path: root/docs/overview.rst
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diff --git a/docs/overview.rst b/docs/overview.rst
index c9aad2c..899b7fe 100644
--- a/docs/overview.rst
+++ b/docs/overview.rst
@@ -8,96 +8,74 @@ as stored in mysql and postgres, and various other places.
Passlib's contents can be roughly grouped into three categories:
password hashes, password contexts, and utility functions.
-.. note::
- New applications which just need drop-in password hashing support
- should see the :doc:`new_app_quickstart`.
Password Hashes
All of the hash schemes supported by Passlib are implemented
-as classes importable from the :mod:`passlib.hash` module.
-All of these classes support a single uniform interface of standard class methods.
-These methods are documented in detail by the :ref:`password hash api <password-hash-api>`.
-As a quick example of how a password hash can be used directly::
- >>> #import the SHA512-Crypt class:
- >>> from passlib.hash import sha512_crypt as sc
- >>> #generate new salt, encrypt password:
- >>> h = sc.encrypt("password")
- >>> h
- '$6$rounds=40000$xCsOXRqPPk5AGDFu$o5eyqxEoOSq0dLRFbPxEHp5Jc1vFVj47BNT.h9gmjSHXDS15mjIM.GSUaT5r6Z.Xa1Akrv4FAgKJE3EfbkJxs1'
- >>> #same, but with explict number of rounds:
- >>> sc.encrypt("password", rounds=10000)
- '$6$rounds=10000$QWT8AlDMYRms7vSx$.1267Pg6Opn9CblFndtBJ2Q0AI0fcI2IX93zX3gi1Qse./j.VlKYX59NIUlbs0A66wCbfu/vra9wMv2uwTZAI.'
- >>> #check if string is recognized as belonging to this hash scheme:
- >>> sc.identify(h)
- True
- >>> #check if some other hash is recognized:
- >>> sc.identify('$1$3azHgidD$SrJPt7B.9rekpmwJwtON31')
- False
- >>> #verify correct password:
- >>> sc.verify("password", h)
- True
- >>> #verify incorrect password:
- >>> sc.verify("secret", h)
- False
+as classes which can be imported from the :mod:`passlib.hash` module.
+In turn, all of the hash classes implement a single uniform interface,
+which is documented in detail and with usage examples in the
+:ref:`password-hash-api` document.
+However, many of these hashes are severely insecure, provided only for legacy
+purposes, or are specialized in ways that are not generally useful.
+If you are creating a new application and need to choose a password hash,
+see the :doc:`new_app_quickstart`.
+.. seealso::
+ - :mod:`passlib.hash` -- all the hashes supported by Passlib.
+ - :ref:`password-hash-api` -- documentation of the common PasswordHash interface.
+ - :doc:`new_app_quickstart` -- choosing a hash for new applications.
Password Contexts
-Mature applications frequently have to deal with tables of existing password
-hashes. Over time, they have to migrate to newer and stronger schemes; as well as raise
-the requirements for existing algorithms as more processing power becomes available.
-In this case, directly importing and handling the various schemes
-generally becomes complicated and tedious.
-The :mod:`passlib.context` module provides the :class:`!CryptContext` class and other
-utilties to help with these use-cases. This class handles
-managing multiple password hash schemes, deprecation & migration of old hashes, and
-many other policy requirements.
-A quick example of how a password context can be used::
- >>> #importing the 'linux_context', which understands
- >>> #all hashes found on standard linux systems:
- >>> from passlib.hosts import linux_context as lc
- >>> #try encrypting a password
- >>> lc.encrypt("password")
- '$6$rounds=30000$suoPoYtkbccdZa3v$DW2KUcV98H4IrvlBB0YZf4DM8zqz5vduygB3OROhPzwHE5PDNVkpSUjJfjswn/dXqidha5t5CSCCIhtm6mIDR1'
- >>> #try encrypting a password using a specified scheme
- >>> lc.encrypt("password", scheme="des_crypt")
- 'q1Oyx5r9mdGZ2'
- >>> #try verifying a password (scheme is autodetected)
- >>> lc.verify('password', 'q1Oyx5r9mdGZ2')
- True
-Predefined Password Contexts
-In addition to the :mod:`!passlib.context` module,
-PassLib provides a number of pre-configured :class:`!CryptContext` instances
+Mature applications frequently have to deal with tables of existing password hashes.
+Over time, they have to support a number of tasks:
+* add support for new algorithms, and deprecate old ones,
+* raise the time-cost settings for existing algorithms, as computing power increases,
+* and do rolling upgrades of existing hashes to comply with these changes.
+* hardcode these policies in the source, or spend time implementing
+ a configuration language for them.
+In these situations, loading and handling multiple hash algorithms becomes
+complicated and tedious. The :mod:`passlib.context` module provides a single class,
+:class:`!CryptContext`, which attempts to solve all of these problems,
+or at least relieve applications developers of (most of) the burden.
+This class handles managing multiple password hash schemes,
+deprecation & migration of old hashes, and supports a simple configuration
+language that can be serialized to an INI file.
+.. seealso::
+ * :ref:`CryptContext Tutorial <context-tutorial>` -- complete walkthrough of the CryptContext class.
+ * :ref:`CryptContext API Reference <context-reference>` -- full method and attribute documentation.
+Application Helpers
+Passlib also provides a number of pre-configured :class:`!CryptContext` instances
in order to get users started quickly:
-* The :mod:`passlib.apache` module contains classes
- for managing htpasswd and htdigest files.
+ * :mod:`passlib.apps` -- contains pre-configured
+ instances for managing hashes used by Postgres, Mysql, and LDAP, and others.
+ * :mod:`passlib.hosts` -- contains pre-configured
+ instances for managing hashes as found in the /etc/shadow files
+ on Linux and BSD systems.
+Passlib also contains a couple of additional modules which provide
+support for certain application-specific tasks:
-* The :mod:`passlib.apps` module contains pre-configured
- instances for managing hashes used by Postgres, Mysql, and LDAP, and others.
+ * :mod:`passlib.apache` -- classes for managing htpasswd and htdigest files.
-* The :mod:`passlib.hosts` module contains pre-configured
- instances for managing hashes as found in the /etc/shadow files
- on Linux and BSD systems.
+ * :mod:`passlib.ext.django` -- Django plugin which monkeypatches support for (almost) any hash in Passlib.
Utility Functions
-The :mod:`passlib.registry` and :mod:`passlib.utils` modules contain a large number
-of support functions, most of which are only needed when
-are implementing custom password hash schemes. Most users of passlib
-will not need to use these.
+Additionally, Passlib contains a number of modules which are used internally
+to implement the all of the other features. These may change between major
+releases, and won't be needed by most users of Passlib. They are documented
+mainly to aid in examining the source.
+ * :mod:`passlib.exc` -- all the custom errors & warnings used by Passlib.
+ * :mod:`passlib.registry` -- functions for registering password hash algorithms.
+ * :mod:`passlib.utils` -- support functions for implementing password hashes.