path: root/pygments/lexers/
diff options
authorTim Hatch <>2015-10-14 12:18:24 -0700
committerTim Hatch <>2015-10-14 12:18:24 -0700
commitd1926faff8750d35fd7adcb040789b49fab8cdb7 (patch)
treece57f99b4ccf3d957699b2ee9a843ee7f0a3838e /pygments/lexers/
parent9ca31007b88d7c395e852ff16961ec9d8f1d1060 (diff)
parent662155ee212d1e3508defeb1ee199ad8cf172e24 (diff)
Merged in dscorbett/pygments-batch (pull request #430)
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 289 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index bfecf593..adb7744c 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
import re
-from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, do_insertions, bygroups, include
+from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, do_insertions, bygroups, \
+ include, default, this, using, words
from pygments.token import Punctuation, \
Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, Number, Generic
from pygments.util import shebang_matches
@@ -199,46 +200,297 @@ class BatchLexer(RegexLexer):
+ _nl = r'\n\x1a'
+ _punct = r'&<>|'
+ _ws = r'\t\v\f\r ,;=\xa0'
+ _space = r'(?:(?:(?:\^[%s])?[%s])+)' % (_nl, _ws)
+ _keyword_terminator = (r'(?=(?:\^[%s]?)?[%s+./:[\\\]]|[%s%s(])' %
+ (_nl, _ws, _nl, _punct))
+ _token_terminator = r'(?=\^?[%s]|[%s%s])' % (_ws, _punct, _nl)
+ _start_label = r'((?:(?<=^[^:])|^[^:]?)[%s]*)(:)' % _ws
+ _label = r'(?:(?:[^%s%s%s+:^]|\^[%s]?[\w\W])*)' % (_nl, _punct, _ws, _nl)
+ _label_compound = (r'(?:(?:[^%s%s%s+:^)]|\^[%s]?[^)])*)' %
+ (_nl, _punct, _ws, _nl))
+ _number = r'(?:-?(?:0[0-7]+|0x[\da-f]+|\d+)%s)' % _token_terminator
+ _opword = r'(?:equ|geq|gtr|leq|lss|neq)'
+ _string = r'(?:"[^%s"]*"?)' % _nl
+ _variable = (r'(?:(?:%%(?:\*|(?:~[a-z]*(?:\$[^:]+:)?)?\d|'
+ r'[^%%:%s]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:[^%%%s^]|'
+ r'\^[^%%%s])[^=%s]*=(?:[^%%%s^]|\^[^%%%s])*)?)?%%))|'
+ r'(?:\^?![^!:%s]+(?::(?:~(?:-?\d+)?(?:,(?:-?\d+)?)?|(?:'
+ r'[^!%s^]|\^[^!%s])[^=%s]*=(?:[^!%s^]|\^[^!%s])*)?)?\^?!))' %
+ (_nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl, _nl))
+ _core_token = r'(?:(?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^%s%s%s])+)' % (_nl, _nl, _punct, _ws)
+ _core_token_compound = r'(?:(?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^%s%s%s)])+)' % (_nl, _nl,
+ _punct, _ws)
+ _token = r'(?:[%s]+|%s)' % (_punct, _core_token)
+ _token_compound = r'(?:[%s]+|%s)' % (_punct, _core_token_compound)
+ _stoken = (r'(?:[%s]+|(?:%s|%s|%s)+)' %
+ (_punct, _string, _variable, _core_token))
+ def _make_begin_state(compound, _core_token=_core_token,
+ _core_token_compound=_core_token_compound,
+ _keyword_terminator=_keyword_terminator,
+ _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct, _string=_string,
+ _space=_space, _start_label=_start_label,
+ _stoken=_stoken, _token_terminator=_token_terminator,
+ _variable=_variable, _ws=_ws):
+ rest = '(?:%s|%s|[^"%%%s%s%s])*' % (_string, _variable, _nl, _punct,
+ ')' if compound else '')
+ rest_of_line = r'(?:(?:[^%s^]|\^[%s]?[\w\W])*)' % (_nl, _nl)
+ rest_of_line_compound = r'(?:(?:[^%s^)]|\^[%s]?[^)])*)' % (_nl, _nl)
+ set_space = r'((?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^\S\n])*)' % _nl
+ suffix = ''
+ if compound:
+ _keyword_terminator = r'(?:(?=\))|%s)' % _keyword_terminator
+ _token_terminator = r'(?:(?=\))|%s)' % _token_terminator
+ suffix = '/compound'
+ return [
+ ((r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop') if compound else
+ (r'\)((?=\()|%s)%s' % (_token_terminator, rest_of_line),
+ Comment.Single)),
+ (r'(?=%s)' % _start_label, Text, 'follow%s' % suffix),
+ (_space, using(this, state='text')),
+ include('redirect%s' % suffix),
+ (r'[%s]+' % _nl, Text),
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, 'root/compound'),
+ (r'@+', Punctuation),
+ (r'((?:for|if|rem)(?:(?=(?:\^[%s]?)?/)|(?:(?!\^)|'
+ r'(?<=m))(?:(?=\()|%s)))(%s?%s?(?:\^[%s]?)?/(?:\^[%s]?)?\?)' %
+ (_nl, _token_terminator, _space,
+ _core_token_compound if compound else _core_token, _nl, _nl),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text')),
+ 'follow%s' % suffix),
+ (r'(goto%s)(%s(?:\^[%s]?)?/(?:\^[%s]?)?\?%s)' %
+ (_keyword_terminator, rest, _nl, _nl, rest),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text')),
+ 'follow%s' % suffix),
+ (words(('assoc', 'break', 'cd', 'chdir', 'cls', 'color', 'copy',
+ 'date', 'del', 'dir', 'dpath', 'echo', 'endlocal', 'erase',
+ 'exit', 'ftype', 'keys', 'md', 'mkdir', 'mklink', 'move',
+ 'path', 'pause', 'popd', 'prompt', 'pushd', 'rd', 'ren',
+ 'rename', 'rmdir', 'setlocal', 'shift', 'start', 'time',
+ 'title', 'type', 'ver', 'verify', 'vol'),
+ suffix=_keyword_terminator), Keyword, 'follow%s' % suffix),
+ (r'(call)(%s?)(:)' % _space,
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Punctuation),
+ 'call%s' % suffix),
+ (r'call%s' % _keyword_terminator, Keyword),
+ (r'(for%s(?!\^))(%s)(/f%s)' %
+ (_token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword),
+ ('for/f', 'for')),
+ (r'(for%s(?!\^))(%s)(/l%s)' %
+ (_token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword),
+ ('for/l', 'for')),
+ (r'for%s(?!\^)' % _token_terminator, Keyword, ('for2', 'for')),
+ (r'(goto%s)(%s?)(:?)' % (_keyword_terminator, _space),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Punctuation),
+ 'label%s' % suffix),
+ (r'(if(?:(?=\()|%s)(?!\^))(%s?)((?:/i%s)?)(%s?)((?:not%s)?)(%s?)' %
+ (_token_terminator, _space, _token_terminator, _space,
+ _token_terminator, _space),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword,
+ using(this, state='text'), Keyword,
+ using(this, state='text')), ('(?', 'if')),
+ (r'rem(((?=\()|%s)%s?%s?.*|%s%s)' %
+ (_token_terminator, _space, _stoken, _keyword_terminator,
+ rest_of_line_compound if compound else rest_of_line),
+ Comment.Single, 'follow%s' % suffix),
+ (r'(set%s)%s(/a)' % (_keyword_terminator, set_space),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword),
+ 'arithmetic%s' % suffix),
+ (r'(set%s)%s((?:/p)?)%s((?:(?:(?:\^[%s]?)?[^"%s%s^=%s]|'
+ r'\^[%s]?[^"=])+)?)((?:(?:\^[%s]?)?=)?)' %
+ (_keyword_terminator, set_space, set_space, _nl, _nl, _punct,
+ ')' if compound else '', _nl, _nl),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'), Keyword,
+ using(this, state='text'), using(this, state='variable'),
+ Punctuation),
+ 'follow%s' % suffix),
+ default('follow%s' % suffix)
+ ]
+ def _make_follow_state(compound, _label=_label,
+ _label_compound=_label_compound, _nl=_nl,
+ _space=_space, _start_label=_start_label,
+ _token=_token, _token_compound=_token_compound,
+ _ws=_ws):
+ suffix = '/compound' if compound else ''
+ state = []
+ if compound:
+ state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop'))
+ state += [
+ (r'%s([%s]*)(%s)(.*)' %
+ (_start_label, _ws, _label_compound if compound else _label),
+ bygroups(Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Label, Comment.Single)),
+ include('redirect%s' % suffix),
+ (r'(?=[%s])' % _nl, Text, '#pop'),
+ (r'\|\|?|&&?', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ include('text')
+ ]
+ return state
+ def _make_arithmetic_state(compound, _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct,
+ _string=_string, _variable=_variable, _ws=_ws):
+ op = r'=+\-*/!~'
+ state = []
+ if compound:
+ state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop'))
+ state += [
+ (r'0[0-7]+', Number.Oct),
+ (r'0x[\da-f]+', Number.Hex),
+ (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'[(),]+', Punctuation),
+ (r'([%s]|%%|\^\^)+' % op, Operator),
+ (r'(%s|%s|(\^[%s]?)?[^()%s%%^"%s%s%s]|\^[%s%s]?%s)+' %
+ (_string, _variable, _nl, op, _nl, _punct, _ws, _nl, _ws,
+ r'[^)]' if compound else r'[\w\W]'),
+ using(this, state='variable')),
+ (r'(?=[\x00|&])', Text, '#pop'),
+ include('follow')
+ ]
+ return state
+ def _make_call_state(compound, _label=_label,
+ _label_compound=_label_compound):
+ state = []
+ if compound:
+ state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop'))
+ state.append((r'(:?)(%s)' % (_label_compound if compound else _label),
+ bygroups(Punctuation, Name.Label), '#pop'))
+ return state
+ def _make_label_state(compound, _label=_label,
+ _label_compound=_label_compound, _nl=_nl,
+ _punct=_punct, _string=_string, _variable=_variable):
+ state = []
+ if compound:
+ state.append((r'(?=\))', Text, '#pop'))
+ state.append((r'(%s?)((?:%s|%s|\^[%s]?%s|[^"%%^%s%s%s])*)' %
+ (_label_compound if compound else _label, _string,
+ _variable, _nl, r'[^)]' if compound else r'[\w\W]', _nl,
+ _punct, r')' if compound else ''),
+ bygroups(Name.Label, Comment.Single), '#pop'))
+ return state
+ def _make_redirect_state(compound,
+ _core_token_compound=_core_token_compound,
+ _nl=_nl, _punct=_punct, _stoken=_stoken,
+ _string=_string, _space=_space,
+ _variable=_variable, _ws=_ws):
+ stoken_compound = (r'(?:[%s]+|(?:%s|%s|%s)+)' %
+ (_punct, _string, _variable, _core_token_compound))
+ return [
+ (r'((?:(?<=[%s%s])\d)?)(>>?&|<&)([%s%s]*)(\d)' %
+ (_nl, _ws, _nl, _ws),
+ bygroups(Number.Integer, Punctuation, Text, Number.Integer)),
+ (r'((?:(?<=[%s%s])(?<!\^[%s])\d)?)(>>?|<)(%s?%s)' %
+ (_nl, _ws, _nl, _space, stoken_compound if compound else _stoken),
+ bygroups(Number.Integer, Punctuation, using(this, state='text')))
+ ]
tokens = {
- 'root': [
- # Lines can start with @ to prevent echo
- (r'^\s*@', Punctuation),
- (r'^(\s*)(rem\s.*)$', bygroups(Text, Comment)),
- (r'".*?"', String.Double),
- (r"'.*?'", String.Single),
- # If made more specific, make sure you still allow expansions
- # like %~$VAR:zlt
- (r'%%?[~$:\w]+%?', Name.Variable),
- (r'::.*', Comment), # Technically :: only works at BOL
- (r'\b(set)(\s+)(\w+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Variable)),
- (r'\b(call)(\s+)(:\w+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Label)),
- (r'\b(goto)(\s+)(\w+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Label)),
- (r'\b(set|call|echo|on|off|endlocal|for|do|goto|if|pause|'
- r'setlocal|shift|errorlevel|exist|defined|cmdextversion|'
- r'errorlevel|else|cd|md|del|deltree|cls|choice)\b', Keyword),
- (r'\b(equ|neq|lss|leq|gtr|geq)\b', Operator),
- include('basic'),
- (r'.', Text),
+ 'root': _make_begin_state(False),
+ 'follow': _make_follow_state(False),
+ 'arithmetic': _make_arithmetic_state(False),
+ 'call': _make_call_state(False),
+ 'label': _make_label_state(False),
+ 'redirect': _make_redirect_state(False),
+ 'root/compound': _make_begin_state(True),
+ 'follow/compound': _make_follow_state(True),
+ 'arithmetic/compound': _make_arithmetic_state(True),
+ 'call/compound': _make_call_state(True),
+ 'label/compound': _make_label_state(True),
+ 'redirect/compound': _make_redirect_state(True),
+ 'variable-or-escape': [
+ (_variable, Name.Variable),
+ (r'%%%%|\^[%s]?(\^!|[\w\W])' % _nl, String.Escape)
- 'echo': [
- # Escapes only valid within echo args?
- (r'\^\^|\^<|\^>|\^\|', String.Escape),
- (r'\n', Text, '#pop'),
- include('basic'),
- (r'[^\'"^]+', Text),
+ 'string': [
+ (r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
+ (_variable, Name.Variable),
+ (r'\^!|%%', String.Escape),
+ (r'[^"%%^%s]+|[%%^]' % _nl, String.Double),
+ default('#pop')
- 'basic': [
- (r'".*?"', String.Double),
- (r"'.*?'", String.Single),
- (r'`.*?`', String.Backtick),
- (r'-?\d+', Number),
- (r',', Punctuation),
- (r'=', Operator),
- (r'/\S+', Name),
- (r':\w+', Name.Label),
- (r'\w:\w+', Text),
- (r'([<>|])(\s*)(\w+)', bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name)),
+ 'sqstring': [
+ include('variable-or-escape'),
+ (r'[^%]+|%', String.Single)
+ 'bqstring': [
+ include('variable-or-escape'),
+ (r'[^%]+|%', String.Backtick)
+ ],
+ 'text': [
+ (r'"', String.Double, 'string'),
+ include('variable-or-escape'),
+ (r'[^"%%^%s%s%s\d)]+|.' % (_nl, _punct, _ws), Text)
+ ],
+ 'variable': [
+ (r'"', String.Double, 'string'),
+ include('variable-or-escape'),
+ (r'[^"%%^%s]+|.' % _nl, Name.Variable)
+ ],
+ 'for': [
+ (r'(%s)(in)(%s)(\()' % (_space, _space),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Keyword,
+ using(this, state='text'), Punctuation), '#pop'),
+ include('follow')
+ ],
+ 'for2': [
+ (r'\)', Punctuation),
+ (r'(%s)(do%s)' % (_space, _token_terminator),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Keyword), '#pop'),
+ (r'[%s]+' % _nl, Text),
+ include('follow')
+ ],
+ 'for/f': [
+ (r'(")((?:%s|[^"])*?")([%s%s]*)(\))' % (_variable, _nl, _ws),
+ bygroups(String.Double, using(this, state='string'), Text,
+ Punctuation)),
+ (r'"', String.Double, ('#pop', 'for2', 'string')),
+ (r"('(?:%s|[\w\W])*?')([%s%s]*)(\))" % (_variable, _nl, _ws),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='sqstring'), Text, Punctuation)),
+ (r'(`(?:%s|[\w\W])*?`)([%s%s]*)(\))' % (_variable, _nl, _ws),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='bqstring'), Text, Punctuation)),
+ include('for2')
+ ],
+ 'for/l': [
+ (r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
+ include('for2')
+ ],
+ 'if': [
+ (r'((?:cmdextversion|errorlevel)%s)(%s)(\d+)' %
+ (_token_terminator, _space),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'),
+ Number.Integer), '#pop'),
+ (r'(defined%s)(%s)(%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _stoken),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text'),
+ using(this, state='variable')), '#pop'),
+ (r'(exist%s)(%s%s)' % (_token_terminator, _space, _stoken),
+ bygroups(Keyword, using(this, state='text')), '#pop'),
+ (r'(%s%s?)(==)(%s?%s)' % (_stoken, _space, _space, _stoken),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Operator,
+ using(this, state='text')), '#pop'),
+ (r'(%s%s)(%s)(%s%s)' % (_number, _space, _opword, _space, _number),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='arithmetic'), Operator.Word,
+ using(this, state='arithmetic')), '#pop'),
+ (r'(%s%s)(%s)(%s%s)' % (_stoken, _space, _opword, _space, _stoken),
+ bygroups(using(this, state='text'), Operator.Word,
+ using(this, state='text')), '#pop')
+ ],
+ '(?': [
+ (_space, using(this, state='text')),
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, ('#pop', 'else?', 'root/compound')),
+ default('#pop')
+ ],
+ 'else?': [
+ (_space, using(this, state='text')),
+ (r'else%s' % _token_terminator, Keyword, '#pop'),
+ default('#pop')
+ ]