path: root/docs/source
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-* Support for Python 3.2 has been dropped.
-* Added a new feature which allows users to specify custom path segments for
- controllers. This is especially useful for path segments that are not
- valid Python identifiers (such as path segments that include certain
- punctuation characters, like `/some/~path~/`).
-* Added a new configuration option, `app.debugger`, which allows developers to
- specify an alternative debugger to `pdb` (e.g., `ipdb`) when performing
- interactive debugging with pecan's `DebugMiddleware`.
-* Changed new quickstart pecan projects to default the `pecan` log level to
- `DEBUG` for development.
-* Fixed a bug that prevented `staticmethods` from being used as controllers.
-* Fixed a decoding bug in the way pecan handles certain quoted URL path
- segments and query strings.
-* Fixed several bugs in the way pecan handles Unicode path segments (for
- example, now you can define pecan routes that contain emoji characters).
-* Fixed several bugs in RestController that caused it to return `HTTP 404 Not
- Found` rather than `HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed`. Additionally,
- RestController now returns valid `Allow` headers when `HTTP 405 Method Not
- Allowed` is returned.
-* Fixed a bug which allowed special pecan methods (`_route`, `_lookup`,
- `_default`) to be marked as generic REST methods.
-* Added more emphasis in pecan's documentation to the need for `debug=False` in
- production deployments.
-* Changed pecan to more gracefully handle a few odd request encoding edge
- cases. Now pecan applications respond with an HTTP 400 (rather than an
- uncaught UnicodeDecodeError, resulting in an HTTP 500) when:
- - HTTP POST requests are composed of non-Unicode data
- - Request paths contain invalid percent-encoded characters, e.g.,
- ``/some/path/%aa/``
-* Improved verbosity for import-related errors in pecan configuration files,
- especially those involving relative imports.
-* Fixes a bug that breaks support for multi-value query string variables (e.g.,
- `?check=a&check=b`).
-* Improved detection of infinite recursion for PecanHook and pypy. This fixes
- a bug discovered in pecan + pypy that could result in infinite recursion when
- using the PecanHook metaclass.
-* Fixed a bug that prevented @exposed controllers from using @staticmethod.
-* Fixed a minor bug in the controller argument calculation.
- * For HTTP POSTs, map JSON request bodies to controller keyword arguments.
- * Improved argspec detection and leniency for wrapped controllers.
- * When path arguments are incorrect for RestController, return HTTP 404, not 400.
- * When detecting non-content for HTTP 204, properly catch UnicodeDecodeError.
- * Fixed a routing bug for generic subcontrollers.
- * Fixed a bug in generic function handling when context locals are disabled.
- * Fixed a bug that mixes up argument order for generic functions.
- * Removed `assert` for flow control; it can be optimized away with `python -O`.
-* Fixed an edge case in RestController routing which should have returned an
- HTTP 400 but was instead raising an exception (and thus, HTTP 500).
-* Fixed an incorrect root logger configuration for quickstarted pecan projects.
-* Added `pecan.state.arguments`, a new feature for inspecting controller call
- arguments.
-* Fixed an infinite recursion error in PecanHook application. Subclassing both
- `rest.RestController` and `hooks.HookController` resulted in an infinite
- recursion error in hook application (which prevented applications from
- starting).
-* Pecan's tests are now included in its source distribution.
-* Fixed a bug which causes pecan to mistakenly return HTTP 204 for non-empty
- response bodies.
-* Added support for disabling the `pecan.request` and `pecan.response`
- threadlocals at the WSGI application level in favor of explicit reference
- passing. For more information, see :ref:`contextlocals`.
-* Added better support for hook composition via subclassing and mixins. For
- more information, see :ref:`attaching_hooks`.
-* Added support for specifying custom request and response implementations at
- the WSGI application level for people who want to extend the functionality
- provided by the base classes in `webob`.
-* Pecan controllers may now return an explicit `webob.Response` instance to
- short-circuit Pecan's template rendering and serialization.
-* For generic methods that return HTTP 405, pecan now generates an `Allow`
- header to communicate acceptable methods to the client.
-* Fixed a bug in adherence to RFC2616: if an exposed method returns no response
- body (or namespace), pecan will now enforce an HTTP 204 response (instead of
- HTTP 200).
-* Fixed a bug in adherence to RFC2616: when pecan responds with HTTP 204 or
- HTTP 304, the `Content-Type` header is automatically stripped (because these
- types of HTTP responses do not contain body content).
-* Fixed a bug: now when clients request JSON via an `Accept` header, `webob`
- HTTP exceptions are serialized as JSON, not their native HTML representation.
-* Fixed a bug that broke applications which specified `default_renderer
- = json`.
-* This release adds formal support for pypy.
-* Added colored request logging to the `pecan serve` command.
-* Added a scaffold for easily generating a basic REST API.
-* Added the ability to pass arbitrary keyword arguments to
- `pecan.testing.load_test_app`.
-* Fixed a recursion-related bug in the error document middleware.
-* Fixed a bug in the `gunicorn_pecan` command that caused `threading.local`
- data to leak between eventlet/gevent green threads.
-* Improved documentation through fixes and narrative tutorials for sample pecan
- applications.
-* Fixed a trailing slash bug for `RestController`s that have a `_lookup` method.
-* Cleaned up the WSGI app reference from the threadlocal state on every request
- (to avoid potential memory leaks, especially when testing).
-* Improved pecan documentation and corrected intersphinx references.
-* pecan supports Python 3.4.
-* Removed memoization of certain controller attributes, which can lead to
- a memory leak in dynamic controller lookups.
-* Fixed several bugs for RestController.
-* Fixed a bug in security handling for generic controllers.
-* Resolved a bug in `_default` handlers used in `RestController`.
-* Persist `pecan.request.context` across internal redirects.
-* Remove a routing optimization that breaks the WSME pecan plugin.
-* Moved the project to `StackForge infrastructure
- <>`_, including Gerrit code review,
- Jenkins continuous integration, and GitHub mirroring.
-* Added a pecan plugin for the popular `uwsgi server
- <>`_.
-* Replaced the ``simplegeneric`` dependency with the new
- ``functools.singledispatch`` function in preparation for Python 3.4 support.
-* Optimized pecan's core dispatch routing for notably faster response times.
-* Made some changes to simplify how ```` is passed to new apps.
-* Fixed a routing bug for certain ``_lookup`` controller configurations.
-* Improved documentation for handling file uploads.
-* Deprecated the ``pecan.conf.requestviewer`` configuration option.
-* ``on_error`` hooks can now return a Pecan Response objects.
-* Minor documentation and release tooling updates.
-* Pecan now supports Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.2, and 3.3.
-* Add support for ``_lookup`` methods as a fallback in RestController.
-* A variety of improvements to project documentation.
-* Add a variety of optimizations to ``pecan.core`` that improve request
- handling time by approximately 30% for simple object dispatch routing.
-* Store exceptions raised by ``abort`` in the WSGI environ so they can be
- accessed later in the request handling (e.g., by other middleware or pecan
- hooks).
-* Make TransactionHook more robust so that it isn't as susceptible to failure
- when exceptions occur in *other* pecan hooks within a request.
-* Rearrange quickstart verbiage so users don't miss a necessary step.
-* Unobfuscate syntax highlighting JavaScript for debian packaging.
-* Extract the scaffold-building tests into tox.
-* Add support for specifying a pecan configuration file via the
- environment variable.
-* Fix a bug in ``DELETE`` methods in two (or more) nested ``RestControllers``.
-* Add documentation for returning specific HTTP status codes.
-* Include a license, readme, and ``requirements.txt`` in distributions.
-* Improve inspection with ``dir()`` for ``pecan.request`` and ``pecan.response``
-* Fix a bug which prevented pecan applications from being mounted at WSGI
- virtual paths.
-* Update base project scaffolding tests to be more repeatable.
-* Add an application-level configuration option to disable content-type guessing by URL
-* Fix the wrong test dependency on Jinja, it's Jinja2.
-* Fix a routing-related bug in ``RestController``. Fixes #156
-* Add an explicit ``CONTRIBUTING.rst`` document.
-* Improve visibility of deployment-related docs.
-* Add support for a ``gunicorn_pecan`` console script.
-* Remove and annotate a few unused (and py26 alternative) imports.
-* Bug fix: don't strip a dotted extension from the path unless it has a matching mimetype.
-* Add a test to the scaffold project buildout that ensures pep8 passes.
-* Fix misleading output for ``$ pecan --version``.
-* Fix a bug in ``SecureController``. Resolves #131.
-* Extract debug middleware static file dependencies into physical files.
-* Improve a test that can fail due to a race condition.
-* Improve documentation about configation format and ````.
-* Add support for content type detection via HTTP Accept headers.
-* Correct source installation instructions in ``README``.
-* Fix an incorrect code example in the Hooks documentation.
-* docs: Fix minor typo in ``*args`` Routing example.
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-.. _commands:
-Command Line Pecan
-Any Pecan application can be controlled and inspected from the command
-line using the built-in :command:`pecan` command. The usage examples
-of :command:`pecan` in this document are intended to be invoked from
-your project's root directory.
-Serving a Pecan App For Development
-Pecan comes bundled with a lightweight WSGI development server based on
-Python's :py:mod:`wsgiref.simple_server` module.
-Serving your Pecan app is as simple as invoking the ``pecan serve`` command::
- $ pecan serve
- Starting server in PID 000.
- serving on, view at
-and then visiting it in your browser.
-The server ``host`` and ``port`` in your configuration file can be changed as
-described in :ref:`server_configuration`.
-.. include:: reload.rst
- :start-after: #reload
-The Interactive Shell
-Pecan applications also come with an interactive Python shell which can be used
-to execute expressions in an environment very similar to the one your
-application runs in. To invoke an interactive shell, use the ``pecan shell``
- $ pecan shell
- Pecan Interactive Shell
- Python 2.7.1 (r271:86832, Jul 31 2011, 19:30:53)
- [GCC 4.2.1 (Based on Apple Inc. build 5658)
- The following objects are available:
- wsgiapp - This project's WSGI App instance
- conf - The current configuration
- app - webtest.TestApp wrapped around wsgiapp
- >>> conf
- Config({
- 'app': Config({
- 'root': 'myapp.controllers.root.RootController',
- 'modules': ['myapp'],
- 'static_root': '/Users/somebody/myapp/public',
- 'template_path': '/Users/somebody/myapp/project/templates',
- 'errors': {'404': '/error/404'},
- 'debug': True
- }),
- 'server': Config({
- 'host': '',
- 'port': '8080'
- })
- })
- >>> app
- < object at 0x101a830>
- >>> app.get('/')
- <200 OK text/html body='<html>\n ...\n\n'/936>
-Press ``Ctrl-D`` to exit the interactive shell (or ``Ctrl-Z`` on Windows).
-Using an Alternative Shell
-``pecan shell`` has optional support for the `IPython <>`_
-and `bpython <>`_ alternative shells, each of
-which can be specified with the ``--shell`` flag (or its abbreviated alias,
-``-s``), e.g.,
- $ pecan shell --shell=ipython
- $ pecan shell -s bpython
-.. _env_config:
-Configuration from an environment variable
-In all the examples shown, you will see that the :command:`pecan` commands
-accepted a file path to the configuration file. An alternative to this is to
-specify the configuration file in an environment variable (:envvar:`PECAN_CONFIG`).
-This is completely optional; if a file path is passed in explicitly, Pecan will
-honor that before looking for an environment variable.
-For example, to serve a Pecan application, a variable could be exported and
-subsequently be re-used when no path is passed in.
- $ export PECAN_CONFIG=/path/to/app/
- $ pecan serve
- Starting server in PID 000.
- serving on, view at
-Note that the path needs to reference a valid pecan configuration file,
-otherwise the command will error out with a message indicating that
-the path is invalid (for example, if a directory is passed in).
-If :envvar:`PECAN_CONFIG` is not set and no configuration is passed in, the command
-will error out because it will not be able to locate a configuration file.
-Extending ``pecan`` with Custom Commands
-While the commands packaged with Pecan are useful, the real utility of its
-command line toolset lies in its extensibility. It's convenient to be able to
-write a Python script that can work "in a Pecan environment" with access to
-things like your application's parsed configuration file or a simulated
-instance of your application itself (like the one provided in the ``pecan
-shell`` command).
-Writing a Custom Pecan Command
-As an example, let's create a command that can be used to issue a simulated
-HTTP GET to your application and print the result. Its invocation from the
-command line might look something like this::
- $ pecan wget /path/to/some/resource
-Let's say you have a distribution with a package in it named ``myapp``, and
-that within this package is a ```` module::
- # myapp/myapp/
- import pecan
- from webtest import TestApp
- class GetCommand(pecan.commands.BaseCommand):
- '''
- Issues a (simulated) HTTP GET and returns the request body.
- '''
- arguments = pecan.commands.BaseCommand.arguments + ({
- 'name': 'path',
- 'help': 'the URI path of the resource to request'
- },)
- def run(self, args):
- super(GetCommand, self).run(args)
- app = TestApp(self.load_app())
- print app.get(args.path).body
-Let's analyze this piece-by-piece.
-Overriding the ``run`` Method
-First, we're subclassing :class:`~pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand` and extending
-the :func:`` method to:
-* Load a Pecan application - :func:`~pecan.core.load_app`
-* Wrap it in a fake WGSI environment - :class:``
-* Issue an HTTP GET request against it - :meth:``
-Defining Custom Arguments
-The :attr:`arguments` class attribute is used to define command line arguments
-specific to your custom command. You'll notice in this example that we're
-*adding* to the arguments list provided by :class:`~pecan.commands.base.BaseCommand`
-(which already provides an argument for the ``config_file``), rather
-than overriding it entirely.
-The format of the :attr:`arguments` class attribute is a :class:`tuple` of
-dictionaries, with each dictionary representing an argument definition in the
-same format accepted by Python's :py:mod:`argparse` module (more specifically,
-:meth:`~argparse.ArgumentParser.add_argument`). By providing a list of
-arguments in this format, the :command:`pecan` command can include your custom
-commands in the help and usage output it provides.
- $ pecan -h
- usage: pecan [-h] command ...
- positional arguments:
- command
- wget Issues a (simulated) HTTP GET and returns the request body
- serve Open an interactive shell with the Pecan app loaded
- ...
- $ pecan wget -h
- usage: pecan wget [-h] config_file path
- $ pecan wget /path/to/some/resource
-Additionally, you'll notice that the first line of the docstring from
-:class:`GetCommand` -- ``Issues a (simulated) HTTP GET and returns the
-request body`` -- is automatically used to describe the :command:`wget`
-command in the output for ``$ pecan -h``. Following this convention
-allows you to easily integrate a summary for your command into the
-Pecan command line tool.
-Registering a Custom Command
-Now that you've written your custom command, you’ll need to tell your
-distribution’s ```` about its existence and reinstall. Within your
-distribution’s ```` file, you'll find a call to :func:`~setuptools.setup`.
- # myapp/
- ...
- setup(
- name='myapp',
- version='0.1',
- author='Joe Somebody',
- ...
- )
-Assuming it doesn't exist already, we'll add the ``entry_points`` argument
-to the :func:`~setuptools.setup` call, and define a ``[pecan.command]`` definition for your custom
- # myapp/
- ...
- setup(
- name='myapp',
- version='0.1',
- author='Joe Somebody',
- ...
- entry_points="""
- [pecan.command]
- wget = myapp.wget:GetCommand
- """
- )
-Once you've done this, reinstall your project in development to register the
-new entry point.
- $ python develop
-Then give it a try.
- $ pecan wget /path/to/some/resource
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-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# Pecan documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Sat Oct 9 14:41:27 2010.
-# This file is execfile()d w/ the current directory set to its containing dir.
-# Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
-# autogenerated file.
-# All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
-# serve to show the default.
-import pkg_resources
-import sys
-import os
-# If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
-# add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
-# documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-# -- General configuration ----------------------------------------------------
-# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
-#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
-# Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
-# extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx']
-intersphinx_mapping = {
- 'python': ('', None),
- 'webob': ('', None),
- 'webtest': ('', None),
- 'beaker': ('', None),
- 'paste': ('', None),
-# Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
-templates_path = ['_templates']
-# The suffix of source filenames.
-source_suffix = '.rst'
-# The encoding of source files.
-#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
-# The master toctree document.
-master_doc = 'index'
-# General information about the project.
-project = u'Pecan'
-copyright = u'2010, Jonathan LaCour'
-# The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
-# |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
-# built documents.
-# The short X.Y version.
-dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution('pecan')
-version = release = dist.version
-# The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-#release = '0.3.0'
-# The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
-# for a list of supported languages.
-#language = None
-# There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
-# non-false value, then it is used:
-#today = ''
-# Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
-#today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
-# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
-# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
-exclude_patterns = []
-# The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for documents.
-#default_role = None
-# If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
-#add_function_parentheses = True
-# If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
-# unit titles (such as .. function::).
-#add_module_names = True
-# If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
-# output. They are ignored by default.
-#show_authors = False
-# The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
-pygments_style = 'sphinx'
-# A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
-#modindex_common_prefix = []
-# -- Options for HTML output --------------------------------------------------
-# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
-# a list of builtin themes.
-html_theme = 'nature'
-# Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
-# further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
-# documentation.
-#html_theme_options = {}
-# Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
-#html_theme_path = []
-# The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
-# "<project> v<release> documentation".
-#html_title = None
-# A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
-#html_short_title = None
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
-# of the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
-# The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
-# docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
-# pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
-# Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
-# relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
-# so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
-html_static_path = ['static']
-# If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
-# using the given strftime format.
-#html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
-# If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
-# typographically correct entities.
-#html_use_smartypants = True
-# Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
-#html_sidebars = {}
-# Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
-# template names.
-#html_additional_pages = {}
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#html_domain_indices = True
-# If false, no index is generated.
-#html_use_index = True
-# If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
-#html_split_index = False
-# If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
-#html_show_sourcelink = True
-# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_sphinx = True
-# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
-#html_show_copyright = True
-# If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
-# contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
-# base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
-#html_use_opensearch = ''
-# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-#html_file_suffix = ''
-# Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'Pecandoc'
-# -- Options for LaTeX output -------------------------------------------------
-# The paper size ('letter' or 'a4').
-#latex_paper_size = 'letter'
-# The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
-#latex_font_size = '10pt'
-# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
-# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual])
-latex_documents = [
- ('index', 'Pecan.tex', u'Pecan Documentation',
- u'Jonathan LaCour', 'manual'),
-# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
-# the title page.
-#latex_logo = None
-# For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
-# not chapters.
-#latex_use_parts = False
-# If true, show page references after internal links.
-#latex_show_pagerefs = False
-# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
-#latex_show_urls = False
-# Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
-#latex_preamble = ''
-# Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
-#latex_appendices = []
-# If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_domain_indices = True
-# -- Options for manual page output -------------------------------------------
-# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
-# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
-man_pages = [
- ('index', 'pecan', u'Pecan Documentation',
- [u'Jonathan LaCour'], 1)
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-.. _configuration:
-Configuring Pecan Applications
-Pecan is very easy to configure. As long as you follow certain conventions,
-using, setting and dealing with configuration should be very intuitive.
-Pecan configuration files are pure Python. Each "section" of the
-configuration is a dictionary assigned to a variable name in the
-configuration module.
-Default Values
-Below is the complete list of default values the framework uses::
- server = {
- 'port' : '8080',
- 'host' : ''
- }
- app = {
- 'root' : None,
- 'modules' : [],
- 'static_root' : 'public',
- 'template_path' : ''
- }
-.. _application_configuration:
-Application Configuration
-The ``app`` configuration values are used by Pecan to wrap your
-application into a valid `WSGI app
-<>`_. The ``app`` configuration
-is specific to your application, and includes values like the root
-controller class location.
-A typical application configuration might look like this::
- app = {
- 'root' : 'project.controllers.root.RootController',
- 'modules' : ['project'],
- 'static_root' : '%(confdir)s/public',
- 'template_path' : '%(confdir)s/project/templates',
- 'debug' : True
- }
-Let's look at each value and what it means:
- A list of modules where pecan will search for applications.
- Generally this should contain a single item, the name of your
- project's python package. At least one of the listed modules must
- contain an ``app.setup_app`` function which is called to create the
- WSGI app. In other words, this package should be where your
- ```` file is located, and this file should contain a
- ``setup_app`` function.
- The root controller of your application. Remember to provide a
- string representing a Python path to some callable (e.g.,
- ``"yourapp.controllers.root.RootController"``).
- The directory where your static files can be found (relative to
- the project root). Pecan comes with middleware that can
- be used to serve static files (like CSS and Javascript files) during
- development.
- Points to the directory where your template files live (relative to
- the project root).
- Enables the ability to display tracebacks in the browser and interactively
- debug during development.
-.. warning::
- ``app`` is a reserved variable name for that section of the
- configuration, so make sure you don't override it.
-.. warning::
- Make sure **debug** is *always* set to ``False`` in production environments.
-.. seealso::
- * :ref:`app_template`
-.. _server_configuration:
-Server Configuration
-Pecan provides some sane defaults. Change these to alter the host and port your
-WSGI app is served on.
- server = {
- 'port' : '8080',
- 'host' : ''
- }
-Additional Configuration
-Your application may need access to other configuration values at
-runtime (like third-party API credentials). Put these settings in
-their own blocks in your configuration file.
- twitter = {
- 'api_key' : 'FOO',
- 'api_secret' : 'SECRET'
- }
-.. _accessibility:
-Accessing Configuration at Runtime
-You can access any configuration value at runtime via :py:mod:`pecan.conf`.
-This includes custom, application, and server-specific values.
-For example, if you needed to specify a global administrator, you could
-do so like this within the configuration file.
- administrator = 'foo_bar_user'
-And it would be accessible in :py:mod:`pecan.conf` as::
- >>> from pecan import conf
- >>> conf.administrator
- 'foo_bar_user'
-Dictionary Conversion
-In certain situations you might want to deal with keys and values, but in strict
-dictionary form. The :class:`~pecan.configuration.Config` object has a helper
-method for this purpose that will return a dictionary representation of the
-configuration, including nested values.
-Below is a representation of how you can access the
-:meth:`~pecan.configuration.Config.to_dict` method and what it returns as
-a result (shortened for brevity):
- >>> from pecan import conf
- >>> conf
- Config({'app': Config({'errors': {}, 'template_path': '', 'static_root': 'public', [...]
- >>> conf.to_dict()
- {'app': {'errors': {}, 'template_path': '', 'static_root': 'public', [...]
-Prefixing Dictionary Keys
-:func:`~pecan.configuration.Config.to_dict` allows you to pass an optional
-string argument if you need to prefix the keys in the returned dictionary.
- >>> from pecan import conf
- >>> conf
- Config({'app': Config({'errors': {}, 'template_path': '', 'static_root': 'public', [...]
- >>> conf.to_dict('prefixed_')
- {'prefixed_app': {'prefixed_errors': {}, 'prefixed_template_path': '', 'prefixed_static_root': 'prefixed_public', [...]
-Dotted Keys, Non-Python Idenfitiers, and Native Dictionaries
-Sometimes you want to specify a configuration option that includes dotted keys
-or is not a valid Python idenfitier, such as ``()``. These situations are
-especially common when configuring Python logging. By passing a special key,
-``__force_dict__``, individual configuration blocks can be treated as native
- logging = {
- 'root': {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['console']},
- 'loggers': {
- 'sqlalchemy.engine': {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['console']},
- '__force_dict__': True
- },
- 'formatters': {
- 'custom': {
- '()': 'my.package.customFormatter'
- }
- }
- }
- from myapp import conf
- assert isinstance(conf.logging.loggers, dict)
- assert isinstance(conf.logging.loggers['sqlalchemy.engine'], dict)
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-.. _contextlocals:
-Context/Thread-Locals vs. Explicit Argument Passing
-In any pecan application, the module-level ``pecan.request`` and
-``pecan.response`` are proxy objects that always refer to the request and
-response being handled in the current thread.
-This `thread locality` ensures that you can safely access a global reference to
-the current request and response in a multi-threaded environment without
-constantly having to pass object references around in your code; it's a feature
-of pecan that makes writing traditional web applications easier and less
-Some people feel thread-locals are too implicit or magical, and that explicit
-reference passing is much clearer and more maintainable in the long run.
-Additionally, the default implementation provided by pecan uses
-:func:`threading.local` to associate these context-local proxy objects with the
-`thread identifier` of the current server thread. In asynchronous server
-models - where lots of tasks run for short amounts of time on
-a `single` shared thread - supporting this mechanism involves monkeypatching
-:func:`threading.local` to behave in a greenlet-local manner.
-Disabling Thread-Local Proxies
-If you're certain that you `do not` want to utilize context/thread-locals in
-your project, you can do so by passing the argument
-``use_context_locals=False`` in your application's configuration file::
- app = {
- 'root': 'project.controllers.root.RootController',
- 'modules': ['project'],
- 'static_root': '%(confdir)s/public',
- 'template_path': '%(confdir)s/project/templates',
- 'debug': True,
- 'use_context_locals': False
- }
-Additionally, you'll need to update **all** of your pecan controllers to accept
-positional arguments for the current request and response::
- class RootController(object):
- @pecan.expose('json')
- def index(self, req, resp):
- return dict(method=req.method) # path: /
- @pecan.expose()
- def greet(self, req, resp, name):
- return name # path: /greet/joe
-It is *imperative* that the request and response arguments come **after**
-``self`` and before any positional form arguments.
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-.. _databases:
-Working with Databases, Transactions, and ORM's
-Pecan provides no opinionated support for working with databases, but
-it's easy to hook into your ORM of choice. This article details best
-practices for integrating the popular Python ORM, SQLAlchemy_, into
-your Pecan project.
-.. _SQLAlchemy:
-``init_model`` and Preparing Your Model
-Pecan's default quickstart project includes an empty stub directory
-for implementing your model as you see fit.
- .
- └── test_project
- ├──
- ├──
- ├── controllers
- ├── model
- │   ├──
- └── templates
-By default, this module contains a special method, :func:`init_model`.
- from pecan import conf
- def init_model():
- """
- This is a stub method which is called at application startup time.
- If you need to bind to a parsed database configuration, set up tables
- or ORM classes, or perform any database initialization, this is the
- recommended place to do it.
- For more information working with databases, and some common recipes,
- see
- """
- pass
-The purpose of this method is to determine bindings from your
-configuration file and create necessary engines, pools,
-etc. according to your ORM or database toolkit of choice.
-Additionally, your project's :py:mod:`model` module can be used to define
-functions for common binding operations, such as starting
-transactions, committing or rolling back work, and clearing a session.
-This is also the location in your project where object and relation
-definitions should be defined. Here's what a sample Pecan
-configuration file with database bindings might look like.
- # Server Specific Configurations
- server = {
- ...
- }
- # Pecan Application Configurations
- app = {
- ...
- }
- # Bindings and options to pass to SQLAlchemy's ``create_engine``
- sqlalchemy = {
- 'url' : 'mysql://root:@localhost/dbname?charset=utf8&use_unicode=0',
- 'echo' : False,
- 'echo_pool' : False,
- 'pool_recycle' : 3600,
- 'encoding' : 'utf-8'
- }
-And a basic model implementation that can be used to configure and
-bind using SQLAlchemy.
- from pecan import conf
- from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData
- from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
- Session = scoped_session(sessionmaker())
- metadata = MetaData()
- def _engine_from_config(configuration):
- configuration = dict(configuration)
- url = configuration.pop('url')
- return create_engine(url, **configuration)
- def init_model():
- conf.sqlalchemy.engine = _engine_from_config(conf.sqlalchemy)
- def start():
- Session.bind = conf.sqlalchemy.engine
- metadata.bind = Session.bind
- def commit():
- Session.commit()
- def rollback():
- Session.rollback()
- def clear():
- Session.remove()
-Binding Within the Application
-There are several approaches to wrapping your application's requests
-with calls to appropriate model function calls. One approach is WSGI
-middleware. We also recommend Pecan :ref:`hooks`. Pecan comes with
-:class:`~pecan.hooks.TransactionHook`, a hook which can be used to wrap
-requests in database transactions for you. To use it, simply include it in
-your project's ```` file and pass it a set of functions related to
-database binding.
- from pecan import conf, make_app
- from pecan.hooks import TransactionHook
- from test_project import model
- app = make_app(
- static_root =,
- template_path =,
- debug =,
- hooks = [
- TransactionHook(
- model.start,
- model.start_read_only,
- model.commit,
- model.rollback,
- model.clear
- )
- ]
- )
-In the above example, on HTTP ``POST``, ``PUT``, and ``DELETE``
-requests, :class:`~pecan.hooks.TransactionHook` takes care of the transaction
-automatically by following these rules:
-#. Before controller routing has been determined, :func:`model.start`
- is called. This function should bind to the appropriate
- SQLAlchemy engine and start a transaction.
-#. Controller code is run and returns.
-#. If your controller or template rendering fails and raises an
- exception, :func:`model.rollback` is called and the original
- exception is re-raised. This allows you to rollback your database
- transaction to avoid committing work when exceptions occur in your
- application code.
-#. If the controller returns successfully, :func:`model.commit` and
- :func:`model.clear` are called.
-On idempotent operations (like HTTP ``GET`` and ``HEAD`` requests),
-:class:`~pecan.hooks.TransactionHook` handles transactions following different
-#. ``model.start_read_only()`` is called. This function should bind
- to your SQLAlchemy engine.
-#. Controller code is run and returns.
-#. If the controller returns successfully, ``model.clear()`` is
- called.
-Also note that there is a useful :func:`~pecan.decorators.after_commit`
-decorator provided in :ref:`pecan_decorators`.
-Splitting Reads and Writes
-Employing the strategy above with :class:`~pecan.hooks.TransactionHook` makes
-it very simple to split database reads and writes based upon HTTP methods
-(i.e., GET/HEAD requests are read-only and would potentially be routed
-to a read-only database slave, while POST/PUT/DELETE requests require
-writing, and would always bind to a master database with read/write
-privileges). It's also possible to extend
-:class:`~pecan.hooks.TransactionHook` or write your own hook implementation for
-more refined control over where and when database bindings are called.
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-.. _deployment:
-Deploying Pecan in Production
-There are a variety of ways to deploy a Pecan project to a production
-environment. The following examples are meant to provide *direction*,
-not explicit instruction; deployment is usually heavily dependent upon
-the needs and goals of individual applications, so your mileage will
-probably vary.
-.. note::
- While Pecan comes packaged with a simple server *for development use*
- (:command:`pecan serve`), using a *production-ready* server similar to the ones
- described in this document is **very highly encouraged**.
-Installing Pecan
-A few popular options are available for installing Pecan in production
-* Using `setuptools <>`_. Manage
- Pecan as a dependency in your project's ```` file so that it's
- installed alongside your project (e.g., ``python
- /path/to/project/ install``). The default Pecan project
- described in :ref:`quick_start` facilitates this by including Pecan as
- a dependency for your project.
-* Using `pip <>`_.
- Use ``pip freeze`` and ``pip install`` to create and install from
- a ``requirements.txt`` file for your project.
-* Via the manual instructions found in :ref:`Installation`.
-.. note::
- Regardless of the route you choose, it's highly recommended that all
- deployment installations be done in a Python `virtual environment
- <>`_.
-Disabling Debug Mode
-.. warning::
- One of the most important steps to take before deploying a Pecan app
- into production is to ensure that you have disabled **Debug Mode**, which
- provides a development-oriented debugging environment for tracebacks
- encountered at runtime. Failure to disable this development tool in your
- production environment *will* result in serious security issues. In your
- production configuration file, ensure that ``debug`` is set to ``False``.
- ::
- # myapp/
- app = {
- ...
- 'debug': False
- }
-Pecan and WSGI
-WSGI is a Python standard that describes a standard interface between servers
-and an application. Any Pecan application is also known as a "WSGI
-application" because it implements the WSGI interface, so any server that is
-"WSGI compatible" may be used to serve your application. A few popular
-examples are:
-* `mod_wsgi <>`__
-* `uWSGI <>`__
-* `Gunicorn <>`__
-* `waitress <>`__
-* `CherryPy <>`__
-Generally speaking, the WSGI entry point to any Pecan application can be
-generated using :func:`~pecan.deploy.deploy`::
- from pecan.deploy import deploy
- application = deploy('/path/to/some/app/')
-Considerations for Static Files
-Pecan comes with static file serving (e.g., CSS, Javascript, images)
-middleware which is **not** recommended for use in production.
-In production, Pecan doesn't serve media files itself; it leaves that job to
-whichever web server you choose.
-For serving static files in production, it's best to separate your concerns by
-serving static files separately from your WSGI application (primarily for
-performance reasons). There are several popular ways to accomplish this. Here
-are two:
-1. Set up a proxy server (such as `nginx <>`__, `cherokee
- <>`__, :ref:`cherrypy`, or `lighttpd
- <>`__) to serve static files and proxy application
- requests through to your WSGI application:
- ::
- <HTTP Client> ─── <Production/Proxy Server>, e.g., Apache, nginx, cherokee ( ─── <Static Files>
- │
- ├── <WSGI Server> Instance e.g., mod_wsgi, Gunicorn, uWSGI ( or /tmp/some.sock)
- ├── <WSGI Server> Instance e.g., mod_wsgi, Gunicorn, uWSGI ( or /tmp/some.sock)
- ├── <WSGI Server> Instance e.g., mod_wsgi, Gunicorn, uWSGI ( or /tmp/some.sock)
- └── <WSGI Server> Instance e.g., mod_wsgi, Gunicorn, uWSGI ( or /tmp/some.sock)
-2. Serve static files via a separate service, virtual host, or CDN.
-Common Recipes
-Apache + mod_wsgi
-`mod_wsgi <>`_ is a popular Apache
-module which can be used to host any WSGI-compatible Python
-application (including your Pecan application).
-To get started, check out the `installation and configuration
-<>`_ for
-For the sake of example, let's say that our project, ``simpleapp``, lives at
-``/var/www/simpleapp``, and that a `virtualenv <>`_
-has been created at ``/var/www/venv`` with any necessary dependencies installed
-(including Pecan). Additionally, for security purposes, we've created a user,
-``user1``, and a group, ``group1`` to execute our application under.
-The first step is to create a ``.wsgi`` file which mod_wsgi will use
-as an entry point for your application::
- # /var/www/simpleapp/app.wsgi
- from pecan.deploy import deploy
- application = deploy('/var/www/simpleapp/')
-Next, add Apache configuration for your application. Here's a simple
- <VirtualHost *>
- ServerName
- WSGIDaemonProcess simpleapp user=user1 group=group1 threads=5 python-path=/var/www/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
- WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/simpleapp/app.wsgi
- <Directory /var/www/simpleapp/>
- WSGIProcessGroup simpleapp
- WSGIApplicationGroup %{GLOBAL}
- Order deny,allow
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
- </VirtualHost>
-For more instructions and examples of mounting WSGI applications using
-mod_wsgi, consult the `mod_wsgi Documentation`_.
-.. _mod_wsgi Documentation:
-Finally, restart Apache and give it a try.
-`uWSGI <>`_ is a fast, self-healing and
-developer/sysadmin-friendly application container server coded in pure C. It
-uses the `uwsgi <>`__
-protocol, but can speak other protocols as well (http, fastcgi...).
-Running Pecan applications with uWSGI is a snap::
- $ pip install uwsgi
- $ pecan create simpleapp && cd simpleapp
- $ python develop
- $ uwsgi --http-socket :8080 --venv /path/to/virtualenv --pecan
-or using a Unix socket (that nginx, for example, could be configured to
-`proxy to <>`_)::
- $ uwsgi -s /tmp/uwsgi.sock --venv /path/to/virtualenv --pecan
-`Gunicorn <>`__, or "Green Unicorn", is a WSGI HTTP Server for
-UNIX. It’s a pre-fork worker model ported from Ruby’s Unicorn project. It
-supports both eventlet and greenlet.
-Running a Pecan application on Gunicorn is simple. Let's walk through it with
-Pecan's default project::
- $ pip install gunicorn
- $ pecan create simpleapp && cd simpleapp
- $ python develop
- $ gunicorn_pecan
-.. _cherrypy:
-`CherryPy <>`__ offers a pure Python HTTP/1.1-compliant WSGI
-thread-pooled web server. It can support Pecan applications easily and even
-serve static files like a production server would do.
-The examples that follow are geared towards using CherryPy as the server in
-charge of handling a Pecan app along with serving static files.
- $ pip install cherrypy
- $ pecan create simpleapp && cd simpleapp
- $ python develop
-To run with CherryPy, the easiest approach is to create a script in the root of
-the project (alongside ````), so that we can describe how our example
-application should be served. This is how the script (named ````) looks::
- import os
- import cherrypy
- from cherrypy import wsgiserver
- from pecan import deploy
- simpleapp_wsgi_app = deploy('/path/to/')
- public_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'public'))
- # A dummy class for our Root object
- # necessary for some CherryPy machinery
- class Root(object):
- pass
- def make_static_config(static_dir_name):
- """
- All custom static configurations are set here, since most are common, it
- makes sense to generate them just once.
- """
- static_path = os.path.join('/', static_dir_name)
- path = os.path.join(public_path, static_dir_name)
- configuration = {
- static_path: {
- 'tools.staticdir.on': True,
- 'tools.staticdir.dir': path
- }
- }
- return cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), '/', config=configuration)
- # Assuming your app has media on different paths, like 'css', and 'images'
- application = wsgiserver.WSGIPathInfoDispatcher({
- '/': simpleapp_wsgi_app,
- '/css': make_static_config('css'),
- '/images': make_static_config('images')
- }
- )
- server = wsgiserver.CherryPyWSGIServer(('', 8080), application,
- server_name='simpleapp')
- try:
- server.start()
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- print "Terminating server..."
- server.stop()
-To start the server, simply call it with the Python executable::
- $ python
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-.. _development:
-Developing Pecan Applications Locally
-.. include:: reload.rst
- :start-after: #reload
-Debugging Pecan Applications
-Pecan comes with simple debugging middleware for helping diagnose problems
-in your applications. To enable the debugging middleware, simply set the
-``debug`` flag to ``True`` in your configuration file::
- app = {
- ...
- 'debug': True,
- ...
- }
-Once enabled, the middleware will automatically catch exceptions raised by your
-application and display the Python stack trace and WSGI environment in your
-browser when runtime exceptions are raised.
-To improve debugging, including support for an interactive browser-based
-console, Pecan makes use of the Python `backlash
-<>` library. You’ll need to install it
-for development use before continuing::
- $ pip install backlash
- Downloading/unpacking backlash
- ...
- Successfully installed backlash
-Serving Static Files
-Pecan comes with simple file serving middleware for serving CSS, Javascript,
-images, and other static files. You can configure it by ensuring that the
-following options are specified in your configuration file:
- app = {
- ...
- 'debug': True,
- 'static_root': '%(confdir)/public
- }
-where ``static_root`` is an absolute pathname to the directory in which your
-static files live. For convenience, the path may include the ``%(confdir)``
-variable, which Pecan will substitute with the absolute path of your
-configuration file at runtime.
-.. note::
- In production, ``app.debug`` should *never* be set to ``True``, so you'll
- need to serve your static files via your production web server.
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-.. _errors:
-Custom Error Documents
-In this article we will configure a Pecan application to display a custom
-error page whenever the server returns a ``404 Page Not Found`` status.
-This article assumes that you have already created a test application as
-described in :ref:`quick_start`.
-.. note::
- While this example focuses on the ``HTTP 404`` message, the same
- technique may be applied to define custom actions for any of the ``HTTP``
- status response codes in the 400 and 500 range. You are well advised to use
- this power judiciously.
-.. _overview:
-Pecan makes it simple to customize error documents in two simple steps:
- * :ref:`configure` of the HTTP status messages you want to handle
- in your application's ````
- * :ref:`controllers` to handle the status messages you have configured
-.. _configure:
-Configure Routing
-Let's configure our application ``test_project`` to route ``HTTP 404 Page
-Not Found`` messages to a custom controller.
-First, let's update ``test_project/`` to specify a new
- # Pecan Application Configurations
- app = {
- 'root' : 'test_project.controllers.root.RootController',
- 'modules' : ['test_project'],
- 'static_root' : '%(confdir)s/public',
- 'template_path' : '%(confdir)s/test_project/templates',
- 'reload' : True,
- 'debug' : True,
- # modify the 'errors' key to direct HTTP status codes to a custom
- # controller
- 'errors' : {
- #404 : '/error/404',
- 404 : '/notfound',
- '__force_dict__' : True
- }
- }
-Instead of the default error page, Pecan will now route 404 messages
-to the controller method ``notfound``.
-.. _controllers:
-Write Custom Controllers
-The easiest way to implement the error handler is to
-add it to :class:`test_project.root.RootController` class
-(typically in ``test_project/controllers/``).
- from pecan import expose
- from webob.exc import status_map
- class RootController(object):
- @expose(generic=True, template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict()
- @index.when(method='POST')
- def index_post(self, q):
- redirect('' % q)
- ## custom handling of '404 Page Not Found' messages
- @expose('error.html')
- def notfound(self):
- return dict(status=404, message="test_project does not have this page")
- @expose('error.html')
- def error(self, status):
- try:
- status = int(status)
- except ValueError:
- status = 0
- message = getattr(status_map.get(status), 'explanation', '')
- return dict(status=status, message=message)
-And that's it!
-Notice that the only bit of code we added to our :class:`RootController` was::
- ## custom handling of '404 Page Not Found' messages
- @expose('error.html')
- def notfound(self):
- return dict(status=404, message="test_project does not have this page")
-We simply :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` the ``notfound`` controller with the
-``error.html`` template (which was conveniently generated for us and placed
-under ``test_project/templates/`` when we created ``test_project``). As with
-any Pecan controller, we return a dictionary of variables for interpolation by
-the template renderer.
-Now we can modify the error template, or write a brand new one to make the 404
-error status page of ``test_project`` as pretty or fancy as we want.
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-.. _forms:
-Generating and Validating Forms
-Pecan provides no opinionated support for working with
-form generation and validation libraries, but it’s easy to import your
-library of choice with minimal effort.
-This article details best practices for integrating the popular forms library,
-`WTForms <>`_, into your Pecan project.
-Defining a Form Definition
-Let's start by building a basic form with a required ``first_name``
-field and an optional ``last_name`` field.
- from wtforms import Form, TextField, validators
- class MyForm(Form):
- first_name = TextField(u'First Name', validators=[validators.required()])
- last_name = TextField(u'Last Name', validators=[validators.optional()])
- class SomeController(object):
- pass
-Rendering a Form in a Template
-Next, let's add a controller, and pass a form instance to the template.
- from pecan import expose
- from wtforms import Form, TextField, validators
- class MyForm(Form):
- first_name = TextField(u'First Name', validators=[validators.required()])
- last_name = TextField(u'Last Name', validators=[validators.optional()])
- class SomeController(object):
- @expose(template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict(form=MyForm())
-Here's the Mako_ template file:
-.. _Mako:
-.. code-block:: html
- <form method="post" action="/">
- <div>
- ${form.first_name.label}:
- ${form.first_name}
- </div>
- <div>
- ${form.last_name.label}:
- ${form.last_name}
- </div>
- <input type="submit" value="submit">
- </form>
-Validating POST Values
-Using the same :class:`MyForm` definition, let's redirect the user if the form is
-validated, otherwise, render the form again.
-.. code-block:: python
- from pecan import expose, request
- from wtforms import Form, TextField, validators
- class MyForm(Form):
- first_name = TextField(u'First Name', validators=[validators.required()])
- last_name = TextField(u'Last Name', validators=[validators.optional()])
- class SomeController(object):
- @expose(template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- my_form = MyForm(request.POST)
- if request.method == 'POST' and my_form.validate():
- # save_values()
- redirect('/success')
- else:
- return dict(form=my_form)
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-.. _hooks:
-Pecan Hooks
-Although it is easy to use WSGI middleware with Pecan, it can be hard
-(sometimes impossible) to have access to Pecan's internals from within
-middleware. Pecan Hooks are a way to interact with the framework,
-without having to write separate middleware.
-Hooks allow you to execute code at key points throughout the life cycle of your request:
-* :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_route`: called before Pecan attempts to
- route a request to a controller
-* :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.before`: called after routing, but before
- controller code is run
-* :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.after`: called after controller code has been
- run
-* :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_error`: called when a request generates an
- exception
-Implementating a Pecan Hook
-In the below example, a simple hook will gather some information about
-the request and print it to ``stdout``.
-Your hook implementation needs to import :class:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook` so it
-can be used as a base class. From there, you'll want to override the
-:func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_route`, :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.before`,
-:func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.after`, or
-:func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_error` methods to
-define behavior.
- from pecan.hooks import PecanHook
- class SimpleHook(PecanHook):
- def before(self, state):
- print "\nabout to enter the controller..."
- def after(self, state):
- print "\nmethod: \t %s" % state.request.method
- print "\nresponse: \t %s" % state.response.status
-:func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_route`, :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.before`,
-and :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.after` are each passed a shared
-state object which includes useful information, such as the request and
-response objects, and which controller was selected by Pecan's routing::
- class SimpleHook(PecanHook):
- def on_route(self, state):
- print "\nabout to map the URL to a Python method (controller)..."
- assert state.controller is None # Routing hasn't occurred yet
- assert isinstance(state.request, webob.Request)
- assert isinstance(state.response, webob.Response)
- assert isinstance(state.hooks, list) # A list of hooks to apply
- def before(self, state):
- print "\nabout to enter the controller..."
- if state.request.path == '/':
- #
- # `state.controller` is a reference to the actual
- # `@pecan.expose()`-ed controller that will be routed to
- # and used to generate the response body
- #
- assert state.controller.__func__ is RootController.index.__func__
- assert isinstance(state.arguments, inspect.Arguments)
- print state.arguments.args
- print state.arguments.varargs
- print state.arguments.keywords
- assert isinstance(state.request, webob.Request)
- assert isinstance(state.response, webob.Response)
- assert isinstance(state.hooks, list)
-:func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_error` is passed a shared state object **and**
-the original exception. If an :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_error` handler
-returns a Response object, this response will be returned to the end user and
-no furthur :func:`~pecan.hooks.PecanHook.on_error` hooks will be executed::
- class CustomErrorHook(PecanHook):
- def on_error(self, state, exc):
- if isinstance(exc, SomeExceptionType):
- return webob.Response('Custom Error!', status=500)
-.. _attaching_hooks:
-Attaching Hooks
-Hooks can be attached in a project-wide manner by specifying a list of hooks
-in your project's configuration file.
- app = {
- 'root' : '...'
- # ...
- 'hooks': lambda: [SimpleHook()]
- }
-Hooks can also be applied selectively to controllers and their sub-controllers
-using the :attr:`__hooks__` attribute on one or more controllers and
-subclassing :class:`~pecan.hooks.HookController`.
- from pecan import expose
- from pecan.hooks import HookController
- from my_hooks import SimpleHook
- class SimpleController(HookController):
- __hooks__ = [SimpleHook()]
- @expose('json')
- def index(self):
- print "DO SOMETHING!"
- return dict()
-Now that :class:`SimpleHook` is included, let's see what happens
-when we run the app and browse the application from our web browser.
- pecan serve
- serving on view at
- about to enter the controller...
- method: GET
- response: 200 OK
-Hooks can be inherited from parent class or mixins. Just make sure to
-subclass from :class:`~pecan.hooks.HookController`.
- from pecan import expose
- from pecan.hooks import PecanHook, HookController
- class ParentHook(PecanHook):
- priority = 1
- def before(self, state):
- print "\nabout to enter the parent controller..."
- class CommonHook(PecanHook):
- priority = 2
- def before(self, state):
- print "\njust a common hook..."
- class SubHook(PecanHook):
- def before(self, state):
- print "\nabout to enter the subcontroller..."
- class SubMixin(object):
- __hooks__ = [SubHook()]
- # We'll use the same instance for both controllers,
- # to avoid double calls
- common = CommonHook()
- class SubController(HookController, SubMixin):
- __hooks__ = [common]
- @expose('json')
- def index(self):
- print "\nI AM THE SUB!"
- return dict()
- class RootController(HookController):
- __hooks__ = [common, ParentHook()]
- @expose('json')
- def index(self):
- print "\nI AM THE ROOT!"
- return dict()
- sub = SubController()
-Let's see what happens when we run the app.
-First loading the root controller:
- pecan serve
- serving on view at
- GET / HTTP/1.1" 200
- about to enter the parent controller...
- just a common hook
-Then loading the sub controller:
- pecan serve
- serving on view at
- GET /sub HTTP/1.1" 200
- about to enter the parent controller...
- just a common hook
- about to enter the subcontroller...
-.. note::
- Make sure to set proper priority values for nested hooks in order
- to get them executed in the desired order.
-.. warning::
- Two hooks of the same type will be added/executed twice, if passed as
- different instances to a parent and a child controller.
- If passed as one instance variable - will be invoked once for both controllers.
-Hooks That Come with Pecan
-Pecan includes some hooks in its core. This section will describe
-their different uses, how to configure them, and examples of common
-.. _requestviewerhook:
-This hook is useful for debugging purposes. It has access to every
-attribute the ``response`` object has plus a few others that are specific to
-the framework.
-There are two main ways that this hook can provide information about a request:
-#. Terminal or logging output (via an file-like stream like ``stdout``)
-#. Custom header keys in the actual response.
-By default, both outputs are enabled.
-.. seealso::
- * :ref:`pecan_hooks`
-Configuring RequestViewerHook
-There are a few ways to get this hook properly configured and running. However,
-it is useful to know that no actual configuration is needed to have it up and
-By default it will output information about these items:
-* path : Displays the url that was used to generate this response
-* status : The response from the server (e.g. '200 OK')
-* method : The method for the request (e.g. 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT or 'DELETE')
-* controller : The actual controller method in Pecan responsible for the response
-* params : A list of tuples for the params passed in at request time
-* hooks : Any hooks that are used in the app will be listed here.
-The default configuration will show those values in the terminal via
-``stdout`` and it will also add them to the response headers (in the
-form of ``X-Pecan-item_name``).
-This is how the terminal output might look for a `/favicon.ico` request::
- path - /favicon.ico
- status - 404 Not Found
- method - GET
- controller - The resource could not be found.
- params - []
- hooks - ['RequestViewerHook']
-In the above case, the file was not found, and the information was printed to
-`stdout`. Additionally, the following headers would be present in the HTTP
- X-Pecan-path /favicon.ico
- X-Pecan-status 404 Not Found
- X-Pecan-method GET
- X-Pecan-controller The resource could not be found.
- X-Pecan-params []
- X-Pecan-hooks ['RequestViewerHook']
-The configuration dictionary is flexible (none of the keys are required) and
-can hold two keys: ``items`` and ``blacklist``.
-This is how the hook would look if configured directly (shortened for brevity)::
- ...
- 'hooks': lambda: [
- RequestViewerHook({'items':['path']})
- ]
-Modifying Output Format
-The ``items`` list specify the information that the hook will return.
-Sometimes you will need a specific piece of information or a certain
-bunch of them according to the development need so the defaults will
-need to be changed and a list of items specified.
-.. note::
- When specifying a list of items, this list overrides completely the
- defaults, so if a single item is listed, only that item will be returned by
- the hook.
-The hook has access to every single attribute the request object has
-and not only to the default ones that are displayed, so you can fine tune the
-information displayed.
-These is a list containing all the possible attributes the hook has access to
-(directly from `webob`):
-====================== ==========================
-====================== ==========================
-accept make_tempfile
-accept_charset max_forwards
-accept_encoding method
-accept_language params
-application_url path
-as_string path_info
-authorization path_info_peek
-blank path_info_pop
-body path_qs
-body_file path_url
-body_file_raw postvars
-body_file_seekable pragma
-cache_control query_string
-call_application queryvars
-charset range
-content_length referer
-content_type referrer
-cookies relative_url
-copy remote_addr
-copy_body remote_user
-copy_get remove_conditional_headers
-date request_body_tempfile_limit
-decode_param_names scheme
-environ script_name
-from_file server_name
-from_string server_port
-get_response str_GET
-headers str_POST
-host str_cookies
-host_url str_params
-http_version str_postvars
-if_match str_queryvars
-if_modified_since unicode_errors
-if_none_match upath_info
-if_range url
-if_unmodified_since urlargs
-is_body_readable urlvars
-is_body_seekable uscript_name
-is_xhr user_agent
-====================== ==========================
-And these are the specific ones from Pecan and the hook:
- * controller
- * hooks
- * params (params is actually available from `webob` but it is parsed
- by the hook for redability)
-Blacklisting Certain Paths
-Sometimes it's annoying to get information about *every* single
-request. To limit the output, pass the list of URL paths for which
-you do not want data as the ``blacklist``.
-The matching is done at the start of the URL path, so be careful when using
-this feature. For example, if you pass a configuration like this one::
- { 'blacklist': ['/f'] }
-It would not show *any* url that starts with ``f``, effectively behaving like
-a globbing regular expression (but not quite as powerful).
-For any number of blocking you may need, just add as many items as wanted::
- { 'blacklist' : ['/favicon.ico', '/javascript', '/images'] }
-Again, the ``blacklist`` key can be used along with the ``items`` key
-or not (it is not required).
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-Introduction and History
-Welcome to Pecan, a lean Python web framework inspired by CherryPy,
-TurboGears, and Pylons. Pecan was originally created by the developers
-of `ShootQ <>`_ while working at `Pictage
-Pecan was created to fill a void in the Python web-framework world – a
-very lightweight framework that provides object-dispatch style
-routing. Pecan does not aim to be a "full stack" framework, and
-therefore includes no out of the box support for things like sessions
-or databases (although tutorials are included for integrating these
-yourself in just a few lines of code). Pecan instead focuses on HTTP
-Although it is lightweight, Pecan does offer an extensive feature set
-for building HTTP-based applications, including:
- * Object-dispatch for easy routing
- * Full support for REST-style controllers
- * Extensible security framework
- * Extensible template language support
- * Extensible JSON support
- * Easy Python-based configuration
-Narrative Documentation
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- installation.rst
- quick_start.rst
- routing.rst
- templates.rst
- rest.rst
- configuration.rst
- secure_controller.rst
- hooks.rst
- jsonify.rst
- contextlocals.rst
- commands.rst
- development.rst
- deployment.rst
- logging.rst
- testing.rst
-Cookbook and Common Patterns
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- forms.rst
- sessions.rst
- databases.rst
- errors.rst
- simple_forms_processing.rst
- simple_ajax.rst
-API Documentation
-Pecan's source code is well documented using Python docstrings and
-comments. In addition, we have generated API documentation from the
-docstrings here:
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 2
- pecan_core.rst
- pecan_commands.rst
- pecan_configuration.rst
- pecan_decorators.rst
- pecan_deploy.rst
- pecan_hooks.rst
- pecan_middleware_debug.rst
- pecan_jsonify.rst
- pecan_rest.rst
- pecan_routing.rst
- pecan_secure.rst
- pecan_templating.rst
- pecan_testing.rst
- pecan_util.rst
-Change History
-.. toctree::
- :maxdepth: 1
- changes.rst
-The Pecan framework and the documentation is BSD Licensed::
- Copyright (c) <2010>, Pecan Framework
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the <organization> nor the
- names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
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-.. _installation:
-Stable Version
-We recommend installing Pecan with `pip
-<>`_, but you
-can also try with :command:`easy_install`. Creating a spot in your environment
-where Pecan can be isolated from other packages is best practice.
-To get started with an environment for Pecan, we recommend creating a new
-`virtual environment <>`_ using `virtualenv
- $ virtualenv pecan-env
- $ cd pecan-env
- $ source bin/activate
-The above commands create a virtual environment and *activate* it. This
-will isolate Pecan's dependency installations from your system packages, making
-it easier to debug problems if needed.
-Next, let's install Pecan::
- $ pip install pecan
-Development (Unstable) Version
-If you want to run the latest development version of Pecan you will
-need to install git and clone the repo from GitHub::
- $ git clone
-Assuming your virtual environment is still activated, call ```` to
-install the development version.::
- $ cd pecan
- $ python develop
-.. note::
- The ``master`` development branch is volatile and is generally not
- recommended for production use.
-Alternatively, you can also install from GitHub directly with ``pip``.::
- $ pip install -e git://
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-.. _jsonify:
-JSON Serialization
-Pecan includes a simple, easy-to-use system for generating and serving
-JSON. To get started, create a file in your project called
-```` and import it in your project's ````.
-Your ``json`` module will contain a series of rules for generating
-JSON from objects you return in your controller.
-Let's say that we have a controller in our Pecan application which
-we want to use to return JSON output for a :class:`User` object::
- from myproject.lib import get_current_user
- class UsersController(object):
- @expose('json')
- def current_user(self):
- '''
- return an instance of myproject.model.User which represents
- the current authenticated user
- '''
- return get_current_user()
-In order for this controller to function, Pecan will need to know how to
-convert the :class:`User` object into data types compatible with JSON. One
-way to tell Pecan how to convert an object into JSON is to define a
-rule in your ````::
- from pecan.jsonify import jsonify
- from myproject import model
- @jsonify.register(model.User)
- def jsonify_user(user):
- return dict(
- name =,
- email =,
- birthday = user.birthday.isoformat()
- )
-In this example, when an instance of the :class:`model.User` class is
-returned from a controller which is configured to return JSON, the
-:func:`jsonify_user` rule will be called to convert the object to
-JSON-compatible data. Note that the rule does not generate a JSON
-string, but rather generates a Python dictionary which contains only
-JSON friendly data types.
-Alternatively, the rule can be specified on the object itself, by
-specifying a :func:`__json__` method in the class::
- class User(object):
- def __init__(self, name, email, birthday):
- = name
- = email
- self.birthday = birthday
- def __json__(self):
- return dict(
- name =,
- email =,
- birthday = self.birthday.isoformat()
- )
-The benefit of using a ```` module is having all of your JSON
-rules defined in a central location, but some projects prefer the
-simplicity of keeping the JSON rules attached directly to their
-model objects.
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-.. _logging:
-Pecan uses the Python standard library's :py:mod:`logging` module by passing
-logging configuration options into the `logging.config.dictConfig`_
-function. The full documentation for the :func:`dictConfig` format is
-the best source of information for logging configuration, but to get
-you started, this chapter will provide you with a few simple examples.
-.. _logging.config.dictConfig:
-Configuring Logging
-Sample logging configuration is provided with the quickstart project
-introduced in :ref:`quick_start`:
- $ pecan create myapp
-The default configuration defines one handler and two loggers.
- # myapp/
- app = { ... }
- server = { ... }
- logging = {
- 'root' : {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['console']},
- 'loggers': {
- 'myapp': {'level': 'DEBUG', 'handlers': ['console']}
- },
- 'handlers': {
- 'console': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- 'formatter': 'simple'
- }
- },
- 'formatters': {
- 'simple': {
- 'format': ('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s]'
- '[%(threadName)s] %(message)s')
- }
- }
- }
-* ``console`` logs messages to ``stderr`` using the ``simple`` formatter.
-* ``myapp`` logs messages sent at a level above or equal to ``DEBUG`` to
- the ``console`` handler
-* ``root`` logs messages at a level above or equal to the ``INFO`` level to
- the ``console`` handler
-Writing Log Messages in Your Application
-The logger named ``myapp`` is reserved for your usage in your Pecan
-Once you have configured your logging, you can place logging calls in your
-code. Using the logging framework is very simple.
- # myapp/myapp/controllers/
- from pecan import expose
- import logging
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- if bad_stuff():
- logger.error('Uh-oh!')
- return dict()
-Logging to Files and Other Locations
-Python's :py:mod:`logging` library defines a variety of handlers that assist in
-writing logs to file. A few interesting ones are:
-* :class:`~logging.FileHandler` - used to log messages to a file on the filesystem
-* :class:`~logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler` - similar to
- :class:`~logging.FileHandler`, but also rotates logs
- periodically
-* :class:`~logging.handlers.SysLogHandler` - used to log messages to a UNIX syslog
-* :class:`~logging.handlers.SMTPHandler` - used to log messages to an email
- address via SMTP
-Using any of them is as simple as defining a new handler in your
-application's ``logging`` block and assigning it to one of more loggers.
-Logging Requests with Paste Translogger
-`Paste <>`_ (which is not included with Pecan) includes
-the :class:`~paste.translogger.TransLogger` middleware
-for logging requests in `Apache Combined Log Format
-<>`_. Combined with
-file-based logging, TransLogger can be used to create an ``access.log`` file
-similar to ``Apache``.
-To add this middleware, modify your the ``setup_app`` method in your
-project's ```` as follows::
- # myapp/myapp/
- from pecan import make_app
- from paste.translogger import TransLogger
- def setup_app(config):
- # ...
- app = make_app(
- # ...
- )
- app = TransLogger(app, setup_console_handler=False)
- return app
-By default, :class:`~paste.translogger.TransLogger` creates a logger named
-``wsgi``, so you'll need to specify a new (file-based) handler for this logger
-in our Pecan configuration file::
- # myapp/
- app = { ... }
- server = { ... }
- logging = {
- 'loggers': {
- # ...
- 'wsgi': {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['logfile'], 'qualname': 'wsgi'}
- },
- 'handlers': {
- # ...
- 'logfile': {
- 'class': 'logging.FileHandler',
- 'filename': '/etc/access.log',
- 'level': 'INFO',
- 'formatter': 'messageonly'
- }
- },
- 'formatters': {
- # ...
- 'messageonly': {'format': '%(message)s'}
- }
- }
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-.. _pecan_commands:
-:mod:`pecan.commands` -- Pecan Commands
-The :mod:`pecan.commands` module implements the ``pecan`` console script
-used to provide (for example) ``pecan serve`` and ``pecan shell`` command line
-.. automodule:: pecan.commands.base
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
-:mod:`pecan.commands.server` -- Pecan Development Server
-.. automodule:: pecan.commands.serve
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
-:mod:`` -- Pecan Interactive Shell
-.. automodule::
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
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-.. _pecan_configuration:
-:mod:`pecan.configuration` -- Pecan Configuration Engine
-The :mod:`pecan.configuration` module provides an implementation of a
-Python-based configuration engine for Pecan applications.
-.. automodule:: pecan.configuration
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_core:
-:mod:`pecan.core` -- Pecan Core
-The :mod:`pecan.core` module is the base module for creating and extending
-Pecan. The core logic for processing HTTP requests and responses lives
-.. automodule:: pecan.core
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_decorators:
-:mod:`pecan.decorators` -- Pecan Decorators
-The :mod:`pecan.decorators` module includes useful decorators for
-creating Pecan applications.
-.. automodule:: pecan.decorators
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_deploy:
-:mod:`pecan.deploy` -- Pecan Deploy
-The :mod:`pecan.deploy` module includes fixtures to help deploy Pecan
-.. automodule:: pecan.deploy
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
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-.. _pecan_hooks:
-:mod:`pecan.hooks` -- Pecan Hooks
-The :mod:`pecan.hooks` module includes support for creating Pecan
-``hooks`` which are a simple way to hook into the request processing
-of requests coming into your application to perform cross-cutting tasks.
-.. automodule:: pecan.hooks
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_jsonify:
-:mod:`pecan.jsonify` -- Pecan ``JSON`` Support
-The :mod:`pecan.jsonify` module includes support for ``JSON`` rule
-creation using generic functions.
-.. automodule:: pecan.jsonify
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_middleware_debug:
-:mod:`pecan.middleware.debug` -- Pecan Debugging Middleware
-.. automodule:: pecan.middleware.debug
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
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-.. _pecan_rest:
-:mod:`` -- Pecan ``REST`` Controller
-The :mod:`` module includes support for writing fully
-``RESTful`` controllers in your Pecan application.
-.. automodule::
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_routing:
-:mod:`pecan.routing` -- Pecan Routing
-The :mod:`pecan.routing` module is the basis for all object-dispatch
-routing in Pecan.
-.. automodule:: pecan.routing
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_secure:
-:mod:`` -- Pecan Secure Controllers
-The :mod:`` module includes a basic framework for building
-security into your applications.
-.. automodule::
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
-.. autoclass::
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
-.. autoclass::
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
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-.. _pecan_templating:
-:mod:`pecan.templating` -- Pecan Templating
-The :mod:`pecan.templating` module includes support for a variety of
-templating engines, plus the ability to create your own template
-.. automodule:: pecan.templating
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _pecan_testing:
-:mod:`pecan.testing` -- Pecan Testing
-The :mod:`pecan.testing` module includes fixtures to help test Pecan
-.. automodule:: pecan.testing
- :members:
- :show-inheritance:
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-.. _pecan_util:
-:mod:`pecan.util` -- Pecan Utils
-The :mod:`pecan.util` module includes utility functions for Pecan.
-.. automodule:: pecan.util
- :members:
- :show-inheritance: \ No newline at end of file
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-.. _quick_start:
-Creating Your First Pecan Application
-Let's create a small sample project with Pecan.
-.. note::
- This guide does not cover the installation of Pecan. If you need
- instructions for installing Pecan, refer to :ref:`installation`.
-.. _app_template:
-Base Application Template
-Pecan includes a basic template for starting a new project. From your
-shell, type::
- $ pecan create test_project
-This example uses *test_project* as your project name, but you can replace
-it with any valid Python package name you like.
-Go ahead and change into your newly created project directory.::
- $ cd test_project
-You'll want to deploy it in "development mode", such that it’s
-available on :mod:`sys.path`, yet can still be edited directly from its
-source distribution::
- $ python develop
-Your new project contain these files::
- $ ls
- ├──
- ├──
- ├── public
- │   ├── css
- │   │   └── style.css
- │   └── images
- ├── setup.cfg
- ├──
- └── test_project
-    ├──
-    ├──
-    ├── controllers
-    │   ├──
-    │   └──
-    ├── model
-    │   └──
-    ├── templates
-    │   ├── error.html
-    │   ├── index.html
-    │   └── layout.html
-    └── tests
-    ├──
-    ├──
-    ├──
-    └──
-The number of files and directories may vary based on the version of
-Pecan, but the above structure should give you an idea of what to
-Let's review the files created by the template.
- All your static files (like CSS, Javascript, and images) live here.
- Pecan comes with a simple file server that serves these static files
- as you develop.
-Pecan application structure generally follows the MVC_ pattern. The
-directories under ``test_project`` encompass your models, controllers
-and templates.
-.. _MVC:–view–controller
- The container directory for your controller files.
- All your templates go in here.
- Container for your model files.
-Finally, a directory to house unit and integration tests:
- All of the tests for your application.
-The ``test_project/`` file controls how the Pecan application will be
-created. This file must contain a :func:`setup_app` function which returns the
-WSGI application object. Generally you will not need to modify the ````
-file provided by the base application template unless you need to customize
-your app in a way that cannot be accomplished using config. See
-:ref:`python_based_config` below.
-To avoid unneeded dependencies and to remain as flexible as possible,
-Pecan doesn't impose any database or ORM (`Object Relational
-Mapper`_). If your project will interact with a database, you can add
-code to ``model/`` to load database bindings from your
-configuration file and define tables and ORM definitions.
-.. _Object Relational Mapper:
-.. _running_application:
-Running the Application
-The base project template creates the configuration file with the
-basic settings you need to run your Pecan application in
-````. This file includes the host and port to run the server
-on, the location where your controllers and templates are stored on
-disk, and the name of the directory containing any static files.
-If you just run :command:`pecan serve`, passing ```` as the
-configuration file, it will bring up the development server and serve
-the app::
- $ pecan serve
- Starting server in PID 000.
- serving on, view at
-The location for the configuration file and the argument itself are very
-flexible - you can pass an absolute or relative path to the file.
-.. _python_based_config:
-Python-Based Configuration
-For ease of use, Pecan configuration files are pure Python--they're even saved
-as ``.py`` files.
-This is how your default (generated) configuration file should look::
- # Server Specific Configurations
- server = {
- 'port': '8080',
- 'host': ''
- }
- # Pecan Application Configurations
- app = {
- 'root': '${package}.controllers.root.RootController',
- 'modules': ['${package}'],
- 'static_root': '%(confdir)s/public',
- 'template_path': '%(confdir)s/${package}/templates',
- 'debug': True,
- 'errors': {
- '404': '/error/404',
- '__force_dict__': True
- }
- }
- logging = {
- 'loggers': {
- 'root' : {'level': 'INFO', 'handlers': ['console']},
- '${package}': {'level': 'DEBUG', 'handlers': ['console']}
- },
- 'handlers': {
- 'console': {
- 'level': 'DEBUG',
- 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
- 'formatter': 'simple'
- }
- },
- 'formatters': {
- 'simple': {
- 'format': ('%(asctime)s %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s]'
- '[%(threadName)s] %(message)s')
- }
- }
- }
- # Custom Configurations must be in Python dictionary format::
- #
- # foo = {'bar':'baz'}
- #
- # All configurations are accessible at::
- # pecan.conf
-You can also add your own configuration as Python dictionaries.
-There's a lot to cover here, so we'll come back to configuration files in
-a later chapter (:ref:`Configuration`).
-The Application Root
-The **Root Controller** is the entry point for your application. You
-can think of it as being analogous to your application's root URL path
-(in our case, ``http://localhost:8080/``).
-This is how it looks in the project template
- from pecan import expose
- from webob.exc import status_map
- class RootController(object):
- @expose(generic=True, template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict()
- @index.when(method='POST')
- def index_post(self, q):
- redirect('' % q)
- @expose('error.html')
- def error(self, status):
- try:
- status = int(status)
- except ValueError:
- status = 0
- message = getattr(status_map.get(status), 'explanation', '')
- return dict(status=status, message=message)
-You can specify additional classes and methods if you need to do so, but for
-now, let's examine the sample project, controller by controller::
- @expose(generic=True, template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict()
-The :func:`index` method is marked as *publicly available* via the
-:func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` decorator (which in turn uses the
-``index.html`` template) at the root of the application
-(, so any HTTP ``GET`` that hits the root of your
-application (``/``) will be routed to this method.
-Notice that the :func:`index` method returns a Python dictionary. This dictionary
-is used as a namespace to render the specified template (``index.html``) into
-HTML, and is the primary mechanism by which data is passed from controller to
- @index.when(method='POST')
- def index_post(self, q):
- redirect('' % q)
-The :func:`index_post` method receives one HTTP ``POST`` argument (``q``). Because
-the argument ``method`` to :func:`@index.when` has been set to ``'POST'``, any
-HTTP ``POST`` to the application root (in the example project, a form
-submission) will be routed to this method.
- @expose('error.html')
- def error(self, status):
- try:
- status = int(status)
- except ValueError:
- status = 0
- message = getattr(status_map.get(status), 'explanation', '')
- return dict(status=status, message=message)
-Finally, we have the :func:`error` method, which allows the application to display
-custom pages for certain HTTP errors (``404``, etc...).
-Running the Tests For Your Application
-Your application comes with a few example tests that you can run, replace, and
-add to. To run them::
- $ python test -q
- running test
- running egg_info
- writing requirements to sam.egg-info/requires.txt
- writing sam.egg-info/PKG-INFO
- writing top-level names to sam.egg-info/top_level.txt
- writing dependency_links to sam.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
- reading manifest file 'sam.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
- reading manifest template ''
- writing manifest file 'sam.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
- running build_ext
- ....
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ran 4 tests in 0.009s
- OK
-The tests themselves can be found in the ``tests`` module in your project.
-Deploying to a Web Server
-Ready to deploy your new Pecan app? Take a look at :ref:`deployment`.
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-Reloading Automatically as Files Change
-Pausing to restart your development server as you work can be interruptive, so
-:command:`pecan serve` provides a ``--reload`` flag to make life easier.
-To provide this functionality, Pecan makes use of the Python
-`watchdog <>`_ library. You'll need to
-install it for development use before continuing::
- $ pip install watchdog
- Downloading/unpacking watchdog
- ...
- Successfully installed watchdog
- $ pecan serve --reload
- Monitoring for changes...
- Starting server in PID 000.
- serving on, view at
-As you work, Pecan will listen for any file or directory modification
-events in your project and silently restart your server process in the
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-.. _rest:
-Writing RESTful Web Services with Generic Controllers
-Pecan simplifies RESTful web services by providing a way to overload URLs based
-on the request method. For most API's, the use of `generic controller`
-definitions give you everything you need to build out robust RESTful
-interfaces (and is the *recommended* approach to writing RESTful web services
-in pecan):
- from pecan import abort, expose
- # Note: this is *not* thread-safe. In real life, use a persistent data store.
- BOOKS = {
- '0': 'The Last of the Mohicans',
- '1': 'Catch-22'
- }
- class BookController(object):
- def __init__(self, id_):
- self.id_ = id_
- assert
- @property
- def book(self):
- if self.id_ in BOOKS:
- return dict(id=self.id_, name=BOOKS[self.id_])
- abort(404)
- # HTTP GET /<id>/
- @expose(generic=True, template='json')
- def index(self):
- return
- # HTTP PUT /<id>/
- @index.when(method='PUT', template='json')
- def index_PUT(self, **kw):
- BOOKS[self.id_] = kw['name']
- return
- # HTTP DELETE /<id>/
- @index.when(method='DELETE', template='json')
- def index_DELETE(self):
- del BOOKS[self.id_]
- return dict()
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def _lookup(self, id_, *remainder):
- return BookController(id_), remainder
- # HTTP GET /
- @expose(generic=True, template='json')
- def index(self):
- return [dict(id=k, name=v) for k, v in BOOKS.items()]
- @index.when(method='POST', template='json')
- def index_POST(self, **kw):
- id_ = len(BOOKS)
- BOOKS[id_] = kw['name']
- return dict(id=id_, name=kw['name'])
-Writing RESTful Web Services with RestController
-.. _TurboGears2:
-For compatability with the TurboGears2_ library, Pecan also provides
-a class-based solution to RESTful routing, :class:``:
- from pecan import expose
- from import RestController
- from mymodel import Book
- class BooksController(RestController):
- @expose()
- def get(self, id):
- book = Book.get(id)
- if not book:
- abort(404)
- return book.title
-URL Mapping
-By default, :class:`` routes as follows:
-| Method | Description | Example Method(s) / URL(s) |
-| get_one | Display one record. | GET /books/1 |
-| get_all | Display all records in a resource. | GET /books/ |
-| get | A combo of get_one and get_all. | GET /books/ |
-| | +--------------------------------------------+
-| | | GET /books/1 |
-| new | Display a page to create a new resource. | GET /books/new |
-| edit | Display a page to edit an existing resource. | GET /books/1/edit |
-| post | Create a new record. | POST /books/ |
-| put | Update an existing record. | POST /books/1?_method=put |
-| | +--------------------------------------------+
-| | | PUT /books/1 |
-| get_delete | Display a delete confirmation page. | GET /books/1/delete |
-| delete | Delete an existing record. | POST /books/1?_method=delete |
-| | +--------------------------------------------+
-| | | DELETE /books/1 |
-Pecan's :class:`` uses the ``?_method=`` query string
-to work around the lack of support for the PUT and DELETE verbs when
-submitting forms in most current browsers.
-In addition to handling REST, the :class:`` also
-supports the :meth:`index`, :meth:`_default`, and :meth:`_lookup`
-routing overrides.
-.. warning::
- If you need to override :meth:`_route`, make sure to call
- :func:`RestController._route` at the end of your custom method so
- that the REST routing described above still occurs.
-Nesting ``RestController``
-:class:`` instances can be nested so that child
-resources receive the parameters necessary to look up parent resources.
-For example::
- from pecan import expose
- from import RestController
- from mymodel import Author, Book
- class BooksController(RestController):
- @expose()
- def get(self, author_id, id):
- author = Author.get(author_id)
- if not author_id:
- abort(404)
- book = author.get_book(id)
- if not book:
- abort(404)
- return book.title
- class AuthorsController(RestController):
- books = BooksController()
- @expose()
- def get(self, id):
- author = Author.get(id)
- if not author:
- abort(404)
- return
- class RootController(object):
- authors = AuthorsController()
-Accessing ``/authors/1/books/2`` invokes :func:`BooksController.get` with
-``author_id`` set to ``1`` and ``id`` set to ``2``.
-To determine which arguments are associated with the parent resource, Pecan
-looks at the :func:`get_one` then :func:`get` method signatures, in that order,
-in the parent controller. If the parent resource takes a variable number of
-arguments, Pecan will pass it everything up to the child resource controller
-name (e.g., ``books`` in the above example).
-Defining Custom Actions
-In addition to the default methods defined above, you can add additional
-behaviors to a :class:`` by defining a special
-For example::
- from pecan import expose
- from import RestController
- from mymodel import Book
- class BooksController(RestController):
- _custom_actions = {
- 'checkout': ['POST']
- }
- @expose()
- def checkout(self, id):
- book = Book.get(id)
- if not book:
- abort(404)
- book.checkout()
-:attr:`_custom_actions` maps method names to the list of valid HTTP
-verbs for those custom actions. In this case :func:`checkout` supports
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-.. _routing:
-Controllers and Routing
-Pecan uses a routing strategy known as **object-dispatch** to map an
-HTTP request to a controller, and then the method to call.
-Object-dispatch begins by splitting the path into a list of components
-and then walking an object path, starting at the root controller. You
-can imagine your application's controllers as a tree of objects
-(branches of the object tree map directly to URL paths).
-Let's look at a simple bookstore application:
- from pecan import expose
- class BooksController(object):
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return "Welcome to book section."
- @expose()
- def bestsellers(self):
- return "We have 5 books in the top 10."
- class CatalogController(object):
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return "Welcome to the catalog."
- books = BooksController()
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return "Welcome to!"
- @expose()
- def hours(self):
- return "Open 24/7 on the web."
- catalog = CatalogController()
-A request for ``/catalog/books/bestsellers`` from the online store would
-begin with Pecan breaking the request up into ``catalog``, ``books``, and
-``bestsellers``. Next, Pecan would lookup ``catalog`` on the root
-controller. Using the ``catalog`` object, Pecan would then lookup
-``books``, followed by ``bestsellers``. What if the URL ends in a slash?
-Pecan will check for an ``index`` method on the last controller object.
-To illustrate further, the following paths:
-    └── /
-    ├── /hours
-    └── /catalog
-    └── /catalog/books
-    └── /catalog/books/bestsellers
-route to the following controller methods:
-    └── RootController.index
-    ├── RootController.hours
-    └── CatalogController.index
-    └── BooksController.index
-    └── BooksController.bestsellers
-Exposing Controllers
-You tell Pecan which methods in a class are publically-visible via
-:func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`. If a method is *not* decorated with
-:func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`, Pecan will never route a request to it.
-:func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` accepts three optional parameters, some of
-which can impact routing and the content type of the response body.
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose(
- template = None,
- content_type = 'text/html',
- generic = False
- )
- def hello(self):
- return 'Hello World'
-Let's look at an example using ``template`` and ``content_type``:
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose('json')
- @expose('text_template.mako', content_type='text/plain')
- @expose('html_template.mako')
- def hello(self):
- return {'msg': 'Hello!'}
-You'll notice that we called :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` three times, with
-different arguments.
- @expose('json')
-The first tells Pecan to serialize the response namespace using JSON
-serialization when the client requests ``/hello.json``.
- @expose('text_template.mako', content_type='text/plain')
-The second tells Pecan to use the ``text_template.mako`` template file when the
-client requests ``/hello.txt``.
- @expose('html_template.mako')
-The third tells Pecan to use the ``html_template.mako`` template file when the
-client requests ``/hello.html``. If the client requests ``/hello``, Pecan will
-use the ``text/html`` content type by default.
-.. seealso::
- * :ref:`pecan_decorators`
-Specifying Explicit Path Segments
-Occasionally, you may want to use a path segment in your routing that doesn't
-work with Pecan's declarative approach to routing because of restrictions in
-Python's syntax. For example, if you wanted to route for a path that includes
-dashes, such as ``/some-path/``, the following is *not* valid Python::
- class RootController(object):
- @pecan.expose()
- def some-path(self):
- return dict()
-To work around this, pecan allows you to specify an explicit path segment in
-the :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` decorator::
- class RootController(object):
- @pecan.expose(route='some-path')
- def some_path(self):
- return dict()
-In this example, the pecan application will reply with an ``HTTP 200`` for
-requests made to ``/some-path/``, but requests made to ``/some_path/`` will
-yield an ``HTTP 404``.
-:func:`~pecan.routing.route` can also be used explicitly as an alternative to
-the ``route`` argument in :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`::
- class RootController(object):
- @pecan.expose()
- def some_path(self):
- return dict()
- pecan.route('some-path', RootController.some_path)
-Routing to child controllers can be handled simliarly by utilizing
- class ChildController(object):
- @pecan.expose()
- def child(self):
- return dict()
- class RootController(object):
- pass
- pecan.route(RootController, 'child-path', ChildController())
-In this example, the pecan application will reply with an ``HTTP 200`` for
-requests made to ``/child-path/child/``.
-Routing Based on Request Method
-The ``generic`` argument to :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` provides support for overloading URLs
-based on the request method. In the following example, the same URL can be
-serviced by two different methods (one for handling HTTP ``GET``, another for
-HTTP ``POST``) using `generic controllers`:
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- # HTTP GET /
- @expose(generic=True, template='json')
- def index(self):
- return dict()
- @index.when(method='POST', template='json')
- def index_POST(self, **kw):
- uuid = create_something()
- return dict(uuid=uuid)
-Pecan's Routing Algorithm
-Sometimes, the standard object-dispatch routing isn't adequate to properly
-route a URL to a controller. Pecan provides several ways to short-circuit
-the object-dispatch system to process URLs with more control, including the
-special :func:`_lookup`, :func:`_default`, and :func:`_route` methods. Defining
-these methods on your controller objects provides additional flexibility for
-processing all or part of a URL.
-Routing to Subcontrollers with ``_lookup``
-The :func:`_lookup` special method provides a way to process a portion of a URL,
-and then return a new controller object to route to for the remainder.
-A :func:`_lookup` method may accept one or more arguments, segments
-of the URL path to be processed (split on
-``/``). :func:`_lookup` should also take variable positional arguments
-representing the rest of the path, and it should include any portion
-of the path it does not process in its return value. The example below
-uses a ``*remainder`` list which will be passed to the returned
-controller when the object-dispatch algorithm continues.
-In addition to being used for creating controllers dynamically,
-:func:`_lookup` is called as a last resort, when no other controller
-method matches the URL and there is no :func:`_default` method.
- from pecan import expose, abort
- from somelib import get_student_by_name
- class StudentController(object):
- def __init__(self, student):
- self.student = student
- @expose()
- def name(self):
- return
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def _lookup(self, primary_key, *remainder):
- student = get_student_by_primary_key(primary_key)
- if student:
- return StudentController(student), remainder
- else:
- abort(404)
-An HTTP GET request to ``/8/name`` would return the name of the student
-where ``primary_key == 8``.
-Falling Back with ``_default``
-The :func:`_default` method is called as a last resort when no other controller
-methods match the URL via standard object-dispatch.
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def english(self):
- return 'hello'
- @expose()
- def french(self):
- return 'bonjour'
- @expose()
- def _default(self):
- return 'I cannot say hello in that language'
-In the example above, a request to ``/spanish`` would route to
-Defining Customized Routing with ``_route``
-The :func:`_route` method allows a controller to completely override the routing
-mechanism of Pecan. Pecan itself uses the :func:`_route` method to implement its
-:class:``. If you want to design an alternative
-routing system on top of Pecan, defining a base controller class that defines
-a :func:`_route` method will enable you to have total control.
-Interacting with the Request and Response Object
-For every HTTP request, Pecan maintains a :ref:`thread-local reference
-<contextlocals>` to the request and response object, ``pecan.request`` and
-``pecan.response``. These are instances of :class:`pecan.Request`
-and :class:`pecan.Response`, respectively, and can be interacted with
-from within Pecan controller code::
- @pecan.expose()
- def login(self):
- assert pecan.request.path == '/login'
- username = pecan.request.POST.get('username')
- password = pecan.request.POST.get('password')
- pecan.response.status = 403
- pecan.response.text = 'Bad Login!'
-While Pecan abstracts away much of the need to interact with these objects
-directly, there may be situations where you want to access them, such as:
-* Inspecting components of the URI
-* Determining aspects of the request, such as the user's IP address, or the
- referer header
-* Setting specific response headers
-* Manually rendering a response body
-Specifying a Custom Response
-Set a specific HTTP response code (such as ``203 Non-Authoritative Information``) by
-modifying the ``status`` attribute of the response object.
- from pecan import expose, response
- class RootController(object):
- @expose('json')
- def hello(self):
- response.status = 203
- return {'foo': 'bar'}
-Use the utility function :func:`~pecan.core.abort` to raise HTTP errors.
- from pecan import expose, abort
- class RootController(object):
- @expose('json')
- def hello(self):
- abort(404)
-:func:`~pecan.core.abort` raises an instance of
-:class:`~webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException` which is used by Pecan to render
-default response bodies for HTTP errors. This exception is stored in
-the WSGI request environ at ``pecan.original_exception``, where it
-can be accessed later in the request cycle (by, for example, other
-middleware or :ref:`errors`).
-If you'd like to return an explicit response, you can do so using
- from pecan import expose, Response
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def hello(self):
- return Response('Hello, World!', 202)
-Extending Pecan's Request and Response Object
-The request and response implementations provided by WebOb are powerful, but
-at times, it may be useful to extend application-specific behavior onto your
-request and response (such as specialized parsing of request headers or
-customized response body serialization). To do so, define custom classes that
-inherit from ``pecan.Request`` and ``pecan.Response``, respectively::
- class MyRequest(pecan.Request):
- pass
- class MyResponse(pecan.Response):
- pass
-and modify your application configuration to use them::
- from myproject import MyRequest, MyResponse
- app = {
- 'root' : 'project.controllers.root.RootController',
- 'modules' : ['project'],
- 'static_root' : '%(confdir)s/public',
- 'template_path' : '%(confdir)s/project/templates',
- 'request_cls': MyRequest,
- 'response_cls': MyResponse
- }
-Mapping Controller Arguments
-In Pecan, HTTP ``GET`` and ``POST`` variables that are not consumed
-during the routing process can be passed onto the controller method as
-Depending on the signature of the method, these arguments can be mapped
-explicitly to arguments:
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def index(self, arg):
- return arg
- @expose()
- def kwargs(self, **kwargs):
- return str(kwargs)
- $ curl http://localhost:8080/?arg=foo
- foo
- $ curl http://localhost:8080/kwargs?a=1&b=2&c=3
- {u'a': u'1', u'c': u'3', u'b': u'2'}
-or can be consumed positionally:
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def args(self, *args):
- return ','.join(args)
- $ curl http://localhost:8080/args/one/two/three
- one,two,three
-The same effect can be achieved with HTTP ``POST`` body variables:
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def index(self, arg):
- return arg
- $ curl -X POST "http://localhost:8080/" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "arg=foo"
- foo
-Static File Serving
-Because Pecan gives you direct access to the underlying
-:class:`~webob.request.Request`, serving a static file download is as simple as
-setting the WSGI ``app_iter`` and specifying the content type::
- import os
- from random import choice
- from webob.static import FileIter
- from pecan import expose, response
- class RootController(object):
- @expose(content_type='image/gif')
- def gifs(self):
- filepath = choice((
- "/path/to/funny/gifs/catdance.gif",
- "/path/to/funny/gifs/babydance.gif",
- "/path/to/funny/gifs/putindance.gif"
- ))
- f = open(filepath, 'rb')
- response.app_iter = FileIter(f)
- response.headers[
- 'Content-Disposition'
- ] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(
-If you don't know the content type ahead of time (for example, if you're
-retrieving files and their content types from a data store), you can specify
-it via ``response.headers`` rather than in the :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`
- import os
- from mimetypes import guess_type
- from webob.static import FileIter
- from pecan import expose, response
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def download(self):
- f = open('/path/to/some/file', 'rb')
- response.app_iter = FileIter(f)
- response.headers['Content-Type'] = guess_type(
- response.headers[
- 'Content-Disposition'
- ] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(
-Handling File Uploads
-Pecan makes it easy to handle file uploads via standard multipart forms. Simply
-define your form with a file input:
-.. code-block:: html
- <form action="/upload" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
- <input type="file" name="file" />
- <button type="submit">Upload</button>
- </form>
-You can then read the uploaded file off of the request object in your
-application's controller:
- from pecan import expose, request
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def upload(self):
- assert isinstance(request.POST['file'], cgi.FieldStorage)
- data = request.POST['file']
-Thread-Safe Per-Request Storage
-For convenience, Pecan provides a Python dictionary on every request which can
-be accessed and modified in a thread-safe manner throughout the life-cycle of
-an individual request::
- pecan.request.context['current_user'] = some_user
- print pecan.request.context.items()
-This is particularly useful in situations where you want to store
-metadata/context about a request (e.g., in middleware, or per-routing hooks)
-and access it later (e.g., in controller code).
-For more fine-grained control of the request, the underlying WSGI environ for
-a given Pecan request can be accessed and modified via
-Helper Functions
-Pecan also provides several useful helper functions for moving between
-different routes. The :func:`~pecan.core.redirect` function allows you to issue
-internal or ``HTTP 302`` redirects.
-.. seealso::
- The :func:`redirect` utility, along with several other useful
- helpers, are documented in :ref:`pecan_core`.
diff --git a/docs/source/secure_controller.rst b/docs/source/secure_controller.rst
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index baa6cbe..0000000
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-.. _secure_controller:
-Security and Authentication
-Pecan provides no out-of-the-box support for authentication, but it
-does give you the necessary tools to handle authentication and
-authorization as you see fit.
-``secure`` Decorator Basics
-You can wrap entire controller subtrees *or* individual method calls
-with access controls using the :func:`` decorator.
-To decorate a method, use one argument::
- secure('<check_permissions_method_name>')
-To secure a class, invoke with two arguments::
- secure(object_instance, '<check_permissions_method_name>')
- from pecan import expose
- from import secure
- class HighlyClassifiedController(object):
- pass
- class UnclassifiedController(object):
- pass
- class RootController(object):
- @classmethod
- def check_permissions(cls):
- if user_is_admin():
- return True
- return False
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- #
- # This controller is unlocked to everyone,
- # and will not run any security checks.
- #
- return dict()
- @secure('check_permissions')
- @expose()
- def topsecret(self):
- #
- # This controller is top-secret, and should
- # only be reachable by administrators.
- #
- return dict()
- highly_classified = secure(HighlyClassifiedController(), 'check_permissions')
- unclassified = UnclassifiedController()
-Alternatively, the same functionality can also be accomplished by
-subclassing Pecan's :class:``. Implementations of
-:class:`` should extend the
-:meth:`` class method to
-return ``True`` if the user has permissions to the controller branch and
-``False`` if they do not.
- from pecan import expose
- from import SecureController, unlocked
- class HighlyClassifiedController(object):
- pass
- class UnclassifiedController(object):
- pass
- class RootController(SecureController):
- @classmethod
- def check_permissions(cls):
- if user_is_admin():
- return True
- return False
- @expose()
- @unlocked
- def index(self):
- #
- # This controller is unlocked to everyone,
- # and will not run any security checks.
- #
- return dict()
- @expose()
- def topsecret(self):
- #
- # This controller is top-secret, and should
- # only be reachable by administrators.
- #
- return dict()
- highly_classified = HighlyClassifiedController()
- unclassified = unlocked(UnclassifiedController())
-Also note the use of the :func:`` decorator in the above
-example, which can be used similarly to explicitly unlock a controller for
-public access without any security checks.
-Writing Authentication/Authorization Methods
-The :meth:`` method should
-be used to determine user authentication and authorization. The code you
-implement here could range from simple session assertions (the existing user is
-authenticated as an administrator) to connecting to an LDAP service.
-More on ``secure``
-The :func:`` method has several advanced uses that allow
-you to create robust security policies for your application.
-First, you can pass via a string the name of either a class method or an
-instance method of the controller to use as the
-:meth:`` method. Instance
-methods are particularly useful if you wish to authorize access to attributes
-of a model instance. Consider the following example of a basic virtual
- from pecan import expose
- from import secure
- from myapp.session import get_current_user
- from myapp.model import FileObject
- class FileController(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- self.file_object = FileObject(name)
- def read_access(self):
- self.file_object.read_access(get_current_user())
- def write_access(self):
- self.file_object.write_access(get_current_user())
- @secure('write_access')
- @expose()
- def upload_file(self):
- pass
- @secure('read_access')
- @expose()
- def download_file(self):
- pass
- class RootController(object):
- @expose()
- def _lookup(self, name, *remainder):
- return FileController(name), remainder
-The :func:`` method also accepts a function argument. When
-passing a function, make sure that the function is imported from another
-file or defined in the same file before the class definition, otherwise
-you will likely get error during module import.
- from pecan import expose
- from import secure
- from myapp.auth import user_authenitcated
- class RootController(object):
- @secure(user_authenticated)
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return 'Logged in'
-You can also use the :func:`` method to change the behavior
-of a :class:``. Decorating a method or wrapping
-a subcontroller tells Pecan to use another security function other than the
-default controller method. This is useful for situations where you want
-a different level or type of security.
- from pecan import expose
- from import SecureController, secure
- from myapp.auth import user_authenticated, admin_user
- class ApiController(object):
- pass
- class RootController(SecureController):
- @classmethod
- def check_permissions(cls):
- return user_authenticated()
- @classmethod
- def check_api_permissions(cls):
- return admin_user()
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return 'logged in user'
- api = secure(ApiController(), 'check_api_permissions')
-In the example above, pecan will *only* call :func:`admin_user` when a request is
-made for ``/api/``.
-Multiple Secure Controllers
-Secure controllers can be nested to provide increasing levels of
-security on subcontrollers. In the example below, when a request is
-made for ``/admin/index/``, Pecan first calls
-:func:`` on the
-:class:`RootController` and then
-calls :func:`` on the
- from pecan import expose
- from import SecureController
- from myapp.auth import user_logged_in, is_admin
- class AdminController(SecureController):
- @classmethod
- def check_permissions(cls):
- return is_admin()
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return 'admin dashboard'
- class RootController(SecureController):
- @classmethod
- def check_permissions(cls):
- return user_logged_in
- @expose()
- def index(self):
- return 'user dashboard'
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-.. _session:
-Working with Sessions and User Authentication
-Pecan provides no opinionated support for managing user sessions,
-but it's easy to hook into your session framework of choice with minimal
-This article details best practices for integrating the popular session
-framework, `Beaker <>`_, into your Pecan project.
-Setting up Session Management
-There are several approaches that can be taken to set up session management.
-One approach is WSGI middleware. Another is Pecan :ref:`hooks`.
-Here's an example of wrapping your WSGI application with Beaker's
-:class:`~beaker.middleware.SessionMiddleware` in your project's ````.
- from pecan import conf, make_app
- from beaker.middleware import SessionMiddleware
- from test_project import model
- app = make_app(
- ...
- )
- app = SessionMiddleware(app, conf.beaker)
-And a corresponding dictionary in your configuration file.
- beaker = {
- 'session.key' : 'sessionkey',
- 'session.type' : 'cookie',
- 'session.validate_key' : '05d2175d1090e31f42fa36e63b8d2aad',
- '__force_dict__' : True
- }
diff --git a/docs/source/simple_ajax.rst b/docs/source/simple_ajax.rst
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-.. _simple_ajax:
-Example Application: Simple AJAX
-This guide will walk you through building a simple Pecan web application that uses AJAX to fetch JSON data from a server.
-Project Setup
-First, you'll need to install Pecan:
-$ pip install pecan
-Use Pecan's basic template support to start a new project:
-$ pecan create myajax
-$ cd myajax
-Install the new project in development mode:
-$ python develop
-Adding JavaScript AJAX Support
-For this project we will need to add `jQuery <>`_ support. To add jQuery go into the ``templates`` folder and edit the ``layout.html`` file.
-Adding jQuery support is easy, we actually only need one line of code:
-.. code-block:: html
- <script src=""></script>
-The JavaScript to make the AJAX call is a little more in depth but shouldn't be unfamiliar if you've ever worked with jQuery before.
-The ``layout.html`` file will look like this:
-.. code-block:: html
- <html>
- <head>
- <title>${self.title()}</title>
- ${}
- ${self.javascript()}
- </head>
- <body>
- ${self.body()}
- </body>
- </html>
- <%def name="title()">
- Default Title
- </%def>
- <%def name="style()">
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="/css/style.css" />
- </%def>
- <%def name="javascript()">
- <script src=""></script>
- <script language="text/javascript" src="/javascript/shared.js"></script>
- <script>
- function onSuccess(data, status, jqXHR) {
- // Use a template or something here instead
- // Just for demo purposes
- $("#result").html("<div>" +
- "<p></p><strong>Project Name: " + + "</strong></p>" +
- "<p>Project License: " + data.licensing + "</p>" +
- "<p><a href='" + data.repository + "'>Project Repository: " + data.repository + "</a></p>" +
- "<p><a href='" + data.documentation + "'>Project Documentation: " + data.documentation + "</a></p>" +
- "</div>");
- }
- function onError(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
- alert('HTTP Status Code: ' + jqXHR.status + ', ' + errorThrown);
- }
- $(document).ready(function () {
- $("#submit").click(function () {
- $.ajax({
- url: "/projects/",
- data: "id=" + $("#projects").val(),
- contentType: 'application/json',
- dataType: 'json',
- success: onSuccess,
- error: onError
- });
- return false;
- });
- });
- </script>
- </%def>
-**What did we just do?**
-#. In the ``head`` section we added jQuery support via the `Google CDN <>`_
-#. Added JavaScript to make an AJAX call to the server via an HTTP ``GET`` passing in the ``id`` of the project to fetch more information on
-#. Once the ``onSuccess`` event is triggered by the returning data we take that and display it on the web page below the controls
-Adding Additional HTML
-Let's edit the ``index.html`` file next. We will add HTML to support the AJAX interaction between the web page and Pecan. Modify ``index.html`` to look like this:
-.. code-block:: html
- <%inherit file="layout.html" />
- <%def name="title()">
- Welcome to Pecan!
- </%def>
- <header>
- <h1><img src="/images/logo.png"/></h1>
- </header>
- <div id="content">
- <p>Select a project to get details:</p>
- <select id="projects">
- <option value="0">OpenStack</option>
- <option value="1">Pecan</option>
- <option value="2">Stevedore</option>
- </select>
- <button id="submit" type="submit">Submit</button>
- <div id="result"></div>
- </div>
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Added a dropdown control and submit button for the user to interact with. Users can pick an open source project and get more details on it
-Building the Model with JSON Support
-The HTML and JavaScript work is now taken care of. At this point we can add a model to our project inside of the ``model`` folder. Create a file in there called ```` and add the following to it:
-.. code-block:: python
- class Project(object):
- def __init__(self, name, licensing, repository, documentation):
- = name
- self.licensing = licensing
- self.repository = repository
- self.documentation = documentation
- def __json__(self):
- return dict(
- licensing=self.licensing,
- repository=self.repository,
- documentation=self.documentation
- )
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Created a model called ``Project`` that can hold project specific data
-#. Added a ``__json__`` method so an instance of the ``Project class`` can be easily represented as JSON. The controller we will soon build will make use of that JSON capability
-.. note::
- There are other ways to return JSON with Pecan, check out :ref:`jsonify` for more information.
-Working with the Controllers
-We don't need to do anything major to the ```` file in the ``controllers`` folder except to add support for a new controller we will call ``ProjectsController``. Modify the ```` like this:
-.. code-block:: python
- from pecan import expose
- from myajax.controllers.projects import ProjectsController
- class RootController(object):
- projects = ProjectsController()
- @expose(generic=True, template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict()
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Removed some of the initial boilerplate code since we won't be using it
-#. Add support for the upcoming ``ProjectsController``
-The final piece is to add a file called ```` to the ``controllers`` folder. This new file will host the ``ProjectsController`` which will listen for incoming AJAX ``GET`` calls (in our case) and return the appropriate JSON response.
-Add the following code to the ```` file:
-.. code-block:: python
- from pecan import expose, response
- from import RestController
- from myajax.model.projects import Project
- class ProjectsController(RestController):
- # Note: You would probably store this information in a database
- # This is just for simplicity and demonstration purposes
- def __init__(self):
- self.projects = [
- Project(name='OpenStack',
- licensing='Apache 2',
- repository='',
- documentation=''),
- Project(name='Pecan',
- licensing='BSD',
- repository='',
- documentation=''),
- Project(name='stevedore',
- licensing='Apache 2',
- repository='',
- documentation='')
- ]
- @expose('json', content_type='application/json')
- def get(self, id):
- response.status = 200
- return self.projects[int(id)]
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Created a local class variable called ``projects`` that holds three open source projects and their details. Typically this kind of information would probably reside in a database
-#. Added code for the new controller that will listen on the ``projects`` endpoint and serve back JSON based on the ``id`` passed in from the web page
-Run the application:
-$ pecan serve
-Open a web browser: ` <>`_
-There is something else we could add. What if an ``id`` is passed that is not found? A proper ``HTTP 404`` should be sent back. For this we will modify the ``ProjectsController``.
-Change the ``get`` function to look like this:
-.. code-block:: python
- @expose('json', content_type='application/json')
- def get(self, id):
- try:
- response.status = 200
- return self.projects[int(id)]
- except (IndexError, ValueError) as ex:
- abort(404)
-To test this out we need to pass an invalid ``id`` to the ``ProjectsController``. This can be done by going into the ``index.html`` and adding an additional ``option`` tag with an ``id`` value that is outside of 0-2.
-.. code-block:: html
- <p>Select a project to get details:</p>
- <select id="projects">
- <option value="0">OpenStack</option>
- <option value="1">Pecan</option>
- <option value="2">Stevedore</option>
- <option value="3">WSME</option>
- </select>
-You can see that we added ``WSME`` to the list and the value is 3.
-Run the application:
-$ pecan serve
-Open a web browser: ` <>`_
-Select ``WSME`` from the list. You should see the error dialog box triggered.
diff --git a/docs/source/simple_forms_processing.rst b/docs/source/simple_forms_processing.rst
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-.. _simple_forms_processing:
-Example Application: Simple Forms Processing
-This guide will walk you through building a simple Pecan web application that will do some simple forms processing.
-Project Setup
-First, you'll need to install Pecan:
-$ pip install pecan
-Use Pecan's basic template support to start a new project:
-$ pecan create mywebsite
-$ cd mywebsite
-Install the new project in development mode:
-$ python develop
-With the project ready, go into the ``templates`` folder and edit the ``index.html`` file. Modify it so that it resembles this:
-.. code-block:: html
- <%inherit file="layout.html" />
- <%def name="title()">
- Welcome to Pecan!
- </%def>
- <header>
- <h1><img src="/images/logo.png" /></h1>
- </header>
- <div id="content">
- <form method="POST" action="/">
- <fieldset>
- <p>Enter a message: <input name="message" /></p>
- <p>Enter your first name: <input name="first_name" /></p>
- <input type="submit" value="Submit" />
- </fieldset>
- </form>
- % if not form_post_data is UNDEFINED:
- <p>${form_post_data['first_name']}, your message is: ${form_post_data['message']}</p>
- % endif
- </div>
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Modified the contents of the ``form`` tag to have two ``input`` tags. The first is named ``message`` and the second is named ``first_name``
-#. Added a check if ``form_post_data`` has not been defined so we don't show the message or wording
-#. Added code to display the message from the user's ``POST`` action
-Go into the ``controllers`` folder now and edit the ```` file. There will be two functions inside of the ``RootController`` class which will display the ``index.html`` file when your web browser hits the ``'/'`` endpoint. If the user puts some data into the textbox and hits the submit button then they will see the personalized message displayed back at them.
-Modify the ```` to look like this:
-.. code-block:: python
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose(generic=True, template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict()
- @index.when(method='POST', template='index.html')
- def index_post(self, **kwargs):
- return dict(form_post_data=kwargs)
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Modified the ``index`` function to render the initial ``index.html`` webpage
-#. Modified the ``index_post`` function to return the posted data via keyword arguments
-Run the application:
-$ pecan serve
-Open a web browser: ` <>`_
-Adding Validation
-Enter a message into the textbox along with a name in the second textbox and press the submit button. You should see a personalized message displayed below the form once the page posts back.
-One problem you might have noticed is if you don't enter a message or a first name then you simply see no value entered for that part of the message. Let's add a little validation to make sure a message and a first name was actually entered. For this, we will use `WTForms <>`_ but you can substitute anything else for your projects.
-Add support for the `WTForms <>`_ library:
-$ pip install wtforms
-.. note::
- Keep in mind that Pecan is not opinionated when it comes to a particular library when working with form generation, validation, etc. Choose which libraries you prefer and integrate those with Pecan. This is one way of doing this, there are many more ways so feel free to handle this however you want in your own projects.
-Go back to the ```` files and modify it like this:
-.. code-block:: python
- from pecan import expose, request
- from wtforms import Form, TextField, validators
- class PersonalizedMessageForm(Form):
- message = TextField(u'Enter a message',
- validators=[validators.required()])
- first_name = TextField(u'Enter your first name',
- validators=[validators.required()])
- class RootController(object):
- @expose(generic=True, template='index.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict(form=PersonalizedMessageForm())
- @index.when(method='POST', template='index.html')
- def index_post(self):
- form = PersonalizedMessageForm(request.POST)
- if form.validate():
- return dict(,
- else:
- return dict(form=form)
-**What did we just do?**
-#. Added the ``PersonalizedMessageForm`` with two textfields and a required field validator for each
-#. Modified the ``index`` function to create a new instance of the ``PersonalizedMessageForm`` class and return it
-#. In the ``index_post`` function modify it to gather the posted data and validate it. If its valid, then set the returned data to be displayed on the webpage. If not valid, send the form which will contain the data plus the error message(s)
-Modify the ``index.html`` like this:
-.. code-block:: html
- <%inherit file="layout.html" />
- ## provide definitions for blocks we want to redefine
- <%def name="title()">
- Welcome to Pecan!
- </%def>
- <header>
- <h1><img src="/images/logo.png" /></h1>
- </header>
- <div id="content">
- % if not form:
- <p>${first_name}, your message is: ${message}</p>
- % else:
- <form method="POST" action="/">
- <div>
- ${form.message.label}:
- ${form.message}
- % if form.message.errors:
- <strong>${form.message.errors[0]}</strong>
- % endif
- </div>
- <div>
- ${form.first_name.label}:
- ${form.first_name}
- % if form.first_name.errors:
- <strong>${form.first_name.errors[0]}</strong>
- % endif
- </div>
- <input type="submit" value="Submit">
- </form>
- % endif
- </div>
-.. note::
- Keep in mind when using the `WTForms <>`_ library you can customize the error messages and more. Also, you have multiple validation rules so make sure to catch all the errors which will mean you need a loop rather than the simple example above which grabs the first error item in the list. See the `documentation <>`_ for more information.
-Run the application:
-$ pecan serve
-Open a web browser: ` <>`_
-Try the form with valid data and with no data entered.
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-.. _templates:
-Templating in Pecan
-Pecan includes support for a variety of templating engines and also
-makes it easy to add support for new template engines. Currently,
-Pecan supports:
-=============== =============
-Template System Renderer Name
-=============== =============
- Mako_ mako
- Genshi_ genshi
- Kajiki_ kajiki
- Jinja2_ jinja
- JSON json
-=============== =============
-.. _Mako:
-.. _Genshi:
-.. _Kajiki:
-.. _Jinja2:
-The default template system is ``mako``, but that can be changed by
-passing the ``default_renderer`` key in your application's
- app = {
- 'default_renderer' : 'kajiki',
- # ...
- }
-Using Template Renderers
-:py:mod:`pecan.decorators` defines a decorator called
-:func:`~pecan.decorators.expose`, which is used to flag a method as a public
-controller. The :func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` decorator takes a ``template``
-argument, which can be used to specify the path to the template file to use for
-the controller method being exposed.
- class MyController(object):
- @expose('path/to/mako/template.html')
- def index(self):
- return dict(message='I am a mako template')
-:func:`~pecan.decorators.expose` will use the default template engine unless
-the path is prefixed by another renderer name.
- @expose('kajiki:path/to/kajiki/template.html')
- def my_controller(self):
- return dict(message='I am a kajiki template')
-.. seealso::
- * :ref:`pecan_decorators`
- * :ref:`pecan_core`
- * :ref:`routing`
-Overriding Templates
-:func:`~pecan.core.override_template` allows you to override the template set
-for a controller method when it is exposed. When
-:func:`~pecan.core.override_template` is called within the body of the
-controller method, it changes the template that will be used for that
-invocation of the method.
- class MyController(object):
- @expose('template_one.html')
- def index(self):
- # ...
- override_template('template_two.html')
- return dict(message='I will now render with template_two.html')
-Manual Rendering
-:func:`~pecan.core.render` allows you to manually render output using the Pecan
-templating framework. Pass the template path and values to go into the
-template, and :func:`~pecan.core.render` returns the rendered output as text.
- @expose()
- def controller(self):
- return render('my_template.html', dict(message='I am the namespace'))
-The JSON Renderer
-Pecan also provides a ``JSON`` renderer, which you can use by exposing
-a controller method with ``@expose('json')``.
-.. seealso::
- * :ref:`jsonify`
- * :ref:`pecan_jsonify`
-Defining Custom Renderers
-To define a custom renderer, you can create a class that follows the
-renderer protocol::
- class MyRenderer(object):
- def __init__(self, path, extra_vars):
- '''
- Your renderer is provided with a path to templates,
- as configured by your application, and any extra
- template variables, also as configured
- '''
- pass
- def render(self, template_path, namespace):
- '''
- Lookup the template based on the path, and render
- your output based upon the supplied namespace
- dictionary, as returned from the controller.
- '''
- return str(namespace)
-To enable your custom renderer, define a ``custom_renderers`` key in
-your application's configuration::
- app = {
- 'custom_renderers' : {
- 'my_renderer' : MyRenderer
- },
- # ...
- }
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-.. _testing:
-Testing Pecan Applications
-Tests can live anywhere in your Pecan project as long as the test runner can
-discover them. Traditionally, they exist in a package named ``myapp.tests``.
-The suggested mechanism for unit and integration testing of a Pecan application
-is the :mod:`unittest` module.
-Test Discovery and Other Tools
-Tests for a Pecan project can be invoked as simply as ``python test``,
-though it's possible to run your tests with different discovery and automation
-tools. In particular, Pecan projects are known to work well with
-`nose <>`_, `pytest
-and `tox <>`_.
-Writing Functional Tests with WebTest
-A **unit test** typically relies on "mock" or "fake" objects to give the code
-under test enough context to run. In this way, only an individual unit of
-source code is tested.
-A healthy suite of tests combines **unit tests** with **functional tests**. In
-the context of a Pecan application, functional tests can be written with the
-help of the :mod:`webtest` library. In this way, it is possible to write tests
-that verify the behavior of an HTTP request life cycle from the controller
-routing down to the HTTP response. The following is an example that is
-similar to the one included with Pecan's quickstart project.
- # myapp/myapp/tests/
- import os
- from unittest import TestCase
- from pecan import set_config
- from pecan.testing import load_test_app
- class FunctionalTest(TestCase):
- """
- Used for functional tests where you need to test your
- literal application and its integration with the framework.
- """
- def setUp(self):
- = load_test_app(os.path.join(
- os.path.dirname(__file__),
- ''
- ))
- def tearDown(self):
- set_config({}, overwrite=True)
-The testing utility included with Pecan, :func:`pecan.testing.load_test_app`, can
-be passed a file path representing a Pecan configuration file, and will return
-an instance of the application, wrapped in a :class:``
-From here, it's possible to extend the :class:`FunctionalTest` base class and write
-tests that issue simulated HTTP requests.
- class TestIndex(FunctionalTest):
- def test_index(self):
- resp ='/')
- assert resp.status_int == 200
- assert 'Hello, World' in resp.body
-.. seealso::
- See the :mod:`webtest` documentation
- for further information about the methods available to a
- :class:`` instance.
-Special Testing Variables
-Sometimes it's not enough to make assertions about the response body of certain
-requests. To aid in inspection, Pecan applications provide a special set of
-"testing variables" to any :class:`~webtest.response.TestResponse` object.
-Let's suppose that your Pecan applicaton had some controller which took a
-``name`` as an optional argument in the URL.
- # myapp/myapp/controllers/
- from pecan import expose
- class RootController(object):
- @expose('index.html')
- def index(self, name='Joe'):
- """A request to / will access this controller"""
- return dict(name=name)
-and rendered that name in it's template (and thus, the response body).
- # myapp/myapp/templates/index.html
- Hello, ${name}!
-A functional test for this controller might look something like
- class TestIndex(FunctionalTest):
- def test_index(self):
- resp ='/')
- assert resp.status_int == 200
- assert 'Hello, Joe!' in resp.body
-In addition to :attr:`webtest.TestResponse.body`, Pecan also provides
-:attr:`webtest.TestResponse.namespace`, which represents the template namespace
-returned from the controller, and :attr:`webtest.TestResponse.template_name`, which
-contains the name of the template used.
- class TestIndex(FunctionalTest):
- def test_index(self):
- resp ='/')
- assert resp.status_int == 200
- assert resp.namespace == {'name': 'Joe'}
- assert resp.template_name == 'index.html'
-In this way, it's possible to test the return value and rendered template of
-individual controllers.