path: root/paste/auth/
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authorMarc Abramowitz <>2016-03-07 14:05:52 -0800
committerMarc Abramowitz <>2016-03-07 14:05:52 -0800
commit42b22881290e00e06b840dee1e42f0f5ef044d47 (patch)
treeb4fef928625acd3e8ee45ccaa8c7a6c9810b3601 /paste/auth/
tox.ini: Add py35 to envlisttox_add_py35
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/auth/')
1 files changed, 405 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/auth/ b/paste/auth/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f11d1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/auth/
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+# (c) 2005 Clark C. Evans
+# This module is part of the Python Paste Project and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+# This code was written with funding by
+Cookie "Saved" Authentication
+This authentication middleware saves the current REMOTE_USER,
+REMOTE_SESSION, and any other environment variables specified in a
+cookie so that it can be retrieved during the next request without
+requiring re-authentication. This uses a session cookie on the client
+side (so it goes away when the user closes their window) and does
+server-side expiration.
+Following is a very simple example where a form is presented asking for
+a user name (no actual checking), and dummy session identifier (perhaps
+corresponding to a database session id) is stored in the cookie.
+ >>> from paste.httpserver import serve
+ >>> from paste.fileapp import DataApp
+ >>> from paste.httpexceptions import *
+ >>> from paste.auth.cookie import AuthCookieHandler
+ >>> from paste.wsgilib import parse_querystring
+ >>> def testapp(environ, start_response):
+ ... user = dict(parse_querystring(environ)).get('user','')
+ ... if user:
+ ... environ['REMOTE_USER'] = user
+ ... environ['REMOTE_SESSION'] = 'a-session-id'
+ ... if environ.get('REMOTE_USER'):
+ ... page = '<html><body>Welcome %s (%s)</body></html>'
+ ... page %= (environ['REMOTE_USER'], environ['REMOTE_SESSION'])
+ ... else:
+ ... page = ('<html><body><form><input name="user" />'
+ ... '<input type="submit" /></form></body></html>')
+ ... return DataApp(page, content_type="text/html")(
+ ... environ, start_response)
+ >>> serve(AuthCookieHandler(testapp))
+ serving on...
+import hmac, base64, random, six, time, warnings
+ from hashlib import sha1
+except ImportError:
+ # NOTE: We have to use the callable with hashlib (hashlib.sha1),
+ # otherwise hmac only accepts the sha module object itself
+ import sha as sha1
+from paste.request import get_cookies
+def make_time(value):
+ return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M", time.gmtime(value))
+_signature_size = len('x', b'x', sha1).digest())
+_header_size = _signature_size + len(make_time(time.time()))
+# @@: Should this be using urllib.quote?
+# build encode/decode functions to safely pack away values
+_encode = [('\\', '\\x5c'), ('"', '\\x22'),
+ ('=', '\\x3d'), (';', '\\x3b')]
+_decode = [(v, k) for (k, v) in _encode]
+def encode(s, sublist = _encode):
+ return six.moves.reduce((lambda a, b: a.replace(b[0], b[1])), sublist, str(s))
+decode = lambda s: encode(s, _decode)
+class CookieTooLarge(RuntimeError):
+ def __init__(self, content, cookie):
+ RuntimeError.__init__("Signed cookie exceeds maximum size of 4096")
+ self.content = content
+ self.cookie = cookie
+_all_chars = ''.join([chr(x) for x in range(0, 255)])
+def new_secret():
+ """ returns a 64 byte secret """
+ secret = ''.join(random.sample(_all_chars, 64))
+ if six.PY3:
+ secret = secret.encode('utf8')
+ return secret
+class AuthCookieSigner(object):
+ """
+ save/restore ``environ`` entries via digially signed cookie
+ This class converts content into a timed and digitally signed
+ cookie, as well as having the facility to reverse this procedure.
+ If the cookie, after the content is encoded and signed exceeds the
+ maximum length (4096), then CookieTooLarge exception is raised.
+ The timeout of the cookie is handled on the server side for a few
+ reasons. First, if a 'Expires' directive is added to a cookie, then
+ the cookie becomes persistent (lasting even after the browser window
+ has closed). Second, the user's clock may be wrong (perhaps
+ intentionally). The timeout is specified in minutes; and expiration
+ date returned is rounded to one second.
+ Constructor Arguments:
+ ``secret``
+ This is a secret key if you want to syncronize your keys so
+ that the cookie will be good across a cluster of computers.
+ It is recommended via the HMAC specification (RFC 2104) that
+ the secret key be 64 bytes since this is the block size of
+ the hashing. If you do not provide a secret key, a random
+ one is generated each time you create the handler; this
+ should be sufficient for most cases.
+ ``timeout``
+ This is the time (in minutes) from which the cookie is set
+ to expire. Note that on each request a new (replacement)
+ cookie is sent, hence this is effectively a session timeout
+ parameter for your entire cluster. If you do not provide a
+ timeout, it is set at 30 minutes.
+ ``maxlen``
+ This is the maximum size of the *signed* cookie; hence the
+ actual content signed will be somewhat less. If the cookie
+ goes over this size, a ``CookieTooLarge`` exception is
+ raised so that unexpected handling of cookies on the client
+ side are avoided. By default this is set at 4k (4096 bytes),
+ which is the standard cookie size limit.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, secret = None, timeout = None, maxlen = None):
+ self.timeout = timeout or 30
+ if isinstance(timeout, six.string_types):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Timeout must be a number (minutes), not a string (%r)"
+ % timeout)
+ self.maxlen = maxlen or 4096
+ self.secret = secret or new_secret()
+ def sign(self, content):
+ """
+ Sign the content returning a valid cookie (that does not
+ need to be escaped and quoted). The expiration of this
+ cookie is handled server-side in the auth() function.
+ """
+ timestamp = make_time(time.time() + 60*self.timeout)
+ if six.PY3:
+ content = content.encode('utf8')
+ timestamp = timestamp.encode('utf8')
+ cookie = base64.encodestring(
+, content, sha1).digest() +
+ timestamp +
+ content)
+ cookie = cookie.replace(b"/", b"_").replace(b"=", b"~")
+ cookie = cookie.replace(b'\n', b'').replace(b'\r', b'')
+ if len(cookie) > self.maxlen:
+ raise CookieTooLarge(content, cookie)
+ return cookie
+ def auth(self, cookie):
+ """
+ Authenticate the cooke using the signature, verify that it
+ has not expired; and return the cookie's content
+ """
+ decode = base64.decodestring(
+ cookie.replace("_", "/").replace("~", "="))
+ signature = decode[:_signature_size]
+ expires = decode[_signature_size:_header_size]
+ content = decode[_header_size:]
+ if signature ==, content, sha1).digest():
+ if int(expires) > int(make_time(time.time())):
+ return content
+ else:
+ # This is the normal case of an expired cookie; just
+ # don't bother doing anything here.
+ pass
+ else:
+ # This case can happen if the server is restarted with a
+ # different secret; or if the user's IP address changed
+ # due to a proxy. However, it could also be a break-in
+ # attempt -- so should it be reported?
+ pass
+class AuthCookieEnviron(list):
+ """
+ a list of environment keys to be saved via cookie
+ An instance of this object, found at ``environ['paste.auth.cookie']``
+ lists the `environ` keys that were restored from or will be added
+ to the digially signed cookie. This object can be accessed from an
+ `environ` variable by using this module's name.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, handler, scanlist):
+ list.__init__(self, scanlist)
+ self.handler = handler
+ def append(self, value):
+ if value in self:
+ return
+ list.append(self, str(value))
+class AuthCookieHandler(object):
+ """
+ the actual handler that should be put in your middleware stack
+ This middleware uses cookies to stash-away a previously authenticated
+ user (and perhaps other variables) so that re-authentication is not
+ needed. This does not implement sessions; and therefore N servers
+ can be syncronized to accept the same saved authentication if they
+ all use the same cookie_name and secret.
+ By default, this handler scans the `environ` for the REMOTE_USER
+ and REMOTE_SESSION key; if found, it is stored. It can be
+ configured to scan other `environ` keys as well -- but be careful
+ not to exceed 2-3k (so that the encoded and signed cookie does not
+ exceed 4k). You can ask it to handle other environment variables
+ by doing:
+ ``environ['paste.auth.cookie'].append('your.environ.variable')``
+ Constructor Arguments:
+ ``application``
+ This is the wrapped application which will have access to
+ the ``environ['REMOTE_USER']`` restored by this middleware.
+ ``cookie_name``
+ The name of the cookie used to store this content, by default
+ it is ``PASTE_AUTH_COOKIE``.
+ ``scanlist``
+ This is the initial set of ``environ`` keys to
+ save/restore to the signed cookie. By default is consists
+ only of ``REMOTE_USER`` and ``REMOTE_SESSION``; any tuple
+ or list of environment keys will work. However, be
+ careful, as the total saved size is limited to around 3k.
+ ``signer``
+ This is the signer object used to create the actual cookie
+ values, by default, it is ``AuthCookieSigner`` and is passed
+ the remaining arguments to this function: ``secret``,
+ ``timeout``, and ``maxlen``.
+ At this time, each cookie is individually signed. To store more
+ than the 4k of data; it is possible to sub-class this object to
+ provide different ``environ_name`` and ``cookie_name``
+ """
+ environ_name = 'paste.auth.cookie'
+ cookie_name = 'PASTE_AUTH_COOKIE'
+ signer_class = AuthCookieSigner
+ environ_class = AuthCookieEnviron
+ def __init__(self, application, cookie_name=None, scanlist=None,
+ signer=None, secret=None, timeout=None, maxlen=None):
+ if not signer:
+ signer = self.signer_class(secret, timeout, maxlen)
+ self.signer = signer
+ self.scanlist = scanlist or ('REMOTE_USER','REMOTE_SESSION')
+ self.application = application
+ self.cookie_name = cookie_name or self.cookie_name
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ if self.environ_name in environ:
+ raise AssertionError("AuthCookie already installed!")
+ scanlist = self.environ_class(self, self.scanlist)
+ jar = get_cookies(environ)
+ if self.cookie_name in jar:
+ content = self.signer.auth(jar[self.cookie_name].value)
+ if content:
+ for pair in content.split(";"):
+ (k, v) = pair.split("=")
+ k = decode(k)
+ if k not in scanlist:
+ scanlist.append(k)
+ if k in environ:
+ continue
+ environ[k] = decode(v)
+ if 'REMOTE_USER' == k:
+ environ['AUTH_TYPE'] = 'cookie'
+ environ[self.environ_name] = scanlist
+ if "paste.httpexceptions" in environ:
+ warnings.warn("Since paste.httpexceptions is hooked in your "
+ "processing chain before paste.auth.cookie, if an "
+ "HTTPRedirection is raised, the cookies this module sets "
+ "will not be included in your response.\n")
+ def response_hook(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
+ """
+ Scan the environment for keys specified in the scanlist,
+ pack up their values, signs the content and issues a cookie.
+ """
+ scanlist = environ.get(self.environ_name)
+ assert scanlist and isinstance(scanlist, self.environ_class)
+ content = []
+ for k in scanlist:
+ v = environ.get(k)
+ if v is not None:
+ if type(v) is not str:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The value of the environmental variable %r "
+ "is not a str (only str is allowed; got %r)"
+ % (k, v))
+ content.append("%s=%s" % (encode(k), encode(v)))
+ if content:
+ content = ";".join(content)
+ content = self.signer.sign(content)
+ if six.PY3:
+ content = content.decode('utf8')
+ cookie = '%s=%s; Path=/;' % (self.cookie_name, content)
+ if 'https' == environ['wsgi.url_scheme']:
+ cookie += ' secure;'
+ response_headers.append(('Set-Cookie', cookie))
+ return start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info)
+ return self.application(environ, response_hook)
+middleware = AuthCookieHandler
+# Paste Deploy entry point:
+def make_auth_cookie(
+ app, global_conf,
+ # Should this get picked up from global_conf somehow?:
+ cookie_name='PASTE_AUTH_COOKIE',
+ # signer cannot be set
+ secret=None,
+ timeout=30,
+ maxlen=4096):
+ """
+ This middleware uses cookies to stash-away a previously
+ authenticated user (and perhaps other variables) so that
+ re-authentication is not needed. This does not implement
+ sessions; and therefore N servers can be syncronized to accept the
+ same saved authentication if they all use the same cookie_name and
+ secret.
+ By default, this handler scans the `environ` for the REMOTE_USER
+ and REMOTE_SESSION key; if found, it is stored. It can be
+ configured to scan other `environ` keys as well -- but be careful
+ not to exceed 2-3k (so that the encoded and signed cookie does not
+ exceed 4k). You can ask it to handle other environment variables
+ by doing:
+ ``environ['paste.auth.cookie'].append('your.environ.variable')``
+ Configuration:
+ ``cookie_name``
+ The name of the cookie used to store this content, by
+ default it is ``PASTE_AUTH_COOKIE``.
+ ``scanlist``
+ This is the initial set of ``environ`` keys to
+ save/restore to the signed cookie. By default is consists
+ only of ``REMOTE_USER`` and ``REMOTE_SESSION``; any
+ space-separated list of environment keys will work.
+ However, be careful, as the total saved size is limited to
+ around 3k.
+ ``secret``
+ The secret that will be used to sign the cookies. If you
+ don't provide one (and none is set globally) then a random
+ secret will be created. Each time the server is restarted
+ a new secret will then be created and all cookies will
+ become invalid! This can be any string value.
+ ``timeout``
+ The time to keep the cookie, expressed in minutes. This
+ is handled server-side, so a new cookie with a new timeout
+ is added to every response.
+ ``maxlen``
+ The maximum length of the cookie that is sent (default 4k,
+ which is a typical browser maximum)
+ """
+ if isinstance(scanlist, six.string_types):
+ scanlist = scanlist.split()
+ if secret is None and global_conf.get('secret'):
+ secret = global_conf['secret']
+ try:
+ timeout = int(timeout)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError('Bad value for timeout (must be int): %r'
+ % timeout)
+ try:
+ maxlen = int(maxlen)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError('Bad value for maxlen (must be int): %r'
+ % maxlen)
+ return AuthCookieHandler(
+ app, cookie_name=cookie_name, scanlist=scanlist,
+ secret=secret, timeout=timeout, maxlen=maxlen)
+__all__ = ['AuthCookieHandler', 'AuthCookieSigner', 'AuthCookieEnviron']
+if "__main__" == __name__:
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod(optionflags=doctest.ELLIPSIS)