path: root/pies
diff options
authorTimothy Crosley <>2013-12-14 21:10:38 -0500
committerTimothy Crosley <>2013-12-14 21:10:38 -0500
commit7b68385faf29edfff42941a324beeec4fe245303 (patch)
treefd831032762e8418e960af2c7a96dfc9b692441c /pies
parent5081734e07497e26834485891d634a7f3ac7ef28 (diff)
Backport lru_cache to earlier versions of Python
Diffstat (limited to 'pies')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pies/ b/pies/
index 29749cf..2f2c157 100644
--- a/pies/
+++ b/pies/
@@ -1,8 +1,97 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
+import sys
from functools import *
from .version_info import PY2
if PY2:
reduce = reduce
+if sys.version_info < (3, 2):
+ try:
+ from threading import Lock
+ except ImportError:
+ from dummy_threading import Lock
+ from .collections import OrderedDict
+ def lru_cache(maxsize=100):
+ """Least-recently-used cache decorator.
+ Taking from:
+ with slight modifications.
+ If *maxsize* is set to None, the LRU features are disabled and the cache
+ can grow without bound.
+ Arguments to the cached function must be hashable.
+ View the cache statistics named tuple (hits, misses, maxsize, currsize) with
+ f.cache_info(). Clear the cache and statistics with f.cache_clear().
+ Access the underlying function with f.__wrapped__.
+ See:
+ """
+ def decorating_function(user_function, tuple=tuple, sorted=sorted, len=len, KeyError=KeyError):
+ hits, misses = [0], [0]
+ kwd_mark = (object(),) # separates positional and keyword args
+ lock = Lock()
+ if maxsize is None:
+ CACHE = dict()
+ @wraps(user_function)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ key = args
+ if kwds:
+ key += kwd_mark + tuple(sorted(kwds.items()))
+ try:
+ result = CACHE[key]
+ hits[0] += 1
+ return result
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ CACHE[key] = result
+ misses[0] += 1
+ return result
+ else:
+ CACHE = OrderedDict()
+ @wraps(user_function)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwds):
+ key = args
+ if kwds:
+ key += kwd_mark + tuple(sorted(kwds.items()))
+ with lock:
+ cached = CACHE.get(key, None)
+ if cached:
+ del CACHE[key]
+ CACHE[key] = cached
+ hits[0] += 1
+ return cached
+ result = user_function(*args, **kwds)
+ with lock:
+ CACHE[key] = result # record recent use of this key
+ misses[0] += 1
+ while len(CACHE) > maxsize:
+ CACHE.popitem(last=False)
+ return result
+ def cache_info():
+ """Report CACHE statistics"""
+ with lock:
+ return _CacheInfo(hits[0], misses[0], maxsize, len(CACHE))
+ def cache_clear():
+ """Clear the CACHE and CACHE statistics"""
+ with lock:
+ CACHE.clear()
+ hits[0] = misses[0] = 0
+ wrapper.cache_info = cache_info
+ wrapper.cache_clear = cache_clear
+ return wrapper
+ return decorating_function