BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
Phap-Tran/rust-add-async-await-try-keyword-1559179913070Closing branch Phap-Tran/rust-add-async-await-try-keyword-1559179913070.Georg Brandl4 years
css-variablesClosing branch css-variables.Matth?us G. Chajdas5 years
doscon_promptClosing branch doscon_prompt.Matth?us G. Chajdas5 years
fix-1521Closing branch fix-1521.Georg Brandl4 years
hbs-updateClosing branch hbs-update.Georg Brandl4 years
masterRemove all files, redirect to GitHub.Matth?us G. Chajdas5 years
protobuf-reservedClosing branch protobuf-reserved.Georg Brandl4 years
pytestClose branch pytest.Georg Brandl4 years
rawstringClose branch rawstring.Georg Brandl4 years
shex2Closing branch shex2.Georg Brandl4 years
2.4.2pygments-2.4.2.tar.gz  Georg Brandl5 years
2.4.1pygments-2.4.1.tar.gz  Matth?us G. Chajdas5 years
2.4.0pygments-2.4.0.tar.gz  Matth?us G. Chajdas5 years
2.3.1pygments-2.3.1.tar.gz  Matth?us G. Chajdas5 years
2.3.0pygments-2.3.0.tar.gz  Georg Brandl5 years
2.2.0pygments-2.2.0.tar.gz  Georg Brandl7 years
2.1.3pygments-2.1.3.tar.gz  Georg Brandl8 years
2.1.2pygments-2.1.2.tar.gz  Georg Brandl8 years
2.1.1pygments-2.1.1.tar.gz  Georg Brandl8 years
2.1pygments-2.1.tar.gz  Georg Brandl8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthorFilesLines
2016-02-14Update changelog, set version to Brandl3-3/+3
2016-02-08Make postgres strings use their own state.Georg Brandl1-2/+12
2016-02-03Closes #1207: add back "emacs-lisp" alias for Elisp lexer.Georg Brandl2-2/+2
2016-02-03Closes #1206: add IF and ELSIF to SQL keywords.Georg Brandl1-3/+3
2016-02-02Fixed statefulness of HttpLexer between get_tokens callsGeorg Brandl2-0/+6
2016-02-02Added a mapping table for LaTeX encodings and added utf8 (closes #1152)Georg Brandl2-1/+9
2016-02-02Fixed deepcopy-ing of Token instances (closes #1168)Georg Brandl3-1/+17
2016-02-02Fixup tests for HTML formatter change.Georg Brandl1-2/+2
2016-02-02Fixed HTML formatter output with leading empty lines (closes #1111)Georg Brandl2-1/+4
2016-02-02VHDL updates (closes #1177)Georg Brandl1-5/+12