path: root/pyflakes/test/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pyflakes/test/')
1 files changed, 153 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pyflakes/test/ b/pyflakes/test/
index 1b10e02..775fdde 100644
--- a/pyflakes/test/
+++ b/pyflakes/test/
@@ -1755,6 +1755,159 @@ class TestUnusedAssignment(TestCase):
+class TestStringFormatting(TestCase):
+ @skipIf(version_info < (3, 6), 'new in Python 3.6')
+ def test_f_string_without_placeholders(self):
+ self.flakes("f'foo'", m.FStringMissingPlaceholders)
+ self.flakes('''
+ f"""foo
+ bar
+ """
+ ''', m.FStringMissingPlaceholders)
+ self.flakes('''
+ print(
+ f'foo'
+ f'bar'
+ )
+ ''', m.FStringMissingPlaceholders)
+ # this is an "escaped placeholder" but not a placeholder
+ self.flakes("f'{{}}'", m.FStringMissingPlaceholders)
+ # ok: f-string with placeholders
+ self.flakes('''
+ x = 5
+ print(f'{x}')
+ ''')
+ # ok: f-string with format specifiers
+ self.flakes('''
+ x = 'a' * 90
+ print(f'{x:.8}')
+ ''')
+ # ok: f-string with multiple format specifiers
+ self.flakes('''
+ x = y = 5
+ print(f'{x:>2} {y:>2}')
+ ''')
+ def test_invalid_dot_format_calls(self):
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{'.format(1)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatInvalidFormat)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{} {1}'.format(1, 2)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatMixingAutomatic)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{0} {}'.format(1, 2)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatMixingAutomatic)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{}'.format(1, 2)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatExtraPositionalArguments)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{}'.format(1, bar=2)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatExtraNamedArguments)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{} {}'.format(1)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatMissingArgument)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{2}'.format()
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatMissingArgument)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{bar}'.format()
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatMissingArgument)
+ # too much string recursion (placeholder-in-placeholder)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{:{:{}}}'.format(1, 2, 3)
+ ''', m.StringDotFormatInvalidFormat)
+ # ok: dotted / bracketed names need to handle the param differently
+ self.flakes("'{.__class__}'.format('')")
+ self.flakes("'{foo[bar]}'.format(foo={'bar': 'barv'})")
+ # ok: placeholder-placeholders
+ self.flakes('''
+ print('{:{}} {}'.format(1, 15, 2))
+ ''')
+ # ok: not a placeholder-placeholder
+ self.flakes('''
+ print('{:2}'.format(1))
+ ''')
+ # ok: not mixed automatic
+ self.flakes('''
+ '{foo}-{}'.format(1, foo=2)
+ ''')
+ # ok: we can't determine statically the format args
+ self.flakes('''
+ a = ()
+ "{}".format(*a)
+ ''')
+ self.flakes('''
+ k = {}
+ "{foo}".format(**k)
+ ''')
+ def test_invalid_percent_format_calls(self):
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%(foo)' % {'foo': 'bar'}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatInvalidFormat)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%s %(foo)s' % {'foo': 'bar'}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatMixedPositionalAndNamed)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%(foo)s %s' % {'foo': 'bar'}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatMixedPositionalAndNamed)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%j' % (1,)
+ ''', m.PercentFormatUnsupportedFormatCharacter)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%s %s' % (1,)
+ ''', m.PercentFormatPositionalCountMismatch)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%s %s' % (1, 2, 3)
+ ''', m.PercentFormatPositionalCountMismatch)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%(bar)s' % {}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatMissingArgument,)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%(bar)s' % {'bar': 1, 'baz': 2}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatExtraNamedArguments)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%(bar)s' % (1, 2, 3)
+ ''', m.PercentFormatExpectedMapping)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%s %s' % {'k': 'v'}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatExpectedSequence)
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%(bar)*s' % {'bar': 'baz'}
+ ''', m.PercentFormatStarRequiresSequence)
+ # ok: single %s with mapping
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%s' % {'foo': 'bar', 'baz': 'womp'}
+ ''')
+ # ok: does not cause a MemoryError (the strings aren't evaluated)
+ self.flakes('''
+ "%1000000000000f" % 1
+ ''')
+ # ok: %% should not count towards placeholder count
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%% %s %% %s' % (1, 2)
+ ''')
+ # ok: * consumes one positional argument
+ self.flakes('''
+ '%.*f' % (2, 1.1234)
+ '%*.*f' % (5, 2, 3.1234)
+ ''')
+ @skipIf(version_info < (3, 5), 'new in Python 3.5')
+ def test_ok_percent_format_cannot_determine_element_count(self):
+ self.flakes('''
+ a = []
+ '%s %s' % [*a]
+ '%s %s' % (*a,)
+ ''')
+ self.flakes('''
+ k = {}
+ '%(k)s' % {**k}
+ ''')
class TestAsyncStatements(TestCase):
@skipIf(version_info < (3, 5), 'new in Python 3.5')