path: root/paste/util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'paste/util')
22 files changed, 5822 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c576ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,2102 @@
+# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
+PySourceColor: color Python source code
+ A python source to colorized html/css/xhtml converter.
+ Hacked by M.E.Farmer Jr. 2004, 2005
+ Python license
+ - HTML markup does not create w3c valid html, but it works on every
+ browser i've tried so far.(I.E.,Mozilla/Firefox,Opera,Konqueror,wxHTML).
+ - CSS markup is w3c validated html 4.01 strict,
+ but will not render correctly on all browsers.
+ - XHTML markup is w3c validated xhtml 1.0 strict,
+ like html 4.01, will not render correctly on all browsers.
+ -Three types of markup:
+ html (default)
+ css/html 4.01 strict
+ xhtml 1.0 strict
+ -Can tokenize and colorize:
+ 12 types of strings
+ 2 comment types
+ numbers
+ operators
+ brackets
+ math operators
+ class / name
+ def / name
+ decorator / name
+ keywords
+ arguments class/def/decorator
+ linenumbers
+ names
+ text
+ -Eight colorschemes built-in:
+ null
+ mono
+ lite (default)
+ dark
+ dark2
+ idle
+ viewcvs
+ pythonwin
+ -Header and footer
+ set to '' for builtin header / footer.
+ give path to a file containing the html
+ you want added as header or footer.
+ -Arbitrary text and html
+ html markup converts all to raw (TEXT token)
+ #@# for raw -> send raw text.
+ #$# for span -> inline html and text.
+ #%# for div -> block level html and text.
+ -Linenumbers
+ Supports all styles. New token is called LINENUMBER.
+ Defaults to NAME if not defined.
+ Style options
+ -ALL markups support these text styles:
+ b = bold
+ i = italic
+ u = underline
+ -CSS and XHTML has limited support for borders:
+ HTML markup functions will ignore these.
+ Optional: Border color in RGB hex
+ Defaults to the text forecolor.
+ #rrggbb = border color
+ Border size:
+ l = thick
+ m = medium
+ t = thin
+ Border type:
+ - = dashed
+ . = dotted
+ s = solid
+ d = double
+ g = groove
+ r = ridge
+ n = inset
+ o = outset
+ You can specify multiple sides,
+ they will all use the same style.
+ Optional: Default is full border.
+ v = bottom
+ < = left
+ > = right
+ ^ = top
+ NOTE: Specify the styles you want.
+ The markups will ignore unsupported styles
+ Also note not all browsers can show these options
+ -All tokens default to NAME if not defined
+ so the only absolutely critical ones to define are:
+Example usage::
+ # import
+ import PySourceColor as psc
+ psc.convert('c:/Python22/', colors=psc.idle, show=1)
+ # from module import *
+ from PySourceColor import *
+ convert('c:/Python22/Lib', colors=lite, markup="css",
+ header='#$#<b>This is a simpe heading</b><hr/>')
+ # How to use a custom colorscheme, and most of the 'features'
+ from PySourceColor import *
+ new = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('bui','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('n','#333333',''),
+ NAME: ('t.<v','#1133AA','#DDFF22'),
+ NUMBER: ('','#236676','#FF5555'),
+ OPERATOR: ('b','#454567','#BBBB11'),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('','#935623','#423afb'),
+ BRACKETS: ('b','#ac34bf','#6457a5'),
+ COMMENT: ('t-#0022FF','#545366','#AABBFF'),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('<l#553455','#553455','#FF00FF'),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('m^v-','#000000','#FFFFFF'),
+ DEF_NAME: ('l=<v','#897845','#000022'),
+ KEYWORD: ('.b','#345345','#FFFF22'),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('mn','#223344','#AADDCC'),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#344522',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#234234',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('m#0022FF','#334421',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#345345',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#678673',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('tv','#FFFFFF','#000000'),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('tbu','#443256','#DDFFDA'),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#423454','#DDFFDA'),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('li#236fd3b<>','#000000','#FFFFFF'),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('tub','#000000','#FFFFFF'),
+ LINENUMBER: ('ib-','#ff66aa','#7733FF'),]
+ TEXT: ('','#546634',''),
+ }
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ convert(sys.argv[1], './xhtml.html', colors=new, markup='xhtml', show=1,
+ linenumbers=1)
+ convert(sys.argv[1], './html.html', colors=new, markup='html', show=1,
+ linenumbers=1)
+ 'null', 'mono', 'lite', 'dark','dark2', 'pythonwin','idle',
+ 'viewcvs', 'Usage', 'cli', 'str2stdout', 'path2stdout', 'Parser',
+ 'str2file', 'str2html', 'str2css', 'str2markup', 'path2file',
+ 'path2html', 'convert', 'walkdir', 'defaultColors', 'showpage',
+ 'pageconvert','tagreplace', 'MARKUPDICT']
+__title__ = 'PySourceColor'
+__version__ = "2.1a"
+__date__ = '25 April 2005'
+__author__ = "M.E.Farmer Jr."
+__credits__ = '''This was originally based on a python recipe
+submitted by Jürgen Hermann to ASPN. Now based on the voices in my head.
+M.E.Farmer 2004, 2005
+Python license
+import os
+import sys
+import time
+import glob
+import getopt
+import keyword
+import token
+import tokenize
+import traceback
+from six.moves import cStringIO as StringIO
+# Do not edit
+NAME = token.NAME
+OPERATOR = token.OP
+ARGS = token.NT_OFFSET + 1
+DEF_NAME = token.NT_OFFSET + 4
+KEYWORD = token.NT_OFFSET + 5
+BRACKETS = token.NT_OFFSET + 21
+TEXT = token.NT_OFFSET + 24
+PY = token.NT_OFFSET + 25
+CODEEND = token.NT_OFFSET + 27
+CSSHOOK = token.NT_OFFSET + 28
+# markup classname lookup
+ ERRORTOKEN: 'py_err',
+ DECORATOR_NAME: 'py_decn',
+ DECORATOR: 'py_dec',
+ ARGS: 'py_args',
+ NAME: 'py_name',
+ NUMBER: 'py_num',
+ OPERATOR: 'py_op',
+ COMMENT: 'py_com',
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: 'py_dcom',
+ CLASS_NAME: 'py_clsn',
+ DEF_NAME: 'py_defn',
+ KEYWORD: 'py_key',
+ SINGLEQUOTE: 'py_sq',
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: 'py_sqr',
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: 'py_squ',
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: 'py_dq',
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: 'py_dqr',
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: 'py_dqu',
+ BRACKETS: 'py_bra',
+ MATH_OPERATOR: 'py_mop',
+ LINENUMBER: 'py_lnum',
+ TEXT: 'py_text',
+ }
+# might help users that want to create custom schemes
+ }
+# Edit colors and styles to taste
+# Create your own scheme, just copy one below , rename and edit.
+# Custom styles must at least define NAME, ERRORTOKEN, PAGEBACKGROUND,
+# all missing elements will default to NAME.
+# See module docstring for details on style attributes.
+# Copy null and use it as a starter colorscheme.
+null = {# tokentype: ('tags border_color', 'textforecolor', 'textbackcolor')
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('','#000000',''),# Error token
+ DECORATOR_NAME: ('','#000000',''),# Decorator name
+ DECORATOR: ('','#000000',''),# @ symbol
+ ARGS: ('','#000000',''),# class,def,deco arguments
+ NAME: ('','#000000',''),# All other python text
+ NUMBER: ('','#000000',''),# 0->10
+ OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),# ':','<=',';',',','.','==', etc
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),# '+','-','=','','**',etc
+ BRACKETS: ('','#000000',''),# '[',']','(',')','{','}'
+ COMMENT: ('','#000000',''),# Single comment
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('','#000000',''),## Double comment
+ CLASS_NAME: ('','#000000',''),# Class name
+ DEF_NAME: ('','#000000',''),# Def name
+ KEYWORD: ('','#000000',''),# Python keywords
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#000000',''),# 'SINGLEQUOTE'
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#000000',''),# r'SINGLEQUOTE'
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#000000',''),# u'SINGLEQUOTE'
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#000000',''),# "DOUBLEQUOTE"
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#000000',''),# r"DOUBLEQUOTE"
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#000000',''),# u"DOUBLEQUOTE"
+ TEXT: ('','#000000',''),# non python text
+ LINENUMBER: ('>ti#555555','#000000',''),# Linenumbers
+ PAGEBACKGROUND: '#FFFFFF'# set the page background
+ }
+mono = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('s#FF0000','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR_NAME: ('bu','#000000',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('b','#000000',''),
+ ARGS: ('b','#555555',''),
+ NAME: ('','#000000',''),
+ NUMBER: ('b','#000000',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('b','#000000',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('b','#000000',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('b','#000000',''),
+ COMMENT: ('i','#999999',''),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('b','#999999',''),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('bu','#000000',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('b','#000000',''),
+ KEYWORD: ('b','#000000',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#000000',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#000000',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#000000',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#000000',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#000000',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#000000',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('','#000000',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#000000',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#000000',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('i','#000000',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('i','#000000',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('i','#000000',''),
+ TEXT: ('','#000000',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>ti#555555','#000000',''),
+ }
+dark = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('s#FF0000','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('b','#CC5511',''),
+ ARGS: ('b','#DDDDFF',''),
+ NAME: ('','#DDDDDD',''),
+ NUMBER: ('','#FF0000',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('b','#FAF785',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('b','#FAF785',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('b','#FAF785',''),
+ COMMENT: ('','#45FCA0',''),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('i','#A7C7A9',''),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('b','#B666FD',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('b','#EBAE5C',''),
+ KEYWORD: ('b','#8680FF',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#F8BAFE',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#F8BAFE',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#F8BAFE',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#FF80C0',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#FF80C0',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#FF80C0',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('','#FF9595',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#FF9595',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#FF9595',''),
+ TEXT: ('','#FFFFFF',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>mi#555555','#bbccbb','#333333'),
+ }
+dark2 = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('','#FF0000',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('b','#CC5511',''),
+ ARGS: ('b','#DDDDDD',''),
+ NAME: ('','#C0C0C0',''),
+ NUMBER: ('b','#00FF00',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('b','#FF090F',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('b','#EE7020',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('b','#FFB90F',''),
+ COMMENT: ('i','#D0D000','#522000'),#'#88AA88','#11111F'),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('i','#D0D000','#522000'),#'#77BB77','#11111F'),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('b','#DD4080',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('b','#FF8040',''),
+ KEYWORD: ('b','#4726d1',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#8080C0',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#8080C0',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#8080C0',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#ADB9F1',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#ADB9F1',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#ADB9F1',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('','#00C1C1',''),#A050C0
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#00C1C1',''),#A050C0
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#00C1C1',''),#A050C0
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#33E3E3',''),#B090E0
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#33E3E3',''),#B090E0
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#33E3E3',''),#B090E0
+ TEXT: ('','#C0C0C0',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>mi#555555','#bbccbb','#333333'),
+ }
+lite = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('s#FF0000','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR_NAME: ('b','#BB4422',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('b','#3333AF',''),
+ ARGS: ('b','#000000',''),
+ NAME: ('','#333333',''),
+ NUMBER: ('b','#DD2200',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('b','#000000',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('b','#000000',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('b','#000000',''),
+ COMMENT: ('','#007F00',''),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('','#608060',''),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('b','#0000DF',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('b','#9C7A00',''),#f09030
+ KEYWORD: ('b','#0000AF',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#600080',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#600080',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#600080',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#A0008A',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#A0008A',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#A0008A',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('','#337799',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#337799',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#337799',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#1166AA',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#1166AA',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#1166AA',''),
+ TEXT: ('','#000000',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>ti#555555','#000000',''),
+ }
+idle = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('s#FF0000','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR_NAME: ('','#900090',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('','#FF7700',''),
+ NAME: ('','#000000',''),
+ NUMBER: ('','#000000',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('','#000000',''),
+ COMMENT: ('','#DD0000',''),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('','#DD0000',''),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('','#0000FF',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('','#0000FF',''),
+ KEYWORD: ('','#FF7700',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#00AA00',''),
+ TEXT: ('','#000000',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>ti#555555','#000000',''),
+ }
+pythonwin = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('s#FF0000','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR_NAME: ('b','#DD0080',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('b','#000080',''),
+ ARGS: ('','#000000',''),
+ NAME: ('','#303030',''),
+ NUMBER: ('','#008080',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('','#000000',''),
+ COMMENT: ('','#007F00',''),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('','#7F7F7F',''),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('b','#0000FF',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('b','#007F7F',''),
+ KEYWORD: ('b','#000080',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('','#808000',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#808000',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#808000',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#808000',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#808000',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#808000',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('','#808000',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('','#808000',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('','#808000',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('','#808000',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('','#808000',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('','#808000',''),
+ TEXT: ('','#303030',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>ti#555555','#000000',''),
+ }
+viewcvs = {
+ ERRORTOKEN: ('s#FF0000','#FF8080',''),
+ DECORATOR_NAME: ('','#000000',''),
+ DECORATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ ARGS: ('','#000000',''),
+ NAME: ('','#000000',''),
+ NUMBER: ('','#000000',''),
+ OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ MATH_OPERATOR: ('','#000000',''),
+ BRACKETS: ('','#000000',''),
+ COMMENT: ('i','#b22222',''),
+ DOUBLECOMMENT: ('i','#b22222',''),
+ CLASS_NAME: ('','#000000',''),
+ DEF_NAME: ('b','#0000ff',''),
+ KEYWORD: ('b','#a020f0',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_R: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ SINGLEQUOTE_U: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ DOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_R: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TRIPLESINGLEQUOTE_U: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_R: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TRIPLEDOUBLEQUOTE_U: ('b','#bc8f8f',''),
+ TEXT: ('','#000000',''),
+ LINENUMBER: ('>ti#555555','#000000',''),
+ }
+defaultColors = lite
+def Usage():
+ doc = """
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ver: %s
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Module summary:
+ This module is designed to colorize python source code.
+ Input--->python source
+ Output-->colorized (html, html4.01/css, xhtml1.0)
+ Standalone:
+ This module will work from the command line with options.
+ This module will work with redirected stdio.
+ Imported:
+ This module can be imported and used directly in your code.
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Command line options:
+ -h, --help
+ Optional-> Display this help message.
+ -t, --test
+ Optional-> Will ignore all others flags but --profile
+ test all schemes and markup combinations
+ -p, --profile
+ Optional-> Works only with --test or -t
+ runs and makes the test work in quiet mode.
+ -i, --in, --input
+ Optional-> If you give input on stdin.
+ Use any of these for the current dir (.,cwd)
+ Input can be file or dir.
+ Input from stdin use one of the following (-,stdin)
+ If stdin is used as input stdout is output unless specified.
+ -o, --out, --output
+ Optional-> output dir for the colorized source.
+ default: output dir is the input dir.
+ To output html to stdout use one of the following (-,stdout)
+ Stdout can be used without stdin if you give a file as input.
+ -c, --color
+ Optional-> null, mono, dark, dark2, lite, idle, pythonwin, viewcvs
+ default: dark
+ -s, --show
+ Optional-> Show page after creation.
+ default: no show
+ -m, --markup
+ Optional-> html, css, xhtml
+ css, xhtml also support external stylesheets (-e,--external)
+ default: HTML
+ -e, --external
+ Optional-> use with css, xhtml
+ Writes an style sheet instead of embedding it in the page
+ saves it as pystyle.css in the same directory.
+ html markup will silently ignore this flag.
+ -H, --header
+ Opional-> add a page header to the top of the output
+ -H
+ Builtin header (name,date,hrule)
+ --header
+ You must specify a filename.
+ The header file must be valid html
+ and must handle its own font colors.
+ ex. --header c:/tmp/header.txt
+ -F, --footer
+ Opional-> add a page footer to the bottom of the output
+ -F
+ Builtin footer (hrule,name,date)
+ --footer
+ You must specify a filename.
+ The footer file must be valid html
+ and must handle its own font colors.
+ ex. --footer c:/tmp/footer.txt
+ -l, --linenumbers
+ Optional-> default is no linenumbers
+ Adds line numbers to the start of each line in the code.
+ --convertpage
+ Given a webpage that has code embedded in tags it will
+ convert embedded code to colorized html.
+ (see pageconvert for details)
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Option usage:
+ # Test and show pages
+ python -t -s
+ # Test and only show profile results
+ python -t -p
+ # Colorize all .py,.pyw files in cwdir you can also use: (.,cwd)
+ python -i .
+ # Using long options w/ =
+ python --in=c:/myDir/ --color=lite --show
+ # Using short options w/out =
+ python -i c:/myDir/ -c idle -m css -e
+ # Using any mix
+ python --in . -o=c:/myDir --show
+ # Place a custom header on your files
+ python -i . -o c:/tmp -m xhtml --header c:/header.txt
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Stdio usage:
+ # Stdio using no options
+ python < c:/ > c:/tmp/MyFile.html
+ # Using stdin alone automatically uses stdout for output: (stdin,-)
+ python -i- < c:/ > c:/tmp/myfile.html
+ # Stdout can also be written to directly from a file instead of stdin
+ python -i c:/ -m css -o- > c:/tmp/myfile.html
+ # Stdin can be used as input , but output can still be specified
+ python -i- -o c:/ -s < c:/Python22/
+ _____________________________________________________________________________
+ """
+ print(doc % (__version__))
+ sys.exit(1)
+###################################################### Command line interface
+def cli():
+ """Handle command line args and redirections"""
+ try:
+ # try to get command line args
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+ "hseqtplHFi:o:c:m:h:f:",["help", "show", "quiet",
+ "test", "external", "linenumbers", "convertpage", "profile",
+ "input=", "output=", "color=", "markup=","header=", "footer="])
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ # on error print help information and exit:
+ Usage()
+ # init some names
+ input = None
+ output = None
+ colorscheme = None
+ markup = 'html'
+ header = None
+ footer = None
+ linenumbers = 0
+ show = 0
+ quiet = 0
+ test = 0
+ profile = 0
+ convertpage = 0
+ form = None
+ # if we have args then process them
+ for o, a in opts:
+ if o in ["-h", "--help"]:
+ Usage()
+ sys.exit()
+ if o in ["-o", "--output", "--out"]:
+ output = a
+ if o in ["-i", "--input", "--in"]:
+ input = a
+ if input in [".", "cwd"]:
+ input = os.getcwd()
+ if o in ["-s", "--show"]:
+ show = 1
+ if o in ["-q", "--quiet"]:
+ quiet = 1
+ if o in ["-t", "--test"]:
+ test = 1
+ if o in ["--convertpage"]:
+ convertpage = 1
+ if o in ["-p", "--profile"]:
+ profile = 1
+ if o in ["-e", "--external"]:
+ form = 'external'
+ if o in ["-m", "--markup"]:
+ markup = str(a)
+ if o in ["-l", "--linenumbers"]:
+ linenumbers = 1
+ if o in ["--header"]:
+ header = str(a)
+ elif o == "-H":
+ header = ''
+ if o in ["--footer"]:
+ footer = str(a)
+ elif o == "-F":
+ footer = ''
+ if o in ["-c", "--color"]:
+ try:
+ colorscheme = globals().get(a.lower())
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ Usage()
+ if test:
+ if profile:
+ import profile
+'_test(show=%s, quiet=%s)'%(show,quiet))
+ else:
+ # Parse this script in every possible colorscheme and markup
+ _test(show,quiet)
+ elif input in [None, "-", "stdin"] or output in ["-", "stdout"]:
+ # determine if we are going to use stdio
+ if input not in [None, "-", "stdin"]:
+ if os.path.isfile(input) :
+ path2stdout(input, colors=colorscheme, markup=markup,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers, header=header,
+ footer=footer, form=form)
+ else:
+ raise PathError('File does not exists!')
+ else:
+ try:
+ if sys.stdin.isatty():
+ raise InputError('Please check input!')
+ else:
+ if output in [None,"-","stdout"]:
+ str2stdout(, colors=colorscheme,
+ markup=markup, header=header,
+ footer=footer, linenumbers=linenumbers,
+ form=form)
+ else:
+ str2file(, outfile=output, show=show,
+ markup=markup, header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers, form=form)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ Usage()
+ else:
+ if os.path.exists(input):
+ if convertpage:
+ # if there was at least an input given we can proceed
+ pageconvert(input, out=output, colors=colorscheme,
+ show=show, markup=markup,linenumbers=linenumbers)
+ else:
+ # if there was at least an input given we can proceed
+ convert(source=input, outdir=output, colors=colorscheme,
+ show=show, markup=markup, quiet=quiet, header=header,
+ footer=footer, linenumbers=linenumbers, form=form)
+ else:
+ raise PathError('File does not exists!')
+ Usage()
+######################################################### Simple markup tests
+def _test(show=0, quiet=0):
+ """Test the parser and most of the functions.
+ There are 19 test total(eight colorschemes in three diffrent markups,
+ and a str2file test. Most functions are tested by this.
+ """
+ fi = sys.argv[0]
+ if not fi.endswith('.exe'):# Do not test if frozen as an archive
+ # this is a collection of test, most things are covered.
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/null.html', null, show=show, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/null_css.html', null, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/mono.html', mono, show=show, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/mono_css.html', mono, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/lite.html', lite, show=show, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/lite_css.html', lite, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet, header='', footer='',
+ linenumbers=1)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/lite_xhtml.html', lite, show=show,
+ markup='xhtml', quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/dark.html', dark, show=show, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/dark_css.html', dark, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet, linenumbers=1)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/dark2.html', dark2, show=show, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/dark2_css.html', dark2, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/dark2_xhtml.html', dark2, show=show,
+ markup='xhtml', quiet=quiet, header='', footer='',
+ linenumbers=1, form='external')
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/idle.html', idle, show=show, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/idle_css.html', idle, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/viewcvs.html', viewcvs, show=show,
+ quiet=quiet, linenumbers=1)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/viewcvs_css.html', viewcvs, show=show,
+ markup='css', linenumbers=1, quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/pythonwin.html', pythonwin, show=show,
+ quiet=quiet)
+ path2file(fi, '/tmp/pythonwin_css.html', pythonwin, show=show,
+ markup='css', quiet=quiet)
+ teststr=r'''"""This is a test of decorators and other things"""
+# This should be line 421...
+@A @B(arghh) @C
+def LlamaSaysNi(arg='Ni!',arg2="RALPH"):
+ """This docstring is deeply disturbed by all the llama references"""
+ print('%s The Wonder Llama says %s'% (arg2,arg))
+# So I was like duh!, and he was like ya know?!,
+# and so we were both like!? RTFM!! LOL!!;)
+@staticmethod## Double comments are KewL.
+def LlamasRLumpy():
+ """This docstring is too sexy to be here.
+ """
+ u"""
+A Møøse once bit my sister...
+ """
+ ## Relax, this won't hurt a bit, just a simple, painless procedure,
+ ## hold still while I get the anesthetizing hammer.
+ m = {'three':'1','won':'2','too':'3'}
+ o = r'fishy\fishy\fishy/fish\oh/where/is\my/little\..'
+ python = uR"""
+ No realli! She was Karving her initials øn the møøse with the sharpened end
+ of an interspace tøøthbrush given her by Svenge - her brother-in-law -an Oslo
+ dentist and star of many Norwegian møvies: "The Høt Hands of an Oslo
+ Dentist", "Fillings of Passion", "The Huge Mølars of Horst Nordfink"..."""
+ RU"""142 MEXICAN WHOOPING LLAMAS"""#<-Can you fit 142 llamas in a red box?
+ ## We apologise for the fault in the
+ ## comments. Those responsible have been
+ ## sacked.
+ rules = [0,1,2,3,4,5]
+ print y'''
+ htmlPath = os.path.abspath('/tmp/strtest_lines.html')
+ str2file(teststr, htmlPath, colors=dark, markup='xhtml',
+ linenumbers=420, show=show)
+ _printinfo(" wrote %s" % htmlPath, quiet)
+ htmlPath = os.path.abspath('/tmp/strtest_nolines.html')
+ str2file(teststr, htmlPath, colors=dark, markup='xhtml',
+ show=show)
+ _printinfo(" wrote %s" % htmlPath, quiet)
+ else:
+ Usage()
+ return
+# emacs wants this: '
+####################################################### User funtctions
+def str2stdout(sourcestring, colors=None, title='', markup='html',
+ header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """Converts a code(string) to colorized HTML. Writes to stdout.
+ form='code',or'snip' (for "<pre>yourcode</pre>" only)
+ colors=null,mono,lite,dark,dark2,idle,or pythonwin
+ """
+ Parser(sourcestring, colors=colors, title=title, markup=markup,
+ header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers).format(form)
+def path2stdout(sourcepath, title='', colors=None, markup='html',
+ header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """Converts code(file) to colorized HTML. Writes to stdout.
+ form='code',or'snip' (for "<pre>yourcode</pre>" only)
+ colors=null,mono,lite,dark,dark2,idle,or pythonwin
+ """
+ sourcestring = open(sourcepath).read()
+ Parser(sourcestring, colors=colors, title=sourcepath,
+ markup=markup, header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers).format(form)
+def str2html(sourcestring, colors=None, title='',
+ markup='html', header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """Converts a code(string) to colorized HTML. Returns an HTML string.
+ form='code',or'snip' (for "<pre>yourcode</pre>" only)
+ colors=null,mono,lite,dark,dark2,idle,or pythonwin
+ """
+ stringIO = StringIO.StringIO()
+ Parser(sourcestring, colors=colors, title=title, out=stringIO,
+ markup=markup, header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers).format(form)
+ return
+def str2css(sourcestring, colors=None, title='',
+ markup='css', header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """Converts a code string to colorized CSS/HTML. Returns CSS/HTML string
+ If form != None then this will return (stylesheet_str, code_str)
+ colors=null,mono,lite,dark,dark2,idle,or pythonwin
+ """
+ if markup.lower() not in ['css' ,'xhtml']:
+ markup = 'css'
+ stringIO = StringIO.StringIO()
+ parse = Parser(sourcestring, colors=colors, title=title,
+ out=stringIO, markup=markup,
+ header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers)
+ parse.format(form)
+ if form != None:
+ return parse._sendCSSStyle(external=1),
+ else:
+ return None,
+def str2markup(sourcestring, colors=None, title = '',
+ markup='xhtml', header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """ Convert code strings into ([stylesheet or None], colorized string) """
+ if markup.lower() == 'html':
+ return None, str2html(sourcestring, colors=colors, title=title,
+ header=header, footer=footer, markup=markup,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers, form=form)
+ else:
+ return str2css(sourcestring, colors=colors, title=title,
+ header=header, footer=footer, markup=markup,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers, form=form)
+def str2file(sourcestring, outfile, colors=None, title='',
+ markup='html', header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, show=0, dosheet=1, form=None):
+ """Converts a code string to a file.
+ makes no attempt at correcting bad pathnames
+ """
+ css , html = str2markup(sourcestring, colors=colors, title='',
+ markup=markup, header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers, form=form)
+ # write html
+ f = open(outfile,'wt')
+ f.writelines(html)
+ f.close()
+ #write css
+ if css != None and dosheet:
+ dir = os.path.dirname(outfile)
+ outcss = os.path.join(dir,'pystyle.css')
+ f = open(outcss,'wt')
+ f.writelines(css)
+ f.close()
+ if show:
+ showpage(outfile)
+def path2html(sourcepath, colors=None, markup='html',
+ header=None, footer=None,
+ linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """Converts code(file) to colorized HTML. Returns an HTML string.
+ form='code',or'snip' (for "<pre>yourcode</pre>" only)
+ colors=null,mono,lite,dark,dark2,idle,or pythonwin
+ """
+ stringIO = StringIO.StringIO()
+ sourcestring = open(sourcepath).read()
+ Parser(sourcestring, colors, title=sourcepath, out=stringIO,
+ markup=markup, header=header, footer=footer,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers).format(form)
+ return
+def convert(source, outdir=None, colors=None,
+ show=0, markup='html', quiet=0,
+ header=None, footer=None, linenumbers=0, form=None):
+ """Takes a file or dir as input and places the html in the outdir.
+ If outdir is none it defaults to the input dir
+ """
+ count=0
+ # If it is a filename then path2file
+ if not os.path.isdir(source):
+ if os.path.isfile(source):
+ count+=1
+ path2file(source, outdir, colors, show, markup,
+ quiet, form, header, footer, linenumbers, count)
+ else:
+ raise PathError('File does not exist!')
+ # If we pass in a dir we need to walkdir for files.
+ # Then we need to colorize them with path2file
+ else:
+ fileList = walkdir(source)
+ if fileList != None:
+ # make sure outdir is a dir
+ if outdir != None:
+ if os.path.splitext(outdir)[1] != '':
+ outdir = os.path.split(outdir)[0]
+ for item in fileList:
+ count+=1
+ path2file(item, outdir, colors, show, markup,
+ quiet, form, header, footer, linenumbers, count)
+ _printinfo('Completed colorizing %s files.'%str(count), quiet)
+ else:
+ _printinfo("No files to convert in dir.", quiet)
+def path2file(sourcePath, out=None, colors=None, show=0,
+ markup='html', quiet=0, form=None,
+ header=None, footer=None, linenumbers=0, count=1):
+ """ Converts python source to html file"""
+ # If no outdir is given we use the sourcePath
+ if out == None:#this is a guess
+ htmlPath = sourcePath + '.html'
+ else:
+ # If we do give an out_dir, and it does
+ # not exist , it will be created.
+ if os.path.splitext(out)[1] == '':
+ if not os.path.isdir(out):
+ os.makedirs(out)
+ sourceName = os.path.basename(sourcePath)
+ htmlPath = os.path.join(out,sourceName)+'.html'
+ # If we do give an out_name, and its dir does
+ # not exist , it will be created.
+ else:
+ outdir = os.path.split(out)[0]
+ if not os.path.isdir(outdir):
+ os.makedirs(outdir)
+ htmlPath = out
+ htmlPath = os.path.abspath(htmlPath)
+ # Open the text and do the parsing.
+ source = open(sourcePath).read()
+ parse = Parser(source, colors, sourcePath, open(htmlPath, 'wt'),
+ markup, header, footer, linenumbers)
+ parse.format(form)
+ _printinfo(" wrote %s" % htmlPath, quiet)
+ # html markup will ignore the external flag, but
+ # we need to stop the blank file from being written.
+ if form == 'external' and count == 1 and markup != 'html':
+ cssSheet = parse._sendCSSStyle(external=1)
+ cssPath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(htmlPath),'pystyle.css')
+ css = open(cssPath, 'wt')
+ css.write(cssSheet)
+ css.close()
+ _printinfo(" wrote %s" % cssPath, quiet)
+ if show:
+ # load HTML page into the default web browser.
+ showpage(htmlPath)
+ return htmlPath
+def tagreplace(sourcestr, colors=lite, markup='xhtml',
+ linenumbers=0, dosheet=1, tagstart='<PY>'.lower(),
+ tagend='</PY>'.lower(), stylesheet='pystyle.css'):
+ """This is a helper function for pageconvert. Returns css, page.
+ """
+ if markup.lower() != 'html':
+ link = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="%s" type="text/css"/></head>'
+ css = link%stylesheet
+ if sourcestr.find(css) == -1:
+ sourcestr = sourcestr.replace('</head>', css, 1)
+ starttags = sourcestr.count(tagstart)
+ endtags = sourcestr.count(tagend)
+ if starttags:
+ if starttags == endtags:
+ for _ in range(starttags):
+ datastart = sourcestr.find(tagstart)
+ dataend = sourcestr.find(tagend)
+ data = sourcestr[datastart+len(tagstart):dataend]
+ data = unescape(data)
+ css , data = str2markup(data, colors=colors,
+ linenumbers=linenumbers, markup=markup, form='embed')
+ start = sourcestr[:datastart]
+ end = sourcestr[dataend+len(tagend):]
+ sourcestr = ''.join([start,data,end])
+ else:
+ raise InputError('Tag mismatch!\nCheck %s,%s tags'%tagstart,tagend)
+ if not dosheet:
+ css = None
+ return css, sourcestr
+def pageconvert(path, out=None, colors=lite, markup='xhtml', linenumbers=0,
+ dosheet=1, tagstart='<PY>'.lower(), tagend='</PY>'.lower(),
+ stylesheet='pystyle', show=1, returnstr=0):
+ """This function can colorize Python source
+ that is written in a webpage enclosed in tags.
+ """
+ if out == None:
+ out = os.path.dirname(path)
+ infile = open(path, 'r').read()
+ css,page = tagreplace(sourcestr=infile,colors=colors,
+ markup=markup, linenumbers=linenumbers, dosheet=dosheet,
+ tagstart=tagstart, tagend=tagend, stylesheet=stylesheet)
+ if not returnstr:
+ newpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ out,'tmp', os.path.basename(path)))
+ if not os.path.exists(newpath):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(newpath))
+ except:
+ pass#traceback.print_exc()
+ #Usage()
+ y = open(newpath, 'w')
+ y.write(page)
+ y.close()
+ if css:
+ csspath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
+ out,'tmp','%s.css'%stylesheet))
+ x = open(csspath,'w')
+ x.write(css)
+ x.close()
+ if show:
+ try:
+ os.startfile(newpath)
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ return newpath
+ else:
+ return css, page
+##################################################################### helpers
+def walkdir(dir):
+ """Return a list of .py and .pyw files from a given directory.
+ This function can be written as a generator Python 2.3, or a genexp
+ in Python 2.4. But 2.2 and 2.1 would be left out....
+ """
+ # Get a list of files that match *.py*
+ GLOB_PATTERN = os.path.join(dir, "*.[p][y]*")
+ pathlist = glob.glob(GLOB_PATTERN)
+ # Now filter out all but py and pyw
+ filterlist = [x for x in pathlist
+ if x.endswith('.py')
+ or x.endswith('.pyw')]
+ if filterlist != []:
+ # if we have a list send it
+ return filterlist
+ else:
+ return None
+def showpage(path):
+ """Helper function to open webpages"""
+ try:
+ import webbrowser
+ webbrowser.open_new(os.path.abspath(path))
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+def _printinfo(message, quiet):
+ """Helper to print messages"""
+ if not quiet:
+ print(message)
+def escape(text):
+ """escape text for html. similar to cgi.escape"""
+ text = text.replace("&", "&amp;")
+ text = text.replace("<", "&lt;")
+ text = text.replace(">", "&gt;")
+ return text
+def unescape(text):
+ """unsecape escaped text"""
+ text = text.replace("&quot;", '"')
+ text = text.replace("&gt;", ">")
+ text = text.replace("&lt;", "<")
+ text = text.replace("&amp;", "&")
+ return text
+########################################################### Custom Exceptions
+class PySourceColorError(Exception):
+ # Base for custom errors
+ def __init__(self, msg=''):
+ self._msg = msg
+ Exception.__init__(self, msg)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self._msg
+ __str__ = __repr__
+class PathError(PySourceColorError):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ PySourceColorError.__init__(self,
+ 'Path error! : %s'% msg)
+class InputError(PySourceColorError):
+ def __init__(self, msg):
+ PySourceColorError.__init__(self,
+ 'Input error! : %s'% msg)
+########################################################## Python code parser
+class Parser(object):
+ """MoinMoin python parser heavily chopped :)"""
+ def __init__(self, raw, colors=None, title='', out=sys.stdout,
+ markup='html', header=None, footer=None, linenumbers=0):
+ """Store the source text & set some flags"""
+ if colors == None:
+ colors = defaultColors
+ self.raw = raw.expandtabs().rstrip()
+ self.title = os.path.basename(title)
+ self.out = out
+ self.line = ''
+ self.lasttext = ''
+ self.argFlag = 0
+ self.classFlag = 0
+ self.defFlag = 0
+ self.decoratorFlag = 0
+ self.external = 0
+ self.markup = markup.upper()
+ self.colors = colors
+ self.header = header
+ self.footer = footer
+ self.doArgs = 1 # overrides the new tokens
+ self.doNames = 1 # overrides the new tokens
+ self.doMathOps = 1 # overrides the new tokens
+ self.doBrackets = 1 # overrides the new tokens
+ self.doURL = 1 # override url conversion
+ self.LINENUMHOLDER = "___line___".upper()
+ self.LINESTART = "___start___".upper()
+ self.skip = 0
+ # add space left side of code for padding.Override in color dict.
+ = self.colors.get(EXTRASPACE, '')
+ # Linenumbers less then zero also have numberlinks
+ self.dolinenums = self.linenum = abs(linenumbers)
+ if linenumbers < 0:
+ self.numberlinks = 1
+ else:
+ self.numberlinks = 0
+ def format(self, form=None):
+ """Parse and send the colorized source"""
+ if form in ('snip','code'):
+ self.addEnds = 0
+ elif form == 'embed':
+ self.addEnds = 0
+ self.external = 1
+ else:
+ if form == 'external':
+ self.external = 1
+ self.addEnds = 1
+ # Store line offsets in self.lines
+ self.lines = [0, 0]
+ pos = 0
+ # Add linenumbers
+ if self.dolinenums:
+ start=self.LINENUMHOLDER+' '
+ else:
+ start=''
+ newlines = []
+ lines = self.raw.splitlines(0)
+ for l in lines:
+ # span and div escape for customizing and embedding raw text
+ if (l.startswith('#$#')
+ or l.startswith('#%#')
+ or l.startswith('#@#')):
+ newlines.append(l)
+ else:
+ # kludge for line spans in css,xhtml
+ if self.markup in ['XHTML','CSS']:
+ newlines.append(self.LINESTART+' '+start+l)
+ else:
+ newlines.append(start+l)
+ self.raw = "\n".join(newlines)+'\n'# plus an extra newline at the end
+ # Gather lines
+ while 1:
+ pos = self.raw.find('\n', pos) + 1
+ if not pos: break
+ self.lines.append(pos)
+ self.lines.append(len(self.raw))
+ # Wrap text in a filelike object
+ self.pos = 0
+ text = StringIO.StringIO(self.raw)
+ # Markup start
+ if self.addEnds:
+ self._doPageStart()
+ else:
+ self._doSnippetStart()
+ ## Tokenize calls the __call__
+ ## function for each token till done.
+ # Parse the source and write out the results.
+ try:
+ tokenize.tokenize(text.readline, self)
+ except tokenize.TokenError as ex:
+ msg = ex[0]
+ line = ex[1][0]
+ self.out.write("<h3>ERROR: %s</h3>%s\n"%
+ (msg, self.raw[self.lines[line]:]))
+ #traceback.print_exc()
+ # Markup end
+ if self.addEnds:
+ self._doPageEnd()
+ else:
+ self._doSnippetEnd()
+ def __call__(self, toktype, toktext, srow_col, erow_col, line):
+ """Token handler. Order is important do not rearrange."""
+ self.line = line
+ srow, scol = srow_col
+ erow, ecol = erow_col
+ # Calculate new positions
+ oldpos = self.pos
+ newpos = self.lines[srow] + scol
+ self.pos = newpos + len(toktext)
+ # Handle newlines
+ if toktype in (token.NEWLINE, tokenize.NL):
+ self.decoratorFlag = self.argFlag = 0
+ # kludge for line spans in css,xhtml
+ if self.markup in ['XHTML','CSS']:
+ self.out.write('</span>')
+ self.out.write('\n')
+ return
+ # Send the original whitespace, and tokenize backslashes if present.
+ # just sends continued line backslashes with whitespace.
+ # This is a hack to tokenize continued line slashes as operators.
+ # Should continued line backslashes be treated as operators
+ # or some other token?
+ if newpos > oldpos:
+ if self.raw[oldpos:newpos].isspace():
+ # consume a single space after linestarts and linenumbers
+ # had to have them so tokenizer could seperate them.
+ # multiline strings are handled by do_Text functions
+ if self.lasttext != self.LINESTART \
+ and self.lasttext != self.LINENUMHOLDER:
+ self.out.write(self.raw[oldpos:newpos])
+ else:
+ self.out.write(self.raw[oldpos+1:newpos])
+ else:
+ slash = self.raw[oldpos:newpos].find('\\')+oldpos
+ self.out.write(self.raw[oldpos:slash])
+ getattr(self, '_send%sText'%(self.markup))(OPERATOR, '\\')
+ self.linenum+=1
+ # kludge for line spans in css,xhtml
+ if self.markup in ['XHTML','CSS']:
+ self.out.write('</span>')
+ self.out.write(self.raw[slash+1:newpos])
+ # Skip indenting tokens
+ if toktype in (token.INDENT, token.DEDENT):
+ self.pos = newpos
+ return
+ # Look for operators
+ if token.LPAR <= toktype and toktype <= token.OP:
+ # Trap decorators py2.4 >
+ if toktext == '@':
+ toktype = DECORATOR
+ # Set a flag if this was the decorator start so
+ # the decorator name and arguments can be identified
+ self.decoratorFlag = self.argFlag = 1
+ else:
+ if self.doArgs:
+ # Find the start for arguments
+ if toktext == '(' and self.argFlag:
+ self.argFlag = 2
+ # Find the end for arguments
+ elif toktext == ':':
+ self.argFlag = 0
+ ## Seperate the diffrent operator types
+ # Brackets
+ if self.doBrackets and toktext in ['[',']','(',')','{','}']:
+ toktype = BRACKETS
+ # Math operators
+ elif self.doMathOps and toktext in ['*=','**=','-=','+=','|=',
+ '%=','>>=','<<=','=','^=',
+ '/=', '+','-','**','*','/','%']:
+ toktype = MATH_OPERATOR
+ # Operator
+ else:
+ toktype = OPERATOR
+ # example how flags should work.
+ # def fun(arg=argvalue,arg2=argvalue2):
+ # 0 1 2 A 1 N 2 A 1 N 0
+ if toktext == "=" and self.argFlag == 2:
+ self.argFlag = 1
+ elif toktext == "," and self.argFlag == 1:
+ self.argFlag = 2
+ # Look for keywords
+ elif toktype == NAME and keyword.iskeyword(toktext):
+ toktype = KEYWORD
+ # Set a flag if this was the class / def start so
+ # the class / def name and arguments can be identified
+ if toktext in ['class', 'def']:
+ if toktext =='class' and \
+ not line[:line.find('class')].endswith('.'):
+ self.classFlag = self.argFlag = 1
+ elif toktext == 'def' and \
+ not line[:line.find('def')].endswith('.'):
+ self.defFlag = self.argFlag = 1
+ else:
+ # must have used a keyword as a name i.e. self.class
+ toktype = ERRORTOKEN
+ # Look for class, def, decorator name
+ elif (self.classFlag or self.defFlag or self.decoratorFlag) \
+ and self.doNames:
+ if self.classFlag:
+ self.classFlag = 0
+ toktype = CLASS_NAME
+ elif self.defFlag:
+ self.defFlag = 0
+ toktype = DEF_NAME
+ elif self.decoratorFlag:
+ self.decoratorFlag = 0
+ toktype = DECORATOR_NAME
+ # Look for strings
+ # Order of evaluation is important do not change.
+ elif toktype == token.STRING:
+ text = toktext.lower()
+ if (text[:3] == '"""'):
+ elif (text[:4] == 'r"""'):
+ elif (text[:4] == 'u"""' or
+ text[:5] == 'ur"""'):
+ elif (text[:1] == '"'):
+ toktype = DOUBLEQUOTE
+ elif (text[:2] == 'r"'):
+ toktype = DOUBLEQUOTE_R
+ elif (text[:2] == 'u"' or
+ text[:3] == 'ur"'):
+ toktype = DOUBLEQUOTE_U
+ elif (text[:3] == "'''"):
+ elif (text[:4] == "r'''"):
+ elif (text[:4] == "u'''" or
+ text[:5] == "ur'''"):
+ elif (text[:1] == "'"):
+ toktype = SINGLEQUOTE
+ elif (text[:2] == "r'"):
+ toktype = SINGLEQUOTE_R
+ elif (text[:2] == "u'" or
+ text[:3] == "ur'"):
+ toktype = SINGLEQUOTE_U
+ # test for invalid string declaration
+ if self.lasttext.lower() == 'ru':
+ toktype = ERRORTOKEN
+ # Look for comments
+ elif toktype == COMMENT:
+ if toktext[:2] == "##":
+ elif toktext[:3] == '#$#':
+ toktype = TEXT
+ self.textFlag = 'SPAN'
+ toktext = toktext[3:]
+ elif toktext[:3] == '#%#':
+ toktype = TEXT
+ self.textFlag = 'DIV'
+ toktext = toktext[3:]
+ elif toktext[:3] == '#@#':
+ toktype = TEXT
+ self.textFlag = 'RAW'
+ toktext = toktext[3:]
+ if self.doURL:
+ # this is a 'fake helper function'
+ # url(URI,Alias_name) or url(URI)
+ url_pos = toktext.find('url(')
+ if url_pos != -1:
+ before = toktext[:url_pos]
+ url = toktext[url_pos+4:]
+ splitpoint = url.find(',')
+ endpoint = url.find(')')
+ after = url[endpoint+1:]
+ url = url[:endpoint]
+ if splitpoint != -1:
+ urlparts = url.split(',',1)
+ toktext = '%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s'%(
+ before,urlparts[0],urlparts[1].lstrip(),after)
+ else:
+ toktext = '%s<a href="%s">%s</a>%s'%(before,url,url,after)
+ # Seperate errors from decorators
+ elif toktype == ERRORTOKEN:
+ # Bug fix for < py2.4
+ # space between decorators
+ if self.argFlag and toktext.isspace():
+ #toktype = NAME
+ self.out.write(toktext)
+ return
+ # Bug fix for py2.2 linenumbers with decorators
+ elif toktext.isspace():
+ # What if we have a decorator after a >>> or ...
+ #p = line.find('@')
+ #if p >= 0 and not line[:p].isspace():
+ #self.out.write(toktext)
+ #return
+ if self.skip:
+ self.skip=0
+ return
+ else:
+ self.out.write(toktext)
+ return
+ # trap decorators < py2.4
+ elif toktext == '@':
+ toktype = DECORATOR
+ # Set a flag if this was the decorator start so
+ # the decorator name and arguments can be identified
+ self.decoratorFlag = self.argFlag = 1
+ # Seperate args from names
+ elif (self.argFlag == 2 and
+ toktype == NAME and
+ toktext != 'None' and
+ self.doArgs):
+ toktype = ARGS
+ # Look for line numbers
+ # The conversion code for them is in the send_text functions.
+ if toktext in [self.LINENUMHOLDER,self.LINESTART]:
+ toktype = LINENUMBER
+ # if we don't have linenumbers set flag
+ # to skip the trailing space from linestart
+ if toktext == self.LINESTART and not self.dolinenums \
+ or toktext == self.LINENUMHOLDER:
+ self.skip=1
+ # Skip blank token that made it thru
+ ## bugfix for the last empty tag.
+ if toktext == '':
+ return
+ # Last token text history
+ self.lasttext = toktext
+ # escape all but the urls in the comments
+ if toktype in (DOUBLECOMMENT, COMMENT):
+ if toktext.find('<a href=') == -1:
+ toktext = escape(toktext)
+ else:
+ pass
+ elif toktype == TEXT:
+ pass
+ else:
+ toktext = escape(toktext)
+ # Send text for any markup
+ getattr(self, '_send%sText'%(self.markup))(toktype, toktext)
+ return
+ ################################################################# Helpers
+ def _doSnippetStart(self):
+ if self.markup == 'HTML':
+ # Start of html snippet
+ self.out.write('<pre>\n')
+ else:
+ # Start of css/xhtml snippet
+ self.out.write(self.colors.get(CODESTART,'<pre class="py">\n'))
+ def _doSnippetEnd(self):
+ # End of html snippet
+ self.out.write(self.colors.get(CODEEND,'</pre>\n'))
+ ######################################################## markup selectors
+ def _getFile(self, filepath):
+ try:
+ _file = open(filepath,'r')
+ content =
+ _file.close()
+ except:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ content = ''
+ return content
+ def _doPageStart(self):
+ getattr(self, '_do%sStart'%(self.markup))()
+ def _doPageHeader(self):
+ if self.header != None:
+ if self.header.find('#$#') != -1 or \
+ self.header.find('#$#') != -1 or \
+ self.header.find('#%#') != -1:
+ self.out.write(self.header[3:])
+ else:
+ if self.header != '':
+ self.header = self._getFile(self.header)
+ getattr(self, '_do%sHeader'%(self.markup))()
+ def _doPageFooter(self):
+ if self.footer != None:
+ if self.footer.find('#$#') != -1 or \
+ self.footer.find('#@#') != -1 or \
+ self.footer.find('#%#') != -1:
+ self.out.write(self.footer[3:])
+ else:
+ if self.footer != '':
+ self.footer = self._getFile(self.footer)
+ getattr(self, '_do%sFooter'%(self.markup))()
+ def _doPageEnd(self):
+ getattr(self, '_do%sEnd'%(self.markup))()
+ ################################################### color/style retrieval
+ ## Some of these are not used anymore but are kept for documentation
+ def _getLineNumber(self):
+ num = self.linenum
+ self.linenum+=1
+ return str(num).rjust(5)+" "
+ def _getTags(self, key):
+ # style tags
+ return self.colors.get(key, self.colors[NAME])[0]
+ def _getForeColor(self, key):
+ # get text foreground color, if not set to black
+ color = self.colors.get(key, self.colors[NAME])[1]
+ if color[:1] != '#':
+ color = '#000000'
+ return color
+ def _getBackColor(self, key):
+ # get text background color
+ return self.colors.get(key, self.colors[NAME])[2]
+ def _getPageColor(self):
+ # get page background color
+ return self.colors.get(PAGEBACKGROUND, '#FFFFFF')
+ def _getStyle(self, key):
+ # get the token style from the color dictionary
+ return self.colors.get(key, self.colors[NAME])
+ def _getMarkupClass(self, key):
+ # get the markup class name from the markup dictionary
+ def _getDocumentCreatedBy(self):
+ return '<!--This document created by %s ver.%s on: %s-->\n'%(
+ __title__,__version__,time.ctime())
+ ################################################### HTML markup functions
+ def _doHTMLStart(self):
+ # Start of html page
+ self.out.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \
+"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">\n')
+ self.out.write('<html><head><title>%s</title>\n'%(self.title))
+ self.out.write(self._getDocumentCreatedBy())
+ self.out.write('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" \
+ # Get background
+ self.out.write('</head><body bgcolor="%s">\n'%self._getPageColor())
+ self._doPageHeader()
+ self.out.write('<pre>')
+ def _getHTMLStyles(self, toktype, toktext):
+ # Get styles
+ tags, color = self.colors.get(toktype, self.colors[NAME])[:2]#
+ tagstart=[]
+ tagend=[]
+ # check for styles and set them if needed.
+ if 'b' in tags:#Bold
+ tagstart.append('<b>')
+ tagend.append('</b>')
+ if 'i' in tags:#Italics
+ tagstart.append('<i>')
+ tagend.append('</i>')
+ if 'u' in tags:#Underline
+ tagstart.append('<u>')
+ tagend.append('</u>')
+ # HTML tags should be paired like so : <b><i><u>Doh!</u></i></b>
+ tagend.reverse()
+ starttags="".join(tagstart)
+ endtags="".join(tagend)
+ return starttags,endtags,color
+ def _sendHTMLText(self, toktype, toktext):
+ numberlinks = self.numberlinks
+ # If it is an error, set a red box around the bad tokens
+ # older browsers should ignore it
+ if toktype == ERRORTOKEN:
+ style = ' style="border: solid 1.5pt #FF0000;"'
+ else:
+ style = ''
+ # Get styles
+ starttag, endtag, color = self._getHTMLStyles(toktype, toktext)
+ # This is a hack to 'fix' multi-line strings.
+ # Multi-line strings are treated as only one token
+ # even though they can be several physical lines.
+ # That makes it hard to spot the start of a line,
+ # because at this level all we know about are tokens.
+ if toktext.count(self.LINENUMHOLDER):
+ # rip apart the string and separate it by line.
+ # count lines and change all linenum token to line numbers.
+ # embedded all the new font tags inside the current one.
+ # Do this by ending the tag first then writing our new tags,
+ # then starting another font tag exactly like the first one.
+ if toktype == LINENUMBER:
+ splittext = toktext.split(self.LINENUMHOLDER)
+ else:
+ splittext = toktext.split(self.LINENUMHOLDER+' ')
+ store = []
+ store.append(splittext.pop(0))
+ lstarttag, lendtag, lcolor = self._getHTMLStyles(LINENUMBER, toktext)
+ count = len(splittext)
+ for item in splittext:
+ num = self._getLineNumber()
+ if numberlinks:
+ numstrip = num.strip()
+ content = '<a name="%s" href="#%s">%s</a>' \
+ %(numstrip,numstrip,num)
+ else:
+ content = num
+ if count <= 1:
+ endtag,starttag = '',''
+ linenumber = ''.join([endtag,'<font color=', lcolor, '>',
+ lstarttag, content, lendtag, '</font>' ,starttag])
+ store.append(linenumber+item)
+ toktext = ''.join(store)
+ # send text
+ ## Output optimization
+ # skip font tag if black text, but styles will still be sent. (b,u,i)
+ if color !='#000000':
+ startfont = '<font color="%s"%s>'%(color, style)
+ endfont = '</font>'
+ else:
+ startfont, endfont = ('','')
+ if toktype != LINENUMBER:
+ self.out.write(''.join([startfont,starttag,
+ toktext,endtag,endfont]))
+ else:
+ self.out.write(toktext)
+ return
+ def _doHTMLHeader(self):
+ # Optional
+ if self.header != '':
+ self.out.write('%s\n'%self.header)
+ else:
+ color = self._getForeColor(NAME)
+ self.out.write('<b><font color="%s"># %s \
+ <br># %s</font></b><hr>\n'%
+ (color, self.title, time.ctime()))
+ def _doHTMLFooter(self):
+ # Optional
+ if self.footer != '':
+ self.out.write('%s\n'%self.footer)
+ else:
+ color = self._getForeColor(NAME)
+ self.out.write('<b><font color="%s"> \
+ <hr># %s<br># %s</font></b>\n'%
+ (color, self.title, time.ctime()))
+ def _doHTMLEnd(self):
+ # End of html page
+ self.out.write('</pre>\n')
+ # Write a little info at the bottom
+ self._doPageFooter()
+ self.out.write('</body></html>\n')
+ #################################################### CSS markup functions
+ def _getCSSStyle(self, key):
+ # Get the tags and colors from the dictionary
+ tags, forecolor, backcolor = self._getStyle(key)
+ style=[]
+ border = None
+ bordercolor = None
+ tags = tags.lower()
+ if tags:
+ # get the border color if specified
+ # the border color will be appended to
+ # the list after we define a border
+ if '#' in tags:# border color
+ start = tags.find('#')
+ end = start + 7
+ bordercolor = tags[start:end]
+ tags.replace(bordercolor,'',1)
+ # text styles
+ if 'b' in tags:# Bold
+ style.append('font-weight:bold;')
+ else:
+ style.append('font-weight:normal;')
+ if 'i' in tags:# Italic
+ style.append('font-style:italic;')
+ if 'u' in tags:# Underline
+ style.append('text-decoration:underline;')
+ # border size
+ if 'l' in tags:# thick border
+ size='thick'
+ elif 'm' in tags:# medium border
+ size='medium'
+ elif 't' in tags:# thin border
+ size='thin'
+ else:# default
+ size='medium'
+ # border styles
+ if 'n' in tags:# inset border
+ border='inset'
+ elif 'o' in tags:# outset border
+ border='outset'
+ elif 'r' in tags:# ridge border
+ border='ridge'
+ elif 'g' in tags:# groove border
+ border='groove'
+ elif '=' in tags:# double border
+ border='double'
+ elif '.' in tags:# dotted border
+ border='dotted'
+ elif '-' in tags:# dashed border
+ border='dashed'
+ elif 's' in tags:# solid border
+ border='solid'
+ # border type check
+ seperate_sides=0
+ for side in ['<','>','^','v']:
+ if side in tags:
+ seperate_sides+=1
+ # border box or seperate sides
+ if seperate_sides==0 and border:
+ style.append('border: %s %s;'%(border,size))
+ else:
+ if border == None:
+ border = 'solid'
+ if 'v' in tags:# bottom border
+ style.append('border-bottom:%s %s;'%(border,size))
+ if '<' in tags:# left border
+ style.append('border-left:%s %s;'%(border,size))
+ if '>' in tags:# right border
+ style.append('border-right:%s %s;'%(border,size))
+ if '^' in tags:# top border
+ style.append('border-top:%s %s;'%(border,size))
+ else:
+ style.append('font-weight:normal;')# css inherited style fix
+ # we have to define our borders before we set colors
+ if bordercolor:
+ style.append('border-color:%s;'%bordercolor)
+ # text forecolor
+ style.append('color:%s;'% forecolor)
+ # text backcolor
+ if backcolor:
+ style.append('background-color:%s;'%backcolor)
+ return (self._getMarkupClass(key),' '.join(style))
+ def _sendCSSStyle(self, external=0):
+ """ create external and internal style sheets"""
+ styles = []
+ external += self.external
+ if not external:
+ styles.append('<style type="text/css">\n<!--\n')
+ # Get page background color and write styles ignore any we don't know
+ styles.append('body { background:%s; }\n'%self._getPageColor())
+ # write out the various css styles
+ for key in MARKUPDICT:
+ styles.append('.%s { %s }\n'%self._getCSSStyle(key))
+ # If you want to style the pre tag you must modify the color dict.
+ # Example:
+ # lite[PY] = .py {border: solid thin #000000;background:#555555}\n'''
+ styles.append(self.colors.get(PY, '.py { }\n'))
+ # Extra css can be added here
+ # add CSSHOOK to the color dict if you need it.
+ # Example:
+ #lite[CSSHOOK] = """.mytag { border: solid thin #000000; } \n
+ # .myothertag { font-weight:bold; )\n"""
+ styles.append(self.colors.get(CSSHOOK,''))
+ if not self.external:
+ styles.append('--></style>\n')
+ return ''.join(styles)
+ def _doCSSStart(self):
+ # Start of css/html 4.01 page
+ self.out.write('<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">\n')
+ self.out.write('<html><head><title>%s</title>\n'%(self.title))
+ self.out.write(self._getDocumentCreatedBy())
+ self.out.write('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" \
+ self._doCSSStyleSheet()
+ self.out.write('</head>\n<body>\n')
+ # Write a little info at the top.
+ self._doPageHeader()
+ self.out.write(self.colors.get(CODESTART,'<pre class="py">\n'))
+ return
+ def _doCSSStyleSheet(self):
+ if not self.external:
+ # write an embedded style sheet
+ self.out.write(self._sendCSSStyle())
+ else:
+ # write a link to an external style sheet
+ self.out.write('<link rel="stylesheet" \
+href="pystyle.css" type="text/css">')
+ return
+ def _sendCSSText(self, toktype, toktext):
+ # This is a hack to 'fix' multi-line strings.
+ # Multi-line strings are treated as only one token
+ # even though they can be several physical lines.
+ # That makes it hard to spot the start of a line,
+ # because at this level all we know about are tokens.
+ markupclass = MARKUPDICT.get(toktype, MARKUPDICT[NAME])
+ # if it is a LINENUMBER type then we can skip the rest
+ if toktext == self.LINESTART and toktype == LINENUMBER:
+ self.out.write('<span class="py_line">')
+ return
+ if toktext.count(self.LINENUMHOLDER):
+ # rip apart the string and separate it by line
+ # count lines and change all linenum token to line numbers
+ # also convert linestart and lineend tokens
+ # <linestart> <lnumstart> lnum <lnumend> text <lineend>
+ #################################################
+ lstartspan = '<span class="%s">'%(newmarkup)
+ if toktype == LINENUMBER:
+ splittext = toktext.split(self.LINENUMHOLDER)
+ else:
+ splittext = toktext.split(self.LINENUMHOLDER+' ')
+ store = []
+ # we have already seen the first linenumber token
+ # so we can skip the first one
+ store.append(splittext.pop(0))
+ for item in splittext:
+ num = self._getLineNumber()
+ if self.numberlinks:
+ numstrip = num.strip()
+ content= '<a name="%s" href="#%s">%s</a>' \
+ %(numstrip,numstrip,num)
+ else:
+ content = num
+ linenumber= ''.join([lstartspan,content,'</span>'])
+ store.append(linenumber+item)
+ toktext = ''.join(store)
+ if toktext.count(self.LINESTART):
+ # wraps the textline in a line span
+ # this adds a lot of kludges, is it really worth it?
+ store = []
+ parts = toktext.split(self.LINESTART+' ')
+ # handle the first part differently
+ # the whole token gets wraqpped in a span later on
+ first = parts.pop(0)
+ # place spans before the newline
+ pos = first.rfind('\n')
+ if pos != -1:
+ first=first[:pos]+'</span></span>'+first[pos:]
+ store.append(first)
+ #process the rest of the string
+ for item in parts:
+ #handle line numbers if present
+ if self.dolinenums:
+ item = item.replace('</span>',
+ '</span><span class="%s">'%(markupclass))
+ else:
+ item = '<span class="%s">%s'%(markupclass,item)
+ # add endings for line and string tokens
+ pos = item.rfind('\n')
+ if pos != -1:
+ item=item[:pos]+'</span></span>\n'
+ store.append(item)
+ # add start tags for lines
+ toktext = '<span class="py_line">'.join(store)
+ # Send text
+ if toktype != LINENUMBER:
+ if toktype == TEXT and self.textFlag == 'DIV':
+ startspan = '<div class="%s">'%(markupclass)
+ endspan = '</div>'
+ elif toktype == TEXT and self.textFlag == 'RAW':
+ startspan,endspan = ('','')
+ else:
+ startspan = '<span class="%s">'%(markupclass)
+ endspan = '</span>'
+ self.out.write(''.join([startspan, toktext, endspan]))
+ else:
+ self.out.write(toktext)
+ return
+ def _doCSSHeader(self):
+ if self.header != '':
+ self.out.write('%s\n'%self.header)
+ else:
+ name = MARKUPDICT.get(NAME)
+ self.out.write('<div class="%s"># %s <br> \
+# %s</div><hr>\n'%(name, self.title, time.ctime()))
+ def _doCSSFooter(self):
+ # Optional
+ if self.footer != '':
+ self.out.write('%s\n'%self.footer)
+ else:
+ self.out.write('<hr><div class="%s"># %s <br> \
+# %s</div>\n'%(MARKUPDICT.get(NAME),self.title, time.ctime()))
+ def _doCSSEnd(self):
+ # End of css/html page
+ self.out.write(self.colors.get(CODEEND,'</pre>\n'))
+ # Write a little info at the bottom
+ self._doPageFooter()
+ self.out.write('</body></html>\n')
+ return
+ ################################################## XHTML markup functions
+ def _doXHTMLStart(self):
+ # XHTML is really just XML + HTML 4.01.
+ # We only need to change the page headers,
+ # and a few tags to get valid XHTML.
+ # Start of xhtml page
+ self.out.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n \
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"\n \
+ "">\n \
+<html xmlns="">\n')
+ self.out.write('<head><title>%s</title>\n'%(self.title))
+ self.out.write(self._getDocumentCreatedBy())
+ self.out.write('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" \
+ self._doXHTMLStyleSheet()
+ self.out.write('</head>\n<body>\n')
+ # Write a little info at the top.
+ self._doPageHeader()
+ self.out.write(self.colors.get(CODESTART,'<pre class="py">\n'))
+ return
+ def _doXHTMLStyleSheet(self):
+ if not self.external:
+ # write an embedded style sheet
+ self.out.write(self._sendCSSStyle())
+ else:
+ # write a link to an external style sheet
+ self.out.write('<link rel="stylesheet" \
+href="pystyle.css" type="text/css"/>\n')
+ return
+ def _sendXHTMLText(self, toktype, toktext):
+ self._sendCSSText(toktype, toktext)
+ def _doXHTMLHeader(self):
+ # Optional
+ if self.header:
+ self.out.write('%s\n'%self.header)
+ else:
+ name = MARKUPDICT.get(NAME)
+ self.out.write('<div class="%s"># %s <br/> \
+# %s</div><hr/>\n '%(
+ name, self.title, time.ctime()))
+ def _doXHTMLFooter(self):
+ # Optional
+ if self.footer:
+ self.out.write('%s\n'%self.footer)
+ else:
+ self.out.write('<hr/><div class="%s"># %s <br/> \
+# %s</div>\n'%(MARKUPDICT.get(NAME), self.title, time.ctime()))
+ def _doXHTMLEnd(self):
+ self._doCSSEnd()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ cli()
+# 2004, 2005 M.E.Farmer Jr.
+# Python license
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea4ff1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Package for miscellaneous routines that do not depend on other parts
+of Paste
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4e6b28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+class ClassInitMeta(type):
+ def __new__(meta, class_name, bases, new_attrs):
+ cls = type.__new__(meta, class_name, bases, new_attrs)
+ if (new_attrs.has_key('__classinit__')
+ and not isinstance(cls.__classinit__, staticmethod)):
+ setattr(cls, '__classinit__',
+ staticmethod(cls.__classinit__.im_func))
+ if hasattr(cls, '__classinit__'):
+ cls.__classinit__(cls, new_attrs)
+ return cls
+def build_properties(cls, new_attrs):
+ """
+ Given a class and a new set of attributes (as passed in by
+ __classinit__), create or modify properties based on functions
+ with special names ending in __get, __set, and __del.
+ """
+ for name, value in new_attrs.items():
+ if (name.endswith('__get') or name.endswith('__set')
+ or name.endswith('__del')):
+ base = name[:-5]
+ if hasattr(cls, base):
+ old_prop = getattr(cls, base)
+ if not isinstance(old_prop, property):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Attribute %s is a %s, not a property; function %s is named like a property"
+ % (base, type(old_prop), name))
+ attrs = {'fget': old_prop.fget,
+ 'fset': old_prop.fset,
+ 'fdel': old_prop.fdel,
+ 'doc': old_prop.__doc__}
+ else:
+ attrs = {}
+ attrs['f' + name[-3:]] = value
+ if name.endswith('__get') and value.__doc__:
+ attrs['doc'] = value.__doc__
+ new_prop = property(**attrs)
+ setattr(cls, base, new_prop)
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+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+class classinstancemethod(object):
+ """
+ Acts like a class method when called from a class, like an
+ instance method when called by an instance. The method should
+ take two arguments, 'self' and 'cls'; one of these will be None
+ depending on how the method was called.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, func):
+ self.func = func
+ self.__doc__ = func.__doc__
+ def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
+ return _methodwrapper(self.func, obj=obj, type=type)
+class _methodwrapper(object):
+ def __init__(self, func, obj, type):
+ self.func = func
+ self.obj = obj
+ self.type = type
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
+ assert not kw.has_key('self') and not kw.has_key('cls'), (
+ "You cannot use 'self' or 'cls' arguments to a "
+ "classinstancemethod")
+ return self.func(*((self.obj, self.type) + args), **kw)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if self.obj is None:
+ return ('<bound class method %s.%s>'
+ % (self.type.__name__, self.func.func_name))
+ else:
+ return ('<bound method %s.%s of %r>'
+ % (self.type.__name__, self.func.func_name, self.obj))
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+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+import six
+def asbool(obj):
+ if isinstance(obj, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)):
+ obj = obj.strip().lower()
+ if obj in ['true', 'yes', 'on', 'y', 't', '1']:
+ return True
+ elif obj in ['false', 'no', 'off', 'n', 'f', '0']:
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "String is not true/false: %r" % obj)
+ return bool(obj)
+def aslist(obj, sep=None, strip=True):
+ if isinstance(obj, (six.binary_type, six.text_type)):
+ lst = obj.split(sep)
+ if strip:
+ lst = [v.strip() for v in lst]
+ return lst
+ elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
+ return obj
+ elif obj is None:
+ return []
+ else:
+ return [obj]
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+Convert interval strings (in the form of 1w2d, etc) to
+seconds, and back again. Is not exactly about months or
+years (leap years in particular).
+Accepts (y)ear, (b)month, (w)eek, (d)ay, (h)our, (m)inute, (s)econd.
+Exports only timeEncode and timeDecode functions.
+import re
+__all__ = ['interval_decode', 'interval_encode']
+second = 1
+minute = second*60
+hour = minute*60
+day = hour*24
+week = day*7
+month = day*30
+year = day*365
+timeValues = {
+ 'y': year,
+ 'b': month,
+ 'w': week,
+ 'd': day,
+ 'h': hour,
+ 'm': minute,
+ 's': second,
+ }
+timeOrdered = list(timeValues.items())
+timeOrdered.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
+def interval_encode(seconds, include_sign=False):
+ """Encodes a number of seconds (representing a time interval)
+ into a form like 1h2d3s.
+ >>> interval_encode(10)
+ '10s'
+ >>> interval_encode(493939)
+ '5d17h12m19s'
+ """
+ s = ''
+ orig = seconds
+ seconds = abs(seconds)
+ for char, amount in timeOrdered:
+ if seconds >= amount:
+ i, seconds = divmod(seconds, amount)
+ s += '%i%s' % (i, char)
+ if orig < 0:
+ s = '-' + s
+ elif not orig:
+ return '0'
+ elif include_sign:
+ s = '+' + s
+ return s
+_timeRE = re.compile(r'[0-9]+[a-zA-Z]')
+def interval_decode(s):
+ """Decodes a number in the format 1h4d3m (1 hour, 3 days, 3 minutes)
+ into a number of seconds
+ >>> interval_decode('40s')
+ 40
+ >>> interval_decode('10000s')
+ 10000
+ >>> interval_decode('3d1w45s')
+ 864045
+ """
+ time = 0
+ sign = 1
+ s = s.strip()
+ if s.startswith('-'):
+ s = s[1:]
+ sign = -1
+ elif s.startswith('+'):
+ s = s[1:]
+ for match in allMatches(s, _timeRE):
+ char =[-1].lower()
+ if char not in timeValues:
+ # @@: should signal error
+ continue
+ time += int([:-1]) * timeValues[char]
+ return time
+# @@-sgd 2002-12-23 - this function does not belong in this module, find a better place.
+def allMatches(source, regex):
+ """Return a list of matches for regex in source
+ """
+ pos = 0
+ end = len(source)
+ rv = []
+ match =, pos)
+ while match:
+ rv.append(match)
+ match =, match.end() )
+ return rv
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
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+# (c) 2005 Clark C. Evans and contributors
+# This module is part of the Python Paste Project and is released under
+# the MIT License:
+# Some of this code was funded by:
+Date, Time, and Timespan Parsing Utilities
+This module contains parsing support to create "human friendly"
+``datetime`` object parsing. The explicit goal of these routines is
+to provide a multi-format date/time support not unlike that found in
+Microsoft Excel. In most approaches, the input is very "strict" to
+prevent errors -- however, this approach is much more liberal since we
+are assuming the user-interface is parroting back the normalized value
+and thus the user has immediate feedback if the data is not typed in
+ ``parse_date`` and ``normalize_date``
+ These functions take a value like '9 jan 2007' and returns either an
+ ``date`` object, or an ISO 8601 formatted date value such
+ as '2007-01-09'. There is an option to provide an Oracle database
+ style output as well, ``09 JAN 2007``, but this is not the default.
+ This module always treats '/' delimiters as using US date order
+ (since the author's clients are US based), hence '1/9/2007' is
+ January 9th. Since this module treats the '-' as following
+ European order this supports both modes of data-entry; together
+ with immediate parroting back the result to the screen, the author
+ has found this approach to work well in pratice.
+ ``parse_time`` and ``normalize_time``
+ These functions take a value like '1 pm' and returns either an
+ ``time`` object, or an ISO 8601 formatted 24h clock time
+ such as '13:00'. There is an option to provide for US style time
+ values, '1:00 PM', however this is not the default.
+ ``parse_datetime`` and ``normalize_datetime``
+ These functions take a value like '9 jan 2007 at 1 pm' and returns
+ either an ``datetime`` object, or an ISO 8601 formatted
+ return (without the T) such as '2007-01-09 13:00'. There is an
+ option to provide for Oracle / US style, '09 JAN 2007 @ 1:00 PM',
+ however this is not the default.
+ ``parse_delta`` and ``normalize_delta``
+ These functions take a value like '1h 15m' and returns either an
+ ``timedelta`` object, or an 2-decimal fixed-point
+ numerical value in hours, such as '1.25'. The rationale is to
+ support meeting or time-billing lengths, not to be an accurate
+ representation in mili-seconds. As such not all valid
+ ``timedelta`` values will have a normalized representation.
+from datetime import timedelta, time, date
+from time import localtime
+__all__ = ['parse_timedelta', 'normalize_timedelta',
+ 'parse_time', 'normalize_time',
+ 'parse_date', 'normalize_date']
+def _number(val):
+ try:
+ return int(val)
+ except:
+ return None
+# timedelta
+def parse_timedelta(val):
+ """
+ returns a ``timedelta`` object, or None
+ """
+ if not val:
+ return None
+ val = val.lower()
+ if "." in val:
+ val = float(val)
+ return timedelta(hours=int(val), minutes=60*(val % 1.0))
+ fHour = ("h" in val or ":" in val)
+ fMin = ("m" in val or ":" in val)
+ for noise in "minu:teshour()":
+ val = val.replace(noise, ' ')
+ val = val.strip()
+ val = val.split()
+ hr = 0.0
+ mi = 0
+ val.reverse()
+ if fHour:
+ hr = int(val.pop())
+ if fMin:
+ mi = int(val.pop())
+ if len(val) > 0 and not hr:
+ hr = int(val.pop())
+ return timedelta(hours=hr, minutes=mi)
+def normalize_timedelta(val):
+ """
+ produces a normalized string value of the timedelta
+ This module returns a normalized time span value consisting of the
+ number of hours in fractional form. For example '1h 15min' is
+ formatted as 01.25.
+ """
+ if type(val) == str:
+ val = parse_timedelta(val)
+ if not val:
+ return ''
+ hr = val.seconds/3600
+ mn = (val.seconds % 3600)/60
+ return "%d.%02d" % (hr, mn * 100/60)
+# time
+def parse_time(val):
+ if not val:
+ return None
+ hr = mi = 0
+ val = val.lower()
+ amflag = (-1 != val.find('a')) # set if AM is found
+ pmflag = (-1 != val.find('p')) # set if PM is found
+ for noise in ":amp.":
+ val = val.replace(noise, ' ')
+ val = val.split()
+ if len(val) > 1:
+ hr = int(val[0])
+ mi = int(val[1])
+ else:
+ val = val[0]
+ if len(val) < 1:
+ pass
+ elif 'now' == val:
+ tm = localtime()
+ hr = tm[3]
+ mi = tm[4]
+ elif 'noon' == val:
+ hr = 12
+ elif len(val) < 3:
+ hr = int(val)
+ if not amflag and not pmflag and hr < 7:
+ hr += 12
+ elif len(val) < 5:
+ hr = int(val[:-2])
+ mi = int(val[-2:])
+ else:
+ hr = int(val[:1])
+ if amflag and hr >= 12:
+ hr = hr - 12
+ if pmflag and hr < 12:
+ hr = hr + 12
+ return time(hr, mi)
+def normalize_time(value, ampm):
+ if not value:
+ return ''
+ if type(value) == str:
+ value = parse_time(value)
+ if not ampm:
+ return "%02d:%02d" % (value.hour, value.minute)
+ hr = value.hour
+ am = "AM"
+ if hr < 1 or hr > 23:
+ hr = 12
+ elif hr >= 12:
+ am = "PM"
+ if hr > 12:
+ hr = hr - 12
+ return "%02d:%02d %s" % (hr, value.minute, am)
+# Date Processing
+_one_day = timedelta(days=1)
+_str2num = {'jan':1, 'feb':2, 'mar':3, 'apr':4, 'may':5, 'jun':6,
+ 'jul':7, 'aug':8, 'sep':9, 'oct':10, 'nov':11, 'dec':12 }
+def _month(val):
+ for (key, mon) in _str2num.items():
+ if key in val:
+ return mon
+ raise TypeError("unknown month '%s'" % val)
+_days_in_month = {1: 31, 2: 28, 3: 31, 4: 30, 5: 31, 6: 30,
+ 7: 31, 8: 31, 9: 30, 10: 31, 11: 30, 12: 31,
+ }
+_num2str = {1: 'Jan', 2: 'Feb', 3: 'Mar', 4: 'Apr', 5: 'May', 6: 'Jun',
+ 7: 'Jul', 8: 'Aug', 9: 'Sep', 10: 'Oct', 11: 'Nov', 12: 'Dec',
+ }
+_wkdy = ("mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun")
+def parse_date(val):
+ if not(val):
+ return None
+ val = val.lower()
+ now = None
+ # optimized check for YYYY-MM-DD
+ strict = val.split("-")
+ if len(strict) == 3:
+ (y, m, d) = strict
+ if "+" in d:
+ d = d.split("+")[0]
+ if " " in d:
+ d = d.split(" ")[0]
+ try:
+ now = date(int(y), int(m), int(d))
+ val = "xxx" + val[10:]
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ # allow for 'now', 'mon', 'tue', etc.
+ if not now:
+ chk = val[:3]
+ if chk in ('now','tod'):
+ now =
+ elif chk in _wkdy:
+ now =
+ idx = list(_wkdy).index(chk) + 1
+ while now.isoweekday() != idx:
+ now += _one_day
+ # allow dates to be modified via + or - /w number of days, so
+ # that now+3 is three days from now
+ if now:
+ tail = val[3:].strip()
+ tail = tail.replace("+"," +").replace("-"," -")
+ for item in tail.split():
+ try:
+ days = int(item)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ now += timedelta(days=days)
+ return now
+ # ok, standard parsing
+ yr = mo = dy = None
+ for noise in ('/', '-', ',', '*'):
+ val = val.replace(noise, ' ')
+ for noise in _wkdy:
+ val = val.replace(noise, ' ')
+ out = []
+ last = False
+ ldig = False
+ for ch in val:
+ if ch.isdigit():
+ if last and not ldig:
+ out.append(' ')
+ last = ldig = True
+ else:
+ if ldig:
+ out.append(' ')
+ ldig = False
+ last = True
+ out.append(ch)
+ val = "".join(out).split()
+ if 3 == len(val):
+ a = _number(val[0])
+ b = _number(val[1])
+ c = _number(val[2])
+ if len(val[0]) == 4:
+ yr = a
+ if b: # 1999 6 23
+ mo = b
+ dy = c
+ else: # 1999 Jun 23
+ mo = _month(val[1])
+ dy = c
+ elif a is not None and a > 0:
+ yr = c
+ if len(val[2]) < 4:
+ raise TypeError("four digit year required")
+ if b: # 6 23 1999
+ dy = b
+ mo = a
+ else: # 23 Jun 1999
+ dy = a
+ mo = _month(val[1])
+ else: # Jun 23, 2000
+ dy = b
+ yr = c
+ if len(val[2]) < 4:
+ raise TypeError("four digit year required")
+ mo = _month(val[0])
+ elif 2 == len(val):
+ a = _number(val[0])
+ b = _number(val[1])
+ if a is not None and a > 999:
+ yr = a
+ dy = 1
+ if b is not None and b > 0: # 1999 6
+ mo = b
+ else: # 1999 Jun
+ mo = _month(val[1])
+ elif a is not None and a > 0:
+ if b is not None and b > 999: # 6 1999
+ mo = a
+ yr = b
+ dy = 1
+ elif b is not None and b > 0: # 6 23
+ mo = a
+ dy = b
+ else: # 23 Jun
+ dy = a
+ mo = _month(val[1])
+ else:
+ if b > 999: # Jun 2001
+ yr = b
+ dy = 1
+ else: # Jun 23
+ dy = b
+ mo = _month(val[0])
+ elif 1 == len(val):
+ val = val[0]
+ if not val.isdigit():
+ mo = _month(val)
+ if mo is not None:
+ dy = 1
+ else:
+ v = _number(val)
+ val = str(v)
+ if 8 == len(val): # 20010623
+ yr = _number(val[:4])
+ mo = _number(val[4:6])
+ dy = _number(val[6:])
+ elif len(val) in (3,4):
+ if v is not None and v > 1300: # 2004
+ yr = v
+ mo = 1
+ dy = 1
+ else: # 1202
+ mo = _number(val[:-2])
+ dy = _number(val[-2:])
+ elif v < 32:
+ dy = v
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("four digit year required")
+ tm = localtime()
+ if mo is None:
+ mo = tm[1]
+ if dy is None:
+ dy = tm[2]
+ if yr is None:
+ yr = tm[0]
+ return date(yr, mo, dy)
+def normalize_date(val, iso8601=True):
+ if not val:
+ return ''
+ if type(val) == str:
+ val = parse_date(val)
+ if iso8601:
+ return "%4d-%02d-%02d" % (val.year, val.month,
+ return "%02d %s %4d" % (, _num2str[val.month], val.year)
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+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+class FileMixin(object):
+ """
+ Used to provide auxiliary methods to objects simulating files.
+ Objects must implement write, and read if they are input files.
+ Also they should implement close.
+ Other methods you may wish to override:
+ * flush()
+ * seek(offset[, whence])
+ * tell()
+ * truncate([size])
+ Attributes you may wish to provide:
+ * closed
+ * encoding (you should also respect that in write())
+ * mode
+ * newlines (hard to support)
+ * softspace
+ """
+ def flush(self):
+ pass
+ def next(self):
+ return self.readline()
+ def readline(self, size=None):
+ # @@: This is a lame implementation; but a buffer would probably
+ # be necessary for a better implementation
+ output = []
+ while 1:
+ next =
+ if not next:
+ return ''.join(output)
+ output.append(next)
+ if size and size > 0 and len(output) >= size:
+ return ''.join(output)
+ if next == '\n':
+ # @@: also \r?
+ return ''.join(output)
+ def xreadlines(self):
+ return self
+ def writelines(self, lines):
+ for line in lines:
+ self.write(line)
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+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+# Note: you may want to copy this into your file verbatim, as
+# you can't import this from another package, when you don't know if
+# that package is installed yet.
+from __future__ import print_function
+import os
+import sys
+from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
+from distutils.util import convert_path
+# Provided as an attribute, so you can append to these instead
+# of replicating them:
+standard_exclude = ('*.py', '*.pyc', '*$py.class', '*~', '.*', '*.bak')
+standard_exclude_directories = ('.*', 'CVS', '_darcs', './build',
+ './dist', 'EGG-INFO', '*.egg-info')
+def find_package_data(
+ where='.', package='',
+ exclude=standard_exclude,
+ exclude_directories=standard_exclude_directories,
+ only_in_packages=True,
+ show_ignored=False):
+ """
+ Return a dictionary suitable for use in ``package_data``
+ in a distutils ```` file.
+ The dictionary looks like::
+ {'package': [files]}
+ Where ``files`` is a list of all the files in that package that
+ don't match anything in ``exclude``.
+ If ``only_in_packages`` is true, then top-level directories that
+ are not packages won't be included (but directories under packages
+ will).
+ Directories matching any pattern in ``exclude_directories`` will
+ be ignored; by default directories with leading ``.``, ``CVS``,
+ and ``_darcs`` will be ignored.
+ If ``show_ignored`` is true, then all the files that aren't
+ included in package data are shown on stderr (for debugging
+ purposes).
+ Note patterns use wildcards, or can be exact paths (including
+ leading ``./``), and all searching is case-insensitive.
+ """
+ out = {}
+ stack = [(convert_path(where), '', package, only_in_packages)]
+ while stack:
+ where, prefix, package, only_in_packages = stack.pop(0)
+ for name in os.listdir(where):
+ fn = os.path.join(where, name)
+ if os.path.isdir(fn):
+ bad_name = False
+ for pattern in exclude_directories:
+ if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern)
+ or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()):
+ bad_name = True
+ if show_ignored:
+ print("Directory %s ignored by pattern %s"
+ % (fn, pattern), file=sys.stderr)
+ break
+ if bad_name:
+ continue
+ if (os.path.isfile(os.path.join(fn, ''))
+ and not prefix):
+ if not package:
+ new_package = name
+ else:
+ new_package = package + '.' + name
+ stack.append((fn, '', new_package, False))
+ else:
+ stack.append((fn, prefix + name + '/', package, only_in_packages))
+ elif package or not only_in_packages:
+ # is a file
+ bad_name = False
+ for pattern in exclude:
+ if (fnmatchcase(name, pattern)
+ or fn.lower() == pattern.lower()):
+ bad_name = True
+ if show_ignored:
+ print("File %s ignored by pattern %s"
+ % (fn, pattern), file=sys.stderr)
+ break
+ if bad_name:
+ continue
+ out.setdefault(package, []).append(prefix+name)
+ return out
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import pprint
+ pprint.pprint(
+ find_package_data(show_ignored=True))
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+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+import sys
+import os
+def find_package(dir):
+ """
+ Given a directory, finds the equivalent package name. If it
+ is directly in sys.path, returns ''.
+ """
+ dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
+ orig_dir = dir
+ path = map(os.path.abspath, sys.path)
+ packages = []
+ last_dir = None
+ while 1:
+ if dir in path:
+ return '.'.join(packages)
+ packages.insert(0, os.path.basename(dir))
+ dir = os.path.dirname(dir)
+ if last_dir == dir:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "%s is not under any path found in sys.path" % orig_dir)
+ last_dir = dir
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+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+'imports' a string -- converts a string to a Python object, importing
+any necessary modules and evaluating the expression. Everything
+before the : in an import expression is the module path; everything
+after is an expression to be evaluated in the namespace of that
+Alternately, if no : is present, then import the modules and get the
+attributes as necessary. Arbitrary expressions are not allowed in
+that case.
+def eval_import(s):
+ """
+ Import a module, or import an object from a module.
+ A module name like ```` can be used, where
+ ```` is the module, and ``baz()`` is an expression
+ evaluated in the context of that module. Note this is not safe on
+ arbitrary strings because of the eval.
+ """
+ if ':' not in s:
+ return simple_import(s)
+ module_name, expr = s.split(':', 1)
+ module = import_module(module_name)
+ obj = eval(expr, module.__dict__)
+ return obj
+def simple_import(s):
+ """
+ Import a module, or import an object from a module.
+ A name like ```` can be a module ```` or a
+ module ```` with an object ``baz`` in it, or a module
+ ``foo`` with an object ``bar`` with an attribute ``baz``.
+ """
+ parts = s.split('.')
+ module = import_module(parts[0])
+ name = parts[0]
+ parts = parts[1:]
+ last_import_error = None
+ while parts:
+ name += '.' + parts[0]
+ try:
+ module = import_module(name)
+ parts = parts[1:]
+ except ImportError as e:
+ last_import_error = e
+ break
+ obj = module
+ while parts:
+ try:
+ obj = getattr(module, parts[0])
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "Cannot find %s in module %r (stopped importing modules with error %s)" % (parts[0], module, last_import_error))
+ parts = parts[1:]
+ return obj
+def import_module(s):
+ """
+ Import a module.
+ """
+ mod = __import__(s)
+ parts = s.split('.')
+ for part in parts[1:]:
+ mod = getattr(mod, part)
+ return mod
+def try_import_module(module_name):
+ """
+ Imports a module, but catches import errors. Only catches errors
+ when that module doesn't exist; if that module itself has an
+ import error it will still get raised. Returns None if the module
+ doesn't exist.
+ """
+ try:
+ return import_module(module_name)
+ except ImportError as e:
+ if not getattr(e, 'args', None):
+ raise
+ desc = e.args[0]
+ if not desc.startswith('No module named '):
+ raise
+ desc = desc[len('No module named '):]
+ # If you import, the bad import could be any
+ # of, bar.baz, or baz; we'll test them all:
+ parts = module_name.split('.')
+ for i in range(len(parts)):
+ if desc == '.'.join(parts[i:]):
+ return None
+ raise
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e026e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+"""Immutable integer set type.
+Integer set class.
+Copyright (C) 2006, Heiko Wundram.
+Released under the MIT license.
+import six
+# Version information
+# -------------------
+__author__ = "Heiko Wundram <>"
+__version__ = "0.2"
+__revision__ = "6"
+__date__ = "2006-01-20"
+# Utility classes
+# ---------------
+class _Infinity(object):
+ """Internal type used to represent infinity values."""
+ __slots__ = ["_neg"]
+ def __init__(self,neg):
+ self._neg = neg
+ def __lt__(self,value):
+ if not isinstance(value, _VALID_TYPES):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return ( self._neg and
+ not ( isinstance(value,_Infinity) and value._neg ) )
+ def __le__(self,value):
+ if not isinstance(value, _VALID_TYPES):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return self._neg
+ def __gt__(self,value):
+ if not isinstance(value, _VALID_TYPES):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return not ( self._neg or
+ ( isinstance(value,_Infinity) and not value._neg ) )
+ def __ge__(self,value):
+ if not isinstance(value, _VALID_TYPES):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return not self._neg
+ def __eq__(self,value):
+ if not isinstance(value, _VALID_TYPES):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return isinstance(value,_Infinity) and self._neg == value._neg
+ def __ne__(self,value):
+ if not isinstance(value, _VALID_TYPES):
+ return NotImplemented
+ return not isinstance(value,_Infinity) or self._neg != value._neg
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "None"
+_VALID_TYPES = six.integer_types + (_Infinity,)
+# Constants
+# ---------
+_MININF = _Infinity(True)
+_MAXINF = _Infinity(False)
+# Integer set class
+# -----------------
+class IntSet(object):
+ """Integer set class with efficient storage in a RLE format of ranges.
+ Supports minus and plus infinity in the range."""
+ __slots__ = ["_ranges","_min","_max","_hash"]
+ def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs):
+ """Initialize an integer set. The constructor accepts an unlimited
+ number of arguments that may either be tuples in the form of
+ (start,stop) where either start or stop may be a number or None to
+ represent maximum/minimum in that direction. The range specified by
+ (start,stop) is always inclusive (differing from the builtin range
+ operator).
+ Keyword arguments that can be passed to an integer set are min and
+ max, which specify the minimum and maximum number in the set,
+ respectively. You can also pass None here to represent minus or plus
+ infinity, which is also the default.
+ """
+ # Special case copy constructor.
+ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],IntSet):
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("No keyword arguments for copy constructor.")
+ self._min = args[0]._min
+ self._max = args[0]._max
+ self._ranges = args[0]._ranges
+ self._hash = args[0]._hash
+ return
+ # Initialize set.
+ self._ranges = []
+ # Process keyword arguments.
+ self._min = kwargs.pop("min",_MININF)
+ self._max = kwargs.pop("max",_MAXINF)
+ if self._min is None:
+ self._min = _MININF
+ if self._max is None:
+ self._max = _MAXINF
+ # Check keyword arguments.
+ if kwargs:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid keyword argument.")
+ if not ( isinstance(self._min, six.integer_types) or self._min is _MININF ):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid type of min argument.")
+ if not ( isinstance(self._max, six.integer_types) or self._max is _MAXINF ):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid type of max argument.")
+ if ( self._min is not _MININF and self._max is not _MAXINF and
+ self._min > self._max ):
+ raise ValueError("Minimum is not smaller than maximum.")
+ if isinstance(self._max, six.integer_types):
+ self._max += 1
+ # Process arguments.
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, six.integer_types):
+ start, stop = arg, arg+1
+ elif isinstance(arg,tuple):
+ if len(arg) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid tuple, must be (start,stop).")
+ # Process argument.
+ start, stop = arg
+ if start is None:
+ start = self._min
+ if stop is None:
+ stop = self._max
+ # Check arguments.
+ if not ( isinstance(start, six.integer_types) or start is _MININF ):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid type of tuple start.")
+ if not ( isinstance(stop, six.integer_types) or stop is _MAXINF ):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid type of tuple stop.")
+ if ( start is not _MININF and stop is not _MAXINF and
+ start > stop ):
+ continue
+ if isinstance(stop, six.integer_types):
+ stop += 1
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Invalid argument.")
+ if start > self._max:
+ continue
+ elif start < self._min:
+ start = self._min
+ if stop < self._min:
+ continue
+ elif stop > self._max:
+ stop = self._max
+ self._ranges.append((start,stop))
+ # Normalize set.
+ self._normalize()
+ # Utility functions for set operations
+ # ------------------------------------
+ def _iterranges(self,r1,r2,minval=_MININF,maxval=_MAXINF):
+ curval = minval
+ curstates = {"r1":False,"r2":False}
+ imax, jmax = 2*len(r1), 2*len(r2)
+ i, j = 0, 0
+ while i < imax or j < jmax:
+ if i < imax and ( ( j < jmax and
+ r1[i>>1][i&1] < r2[j>>1][j&1] ) or
+ j == jmax ):
+ cur_r, newname, newstate = r1[i>>1][i&1], "r1", not (i&1)
+ i += 1
+ else:
+ cur_r, newname, newstate = r2[j>>1][j&1], "r2", not (j&1)
+ j += 1
+ if curval < cur_r:
+ if cur_r > maxval:
+ break
+ yield curstates, (curval,cur_r)
+ curval = cur_r
+ curstates[newname] = newstate
+ if curval < maxval:
+ yield curstates, (curval,maxval)
+ def _normalize(self):
+ self._ranges.sort()
+ i = 1
+ while i < len(self._ranges):
+ if self._ranges[i][0] < self._ranges[i-1][1]:
+ self._ranges[i-1] = (self._ranges[i-1][0],
+ max(self._ranges[i-1][1],
+ self._ranges[i][1]))
+ del self._ranges[i]
+ else:
+ i += 1
+ self._ranges = tuple(self._ranges)
+ self._hash = hash(self._ranges)
+ def __coerce__(self,other):
+ if isinstance(other,IntSet):
+ return self, other
+ elif isinstance(other, six.integer_types + (tuple,)):
+ try:
+ return self, self.__class__(other)
+ except TypeError:
+ # Catch a type error, in that case the structure specified by
+ # other is something we can't coerce, return NotImplemented.
+ # ValueErrors are not caught, they signal that the data was
+ # invalid for the constructor. This is appropriate to signal
+ # as a ValueError to the caller.
+ return NotImplemented
+ elif isinstance(other,list):
+ try:
+ return self, self.__class__(*other)
+ except TypeError:
+ # See above.
+ return NotImplemented
+ return NotImplemented
+ # Set function definitions
+ # ------------------------
+ def _make_function(name,type,doc,pall,pany=None):
+ """Makes a function to match two ranges. Accepts two types: either
+ 'set', which defines a function which returns a set with all ranges
+ matching pall (pany is ignored), or 'bool', which returns True if pall
+ matches for all ranges and pany matches for any one range. doc is the
+ dostring to give this function. pany may be none to ignore the any
+ match.
+ The predicates get a dict with two keys, 'r1', 'r2', which denote
+ whether the current range is present in range1 (self) and/or range2
+ (other) or none of the two, respectively."""
+ if type == "set":
+ def f(self,other):
+ coerced = self.__coerce__(other)
+ if coerced is NotImplemented:
+ return NotImplemented
+ other = coerced[1]
+ newset = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
+ newset._min = min(self._min,other._min)
+ newset._max = max(self._max,other._max)
+ newset._ranges = []
+ for states, (start,stop) in \
+ self._iterranges(self._ranges,other._ranges,
+ newset._min,newset._max):
+ if pall(states):
+ if newset._ranges and newset._ranges[-1][1] == start:
+ newset._ranges[-1] = (newset._ranges[-1][0],stop)
+ else:
+ newset._ranges.append((start,stop))
+ newset._ranges = tuple(newset._ranges)
+ newset._hash = hash(self._ranges)
+ return newset
+ elif type == "bool":
+ def f(self,other):
+ coerced = self.__coerce__(other)
+ if coerced is NotImplemented:
+ return NotImplemented
+ other = coerced[1]
+ _min = min(self._min,other._min)
+ _max = max(self._max,other._max)
+ found = not pany
+ for states, (start,stop) in \
+ self._iterranges(self._ranges,other._ranges,_min,_max):
+ if not pall(states):
+ return False
+ found = found or pany(states)
+ return found
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid type of function to create.")
+ try:
+ f.func_name = name
+ except TypeError:
+ pass
+ f.func_doc = doc
+ return f
+ # Intersection.
+ __and__ = _make_function("__and__","set",
+ "Intersection of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and s["r2"])
+ __rand__ = _make_function("__rand__","set",
+ "Intersection of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and s["r2"])
+ intersection = _make_function("intersection","set",
+ "Intersection of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and s["r2"])
+ # Union.
+ __or__ = _make_function("__or__","set",
+ "Union of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] or s["r2"])
+ __ror__ = _make_function("__ror__","set",
+ "Union of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] or s["r2"])
+ union = _make_function("union","set",
+ "Union of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] or s["r2"])
+ # Difference.
+ __sub__ = _make_function("__sub__","set",
+ "Difference of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and not s["r2"])
+ __rsub__ = _make_function("__rsub__","set",
+ "Difference of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r2"] and not s["r1"])
+ difference = _make_function("difference","set",
+ "Difference of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and not s["r2"])
+ # Symmetric difference.
+ __xor__ = _make_function("__xor__","set",
+ "Symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] ^ s["r2"])
+ __rxor__ = _make_function("__rxor__","set",
+ "Symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] ^ s["r2"])
+ symmetric_difference = _make_function("symmetric_difference","set",
+ "Symmetric difference of two sets as a new set.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] ^ s["r2"])
+ # Containership testing.
+ __contains__ = _make_function("__contains__","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is superset of other.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] or not s["r2"])
+ issubset = _make_function("issubset","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is subset of other.",
+ lambda s: s["r2"] or not s["r1"])
+ istruesubset = _make_function("istruesubset","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is true subset of other.",
+ lambda s: s["r2"] or not s["r1"],
+ lambda s: s["r2"] and not s["r1"])
+ issuperset = _make_function("issuperset","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is superset of other.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] or not s["r2"])
+ istruesuperset = _make_function("istruesuperset","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is true superset of other.",
+ lambda s: s["r1"] or not s["r2"],
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and not s["r2"])
+ overlaps = _make_function("overlaps","bool",
+ "Returns true if self overlaps with other.",
+ lambda s: True,
+ lambda s: s["r1"] and s["r2"])
+ # Comparison.
+ __eq__ = _make_function("__eq__","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is equal to other.",
+ lambda s: not ( s["r1"] ^ s["r2"] ))
+ __ne__ = _make_function("__ne__","bool",
+ "Returns true if self is different to other.",
+ lambda s: True,
+ lambda s: s["r1"] ^ s["r2"])
+ # Clean up namespace.
+ del _make_function
+ # Define other functions.
+ def inverse(self):
+ """Inverse of set as a new set."""
+ newset = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
+ newset._min = self._min
+ newset._max = self._max
+ newset._ranges = []
+ laststop = self._min
+ for r in self._ranges:
+ if laststop < r[0]:
+ newset._ranges.append((laststop,r[0]))
+ laststop = r[1]
+ if laststop < self._max:
+ newset._ranges.append((laststop,self._max))
+ return newset
+ __invert__ = inverse
+ # Hashing
+ # -------
+ def __hash__(self):
+ """Returns a hash value representing this integer set. As the set is
+ always stored normalized, the hash value is guaranteed to match for
+ matching ranges."""
+ return self._hash
+ # Iterating
+ # ---------
+ def __len__(self):
+ """Get length of this integer set. In case the length is larger than
+ 2**31 (including infinitely sized integer sets), it raises an
+ OverflowError. This is due to len() restricting the size to
+ 0 <= len < 2**31."""
+ if not self._ranges:
+ return 0
+ if self._ranges[0][0] is _MININF or self._ranges[-1][1] is _MAXINF:
+ raise OverflowError("Infinitely sized integer set.")
+ rlen = 0
+ for r in self._ranges:
+ rlen += r[1]-r[0]
+ if rlen >= 2**31:
+ raise OverflowError("Integer set bigger than 2**31.")
+ return rlen
+ def len(self):
+ """Returns the length of this integer set as an integer. In case the
+ length is infinite, returns -1. This function exists because of a
+ limitation of the builtin len() function which expects values in
+ the range 0 <= len < 2**31. Use this function in case your integer
+ set might be larger."""
+ if not self._ranges:
+ return 0
+ if self._ranges[0][0] is _MININF or self._ranges[-1][1] is _MAXINF:
+ return -1
+ rlen = 0
+ for r in self._ranges:
+ rlen += r[1]-r[0]
+ return rlen
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ """Returns true if this integer set contains at least one item."""
+ return bool(self._ranges)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """Iterate over all values in this integer set. Iteration always starts
+ by iterating from lowest to highest over the ranges that are bounded.
+ After processing these, all ranges that are unbounded (maximum 2) are
+ yielded intermixed."""
+ ubranges = []
+ for r in self._ranges:
+ if r[0] is _MININF:
+ if r[1] is _MAXINF:
+ ubranges.extend(([0,1],[-1,-1]))
+ else:
+ ubranges.append([r[1]-1,-1])
+ elif r[1] is _MAXINF:
+ ubranges.append([r[0],1])
+ else:
+ for val in xrange(r[0],r[1]):
+ yield val
+ if ubranges:
+ while True:
+ for ubrange in ubranges:
+ yield ubrange[0]
+ ubrange[0] += ubrange[1]
+ # Printing
+ # --------
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """Return a representation of this integer set. The representation is
+ executable to get an equal integer set."""
+ rv = []
+ for start, stop in self._ranges:
+ if ( isinstance(start, six.integer_types) and isinstance(stop, six.integer_types)
+ and stop-start == 1 ):
+ rv.append("%r" % start)
+ elif isinstance(stop, six.integer_types):
+ rv.append("(%r,%r)" % (start,stop-1))
+ else:
+ rv.append("(%r,%r)" % (start,stop))
+ if self._min is not _MININF:
+ rv.append("min=%r" % self._min)
+ if self._max is not _MAXINF:
+ rv.append("max=%r" % self._max)
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,",".join(rv))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Little test script demonstrating functionality.
+ x = IntSet((10,20),30)
+ y = IntSet((10,20))
+ z = IntSet((10,20),30,(15,19),min=0,max=40)
+ print(x)
+ print(x&110)
+ print(x|110)
+ print(x^(15,25))
+ print(x-12)
+ print(12 in x)
+ print(x.issubset(x))
+ print(y.issubset(x))
+ print(x.istruesubset(x))
+ print(y.istruesubset(x))
+ for val in x:
+ print(val)
+ print(x.inverse())
+ print(x == z)
+ print(x == y)
+ print(x != y)
+ print(hash(x))
+ print(hash(z))
+ print(len(x))
+ print(x.len())
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ce17b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+"""IP4 address range set implementation.
+Implements an IPv4-range type.
+Copyright (C) 2006, Heiko Wundram.
+Released under the MIT-license.
+# Version information
+# -------------------
+__author__ = "Heiko Wundram <>"
+__version__ = "0.2"
+__revision__ = "3"
+__date__ = "2006-01-20"
+# Imports
+# -------
+from paste.util import intset
+import socket
+import six
+# IP4Range class
+# --------------
+class IP4Range(intset.IntSet):
+ """IP4 address range class with efficient storage of address ranges.
+ Supports all set operations."""
+ _MINIP4 = 0
+ _MAXIP4 = (1<<32) - 1
+ _UNITYTRANS = "".join([chr(n) for n in range(256)])
+ _IPREMOVE = "0123456789."
+ def __init__(self,*args):
+ """Initialize an ip4range class. The constructor accepts an unlimited
+ number of arguments that may either be tuples in the form (start,stop),
+ integers, longs or strings, where start and stop in a tuple may
+ also be of the form integer, long or string.
+ Passing an integer or long means passing an IPv4-address that's already
+ been converted to integer notation, whereas passing a string specifies
+ an address where this conversion still has to be done. A string
+ address may be in the following formats:
+ - - a plain address, interpreted as a single address
+ - 1.2.3 - a set of addresses, interpreted as
+ - localhost - hostname to look up, interpreted as single address
+ - 1.2.3<->5 - a set of addresses, interpreted as
+ - - a set of addresses, interpreted as
+ Only the first three notations are valid if you use a string address in
+ a tuple, whereby notation 2 is interpreted as if specified as
+ lower bound and if specified as upper bound, not as a range
+ of addresses.
+ Specifying a range is done with the <-> operator. This is necessary
+ because '-' might be present in a hostname. '<->' shouldn't be, ever.
+ """
+ # Special case copy constructor.
+ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0],IP4Range):
+ super(IP4Range,self).__init__(args[0])
+ return
+ # Convert arguments to tuple syntax.
+ args = list(args)
+ for i in range(len(args)):
+ argval = args[i]
+ if isinstance(argval,str):
+ if "<->" in argval:
+ # Type 4 address.
+ args[i] = self._parseRange(*argval.split("<->",1))
+ continue
+ elif "/" in argval:
+ # Type 5 address.
+ args[i] = self._parseMask(*argval.split("/",1))
+ else:
+ # Type 1, 2 or 3.
+ args[i] = self._parseAddrRange(argval)
+ elif isinstance(argval,tuple):
+ if len(tuple) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("Tuple is of invalid length.")
+ addr1, addr2 = argval
+ if isinstance(addr1,str):
+ addr1 = self._parseAddrRange(addr1)[0]
+ elif not isinstance(addr1, six.integer_types):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid argument.")
+ if isinstance(addr2,str):
+ addr2 = self._parseAddrRange(addr2)[1]
+ elif not isinstance(addr2, six.integer_types):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid argument.")
+ args[i] = (addr1,addr2)
+ elif not isinstance(argval, six.integer_types):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid argument.")
+ # Initialize the integer set.
+ super(IP4Range,self).__init__(min=self._MINIP4,max=self._MAXIP4,*args)
+ # Parsing functions
+ # -----------------
+ def _parseRange(self,addr1,addr2):
+ naddr1, naddr1len = _parseAddr(addr1)
+ naddr2, naddr2len = _parseAddr(addr2)
+ if naddr2len < naddr1len:
+ naddr2 += naddr1&(((1<<((naddr1len-naddr2len)*8))-1)<<
+ (naddr2len*8))
+ naddr2len = naddr1len
+ elif naddr2len > naddr1len:
+ raise ValueError("Range has more dots than address.")
+ naddr1 <<= (4-naddr1len)*8
+ naddr2 <<= (4-naddr2len)*8
+ naddr2 += (1<<((4-naddr2len)*8))-1
+ return (naddr1,naddr2)
+ def _parseMask(self,addr,mask):
+ naddr, naddrlen = _parseAddr(addr)
+ naddr <<= (4-naddrlen)*8
+ try:
+ if not mask:
+ masklen = 0
+ else:
+ masklen = int(mask)
+ if not 0 <= masklen <= 32:
+ raise ValueError
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ mask = _parseAddr(mask,False)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("Mask isn't parseable.")
+ remaining = 0
+ masklen = 0
+ if not mask:
+ masklen = 0
+ else:
+ while not (mask&1):
+ remaining += 1
+ while (mask&1):
+ mask >>= 1
+ masklen += 1
+ if remaining+masklen != 32:
+ raise ValueError("Mask isn't a proper host mask.")
+ naddr1 = naddr & (((1<<masklen)-1)<<(32-masklen))
+ naddr2 = naddr1 + (1<<(32-masklen)) - 1
+ return (naddr1,naddr2)
+ def _parseAddrRange(self,addr):
+ naddr, naddrlen = _parseAddr(addr)
+ naddr1 = naddr<<((4-naddrlen)*8)
+ naddr2 = ( (naddr<<((4-naddrlen)*8)) +
+ (1<<((4-naddrlen)*8)) - 1 )
+ return (naddr1,naddr2)
+ # Utility functions
+ # -----------------
+ def _int2ip(self,num):
+ rv = []
+ for i in range(4):
+ rv.append(str(num&255))
+ num >>= 8
+ return ".".join(reversed(rv))
+ # Iterating
+ # ---------
+ def iteraddresses(self):
+ """Returns an iterator which iterates over ips in this iprange. An
+ IP is returned in string form (e.g. '')."""
+ for v in super(IP4Range,self).__iter__():
+ yield self._int2ip(v)
+ def iterranges(self):
+ """Returns an iterator which iterates over ip-ip ranges which build
+ this iprange if combined. An ip-ip pair is returned in string form
+ (e.g. '')."""
+ for r in self._ranges:
+ if r[1]-r[0] == 1:
+ yield self._int2ip(r[0])
+ else:
+ yield '%s-%s' % (self._int2ip(r[0]),self._int2ip(r[1]-1))
+ def itermasks(self):
+ """Returns an iterator which iterates over ip/mask pairs which build
+ this iprange if combined. An IP/Mask pair is returned in string form
+ (e.g. '')."""
+ for r in self._ranges:
+ for v in self._itermasks(r):
+ yield v
+ def _itermasks(self,r):
+ ranges = [r]
+ while ranges:
+ cur = ranges.pop()
+ curmask = 0
+ while True:
+ curmasklen = 1<<(32-curmask)
+ start = (cur[0]+curmasklen-1)&(((1<<curmask)-1)<<(32-curmask))
+ if start >= cur[0] and start+curmasklen <= cur[1]:
+ break
+ else:
+ curmask += 1
+ yield "%s/%s" % (self._int2ip(start),curmask)
+ if cur[0] < start:
+ ranges.append((cur[0],start))
+ if cur[1] > start+curmasklen:
+ ranges.append((start+curmasklen,cur[1]))
+ __iter__ = iteraddresses
+ # Printing
+ # --------
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """Returns a string which can be used to reconstruct this iprange."""
+ rv = []
+ for start, stop in self._ranges:
+ if stop-start == 1:
+ rv.append("%r" % (self._int2ip(start),))
+ else:
+ rv.append("(%r,%r)" % (self._int2ip(start),
+ self._int2ip(stop-1)))
+ return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__,",".join(rv))
+def _parseAddr(addr,lookup=True):
+ if lookup and any(ch not in IP4Range._IPREMOVE for ch in addr):
+ try:
+ addr = socket.gethostbyname(addr)
+ except socket.error:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid Hostname as argument.")
+ naddr = 0
+ for naddrpos, part in enumerate(addr.split(".")):
+ if naddrpos >= 4:
+ raise ValueError("Address contains more than four parts.")
+ try:
+ if not part:
+ part = 0
+ else:
+ part = int(part)
+ if not 0 <= part < 256:
+ raise ValueError
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError("Address part out of range.")
+ naddr <<= 8
+ naddr += part
+ return naddr, naddrpos+1
+def ip2int(addr, lookup=True):
+ return _parseAddr(addr, lookup=lookup)[0]
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # Little test script.
+ x = IP4Range("")
+ y = IP4Range("","","<->255")
+ print(x)
+ for val in x.itermasks():
+ print(val)
+ for val in y.itermasks():
+ print(val)
+ for val in (x|y).itermasks():
+ print(val)
+ for val in (x^y).iterranges():
+ print(val)
+ for val in x:
+ print(val)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4df4f42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Kill a thread, from
+import six
+ import ctypes
+except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "You cannot use paste.util.killthread without ctypes installed")
+if not hasattr(ctypes, 'pythonapi'):
+ raise ImportError(
+ "You cannot use paste.util.killthread without ctypes.pythonapi")
+def async_raise(tid, exctype):
+ """raises the exception, performs cleanup if needed.
+ tid is the value given by thread.get_ident() (an integer).
+ Raise SystemExit to kill a thread."""
+ if not isinstance(exctype, (six.class_types, type)):
+ raise TypeError("Only types can be raised (not instances)")
+ if not isinstance(tid, int):
+ raise TypeError("tid must be an integer")
+ res = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(tid), ctypes.py_object(exctype))
+ if res == 0:
+ raise ValueError("invalid thread id")
+ elif res != 1:
+ # """if it returns a number greater than one, you're in trouble,
+ # and you should call it again with exc=NULL to revert the effect"""
+ ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(ctypes.c_long(tid), 0)
+ raise SystemError("PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc failed")
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b56358a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+Helper for looping over sequences, particular in templates.
+Often in a loop in a template it's handy to know what's next up,
+previously up, if this is the first or last item in the sequence, etc.
+These can be awkward to manage in a normal Python loop, but using the
+looper you can get a better sense of the context. Use like::
+ >>> for loop, item in looper(['a', 'b', 'c']):
+ ... print("%s %s" % (loop.number, item))
+ ... if not loop.last:
+ ... print('---')
+ 1 a
+ ---
+ 2 b
+ ---
+ 3 c
+__all__ = ['looper']
+import six
+class looper(object):
+ """
+ Helper for looping (particularly in templates)
+ Use this like::
+ for loop, item in looper(seq):
+ if loop.first:
+ ...
+ """
+ def __init__(self, seq):
+ self.seq = seq
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return looper_iter(self.seq)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s for %r>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.seq)
+class looper_iter(object):
+ def __init__(self, seq):
+ self.seq = list(seq)
+ self.pos = 0
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ if self.pos >= len(self.seq):
+ raise StopIteration
+ result = loop_pos(self.seq, self.pos), self.seq[self.pos]
+ self.pos += 1
+ return result
+ __next__ = next
+class loop_pos(object):
+ def __init__(self, seq, pos):
+ self.seq = seq
+ self.pos = pos
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<loop pos=%r at %r>' % (
+ self.seq[self.pos], self.pos)
+ def index(self):
+ return self.pos
+ index = property(index)
+ def number(self):
+ return self.pos + 1
+ number = property(number)
+ def item(self):
+ return self.seq[self.pos]
+ item = property(item)
+ def next(self):
+ try:
+ return self.seq[self.pos+1]
+ except IndexError:
+ return None
+ next = property(next)
+ def previous(self):
+ if self.pos == 0:
+ return None
+ return self.seq[self.pos-1]
+ previous = property(previous)
+ def odd(self):
+ return not self.pos % 2
+ odd = property(odd)
+ def even(self):
+ return self.pos % 2
+ even = property(even)
+ def first(self):
+ return self.pos == 0
+ first = property(first)
+ def last(self):
+ return self.pos == len(self.seq)-1
+ last = property(last)
+ def length(self):
+ return len(self.seq)
+ length = property(length)
+ def first_group(self, getter=None):
+ """
+ Returns true if this item is the start of a new group,
+ where groups mean that some attribute has changed. The getter
+ can be None (the item itself changes), an attribute name like
+ ``'.attr'``, a function, or a dict key or list index.
+ """
+ if self.first:
+ return True
+ return self._compare_group(self.item, self.previous, getter)
+ def last_group(self, getter=None):
+ """
+ Returns true if this item is the end of a new group,
+ where groups mean that some attribute has changed. The getter
+ can be None (the item itself changes), an attribute name like
+ ``'.attr'``, a function, or a dict key or list index.
+ """
+ if self.last:
+ return True
+ return self._compare_group(self.item,, getter)
+ def _compare_group(self, item, other, getter):
+ if getter is None:
+ return item != other
+ elif (isinstance(getter, (six.binary_type, six.text_type))
+ and getter.startswith('.')):
+ getter = getter[1:]
+ if getter.endswith('()'):
+ getter = getter[:-2]
+ return getattr(item, getter)() != getattr(other, getter)()
+ else:
+ return getattr(item, getter) != getattr(other, getter)
+ elif callable(getter):
+ return getter(item) != getter(other)
+ else:
+ return item[getter] != other[getter]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b796c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+"""MIME-Type Parser
+This module provides basic functions for handling mime-types. It can handle
+matching mime-types against a list of media-ranges. See section 14.1 of
+the HTTP specification [RFC 2616] for a complete explanation.
+Based on mimeparse 0.1.2 by Joe Gregorio:
+ - parse_mime_type(): Parses a mime-type into its component parts.
+ - parse_media_range(): Media-ranges are mime-types with wild-cards and a 'q' quality parameter.
+ - quality(): Determines the quality ('q') of a mime-type when compared against a list of media-ranges.
+ - quality_parsed(): Just like quality() except the second parameter must be pre-parsed.
+ - best_match(): Choose the mime-type with the highest quality ('q') from a list of candidates.
+ - desired_matches(): Filter against a list of desired mime-types in the order the server prefers.
+def parse_mime_type(mime_type):
+ """Carves up a mime-type and returns a tuple of the
+ (type, subtype, params) where 'params' is a dictionary
+ of all the parameters for the media range.
+ For example, the media range 'application/xhtml;q=0.5' would
+ get parsed into:
+ ('application', 'xhtml', {'q', '0.5'})
+ """
+ type = mime_type.split(';')
+ type, plist = type[0], type[1:]
+ try:
+ type, subtype = type.split('/', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ type, subtype = type.strip() or '*', '*'
+ else:
+ type = type.strip() or '*'
+ subtype = subtype.strip() or '*'
+ params = {}
+ for param in plist:
+ param = param.split('=', 1)
+ if len(param) == 2:
+ key, value = param[0].strip(), param[1].strip()
+ if key and value:
+ params[key] = value
+ return type, subtype, params
+def parse_media_range(range):
+ """Carves up a media range and returns a tuple of the
+ (type, subtype, params) where 'params' is a dictionary
+ of all the parameters for the media range.
+ For example, the media range 'application/*;q=0.5' would
+ get parsed into:
+ ('application', '*', {'q', '0.5'})
+ In addition this function also guarantees that there
+ is a value for 'q' in the params dictionary, filling it
+ in with a proper default if necessary.
+ """
+ type, subtype, params = parse_mime_type(range)
+ try:
+ if not 0 <= float(params['q']) <= 1:
+ raise ValueError
+ except (KeyError, ValueError):
+ params['q'] = '1'
+ return type, subtype, params
+def fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
+ """Find the best match for a given mime-type against
+ a list of media_ranges that have already been
+ parsed by parse_media_range(). Returns a tuple of
+ the fitness value and the value of the 'q' quality
+ parameter of the best match, or (-1, 0) if no match
+ was found. Just as for quality_parsed(), 'parsed_ranges'
+ must be a list of parsed media ranges."""
+ best_fitness, best_fit_q = -1, 0
+ target_type, target_subtype, target_params = parse_media_range(mime_type)
+ for type, subtype, params in parsed_ranges:
+ if (type == target_type
+ or type == '*' or target_type == '*') and (
+ subtype == target_subtype
+ or subtype == '*' or target_subtype == '*'):
+ fitness = 0
+ if type == target_type:
+ fitness += 100
+ if subtype == target_subtype:
+ fitness += 10
+ for key in target_params:
+ if key != 'q' and key in params:
+ if params[key] == target_params[key]:
+ fitness += 1
+ if fitness > best_fitness:
+ best_fitness = fitness
+ best_fit_q = params['q']
+ return best_fitness, float(best_fit_q)
+def quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges):
+ """Find the best match for a given mime-type against
+ a list of media_ranges that have already been
+ parsed by parse_media_range(). Returns the
+ 'q' quality parameter of the best match, 0 if no
+ match was found. This function behaves the same as quality()
+ except that 'parsed_ranges' must be a list of
+ parsed media ranges."""
+ return fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)[1]
+def quality(mime_type, ranges):
+ """Returns the quality 'q' of a mime-type when compared
+ against the media-ranges in ranges. For example:
+ >>> quality('text/html','text/*;q=0.3, text/html;q=0.7, text/html;level=1, text/html;level=2;q=0.4, */*;q=0.5')
+ 0.7
+ """
+ parsed_ranges = map(parse_media_range, ranges.split(','))
+ return quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_ranges)
+def best_match(supported, header):
+ """Takes a list of supported mime-types and finds the best
+ match for all the media-ranges listed in header. In case of
+ ambiguity, whatever comes first in the list will be chosen.
+ The value of header must be a string that conforms to the format
+ of the HTTP Accept: header. The value of 'supported' is a list
+ of mime-types.
+ >>> best_match(['application/xbel+xml', 'text/xml'], 'text/*;q=0.5,*/*; q=0.1')
+ 'text/xml'
+ """
+ if not supported:
+ return ''
+ parsed_header = list(map(parse_media_range, header.split(',')))
+ best_type = max([
+ (fitness_and_quality_parsed(mime_type, parsed_header), -n)
+ for n, mime_type in enumerate(supported)])
+ return best_type[0][1] and supported[-best_type[1]] or ''
+def desired_matches(desired, header):
+ """Takes a list of desired mime-types in the order the server prefers to
+ send them regardless of the browsers preference.
+ Browsers (such as Firefox) technically want XML over HTML depending on how
+ one reads the specification. This function is provided for a server to
+ declare a set of desired mime-types it supports, and returns a subset of
+ the desired list in the same order should each one be Accepted by the
+ browser.
+ >>> desired_matches(['text/html', 'application/xml'], \
+ ... 'text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png')
+ ['text/html', 'application/xml']
+ >>> desired_matches(['text/html', 'application/xml'], 'application/xml,application/json')
+ ['application/xml']
+ """
+ parsed_ranges = list(map(parse_media_range, header.split(',')))
+ return [mimetype for mimetype in desired
+ if quality_parsed(mimetype, parsed_ranges)]
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..701d1ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+import cgi
+import copy
+import six
+import sys
+ # Python 3
+ from collections import MutableMapping as DictMixin
+except ImportError:
+ # Python 2
+ from UserDict import DictMixin
+class MultiDict(DictMixin):
+ """
+ An ordered dictionary that can have multiple values for each key.
+ Adds the methods getall, getone, mixed, and add to the normal
+ dictionary interface.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "MultiDict can only be called with one positional argument")
+ if args:
+ if hasattr(args[0], 'iteritems'):
+ items = args[0].iteritems()
+ elif hasattr(args[0], 'items'):
+ items = args[0].items()
+ else:
+ items = args[0]
+ self._items = list(items)
+ else:
+ self._items = []
+ self._items.extend(six.iteritems(kw))
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ for k, v in self._items:
+ if k == key:
+ return v
+ raise KeyError(repr(key))
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ try:
+ del self[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ self._items.append((key, value))
+ def add(self, key, value):
+ """
+ Add the key and value, not overwriting any previous value.
+ """
+ self._items.append((key, value))
+ def getall(self, key):
+ """
+ Return a list of all values matching the key (may be an empty list)
+ """
+ result = []
+ for k, v in self._items:
+ if type(key) == type(k) and key == k:
+ result.append(v)
+ return result
+ def getone(self, key):
+ """
+ Get one value matching the key, raising a KeyError if multiple
+ values were found.
+ """
+ v = self.getall(key)
+ if not v:
+ raise KeyError('Key not found: %r' % key)
+ if len(v) > 1:
+ raise KeyError('Multiple values match %r: %r' % (key, v))
+ return v[0]
+ def mixed(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary where the values are either single
+ values, or a list of values when a key/value appears more than
+ once in this dictionary. This is similar to the kind of
+ dictionary often used to represent the variables in a web
+ request.
+ """
+ result = {}
+ multi = {}
+ for key, value in self._items:
+ if key in result:
+ # We do this to not clobber any lists that are
+ # *actual* values in this dictionary:
+ if key in multi:
+ result[key].append(value)
+ else:
+ result[key] = [result[key], value]
+ multi[key] = None
+ else:
+ result[key] = value
+ return result
+ def dict_of_lists(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary where each key is associated with a
+ list of values.
+ """
+ result = {}
+ for key, value in self._items:
+ if key in result:
+ result[key].append(value)
+ else:
+ result[key] = [value]
+ return result
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ items = self._items
+ found = False
+ for i in range(len(items)-1, -1, -1):
+ if type(items[i][0]) == type(key) and items[i][0] == key:
+ del items[i]
+ found = True
+ if not found:
+ raise KeyError(repr(key))
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ for k, v in self._items:
+ if type(k) == type(key) and k == key:
+ return True
+ return False
+ has_key = __contains__
+ def clear(self):
+ self._items = []
+ def copy(self):
+ return MultiDict(self)
+ def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
+ for k, v in self._items:
+ if key == k:
+ return v
+ self._items.append((key, default))
+ return default
+ def pop(self, key, *args):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise TypeError("pop expected at most 2 arguments, got "
+ + repr(1 + len(args)))
+ for i in range(len(self._items)):
+ if type(self._items[i][0]) == type(key) and self._items[i][0] == key:
+ v = self._items[i][1]
+ del self._items[i]
+ return v
+ if args:
+ return args[0]
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(repr(key))
+ def popitem(self):
+ return self._items.pop()
+ def update(self, other=None, **kwargs):
+ if other is None:
+ pass
+ elif hasattr(other, 'items'):
+ self._items.extend(other.items())
+ elif hasattr(other, 'keys'):
+ for k in other.keys():
+ self._items.append((k, other[k]))
+ else:
+ for k, v in other:
+ self._items.append((k, v))
+ if kwargs:
+ self.update(kwargs)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ items = ', '.join(['(%r, %r)' % v for v in self._items])
+ return '%s([%s])' % (self.__class__.__name__, items)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._items)
+ ##
+ ## All the iteration:
+ ##
+ def keys(self):
+ return [k for k, v in self._items]
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ for k, v in self._items:
+ yield k
+ __iter__ = iterkeys
+ def items(self):
+ return self._items[:]
+ def iteritems(self):
+ return iter(self._items)
+ def values(self):
+ return [v for k, v in self._items]
+ def itervalues(self):
+ for k, v in self._items:
+ yield v
+class UnicodeMultiDict(DictMixin):
+ """
+ A MultiDict wrapper that decodes returned values to unicode on the
+ fly. Decoding is not applied to assigned values.
+ The key/value contents are assumed to be ``str``/``strs`` or
+ ``str``/``FieldStorages`` (as is returned by the ``paste.request.parse_``
+ functions).
+ Can optionally also decode keys when the ``decode_keys`` argument is
+ True.
+ ``FieldStorage`` instances are cloned, and the clone's ``filename``
+ variable is decoded. Its ``name`` variable is decoded when ``decode_keys``
+ is enabled.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, multi=None, encoding=None, errors='strict',
+ decode_keys=False):
+ self.multi = multi
+ if encoding is None:
+ encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
+ self.encoding = encoding
+ self.errors = errors
+ self.decode_keys = decode_keys
+ if self.decode_keys:
+ items = self.multi._items
+ for index, item in enumerate(items):
+ key, value = item
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ items[index] = (key, value)
+ def _encode_key(self, key):
+ if self.decode_keys:
+ try:
+ key = key.encode(self.encoding, self.errors)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return key
+ def _decode_key(self, key):
+ if self.decode_keys:
+ try:
+ key = key.decode(self.encoding, self.errors)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return key
+ def _decode_value(self, value):
+ """
+ Decode the specified value to unicode. Assumes value is a ``str`` or
+ `FieldStorage`` object.
+ ``FieldStorage`` objects are specially handled.
+ """
+ if isinstance(value, cgi.FieldStorage):
+ # decode FieldStorage's field name and filename
+ value = copy.copy(value)
+ if self.decode_keys and isinstance(, six.binary_type):
+ =, self.errors)
+ if six.PY2:
+ value.filename = value.filename.decode(self.encoding, self.errors)
+ else:
+ try:
+ value = value.decode(self.encoding, self.errors)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ return value
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ return self._decode_value(self.multi.__getitem__(key))
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ self.multi.__setitem__(key, value)
+ def add(self, key, value):
+ """
+ Add the key and value, not overwriting any previous value.
+ """
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ self.multi.add(key, value)
+ def getall(self, key):
+ """
+ Return a list of all values matching the key (may be an empty list)
+ """
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ return [self._decode_value(v) for v in self.multi.getall(key)]
+ def getone(self, key):
+ """
+ Get one value matching the key, raising a KeyError if multiple
+ values were found.
+ """
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ return self._decode_value(self.multi.getone(key))
+ def mixed(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary where the values are either single
+ values, or a list of values when a key/value appears more than
+ once in this dictionary. This is similar to the kind of
+ dictionary often used to represent the variables in a web
+ request.
+ """
+ unicode_mixed = {}
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(self.multi.mixed()):
+ if isinstance(value, list):
+ value = [self._decode_value(value) for value in value]
+ else:
+ value = self._decode_value(value)
+ unicode_mixed[self._decode_key(key)] = value
+ return unicode_mixed
+ def dict_of_lists(self):
+ """
+ Returns a dictionary where each key is associated with a
+ list of values.
+ """
+ unicode_dict = {}
+ for key, value in six.iteritems(self.multi.dict_of_lists()):
+ value = [self._decode_value(value) for value in value]
+ unicode_dict[self._decode_key(key)] = value
+ return unicode_dict
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ self.multi.__delitem__(key)
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ return self.multi.__contains__(key)
+ has_key = __contains__
+ def clear(self):
+ self.multi.clear()
+ def copy(self):
+ return UnicodeMultiDict(self.multi.copy(), self.encoding, self.errors,
+ decode_keys=self.decode_keys)
+ def setdefault(self, key, default=None):
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ return self._decode_value(self.multi.setdefault(key, default))
+ def pop(self, key, *args):
+ key = self._encode_key(key)
+ return self._decode_value(self.multi.pop(key, *args))
+ def popitem(self):
+ k, v = self.multi.popitem()
+ return (self._decode_key(k), self._decode_value(v))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ items = ', '.join(['(%r, %r)' % v for v in self.items()])
+ return '%s([%s])' % (self.__class__.__name__, items)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return self.multi.__len__()
+ ##
+ ## All the iteration:
+ ##
+ def keys(self):
+ return [self._decode_key(k) for k in self.multi.iterkeys()]
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ for k in self.multi.iterkeys():
+ yield self._decode_key(k)
+ __iter__ = iterkeys
+ def items(self):
+ return [(self._decode_key(k), self._decode_value(v)) for \
+ k, v in six.iteritems(self.multi)]
+ def iteritems(self):
+ for k, v in six.iteritems(self.multi):
+ yield (self._decode_key(k), self._decode_value(v))
+ def values(self):
+ return [self._decode_value(v) for v in self.multi.itervalues()]
+ def itervalues(self):
+ for v in self.multi.itervalues():
+ yield self._decode_value(v)
+__test__ = {
+ 'general': """
+ >>> d = MultiDict(a=1, b=2)
+ >>> d['a']
+ 1
+ >>> d.getall('c')
+ []
+ >>> d.add('a', 2)
+ >>> d['a']
+ 1
+ >>> d.getall('a')
+ [1, 2]
+ >>> d['b'] = 4
+ >>> d.getall('b')
+ [4]
+ >>> d.keys()
+ ['a', 'a', 'b']
+ >>> d.items()
+ [('a', 1), ('a', 2), ('b', 4)]
+ >>> d.mixed()
+ {'a': [1, 2], 'b': 4}
+ >>> MultiDict([('a', 'b')], c=2)
+ MultiDict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 2)])
+ """}
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df0d9da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+import cgi
+import six
+import re
+from six.moves import html_entities
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote, unquote
+__all__ = ['html_quote', 'html_unquote', 'url_quote', 'url_unquote',
+ 'strip_html']
+default_encoding = 'UTF-8'
+def html_quote(v, encoding=None):
+ r"""
+ Quote the value (turned to a string) as HTML. This quotes <, >,
+ and quotes:
+ """
+ encoding = encoding or default_encoding
+ if v is None:
+ return ''
+ elif isinstance(v, six.binary_type):
+ return cgi.escape(v, 1)
+ elif isinstance(v, six.text_type):
+ if six.PY3:
+ return cgi.escape(v, 1)
+ else:
+ return cgi.escape(v.encode(encoding), 1)
+ else:
+ if six.PY3:
+ return cgi.escape(six.text_type(v), 1)
+ else:
+ return cgi.escape(six.text_type(v).encode(encoding), 1)
+_unquote_re = re.compile(r'&([a-zA-Z]+);')
+def _entity_subber(match, name2c=html_entities.name2codepoint):
+ code = name2c.get(
+ if code:
+ return six.unichr(code)
+ else:
+ return
+def html_unquote(s, encoding=None):
+ r"""
+ Decode the value.
+ """
+ if isinstance(s, six.binary_type):
+ s = s.decode(encoding or default_encoding)
+ return _unquote_re.sub(_entity_subber, s)
+def strip_html(s):
+ # should this use html_unquote?
+ s = re.sub('<.*?>', '', s)
+ s = html_unquote(s)
+ return s
+def no_quote(s):
+ """
+ Quoting that doesn't do anything
+ """
+ return s
+_comment_quote_re = re.compile(r'\-\s*\>')
+# Everything but \r, \n, \t:
+_bad_chars_re = re.compile('[\x00-\x08\x0b-\x0c\x0e-\x1f]')
+def comment_quote(s):
+ """
+ Quote that makes sure text can't escape a comment
+ """
+ comment = str(s)
+ #comment = _bad_chars_re.sub('', comment)
+ #print('in ', repr(str(s)))
+ #print('out', repr(comment))
+ comment = _comment_quote_re.sub('-&gt;', comment)
+ return comment
+url_quote = quote
+url_unquote = unquote
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import doctest
+ doctest.testmod()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c86c86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+SCGI-->WSGI application proxy, "SWAP".
+(Originally written by Titus Brown.)
+This lets an SCGI front-end like mod_scgi be used to execute WSGI
+application objects. To use it, subclass the SWAP class like so::
+ class TestAppHandler(swap.SWAP):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.prefix = '/canal'
+ self.app_obj = TestAppClass
+ swap.SWAP.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+where 'TestAppClass' is the application object from WSGI and '/canal'
+is the prefix for what is served by the SCGI Web-server-side process.
+Then execute the SCGI handler "as usual" by doing something like this::
+ scgi_server.SCGIServer(TestAppHandler, port=4000).serve()
+and point mod_scgi (or whatever your SCGI front end is) at port 4000.
+Kudos to the WSGI folk for writing a nice PEP & the Quixote folk for
+writing a nice extensible SCGI server for Python!
+import six
+import sys
+import time
+from scgi import scgi_server
+def debug(msg):
+ timestamp = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",
+ time.localtime(time.time()))
+ sys.stderr.write("[%s] %s\n" % (timestamp, msg))
+class SWAP(scgi_server.SCGIHandler):
+ """
+ SCGI->WSGI application proxy: let an SCGI server execute WSGI
+ application objects.
+ """
+ app_obj = None
+ prefix = None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ assert self.app_obj, "must set app_obj"
+ assert self.prefix is not None, "must set prefix"
+ args = (self,) + args
+ scgi_server.SCGIHandler.__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def handle_connection(self, conn):
+ """
+ Handle an individual connection.
+ """
+ input = conn.makefile("r")
+ output = conn.makefile("w")
+ environ = self.read_env(input)
+ environ['wsgi.input'] = input
+ environ['wsgi.errors'] = sys.stderr
+ environ['wsgi.version'] = (1, 0)
+ environ['wsgi.multithread'] = False
+ environ['wsgi.multiprocess'] = True
+ environ['wsgi.run_once'] = False
+ # dunno how SCGI does HTTPS signalling; can't test it myself... @CTB
+ if environ.get('HTTPS','off') in ('on','1'):
+ environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'https'
+ else:
+ environ['wsgi.url_scheme'] = 'http'
+ ## SCGI does some weird environ manglement. We need to set
+ ## SCRIPT_NAME from 'prefix' and then set PATH_INFO from
+ prefix = self.prefix
+ path = environ['REQUEST_URI'][len(prefix):].split('?', 1)[0]
+ environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = prefix
+ environ['PATH_INFO'] = path
+ headers_set = []
+ headers_sent = []
+ chunks = []
+ def write(data):
+ chunks.append(data)
+ def start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
+ if exc_info:
+ try:
+ if headers_sent:
+ # Re-raise original exception if headers sent
+ six.reraise(exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2])
+ finally:
+ exc_info = None # avoid dangling circular ref
+ elif headers_set:
+ raise AssertionError("Headers already set!")
+ headers_set[:] = [status, response_headers]
+ return write
+ ###
+ result = self.app_obj(environ, start_response)
+ try:
+ for data in result:
+ chunks.append(data)
+ # Before the first output, send the stored headers
+ if not headers_set:
+ # Error -- the app never called start_response
+ status = '500 Server Error'
+ response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/html')]
+ chunks = ["XXX start_response never called"]
+ else:
+ status, response_headers = headers_sent[:] = headers_set
+ output.write('Status: %s\r\n' % status)
+ for header in response_headers:
+ output.write('%s: %s\r\n' % header)
+ output.write('\r\n')
+ for data in chunks:
+ output.write(data)
+ finally:
+ if hasattr(result,'close'):
+ result.close()
+ # SCGI backends use connection closing to signal 'fini'.
+ try:
+ input.close()
+ output.close()
+ conn.close()
+ except IOError as err:
+ debug("IOError while closing connection ignored: %s" % err)
+def serve_application(application, prefix, port=None, host=None, max_children=None):
+ """
+ Serve the specified WSGI application via SCGI proxy.
+ ``application``
+ The WSGI application to serve.
+ ``prefix``
+ The prefix for what is served by the SCGI Web-server-side process.
+ ``port``
+ Optional port to bind the SCGI proxy to. Defaults to SCGIServer's
+ default port value.
+ ``host``
+ Optional host to bind the SCGI proxy to. Defaults to SCGIServer's
+ default host value.
+ ``host``
+ Optional maximum number of child processes the SCGIServer will
+ spawn. Defaults to SCGIServer's default max_children value.
+ """
+ class SCGIAppHandler(SWAP):
+ def __init__ (self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ self.app_obj = application
+ SWAP.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ kwargs = dict(handler_class=SCGIAppHandler)
+ for kwarg in ('host', 'port', 'max_children'):
+ if locals()[kwarg] is not None:
+ kwargs[kwarg] = locals()[kwarg]
+ scgi_server.SCGIServer(**kwargs).serve()
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0826af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,757 @@
+A small templating language
+This implements a small templating language for use internally in
+Paste and Paste Script. This language implements if/elif/else,
+for/continue/break, expressions, and blocks of Python code. The
+syntax is::
+ {{any expression (function calls etc)}}
+ {{any expression | filter}}
+ {{for x in y}}...{{endfor}}
+ {{if x}}x{{elif y}}y{{else}}z{{endif}}
+ {{py:x=1}}
+ {{py:
+ def foo(bar):
+ return 'baz'
+ }}
+ {{default var = default_value}}
+ {{# comment}}
+You use this with the ``Template`` class or the ``sub`` shortcut.
+The ``Template`` class takes the template string and the name of
+the template (for errors) and a default namespace. Then (like
+``string.Template``) you can call the ``tmpl.substitute(**kw)``
+method to make a substitution (or ``tmpl.substitute(a_dict)``).
+``sub(content, **kw)`` substitutes the template immediately. You
+can use ``__name='tmpl.html'`` to set the name of the template.
+If there are syntax errors ``TemplateError`` will be raised.
+import re
+import six
+import sys
+import cgi
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote
+from paste.util.looper import looper
+__all__ = ['TemplateError', 'Template', 'sub', 'HTMLTemplate',
+ 'sub_html', 'html', 'bunch']
+token_re = re.compile(r'\{\{|\}\}')
+in_re = re.compile(r'\s+in\s+')
+var_re = re.compile(r'^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$', re.I)
+class TemplateError(Exception):
+ """Exception raised while parsing a template
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message, position, name=None):
+ self.message = message
+ self.position = position
+ = name
+ def __str__(self):
+ msg = '%s at line %s column %s' % (
+ self.message, self.position[0], self.position[1])
+ if
+ msg += ' in %s' %
+ return msg
+class _TemplateContinue(Exception):
+ pass
+class _TemplateBreak(Exception):
+ pass
+class Template(object):
+ default_namespace = {
+ 'start_braces': '{{',
+ 'end_braces': '}}',
+ 'looper': looper,
+ }
+ default_encoding = 'utf8'
+ def __init__(self, content, name=None, namespace=None):
+ self.content = content
+ self._unicode = isinstance(content, six.text_type)
+ = name
+ self._parsed = parse(content, name=name)
+ if namespace is None:
+ namespace = {}
+ self.namespace = namespace
+ def from_filename(cls, filename, namespace=None, encoding=None):
+ f = open(filename, 'rb')
+ c =
+ f.close()
+ if encoding:
+ c = c.decode(encoding)
+ return cls(content=c, name=filename, namespace=namespace)
+ from_filename = classmethod(from_filename)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s %s name=%r>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ hex(id(self))[2:],
+ def substitute(self, *args, **kw):
+ if args:
+ if kw:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "You can only give positional *or* keyword arguments")
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise TypeError(
+ "You can only give on positional argument")
+ kw = args[0]
+ ns = self.default_namespace.copy()
+ ns.update(self.namespace)
+ ns.update(kw)
+ result = self._interpret(ns)
+ return result
+ def _interpret(self, ns):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ parts = []
+ self._interpret_codes(self._parsed, ns, out=parts)
+ return ''.join(parts)
+ def _interpret_codes(self, codes, ns, out):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ for item in codes:
+ if isinstance(item, six.string_types):
+ out.append(item)
+ else:
+ self._interpret_code(item, ns, out)
+ def _interpret_code(self, code, ns, out):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ name, pos = code[0], code[1]
+ if name == 'py':
+ self._exec(code[2], ns, pos)
+ elif name == 'continue':
+ raise _TemplateContinue()
+ elif name == 'break':
+ raise _TemplateBreak()
+ elif name == 'for':
+ vars, expr, content = code[2], code[3], code[4]
+ expr = self._eval(expr, ns, pos)
+ self._interpret_for(vars, expr, content, ns, out)
+ elif name == 'cond':
+ parts = code[2:]
+ self._interpret_if(parts, ns, out)
+ elif name == 'expr':
+ parts = code[2].split('|')
+ base = self._eval(parts[0], ns, pos)
+ for part in parts[1:]:
+ func = self._eval(part, ns, pos)
+ base = func(base)
+ out.append(self._repr(base, pos))
+ elif name == 'default':
+ var, expr = code[2], code[3]
+ if var not in ns:
+ result = self._eval(expr, ns, pos)
+ ns[var] = result
+ elif name == 'comment':
+ return
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unknown code: %r" % name
+ def _interpret_for(self, vars, expr, content, ns, out):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ for item in expr:
+ if len(vars) == 1:
+ ns[vars[0]] = item
+ else:
+ if len(vars) != len(item):
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Need %i items to unpack (got %i items)'
+ % (len(vars), len(item)))
+ for name, value in zip(vars, item):
+ ns[name] = value
+ try:
+ self._interpret_codes(content, ns, out)
+ except _TemplateContinue:
+ continue
+ except _TemplateBreak:
+ break
+ def _interpret_if(self, parts, ns, out):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ # @@: if/else/else gets through
+ for part in parts:
+ assert not isinstance(part, six.string_types)
+ name, pos = part[0], part[1]
+ if name == 'else':
+ result = True
+ else:
+ result = self._eval(part[2], ns, pos)
+ if result:
+ self._interpret_codes(part[3], ns, out)
+ break
+ def _eval(self, code, ns, pos):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ try:
+ value = eval(code, ns)
+ return value
+ except:
+ exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+ e = exc_info[1]
+ if getattr(e, 'args'):
+ arg0 = e.args[0]
+ else:
+ arg0 = str(e)
+ e.args = (self._add_line_info(arg0, pos),)
+ six.reraise(exc_info[0], e, exc_info[2])
+ def _exec(self, code, ns, pos):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ try:
+ six.exec_(code, ns)
+ except:
+ exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+ e = exc_info[1]
+ e.args = (self._add_line_info(e.args[0], pos),)
+ six.reraise(exc_info[0], e, exc_info[2])
+ def _repr(self, value, pos):
+ __traceback_hide__ = True
+ try:
+ if value is None:
+ return ''
+ if self._unicode:
+ try:
+ value = six.text_type(value)
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ value = str(value)
+ else:
+ value = str(value)
+ except:
+ exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+ e = exc_info[1]
+ e.args = (self._add_line_info(e.args[0], pos),)
+ six.reraise(exc_info[0], e, exc_info[2])
+ else:
+ if self._unicode and isinstance(value, six.binary_type):
+ if not self.decode_encoding:
+ raise UnicodeDecodeError(
+ 'Cannot decode str value %r into unicode '
+ '(no default_encoding provided)' % value)
+ value = value.decode(self.default_encoding)
+ elif not self._unicode and isinstance(value, six.text_type):
+ if not self.decode_encoding:
+ raise UnicodeEncodeError(
+ 'Cannot encode unicode value %r into str '
+ '(no default_encoding provided)' % value)
+ value = value.encode(self.default_encoding)
+ return value
+ def _add_line_info(self, msg, pos):
+ msg = "%s at line %s column %s" % (
+ msg, pos[0], pos[1])
+ if
+ msg += " in file %s" %
+ return msg
+def sub(content, **kw):
+ name = kw.get('__name')
+ tmpl = Template(content, name=name)
+ return tmpl.substitute(kw)
+def paste_script_template_renderer(content, vars, filename=None):
+ tmpl = Template(content, name=filename)
+ return tmpl.substitute(vars)
+class bunch(dict):
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ for name, value in kw.items():
+ setattr(self, name, value)
+ def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ self[name] = value
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ try:
+ return self[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(name)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if 'default' in self:
+ try:
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ except KeyError:
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, 'default')
+ else:
+ return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ items = [
+ (k, v) for k, v in self.items()]
+ items.sort()
+ return '<%s %s>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ ' '.join(['%s=%r' % (k, v) for k, v in items]))
+## HTML Templating
+class html(object):
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ self.value = value
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.value
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '<%s %r>' % (
+ self.__class__.__name__, self.value)
+def html_quote(value):
+ if value is None:
+ return ''
+ if not isinstance(value, six.string_types):
+ if hasattr(value, '__unicode__'):
+ value = unicode(value)
+ else:
+ value = str(value)
+ value = cgi.escape(value, 1)
+ if isinstance(value, unicode):
+ value = value.encode('ascii', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
+ return value
+def url(v):
+ if not isinstance(v, six.string_types):
+ if hasattr(v, '__unicode__'):
+ v = unicode(v)
+ else:
+ v = str(v)
+ if isinstance(v, unicode):
+ v = v.encode('utf8')
+ return quote(v)
+def attr(**kw):
+ kw = kw.items()
+ kw.sort()
+ parts = []
+ for name, value in kw:
+ if value is None:
+ continue
+ if name.endswith('_'):
+ name = name[:-1]
+ parts.append('%s="%s"' % (html_quote(name), html_quote(value)))
+ return html(' '.join(parts))
+class HTMLTemplate(Template):
+ default_namespace = Template.default_namespace.copy()
+ default_namespace.update(dict(
+ html=html,
+ attr=attr,
+ url=url,
+ ))
+ def _repr(self, value, pos):
+ plain = Template._repr(self, value, pos)
+ if isinstance(value, html):
+ return plain
+ else:
+ return html_quote(plain)
+def sub_html(content, **kw):
+ name = kw.get('__name')
+ tmpl = HTMLTemplate(content, name=name)
+ return tmpl.substitute(kw)
+## Lexing and Parsing
+def lex(s, name=None, trim_whitespace=True):
+ """
+ Lex a string into chunks:
+ >>> lex('hey')
+ ['hey']
+ >>> lex('hey {{you}}')
+ ['hey ', ('you', (1, 7))]
+ >>> lex('hey {{')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: No }} to finish last expression at line 1 column 7
+ >>> lex('hey }}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: }} outside expression at line 1 column 7
+ >>> lex('hey {{ {{')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: {{ inside expression at line 1 column 10
+ """
+ in_expr = False
+ chunks = []
+ last = 0
+ last_pos = (1, 1)
+ for match in token_re.finditer(s):
+ expr =
+ pos = find_position(s, match.end())
+ if expr == '{{' and in_expr:
+ raise TemplateError('{{ inside expression', position=pos,
+ name=name)
+ elif expr == '}}' and not in_expr:
+ raise TemplateError('}} outside expression', position=pos,
+ name=name)
+ if expr == '{{':
+ part = s[last:match.start()]
+ if part:
+ chunks.append(part)
+ in_expr = True
+ else:
+ chunks.append((s[last:match.start()], last_pos))
+ in_expr = False
+ last = match.end()
+ last_pos = pos
+ if in_expr:
+ raise TemplateError('No }} to finish last expression',
+ name=name, position=last_pos)
+ part = s[last:]
+ if part:
+ chunks.append(part)
+ if trim_whitespace:
+ chunks = trim_lex(chunks)
+ return chunks
+statement_re = re.compile(r'^(?:if |elif |else |for |py:)')
+single_statements = ['endif', 'endfor', 'continue', 'break']
+trail_whitespace_re = re.compile(r'\n[\t ]*$')
+lead_whitespace_re = re.compile(r'^[\t ]*\n')
+def trim_lex(tokens):
+ r"""
+ Takes a lexed set of tokens, and removes whitespace when there is
+ a directive on a line by itself:
+ >>> tokens = lex('{{if x}}\nx\n{{endif}}\ny', trim_whitespace=False)
+ >>> tokens
+ [('if x', (1, 3)), '\nx\n', ('endif', (3, 3)), '\ny']
+ >>> trim_lex(tokens)
+ [('if x', (1, 3)), 'x\n', ('endif', (3, 3)), 'y']
+ """
+ for i in range(len(tokens)):
+ current = tokens[i]
+ if isinstance(tokens[i], six.string_types):
+ # we don't trim this
+ continue
+ item = current[0]
+ if not and item not in single_statements:
+ continue
+ if not i:
+ prev = ''
+ else:
+ prev = tokens[i-1]
+ if i+1 >= len(tokens):
+ next = ''
+ else:
+ next = tokens[i+1]
+ if (not isinstance(next, six.string_types)
+ or not isinstance(prev, six.string_types)):
+ continue
+ if ((not prev or
+ and (not next or
+ if prev:
+ m =
+ # +1 to leave the leading \n on:
+ prev = prev[:m.start()+1]
+ tokens[i-1] = prev
+ if next:
+ m =
+ next = next[m.end():]
+ tokens[i+1] = next
+ return tokens
+def find_position(string, index):
+ """Given a string and index, return (line, column)"""
+ leading = string[:index].splitlines()
+ return (len(leading), len(leading[-1])+1)
+def parse(s, name=None):
+ r"""
+ Parses a string into a kind of AST
+ >>> parse('{{x}}')
+ [('expr', (1, 3), 'x')]
+ >>> parse('foo')
+ ['foo']
+ >>> parse('{{if x}}test{{endif}}')
+ [('cond', (1, 3), ('if', (1, 3), 'x', ['test']))]
+ >>> parse('series->{{for x in y}}x={{x}}{{endfor}}')
+ ['series->', ('for', (1, 11), ('x',), 'y', ['x=', ('expr', (1, 27), 'x')])]
+ >>> parse('{{for x, y in z:}}{{continue}}{{endfor}}')
+ [('for', (1, 3), ('x', 'y'), 'z', [('continue', (1, 21))])]
+ >>> parse('{{py:x=1}}')
+ [('py', (1, 3), 'x=1')]
+ >>> parse('{{if x}}a{{elif y}}b{{else}}c{{endif}}')
+ [('cond', (1, 3), ('if', (1, 3), 'x', ['a']), ('elif', (1, 12), 'y', ['b']), ('else', (1, 23), None, ['c']))]
+ Some exceptions::
+ >>> parse('{{continue}}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: continue outside of for loop at line 1 column 3
+ >>> parse('{{if x}}foo')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: No {{endif}} at line 1 column 3
+ >>> parse('{{else}}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: else outside of an if block at line 1 column 3
+ >>> parse('{{if x}}{{for x in y}}{{endif}}{{endfor}}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: Unexpected endif at line 1 column 25
+ >>> parse('{{if}}{{endif}}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: if with no expression at line 1 column 3
+ >>> parse('{{for x y}}{{endfor}}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: Bad for (no "in") in 'x y' at line 1 column 3
+ >>> parse('{{py:x=1\ny=2}}')
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ TemplateError: Multi-line py blocks must start with a newline at line 1 column 3
+ """
+ tokens = lex(s, name=name)
+ result = []
+ while tokens:
+ next, tokens = parse_expr(tokens, name)
+ result.append(next)
+ return result
+def parse_expr(tokens, name, context=()):
+ if isinstance(tokens[0], six.string_types):
+ return tokens[0], tokens[1:]
+ expr, pos = tokens[0]
+ expr = expr.strip()
+ if expr.startswith('py:'):
+ expr = expr[3:].lstrip(' \t')
+ if expr.startswith('\n'):
+ expr = expr[1:]
+ else:
+ if '\n' in expr:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'Multi-line py blocks must start with a newline',
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ return ('py', pos, expr), tokens[1:]
+ elif expr in ('continue', 'break'):
+ if 'for' not in context:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'continue outside of for loop',
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ return (expr, pos), tokens[1:]
+ elif expr.startswith('if '):
+ return parse_cond(tokens, name, context)
+ elif (expr.startswith('elif ')
+ or expr == 'else'):
+ raise TemplateError(
+ '%s outside of an if block' % expr.split()[0],
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ elif expr in ('if', 'elif', 'for'):
+ raise TemplateError(
+ '%s with no expression' % expr,
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ elif expr in ('endif', 'endfor'):
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'Unexpected %s' % expr,
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ elif expr.startswith('for '):
+ return parse_for(tokens, name, context)
+ elif expr.startswith('default '):
+ return parse_default(tokens, name, context)
+ elif expr.startswith('#'):
+ return ('comment', pos, tokens[0][0]), tokens[1:]
+ return ('expr', pos, tokens[0][0]), tokens[1:]
+def parse_cond(tokens, name, context):
+ start = tokens[0][1]
+ pieces = []
+ context = context + ('if',)
+ while 1:
+ if not tokens:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'Missing {{endif}}',
+ position=start, name=name)
+ if (isinstance(tokens[0], tuple)
+ and tokens[0][0] == 'endif'):
+ return ('cond', start) + tuple(pieces), tokens[1:]
+ next, tokens = parse_one_cond(tokens, name, context)
+ pieces.append(next)
+def parse_one_cond(tokens, name, context):
+ (first, pos), tokens = tokens[0], tokens[1:]
+ content = []
+ if first.endswith(':'):
+ first = first[:-1]
+ if first.startswith('if '):
+ part = ('if', pos, first[3:].lstrip(), content)
+ elif first.startswith('elif '):
+ part = ('elif', pos, first[5:].lstrip(), content)
+ elif first == 'else':
+ part = ('else', pos, None, content)
+ else:
+ assert 0, "Unexpected token %r at %s" % (first, pos)
+ while 1:
+ if not tokens:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'No {{endif}}',
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ if (isinstance(tokens[0], tuple)
+ and (tokens[0][0] == 'endif'
+ or tokens[0][0].startswith('elif ')
+ or tokens[0][0] == 'else')):
+ return part, tokens
+ next, tokens = parse_expr(tokens, name, context)
+ content.append(next)
+def parse_for(tokens, name, context):
+ first, pos = tokens[0]
+ tokens = tokens[1:]
+ context = ('for',) + context
+ content = []
+ assert first.startswith('for ')
+ if first.endswith(':'):
+ first = first[:-1]
+ first = first[3:].strip()
+ match =
+ if not match:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'Bad for (no "in") in %r' % first,
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ vars = first[:match.start()]
+ if '(' in vars:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'You cannot have () in the variable section of a for loop (%r)'
+ % vars, position=pos, name=name)
+ vars = tuple([
+ v.strip() for v in first[:match.start()].split(',')
+ if v.strip()])
+ expr = first[match.end():]
+ while 1:
+ if not tokens:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ 'No {{endfor}}',
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ if (isinstance(tokens[0], tuple)
+ and tokens[0][0] == 'endfor'):
+ return ('for', pos, vars, expr, content), tokens[1:]
+ next, tokens = parse_expr(tokens, name, context)
+ content.append(next)
+def parse_default(tokens, name, context):
+ first, pos = tokens[0]
+ assert first.startswith('default ')
+ first = first.split(None, 1)[1]
+ parts = first.split('=', 1)
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ "Expression must be {{default var=value}}; no = found in %r" % first,
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ var = parts[0].strip()
+ if ',' in var:
+ raise TemplateError(
+ "{{default x, y = ...}} is not supported",
+ position=pos, name=name)
+ if not
+ raise TemplateError(
+ "Not a valid variable name for {{default}}: %r"
+ % var, position=pos, name=name)
+ expr = parts[1].strip()
+ return ('default', pos, var, expr), tokens[1:]
+_fill_command_usage = """\
+%prog [OPTIONS] TEMPLATE arg=value
+Use py:arg=value to set a Python value; otherwise all values are
+def fill_command(args=None):
+ import sys, optparse, pkg_resources, os
+ if args is None:
+ args = sys.argv[1:]
+ dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('Paste')
+ parser = optparse.OptionParser(
+ version=str(dist),
+ usage=_fill_command_usage)
+ parser.add_option(
+ '-o', '--output',
+ dest='output',
+ metavar="FILENAME",
+ help="File to write output to (default stdout)")
+ parser.add_option(
+ '--html',
+ dest='use_html',
+ action='store_true',
+ help="Use HTML style filling (including automatic HTML quoting)")
+ parser.add_option(
+ '--env',
+ dest='use_env',
+ action='store_true',
+ help="Put the environment in as top-level variables")
+ options, args = parser.parse_args(args)
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ print('You must give a template filename')
+ print(dir(parser))
+ assert 0
+ template_name = args[0]
+ args = args[1:]
+ vars = {}
+ if options.use_env:
+ vars.update(os.environ)
+ for value in args:
+ if '=' not in value:
+ print('Bad argument: %r' % value)
+ sys.exit(2)
+ name, value = value.split('=', 1)
+ if name.startswith('py:'):
+ name = name[:3]
+ value = eval(value)
+ vars[name] = value
+ if template_name == '-':
+ template_content =
+ template_name = '<stdin>'
+ else:
+ f = open(template_name, 'rb')
+ template_content =
+ f.close()
+ if options.use_html:
+ TemplateClass = HTMLTemplate
+ else:
+ TemplateClass = Template
+ template = TemplateClass(template_content, name=template_name)
+ result = template.substitute(vars)
+ if options.output:
+ f = open(options.output, 'wb')
+ f.write(result)
+ f.close()
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from paste.util.template import fill_command
+ fill_command()
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..820311e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+:author: Ian Bicking
+:date: 12 Jul 2004
+Multi-threaded printing; allows the output produced via print to be
+separated according to the thread.
+To use this, you must install the catcher, like::
+ threadedprint.install()
+The installation optionally takes one of three parameters:
+ The default destination for print statements (e.g., ``sys.stdout``).
+ A function that will produce the stream for a thread, given the
+ thread's name.
+ Instead of writing to a file-like stream, this function will be
+ called like ``paramwriter(thread_name, text)`` for every write.
+The thread name is the value returned by
+``threading.currentThread().getName()``, a string (typically something
+like Thread-N).
+You can also submit file-like objects for specific threads, which will
+override any of these parameters. To do this, call ``register(stream,
+[threadName])``. ``threadName`` is optional, and if not provided the
+stream will be registered for the current thread.
+If no specific stream is registered for a thread, and no default has
+been provided, then an error will occur when anything is written to
+``sys.stdout`` (or printed).
+Note: the stream's ``write`` method will be called in the thread the
+text came from, so you should consider thread safety, especially if
+multiple threads share the same writer.
+Note: if you want access to the original standard out, use
+You may also uninstall this, via::
+ threadedprint.uninstall()
+* Something with ``sys.stderr``.
+* Some default handlers. Maybe something that hooks into `logging`.
+* Possibly cache the results of ``factory`` calls. This would be a
+ semantic change.
+import threading
+import sys
+from paste.util import filemixin
+class PrintCatcher(filemixin.FileMixin):
+ def __init__(self, default=None, factory=None, paramwriter=None,
+ leave_stdout=False):
+ assert len(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
+ [default, factory, paramwriter])) <= 1, (
+ "You can only provide one of default, factory, or paramwriter")
+ if leave_stdout:
+ assert not default, (
+ "You cannot pass in both default (%r) and "
+ "leave_stdout=True" % default)
+ default = sys.stdout
+ if default:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._writedefault
+ elif factory:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._writefactory
+ elif paramwriter:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._writeparam
+ else:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._writeerror
+ self._default = default
+ self._factory = factory
+ self._paramwriter = paramwriter
+ self._catchers = {}
+ def write(self, v, currentThread=threading.currentThread):
+ name = currentThread().getName()
+ catchers = self._catchers
+ if not catchers.has_key(name):
+ self._defaultfunc(name, v)
+ else:
+ catcher = catchers[name]
+ catcher.write(v)
+ def seek(self, *args):
+ # Weird, but Google App Engine is seeking on stdout
+ name = threading.currentThread().getName()
+ catchers = self._catchers
+ if not name in catchers:
+ else:
+ catchers[name].seek(*args)
+ def read(self, *args):
+ name = threading.currentThread().getName()
+ catchers = self._catchers
+ if not name in catchers:
+ else:
+ catchers[name].read(*args)
+ def _writedefault(self, name, v):
+ self._default.write(v)
+ def _writefactory(self, name, v):
+ self._factory(name).write(v)
+ def _writeparam(self, name, v):
+ self._paramwriter(name, v)
+ def _writeerror(self, name, v):
+ assert False, (
+ "There is no PrintCatcher output stream for the thread %r"
+ % name)
+ def register(self, catcher, name=None,
+ currentThread=threading.currentThread):
+ if name is None:
+ name = currentThread().getName()
+ self._catchers[name] = catcher
+ def deregister(self, name=None,
+ currentThread=threading.currentThread):
+ if name is None:
+ name = currentThread().getName()
+ assert self._catchers.has_key(name), (
+ "There is no PrintCatcher catcher for the thread %r" % name)
+ del self._catchers[name]
+_printcatcher = None
+_oldstdout = None
+def install(**kw):
+ global _printcatcher, _oldstdout, register, deregister
+ if (not _printcatcher or sys.stdout is not _printcatcher):
+ _oldstdout = sys.stdout
+ _printcatcher = sys.stdout = PrintCatcher(**kw)
+ register = _printcatcher.register
+ deregister = _printcatcher.deregister
+def uninstall():
+ global _printcatcher, _oldstdout, register, deregister
+ if _printcatcher:
+ sys.stdout = _oldstdout
+ _printcatcher = _oldstdout = None
+ register = not_installed_error
+ deregister = not_installed_error
+def not_installed_error(*args, **kw):
+ assert False, (
+ "threadedprint has not yet been installed (call "
+ "threadedprint.install())")
+register = deregister = not_installed_error
+class StdinCatcher(filemixin.FileMixin):
+ def __init__(self, default=None, factory=None, paramwriter=None):
+ assert len(filter(lambda x: x is not None,
+ [default, factory, paramwriter])) <= 1, (
+ "You can only provide one of default, factory, or paramwriter")
+ if default:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._readdefault
+ elif factory:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._readfactory
+ elif paramwriter:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._readparam
+ else:
+ self._defaultfunc = self._readerror
+ self._default = default
+ self._factory = factory
+ self._paramwriter = paramwriter
+ self._catchers = {}
+ def read(self, size=None, currentThread=threading.currentThread):
+ name = currentThread().getName()
+ catchers = self._catchers
+ if not catchers.has_key(name):
+ return self._defaultfunc(name, size)
+ else:
+ catcher = catchers[name]
+ return
+ def _readdefault(self, name, size):
+ def _readfactory(self, name, size):
+ self._factory(name).read(size)
+ def _readparam(self, name, size):
+ self._paramreader(name, size)
+ def _readerror(self, name, size):
+ assert False, (
+ "There is no StdinCatcher output stream for the thread %r"
+ % name)
+ def register(self, catcher, name=None,
+ currentThread=threading.currentThread):
+ if name is None:
+ name = currentThread().getName()
+ self._catchers[name] = catcher
+ def deregister(self, catcher, name=None,
+ currentThread=threading.currentThread):
+ if name is None:
+ name = currentThread().getName()
+ assert self._catchers.has_key(name), (
+ "There is no StdinCatcher catcher for the thread %r" % name)
+ del self._catchers[name]
+_stdincatcher = None
+_oldstdin = None
+def install_stdin(**kw):
+ global _stdincatcher, _oldstdin, register_stdin, deregister_stdin
+ if not _stdincatcher:
+ _oldstdin = sys.stdin
+ _stdincatcher = sys.stdin = StdinCatcher(**kw)
+ register_stdin = _stdincatcher.register
+ deregister_stdin = _stdincatcher.deregister
+def uninstall_stdin():
+ global _stdincatcher, _oldstdin, register_stdin, deregister_stdin
+ if _stdincatcher:
+ sys.stdin = _oldstdin
+ _stdincatcher = _oldstdin = None
+ register_stdin = deregister_stdin = not_installed_error_stdin
+def not_installed_error_stdin(*args, **kw):
+ assert False, (
+ "threadedprint has not yet been installed for stdin (call "
+ "threadedprint.install_stdin())")
diff --git a/paste/util/ b/paste/util/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06f2643
--- /dev/null
+++ b/paste/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# (c) 2005 Ian Bicking and contributors; written for Paste (
+# Licensed under the MIT license:
+Implementation of thread-local storage, for Python versions that don't
+have thread local storage natively.
+ import threading
+except ImportError:
+ # No threads, so "thread local" means process-global
+ class local(object):
+ pass
+ try:
+ local = threading.local
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Added in 2.4, but now we'll have to define it ourselves
+ import thread
+ class local(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__dict__['__objs'] = {}
+ def __getattr__(self, attr, g=thread.get_ident):
+ try:
+ return self.__dict__['__objs'][g()][attr]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "No variable %s defined for the thread %s"
+ % (attr, g()))
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value, g=thread.get_ident):
+ self.__dict__['__objs'].setdefault(g(), {})[attr] = value
+ def __delattr__(self, attr, g=thread.get_ident):
+ try:
+ del self.__dict__['__objs'][g()][attr]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise AttributeError(
+ "No variable %s defined for thread %s"
+ % (attr, g()))