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authorianb <devnull@localhost>2006-01-31 03:52:24 +0000
committerianb <devnull@localhost>2006-01-31 03:52:24 +0000
commit3d2f52f488e02b21a94bce019db2655fe5c4deb9 (patch)
parent827af4508a3662167554a248ae53a51d9c75b96c (diff)
Added new document
3 files changed, 211 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/docs/do-it-yourself-framework.txt b/docs/do-it-yourself-framework.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d53d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/do-it-yourself-framework.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+A Do-It-Yourself Framework
+:author: Ian Bicking <>
+:revision: $Rev$
+:date: $LastChangedDate$
+.. contents::
+Introduction and Audience
+This short tutorial is meant to teach you some about WSGI, and some
+about the architecture that Paste enabled and encourages.
+This isn't an introduction to all the parts of Paste -- in fact, we'll
+only use a few, and explain each part. This isn't encouraging
+everyone to go off and make their own framework (though honestly I
+wouldn't mind). Hopefully when through this will help you feel more
+comfortable with some of the frameworks built using this
+architecture, and a little more secure that they are comprehensible if
+you just look under the hood a bit.
+Writing a WSGI Application
+The first part is about how to use `WSGI
+<>`_ at its most basic. You
+can read the spec, but I'll do a very brief summary:
+* You will be writing a *WSGI application*. That's an object that
+ responds to requests. An application is just a callable object
+ (like a function) that takes two arguments: ``environ`` and
+ ``start_response``.
+* The environment looks a lot like a CGI environment, with keys like
+* The environment also has some special keys like ``wsgi.input`` (the
+ input stream, like the body of a POST request).
+* ``start_response`` is a function that starts the response -- you
+ give the status and headers here.
+* Lastly the application returns an iterator with the body response
+ (commonly this is just a list of strings, or just a list containing
+ one string that is the entire body.)
+So, here's a simple application::
+ def app(environ, start_response):
+ start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
+ return ['Hello world!']
+Well... that's unsatisfying. Sure, you can imagine what it does, but
+you can't exactly point your web browser at it.
+There's other cleaner ways to do this, but this tutorial isn't about
+*clean* it's about *easy-to-understand*. So just add this to the
+bottom of your file::
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from paste import httpserver
+ httpserver.serve(app, host='', port='8080')
+Now visit http://localhost:8080 and you should see your new app.
+If you want to understand how a WSGI server works, I'd recommend
+looking at the `CGI WSGI server
+in the WSGI spec.
+An Interactive App
+That last app wasn't very interesting. Let's at least make it
+interactive. To do that we'll give a form, and then parse the form
+ from paste.request import parse_formvars
+ def app(environ, start_response):
+ fields = parse_formvars(environ)
+ if environ['REQUEST_METHOD'] == 'POST':
+ start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
+ return ['Hello, ', fields['name'], '!']
+ else:
+ start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
+ return ['<form method="POST">Name: <input type="text" '
+ 'name="name"><input type="submit"></form>']
+The ``parse_formvars`` function just takes the WSGI environment and
+calls the `cgi <>`_
+module (the ``FieldStorage`` class) and turns that into a dictionary.
+Now For a Framework
+Now, this probably feels a bit crude. After all, we're testing for
+things like REQUEST_METHOD to handle more than one thing, and it's
+unclear how you can have more than one page.
+We want to build a framework, which is just a kind of generic
+application. In this tutorial we'll implement an *object publisher*,
+which is something you may have seen in Zope, Quixote, or CherryPy.
+Object Publishing
+In a typical Python object publisher you translate ``/`` to ``.``. So
+``/articles/view?id=5`` turns into ``root.articles.view(id=5)``. We
+have to start with some root object, of course, which we'll pass in...
+ class ObjectPublisher(object):
+ def __init__(self, root):
+ self.root = root
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ ...
+ application = ObjectPublisher(my_root_object)
+We override ``__call__`` to make instances of ``ObjectPublisher``
+callable objects, just like a function, and just like WSGI
+applications. Now all we have to do is translate that ``environ``
+into the thing we are publishing, then call that thing, then turn the
+response into what WSGI wants.
+The Path
+WSGI puts the requested path into two variables: ``SCRIPT_NAME`` and
+``PATH_INFO``. ``SCRIPT_NAME`` is everything that was used up
+*getting here*. ``PATH_INFO`` is everything left over -- it's
+the part the framework should be using to find the object. If you put
+the two back together, you get the full path used to get to where we
+are right now; this is very useful for generating correct URLs, and
+we'll make sure we preserve this.
+So here's how we might implement ``__call__``::
+ def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
+ fields = parse_formvars(environ)
+ obj = self.find_object(self.root, environ)
+ response = obj(**fields)
+ start_response('200 OK', [('content-type', 'text/html')])
+ return [response]
+ def find_object(self, obj, environ):
+ path_info = environ.get('PATH_INFO', '')
+ if not path_info or path_info == '/':
+ # We've arrived!
+ return obj
+ # PATH_INFO always starts with a /, so we'll get rid of it:
+ path_info = path_info.lstrip('/')
+ # Then split the path into the "next" chunk, and everything
+ # after it ("rest"):
+ parts = path_info.split('/', 1)
+ next = parts[0]
+ if len(parts) == 1:
+ rest = ''
+ else:
+ rest = '/' + parts[1]
+ # Hide private methods/attributes:
+ assert not next.startswith('_')
+ # Now we get the attribute; getattr(a, 'b') is equivalent
+ # to a.b...
+ next_obj = getattr(obj, next)
+ # Now fix up SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO...
+ environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] += '/' + next
+ environ['PATH_INFO'] = rest
+ # and now parse the remaining part of the URL...
+ return self.find_object(environ, next_obj)
+And that's it, we've got a framework.
+Taking It For a Ride
+Now, let's write a little application. Put that ``ObjectPublisher``
+class into a module ``objectpub``::
+ from objectpub import ObjectPublisher
+ class Root(object):
+ # The "index" method:
+ def __call__(self):
+ return '''
+ <form action="welcome">
+ Name: <input type="text" name="name">
+ <input type="submit">
+ </form>
+ '''
+ def welcome(self, name):
+ return 'Hello %s!' % name
+ application = ObjectPublisher(Root())
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from paste import httpserver
+ httpserver.serve(app, host='', port='8080')
+Alright, done! Oh, wait. There's still some big missing features,
+like how do you set headers? And instead of giving ``404 Not Found``
+responses in some places, you'll just get an attribute error. We'll
+fix those up in a later installment...
diff --git a/docs/index.txt b/docs/index.txt
index dbc6c60..b6e11f2 100644
--- a/docs/index.txt
+++ b/docs/index.txt
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Python Paste
.. comment:
- I want to put these somewhere sometime, but not place for them now...
+ I want to put these somewhere sometime, but no place for them now...
Python Paste -- 50% tastier than Elmer's!
Paste: making the web sticky.
Fix broken websites by applying Paste liberally.
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ Python Paste
Putting the P in Wep 2.0!
Frankenweb crush tiny humans!
Python Paste brings consistency to Python web development and web
application installation, providing tools for both developers and
diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
index 550181c..03f6853 100644
--- a/setup.cfg
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ docs = docs/index.txt docs/DeveloperGuidelines.txt docs/StyleGuide.txt
docs/develop-example.txt docs/developer-features.txt
docs/enabled.txt docs/install-example.txt
docs/related-projects.txt docs/news.txt
+ docs/do-it-yourself-framework.txt
exclude_modules = paste.script paste.deploy paste.webkit
paste.util.subprocess24 paste.util.doctest24
paste.util.string24 paste.util.UserDict24