path: root/lib/Crypto/Protocol
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authorDwayne C. Litzenberger <>2009-02-28 13:14:53 -0500
committerDwayne C. Litzenberger <>2009-02-28 13:14:53 -0500
commitff8a657a8dd688551c59b4bbf7be33510992ee46 (patch)
treefee3a96bc95fdfda34c18c2714a75105a713ad50 /lib/Crypto/Protocol
parentd1c4875e1f220652fe7ff8358f56dee3b2aba31b (diff)
cleanup: Move modules to "lib/Crypto" subdirectory.
This will avoid the previous situation where scripts like the old "" get included accidentally in a release. It also frees us to put additional build scripts in the top-level directory of the source tree.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/Crypto/Protocol')
3 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/Protocol/ b/lib/Crypto/Protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..795d602
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Crypto/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+"""This file implements all-or-nothing package transformations.
+An all-or-nothing package transformation is one in which some text is
+transformed into message blocks, such that all blocks must be obtained before
+the reverse transformation can be applied. Thus, if any blocks are corrupted
+or lost, the original message cannot be reproduced.
+An all-or-nothing package transformation is not encryption, although a block
+cipher algorithm is used. The encryption key is randomly generated and is
+extractable from the message blocks.
+This class implements the All-Or-Nothing package transformation algorithm
+described in:
+Ronald L. Rivest. "All-Or-Nothing Encryption and The Package Transform"
+__revision__ = "$Id$"
+import operator
+import string
+from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
+class AllOrNothing:
+ """Class implementing the All-or-Nothing package transform.
+ Methods for subclassing:
+ _inventkey(key_size):
+ Returns a randomly generated key. Subclasses can use this to
+ implement better random key generating algorithms. The default
+ algorithm is probably not very cryptographically secure.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ciphermodule, mode=None, IV=None):
+ """AllOrNothing(ciphermodule, mode=None, IV=None)
+ ciphermodule is a module implementing the cipher algorithm to
+ use. It must provide the PEP272 interface.
+ Note that the encryption key is randomly generated
+ automatically when needed. Optional arguments mode and IV are
+ passed directly through to the method; they
+ are the feedback mode and initialization vector to use. All
+ three arguments must be the same for the object used to create
+ the digest, and to undigest'ify the message blocks.
+ """
+ self.__ciphermodule = ciphermodule
+ self.__mode = mode
+ self.__IV = IV
+ self.__key_size = ciphermodule.key_size
+ if self.__key_size == 0:
+ self.__key_size = 16
+ __K0digit = chr(0x69)
+ def digest(self, text):
+ """digest(text:string) : [string]
+ Perform the All-or-Nothing package transform on the given
+ string. Output is a list of message blocks describing the
+ transformed text, where each block is a string of bit length equal
+ to the ciphermodule's block_size.
+ """
+ # generate a random session key and K0, the key used to encrypt the
+ # hash blocks. Rivest calls this a fixed, publically-known encryption
+ # key, but says nothing about the security implications of this key or
+ # how to choose it.
+ key = self._inventkey(self.__key_size)
+ K0 = self.__K0digit * self.__key_size
+ # we need two cipher objects here, one that is used to encrypt the
+ # message blocks and one that is used to encrypt the hashes. The
+ # former uses the randomly generated key, while the latter uses the
+ # well-known key.
+ mcipher = self.__newcipher(key)
+ hcipher = self.__newcipher(K0)
+ # Pad the text so that its length is a multiple of the cipher's
+ # block_size. Pad with trailing spaces, which will be eliminated in
+ # the undigest() step.
+ block_size = self.__ciphermodule.block_size
+ padbytes = block_size - (len(text) % block_size)
+ text = text + ' ' * padbytes
+ # Run through the algorithm:
+ # s: number of message blocks (size of text / block_size)
+ # input sequence: m1, m2, ... ms
+ # random key K' (`key' in the code)
+ # Compute output sequence: m'1, m'2, ... m's' for s' = s + 1
+ # Let m'i = mi ^ E(K', i) for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., s
+ # Let m's' = K' ^ h1 ^ h2 ^ ... hs
+ # where hi = E(K0, m'i ^ i) for i = 1, 2, ... s
+ #
+ # The one complication I add is that the last message block is hard
+ # coded to the number of padbytes added, so that these can be stripped
+ # during the undigest() step
+ s = len(text) / block_size
+ blocks = []
+ hashes = []
+ for i in range(1, s+1):
+ start = (i-1) * block_size
+ end = start + block_size
+ mi = text[start:end]
+ assert len(mi) == block_size
+ cipherblock = mcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(i, block_size))
+ mticki = bytes_to_long(mi) ^ bytes_to_long(cipherblock)
+ blocks.append(mticki)
+ # calculate the hash block for this block
+ hi = hcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(mticki ^ i, block_size))
+ hashes.append(bytes_to_long(hi))
+ # Add the padbytes length as a message block
+ i = i + 1
+ cipherblock = mcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(i, block_size))
+ mticki = padbytes ^ bytes_to_long(cipherblock)
+ blocks.append(mticki)
+ # calculate this block's hash
+ hi = hcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(mticki ^ i, block_size))
+ hashes.append(bytes_to_long(hi))
+ # Now calculate the last message block of the sequence 1..s'. This
+ # will contain the random session key XOR'd with all the hash blocks,
+ # so that for undigest(), once all the hash blocks are calculated, the
+ # session key can be trivially extracted. Calculating all the hash
+ # blocks requires that all the message blocks be received, thus the
+ # All-or-Nothing algorithm succeeds.
+ mtick_stick = bytes_to_long(key) ^ reduce(operator.xor, hashes)
+ blocks.append(mtick_stick)
+ # we convert the blocks to strings since in Python, byte sequences are
+ # always represented as strings. This is more consistent with the
+ # model that encryption and hash algorithms always operate on strings.
+ return [long_to_bytes(i,self.__ciphermodule.block_size) for i in blocks]
+ def undigest(self, blocks):
+ """undigest(blocks : [string]) : string
+ Perform the reverse package transformation on a list of message
+ blocks. Note that the ciphermodule used for both transformations
+ must be the same. blocks is a list of strings of bit length
+ equal to the ciphermodule's block_size.
+ """
+ # better have at least 2 blocks, for the padbytes package and the hash
+ # block accumulator
+ if len(blocks) < 2:
+ raise ValueError, "List must be at least length 2."
+ # blocks is a list of strings. We need to deal with them as long
+ # integers
+ blocks = map(bytes_to_long, blocks)
+ # Calculate the well-known key, to which the hash blocks are
+ # encrypted, and create the hash cipher.
+ K0 = self.__K0digit * self.__key_size
+ hcipher = self.__newcipher(K0)
+ # Since we have all the blocks (or this method would have been called
+ # prematurely), we can calcualte all the hash blocks.
+ hashes = []
+ for i in range(1, len(blocks)):
+ mticki = blocks[i-1] ^ i
+ hi = hcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(mticki))
+ hashes.append(bytes_to_long(hi))
+ # now we can calculate K' (key). remember the last block contains
+ # m's' which we don't include here
+ key = blocks[-1] ^ reduce(operator.xor, hashes)
+ # and now we can create the cipher object
+ mcipher = self.__newcipher(long_to_bytes(key))
+ block_size = self.__ciphermodule.block_size
+ # And we can now decode the original message blocks
+ parts = []
+ for i in range(1, len(blocks)):
+ cipherblock = mcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(i, block_size))
+ mi = blocks[i-1] ^ bytes_to_long(cipherblock)
+ parts.append(mi)
+ # The last message block contains the number of pad bytes appended to
+ # the original text string, such that its length was an even multiple
+ # of the cipher's block_size. This number should be small enough that
+ # the conversion from long integer to integer should never overflow
+ padbytes = int(parts[-1])
+ text = string.join(map(long_to_bytes, parts[:-1]), '')
+ return text[:-padbytes]
+ def _inventkey(self, key_size):
+ # TBD: Not a very secure algorithm. Eventually, I'd like to use JHy's
+ # kernelrand module
+ import time
+ from Crypto.Util import randpool
+ # TBD: key_size * 2 to work around possible bug in RandomPool?
+ pool = randpool.RandomPool(key_size * 2)
+ while key_size > pool.entropy:
+ pool.add_event()
+ # we now have enough entropy in the pool to get a key_size'd key
+ return pool.get_bytes(key_size)
+ def __newcipher(self, key):
+ if self.__mode is None and self.__IV is None:
+ return
+ elif self.__IV is None:
+ return, self.__mode)
+ else:
+ return, self.__mode, self.__IV)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import sys
+ import getopt
+ import base64
+ usagemsg = '''\
+Test module usage: %(program)s [-c cipher] [-l] [-h]
+ --cipher module
+ -c module
+ Cipher module to use. Default: %(ciphermodule)s
+ --aslong
+ -l
+ Print the encoded message blocks as long integers instead of base64
+ encoded strings
+ --help
+ -h
+ Print this help message
+ ciphermodule = 'AES'
+ aslong = 0
+ def usage(code, msg=None):
+ if msg:
+ print msg
+ print usagemsg % {'program': sys.argv[0],
+ 'ciphermodule': ciphermodule}
+ sys.exit(code)
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+ 'c:l', ['cipher=', 'aslong'])
+ except getopt.error, msg:
+ usage(1, msg)
+ if args:
+ usage(1, 'Too many arguments')
+ for opt, arg in opts:
+ if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
+ usage(0)
+ elif opt in ('-c', '--cipher'):
+ ciphermodule = arg
+ elif opt in ('-l', '--aslong'):
+ aslong = 1
+ # ugly hack to force __import__ to give us the end-path module
+ module = __import__('Crypto.Cipher.'+ciphermodule, None, None, ['new'])
+ a = AllOrNothing(module)
+ print 'Original text:\n=========='
+ print __doc__
+ print '=========='
+ msgblocks = a.digest(__doc__)
+ print 'message blocks:'
+ for i, blk in map(None, range(len(msgblocks)), msgblocks):
+ # base64 adds a trailing newline
+ print ' %3d' % i,
+ if aslong:
+ print bytes_to_long(blk)
+ else:
+ print base64.encodestring(blk)[:-1]
+ #
+ # get a new undigest-only object so there's no leakage
+ b = AllOrNothing(module)
+ text = b.undigest(msgblocks)
+ if text == __doc__:
+ print 'They match!'
+ else:
+ print 'They differ!'
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/Protocol/ b/lib/Crypto/Protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8da997f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Crypto/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+"""This file implements the chaffing algorithm.
+Winnowing and chaffing is a technique for enhancing privacy without requiring
+strong encryption. In short, the technique takes a set of authenticated
+message blocks (the wheat) and adds a number of chaff blocks which have
+randomly chosen data and MAC fields. This means that to an adversary, the
+chaff blocks look as valid as the wheat blocks, and so the authentication
+would have to be performed on every block. By tailoring the number of chaff
+blocks added to the message, the sender can make breaking the message
+computationally infeasible. There are many other interesting properties of
+the winnow/chaff technique.
+For example, say Alice is sending a message to Bob. She packetizes the
+message and performs an all-or-nothing transformation on the packets. Then
+she authenticates each packet with a message authentication code (MAC). The
+MAC is a hash of the data packet, and there is a secret key which she must
+share with Bob (key distribution is an exercise left to the reader). She then
+adds a serial number to each packet, and sends the packets to Bob.
+Bob receives the packets, and using the shared secret authentication key,
+authenticates the MACs for each packet. Those packets that have bad MACs are
+simply discarded. The remainder are sorted by serial number, and passed
+through the reverse all-or-nothing transform. The transform means that an
+eavesdropper (say Eve) must acquire all the packets before any of the data can
+be read. If even one packet is missing, the data is useless.
+There's one twist: by adding chaff packets, Alice and Bob can make Eve's job
+much harder, since Eve now has to break the shared secret key, or try every
+combination of wheat and chaff packet to read any of the message. The cool
+thing is that Bob doesn't need to add any additional code; the chaff packets
+are already filtered out because their MACs don't match (in all likelihood --
+since the data and MACs for the chaff packets are randomly chosen it is
+possible, but very unlikely that a chaff MAC will match the chaff data). And
+Alice need not even be the party adding the chaff! She could be completely
+unaware that a third party, say Charles, is adding chaff packets to her
+messages as they are transmitted.
+For more information on winnowing and chaffing see this paper:
+Ronald L. Rivest, "Chaffing and Winnowing: Confidentiality without Encryption"
+__revision__ = "$Id$"
+from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
+class Chaff:
+ """Class implementing the chaff adding algorithm.
+ Methods for subclasses:
+ _randnum(size):
+ Returns a randomly generated number with a byte-length equal
+ to size. Subclasses can use this to implement better random
+ data and MAC generating algorithms. The default algorithm is
+ probably not very cryptographically secure. It is most
+ important that the chaff data does not contain any patterns
+ that can be used to discern it from wheat data without running
+ the MAC.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, factor=1.0, blocksper=1):
+ """Chaff(factor:float, blocksper:int)
+ factor is the number of message blocks to add chaff to,
+ expressed as a percentage between 0.0 and 1.0. blocksper is
+ the number of chaff blocks to include for each block being
+ chaffed. Thus the defaults add one chaff block to every
+ message block. By changing the defaults, you can adjust how
+ computationally difficult it could be for an adversary to
+ brute-force crack the message. The difficulty is expressed
+ as:
+ pow(blocksper, int(factor * number-of-blocks))
+ For ease of implementation, when factor < 1.0, only the first
+ int(factor*number-of-blocks) message blocks are chaffed.
+ """
+ if not (0.0<=factor<=1.0):
+ raise ValueError, "'factor' must be between 0.0 and 1.0"
+ if blocksper < 0:
+ raise ValueError, "'blocksper' must be zero or more"
+ self.__factor = factor
+ self.__blocksper = blocksper
+ def chaff(self, blocks):
+ """chaff( [(serial-number:int, data:string, MAC:string)] )
+ : [(int, string, string)]
+ Add chaff to message blocks. blocks is a list of 3-tuples of the
+ form (serial-number, data, MAC).
+ Chaff is created by choosing a random number of the same
+ byte-length as data, and another random number of the same
+ byte-length as MAC. The message block's serial number is
+ placed on the chaff block and all the packet's chaff blocks
+ are randomly interspersed with the single wheat block. This
+ method then returns a list of 3-tuples of the same form.
+ Chaffed blocks will contain multiple instances of 3-tuples
+ with the same serial number, but the only way to figure out
+ which blocks are wheat and which are chaff is to perform the
+ MAC hash and compare values.
+ """
+ chaffedblocks = []
+ # count is the number of blocks to add chaff to. blocksper is the
+ # number of chaff blocks to add per message block that is being
+ # chaffed.
+ count = len(blocks) * self.__factor
+ blocksper = range(self.__blocksper)
+ for i, wheat in map(None, range(len(blocks)), blocks):
+ # it shouldn't matter which of the n blocks we add chaff to, so for
+ # ease of implementation, we'll just add them to the first count
+ # blocks
+ if i < count:
+ serial, data, mac = wheat
+ datasize = len(data)
+ macsize = len(mac)
+ addwheat = 1
+ # add chaff to this block
+ for j in blocksper:
+ import sys
+ chaffdata = self._randnum(datasize)
+ chaffmac = self._randnum(macsize)
+ chaff = (serial, chaffdata, chaffmac)
+ # mix up the order, if the 5th bit is on then put the
+ # wheat on the list
+ if addwheat and bytes_to_long(self._randnum(16)) & 0x40:
+ chaffedblocks.append(wheat)
+ addwheat = 0
+ chaffedblocks.append(chaff)
+ if addwheat:
+ chaffedblocks.append(wheat)
+ else:
+ # just add the wheat
+ chaffedblocks.append(wheat)
+ return chaffedblocks
+ def _randnum(self, size):
+ # TBD: Not a very secure algorithm.
+ # TBD: size * 2 to work around possible bug in RandomPool
+ from Crypto.Util import randpool
+ import time
+ pool = randpool.RandomPool(size * 2)
+ while size > pool.entropy:
+ pass
+ # we now have enough entropy in the pool to get size bytes of random
+ # data... well, probably
+ return pool.get_bytes(size)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ text = """\
+We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
+they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
+these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these
+rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from
+the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes
+destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
+abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
+principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
+likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
+ print 'Original text:\n=========='
+ print text
+ print '=========='
+ # first transform the text into packets
+ blocks = [] ; size = 40
+ for i in range(0, len(text), size):
+ blocks.append( text[i:i+size] )
+ # now get MACs for all the text blocks. The key is obvious...
+ print 'Calculating MACs...'
+ from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA
+ key = 'Jefferson'
+ macs = [, block, digestmod=SHA).digest()
+ for block in blocks]
+ assert len(blocks) == len(macs)
+ # put these into a form acceptable as input to the chaffing procedure
+ source = []
+ m = map(None, range(len(blocks)), blocks, macs)
+ print m
+ for i, data, mac in m:
+ source.append((i, data, mac))
+ # now chaff these
+ print 'Adding chaff...'
+ c = Chaff(factor=0.5, blocksper=2)
+ chaffed = c.chaff(source)
+ from base64 import encodestring
+ # print the chaffed message blocks. meanwhile, separate the wheat from
+ # the chaff
+ wheat = []
+ print 'chaffed message blocks:'
+ for i, data, mac in chaffed:
+ # do the authentication
+ h =, data, digestmod=SHA)
+ pmac = h.digest()
+ if pmac == mac:
+ tag = '-->'
+ wheat.append(data)
+ else:
+ tag = ' '
+ # base64 adds a trailing newline
+ print tag, '%3d' % i, \
+ repr(data), encodestring(mac)[:-1]
+ # now decode the message packets and check it against the original text
+ print 'Undigesting wheat...'
+ newtext = "".join(wheat)
+ if newtext == text:
+ print 'They match!'
+ else:
+ print 'They differ!'
diff --git a/lib/Crypto/Protocol/ b/lib/Crypto/Protocol/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..516558a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/Crypto/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+"""Cryptographic protocols
+Implements various cryptographic protocols. (Don't expect to find
+network protocols here.)
+Crypto.Protocol.AllOrNothing Transforms a message into a set of message
+ blocks, such that the blocks can be
+ recombined to get the message back.
+Crypto.Protocol.Chaffing Takes a set of authenticated message blocks
+ (the wheat) and adds a number of
+ randomly generated blocks (the chaff).
+__all__ = ['AllOrNothing', 'Chaffing']
+__revision__ = "$Id$"