:
+ self._timeout = -1.0
+ def fileno(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return self.socket.fileno()
+ def getsockopt(self, level, optname, buflen=None):
+ # type: (int, int, Optional[int]) -> Union[int, bytes]
+ """Get the value of the given socket option.
+ :param level: level at which the option resides.
+ To manipulate options at the sockets API level, level is
+ specified as socket.SOL_SOCKET. To manipulate options at
+ any other level the protocol number of the appropriate
+ protocol controlling the option is supplied. For example,
+ to indicate that an option is to be interpreted by the
+ TCP protocol, level should be set to the protocol number
+ of socket.SOL_TCP; see getprotoent(3).
+ :param optname: The value of the given socket option is
+ described in the Unix man page getsockopt(2)). The needed
+ symbolic constants (SO_* etc.) are defined in the socket
+ module.
+ :param buflen: If it is absent, an integer option is assumed
+ and its integer value is returned by the function. If
+ buflen is present, it specifies the maximum length of the
+ buffer used to receive the option in, and this buffer is
+ returned as a bytes object.
+ :return: Either integer or bytes value of the option. It is up
+ to the caller to decode the contents of the buffer (see
+ the optional built-in module struct for a way to decode
+ C structures encoded as byte strings).
+ """
+ return self.socket.getsockopt(level, optname, buflen)
+ def setsockopt(self, level, optname, value=None):
+ # type: (int, int, Union[int, bytes, None]) -> Optional[bytes]
+ """Set the value of the given socket option.
+ :param level: same as with getsockopt() above
+ :param optname: same as with getsockopt() above
+ :param value: an integer or a string representing a buffer. In
+ the latter case it is up to the caller to ensure
+ that the string contains the proper bits (see the
+ optional built-in module struct for a way to
+ encode C structures as strings).
+ :return: None for success or the error handler for failure.
+ """
+ return self.socket.setsockopt(level, optname, value)
+ def get_context(self):
+ # type: () -> Context
+ """Return the Context object associated with this connection."""
+ return m2.ssl_get_ssl_ctx(self.ssl)
+ def get_state(self):
+ # type: () -> bytes
+ """Return the SSL state of this connection.
+ During its use, an SSL objects passes several states. The state
+ is internally maintained. Querying the state information is not
+ very informative before or when a connection has been
+ established. It however can be of significant interest during
+ the handshake.
+ :return: 6 letter string indicating the current state of the SSL
+ object ssl.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_get_state(self.ssl)
+ def verify_ok(self):
+ # type: () -> bool
+ return (m2.ssl_get_verify_result(self.ssl) == m2.X509_V_OK)
+ def get_verify_mode(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Return the peer certificate verification mode."""
+ return m2.ssl_get_verify_mode(self.ssl)
+ def get_verify_depth(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Return the peer certificate verification depth."""
+ return m2.ssl_get_verify_depth(self.ssl)
+ def get_verify_result(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Return the peer certificate verification result."""
+ return m2.ssl_get_verify_result(self.ssl)
+ def get_peer_cert(self):
+ # type: () -> X509.X509
+ """Return the peer certificate.
+ If the peer did not provide a certificate, return None.
+ """
+ c = m2.ssl_get_peer_cert(self.ssl)
+ if c is None:
+ return None
+ # Need to free the pointer coz OpenSSL doesn't.
+ return X509.X509(c, 1)
+ def get_peer_cert_chain(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[X509.X509_Stack]
+ """Return the peer certificate chain; if the peer did not provide
+ a certificate chain, return None.
+ :warning: The returned chain will be valid only for as long as the
+ connection object is alive. Once the connection object
+ gets freed, the chain will be freed as well.
+ """
+ c = m2.ssl_get_peer_cert_chain(self.ssl)
+ if c is None:
+ return None
+ # No need to free the pointer coz OpenSSL does.
+ return X509.X509_Stack(c)
+ def get_cipher(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[Cipher]
+ """Return an M2Crypto.SSL.Cipher object for this connection; if the
+ connection has not been initialised with a cipher suite, return None.
+ """
+ c = m2.ssl_get_current_cipher(self.ssl)
+ if c is None:
+ return None
+ return Cipher(c)
+ def get_ciphers(self):
+ # type: () -> Optional[Cipher_Stack]
+ """Return an M2Crypto.SSL.Cipher_Stack object for this
+ connection; if the connection has not been initialised with
+ cipher suites, return None.
+ """
+ c = m2.ssl_get_ciphers(self.ssl)
+ if c is None:
+ return None
+ return Cipher_Stack(c)
+ def get_cipher_list(self, idx=0):
+ # type: (int) -> str
+ """Return the cipher suites for this connection as a string object."""
+ return six.ensure_text(m2.ssl_get_cipher_list(self.ssl, idx))
+ def set_cipher_list(self, cipher_list):
+ # type: (str) -> int
+ """Set the cipher suites for this connection."""
+ return m2.ssl_set_cipher_list(self.ssl, cipher_list)
+ def makefile(self, mode='rb', bufsize=-1):
+ # type: (AnyStr, int) -> Union[io.BufferedRWPair,io.BufferedReader]
+ if six.PY3:
+ raw = socket.SocketIO(self, mode)
+ if 'rw' in mode:
+ return io.BufferedRWPair(raw, raw)
+ return io.BufferedReader(raw, io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE)
+ else:
+ return socket._fileobject(self, mode, bufsize)
+ def getsockname(self):
+ # type: () -> util.AddrType
+ """Return the socket's own address.
+ This is useful to find out the port number of an IPv4/v6 socket,
+ for instance. (The format of the address returned depends
+ on the address family -- see above.)
+ :return:socket's address as addr type
+ """
+ return self.socket.getsockname()
+ def getpeername(self):
+ # type: () -> util.AddrType
+ """Return the remote address to which the socket is connected.
+ This is useful to find out the port number of a remote IPv4/v6 socket,
+ for instance.
+ On some systems this function is not supported.
+ :return:
+ """
+ return self.socket.getpeername()
+ def set_session_id_ctx(self, id):
+ # type: (bytes) -> int
+ ret = m2.ssl_set_session_id_context(self.ssl, id)
+ if not ret:
+ raise SSLError(Err.get_error_message())
+ def get_session(self):
+ # type: () -> Session
+ sess = m2.ssl_get_session(self.ssl)
+ return Session(sess)
+ def set_session(self, session):
+ # type: (Session) -> None
+ m2.ssl_set_session(self.ssl, session._ptr())
+ def get_default_session_timeout(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.ssl_get_default_session_timeout(self.ssl)
+ def get_socket_read_timeout(self):
+ # type: () -> timeout
+ return timeout.struct_to_timeout(
+ self.socket.getsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO,
+ timeout.struct_size()))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _hexdump(s):
+ assert isinstance(s, six.binary_type)
+ return ":".join("{0:02x}".format(ord(c) if six.PY2 else c) for c in s)
+ def get_socket_write_timeout(self):
+ # type: () -> timeout
+ binstr = self.socket.getsockopt(
+ socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDTIMEO, timeout.struct_size())
+ timeo = timeout.struct_to_timeout(binstr)
+ # print("Debug: get_socket_write_timeout: "
+ # "get sockopt value: %s -> ret timeout(sec=%r, microsec=%r)" %
+ # (self._hexdump(binstr), timeo.sec, timeo.microsec))
+ return timeo
+ def set_socket_read_timeout(self, timeo):
+ # type: (timeout) -> None
+ assert isinstance(timeo, timeout.timeout)
+ self.socket.setsockopt(
+ socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_RCVTIMEO, timeo.pack())
+ def set_socket_write_timeout(self, timeo):
+ # type: (timeout) -> None
+ assert isinstance(timeo, timeout.timeout)
+ binstr = timeo.pack()
+ # print("Debug: set_socket_write_timeout: "
+ # "input timeout(sec=%r, microsec=%r) -> set sockopt value: %s" %
+ # (timeo.sec, timeo.microsec, self._hexdump(binstr)))
+ self.socket.setsockopt(
+ socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_SNDTIMEO, binstr)
+ def get_version(self):
+ # type: () -> str
+ """Return the TLS/SSL protocol version for this connection."""
+ return six.ensure_text(m2.ssl_get_version(self.ssl))
+ def set_post_connection_check_callback(self, postConnectionCheck): # noqa
+ # type: (Callable) -> None
+ self.postConnectionCheck = postConnectionCheck
+ def set_tlsext_host_name(self, name):
+ # type: (bytes) -> None
+ """Set the requested hostname for the SNI (Server Name Indication)
+ extension.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_set_tlsext_host_name(self.ssl, name)
+ def set1_host(self, name):
+ # type: (bytes) -> None
+ """Set the requested hostname to check in the server certificate."""
+ = name
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d7cb7bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+"""SSL Context
+Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+from M2Crypto import BIO, Err, RSA, X509, m2, util # noqa
+from M2Crypto.SSL import cb # noqa
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Session import Session # noqa
+from weakref import WeakValueDictionary
+from typing import Any, AnyStr, Callable, Optional, Union # noqa
+__all__ = ['ctxmap', 'Context', 'map']
+class _ctxmap(object):
+ singleton = None # type: Optional[_ctxmap]
+ def __init__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ """Simple WeakReffed list.
+ """
+ self._ctxmap = WeakValueDictionary()
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ # type: (int) -> Any
+ return self._ctxmap[key]
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ # type: (int, Any) -> None
+ self._ctxmap[key] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ # type: (int) -> None
+ del self._ctxmap[key]
+def ctxmap():
+ # type: () -> _ctxmap
+ if _ctxmap.singleton is None:
+ _ctxmap.singleton = _ctxmap()
+ return _ctxmap.singleton
+# deprecated!!!
+map = ctxmap
+class Context(object):
+ """'Context' for SSL connections."""
+ m2_ssl_ctx_free = m2.ssl_ctx_free
+ def __init__(self, protocol='tls', weak_crypto=None,
+ post_connection_check=None):
+ # type: (str, Optional[int], Optional[Callable]) -> None
+ proto = getattr(m2, protocol + '_method', None)
+ if proto is None:
+ # default is 'sslv23' for older versions of OpenSSL
+ if protocol == 'tls':
+ proto = getattr(m2, 'sslv23_method')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("no such protocol '%s'" % protocol)
+ self.ctx = m2.ssl_ctx_new(proto())
+ self.allow_unknown_ca = 0 # type: Union[int, bool]
+ self.post_connection_check = post_connection_check
+ ctxmap()[int(self.ctx)] = self
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_cache_size(self.ctx, 128)
+ if weak_crypto is None and protocol in ('sslv23', 'tls'):
+ self.set_options(m2.SSL_OP_ALL | m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 |
+ m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3)
+ def __del__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ if getattr(self, 'ctx', None):
+ self.m2_ssl_ctx_free(self.ctx)
+ def close(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ del ctxmap()[int(self.ctx)]
+ def load_cert(self, certfile, keyfile=None,
+ callback=util.passphrase_callback):
+ # type: (AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr], Callable) -> None
+ """Load certificate and private key into the context.
+ :param certfile: File that contains the PEM-encoded certificate.
+ :param keyfile: File that contains the PEM-encoded private key.
+ Default value of None indicates that the private key
+ is to be found in 'certfile'.
+ :param callback: Callable object to be invoked if the private key is
+ passphrase-protected. Default callback provides a
+ simple terminal-style input for the passphrase.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_ctx_passphrase_callback(self.ctx, callback)
+ m2.ssl_ctx_use_cert(self.ctx, certfile)
+ if not keyfile:
+ keyfile = certfile
+ m2.ssl_ctx_use_privkey(self.ctx, keyfile)
+ if not m2.ssl_ctx_check_privkey(self.ctx):
+ raise ValueError('public/private key mismatch')
+ def load_cert_chain(self, certchainfile, keyfile=None,
+ callback=util.passphrase_callback):
+ # type: (AnyStr, Optional[AnyStr], Callable) -> None
+ """Load certificate chain and private key into the context.
+ :param certchainfile: File object containing the PEM-encoded
+ certificate chain.
+ :param keyfile: File object containing the PEM-encoded private
+ key. Default value of None indicates that the
+ private key is to be found in 'certchainfile'.
+ :param callback: Callable object to be invoked if the private key
+ is passphrase-protected. Default callback
+ provides a simple terminal-style input for the
+ passphrase.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_ctx_passphrase_callback(self.ctx, callback)
+ m2.ssl_ctx_use_cert_chain(self.ctx, certchainfile)
+ if not keyfile:
+ keyfile = certchainfile
+ m2.ssl_ctx_use_privkey(self.ctx, keyfile)
+ if not m2.ssl_ctx_check_privkey(self.ctx):
+ raise ValueError('public/private key mismatch')
+ def set_client_CA_list_from_file(self, cafile):
+ # type: (AnyStr) -> None
+ """Load CA certs into the context. These CA certs are sent to the
+ peer during *SSLv3 certificate request*.
+ :param cafile: File object containing one or more PEM-encoded CA
+ certificates concatenated together.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_client_CA_list_from_file(self.ctx, cafile)
+ # Deprecated.
+ load_client_CA = load_client_ca = set_client_CA_list_from_file
+ def load_verify_locations(self, cafile=None, capath=None):
+ # type: (Optional[AnyStr], Optional[AnyStr]) -> int
+ """Load CA certs into the context.
+ These CA certs are used during verification of the peer's
+ certificate.
+ :param cafile: File containing one or more PEM-encoded CA
+ certificates concatenated together.
+ :param capath: Directory containing PEM-encoded CA certificates
+ (one certificate per file).
+ :return: 0 if the operation failed because CAfile and CApath are NULL
+ or the processing at one of the locations specified failed.
+ Check the error stack to find out the reason.
+ 1 The operation succeeded.
+ """
+ if cafile is None and capath is None:
+ raise ValueError("cafile and capath can not both be None.")
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_load_verify_locations(self.ctx, cafile, capath)
+ # Deprecated.
+ load_verify_info = load_verify_locations
+ def set_session_id_ctx(self, id):
+ # type: (bytes) -> None
+ """Sets the session id for the SSL.Context w/in a session can be reused.
+ :param id: Sessions are generated within a certain context. When
+ exporting/importing sessions with
+ i2d_SSL_SESSION/d2i_SSL_SESSION it would be possible,
+ to re-import a session generated from another context
+ (e.g. another application), which might lead to
+ malfunctions. Therefore each application must set its
+ own session id context sid_ctx which is used to
+ distinguish the contexts and is stored in exported
+ sessions. The sid_ctx can be any kind of binary data
+ with a given length, it is therefore possible to use
+ e.g. the name of the application and/or the hostname
+ and/or service name.
+ """
+ ret = m2.ssl_ctx_set_session_id_context(self.ctx, id)
+ if not ret:
+ raise Err.SSLError(Err.get_error_code(), '')
+ def set_default_verify_paths(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """
+ Specifies that the default locations from which CA certs are
+ loaded should be used.
+ There is one default directory and one default file. The default
+ CA certificates directory is called "certs" in the default
+ OpenSSL directory. Alternatively the SSL_CERT_DIR environment
+ variable can be defined to override this location. The default
+ CA certificates file is called "cert.pem" in the default OpenSSL
+ directory. Alternatively the SSL_CERT_FILE environment variable
+ can be defined to override this location.
+ @return 0 if the operation failed. A missing default location is
+ still treated as a success. No error code is set.
+ 1 The operation succeeded.
+ """
+ ret = m2.ssl_ctx_set_default_verify_paths(self.ctx)
+ if not ret:
+ raise ValueError('Cannot use default SSL certificate store!')
+ def set_allow_unknown_ca(self, ok):
+ # type: (Union[int, bool]) -> None
+ """Set the context to accept/reject a peer certificate if the
+ certificate's CA is unknown.
+ :param ok: True to accept, False to reject.
+ """
+ self.allow_unknown_ca = ok
+ def get_allow_unknown_ca(self):
+ # type: () -> Union[int, bool]
+ """Get the context's setting that accepts/rejects a peer
+ certificate if the certificate's CA is unknown.
+ FIXME 2Bconverted to bool
+ """
+ return self.allow_unknown_ca
+ def set_verify(self, mode, depth, callback=None):
+ # type: (int, int, Optional[Callable]) -> None
+ """
+ Set verify options. Most applications will need to call this
+ method with the right options to make a secure SSL connection.
+ :param mode: The verification mode to use. Typically at least
+ SSL.verify_peer is used. Clients would also typically
+ add SSL.verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert.
+ :param depth: The maximum allowed depth of the certificate chain
+ returned by the peer.
+ :param callback: Callable that can be used to specify custom
+ verification checks.
+ """
+ if callback is None:
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_verify_default(self.ctx, mode)
+ else:
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_verify(self.ctx, mode, callback)
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_verify_depth(self.ctx, depth)
+ def get_verify_mode(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_get_verify_mode(self.ctx)
+ def get_verify_depth(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Returns the verification mode currently set in the SSL Context."""
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_get_verify_depth(self.ctx)
+ def set_tmp_dh(self, dhpfile):
+ # type: (AnyStr) -> int
+ """Load ephemeral DH parameters into the context.
+ :param dhpfile: Filename of the file containing the PEM-encoded
+ DH parameters.
+ """
+ f = BIO.openfile(dhpfile)
+ dhp = m2.dh_read_parameters(f.bio_ptr())
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_dh(self.ctx, dhp)
+ def set_tmp_dh_callback(self, callback=None):
+ # type: (Optional[Callable]) -> None
+ """Sets the callback function for SSL.Context.
+ :param callback: Callable to be used when a DH parameters are required.
+ """
+ if callback is not None:
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_dh_callback(self.ctx, callback)
+ def set_tmp_rsa(self, rsa):
+ # type: (RSA.RSA) -> int
+ """Load ephemeral RSA key into the context.
+ :param rsa: RSA.RSA instance.
+ """
+ if isinstance(rsa, RSA.RSA):
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_rsa(self.ctx, rsa.rsa)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Expected an instance of RSA.RSA, got %s." % rsa)
+ def set_tmp_rsa_callback(self, callback=None):
+ # type: (Optional[Callable]) -> None
+ """Sets the callback function to be used when
+ a temporary/ephemeral RSA key is required.
+ """
+ if callback is not None:
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_tmp_rsa_callback(self.ctx, callback)
+ def set_info_callback(self, callback=cb.ssl_info_callback):
+ # type: (Callable) -> None
+ """Set a callback function to get state information.
+ It can be used to get state information about the SSL
+ connections that are created from this context.
+ :param callback: Callback function. The default prints
+ information to stderr.
+ """
+ m2.ssl_ctx_set_info_callback(self.ctx, callback)
+ def set_cipher_list(self, cipher_list):
+ # type: (str) -> int
+ """Sets the list of available ciphers.
+ :param cipher_list: The format of the string is described in
+ ciphers(1).
+ :return: 1 if any cipher could be selected and 0 on complete
+ failure.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_set_cipher_list(self.ctx, cipher_list)
+ def add_session(self, session):
+ # type: (Session) -> int
+ """Add the session to the context.
+ :param session: the session to be added.
+ :return: 0 The operation failed. It was tried to add the same
+ (identical) session twice.
+ 1 The operation succeeded.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_add_session(self.ctx, session._ptr())
+ def remove_session(self, session):
+ # type: (Session) -> int
+ """Remove the session from the context.
+ :param session: the session to be removed.
+ :return: 0 The operation failed. The session was not found in
+ the cache.
+ 1 The operation succeeded.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_remove_session(self.ctx, session._ptr())
+ def get_session_timeout(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Get current session timeout.
+ Whenever a new session is created, it is assigned a maximum
+ lifetime. This lifetime is specified by storing the creation
+ time of the session and the timeout value valid at this time. If
+ the actual time is later than creation time plus timeout, the
+ session is not reused.
+ Due to this realization, all sessions behave according to the
+ timeout value valid at the time of the session negotiation.
+ Changes of the timeout value do not affect already established
+ sessions.
+ Expired sessions are removed from the internal session cache,
+ whenever SSL_CTX_flush_sessions(3) is called, either directly by
+ the application or automatically (see
+ SSL_CTX_set_session_cache_mode(3))
+ The default value for session timeout is decided on a per
+ protocol basis, see SSL_get_default_timeout(3). All currently
+ supported protocols have the same default timeout value of 300
+ seconds.
+ SSL_CTX_set_timeout() returns the previously set timeout value.
+ :return: the currently set timeout value.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_get_session_timeout(self.ctx)
+ def set_session_timeout(self, timeout):
+ # type: (int) -> int
+ """Set new session timeout.
+ See self.get_session_timeout() for explanation of the session
+ timeouts.
+ :param timeout: new timeout value.
+ :return: the previously set timeout value.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_set_session_timeout(self.ctx, timeout)
+ def set_session_cache_mode(self, mode):
+ # type: (int) -> int
+ """Enables/disables session caching.
+ The mode is set by using m2.SSL_SESS_CACHE_* constants.
+ :param mode: new mode value.
+ :return: the previously set cache mode value.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_set_session_cache_mode(self.ctx, mode)
+ def get_session_cache_mode(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ """Gets the current session caching.
+ The mode is set to m2.SSL_SESS_CACHE_* constants.
+ :return: the previously set cache mode value.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_get_session_cache_mode(self.ctx)
+ def set_options(self, op):
+ # type: (int) -> int
+ """Adds the options set via bitmask in options to the Context.
+ !!! Options already set before are not cleared!
+ The behaviour of the SSL library can be changed by setting
+ several options. The options are coded as bitmasks and can be
+ combined by a logical or operation (|).
+ SSL.Context.set_options() and SSL.set_options() affect the
+ (external) protocol behaviour of the SSL library. The (internal)
+ behaviour of the API can be changed by using the similar
+ SSL.Context.set_mode() and SSL.set_mode() functions.
+ During a handshake, the option settings of the SSL object are
+ used. When a new SSL object is created from a context using
+ SSL(), the current option setting is copied. Changes to ctx
+ do not affect already created SSL objects. SSL.clear() does not
+ affect the settings.
+ :param op: bitmask of additional options specified in
+ SSL_CTX_set_options(3) manpage.
+ :return: the new options bitmask after adding options.
+ """
+ return m2.ssl_ctx_set_options(self.ctx, op)
+ def get_cert_store(self):
+ # type: () -> X509.X509
+ """
+ Get the certificate store associated with this context.
+ :warning: The store is NOT refcounted, and as such can not be relied
+ to be valid once the context goes away or is changed.
+ """
+ return X509.X509_Store(m2.ssl_ctx_get_cert_store(self.ctx))
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a44c9c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function
+Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+# M2Crypto
+from M2Crypto.SSL import SSLError
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Connection import Connection
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import Context # noqa
+# from M2Crypto import six # noqa
+from M2Crypto import util # noqa
+from M2Crypto.six.moves.socketserver import (BaseRequestHandler, BaseServer,
+ TCPServer, ThreadingMixIn)
+import os
+if != 'nt':
+ from M2Crypto.six.moves.socketserver import ForkingMixIn
+from socket import socket # noqa
+from typing import Union # noqa
+__all__ = ['SSLServer', 'ForkingSSLServer', 'ThreadingSSLServer']
+class SSLServer(TCPServer):
+ def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, ssl_context, # noqa
+ bind_and_activate=True):
+ # type: (util.AddrType, BaseRequestHandler, Context, bool) -> None
+ """
+ Superclass says: Constructor. May be extended, do not override.
+ This class says: Ho-hum.
+ """
+ BaseServer.__init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass)
+ self.ssl_ctx = ssl_context
+ self.socket = Connection(self.ssl_ctx)
+ if bind_and_activate:
+ self.server_bind()
+ self.server_activate()
+ def handle_request(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ request = None
+ client_address = None
+ try:
+ request, client_address = self.get_request()
+ if self.verify_request(request, client_address):
+ self.process_request(request, client_address)
+ except SSLError:
+ self.handle_error(request, client_address)
+ def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
+ # type: (Union[socket, Connection], util.AddrType) -> None
+ print('-' * 40)
+ import traceback
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ print('-' * 40)
+class ThreadingSSLServer(ThreadingMixIn, SSLServer):
+ pass
+if != 'nt':
+ class ForkingSSLServer(ForkingMixIn, SSLServer):
+ pass
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c364d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+"""SSL Session
+Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+__all__ = ['Session', 'load_session']
+from M2Crypto import BIO, Err, m2
+from M2Crypto.SSL import SSLError
+from typing import AnyStr # noqa
+class Session(object):
+ m2_ssl_session_free = m2.ssl_session_free
+ def __init__(self, session, _pyfree=0):
+ # type: (bytes, int) -> None
+ assert session is not None
+ self.session = session
+ self._pyfree = _pyfree
+ def __del__(self):
+ # type: () -> None
+ if getattr(self, '_pyfree', 0):
+ self.m2_ssl_session_free(self.session)
+ def _ptr(self):
+ # type: () -> bytes
+ return self.session
+ def as_text(self):
+ # type: () -> bytes
+ buf = BIO.MemoryBuffer()
+ m2.ssl_session_print(buf.bio_ptr(), self.session)
+ return buf.read_all()
+ def as_der(self):
+ # type: () -> bytes
+ buf = BIO.MemoryBuffer()
+ m2.i2d_ssl_session(buf.bio_ptr(), self.session)
+ return buf.read_all()
+ def write_bio(self, bio):
+ # type: (BIO.BIO) -> int
+ return m2.ssl_session_write_bio(bio.bio_ptr(), self.session)
+ def get_time(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.ssl_session_get_time(self.session)
+ def set_time(self, t):
+ # type: (int) -> int
+ return m2.ssl_session_set_time(self.session, t)
+ def get_timeout(self):
+ # type: () -> int
+ return m2.ssl_session_get_timeout(self.session)
+ def set_timeout(self, t):
+ # type: (int) -> int
+ return m2.ssl_session_set_timeout(self.session, t)
+def load_session(pemfile):
+ # type: (AnyStr) -> Session
+ with BIO.openfile(pemfile) as f:
+ cptr = m2.ssl_session_read_pem(f.bio_ptr())
+ return Session(cptr, 1)
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e94503
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+Make Twisted use M2Crypto for SSL
+Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Open Source Applications Foundation.
+All rights reserved.
+__all__ = ['connectSSL', 'connectTCP', 'listenSSL', 'listenTCP',
+ 'TLSProtocolWrapper']
+import logging
+from functools import partial
+import twisted.internet.reactor
+import twisted.protocols.policies as policies
+from M2Crypto import BIO, X509, m2, util
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Checker import Checker, SSLVerificationError
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import ITLSTransport
+from twisted.protocols.policies import ProtocolWrapper
+from typing import AnyStr, Callable, Iterable, Optional # noqa
+from zope.interface import implementer
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def _alwaysSucceedsPostConnectionCheck(peerX509, expectedHost):
+ return 1
+def connectSSL(host, port, factory, contextFactory, timeout=30,
+ bindAddress=None,
+ reactor=twisted.internet.reactor,
+ postConnectionCheck=Checker()):
+ # type: (str, int, object, object, int, Optional[str], twisted.internet.reactor, Checker) -> reactor.connectTCP
+ """
+ A convenience function to start an SSL/TLS connection using Twisted.
+ See IReactorSSL interface in Twisted.
+ """
+ wrappingFactory = policies.WrappingFactory(factory)
+ wrappingFactory.protocol = lambda factory, wrappedProtocol: \
+ TLSProtocolWrapper(factory,
+ wrappedProtocol,
+ startPassThrough=0,
+ client=1,
+ contextFactory=contextFactory,
+ postConnectionCheck=postConnectionCheck)
+ return reactor.connectTCP(host, port, wrappingFactory, timeout, bindAddress)
+def connectTCP(host, port, factory, timeout=30, bindAddress=None,
+ reactor=twisted.internet.reactor,
+ postConnectionCheck=Checker()):
+ # type: (str, int, object, int, Optional[util.AddrType], object, Callable) -> object
+ """
+ A convenience function to start a TCP connection using Twisted.
+ NOTE: You must call startTLS(ctx) to go into SSL/TLS mode.
+ See IReactorTCP interface in Twisted.
+ """
+ wrappingFactory = policies.WrappingFactory(factory)
+ wrappingFactory.protocol = lambda factory, wrappedProtocol: \
+ TLSProtocolWrapper(factory,
+ wrappedProtocol,
+ startPassThrough=1,
+ client=1,
+ contextFactory=None,
+ postConnectionCheck=postConnectionCheck)
+ return reactor.connectTCP(host, port, wrappingFactory, timeout, bindAddress)
+def listenSSL(port, factory, contextFactory, backlog=5, interface='',
+ reactor=twisted.internet.reactor,
+ postConnectionCheck=_alwaysSucceedsPostConnectionCheck):
+ """
+ A convenience function to listen for SSL/TLS connections using Twisted.
+ See IReactorSSL interface in Twisted.
+ """
+ wrappingFactory = policies.WrappingFactory(factory)
+ wrappingFactory.protocol = lambda factory, wrappedProtocol: \
+ TLSProtocolWrapper(factory,
+ wrappedProtocol,
+ startPassThrough=0,
+ client=0,
+ contextFactory=contextFactory,
+ postConnectionCheck=postConnectionCheck)
+ return reactor.listenTCP(port, wrappingFactory, backlog, interface)
+def listenTCP(port, factory, backlog=5, interface='',
+ reactor=twisted.internet.reactor,
+ postConnectionCheck=None):
+ """
+ A convenience function to listen for TCP connections using Twisted.
+ NOTE: You must call startTLS(ctx) to go into SSL/TLS mode.
+ See IReactorTCP interface in Twisted.
+ """
+ wrappingFactory = policies.WrappingFactory(factory)
+ wrappingFactory.protocol = lambda factory, wrappedProtocol: \
+ TLSProtocolWrapper(factory,
+ wrappedProtocol,
+ startPassThrough=1,
+ client=0,
+ contextFactory=None,
+ postConnectionCheck=postConnectionCheck)
+ return reactor.listenTCP(port, wrappingFactory, backlog, interface)
+class _BioProxy(object):
+ """
+ The purpose of this class is to eliminate the __del__ method from
+ TLSProtocolWrapper, and thus letting it be garbage collected.
+ """
+ m2_bio_free_all = m2.bio_free_all
+ def __init__(self, bio):
+ = bio
+ def _ptr(self):
+ return
+ def __del__(self):
+ if is not None:
+ self.m2_bio_free_all(
+class _SSLProxy(object):
+ """
+ The purpose of this class is to eliminate the __del__ method from
+ TLSProtocolWrapper, and thus letting it be garbage collected.
+ """
+ m2_ssl_free = m2.ssl_free
+ def __init__(self, ssl):
+ self.ssl = ssl
+ def _ptr(self):
+ return self.ssl
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self.ssl is not None:
+ self.m2_ssl_free(self.ssl)
+class TLSProtocolWrapper(ProtocolWrapper):
+ """
+ A SSL/TLS protocol wrapper to be used with Twisted. Typically
+ you would not use this class directly. Use connectTCP,
+ connectSSL, listenTCP, listenSSL functions defined above,
+ which will hook in this class.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, factory, wrappedProtocol, startPassThrough, client,
+ contextFactory, postConnectionCheck):
+ # type: (policies.WrappingFactory, object, int, int, object, Checker) -> None
+ """
+ :param factory:
+ :param wrappedProtocol:
+ :param startPassThrough: If true we won't encrypt at all. Need to
+ call startTLS() later to switch to SSL/TLS.
+ :param client: True if this should be a client protocol.
+ :param contextFactory: Factory that creates SSL.Context objects.
+ The called function is getContext().
+ :param postConnectionCheck: The post connection check callback that
+ will be called just after connection has
+ been established but before any real data
+ has been exchanged. The first argument to
+ this function is an X509 object, the second
+ is the expected host name string.
+ """
+ # ProtocolWrapper.__init__(self, factory, wrappedProtocol)
+ # XXX: Twisted 2.0 has a new addition where the wrappingFactory is
+ # set as the factory of the wrappedProtocol. This is an issue
+ # as the wrap should be transparent. What we want is
+ # the factory of the wrappedProtocol to be the wrappedFactory and
+ # not the outer wrappingFactory. This is how it was implemented in
+ # Twisted 1.3
+ self.factory = factory
+ self.wrappedProtocol = wrappedProtocol
+ # wrappedProtocol == client/server instance
+ # factory.wrappedFactory == client/server factory
+ = b'' # Clear text to encrypt and send
+ self.encrypted = b'' # Encrypted data we need to decrypt and pass on
+ self.tlsStarted = 0 # SSL/TLS mode or pass through
+ self.checked = 0 # Post connection check done or not
+ self.isClient = client
+ self.helloDone = 0 # True when hello has been sent
+ if postConnectionCheck is None:
+ self.postConnectionCheck = _alwaysSucceedsPostConnectionCheck
+ else:
+ self.postConnectionCheck = postConnectionCheck
+ if not startPassThrough:
+ self.startTLS(contextFactory.getContext())
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Clear this instance, after which it is ready for reuse.
+ """
+ if getattr(self, 'tlsStarted', 0):
+ self.sslBio = None
+ self.ssl = None
+ self.internalBio = None
+ self.networkBio = None
+ = b''
+ self.encrypted = b''
+ self.tlsStarted = 0
+ self.checked = 0
+ self.isClient = 1
+ self.helloDone = 0
+ # We can reuse self.ctx and it will be deleted automatically
+ # when this instance dies
+ def startTLS(self, ctx):
+ """
+ Start SSL/TLS. If this is not called, this instance just passes data
+ through untouched.
+ """
+ # NOTE: This method signature must match the startTLS() method Twisted
+ # expects transports to have. This will be called automatically
+ # by Twisted in STARTTLS situations, for example with SMTP.
+ if self.tlsStarted:
+ raise Exception('TLS already started')
+ self.ctx = ctx
+ self.internalBio = m2.bio_new(m2.bio_s_bio())
+ m2.bio_set_write_buf_size(self.internalBio, 0)
+ self.networkBio = _BioProxy(m2.bio_new(m2.bio_s_bio()))
+ m2.bio_set_write_buf_size(self.networkBio._ptr(), 0)
+ m2.bio_make_bio_pair(self.internalBio, self.networkBio._ptr())
+ self.sslBio = _BioProxy(m2.bio_new(m2.bio_f_ssl()))
+ self.ssl = _SSLProxy(m2.ssl_new(self.ctx.ctx))
+ if self.isClient:
+ m2.ssl_set_connect_state(self.ssl._ptr())
+ else:
+ m2.ssl_set_accept_state(self.ssl._ptr())
+ m2.ssl_set_bio(self.ssl._ptr(), self.internalBio, self.internalBio)
+ m2.bio_set_ssl(self.sslBio._ptr(), self.ssl._ptr(), m2.bio_noclose)
+ # Need this for writes that are larger than BIO pair buffers
+ mode = m2.ssl_get_mode(self.ssl._ptr())
+ m2.ssl_set_mode(self.ssl._ptr(),
+ mode |
+ self.tlsStarted = 1
+ def write(self, data):
+ # type: (bytes) -> None
+ if not self.tlsStarted:
+ ProtocolWrapper.write(self, data)
+ return
+ try:
+ encryptedData = self._encrypt(data)
+ ProtocolWrapper.write(self, encryptedData)
+ self.helloDone = 1
+ except BIO.BIOError as e:
+ # See
+ # for the error codes returned by SSL_get_verify_result.
+ e.args = (m2.ssl_get_verify_result(self.ssl._ptr()), e.args[0])
+ raise e
+ def writeSequence(self, data):
+ # type: (Iterable[bytes]) -> None
+ if not self.tlsStarted:
+ ProtocolWrapper.writeSequence(self, b''.join(data))
+ return
+ self.write(b''.join(data))
+ def loseConnection(self):
+ # XXX Do we need to do m2.ssl_shutdown(self.ssl._ptr())?
+ ProtocolWrapper.loseConnection(self)
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ ProtocolWrapper.connectionMade(self)
+ if self.tlsStarted and self.isClient and not self.helloDone:
+ self._clientHello()
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ # type: (bytes) -> None
+ if not self.tlsStarted:
+ ProtocolWrapper.dataReceived(self, data)
+ return
+ self.encrypted += data
+ try:
+ while 1:
+ decryptedData = self._decrypt()
+ self._check()
+ encryptedData = self._encrypt()
+ ProtocolWrapper.write(self, encryptedData)
+ ProtocolWrapper.dataReceived(self, decryptedData)
+ if decryptedData == b'' and encryptedData == b'':
+ break
+ except BIO.BIOError as e:
+ # See
+ # for the error codes returned by SSL_get_verify_result.
+ e.args = (m2.ssl_get_verify_result(self.ssl._ptr()), e.args[0])
+ raise e
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ # type: (AnyStr) -> None
+ self.clear()
+ ProtocolWrapper.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ def _check(self):
+ if not self.checked and m2.ssl_is_init_finished(self.ssl._ptr()):
+ x509 = m2.ssl_get_peer_cert(self.ssl._ptr())
+ if x509 is not None:
+ x509 = X509.X509(x509, 1)
+ if self.isClient:
+ host = self.transport.addr[0]
+ else:
+ host = self.transport.getPeer().host
+ if not self.postConnectionCheck(x509, host):
+ raise SSLVerificationError('post connection check')
+ self.checked = 1
+ def _clientHello(self):
+ try:
+ # We rely on OpenSSL implicitly starting with client hello
+ # when we haven't yet established an SSL connection
+ encryptedData = self._encrypt(clientHello=1)
+ ProtocolWrapper.write(self, encryptedData)
+ self.helloDone = 1
+ except BIO.BIOError as e:
+ # See
+ # for the error codes returned by SSL_get_verify_result.
+ e.args = (m2.ssl_get_verify_result(self.ssl._ptr()), e.args[0])
+ raise e
+ # Optimizations to reduce attribute accesses
+ @property
+ def _get_wr_guar_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[], int]
+ """Return max. length of data can be written to the BIO.
+ Writes larger than this value will return a value from
+ BIO_write() less than the amount requested or if the buffer is
+ full request a retry.
+ """
+ return partial(m2.bio_ctrl_get_write_guarantee,
+ self.sslBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _get_wr_guar_net(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[], int]
+ return partial(m2.bio_ctrl_get_write_guarantee,
+ self.networkBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _shoud_retry_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[], int]
+ # BIO_should_retry() is true if the call that produced this
+ # condition should then be retried at a later time.
+ return partial(m2.bio_should_retry, self.sslBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _shoud_retry_net(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[], int]
+ return partial(m2.bio_should_retry, self.networkBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _ctrl_pend_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[], int]
+ # size_t BIO_ctrl_pending(BIO *b);
+ # BIO_ctrl_pending() return the number of pending characters in
+ # the BIOs read and write buffers.
+ return partial(m2.bio_ctrl_pending, self.sslBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _ctrl_pend_net(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[], int]
+ return partial(m2.bio_ctrl_pending, self.networkBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _write_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[bytes], int]
+ # All these functions return either the amount of data
+ # successfully read or written (if the return value is
+ # positive) or that no data was successfully read or written
+ # if the result is 0 or -1. If the return value is -2 then
+ # the operation is not implemented in the specific BIO type.
+ return partial(m2.bio_write, self.sslBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _write_net(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[bytes], int]
+ return partial(m2.bio_write, self.networkBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _read_ssl(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[int], Optional[bytes]]
+ return partial(m2.bio_read, self.sslBio._ptr())
+ @property
+ def _read_net(self):
+ # type: () -> Callable[[int], Optional[bytes]]
+ return partial(m2.bio_read, self.networkBio._ptr())
+ def _encrypt(self, data=b'', clientHello=0):
+ # type: (bytes, int) -> bytes
+ """
+ :param data:
+ :param clientHello:
+ :return:
+ """
+ encryptedData = b''
+ += data
+ while 1:
+ if (self._get_wr_guar_ssl() > 0 and != b'') or clientHello:
+ r = self._write_ssl(
+ if r <= 0:
+ if not self._shoud_retry_ssl():
+ raise IOError(
+ ('Data left to be written to {}, ' +
+ 'but cannot retry SSL connection!').format(self.sslBio))
+ else:
+ assert self.checked
+ =[r:]
+ pending = self._ctrl_pend_net()
+ if pending:
+ d = self._read_net(pending)
+ if d is not None: # This is strange, but d can be None
+ encryptedData += d
+ else:
+ assert(self._shoud_retry_net())
+ else:
+ break
+ return encryptedData
+ def _decrypt(self, data=b''):
+ # type: (bytes) -> bytes
+ self.encrypted += data
+ decryptedData = b''
+ while 1:
+ if self._get_wr_guar_ssl() > 0 and self.encrypted != b'':
+ r = self._write_net(self.encrypted)
+ if r <= 0:
+ if not self._shoud_retry_net():
+ raise IOError(
+ ('Data left to be written to {}, ' +
+ 'but cannot retry SSL connection!').format(self.networkBio))
+ else:
+ self.encrypted = self.encrypted[r:]
+ pending = self._ctrl_pend_ssl()
+ if pending:
+ d = self._read_ssl(pending)
+ if d is not None: # This is strange, but d can be None
+ decryptedData += d
+ else:
+ assert(self._shoud_retry_ssl())
+ else:
+ break
+ return decryptedData
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..33bf1b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+"""M2Crypto SSL services.
+Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+import socket, os
+# M2Crypto
+from M2Crypto import _m2crypto as m2
+class SSLError(Exception):
+ pass
+class SSLTimeoutError(SSLError, socket.timeout):
+ pass
+m2.ssl_init(SSLError, SSLTimeoutError)
+# M2Crypto.SSL
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Cipher import Cipher, Cipher_Stack
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Connection import Connection
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import Context
+from M2Crypto.SSL.SSLServer import SSLServer, ThreadingSSLServer
+if != 'nt':
+ from M2Crypto.SSL.SSLServer import ForkingSSLServer
+from M2Crypto.SSL.ssl_dispatcher import ssl_dispatcher
+from M2Crypto.SSL.timeout import timeout, struct_to_timeout, struct_size
+verify_none = m2.SSL_VERIFY_NONE # type: int
+verify_peer = m2.SSL_VERIFY_PEER # type: int
+verify_fail_if_no_peer_cert = m2.SSL_VERIFY_FAIL_IF_NO_PEER_CERT # type: int
+verify_client_once = m2.SSL_VERIFY_CLIENT_ONCE # type: int
+verify_crl_check_chain = m2.VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_CHAIN # type: int
+verify_crl_check_leaf = m2.VERIFY_CRL_CHECK_LEAF # type: int
+op_all = m2.SSL_OP_ALL # type: int
+op_no_sslv2 = m2.SSL_OP_NO_SSLv2 # type: int
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47f102e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+"""SSL callbacks
+Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+import sys
+from M2Crypto import m2
+from typing import Any # noqa
+__all__ = ['unknown_issuer', 'ssl_verify_callback_stub', 'ssl_verify_callback',
+ 'ssl_verify_callback_allow_unknown_ca', 'ssl_info_callback']
+def ssl_verify_callback_stub(ssl_ctx_ptr, x509_ptr, errnum, errdepth, ok):
+ # Deprecated
+ return ok
+unknown_issuer = [
+def ssl_verify_callback(ssl_ctx_ptr, x509_ptr, errnum, errdepth, ok):
+ # type: (bytes, bytes, int, int, int) -> int
+ # Deprecated
+ from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import Context
+ ssl_ctx = Context.ctxmap()[int(ssl_ctx_ptr)]
+ if errnum in unknown_issuer:
+ if ssl_ctx.get_allow_unknown_ca():
+ sys.stderr.write("policy: %s: permitted...\n" %
+ (m2.x509_get_verify_error(errnum)))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ ok = 1
+ # CRL checking goes here...
+ if ok:
+ if ssl_ctx.get_verify_depth() >= errdepth:
+ ok = 1
+ else:
+ ok = 0
+ return ok
+def ssl_verify_callback_allow_unknown_ca(ok, store):
+ # type: (int, Any) -> int
+ errnum = store.get_error()
+ if errnum in unknown_issuer:
+ ok = 1
+ return ok
+# Cribbed from OpenSSL's apps/s_cb.c.
+def ssl_info_callback(where, ret, ssl_ptr):
+ # type: (int, int, bytes) -> None
+ w = where & ~m2.SSL_ST_MASK
+ if w & m2.SSL_ST_CONNECT:
+ state = "SSL connect"
+ elif w & m2.SSL_ST_ACCEPT:
+ state = "SSL accept"
+ else:
+ state = "SSL state unknown"
+ if where & m2.SSL_CB_LOOP:
+ sys.stderr.write("LOOP: %s: %s\n" %
+ (state, m2.ssl_get_state_v(ssl_ptr)))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return
+ if where & m2.SSL_CB_EXIT:
+ if not ret:
+ sys.stderr.write("FAILED: %s: %s\n" %
+ (state, m2.ssl_get_state_v(ssl_ptr)))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ else:
+ sys.stderr.write("INFO: %s: %s\n" %
+ (state, m2.ssl_get_state_v(ssl_ptr)))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return
+ if where & m2.SSL_CB_ALERT:
+ if where & m2.SSL_CB_READ:
+ w = 'read'
+ else:
+ w = 'write'
+ sys.stderr.write("ALERT: %s: %s: %s\n" %
+ (w, m2.ssl_get_alert_type_v(ret),
+ m2.ssl_get_alert_desc_v(ret)))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ return
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73a4b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+"""SSL dispatcher
+Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved."""
+# Python
+import asyncore
+import socket
+# M2Crypto
+from M2Crypto import util # noqa
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Connection import Connection
+from M2Crypto.SSL.Context import Context # noqa
+__all__ = ['ssl_dispatcher']
+class ssl_dispatcher(asyncore.dispatcher):
+ def create_socket(self, ssl_context):
+ # type: (Context) -> None
+ self.family_and_type = socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM
+ self.ssl_ctx = ssl_context
+ self.socket = Connection(self.ssl_ctx)
+ # self.socket.setblocking(0)
+ self.add_channel()
+ def connect(self, addr):
+ # type: (util.AddrType) -> None
+ self.socket.setblocking(1)
+ self.socket.connect(addr)
+ self.socket.setblocking(0)
+ def recv(self, buffer_size=4096):
+ # type: (int) -> bytes
+ """Receive data over SSL."""
+ return self.socket.recv(buffer_size)
+ def send(self, buffer):
+ # type: (bytes) -> int
+ """Send data over SSL."""
+ return self.socket.send(buffer)
diff --git a/src/M2Crypto/SSL/ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
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index 0000000..42b0291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/M2Crypto/SSL/
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+"""Support for SSL socket timeouts.
+Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Ng Pheng Siong. All rights reserved.
+Copyright 2008 Heikki Toivonen. All rights reserved.
+__all__ = ['DEFAULT_TIMEOUT', 'timeout', 'struct_to_timeout', 'struct_size']
+import sys
+import struct
+DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 600 # type: int
+class timeout(object):
+ def __init__(self, sec=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, microsec=0):
+ # type: (int, int) -> None
+ self.sec = sec
+ self.microsec = microsec
+ def pack(self):
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ millisec = int(self.sec * 1000 + round(float(self.microsec) / 1000))
+ binstr = struct.pack('l', millisec)
+ else:
+ binstr = struct.pack('ll', self.sec, self.microsec)
+ return binstr
+def struct_to_timeout(binstr):
+ # type: (bytes) -> timeout
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ millisec = struct.unpack('l', binstr)[0]
+ # On py3, int/int performs exact division and returns float. We want
+ # the whole number portion of the exact division result:
+ sec = int(millisec / 1000)
+ microsec = (millisec % 1000) * 1000
+ else:
+ (sec, microsec) = struct.unpack('ll', binstr)
+ return timeout(sec, microsec)
+def struct_size():
+ # type: () -> int
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ return struct.calcsize('l')
+ else:
+ return struct.calcsize('ll')