diff options
authorDan Volkov <>2022-09-18 01:07:22 +0300
committerGitHub <>2022-09-18 00:07:22 +0200
commitfcfcdcd7b3783194d1bb3a868fe989b0c79c1262 (patch)
parentf69cddcb757d20454497e351c62d1ab3e826bf81 (diff)
Add func lexer (#2232)
5 files changed, 634 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 3c5f043a..89a286f9 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'FortranLexer': ('pygments.lexers.fortran', 'Fortran', ('fortran', 'f90'), ('*.f03', '*.f90', '*.F03', '*.F90'), ('text/x-fortran',)),
'FoxProLexer': ('pygments.lexers.foxpro', 'FoxPro', ('foxpro', 'vfp', 'clipper', 'xbase'), ('*.PRG', '*.prg'), ()),
'FreeFemLexer': ('pygments.lexers.freefem', 'Freefem', ('freefem',), ('*.edp',), ('text/x-freefem',)),
+ 'FuncLexer': ('pygments.lexers.func', 'FunC', ('func', 'fc'), ('*.fc', '*.func'), ()),
'FutharkLexer': ('pygments.lexers.futhark', 'Futhark', ('futhark',), ('*.fut',), ('text/x-futhark',)),
'GAPConsoleLexer': ('pygments.lexers.algebra', 'GAP session', ('gap-console', 'gap-repl'), ('*.tst',), ()),
'GAPLexer': ('pygments.lexers.algebra', 'GAP', ('gap',), ('*.g', '*.gd', '*.gi', '*.gap'), ()),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6018f85b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+ pygments.lexers.func
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexers for FunC.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2022 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, words
+from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
+ Number, Whitespace, Punctuation
+__all__ = ['FuncLexer']
+class FuncLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For FunC source code.
+ """
+ name = 'FunC'
+ aliases = ['func', 'fc']
+ filenames = ['*.fc', '*.func']
+ # 1. Does not start from "
+ # 2. Can start from ` and end with `, containing any character
+ # 3. Starts with underscore or { or } and have more than 1 character after it
+ # 4. Starts with letter, contains letters, numbers and underscores
+ identifier = r'(?!")(`([^`]+)`|((?=_)_|(?=\{)\{|(?=\})\}|(?![_`{}]))([^;,\[\]\(\)\s~.]+))'
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'\n', Whitespace),
+ (r'\s+', Whitespace),
+ include('keywords'),
+ include('strings'),
+ include('directives'),
+ include('numeric'),
+ include('comments'),
+ include('storage'),
+ include('functions'),
+ include('variables'),
+ (r'[.;(),\[\]~{}]', Punctuation)
+ ],
+ 'keywords': [
+ (words((
+ '<=>', '>=', '<=', '!=', '==', '^>>', '~>>',
+ '>>', '<<', '/%', '^%', '~%', '^/', '~/', '+=',
+ '-=', '*=', '/=', '~/=', '^/=', '%=', '^%=', '<<=',
+ '>>=', '~>>=', '^>>=', '&=', '|=', '^=', '^', '=',
+ '~', '/', '%', '-', '*', '+','>',
+ '<', '&', '|', ':', '?'), prefix=r'(?<=\s)', suffix=r'(?=\s)'),
+ Operator),
+ (words((
+ 'if', 'ifnot',
+ 'else', 'elseif', 'elseifnot',
+ 'while', 'do', 'until', 'repeat',
+ 'return', 'impure', 'method_id',
+ 'forall', 'asm', 'inline', 'inline_ref'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'),
+ Keyword),
+ (words(('true', 'false'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Constant),
+ ],
+ 'directives': [
+ (r'#include|#pragma', Keyword, 'directive'),
+ ],
+ 'directive': [
+ include('strings'),
+ (r'\s+', Whitespace),
+ (r'version|not-version', Keyword),
+ (r'(>=|<=|=|>|<|\^)?([0-9]+)(.[0-9]+)?(.[0-9]+)?', Number), # version
+ (r';', Text, '#pop')
+ ],
+ 'strings': [
+ (r'\"([^\n\"]+)\"[Hhcusa]?', String),
+ ],
+ 'numeric': [
+ (r'\b(-?(?!_)([\d_]+|0x[\d_a-fA-F]+)|0b[1_0]+)(?<!_)(?=[\s\)\],;])', Number)
+ ],
+ 'comments': [
+ (r';;([^\n]*)', Comment.Singleline),
+ (r'\{-', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
+ ],
+ 'comment': [
+ (r'[^-}{]+', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'\{-', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
+ (r'-\}', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
+ (r'[-}{]', Comment.Multiline),
+ ],
+ 'storage': [
+ (words((
+ 'var', 'int', 'slice', 'tuple',
+ 'cell', 'builder', 'cont', '_'),
+ prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'(?=[\s\(\),\[\]])'),
+ Keyword.Type),
+ (words(('global', 'const'), prefix=r'\b', suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Constant),
+ ],
+ 'variables': [
+ (identifier, Name.Variable),
+ ],
+ 'functions': [
+ # identifier followed by (
+ (identifier + r'(?=[\(])', Name.Function),
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/func/test.fc b/tests/examplefiles/func/test.fc
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b196a6b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/func/test.fc
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#include "../";
+#pragma version >=1.0.0;
+global int k_const;
+const int k = 1;
+() recv_internal(int my_balance, int msg_value, cell in_msg_full, slice in_msg_body) impure {
+ slice cs = in_msg_full.begin_parse();
+ int flags = cs~load_uint(0x4_1_0);
+ if ((flags & 1) == true) { ;; ignore all bounced messages
+ return ();
+ }
+ slice sender_address = cs~load_msg_addr();
+ {-
+ {-
+ test - is test
+ -}
+ -}
+ ;; Send message
+ var message = begin_cell()
+ .store_uint(0x18, 6)
+ .store_slice(sender_address)
+ .store_coins(0)
+ .store_uint(0, 1 + 4 + 4 + 64 + 32 + 1 + 1)
+ .store_slice("Hello, world!"s)
+ .end_cell();
+ send_raw_message(message, 64);
+ ;; Update counter
+ var cs = get_data().begin_parse();
+ var counter = data~load_uint(32);
+ store_data(
+ begin_cell()
+ .store_uint(counter + 1, 32)
+ .end_cell()
+ );
+() recv_external(slice in_msg) impure {
+ throw(0xffff);
+int counter() method_id {
+ var data = get_data().begin_parse();
+ return data~load_uint(32);
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/func/test.fc.output b/tests/examplefiles/func/test.fc.output
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..39358e23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/func/test.fc.output
@@ -0,0 +1,429 @@
+'#include' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'"../"' Literal.String
+';' Text
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'#pragma' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'version' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'>=1.0.0' Literal.Number
+';' Text
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'global' Keyword.Constant
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'int' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'k_const' Name.Variable
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'const' Keyword.Constant
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'int' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'k' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'1' Literal.Number
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'recv_internal' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'int' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'my_balance' Name.Variable
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'int' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'msg_value' Name.Variable
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'cell' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'in_msg_full' Name.Variable
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'slice' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'in_msg_body' Name.Variable
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'impure' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'{' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'slice' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'cs' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'in_msg_full' Name.Variable
+'.' Punctuation
+'begin_parse' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'int' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'flags' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'cs' Name.Variable
+'~' Punctuation
+'load_uint' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'0x4_1_0' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'if' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'(' Punctuation
+'(' Punctuation
+'flags' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'&' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'1' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'==' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'true' Keyword.Constant
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'{' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+';; ignore all bounced messages' Comment.Singleline
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'return' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'}' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'slice' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'sender_address' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'cs' Name.Variable
+'~' Punctuation
+'load_msg_addr' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'{-' Comment.Multiline
+'\n ' Comment.Multiline
+'{-' Comment.Multiline
+'\n test ' Comment.Multiline
+'-' Comment.Multiline
+' is test\n ' Comment.Multiline
+'-}' Comment.Multiline
+'\n ' Comment.Multiline
+'-}' Comment.Multiline
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+';; Send message' Comment.Singleline
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'var' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'message' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'begin_cell' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'store_uint' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'0x18' Literal.Number
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'6' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'store_slice' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'sender_address' Name.Variable
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'store_coins' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'0' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'store_uint' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'0' Literal.Number
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'1' Literal.Number
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'4' Literal.Number
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'4' Literal.Number
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'64' Literal.Number
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'32' Literal.Number
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'1' Literal.Number
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'1' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'store_slice' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'"Hello, world!"s' Literal.String
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'end_cell' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'send_raw_message' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'message' Name.Variable
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'64' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+';; Update counter' Comment.Singleline
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'var' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'cs' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'get_data' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+'.' Punctuation
+'begin_parse' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'var' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'counter' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'data' Name.Variable
+'~' Punctuation
+'load_uint' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'32' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'store_data' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'begin_cell' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'store_uint' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'counter' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'+' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'1' Literal.Number
+',' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'32' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'.' Punctuation
+'end_cell' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'}' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'recv_external' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'slice' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'in_msg' Name.Variable
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'impure' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'{' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'throw' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'0xffff' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'}' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'int' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'counter' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'method_id' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'{' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'var' Keyword.Type
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'data' Name.Variable
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'=' Operator
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'get_data' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+'.' Punctuation
+'begin_parse' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'return' Keyword
+' ' Text.Whitespace
+'data' Name.Variable
+'~' Punctuation
+'load_uint' Name.Function
+'(' Punctuation
+'32' Literal.Number
+')' Punctuation
+';' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
+'}' Punctuation
+'\n' Text.Whitespace
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c494b9cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+import pytest
+from pygments.lexers.func import FuncLexer
+from pygments.token import Token, Name
+def lexer_func():
+ yield FuncLexer()
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', (
+ 'take(first)Entry', '"not_a_string', 'msg.sender', 'send_message,then_terminate', '_'))
+def test_func_not_identifier(lexer_func, text):
+ """Test text that should **not** be tokenized as identifier."""
+ assert list(lexer_func.get_tokens(text))[0] != (Name.Variable, text)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', (
+ '`test identifier`', 'simple_identifier', 'query\'\'',
+ '_internal_value', 'get_pubkeys&signatures',
+ 'dict::udict_set_builder', '2+2=2*2', '-alsovalidname', '{hehehe}'))
+def test_func_identifier(lexer_func, text):
+ """Test text that should be tokenized as identifier."""
+ assert list(lexer_func.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Name.Variable, text)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', (
+'`test identifier`(', 'simple_identifier(', 'query\'\'(',
+'_internal_value(', 'get_pubkeys&signatures(',
+'dict::udict_set_builder(', '2+2=2*2(', '-alsovalidname(', '{hehehe}('))
+def test_func_function(lexer_func, text):
+ """Test text that should be tokenized as identifier."""
+ assert list(lexer_func.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Name.Function, text[:-1])
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('0x0f', '0x1_2', '123', '0b10', '0xffff_fff', '1'))
+def test_func_number(lexer_func, text):
+ """Test text that should be tokenized as number."""
+ assert list(lexer_func.get_tokens(text))[0] == (Token.Literal.Number, text)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('text', ('0x0f_m', '0X1_2', '12d3', '0b1_0f', '0bff_fff', '0b'))
+def test_func_not_number(lexer_func, text):
+ """Test text that should *not* be tokenized as number."""
+ assert list(lexer_func.get_tokens(text))[0] != (Token.Literal.Number, text)