diff options
authorVlastimil Zíma <>2018-04-10 15:29:26 +0200
committerVlastimil Zíma <>2018-04-10 15:29:26 +0200
commitc99f3da49c6075a273aa6d3141ee6af5e6c6e655 (patch)
parent54d0a90d9125c36202e70c7dd79c3d9411863f86 (diff)
Deprecate pape drafts
6 files changed, 874 insertions, 847 deletions
diff --git a/openid/extensions/ b/openid/extensions/
index 710b200..5394e7a 100644
--- a/openid/extensions/
+++ b/openid/extensions/
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
"""OpenID Extension modules."""
__all__ = ['ax', 'pape', 'sreg']
-from openid.extensions.draft import pape5 as pape
diff --git a/openid/extensions/draft/ b/openid/extensions/draft/
index d1790a8..a26ddfc 100644
--- a/openid/extensions/draft/
+++ b/openid/extensions/draft/
@@ -16,9 +16,13 @@ __all__ = [
import re
+import warnings
from openid.extension import Extension
+warnings.warn("Module 'openid.extensions.draft.pape2' is deprecated. Use 'openid.extensions.pape' instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning)
ns_uri = ""
diff --git a/openid/extensions/draft/ b/openid/extensions/draft/
index 7065500..47cf9b2 100644
--- a/openid/extensions/draft/
+++ b/openid/extensions/draft/
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@ Extension 1.0, Draft 5
@since: 2.1.0
+import warnings
+ LEVELS_NIST, Request, Response, ns_uri)
__all__ = [
@@ -17,457 +21,5 @@ __all__ = [
-import re
-import warnings
-from openid.extension import Extension
-ns_uri = ""
- ''
- ''
- ''
- ''
-TIME_VALIDATOR = re.compile('^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ$')
-class PAPEExtension(Extension):
- _default_auth_level_aliases = {
- 'nist': LEVELS_NIST,
- 'jisa': LEVELS_JISA,
- }
- def __init__(self):
- self.auth_level_aliases = self._default_auth_level_aliases.copy()
- def _addAuthLevelAlias(self, auth_level_uri, alias=None):
- """Add an auth level URI alias to this request.
- @param auth_level_uri: The auth level URI to send in the
- request.
- @param alias: The namespace alias to use for this auth level
- in this message. May be None if the alias is not
- important.
- """
- if alias is None:
- try:
- alias = self._getAlias(auth_level_uri)
- except KeyError:
- alias = self._generateAlias()
- else:
- existing_uri = self.auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
- if existing_uri is not None and existing_uri != auth_level_uri:
- raise KeyError('Attempting to redefine alias %r from %r to %r',
- alias, existing_uri, auth_level_uri)
- self.auth_level_aliases[alias] = auth_level_uri
- def _generateAlias(self):
- """Return an unused auth level alias"""
- for i in xrange(1000):
- alias = 'cust%d' % (i,)
- if alias not in self.auth_level_aliases:
- return alias
- raise RuntimeError('Could not find an unused alias (tried 1000!)')
- def _getAlias(self, auth_level_uri):
- """Return the alias for the specified auth level URI.
- @raises KeyError: if no alias is defined
- """
- for (alias, existing_uri) in self.auth_level_aliases.iteritems():
- if auth_level_uri == existing_uri:
- return alias
- raise KeyError(auth_level_uri)
-class Request(PAPEExtension):
- """A Provider Authentication Policy request, sent from a relying
- party to a provider
- @ivar preferred_auth_policies: The authentication policies that
- the relying party prefers
- @type preferred_auth_policies: [str]
- @ivar max_auth_age: The maximum time, in seconds, that the relying
- party wants to allow to have elapsed before the user must
- re-authenticate
- @type max_auth_age: int or NoneType
- @ivar preferred_auth_level_types: Ordered list of authentication
- level namespace URIs
- @type preferred_auth_level_types: [str]
- """
- ns_alias = 'pape'
- def __init__(self, preferred_auth_policies=None, max_auth_age=None,
- preferred_auth_level_types=None):
- super(Request, self).__init__()
- if preferred_auth_policies is None:
- preferred_auth_policies = []
- self.preferred_auth_policies = preferred_auth_policies
- self.max_auth_age = max_auth_age
- self.preferred_auth_level_types = []
- if preferred_auth_level_types is not None:
- for auth_level in preferred_auth_level_types:
- self.addAuthLevel(auth_level)
- def __nonzero__(self):
- return bool(self.preferred_auth_policies or
- self.max_auth_age is not None or
- self.preferred_auth_level_types)
- def addPolicyURI(self, policy_uri):
- """Add an acceptable authentication policy URI to this request
- This method is intended to be used by the relying party to add
- acceptable authentication types to the request.
- @param policy_uri: The identifier for the preferred type of
- authentication.
- @see:
- """
- if policy_uri not in self.preferred_auth_policies:
- self.preferred_auth_policies.append(policy_uri)
- def addAuthLevel(self, auth_level_uri, alias=None):
- self._addAuthLevelAlias(auth_level_uri, alias)
- if auth_level_uri not in self.preferred_auth_level_types:
- self.preferred_auth_level_types.append(auth_level_uri)
- def getExtensionArgs(self):
- """@see: C{L{Extension.getExtensionArgs}}
- """
- ns_args = {
- 'preferred_auth_policies': ' '.join(self.preferred_auth_policies),
- }
- if self.max_auth_age is not None:
- ns_args['max_auth_age'] = str(self.max_auth_age)
- if self.preferred_auth_level_types:
- preferred_types = []
- for auth_level_uri in self.preferred_auth_level_types:
- alias = self._getAlias(auth_level_uri)
- ns_args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)] = auth_level_uri
- preferred_types.append(alias)
- ns_args['preferred_auth_level_types'] = ' '.join(preferred_types)
- return ns_args
- @classmethod
- def fromOpenIDRequest(cls, request):
- """Instantiate a Request object from the arguments in a
- C{checkid_*} OpenID message
- """
- self = cls()
- args = request.message.getArgs(self.ns_uri)
- is_openid1 = request.message.isOpenID1()
- if args == {}:
- return None
- self.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1)
- return self
- def parseExtensionArgs(self, args, is_openid1, strict=False):
- """Set the state of this request to be that expressed in these
- PAPE arguments
- @param args: The PAPE arguments without a namespace
- @param strict: Whether to raise an exception if the input is
- out of spec or otherwise malformed. If strict is false,
- malformed input will be ignored.
- @param is_openid1: Whether the input should be treated as part
- of an OpenID1 request
- @rtype: None
- @raises ValueError: When the max_auth_age is not parseable as
- an integer
- """
- # preferred_auth_policies is a space-separated list of policy URIs
- self.preferred_auth_policies = []
- policies_str = args.get('preferred_auth_policies')
- if policies_str:
- for uri in policies_str.split(' '):
- if uri not in self.preferred_auth_policies:
- self.preferred_auth_policies.append(uri)
- # max_auth_age is base-10 integer number of seconds
- max_auth_age_str = args.get('max_auth_age')
- self.max_auth_age = None
- if max_auth_age_str:
- try:
- self.max_auth_age = int(max_auth_age_str)
- except ValueError:
- if strict:
- raise
- # Parse auth level information
- preferred_auth_level_types = args.get('preferred_auth_level_types')
- if preferred_auth_level_types:
- aliases = preferred_auth_level_types.strip().split()
- for alias in aliases:
- key = 'auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)
- try:
- uri = args[key]
- except KeyError:
- if is_openid1:
- uri = self._default_auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
- else:
- uri = None
- if uri is None:
- if strict:
- raise ValueError('preferred auth level %r is not '
- 'defined in this message' % (alias,))
- else:
- self.addAuthLevel(uri, alias)
- def preferredTypes(self, supported_types):
- """Given a list of authentication policy URIs that a provider
- supports, this method returns the subsequence of those types
- that are preferred by the relying party.
- @param supported_types: A sequence of authentication policy
- type URIs that are supported by a provider
- @returns: The sub-sequence of the supported types that are
- preferred by the relying party. This list will be ordered
- in the order that the types appear in the supported_types
- sequence, and may be empty if the provider does not prefer
- any of the supported authentication types.
- @returntype: [str]
- """
- return [i for i in supported_types if i in self.preferred_auth_policies]
-Request.ns_uri = ns_uri
-class Response(PAPEExtension):
- """A Provider Authentication Policy response, sent from a provider
- to a relying party
- @ivar auth_policies: List of authentication policies conformed to
- by this OpenID assertion, represented as policy URIs
- """
- ns_alias = 'pape'
- def __init__(self, auth_policies=None, auth_time=None,
- auth_levels=None):
- super(Response, self).__init__()
- if auth_policies:
- self.auth_policies = auth_policies
- else:
- self.auth_policies = []
- self.auth_time = auth_time
- self.auth_levels = {}
- if auth_levels is None:
- auth_levels = {}
- for uri, level in auth_levels.iteritems():
- self.setAuthLevel(uri, level)
- def setAuthLevel(self, level_uri, level, alias=None):
- """Set the value for the given auth level type.
- @param level: string representation of an authentication level
- valid for level_uri
- @param alias: An optional namespace alias for the given auth
- level URI. May be omitted if the alias is not
- significant. The library will use a reasonable default for
- widely-used auth level types.
- """
- self._addAuthLevelAlias(level_uri, alias)
- self.auth_levels[level_uri] = level
- def getAuthLevel(self, level_uri):
- """Return the auth level for the specified auth level
- identifier
- @returns: A string that should map to the auth levels defined
- for the auth level type
- @raises KeyError: If the auth level type is not present in
- this message
- """
- return self.auth_levels[level_uri]
- @property
- def nist_auth_level(self):
- """Backward-compatibility accessor for the NIST auth level."""
- try:
- return int(self.getAuthLevel(LEVELS_NIST))
- except KeyError:
- return None
- def addPolicyURI(self, policy_uri):
- """Add a authentication policy to this response
- This method is intended to be used by the provider to add a
- policy that the provider conformed to when authenticating the user.
- @param policy_uri: The identifier for the preferred type of
- authentication.
- @see:
- """
- if policy_uri == AUTH_NONE:
- raise RuntimeError(
- 'To send no policies, do not set any on the response.')
- if policy_uri not in self.auth_policies:
- self.auth_policies.append(policy_uri)
- @classmethod
- def fromSuccessResponse(cls, success_response):
- """Create a C{L{Response}} object from a successful OpenID
- library response
- (C{L{openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse}}) response
- message
- @param success_response: A SuccessResponse from consumer.complete()
- @type success_response: C{L{openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse}}
- @rtype: Response or None
- @returns: A provider authentication policy response from the
- data that was supplied with the C{id_res} response or None
- if the provider sent no signed PAPE response arguments.
- """
- self = cls()
- # PAPE requires that the args be signed.
- args = success_response.getSignedNS(self.ns_uri)
- is_openid1 = success_response.isOpenID1()
- # Only try to construct a PAPE response if the arguments were
- # signed in the OpenID response. If not, return None.
- if args is not None:
- self.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1)
- return self
- else:
- return None
- def parseExtensionArgs(self, args, is_openid1, strict=False):
- """Parse the provider authentication policy arguments into the
- internal state of this object
- @param args: unqualified provider authentication policy
- arguments
- @param strict: Whether to raise an exception when bad data is
- encountered
- @returns: None. The data is parsed into the internal fields of
- this object.
- """
- policies_str = args.get('auth_policies')
- if policies_str:
- auth_policies = policies_str.split(' ')
- elif strict:
- raise ValueError('Missing auth_policies')
- else:
- auth_policies = []
- if (len(auth_policies) > 1 and strict and AUTH_NONE in auth_policies):
- raise ValueError('Got some auth policies, as well as the special '
- '"none" URI: %r' % (auth_policies,))
- if 'none' in auth_policies:
- msg = '"none" used as a policy URI (see PAPE draft < 5)'
- if strict:
- raise ValueError(msg)
- else:
- warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
- auth_policies = [u for u in auth_policies
- if u not in ['none', AUTH_NONE]]
- self.auth_policies = auth_policies
- for (key, val) in args.iteritems():
- if key.startswith('auth_level.'):
- alias = key[11:]
- # skip the already-processed namespace declarations
- if alias.startswith('ns.'):
- continue
- try:
- uri = args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)]
- except KeyError:
- if is_openid1:
- uri = self._default_auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
- else:
- uri = None
- if uri is None:
- if strict:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Undefined auth level alias: %r' % (alias,))
- else:
- self.setAuthLevel(uri, val, alias)
- auth_time = args.get('auth_time')
- if auth_time:
- if TIME_VALIDATOR.match(auth_time):
- self.auth_time = auth_time
- elif strict:
- raise ValueError("auth_time must be in RFC3339 format")
- def getExtensionArgs(self):
- """@see: C{L{Extension.getExtensionArgs}}
- """
- if len(self.auth_policies) == 0:
- ns_args = {
- 'auth_policies': AUTH_NONE,
- }
- else:
- ns_args = {
- 'auth_policies': ' '.join(self.auth_policies),
- }
- for level_type, level in self.auth_levels.iteritems():
- alias = self._getAlias(level_type)
- ns_args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)] = level_type
- ns_args['auth_level.%s' % (alias,)] = str(level)
- if self.auth_time is not None:
- if not TIME_VALIDATOR.match(self.auth_time):
- raise ValueError('auth_time must be in RFC3339 format')
- ns_args['auth_time'] = self.auth_time
- return ns_args
-Response.ns_uri = ns_uri
+warnings.warn("Module 'openid.extensions.draft.pape5' is deprecated in favor of 'openid.extensions.pape'.",
+ DeprecationWarning)
diff --git a/openid/extensions/ b/openid/extensions/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7065500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openid/extensions/
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+"""An implementation of the OpenID Provider Authentication Policy
+Extension 1.0, Draft 5
+@since: 2.1.0
+__all__ = [
+ 'Request',
+ 'Response',
+ 'ns_uri',
+import re
+import warnings
+from openid.extension import Extension
+ns_uri = ""
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+ ''
+TIME_VALIDATOR = re.compile('^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\dT\d\d:\d\d:\d\dZ$')
+class PAPEExtension(Extension):
+ _default_auth_level_aliases = {
+ 'nist': LEVELS_NIST,
+ 'jisa': LEVELS_JISA,
+ }
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.auth_level_aliases = self._default_auth_level_aliases.copy()
+ def _addAuthLevelAlias(self, auth_level_uri, alias=None):
+ """Add an auth level URI alias to this request.
+ @param auth_level_uri: The auth level URI to send in the
+ request.
+ @param alias: The namespace alias to use for this auth level
+ in this message. May be None if the alias is not
+ important.
+ """
+ if alias is None:
+ try:
+ alias = self._getAlias(auth_level_uri)
+ except KeyError:
+ alias = self._generateAlias()
+ else:
+ existing_uri = self.auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
+ if existing_uri is not None and existing_uri != auth_level_uri:
+ raise KeyError('Attempting to redefine alias %r from %r to %r',
+ alias, existing_uri, auth_level_uri)
+ self.auth_level_aliases[alias] = auth_level_uri
+ def _generateAlias(self):
+ """Return an unused auth level alias"""
+ for i in xrange(1000):
+ alias = 'cust%d' % (i,)
+ if alias not in self.auth_level_aliases:
+ return alias
+ raise RuntimeError('Could not find an unused alias (tried 1000!)')
+ def _getAlias(self, auth_level_uri):
+ """Return the alias for the specified auth level URI.
+ @raises KeyError: if no alias is defined
+ """
+ for (alias, existing_uri) in self.auth_level_aliases.iteritems():
+ if auth_level_uri == existing_uri:
+ return alias
+ raise KeyError(auth_level_uri)
+class Request(PAPEExtension):
+ """A Provider Authentication Policy request, sent from a relying
+ party to a provider
+ @ivar preferred_auth_policies: The authentication policies that
+ the relying party prefers
+ @type preferred_auth_policies: [str]
+ @ivar max_auth_age: The maximum time, in seconds, that the relying
+ party wants to allow to have elapsed before the user must
+ re-authenticate
+ @type max_auth_age: int or NoneType
+ @ivar preferred_auth_level_types: Ordered list of authentication
+ level namespace URIs
+ @type preferred_auth_level_types: [str]
+ """
+ ns_alias = 'pape'
+ def __init__(self, preferred_auth_policies=None, max_auth_age=None,
+ preferred_auth_level_types=None):
+ super(Request, self).__init__()
+ if preferred_auth_policies is None:
+ preferred_auth_policies = []
+ self.preferred_auth_policies = preferred_auth_policies
+ self.max_auth_age = max_auth_age
+ self.preferred_auth_level_types = []
+ if preferred_auth_level_types is not None:
+ for auth_level in preferred_auth_level_types:
+ self.addAuthLevel(auth_level)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return bool(self.preferred_auth_policies or
+ self.max_auth_age is not None or
+ self.preferred_auth_level_types)
+ def addPolicyURI(self, policy_uri):
+ """Add an acceptable authentication policy URI to this request
+ This method is intended to be used by the relying party to add
+ acceptable authentication types to the request.
+ @param policy_uri: The identifier for the preferred type of
+ authentication.
+ @see:
+ """
+ if policy_uri not in self.preferred_auth_policies:
+ self.preferred_auth_policies.append(policy_uri)
+ def addAuthLevel(self, auth_level_uri, alias=None):
+ self._addAuthLevelAlias(auth_level_uri, alias)
+ if auth_level_uri not in self.preferred_auth_level_types:
+ self.preferred_auth_level_types.append(auth_level_uri)
+ def getExtensionArgs(self):
+ """@see: C{L{Extension.getExtensionArgs}}
+ """
+ ns_args = {
+ 'preferred_auth_policies': ' '.join(self.preferred_auth_policies),
+ }
+ if self.max_auth_age is not None:
+ ns_args['max_auth_age'] = str(self.max_auth_age)
+ if self.preferred_auth_level_types:
+ preferred_types = []
+ for auth_level_uri in self.preferred_auth_level_types:
+ alias = self._getAlias(auth_level_uri)
+ ns_args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)] = auth_level_uri
+ preferred_types.append(alias)
+ ns_args['preferred_auth_level_types'] = ' '.join(preferred_types)
+ return ns_args
+ @classmethod
+ def fromOpenIDRequest(cls, request):
+ """Instantiate a Request object from the arguments in a
+ C{checkid_*} OpenID message
+ """
+ self = cls()
+ args = request.message.getArgs(self.ns_uri)
+ is_openid1 = request.message.isOpenID1()
+ if args == {}:
+ return None
+ self.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1)
+ return self
+ def parseExtensionArgs(self, args, is_openid1, strict=False):
+ """Set the state of this request to be that expressed in these
+ PAPE arguments
+ @param args: The PAPE arguments without a namespace
+ @param strict: Whether to raise an exception if the input is
+ out of spec or otherwise malformed. If strict is false,
+ malformed input will be ignored.
+ @param is_openid1: Whether the input should be treated as part
+ of an OpenID1 request
+ @rtype: None
+ @raises ValueError: When the max_auth_age is not parseable as
+ an integer
+ """
+ # preferred_auth_policies is a space-separated list of policy URIs
+ self.preferred_auth_policies = []
+ policies_str = args.get('preferred_auth_policies')
+ if policies_str:
+ for uri in policies_str.split(' '):
+ if uri not in self.preferred_auth_policies:
+ self.preferred_auth_policies.append(uri)
+ # max_auth_age is base-10 integer number of seconds
+ max_auth_age_str = args.get('max_auth_age')
+ self.max_auth_age = None
+ if max_auth_age_str:
+ try:
+ self.max_auth_age = int(max_auth_age_str)
+ except ValueError:
+ if strict:
+ raise
+ # Parse auth level information
+ preferred_auth_level_types = args.get('preferred_auth_level_types')
+ if preferred_auth_level_types:
+ aliases = preferred_auth_level_types.strip().split()
+ for alias in aliases:
+ key = 'auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)
+ try:
+ uri = args[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ if is_openid1:
+ uri = self._default_auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
+ else:
+ uri = None
+ if uri is None:
+ if strict:
+ raise ValueError('preferred auth level %r is not '
+ 'defined in this message' % (alias,))
+ else:
+ self.addAuthLevel(uri, alias)
+ def preferredTypes(self, supported_types):
+ """Given a list of authentication policy URIs that a provider
+ supports, this method returns the subsequence of those types
+ that are preferred by the relying party.
+ @param supported_types: A sequence of authentication policy
+ type URIs that are supported by a provider
+ @returns: The sub-sequence of the supported types that are
+ preferred by the relying party. This list will be ordered
+ in the order that the types appear in the supported_types
+ sequence, and may be empty if the provider does not prefer
+ any of the supported authentication types.
+ @returntype: [str]
+ """
+ return [i for i in supported_types if i in self.preferred_auth_policies]
+Request.ns_uri = ns_uri
+class Response(PAPEExtension):
+ """A Provider Authentication Policy response, sent from a provider
+ to a relying party
+ @ivar auth_policies: List of authentication policies conformed to
+ by this OpenID assertion, represented as policy URIs
+ """
+ ns_alias = 'pape'
+ def __init__(self, auth_policies=None, auth_time=None,
+ auth_levels=None):
+ super(Response, self).__init__()
+ if auth_policies:
+ self.auth_policies = auth_policies
+ else:
+ self.auth_policies = []
+ self.auth_time = auth_time
+ self.auth_levels = {}
+ if auth_levels is None:
+ auth_levels = {}
+ for uri, level in auth_levels.iteritems():
+ self.setAuthLevel(uri, level)
+ def setAuthLevel(self, level_uri, level, alias=None):
+ """Set the value for the given auth level type.
+ @param level: string representation of an authentication level
+ valid for level_uri
+ @param alias: An optional namespace alias for the given auth
+ level URI. May be omitted if the alias is not
+ significant. The library will use a reasonable default for
+ widely-used auth level types.
+ """
+ self._addAuthLevelAlias(level_uri, alias)
+ self.auth_levels[level_uri] = level
+ def getAuthLevel(self, level_uri):
+ """Return the auth level for the specified auth level
+ identifier
+ @returns: A string that should map to the auth levels defined
+ for the auth level type
+ @raises KeyError: If the auth level type is not present in
+ this message
+ """
+ return self.auth_levels[level_uri]
+ @property
+ def nist_auth_level(self):
+ """Backward-compatibility accessor for the NIST auth level."""
+ try:
+ return int(self.getAuthLevel(LEVELS_NIST))
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def addPolicyURI(self, policy_uri):
+ """Add a authentication policy to this response
+ This method is intended to be used by the provider to add a
+ policy that the provider conformed to when authenticating the user.
+ @param policy_uri: The identifier for the preferred type of
+ authentication.
+ @see:
+ """
+ if policy_uri == AUTH_NONE:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ 'To send no policies, do not set any on the response.')
+ if policy_uri not in self.auth_policies:
+ self.auth_policies.append(policy_uri)
+ @classmethod
+ def fromSuccessResponse(cls, success_response):
+ """Create a C{L{Response}} object from a successful OpenID
+ library response
+ (C{L{openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse}}) response
+ message
+ @param success_response: A SuccessResponse from consumer.complete()
+ @type success_response: C{L{openid.consumer.consumer.SuccessResponse}}
+ @rtype: Response or None
+ @returns: A provider authentication policy response from the
+ data that was supplied with the C{id_res} response or None
+ if the provider sent no signed PAPE response arguments.
+ """
+ self = cls()
+ # PAPE requires that the args be signed.
+ args = success_response.getSignedNS(self.ns_uri)
+ is_openid1 = success_response.isOpenID1()
+ # Only try to construct a PAPE response if the arguments were
+ # signed in the OpenID response. If not, return None.
+ if args is not None:
+ self.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1)
+ return self
+ else:
+ return None
+ def parseExtensionArgs(self, args, is_openid1, strict=False):
+ """Parse the provider authentication policy arguments into the
+ internal state of this object
+ @param args: unqualified provider authentication policy
+ arguments
+ @param strict: Whether to raise an exception when bad data is
+ encountered
+ @returns: None. The data is parsed into the internal fields of
+ this object.
+ """
+ policies_str = args.get('auth_policies')
+ if policies_str:
+ auth_policies = policies_str.split(' ')
+ elif strict:
+ raise ValueError('Missing auth_policies')
+ else:
+ auth_policies = []
+ if (len(auth_policies) > 1 and strict and AUTH_NONE in auth_policies):
+ raise ValueError('Got some auth policies, as well as the special '
+ '"none" URI: %r' % (auth_policies,))
+ if 'none' in auth_policies:
+ msg = '"none" used as a policy URI (see PAPE draft < 5)'
+ if strict:
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(msg, stacklevel=2)
+ auth_policies = [u for u in auth_policies
+ if u not in ['none', AUTH_NONE]]
+ self.auth_policies = auth_policies
+ for (key, val) in args.iteritems():
+ if key.startswith('auth_level.'):
+ alias = key[11:]
+ # skip the already-processed namespace declarations
+ if alias.startswith('ns.'):
+ continue
+ try:
+ uri = args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)]
+ except KeyError:
+ if is_openid1:
+ uri = self._default_auth_level_aliases.get(alias)
+ else:
+ uri = None
+ if uri is None:
+ if strict:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Undefined auth level alias: %r' % (alias,))
+ else:
+ self.setAuthLevel(uri, val, alias)
+ auth_time = args.get('auth_time')
+ if auth_time:
+ if TIME_VALIDATOR.match(auth_time):
+ self.auth_time = auth_time
+ elif strict:
+ raise ValueError("auth_time must be in RFC3339 format")
+ def getExtensionArgs(self):
+ """@see: C{L{Extension.getExtensionArgs}}
+ """
+ if len(self.auth_policies) == 0:
+ ns_args = {
+ 'auth_policies': AUTH_NONE,
+ }
+ else:
+ ns_args = {
+ 'auth_policies': ' '.join(self.auth_policies),
+ }
+ for level_type, level in self.auth_levels.iteritems():
+ alias = self._getAlias(level_type)
+ ns_args['auth_level.ns.%s' % (alias,)] = level_type
+ ns_args['auth_level.%s' % (alias,)] = str(level)
+ if self.auth_time is not None:
+ if not TIME_VALIDATOR.match(self.auth_time):
+ raise ValueError('auth_time must be in RFC3339 format')
+ ns_args['auth_time'] = self.auth_time
+ return ns_args
+Response.ns_uri = ns_uri
diff --git a/openid/test/ b/openid/test/
index 0507b2c..056fb89 100644
--- a/openid/test/
+++ b/openid/test/
@@ -1,10 +1,390 @@
import unittest
+import warnings
from openid.extensions import pape
+from openid.message import OPENID2_NS, Message
+from openid.server import server
+warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=__name__,
+ message='"none" used as a policy URI')
+class PapeRequestTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.req = pape.Request()
+ def test_construct(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [])
+ self.assertIsNone(self.req.max_auth_age)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.ns_alias, 'pape')
+ self.assertFalse(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types)
+ bogus_levels = ['']
+ req2 = pape.Request(
+ [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR], 1000, bogus_levels)
+ self.assertEqual(req2.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+ self.assertEqual(req2.max_auth_age, 1000)
+ self.assertEqual(req2.preferred_auth_level_types, bogus_levels)
+ def test_addAuthLevel(self):
+ self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'example')
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [''])
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.auth_level_aliases['example'], '')
+ self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'example1')
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, ['', ''])
+ self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'exmpl')
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, ['', ''])
+ self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'example')
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, ['', ''])
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.req.addAuthLevel, '', 'example')
+ # alias is None; we expect a new one to be generated.
+ uri = ''
+ self.req.addAuthLevel(uri)
+ self.assert_(uri in self.req.auth_level_aliases.values())
+ # We don't expect a new alias to be generated if one already
+ # exists.
+ before_aliases = self.req.auth_level_aliases.keys()
+ self.req.addAuthLevel(uri)
+ after_aliases = self.req.auth_level_aliases.keys()
+ self.assertEqual(after_aliases, before_aliases)
+ def test_add_policy_uri(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [])
+ self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+ self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+ self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
+ self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
+ def test_getExtensionArgs(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), {'preferred_auth_policies': ''})
+ self.req.addPolicyURI('http://uri')
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://uri'})
+ self.req.addPolicyURI('http://zig')
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig'})
+ self.req.max_auth_age = 789
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(),
+ {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig', 'max_auth_age': '789'})
+ def test_getExtensionArgsWithAuthLevels(self):
+ uri = ''
+ alias = 'my_level'
+ self.req.addAuthLevel(uri, alias)
+ uri2 = ''
+ alias2 = 'my_level_2'
+ self.req.addAuthLevel(uri2, alias2)
+ expected_args = {
+ ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias): uri,
+ ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias2): uri2,
+ 'preferred_auth_level_types': ' '.join([alias, alias2]),
+ 'preferred_auth_policies': '',
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), expected_args)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgsWithAuthLevels(self):
+ uri = ''
+ alias = 'my_level'
+ uri2 = ''
+ alias2 = 'my_level_2'
+ request_args = {
+ ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias): uri,
+ ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias2): uri2,
+ 'preferred_auth_level_types': ' '.join([alias, alias2]),
+ 'preferred_auth_policies': '',
+ }
+ # Check request object state
+ self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, is_openid1=False, strict=False)
+ expected_auth_levels = [uri, uri2]
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, expected_auth_levels)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.auth_level_aliases[alias], uri)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.auth_level_aliases[alias2], uri2)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgsWithAuthLevels_openID1(self):
+ request_args = {
+ 'preferred_auth_level_types': 'nist jisa',
+ }
+ expected_auth_levels = [pape.LEVELS_NIST, pape.LEVELS_JISA]
+ self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, is_openid1=True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, expected_auth_levels)
+ self.req = pape.Request()
+ self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, is_openid1=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
+ self.req = pape.Request()
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.req.parseExtensionArgs, request_args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_ignoreBadAuthLevels(self):
+ request_args = {'preferred_auth_level_types': 'monkeys'}
+ self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_strictBadAuthLevels(self):
+ request_args = {'preferred_auth_level_types': 'monkeys'}
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.req.parseExtensionArgs, request_args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs(self):
+ args = {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
+ 'max_auth_age': '9'}
+ self.req.parseExtensionArgs(args, False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.max_auth_age, 9)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_bad_auth_age(self):
+ args = {'max_auth_age': 'not an int'}
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.req.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_empty(self):
+ self.req.parseExtensionArgs({}, False)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.req.max_auth_age)
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [])
+ self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
+ def test_fromOpenIDRequest(self):
+ openid_req_msg = Message.fromOpenIDArgs({
+ 'mode': 'checkid_setup',
+ 'ns': OPENID2_NS,
+ 'ns.pape': pape.ns_uri,
+ 'pape.preferred_auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
+ 'pape.max_auth_age': '5476'
+ })
+ oid_req = server.OpenIDRequest()
+ oid_req.message = openid_req_msg
+ req = pape.Request.fromOpenIDRequest(oid_req)
+ self.assertEqual(req.preferred_auth_policies, policy_uris)
+ self.assertEqual(req.max_auth_age, 5476)
+ def test_fromOpenIDRequest_no_pape(self):
+ message = Message()
+ openid_req = server.OpenIDRequest()
+ openid_req.message = message
+ pape_req = pape.Request.fromOpenIDRequest(openid_req)
+ assert(pape_req is None)
+ def test_preferred_types(self):
+ self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT)
+ self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ pt = self.req.preferredTypes([pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR,
+ self.assertEqual(pt, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+class DummySuccessResponse:
+ def __init__(self, message, signed_stuff):
+ self.message = message
+ self.signed_stuff = signed_stuff
+ def isOpenID1(self):
+ return False
+ def getSignedNS(self, ns_uri):
+ return self.signed_stuff
+class PapeResponseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.resp = pape.Response()
+ def test_construct(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
+ self.assertIsNone(self.resp.auth_time)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.ns_alias, 'pape')
+ self.assertIsNone(self.resp.nist_auth_level)
+ req2 = pape.Response([pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR],
+ "2004-12-11T10:30:44Z", {pape.LEVELS_NIST: 3})
+ self.assertEqual(req2.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+ self.assertEqual(req2.auth_time, "2004-12-11T10:30:44Z")
+ self.assertEqual(req2.nist_auth_level, 3)
+ def test_add_policy_uri(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
+ self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+ self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
+ self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
+ self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
+ self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.resp.addPolicyURI, pape.AUTH_NONE)
+ def test_getExtensionArgs(self):
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE})
+ self.resp.addPolicyURI('http://uri')
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), {'auth_policies': 'http://uri'})
+ self.resp.addPolicyURI('http://zig')
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), {'auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig'})
+ self.resp.auth_time = "1776-07-04T14:43:12Z"
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(),
+ {'auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig', 'auth_time': "1776-07-04T14:43:12Z"})
+ self.resp.setAuthLevel(pape.LEVELS_NIST, '3')
+ nist_args = {'auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig', 'auth_time': "1776-07-04T14:43:12Z",
+ 'auth_level.nist': '3', 'auth_level.ns.nist': pape.LEVELS_NIST}
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), nist_args)
+ def test_getExtensionArgs_error_auth_age(self):
+ self.resp.auth_time = "long ago"
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.getExtensionArgs)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
+ 'auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'}
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_time, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_valid_none(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE}
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_old_none(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': 'none'}
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_old_none_strict(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': 'none'}
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_empty(self):
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs({}, is_openid1=False)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.resp.auth_time)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_empty_strict(self):
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, {}, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_ignore_superfluous_none(self):
+ policies = [pape.AUTH_NONE, pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL]
+ args = {
+ 'auth_policies': ' '.join(policies),
+ }
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False, strict=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_none_strict(self):
+ policies = [pape.AUTH_NONE, pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL]
+ args = {
+ 'auth_policies': ' '.join(policies),
+ }
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_bogus1(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
+ 'auth_time': 'yesterday'}
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_openid1_strict(self):
+ args = {'auth_level.nist': '0',
+ 'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE,
+ }
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, strict=True, is_openid1=True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.getAuthLevel(pape.LEVELS_NIST), '0')
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_no_namespace_decl_openid2(self):
+ # Test the case where the namespace is not declared for an
+ # auth level.
+ args = {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE,
+ 'auth_level.nist': '0',
+ }
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_nostrict_no_namespace_decl_openid2(self):
+ # Test the case where the namespace is not declared for an
+ # auth level.
+ args = {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE,
+ 'auth_level.nist': '0',
+ }
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False, strict=False)
+ # There is no namespace declaration for this auth level.
+ self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.resp.getAuthLevel, pape.LEVELS_NIST)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_good(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
+ 'auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
+ 'auth_level.nist': '0',
+ 'auth_level.ns.nist': pape.LEVELS_NIST}
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_time, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.nist_auth_level, 0)
+ def test_parseExtensionArgs_nostrict_bogus(self):
+ args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
+ 'auth_time': 'when the cows come home',
+ 'nist_auth_level': 'some'}
+ self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
+ self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
+ self.assertIsNone(self.resp.auth_time)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.resp.nist_auth_level)
+ def test_fromSuccessResponse(self):
+ openid_req_msg = Message.fromOpenIDArgs({
+ 'mode': 'id_res',
+ 'ns': OPENID2_NS,
+ 'ns.pape': pape.ns_uri,
+ 'pape.auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
+ 'pape.auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ })
+ signed_stuff = {
+ 'auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
+ 'auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ }
+ oid_req = DummySuccessResponse(openid_req_msg, signed_stuff)
+ req = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(oid_req)
+ self.assertEqual(req.auth_policies, policy_uris)
+ self.assertEqual(req.auth_time, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
+ def test_fromSuccessResponseNoSignedArgs(self):
+ openid_req_msg = Message.fromOpenIDArgs({
+ 'mode': 'id_res',
+ 'ns': OPENID2_NS,
+ 'ns.pape': pape.ns_uri,
+ 'pape.auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
+ 'pape.auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
+ })
+ signed_stuff = {}
+ class NoSigningDummyResponse(DummySuccessResponse):
+ def getSignedNS(self, ns_uri):
+ return None
+ oid_req = NoSigningDummyResponse(openid_req_msg, signed_stuff)
+ resp = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(oid_req)
+ self.assertIsNone(resp)
-class PapeImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_version(self):
- from openid.extensions.draft import pape5
- self.assert_(pape is pape5)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/openid/test/ b/openid/test/
index 104411a..9585206 100644
--- a/openid/test/
+++ b/openid/test/
@@ -1,390 +1,10 @@
import unittest
-import warnings
-from openid.extensions.draft import pape5 as pape
-from openid.message import OPENID2_NS, Message
-from openid.server import server
+from openid.extensions import pape
-warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', module=__name__,
- message='"none" used as a policy URI')
-class PapeRequestTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.req = pape.Request()
- def test_construct(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [])
- self.assertIsNone(self.req.max_auth_age)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.ns_alias, 'pape')
- self.assertFalse(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types)
- bogus_levels = ['']
- req2 = pape.Request(
- [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR], 1000, bogus_levels)
- self.assertEqual(req2.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
- self.assertEqual(req2.max_auth_age, 1000)
- self.assertEqual(req2.preferred_auth_level_types, bogus_levels)
- def test_addAuthLevel(self):
- self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'example')
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [''])
- self.assertEqual(self.req.auth_level_aliases['example'], '')
- self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'example1')
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, ['', ''])
- self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'exmpl')
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, ['', ''])
- self.req.addAuthLevel('', 'example')
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, ['', ''])
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.req.addAuthLevel, '', 'example')
- # alias is None; we expect a new one to be generated.
- uri = ''
- self.req.addAuthLevel(uri)
- self.assert_(uri in self.req.auth_level_aliases.values())
- # We don't expect a new alias to be generated if one already
- # exists.
- before_aliases = self.req.auth_level_aliases.keys()
- self.req.addAuthLevel(uri)
- after_aliases = self.req.auth_level_aliases.keys()
- self.assertEqual(after_aliases, before_aliases)
- def test_add_policy_uri(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [])
- self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
- self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
- self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
- self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
- def test_getExtensionArgs(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), {'preferred_auth_policies': ''})
- self.req.addPolicyURI('http://uri')
- self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://uri'})
- self.req.addPolicyURI('http://zig')
- self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig'})
- self.req.max_auth_age = 789
- self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(),
- {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig', 'max_auth_age': '789'})
- def test_getExtensionArgsWithAuthLevels(self):
- uri = ''
- alias = 'my_level'
- self.req.addAuthLevel(uri, alias)
- uri2 = ''
- alias2 = 'my_level_2'
- self.req.addAuthLevel(uri2, alias2)
- expected_args = {
- ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias): uri,
- ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias2): uri2,
- 'preferred_auth_level_types': ' '.join([alias, alias2]),
- 'preferred_auth_policies': '',
- }
- self.assertEqual(self.req.getExtensionArgs(), expected_args)
- def test_parseExtensionArgsWithAuthLevels(self):
- uri = ''
- alias = 'my_level'
- uri2 = ''
- alias2 = 'my_level_2'
- request_args = {
- ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias): uri,
- ('auth_level.ns.%s' % alias2): uri2,
- 'preferred_auth_level_types': ' '.join([alias, alias2]),
- 'preferred_auth_policies': '',
- }
- # Check request object state
- self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, is_openid1=False, strict=False)
- expected_auth_levels = [uri, uri2]
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, expected_auth_levels)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.auth_level_aliases[alias], uri)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.auth_level_aliases[alias2], uri2)
- def test_parseExtensionArgsWithAuthLevels_openID1(self):
- request_args = {
- 'preferred_auth_level_types': 'nist jisa',
- }
- expected_auth_levels = [pape.LEVELS_NIST, pape.LEVELS_JISA]
- self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, is_openid1=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, expected_auth_levels)
- self.req = pape.Request()
- self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, is_openid1=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
- self.req = pape.Request()
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.req.parseExtensionArgs, request_args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_ignoreBadAuthLevels(self):
- request_args = {'preferred_auth_level_types': 'monkeys'}
- self.req.parseExtensionArgs(request_args, False)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_strictBadAuthLevels(self):
- request_args = {'preferred_auth_level_types': 'monkeys'}
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.req.parseExtensionArgs, request_args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs(self):
- args = {'preferred_auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
- 'max_auth_age': '9'}
- self.req.parseExtensionArgs(args, False)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.max_auth_age, 9)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_bad_auth_age(self):
- args = {'max_auth_age': 'not an int'}
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.req.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_empty(self):
- self.req.parseExtensionArgs({}, False)
- self.assertIsNone(self.req.max_auth_age)
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_policies, [])
- self.assertEqual(self.req.preferred_auth_level_types, [])
- def test_fromOpenIDRequest(self):
- openid_req_msg = Message.fromOpenIDArgs({
- 'mode': 'checkid_setup',
- 'ns': OPENID2_NS,
- 'ns.pape': pape.ns_uri,
- 'pape.preferred_auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
- 'pape.max_auth_age': '5476'
- })
- oid_req = server.OpenIDRequest()
- oid_req.message = openid_req_msg
- req = pape.Request.fromOpenIDRequest(oid_req)
- self.assertEqual(req.preferred_auth_policies, policy_uris)
- self.assertEqual(req.max_auth_age, 5476)
- def test_fromOpenIDRequest_no_pape(self):
- message = Message()
- openid_req = server.OpenIDRequest()
- openid_req.message = message
- pape_req = pape.Request.fromOpenIDRequest(openid_req)
- assert(pape_req is None)
- def test_preferred_types(self):
- self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT)
- self.req.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- pt = self.req.preferredTypes([pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR,
- self.assertEqual(pt, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
-class DummySuccessResponse:
- def __init__(self, message, signed_stuff):
- self.message = message
- self.signed_stuff = signed_stuff
- def isOpenID1(self):
- return False
- def getSignedNS(self, ns_uri):
- return self.signed_stuff
-class PapeResponseTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.resp = pape.Response()
- def test_construct(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
- self.assertIsNone(self.resp.auth_time)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.ns_alias, 'pape')
- self.assertIsNone(self.resp.nist_auth_level)
- req2 = pape.Response([pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR],
- "2004-12-11T10:30:44Z", {pape.LEVELS_NIST: 3})
- self.assertEqual(req2.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
- self.assertEqual(req2.auth_time, "2004-12-11T10:30:44Z")
- self.assertEqual(req2.nist_auth_level, 3)
- def test_add_policy_uri(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
- self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
- self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR])
- self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
- self.resp.addPolicyURI(pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR, pape.AUTH_PHISHING_RESISTANT])
- self.assertRaises(RuntimeError, self.resp.addPolicyURI, pape.AUTH_NONE)
- def test_getExtensionArgs(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE})
- self.resp.addPolicyURI('http://uri')
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), {'auth_policies': 'http://uri'})
- self.resp.addPolicyURI('http://zig')
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), {'auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig'})
- self.resp.auth_time = "1776-07-04T14:43:12Z"
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(),
- {'auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig', 'auth_time': "1776-07-04T14:43:12Z"})
- self.resp.setAuthLevel(pape.LEVELS_NIST, '3')
- nist_args = {'auth_policies': 'http://uri http://zig', 'auth_time': "1776-07-04T14:43:12Z",
- 'auth_level.nist': '3', 'auth_level.ns.nist': pape.LEVELS_NIST}
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.getExtensionArgs(), nist_args)
- def test_getExtensionArgs_error_auth_age(self):
- self.resp.auth_time = "long ago"
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.getExtensionArgs)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
- 'auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'}
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_time, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_valid_none(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE}
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_old_none(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': 'none'}
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_old_none_strict(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': 'none'}
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_empty(self):
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs({}, is_openid1=False)
- self.assertIsNone(self.resp.auth_time)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_empty_strict(self):
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, {}, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_ignore_superfluous_none(self):
- policies = [pape.AUTH_NONE, pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL]
- args = {
- 'auth_policies': ' '.join(policies),
- }
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False, strict=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_none_strict(self):
- policies = [pape.AUTH_NONE, pape.AUTH_MULTI_FACTOR_PHYSICAL]
- args = {
- 'auth_policies': ' '.join(policies),
- }
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_bogus1(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
- 'auth_time': 'yesterday'}
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_openid1_strict(self):
- args = {'auth_level.nist': '0',
- 'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE,
- }
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, strict=True, is_openid1=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.getAuthLevel(pape.LEVELS_NIST), '0')
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, [])
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_no_namespace_decl_openid2(self):
- # Test the case where the namespace is not declared for an
- # auth level.
- args = {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE,
- 'auth_level.nist': '0',
- }
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, self.resp.parseExtensionArgs, args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_nostrict_no_namespace_decl_openid2(self):
- # Test the case where the namespace is not declared for an
- # auth level.
- args = {'auth_policies': pape.AUTH_NONE,
- 'auth_level.nist': '0',
- }
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False, strict=False)
- # There is no namespace declaration for this auth level.
- self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.resp.getAuthLevel, pape.LEVELS_NIST)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_strict_good(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
- 'auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z',
- 'auth_level.nist': '0',
- 'auth_level.ns.nist': pape.LEVELS_NIST}
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False, strict=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_time, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.nist_auth_level, 0)
- def test_parseExtensionArgs_nostrict_bogus(self):
- args = {'auth_policies': 'http://foo http://bar',
- 'auth_time': 'when the cows come home',
- 'nist_auth_level': 'some'}
- self.resp.parseExtensionArgs(args, is_openid1=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.resp.auth_policies, ['http://foo', 'http://bar'])
- self.assertIsNone(self.resp.auth_time)
- self.assertIsNone(self.resp.nist_auth_level)
- def test_fromSuccessResponse(self):
- openid_req_msg = Message.fromOpenIDArgs({
- 'mode': 'id_res',
- 'ns': OPENID2_NS,
- 'ns.pape': pape.ns_uri,
- 'pape.auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
- 'pape.auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
- })
- signed_stuff = {
- 'auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
- 'auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
- }
- oid_req = DummySuccessResponse(openid_req_msg, signed_stuff)
- req = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(oid_req)
- self.assertEqual(req.auth_policies, policy_uris)
- self.assertEqual(req.auth_time, '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z')
- def test_fromSuccessResponseNoSignedArgs(self):
- openid_req_msg = Message.fromOpenIDArgs({
- 'mode': 'id_res',
- 'ns': OPENID2_NS,
- 'ns.pape': pape.ns_uri,
- 'pape.auth_policies': ' '.join(policy_uris),
- 'pape.auth_time': '1970-01-01T00:00:00Z'
- })
- signed_stuff = {}
- class NoSigningDummyResponse(DummySuccessResponse):
- def getSignedNS(self, ns_uri):
- return None
- oid_req = NoSigningDummyResponse(openid_req_msg, signed_stuff)
- resp = pape.Response.fromSuccessResponse(oid_req)
- self.assertIsNone(resp)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+class PapeImportTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
+ def test_version(self):
+ from openid.extensions.draft import pape5
+ self.assertEqual(pape.Request, pape5.Request)
+ self.assertEqual(pape.Response, pape5.Response)