path: root/pygments
diff options
authorGeorg Brandl <>2013-05-19 09:27:18 +0200
committerGeorg Brandl <>2013-05-19 09:27:18 +0200
commit586d2e27922212bfeb2c949a424f66c7a4a36983 (patch)
tree0ec93d2bf994f7adc70bc5e9acfdf60ca23a7f39 /pygments
parentee21fc5d24c38f2d2ace98f87089971d6a6a8fe1 (diff)
parent8d9ce74cd983b2a55159f48b213825b86cbcd158 (diff)
merge with (EBNF lexer), pull request #193
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments')
12 files changed, 722 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 9af6ce68..dbfe4351 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import fnmatch
from os.path import basename
from pygments.lexers._mapping import LEXERS
+from pygments.modeline import get_filetype_from_buffer
from pygments.plugin import find_plugin_lexers
from pygments.util import ClassNotFound, bytes
@@ -197,6 +198,16 @@ def guess_lexer(_text, **options):
Guess a lexer by strong distinctions in the text (eg, shebang).
+ # try to get a vim modeline first
+ ft = get_filetype_from_buffer(_text)
+ if ft is not None:
+ try:
+ return get_lexer_by_name(ft, **options)
+ except ClassNotFound:
+ pass
best_lexer = [0.0, None]
for lexer in _iter_lexerclasses():
rv = lexer.analyse_text(_text)
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index d491c03b..6a33a032 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -32,14 +32,15 @@ LEXERS = {
'AspectJLexer': ('pygments.lexers.jvm', 'AspectJ', ('aspectj',), ('*.aj',), ('text/x-aspectj',)),
'AsymptoteLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Asymptote', ('asy', 'asymptote'), ('*.asy',), ('text/x-asymptote',)),
'AutoItLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'AutoIt', ('autoit', 'Autoit'), ('*.au3',), ('text/x-autoit',)),
- 'AutohotkeyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'autohotkey', ('ahk',), ('*.ahk', '*.ahkl'), ('text/x-autohotkey',)),
+ 'AutohotkeyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'autohotkey', ('ahk', 'autohotkey'), ('*.ahk', '*.ahkl'), ('text/x-autohotkey',)),
'AwkLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Awk', ('awk', 'gawk', 'mawk', 'nawk'), ('*.awk',), ('application/x-awk',)),
'BBCodeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'BBCode', ('bbcode',), (), ('text/x-bbcode',)),
'BaseMakefileLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Base Makefile', ('basemake',), (), ()),
'BashLexer': ('', 'Bash', ('bash', 'sh', 'ksh'), ('*.sh', '*.ksh', '*.bash', '*.ebuild', '*.eclass', '.bashrc', 'bashrc', '.bash_*', 'bash_*'), ('application/x-sh', 'application/x-shellscript')),
'BashSessionLexer': ('', 'Bash Session', ('console',), ('*.sh-session',), ('application/x-shell-session',)),
- 'BatchLexer': ('', 'Batchfile', ('bat',), ('*.bat', '*.cmd'), ('application/x-dos-batch',)),
+ 'BatchLexer': ('', 'Batchfile', ('bat', 'dosbatch', 'winbatch'), ('*.bat', '*.cmd'), ('application/x-dos-batch',)),
'BefungeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Befunge', ('befunge',), ('*.befunge',), ('application/x-befunge',)),
+ 'BlitzBasicLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'BlitzBasic', ('blitzbasic', 'b3d', 'bplus'), ('*.bb', '*.decls'), ('text/x-bb',)),
'BlitzMaxLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'BlitzMax', ('blitzmax', 'bmax'), ('*.bmx',), ('text/x-bmx',)),
'BooLexer': ('pygments.lexers.dotnet', 'Boo', ('boo',), ('*.boo',), ('text/x-boo',)),
'BrainfuckLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Brainfuck', ('brainfuck', 'bf'), ('*.bf', '*.b'), ('application/x-brainfuck',)),
@@ -54,7 +55,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'CbmBasicV2Lexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'CBM BASIC V2', ('cbmbas',), ('*.bas',), ()),
'CeylonLexer': ('pygments.lexers.jvm', 'Ceylon', ('ceylon',), ('*.ceylon',), ('text/x-ceylon',)),
'Cfengine3Lexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'CFEngine3', ('cfengine3', 'cf3'), ('*.cf',), ()),
- 'CheetahHtmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Cheetah', ('html+cheetah', 'html+spitfire'), (), ('text/html+cheetah', 'text/html+spitfire')),
+ 'CheetahHtmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Cheetah', ('html+cheetah', 'html+spitfire', 'htmlcheetah'), (), ('text/html+cheetah', 'text/html+spitfire')),
'CheetahJavascriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'JavaScript+Cheetah', ('js+cheetah', 'javascript+cheetah', 'js+spitfire', 'javascript+spitfire'), (), ('application/x-javascript+cheetah', 'text/x-javascript+cheetah', 'text/javascript+cheetah', 'application/x-javascript+spitfire', 'text/x-javascript+spitfire', 'text/javascript+spitfire')),
'CheetahLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Cheetah', ('cheetah', 'spitfire'), ('*.tmpl', '*.spt'), ('application/x-cheetah', 'application/x-spitfire')),
'CheetahXmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'XML+Cheetah', ('xml+cheetah', 'xml+spitfire'), (), ('application/xml+cheetah', 'application/xml+spitfire')),
@@ -62,10 +63,10 @@ LEXERS = {
'ClojureLexer': ('pygments.lexers.jvm', 'Clojure', ('clojure', 'clj'), ('*.clj',), ('text/x-clojure', 'application/x-clojure')),
'CobolFreeformatLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'COBOLFree', ('cobolfree',), ('*.cbl', '*.CBL'), ()),
'CobolLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'COBOL', ('cobol',), ('*.cob', '*.COB', '*.cpy', '*.CPY'), ('text/x-cobol',)),
- 'CoffeeScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'CoffeeScript', ('coffee-script', 'coffeescript'), ('*.coffee',), ('text/coffeescript',)),
+ 'CoffeeScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'CoffeeScript', ('coffee-script', 'coffeescript', 'coffee'), ('*.coffee',), ('text/coffeescript',)),
'ColdfusionHtmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Coldfusion HTML', ('cfm',), ('*.cfm', '*.cfml', '*.cfc'), ('application/x-coldfusion',)),
'ColdfusionLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'cfstatement', ('cfs',), (), ()),
- 'CommonLispLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Common Lisp', ('common-lisp', 'cl'), ('*.cl', '*.lisp', '*.el'), ('text/x-common-lisp',)),
+ 'CommonLispLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Common Lisp', ('common-lisp', 'cl', 'lisp'), ('*.cl', '*.lisp', '*.el'), ('text/x-common-lisp',)),
'CoqLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Coq', ('coq',), ('*.v',), ('text/x-coq',)),
'CppLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'C++', ('cpp', 'c++'), ('*.cpp', '*.hpp', '*.c++', '*.h++', '*.cc', '*.hh', '*.cxx', '*.hxx', '*.C', '*.H', '*.cp', '*.CPP'), ('text/x-c++hdr', 'text/x-c++src')),
'CppObjdumpLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'cpp-objdump', ('cpp-objdump', 'c++-objdumb', 'cxx-objdump'), ('*.cpp-objdump', '*.c++-objdump', '*.cxx-objdump'), ('text/x-cpp-objdump',)),
@@ -77,12 +78,12 @@ LEXERS = {
'CssPhpLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'CSS+PHP', ('css+php',), (), ('text/css+php',)),
'CssSmartyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'CSS+Smarty', ('css+smarty',), (), ('text/css+smarty',)),
'CudaLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'CUDA', ('cuda', 'cu'), ('*.cu', '*.cuh'), ('text/x-cuda',)),
- 'CythonLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Cython', ('cython', 'pyx'), ('*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi'), ('text/x-cython', 'application/x-cython')),
+ 'CythonLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Cython', ('cython', 'pyx', 'pyrex'), ('*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi'), ('text/x-cython', 'application/x-cython')),
'DLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'D', ('d',), ('*.d', '*.di'), ('text/x-dsrc',)),
'DObjdumpLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'd-objdump', ('d-objdump',), ('*.d-objdump',), ('text/x-d-objdump',)),
'DarcsPatchLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Darcs Patch', ('dpatch',), ('*.dpatch', '*.darcspatch'), ()),
'DartLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'Dart', ('dart',), ('*.dart',), ('text/x-dart',)),
- 'DebianControlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Debian Control file', ('control',), ('control',), ()),
+ 'DebianControlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Debian Control file', ('control', 'debcontrol'), ('control',), ()),
'DelphiLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Delphi', ('delphi', 'pas', 'pascal', 'objectpascal'), ('*.pas',), ('text/x-pascal',)),
'DgLexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'dg', ('dg',), ('*.dg',), ('text/x-dg',)),
'DiffLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Diff', ('diff', 'udiff'), ('*.diff', '*.patch'), ('text/x-diff', 'text/x-patch')),
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'FortranLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Fortran', ('fortran',), ('*.f', '*.f90', '*.F', '*.F90'), ('text/x-fortran',)),
'FoxProLexer': ('pygments.lexers.foxpro', 'FoxPro', ('Clipper', 'XBase'), ('*.PRG', '*.prg'), ()),
'GLShaderLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'GLSL', ('glsl',), ('*.vert', '*.frag', '*.geo'), ('text/x-glslsrc',)),
- 'GasLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'GAS', ('gas',), ('*.s', '*.S'), ('text/x-gas',)),
+ 'GasLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'GAS', ('gas', 'asm'), ('*.s', '*.S'), ('text/x-gas',)),
'GenshiLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Genshi', ('genshi', 'kid', 'xml+genshi', 'xml+kid'), ('*.kid',), ('application/x-genshi', 'application/x-kid')),
'GenshiTextLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Genshi Text', ('genshitext',), (), ('application/x-genshi-text', 'text/x-genshi')),
'GettextLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Gettext Catalog', ('pot', 'po'), ('*.pot', '*.po'), ('application/x-gettext', 'text/x-gettext', 'text/gettext')),
@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@ LEXERS = {
'GroovyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.jvm', 'Groovy', ('groovy',), ('*.groovy',), ('text/x-groovy',)),
'HamlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'Haml', ('haml', 'HAML'), ('*.haml',), ('text/x-haml',)),
'HaskellLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Haskell', ('haskell', 'hs'), ('*.hs',), ('text/x-haskell',)),
- 'HaxeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'haXe', ('hx', 'haXe'), ('*.hx',), ('text/haxe',)),
- 'HtmlDjangoLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Django/Jinja', ('html+django', 'html+jinja'), (), ('text/html+django', 'text/html+jinja')),
+ 'HaxeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'haXe', ('hx', 'haXe', 'haxe'), ('*.hx',), ('text/haxe',)),
+ 'HtmlDjangoLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Django/Jinja', ('html+django', 'html+jinja', 'htmldjango'), (), ('text/html+django', 'text/html+jinja')),
'HtmlGenshiLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Genshi', ('html+genshi', 'html+kid'), (), ('text/html+genshi',)),
'HtmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'HTML', ('html',), ('*.html', '*.htm', '*.xhtml', '*.xslt'), ('text/html', 'application/xhtml+xml')),
'HtmlPhpLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+PHP', ('html+php',), ('*.phtml',), ('application/x-php', 'application/x-httpd-php', 'application/x-httpd-php3', 'application/x-httpd-php4', 'application/x-httpd-php5')),
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'HxmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Hxml', ('haxeml', 'hxml'), ('*.hxml',), ()),
'HybrisLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Hybris', ('hybris', 'hy'), ('*.hy', '*.hyb'), ('text/x-hybris', 'application/x-hybris')),
'IDLLexer': ('pygments.lexers.math', 'IDL', ('idl',), ('*.pro',), ('text/idl',)),
- 'IniLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'INI', ('ini', 'cfg'), ('*.ini', '*.cfg'), ('text/x-ini',)),
+ 'IniLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'INI', ('ini', 'cfg', 'dosini'), ('*.ini', '*.cfg'), ('text/x-ini',)),
'IoLexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'Io', ('io',), ('*.io',), ('text/x-iosrc',)),
'IokeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.jvm', 'Ioke', ('ioke', 'ik'), ('*.ik',), ('text/x-iokesrc',)),
'IrcLogsLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'IRC logs', ('irc',), ('*.weechatlog',), ('text/x-irclog',)),
@@ -161,13 +162,13 @@ LEXERS = {
'LassoLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'Lasso', ('lasso', 'lassoscript'), ('*.lasso', '*.lasso[89]'), ('text/x-lasso',)),
'LassoXmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'XML+Lasso', ('xml+lasso',), (), ('application/xml+lasso',)),
'LighttpdConfLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Lighttpd configuration file', ('lighty', 'lighttpd'), (), ('text/x-lighttpd-conf',)),
- 'LiterateHaskellLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Literate Haskell', ('lhs', 'literate-haskell'), ('*.lhs',), ('text/x-literate-haskell',)),
+ 'LiterateHaskellLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Literate Haskell', ('lhs', 'literate-haskell', 'lhaskell'), ('*.lhs',), ('text/x-literate-haskell',)),
'LiveScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'LiveScript', ('live-script', 'livescript'), ('*.ls',), ('text/livescript',)),
'LlvmLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'LLVM', ('llvm',), ('*.ll',), ('text/x-llvm',)),
'LogosLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Logos', ('logos',), ('*.x', '*.xi', '*.xm', '*.xmi'), ('text/x-logos',)),
'LogtalkLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Logtalk', ('logtalk',), ('*.lgt',), ('text/x-logtalk',)),
'LuaLexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'Lua', ('lua',), ('*.lua', '*.wlua'), ('text/x-lua', 'application/x-lua')),
- 'MOOCodeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'MOOCode', ('moocode',), ('*.moo',), ('text/x-moocode',)),
+ 'MOOCodeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'MOOCode', ('moocode', 'moo'), ('*.moo',), ('text/x-moocode',)),
'MakefileLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Makefile', ('make', 'makefile', 'mf', 'bsdmake'), ('*.mak', 'Makefile', 'makefile', 'Makefile.*', 'GNUmakefile'), ('text/x-makefile',)),
'MakoCssLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'CSS+Mako', ('css+mako',), (), ('text/css+mako',)),
'MakoHtmlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'HTML+Mako', ('html+mako',), (), ('text/html+mako',)),
@@ -196,6 +197,7 @@ LEXERS = {
'NSISLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'NSIS', ('nsis', 'nsi', 'nsh'), ('*.nsi', '*.nsh'), ('text/x-nsis',)),
'NasmLexer': ('pygments.lexers.asm', 'NASM', ('nasm',), ('*.asm', '*.ASM'), ('text/x-nasm',)),
'NemerleLexer': ('pygments.lexers.dotnet', 'Nemerle', ('nemerle',), ('*.n',), ('text/x-nemerle',)),
+ 'NesCLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'nesC', ('nesc',), ('*.nc',), ('text/x-nescsrc',)),
'NewLispLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'NewLisp', ('newlisp',), ('*.lsp', '*.nl'), ('text/x-newlisp', 'application/x-newlisp')),
'NewspeakLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Newspeak', ('newspeak',), ('*.ns2',), ('text/x-newspeak',)),
'NginxConfLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Nginx configuration file', ('nginx',), (), ('text/x-nginx-conf',)),
@@ -210,17 +212,18 @@ LEXERS = {
'OocLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Ooc', ('ooc',), ('*.ooc',), ('text/x-ooc',)),
'OpaLexer': ('pygments.lexers.functional', 'Opa', ('opa',), ('*.opa',), ('text/x-opa',)),
'OpenEdgeLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'OpenEdge ABL', ('openedge', 'abl', 'progress'), ('*.p', '*.cls'), ('text/x-openedge', 'application/x-openedge')),
+ 'Perl6Lexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'Perl6', ('perl6', 'pl6'), ('*.pl', '*.pm', '*.nqp', '*.p6', '*.6pl', '*.p6l', '*.pl6', '*.6pm', '*.p6m', '*.pm6'), ('text/x-perl6', 'application/x-perl6')),
'PerlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'Perl', ('perl', 'pl'), ('*.pl', '*.pm'), ('text/x-perl', 'application/x-perl')),
'PhpLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'PHP', ('php', 'php3', 'php4', 'php5'), ('*.php', '*.php[345]', '*.inc'), ('text/x-php',)),
'PlPgsqlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.sql', 'PL/pgSQL', ('plpgsql',), (), ('text/x-plpgsql',)),
- 'PostScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'PostScript', ('postscript',), ('*.ps', '*.eps'), ('application/postscript',)),
+ 'PostScriptLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'PostScript', ('postscript', 'postscr'), ('*.ps', '*.eps'), ('application/postscript',)),
'PostgresConsoleLexer': ('pygments.lexers.sql', 'PostgreSQL console (psql)', ('psql', 'postgresql-console', 'postgres-console'), (), ('text/x-postgresql-psql',)),
'PostgresLexer': ('pygments.lexers.sql', 'PostgreSQL SQL dialect', ('postgresql', 'postgres'), (), ('text/x-postgresql',)),
'PovrayLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'POVRay', ('pov',), ('*.pov', '*.inc'), ('text/x-povray',)),
- 'PowerShellLexer': ('', 'PowerShell', ('powershell', 'posh', 'ps1'), ('*.ps1',), ('text/x-powershell',)),
+ 'PowerShellLexer': ('', 'PowerShell', ('powershell', 'posh', 'ps1', 'psm1'), ('*.ps1', '*.psm1'), ('text/x-powershell',)),
'PrologLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'Prolog', ('prolog',), ('*.prolog', '*.pro', '*.pl'), ('text/x-prolog',)),
- 'PropertiesLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Properties', ('properties',), ('*.properties',), ('text/x-java-properties',)),
- 'ProtoBufLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Protocol Buffer', ('protobuf',), ('*.proto',), ()),
+ 'PropertiesLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Properties', ('properties', 'jproperties'), ('*.properties',), ('text/x-java-properties',)),
+ 'ProtoBufLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Protocol Buffer', ('protobuf', 'proto'), ('*.proto',), ()),
'PuppetLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Puppet', ('puppet',), ('*.pp',), ()),
'PyPyLogLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'PyPy Log', ('pypylog', 'pypy'), ('*.pypylog',), ('application/x-pypylog',)),
'Python3Lexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'Python 3', ('python3', 'py3'), (), ('text/x-python3', 'application/x-python3')),
@@ -261,16 +264,17 @@ LEXERS = {
'ScssLexer': ('pygments.lexers.web', 'SCSS', ('scss',), ('*.scss',), ('text/x-scss',)),
'ShellSessionLexer': ('', 'Shell Session', ('shell-session',), ('*.shell-session',), ('application/x-sh-session',)),
'SmaliLexer': ('pygments.lexers.dalvik', 'Smali', ('smali',), ('*.smali',), ('text/smali',)),
- 'SmalltalkLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Smalltalk', ('smalltalk', 'squeak'), ('*.st',), ('text/x-smalltalk',)),
+ 'SmalltalkLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Smalltalk', ('smalltalk', 'squeak', 'st'), ('*.st',), ('text/x-smalltalk',)),
'SmartyLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Smarty', ('smarty',), ('*.tpl',), ('application/x-smarty',)),
'SnobolLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'Snobol', ('snobol',), ('*.snobol',), ('text/x-snobol',)),
'SourcePawnLexer': ('pygments.lexers.other', 'SourcePawn', ('sp',), ('*.sp',), ('text/x-sourcepawn',)),
- 'SourcesListLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Debian Sourcelist', ('sourceslist', 'sources.list'), ('sources.list',), ()),
+ 'SourcesListLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'Debian Sourcelist', ('sourceslist', 'sources.list', 'debsources'), ('sources.list',), ()),
'SqlLexer': ('pygments.lexers.sql', 'SQL', ('sql',), ('*.sql',), ('text/x-sql',)),
'SqliteConsoleLexer': ('pygments.lexers.sql', 'sqlite3con', ('sqlite3',), ('*.sqlite3-console',), ('text/x-sqlite3-console',)),
'SquidConfLexer': ('pygments.lexers.text', 'SquidConf', ('squidconf', 'squid.conf', 'squid'), ('squid.conf',), ('text/x-squidconf',)),
'SspLexer': ('pygments.lexers.templates', 'Scalate Server Page', ('ssp',), ('*.ssp',), ('application/x-ssp',)),
'StanLexer': ('pygments.lexers.math', 'Stan', ('stan',), ('*.stan',), ()),
+ 'SwigLexer': ('pygments.lexers.compiled', 'SWIG', ('Swig', 'swig'), ('*.swg', '*.i'), ('text/swig',)),
'SystemVerilogLexer': ('pygments.lexers.hdl', 'systemverilog', ('systemverilog', 'sv'), ('*.sv', '*.svh'), ('text/x-systemverilog',)),
'TclLexer': ('pygments.lexers.agile', 'Tcl', ('tcl',), ('*.tcl',), ('text/x-tcl', 'text/x-script.tcl', 'application/x-tcl')),
'TcshLexer': ('', 'Tcsh', ('tcsh', 'csh'), ('*.tcsh', '*.csh'), ('application/x-csh',)),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 3c1525d0..896a3deb 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
import re
from pygments.lexer import Lexer, RegexLexer, ExtendedRegexLexer, \
- LexerContext, include, combined, do_insertions, bygroups, using
+ LexerContext, include, combined, do_insertions, bygroups, using, this
from pygments.token import Error, Text, Other, \
Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, Number, Generic, Punctuation
from pygments.util import get_bool_opt, get_list_opt, shebang_matches
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ __all__ = ['PythonLexer', 'PythonConsoleLexer', 'PythonTracebackLexer',
'Python3Lexer', 'Python3TracebackLexer', 'RubyLexer',
'RubyConsoleLexer', 'PerlLexer', 'LuaLexer', 'MoonScriptLexer',
'CrocLexer', 'MiniDLexer', 'IoLexer', 'TclLexer', 'FactorLexer',
- 'FancyLexer', 'DgLexer']
+ 'FancyLexer', 'DgLexer', 'Perl6Lexer']
# b/w compatibility
from pygments.lexers.functional import SchemeLexer
@@ -428,10 +428,13 @@ class Python3TracebackLexer(RegexLexer):
r'exception occurred:\n\n', Generic.Traceback),
(r'^The above exception was the direct cause of the '
r'following exception:\n\n', Generic.Traceback),
+ (r'^(?= File "[^"]+", line \d+)', Generic.Traceback, 'intb'),
'intb': [
(r'^( File )("[^"]+")(, line )(\d+)(, in )(.+)(\n)',
bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text, Number, Text, Name, Text)),
+ (r'^( File )("[^"]+")(, line )(\d+)(\n)',
+ bygroups(Text, Name.Builtin, Text, Number, Text)),
(r'^( )(.+)(\n)',
bygroups(Text, using(Python3Lexer), Text)),
(r'^([ \t]*)(\.\.\.)(\n)',
@@ -528,7 +531,7 @@ class RubyLexer(ExtendedRegexLexer):
(r":'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Symbol),
(r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Single),
(r':"', String.Symbol, 'simple-sym'),
- (r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(:)',
+ (r'([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9]*)(:)(?!:)',
bygroups(String.Symbol, Punctuation)), # Since Ruby 1.9
(r'"', String.Double, 'simple-string'),
(r'(?<!\.)`', String.Backtick, 'simple-backtick'),
@@ -1922,3 +1925,365 @@ class DgLexer(RegexLexer):
(r"'''", String, '#pop')
+class Perl6Lexer(ExtendedRegexLexer):
+ """
+ For `Perl 6 <>`_ source code.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'Perl6'
+ aliases = ['perl6', 'pl6']
+ filenames = ['*.pl', '*.pm', '*.nqp', '*.p6', '*.6pl', '*.p6l', '*.pl6',
+ '*.6pm', '*.p6m', '*.pm6']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-perl6', 'application/x-perl6']
+ flags = re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL | re.UNICODE
+ PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE = "['a-zA-Z0-9_:-]"
+ 'KEEP', 'LAST', 'LEAVE', 'NEXT', 'POST', 'PRE', 'START', 'TEMP',
+ 'UNDO', 'as', 'assoc', 'async', 'augment', 'binary', 'break', 'but',
+ 'cached', 'category', 'class', 'constant', 'contend', 'continue',
+ 'copy', 'deep', 'default', 'defequiv', 'defer', 'die', 'do', 'else',
+ 'elsif', 'enum', 'equiv', 'exit', 'export', 'fail', 'fatal', 'for',
+ 'gather', 'given', 'goto', 'grammar', 'handles', 'has', 'if', 'inline',
+ 'irs', 'is', 'last', 'leave', 'let', 'lift', 'loop', 'looser', 'macro',
+ 'make', 'maybe', 'method', 'module', 'multi', 'my', 'next', 'of',
+ 'ofs', 'only', 'oo', 'ors', 'our', 'package', 'parsed', 'prec',
+ 'proto', 'readonly', 'redo', 'ref', 'regex', 'reparsed', 'repeat',
+ 'require', 'required', 'return', 'returns', 'role', 'rule', 'rw',
+ 'self', 'slang', 'state', 'sub', 'submethod', 'subset', 'supersede',
+ 'take', 'temp', 'tighter', 'token', 'trusts', 'try', 'unary',
+ 'unless', 'until', 'use', 'warn', 'when', 'where', 'while', 'will',
+ )
+ 'WHO', 'abs', 'acos', 'acosec', 'acosech', 'acosh', 'acotan', 'acotanh',
+ 'all', 'any', 'approx', 'arity', 'asec', 'asech', 'asin', 'asinh'
+ 'assuming', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'attr', 'bless', 'body', 'by'
+ 'bytes', 'caller', 'callsame', 'callwith', 'can', 'capitalize', 'cat',
+ 'ceiling', 'chars', 'chmod', 'chomp', 'chop', 'chr', 'chroot',
+ 'circumfix', 'cis', 'classify', 'clone', 'close', 'cmp_ok', 'codes',
+ 'comb', 'connect', 'contains', 'context', 'cos', 'cosec', 'cosech',
+ 'cosh', 'cotan', 'cotanh', 'count', 'defined', 'delete', 'diag',
+ 'dies_ok', 'does', 'e', 'each', 'eager', 'elems', 'end', 'eof', 'eval',
+ 'eval_dies_ok', 'eval_elsewhere', 'eval_lives_ok', 'evalfile', 'exists',
+ 'exp', 'first', 'flip', 'floor', 'flunk', 'flush', 'fmt', 'force_todo',
+ 'fork', 'from', 'getc', 'gethost', 'getlogin', 'getpeername', 'getpw',
+ 'gmtime', 'graphs', 'grep', 'hints', 'hyper', 'im', 'index', 'infix',
+ 'invert', 'is_approx', 'is_deeply', 'isa', 'isa_ok', 'isnt', 'iterator',
+ 'join', 'key', 'keys', 'kill', 'kv', 'lastcall', 'lazy', 'lc', 'lcfirst',
+ 'like', 'lines', 'link', 'lives_ok', 'localtime', 'log', 'log10', 'map',
+ 'max', 'min', 'minmax', 'name', 'new', 'nextsame', 'nextwith', 'nfc',
+ 'nfd', 'nfkc', 'nfkd', 'nok_error', 'nonce', 'none', 'normalize', 'not',
+ 'nothing', 'ok', 'once', 'one', 'open', 'opendir', 'operator', 'ord',
+ 'p5chomp', 'p5chop', 'pack', 'pair', 'pairs', 'pass', 'perl', 'pi',
+ 'pick', 'plan', 'plan_ok', 'polar', 'pop', 'pos', 'postcircumfix',
+ 'postfix', 'pred', 'prefix', 'print', 'printf', 'push', 'quasi',
+ 'quotemeta', 'rand', 're', 'read', 'readdir', 'readline', 'reduce',
+ 'reverse', 'rewind', 'rewinddir', 'rindex', 'roots', 'round',
+ 'roundrobin', 'run', 'runinstead', 'sameaccent', 'samecase', 'say',
+ 'sec', 'sech', 'sech', 'seek', 'shape', 'shift', 'sign', 'signature',
+ 'sin', 'sinh', 'skip', 'skip_rest', 'sleep', 'slurp', 'sort', 'splice',
+ 'split', 'sprintf', 'sqrt', 'srand', 'strand', 'subst', 'substr', 'succ',
+ 'sum', 'symlink', 'tan', 'tanh', 'throws_ok', 'time', 'times', 'to',
+ 'todo', 'trim', 'trim_end', 'trim_start', 'true', 'truncate', 'uc',
+ 'ucfirst', 'undef', 'undefine', 'uniq', 'unlike', 'unlink', 'unpack',
+ 'unpolar', 'unshift', 'unwrap', 'use_ok', 'value', 'values', 'vec',
+ 'version_lt', 'void', 'wait', 'want', 'wrap', 'write', 'zip',
+ )
+ 'Abstraction', 'Any', 'AnyChar', 'Array', 'Associative', 'Bag', 'Bit',
+ 'Blob', 'Block', 'Bool', 'Buf', 'Byte', 'Callable', 'Capture', 'Char', 'Class',
+ 'Code', 'Codepoint', 'Comparator', 'Complex', 'Decreasing', 'Exception',
+ 'Failure', 'False', 'Grammar', 'Grapheme', 'Hash', 'IO', 'Increasing',
+ 'Int', 'Junction', 'KeyBag', 'KeyExtractor', 'KeyHash', 'KeySet',
+ 'KitchenSink', 'List', 'Macro', 'Mapping', 'Match', 'Matcher', 'Method',
+ 'Module', 'Num', 'Object', 'Ordered', 'Ordering', 'OrderingPair',
+ 'Package', 'Pair', 'Positional', 'Proxy', 'Range', 'Rat', 'Regex',
+ 'Role', 'Routine', 'Scalar', 'Seq', 'Set', 'Signature', 'Str', 'StrLen',
+ 'StrPos', 'Sub', 'Submethod', 'True', 'UInt', 'Undef', 'Version', 'Void',
+ 'Whatever', 'bit', 'bool', 'buf', 'buf1', 'buf16', 'buf2', 'buf32',
+ 'buf4', 'buf64', 'buf8', 'complex', 'int', 'int1', 'int16', 'int2',
+ 'int32', 'int4', 'int64', 'int8', 'num', 'rat', 'rat1', 'rat16', 'rat2',
+ 'rat32', 'rat4', 'rat64', 'rat8', 'uint', 'uint1', 'uint16', 'uint2',
+ 'uint32', 'uint4', 'uint64', 'uint8', 'utf16', 'utf32', 'utf8',
+ )
+ 'X', 'Z', 'after', 'also', 'and', 'andthen', 'before', 'cmp', 'div',
+ 'eq', 'eqv', 'extra', 'ff', 'fff', 'ge', 'gt', 'le', 'leg', 'lt', 'm',
+ 'mm', 'mod', 'ne', 'or', 'orelse', 'rx', 's', 'tr', 'x', 'xor', 'xx',
+ '++', '--', '**', '!', '+', '-', '~', '?', '|', '||', '+^', '~^', '?^',
+ '^', '*', '/', '%', '%%', '+&', '+<', '+>', '~&', '~<', '~>', '?&',
+ 'gcd', 'lcm', '+', '-', '+|', '+^', '~|', '~^', '?|', '?^',
+ '~', '&', '^', 'but', 'does', '<=>', '..', '..^', '^..', '^..^',
+ '!=', '==', '<', '<=', '>', '>=', '~~', '===', '!eqv',
+ '&&', '||', '^^', '//', 'min', 'max', '??', '!!', 'ff', 'fff', 'so',
+ 'not', '<==', '==>', '<<==', '==>>',
+ )
+ # Perl 6 has a *lot* of possible bracketing characters
+ # this list was lifted from STD.pm6 (
+ u'\u0028' : u'\u0029', u'\u003c' : u'\u003e', u'\u005b' : u'\u005d', u'\u007b' : u'\u007d',
+ u'\u00ab' : u'\u00bb', u'\u0f3a' : u'\u0f3b', u'\u0f3c' : u'\u0f3d', u'\u169b' : u'\u169c',
+ u'\u2018' : u'\u2019', u'\u201a' : u'\u2019', u'\u201b' : u'\u2019', u'\u201c' : u'\u201d',
+ u'\u201e' : u'\u201d', u'\u201f' : u'\u201d', u'\u2039' : u'\u203a', u'\u2045' : u'\u2046',
+ u'\u207d' : u'\u207e', u'\u208d' : u'\u208e', u'\u2208' : u'\u220b', u'\u2209' : u'\u220c',
+ u'\u220a' : u'\u220d', u'\u2215' : u'\u29f5', u'\u223c' : u'\u223d', u'\u2243' : u'\u22cd',
+ u'\u2252' : u'\u2253', u'\u2254' : u'\u2255', u'\u2264' : u'\u2265', u'\u2266' : u'\u2267',
+ u'\u2268' : u'\u2269', u'\u226a' : u'\u226b', u'\u226e' : u'\u226f', u'\u2270' : u'\u2271',
+ u'\u2272' : u'\u2273', u'\u2274' : u'\u2275', u'\u2276' : u'\u2277', u'\u2278' : u'\u2279',
+ u'\u227a' : u'\u227b', u'\u227c' : u'\u227d', u'\u227e' : u'\u227f', u'\u2280' : u'\u2281',
+ u'\u2282' : u'\u2283', u'\u2284' : u'\u2285', u'\u2286' : u'\u2287', u'\u2288' : u'\u2289',
+ u'\u228a' : u'\u228b', u'\u228f' : u'\u2290', u'\u2291' : u'\u2292', u'\u2298' : u'\u29b8',
+ u'\u22a2' : u'\u22a3', u'\u22a6' : u'\u2ade', u'\u22a8' : u'\u2ae4', u'\u22a9' : u'\u2ae3',
+ u'\u22ab' : u'\u2ae5', u'\u22b0' : u'\u22b1', u'\u22b2' : u'\u22b3', u'\u22b4' : u'\u22b5',
+ u'\u22b6' : u'\u22b7', u'\u22c9' : u'\u22ca', u'\u22cb' : u'\u22cc', u'\u22d0' : u'\u22d1',
+ u'\u22d6' : u'\u22d7', u'\u22d8' : u'\u22d9', u'\u22da' : u'\u22db', u'\u22dc' : u'\u22dd',
+ u'\u22de' : u'\u22df', u'\u22e0' : u'\u22e1', u'\u22e2' : u'\u22e3', u'\u22e4' : u'\u22e5',
+ u'\u22e6' : u'\u22e7', u'\u22e8' : u'\u22e9', u'\u22ea' : u'\u22eb', u'\u22ec' : u'\u22ed',
+ u'\u22f0' : u'\u22f1', u'\u22f2' : u'\u22fa', u'\u22f3' : u'\u22fb', u'\u22f4' : u'\u22fc',
+ u'\u22f6' : u'\u22fd', u'\u22f7' : u'\u22fe', u'\u2308' : u'\u2309', u'\u230a' : u'\u230b',
+ u'\u2329' : u'\u232a', u'\u23b4' : u'\u23b5', u'\u2768' : u'\u2769', u'\u276a' : u'\u276b',
+ u'\u276c' : u'\u276d', u'\u276e' : u'\u276f', u'\u2770' : u'\u2771', u'\u2772' : u'\u2773',
+ u'\u2774' : u'\u2775', u'\u27c3' : u'\u27c4', u'\u27c5' : u'\u27c6', u'\u27d5' : u'\u27d6',
+ u'\u27dd' : u'\u27de', u'\u27e2' : u'\u27e3', u'\u27e4' : u'\u27e5', u'\u27e6' : u'\u27e7',
+ u'\u27e8' : u'\u27e9', u'\u27ea' : u'\u27eb', u'\u2983' : u'\u2984', u'\u2985' : u'\u2986',
+ u'\u2987' : u'\u2988', u'\u2989' : u'\u298a', u'\u298b' : u'\u298c', u'\u298d' : u'\u298e',
+ u'\u298f' : u'\u2990', u'\u2991' : u'\u2992', u'\u2993' : u'\u2994', u'\u2995' : u'\u2996',
+ u'\u2997' : u'\u2998', u'\u29c0' : u'\u29c1', u'\u29c4' : u'\u29c5', u'\u29cf' : u'\u29d0',
+ u'\u29d1' : u'\u29d2', u'\u29d4' : u'\u29d5', u'\u29d8' : u'\u29d9', u'\u29da' : u'\u29db',
+ u'\u29f8' : u'\u29f9', u'\u29fc' : u'\u29fd', u'\u2a2b' : u'\u2a2c', u'\u2a2d' : u'\u2a2e',
+ u'\u2a34' : u'\u2a35', u'\u2a3c' : u'\u2a3d', u'\u2a64' : u'\u2a65', u'\u2a79' : u'\u2a7a',
+ u'\u2a7d' : u'\u2a7e', u'\u2a7f' : u'\u2a80', u'\u2a81' : u'\u2a82', u'\u2a83' : u'\u2a84',
+ u'\u2a8b' : u'\u2a8c', u'\u2a91' : u'\u2a92', u'\u2a93' : u'\u2a94', u'\u2a95' : u'\u2a96',
+ u'\u2a97' : u'\u2a98', u'\u2a99' : u'\u2a9a', u'\u2a9b' : u'\u2a9c', u'\u2aa1' : u'\u2aa2',
+ u'\u2aa6' : u'\u2aa7', u'\u2aa8' : u'\u2aa9', u'\u2aaa' : u'\u2aab', u'\u2aac' : u'\u2aad',
+ u'\u2aaf' : u'\u2ab0', u'\u2ab3' : u'\u2ab4', u'\u2abb' : u'\u2abc', u'\u2abd' : u'\u2abe',
+ u'\u2abf' : u'\u2ac0', u'\u2ac1' : u'\u2ac2', u'\u2ac3' : u'\u2ac4', u'\u2ac5' : u'\u2ac6',
+ u'\u2acd' : u'\u2ace', u'\u2acf' : u'\u2ad0', u'\u2ad1' : u'\u2ad2', u'\u2ad3' : u'\u2ad4',
+ u'\u2ad5' : u'\u2ad6', u'\u2aec' : u'\u2aed', u'\u2af7' : u'\u2af8', u'\u2af9' : u'\u2afa',
+ u'\u2e02' : u'\u2e03', u'\u2e04' : u'\u2e05', u'\u2e09' : u'\u2e0a', u'\u2e0c' : u'\u2e0d',
+ u'\u2e1c' : u'\u2e1d', u'\u2e20' : u'\u2e21', u'\u3008' : u'\u3009', u'\u300a' : u'\u300b',
+ u'\u300c' : u'\u300d', u'\u300e' : u'\u300f', u'\u3010' : u'\u3011', u'\u3014' : u'\u3015',
+ u'\u3016' : u'\u3017', u'\u3018' : u'\u3019', u'\u301a' : u'\u301b', u'\u301d' : u'\u301e',
+ u'\ufd3e' : u'\ufd3f', u'\ufe17' : u'\ufe18', u'\ufe35' : u'\ufe36', u'\ufe37' : u'\ufe38',
+ u'\ufe39' : u'\ufe3a', u'\ufe3b' : u'\ufe3c', u'\ufe3d' : u'\ufe3e', u'\ufe3f' : u'\ufe40',
+ u'\ufe41' : u'\ufe42', u'\ufe43' : u'\ufe44', u'\ufe47' : u'\ufe48', u'\ufe59' : u'\ufe5a',
+ u'\ufe5b' : u'\ufe5c', u'\ufe5d' : u'\ufe5e', u'\uff08' : u'\uff09', u'\uff1c' : u'\uff1e',
+ u'\uff3b' : u'\uff3d', u'\uff5b' : u'\uff5d', u'\uff5f' : u'\uff60', u'\uff62' : u'\uff63',
+ }
+ def _build_word_match(words, boundary_regex_fragment = None, prefix = '', suffix = ''):
+ if boundary_regex_fragment is None:
+ return r'\b(' + prefix + r'|'.join([ re.escape(x) for x in words]) + suffix + r')\b'
+ else:
+ return r'(?<!' + boundary_regex_fragment + ')' + prefix + '(' + \
+ r'|'.join([ re.escape(x) for x in words]) + r')' + suffix + '(?!' + boundary_regex_fragment + ')'
+ def brackets_callback(token_class):
+ def callback(lexer, match, context):
+ groups = match.groupdict()
+ opening_chars = groups['delimiter']
+ n_chars = len(opening_chars)
+ adverbs = groups.get('adverbs')
+ closer = Perl6Lexer.PERL6_BRACKETS.get(opening_chars[0])
+ text = context.text
+ if closer is None: # it's not a mirrored character, which means we
+ # just need to look for the next occurrence
+ end_pos = text.find(opening_chars, match.start('delimiter') + n_chars)
+ else: # we need to look for the corresponding closing character,
+ # keep nesting in mind
+ closing_chars = closer * n_chars
+ nesting_level = 1
+ search_pos = match.start('delimiter')
+ while nesting_level > 0:
+ next_open_pos = text.find(opening_chars, search_pos + n_chars)
+ next_close_pos = text.find(closing_chars, search_pos + n_chars)
+ if next_close_pos == -1:
+ next_close_pos = len(text)
+ nesting_level = 0
+ elif next_open_pos != -1 and next_open_pos < next_close_pos:
+ nesting_level += 1
+ search_pos = next_open_pos
+ else: # next_close_pos < next_open_pos
+ nesting_level -= 1
+ search_pos = next_close_pos
+ end_pos = next_close_pos
+ if adverbs is not None and':to\b', adverbs):
+ heredoc_terminator = text[match.start('delimiter') + n_chars : end_pos]
+ end_heredoc ='^\s*' + re.escape(heredoc_terminator) + r'\s*$', text[ match.end('delimiter') : ], re.MULTILINE)
+ if end_heredoc:
+ end_pos = match.end('delimiter') + end_heredoc.end()
+ else:
+ end_pos = len(text)
+ yield match.start(), token_class, text[match.start() : end_pos + n_chars]
+ context.pos = end_pos + n_chars
+ return callback
+ def opening_brace_callback(lexer, match, context):
+ stack = context.stack
+ yield match.start(), Text, context.text[match.start() : match.end()]
+ context.pos = match.end()
+ # if we encounter an opening brace and we're one level
+ # below a token state, it means we need to increment
+ # the nesting level for braces so we know later when
+ # we should return to the token rules.
+ if len(stack) > 2 and stack[-2] == 'token':
+ context.perl6_token_nesting_level += 1
+ def closing_brace_callback(lexer, match, context):
+ stack = context.stack
+ yield match.start(), Text, context.text[match.start() : match.end()]
+ context.pos = match.end()
+ # if we encounter a free closing brace and we're one level
+ # below a token state, it means we need to check the nesting
+ # level to see if we need to return to the token state.
+ if len(stack) > 2 and stack[-2] == 'token':
+ context.perl6_token_nesting_level -= 1
+ if context.perl6_token_nesting_level == 0:
+ stack.pop()
+ def embedded_perl6_callback(lexer, match, context):
+ context.perl6_token_nesting_level = 1
+ yield match.start(), Text, context.text[match.start() : match.end()]
+ context.pos = match.end()
+ context.stack.append('root')
+ # If you're modifying these rules, be careful if you need to process '{' or '}' characters.
+ # We have special logic for processing these characters (due to the fact that you can nest
+ # Perl 6 code in regex blocks), so if you need to process one of them, make sure you also
+ # process the corresponding one!
+ tokens = {
+ 'common' : [
+ (r'#[`|=](?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[' + ''.join(PERL6_BRACKETS.keys()) + r'])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(Comment.Multiline)),
+ (r'#[^\n]*$', Comment.Singleline),
+ (r'^(\s*)=begin\s+(\w+)\b.*?^\1=end\s+\2', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'^(\s*)=for.*?\n\s*?\n', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'^=.*?\n\s*?\n', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'(regex|token|rule)(\s*' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + '+:sym)', bygroups(Keyword, Name), 'token-sym-brackets'),
+ (r'(regex|token|rule)(?!' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + ')(\s*' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + '+)?', bygroups(Keyword, Name), 'pre-token'),
+ # deal with a special case in the Perl 6 grammar (role q { ... })
+ (r'(role)(\s+)(q)(\s*)', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name, Text)),
+ (_build_word_match(PERL6_KEYWORDS, PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE), Keyword),
+ (_build_word_match(PERL6_BUILTIN_CLASSES, PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE, suffix = '(?::[UD])?'), Name.Builtin),
+ (_build_word_match(PERL6_BUILTINS, PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE), Name.Builtin),
+ # copied from PerlLexer
+ (r'[$@%&][.^:?=!~]?' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + u'+(?:<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)*', Name.Variable),
+ (r'\$[!/](?:<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)*', Name.Variable.Global),
+ (r'::\?\w+', Name.Variable.Global),
+ (r'[$@%&]\*' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + u'+(?:<<.*?>>|<.*?>|«.*?»)*', Name.Variable.Global),
+ (r'\$(?:<.*?>)+', Name.Variable),
+ (r'(?:q|qq|Q)[a-zA-Z]?\s*(?P<adverbs>:[\w\s:]+)?\s*(?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[^0-9a-zA-Z:\s])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(String)),
+ # copied from PerlLexer
+ (r'0_?[0-7]+(_[0-7]+)*', Number.Oct),
+ (r'0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*', Number.Hex),
+ (r'0b[01]+(_[01]+)*', Number.Bin),
+ (r'(?i)(\d*(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*|\d+(_\d*)*\.\d+(_\d*)*)(e[+-]?\d+)?', Number.Float),
+ (r'(?i)\d+(_\d*)*e[+-]?\d+(_\d*)*', Number.Float),
+ (r'\d+(_\d+)*', Number.Integer),
+ (r'(?<=~~)\s*/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/', String.Regex),
+ (r'(?<=[=(,])\s*/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/', String.Regex),
+ (r'm\w+(?=\()', Name),
+ (r'(?:m|ms|rx)\s*(?P<adverbs>:[\w\s:]+)?\s*(?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[^0-9a-zA-Z:\s])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(String.Regex)),
+ (r'(?:s|ss|tr)\s*(?::[\w\s:]+)?\s*/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/(?:\\\\|\\/|.)*?/', String.Regex),
+ (r'<[^\s=].*?\S>', String),
+ (_build_word_match(PERL6_OPERATORS), Operator),
+ (r'[0-9a-zA-Z_]' + PERL6_IDENTIFIER_RANGE + '*', Name),
+ (r"'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'", String),
+ (r'"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String),
+ ],
+ 'root' : [
+ include('common'),
+ (r'\{', opening_brace_callback),
+ (r'\}', closing_brace_callback),
+ (r'.+?', Text),
+ ],
+ 'pre-token' : [
+ include('common'),
+ (r'\{', Text, ('#pop', 'token')),
+ (r'.+?', Text),
+ ],
+ 'token-sym-brackets' : [
+ (r'(?P<delimiter>(?P<first_char>[' + ''.join(PERL6_BRACKETS.keys()) + '])(?P=first_char)*)', brackets_callback(Name), ('#pop', 'pre-token')),
+ (r'', Name, ('#pop', 'pre-token')),
+ ],
+ 'token': [
+ (r'}', Text, '#pop'),
+ (r'(?<=:)(?:my|our|state|constant|temp|let).*?;', using(this)),
+ # make sure that quotes in character classes aren't treated as strings
+ (r'<(?:[-!?+.]\s*)?\[.*?\]>', String.Regex),
+ # make sure that '#' characters in quotes aren't treated as comments
+ (r"(?<!\\)'(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^'\\])*'", String.Regex),
+ (r'(?<!\\)"(\\\\|\\[^\\]|[^"\\])*"', String.Regex),
+ (r'#.*?$', Comment.Singleline),
+ (r'\{', embedded_perl6_callback),
+ ('.+?', String.Regex),
+ ],
+ }
+ def analyse_text(text):
+ def strip_pod(lines):
+ in_pod = False
+ stripped_lines = []
+ for line in lines:
+ if re.match(r'^=(?:end|cut)', line):
+ in_pod = False
+ elif re.match(r'^=\w+', line):
+ in_pod = True
+ elif not in_pod:
+ stripped_lines.append(line)
+ return stripped_lines
+ lines = text.splitlines()
+ lines = strip_pod(lines)
+ text = '\n'.join(lines)
+ if shebang_matches(text, r'perl6|rakudo|niecza'):
+ return True
+ if 'use v6' in text:
+ return 0.91 # 0.01 greater than Perl says for 'my $'
+ if'[$@%]\*[A-Z]+', text): # Perl 6-style globals ($*OS)
+ return 0.91
+ if'[$@%]\?[A-Z]+', text): # Perl 6 compiler variables ($?PACKAGE)
+ return 0.91
+ if'[$@%][!.][A-Za-z0-9_-]+', text): # Perl 6 member variables
+ return 0.91
+ for line in text.splitlines():
+ if re.match(r'\s*(?:my|our)?\s*module', line): # module declarations
+ return 0.91
+ if re.match(r'\s*(?:my|our)?\s*role', line): # role declarations
+ return 0.91
+ if re.match(r'\s*(?:my|our)?\s*class\b', line): # class declarations
+ return 0.91
+ return False
+ def __init__(self, **options):
+ super(Perl6Lexer, self).__init__(**options)
+ self.encoding = options.get('encoding', 'utf-8')
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index f080327b..3f67862c 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class GasLexer(RegexLexer):
For Gas (AT&T) assembly code.
name = 'GAS'
- aliases = ['gas']
+ aliases = ['gas', 'asm']
filenames = ['*.s', '*.S']
mimetypes = ['text/x-gas']
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index d44ab6f6..c3b0909d 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -23,11 +23,12 @@ from pygments.scanner import Scanner
from pygments.lexers.functional import OcamlLexer
from pygments.lexers.jvm import JavaLexer, ScalaLexer
-__all__ = ['CLexer', 'CppLexer', 'DLexer', 'DelphiLexer', 'ECLexer', 'DylanLexer',
- 'ObjectiveCLexer', 'ObjectiveCppLexer', 'FortranLexer', 'GLShaderLexer',
- 'PrologLexer', 'CythonLexer', 'ValaLexer', 'OocLexer', 'GoLexer',
- 'FelixLexer', 'AdaLexer', 'Modula2Lexer', 'BlitzMaxLexer',
- 'NimrodLexer', 'FantomLexer', 'RustLexer', 'CudaLexer', 'MonkeyLexer',
+__all__ = ['CLexer', 'CppLexer', 'DLexer', 'DelphiLexer', 'ECLexer',
+ 'NesCLexer', 'DylanLexer', 'ObjectiveCLexer', 'ObjectiveCppLexer',
+ 'FortranLexer', 'GLShaderLexer', 'PrologLexer', 'CythonLexer',
+ 'ValaLexer', 'OocLexer', 'GoLexer', 'FelixLexer', 'AdaLexer',
+ 'Modula2Lexer', 'BlitzMaxLexer', 'BlitzBasicLexer', 'NimrodLexer',
+ 'FantomLexer', 'RustLexer', 'CudaLexer', 'MonkeyLexer', 'SwigLexer',
'DylanLidLexer', 'DylanConsoleLexer', 'CobolLexer',
'CobolFreeformatLexer', 'LogosLexer', 'ClayLexer']
@@ -231,6 +232,63 @@ class CppLexer(CFamilyLexer):
return 0.1
+class SwigLexer(CppLexer):
+ """
+ For `SWIG <>`_ source code.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'SWIG'
+ aliases = ['Swig', 'swig']
+ filenames = ['*.swg', '*.i']
+ mimetypes = ['text/swig']
+ priority = 0.04 # Lower than C/C++ and Objective C/C++
+ tokens = {
+ 'statements': [
+ (r'(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', Name.Function), # SWIG directives
+ ('\$\**\&?[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', Name), # Special variables
+ (r'##*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*', Comment.Preproc), # Stringification / additional preprocessor directives
+ inherit,
+ ],
+ }
+ # This is a far from complete set of SWIG directives
+ swig_directives = (
+ # Most common directives
+ '%apply', '%define', '%director', '%enddef', '%exception', '%extend',
+ '%feature', '%fragment', '%ignore', '%immutable', '%import', '%include',
+ '%inline', '%insert', '%module', '%newobject', '%nspace', '%pragma',
+ '%rename', '%shared_ptr', '%template', '%typecheck', '%typemap',
+ # Less common directives
+ '%arg', '%attribute', '%bang', '%begin', '%callback', '%catches', '%clear',
+ '%constant', '%copyctor', '%csconst', '%csconstvalue', '%csenum',
+ '%csmethodmodifiers', '%csnothrowexception', '%default', '%defaultctor',
+ '%defaultdtor', '%defined', '%delete', '%delobject', '%descriptor',
+ '%exceptionclass', '%exceptionvar', '%extend_smart_pointer', '%fragments',
+ '%header', '%ifcplusplus', '%ignorewarn', '%implicit', '%implicitconv',
+ '%init', '%javaconst', '%javaconstvalue', '%javaenum', '%javaexception',
+ '%javamethodmodifiers', '%kwargs', '%luacode', '%mutable', '%naturalvar',
+ '%nestedworkaround', '%perlcode', '%pythonabc', '%pythonappend',
+ '%pythoncallback', '%pythoncode', '%pythondynamic', '%pythonmaybecall',
+ '%pythonnondynamic', '%pythonprepend', '%refobject', '%shadow', '%sizeof',
+ '%trackobjects', '%types', '%unrefobject', '%varargs', '%warn', '%warnfilter')
+ def analyse_text(text):
+ rv = 0.1 # Same as C/C++
+ # Search for SWIG directives, which are conventionally at the beginning of
+ # a line. The probability of them being within a line is low, so let another
+ # lexer win in this case.
+ matches = re.findall(r'^\s*(%[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*)', text, re.M)
+ for m in matches:
+ if m in SwigLexer.swig_directives:
+ rv = 0.98
+ break
+ else:
+ rv = 0.91 # Fraction higher than MatlabLexer
+ return rv
class ECLexer(CLexer):
For eC source code with preprocessor directives.
@@ -266,6 +324,32 @@ class ECLexer(CLexer):
+class NesCLexer(CLexer):
+ """
+ For `nesC <>`_ source code with preprocessor
+ directives.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'nesC'
+ aliases = ['nesc']
+ filenames = ['*.nc']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-nescsrc']
+ tokens = {
+ 'statements': [
+ (r'(abstract|as|async|atomic|call|command|component|components|'
+ r'configuration|event|extends|generic|implementation|includes|'
+ r'interface|module|new|norace|post|provides|signal|task|uses)\b',
+ Keyword),
+ (r'(nx_struct|nx_union|nx_int8_t|nx_int16_t|nx_int32_t|nx_int64_t|'
+ r'nx_uint8_t|nx_uint16_t|nx_uint32_t|nx_uint64_t)\b',
+ Keyword.Type),
+ inherit,
+ ],
+ }
class ClayLexer(RegexLexer):
For `Clay <>`_ source.
@@ -1267,6 +1351,8 @@ def objective(baselexer):
('#pop', 'oc_classname')),
(r'(@class|@protocol)(\s+)', bygroups(Keyword, Text),
('#pop', 'oc_forward_classname')),
+ # @ can also prefix other expressions like @{...} or @(...)
+ (r'@', Punctuation),
'oc_classname' : [
@@ -1573,7 +1659,7 @@ class CythonLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Cython'
- aliases = ['cython', 'pyx']
+ aliases = ['cython', 'pyx', 'pyrex']
filenames = ['*.pyx', '*.pxd', '*.pxi']
mimetypes = ['text/x-cython', 'application/x-cython']
@@ -2632,6 +2718,88 @@ class BlitzMaxLexer(RegexLexer):
+class BlitzBasicLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For `BlitzBasic <>`_ source code.
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
+ """
+ name = 'BlitzBasic'
+ aliases = ['blitzbasic', 'b3d', 'bplus']
+ filenames = ['*.bb', '*.decls']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-bb']
+ bb_vopwords = (r'\b(Shl|Shr|Sar|Mod|Or|And|Not|'
+ r'Abs|Sgn|Handle|Int|Float|Str|'
+ r'First|Last|Before|After)\b')
+ bb_sktypes = r'@{1,2}|[#$%]'
+ bb_name = r'[a-z][a-z0-9_]*'
+ bb_var = (r'(%s)(?:([ \t]*)(%s)|([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(?:(%s)))?') % \
+ (bb_name, bb_sktypes, bb_name)
+ flags = re.MULTILINE | re.IGNORECASE
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ # Text
+ (r'[ \t]+', Text),
+ # Comments
+ (r";.*?\n", Comment.Single),
+ # Data types
+ ('"', String.Double, 'string'),
+ # Numbers
+ (r'[0-9]+\.[0-9]*(?!\.)', Number.Float),
+ (r'\.[0-9]+(?!\.)', Number.Float),
+ (r'[0-9]+', Number.Integer),
+ (r'\$[0-9a-f]+', Number.Hex),
+ (r'\%[10]+', Number), # Binary
+ # Other
+ (r'(?:%s|([+\-*/~=<>^]))' % (bb_vopwords), Operator),
+ (r'[(),:\[\]\\]', Punctuation),
+ (r'\.([ \t]*)(%s)' % bb_name, Name.Label),
+ # Identifiers
+ (r'\b(New)\b([ \t]+)(%s)' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Class)),
+ (r'\b(Gosub|Goto)\b([ \t]+)(%s)' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Label)),
+ (r'\b(Object)\b([ \t]*)([.])([ \t]*)(%s)\b' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Operator, Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Class)),
+ (r'\b%s\b([ \t]*)(\()' % bb_var,
+ bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Keyword.Type,Text, Punctuation,
+ Text, Name.Class, Text, Punctuation)),
+ (r'\b(Function)\b([ \t]+)%s' % bb_var,
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Function, Text, Keyword.Type,
+ Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Class)),
+ (r'\b(Type)([ \t]+)(%s)' % (bb_name),
+ bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Text, Name.Class)),
+ # Keywords
+ (r'\b(Pi|True|False|Null)\b', Keyword.Constant),
+ (r'\b(Local|Global|Const|Field|Dim)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
+ (r'\b(End|Return|Exit|'
+ r'Chr|Len|Asc|'
+ r'New|Delete|Insert|'
+ r'Include|'
+ r'Function|'
+ r'Type|'
+ r'If|Then|Else|ElseIf|EndIf|'
+ r'For|To|Next|Step|Each|'
+ r'While|Wend|'
+ r'Repeat|Until|Forever|'
+ r'Select|Case|Default|'
+ r'Goto|Gosub|Data|Read|Restore)\b', Keyword.Reserved),
+ # Final resolve (for variable names and such)
+# (r'(%s)' % (bb_name), Name.Variable),
+ (bb_var, bygroups(Name.Variable, Text, Keyword.Type,
+ Text, Punctuation, Text, Name.Class)),
+ ],
+ 'string': [
+ (r'""', String.Double),
+ (r'"C?', String.Double, '#pop'),
+ (r'[^"]+', String.Double),
+ ],
+ }
class NimrodLexer(RegexLexer):
For `Nimrod <>`_ source code.
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 889e7ec6..77fe4723 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ class CommonLispLexer(RegexLexer):
*New in Pygments 0.9.*
name = 'Common Lisp'
- aliases = ['common-lisp', 'cl']
+ aliases = ['common-lisp', 'cl', 'lisp']
filenames = ['*.cl', '*.lisp', '*.el'] # use for Elisp too
mimetypes = ['text/x-common-lisp']
@@ -808,6 +808,8 @@ class CommonLispLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'"(\\.|\\\n|[^"\\])*"', String),
# quoting
(r":" + symbol, String.Symbol),
+ (r"::" + symbol, String.Symbol),
+ (r":#" + symbol, String.Symbol),
(r"'" + symbol, String.Symbol),
(r"'", Operator),
(r"`", Operator),
@@ -1026,7 +1028,7 @@ class LiterateHaskellLexer(Lexer):
*New in Pygments 0.9.*
name = 'Literate Haskell'
- aliases = ['lhs', 'literate-haskell']
+ aliases = ['lhs', 'literate-haskell', 'lhaskell']
filenames = ['*.lhs']
mimetypes = ['text/x-literate-haskell']
@@ -2400,7 +2402,7 @@ class ElixirConsoleLexer(Lexer):
class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
- Lexer for the `Koka <>`_
+ Lexer for the `Koka <>`_
*New in Pygments 1.6.*
@@ -2412,7 +2414,7 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
mimetypes = ['text/x-koka']
keywords = [
- 'infix', 'infixr', 'infixl', 'prefix', 'postfix',
+ 'infix', 'infixr', 'infixl',
'type', 'cotype', 'rectype', 'alias',
'struct', 'con',
'fun', 'function', 'val', 'var',
@@ -2451,7 +2453,12 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
sboundary = '(?!'+symbols+')'
# name boundary: a keyword should not be followed by any of these
- boundary = '(?![a-zA-Z0-9_\\-])'
+ boundary = '(?![\w/])'
+ # koka token abstractions
+ tokenType = Name.Attribute
+ tokenTypeDef = Name.Class
+ tokenConstructor = Generic.Emph
# main lexer
tokens = {
@@ -2459,41 +2466,51 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
# go into type mode
- (r'::?' + sboundary, Keyword.Type, 'type'),
- (r'alias' + boundary, Keyword, 'alias-type'),
- (r'struct' + boundary, Keyword, 'struct-type'),
- (r'(%s)' % '|'.join(typeStartKeywords) + boundary, Keyword, 'type'),
+ (r'::?' + sboundary, tokenType, 'type'),
+ (r'(alias)(\s+)([a-z]\w*)?', bygroups(Keyword, Text, tokenTypeDef),
+ 'alias-type'),
+ (r'(struct)(\s+)([a-z]\w*)?', bygroups(Keyword, Text, tokenTypeDef),
+ 'struct-type'),
+ ((r'(%s)' % '|'.join(typeStartKeywords)) +
+ r'(\s+)([a-z]\w*)?', bygroups(Keyword, Text, tokenTypeDef),
+ 'type'),
# special sequences of tokens (we use ?: for non-capturing group as
# required by 'bygroups')
- (r'(module)(\s*)((?:interface)?)(\s*)'
- r'((?:[a-z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*\.)*'
- r'[a-z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace)),
- (r'(import)(\s+)((?:[a-z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*\.)*[a-z]'
- r'(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*)(\s*)((?:as)?)'
- r'((?:[A-Z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*)?)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace, Text, Keyword,
- Name.Namespace)),
+ (r'(module)(\s+)(interface\s+)?((?:[a-z]\w*/)*[a-z]\w*)',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Name.Namespace)),
+ (r'(import)(\s+)((?:[a-z]\w*/)*[a-z]\w*)'
+ r'(?:(\s*)(=)(\s*)((?:qualified\s*)?)'
+ r'((?:[a-z]\w*/)*[a-z]\w*))?',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace, Text, Keyword, Text,
+ Keyword, Name.Namespace)),
+ (r'(^(?:(?:public|private)\s*)?(?:function|fun|val))'
+ r'(\s+)([a-z]\w*|\((?:' + symbols + r'|/)\))',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Function)),
+ (r'(^(?:(?:public|private)\s*)?external)(\s+)(inline\s+)?'
+ r'([a-z]\w*|\((?:' + symbols + r'|/)\))',
+ bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword, Name.Function)),
# keywords
(r'(%s)' % '|'.join(typekeywords) + boundary, Keyword.Type),
(r'(%s)' % '|'.join(keywords) + boundary, Keyword),
(r'(%s)' % '|'.join(builtin) + boundary, Keyword.Pseudo),
- (r'::|:=|\->|[=\.:]' + sboundary, Keyword),
- (r'\-' + sboundary, Generic.Strong),
+ (r'::?|:=|\->|[=\.]' + sboundary, Keyword),
# names
- (r'[A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*(?=\.)', Name.Namespace),
- (r'[A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*(?!\.)', Name.Class),
- (r'[a-z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*', Name),
- (r'_([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*', Name.Variable),
+ (r'((?:[a-z]\w*/)*)([A-Z]\w*)',
+ bygroups(Name.Namespace, tokenConstructor)),
+ (r'((?:[a-z]\w*/)*)([a-z]\w*)', bygroups(Name.Namespace, Name)),
+ (r'((?:[a-z]\w*/)*)(\((?:' + symbols + r'|/)\))',
+ bygroups(Name.Namespace, Name)),
+ (r'_\w*', Name.Variable),
# literal string
(r'@"', String.Double, 'litstring'),
# operators
- (symbols, Operator),
+ (symbols + "|/(?![\*/])", Operator),
(r'`', Operator),
(r'[\{\}\(\)\[\];,]', Punctuation),
@@ -2520,17 +2537,17 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
# type started by colon
'type': [
- (r'[\(\[<]', Keyword.Type, 'type-nested'),
+ (r'[\(\[<]', tokenType, 'type-nested'),
# type nested in brackets: can contain parameters, comma etc.
'type-nested': [
- (r'[\)\]>]', Keyword.Type, '#pop'),
- (r'[\(\[<]', Keyword.Type, 'type-nested'),
- (r',', Keyword.Type),
- (r'([a-z](?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*)(\s*)(:)(?!:)',
- bygroups(Name.Variable,Text,Keyword.Type)), # parameter name
+ (r'[\)\]>]', tokenType, '#pop'),
+ (r'[\(\[<]', tokenType, 'type-nested'),
+ (r',', tokenType),
+ (r'([a-z]\w*)(\s*)(:)(?!:)',
+ bygroups(Name, Text, tokenType)), # parameter name
@@ -2539,23 +2556,23 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
# keywords
- (r'(%s)' % '|'.join(typekeywords) + boundary, Keyword.Type),
+ (r'(%s)' % '|'.join(typekeywords) + boundary, Keyword),
(r'(?=((%s)' % '|'.join(keywords) + boundary + '))',
Keyword, '#pop'), # need to match because names overlap...
# kinds
- (r'[EPH]' + boundary, Keyword.Type),
- (r'[*!]', Keyword.Type),
+ (r'[EPHVX]' + boundary, tokenType),
# type names
- (r'[A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*(?=\.)', Name.Namespace),
- (r'[A-Z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*(?!\.)', Name.Class),
- (r'[a-z][0-9]*(?![a-zA-Z_\-])', Keyword.Type), # Generic.Emph
- (r'_([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*', Keyword.Type), # Generic.Emph
- (r'[a-z]([a-zA-Z0-9_]|\-[a-zA-Z])*', Keyword.Type),
+ (r'[a-z][0-9]*(?![\w/])', tokenType ),
+ (r'_\w*', tokenType.Variable), # Generic.Emph
+ (r'((?:[a-z]\w*/)*)([A-Z]\w*)',
+ bygroups(Name.Namespace, tokenType)),
+ (r'((?:[a-z]\w*/)*)([a-z]\w+)',
+ bygroups(Name.Namespace, tokenType)),
# type keyword operators
- (r'::|\->|[\.:|]', Keyword.Type),
+ (r'::|\->|[\.:|]', tokenType),
(r'', Text, '#pop')
@@ -2563,6 +2580,7 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
# comments and literals
'whitespace': [
+ (r'\n\s*#.*$', Comment.Preproc),
(r'\s+', Text),
(r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
(r'//.*$', Comment.Single)
@@ -2589,11 +2607,10 @@ class KokaLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'[\'\n]', String.Char, '#pop'),
'escape-sequence': [
- (r'\\[abfnrtv0\\\"\'\?]', String.Escape),
+ (r'\\[nrt\\\"\']', String.Escape),
(r'\\x[0-9a-fA-F]{2}', String.Escape),
(r'\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4}', String.Escape),
# Yes, \U literals are 6 hex digits.
(r'\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{6}', String.Escape)
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 8491d19d..675fa101 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ class MOOCodeLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'MOOCode'
filenames = ['*.moo']
- aliases = ['moocode']
+ aliases = ['moocode', 'moo']
mimetypes = ['text/x-moocode']
tokens = {
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class SmalltalkLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Smalltalk'
filenames = ['*.st']
- aliases = ['smalltalk', 'squeak']
+ aliases = ['smalltalk', 'squeak', 'st']
mimetypes = ['text/x-smalltalk']
tokens = {
@@ -1979,7 +1979,7 @@ class PostScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
*New in Pygments 1.4.*
name = 'PostScript'
- aliases = ['postscript']
+ aliases = ['postscript', 'postscr']
filenames = ['*.ps', '*.eps']
mimetypes = ['application/postscript']
@@ -2067,7 +2067,7 @@ class AutohotkeyLexer(RegexLexer):
*New in Pygments 1.4.*
name = 'autohotkey'
- aliases = ['ahk']
+ aliases = ['ahk', 'autohotkey']
filenames = ['*.ahk', '*.ahkl']
mimetypes = ['text/x-autohotkey']
@@ -2352,7 +2352,7 @@ class ProtoBufLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Protocol Buffer'
- aliases = ['protobuf']
+ aliases = ['protobuf', 'proto']
filenames = ['*.proto']
tokens = {
@@ -2839,8 +2839,8 @@ class BroLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'\\\n', Text),
# Keywords
- r'|export|for|function|if|global|local|module|next'
- r'|of|print|redef|return|schedule|type|when|while)\b', Keyword),
+ r'|export|for|function|if|global|hook|local|module|next'
+ r'|of|print|redef|return|schedule|switch|type|when|while)\b', Keyword),
r'|vector)\b', Keyword.Type),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index b95faf93..78c5c996 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -67,9 +67,11 @@ class BashLexer(RegexLexer):
'data': [
(r'(?s)\$?"(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^"\\])*"', String.Double),
(r"(?s)\$?'(\\\\|\\[0-7]+|\\.|[^'\\])*'", String.Single),
- (r';', Text),
+ (r';', Punctuation),
+ (r'&', Punctuation),
+ (r'\|', Punctuation),
(r'\s+', Text),
- (r'[^=\s\[\]{}()$"\'`\\<]+', Text),
+ (r'[^=\s\[\]{}()$"\'`\\<&|;]+', Text),
(r'\d+(?= |\Z)', Number),
(r'\$#?(\w+|.)', Name.Variable),
(r'<', Text),
@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@ class BatchLexer(RegexLexer):
*New in Pygments 0.7.*
name = 'Batchfile'
- aliases = ['bat']
+ aliases = ['bat', 'dosbatch', 'winbatch']
filenames = ['*.bat', '*.cmd']
mimetypes = ['application/x-dos-batch']
@@ -329,8 +331,8 @@ class PowerShellLexer(RegexLexer):
*New in Pygments 1.5.*
name = 'PowerShell'
- aliases = ['powershell', 'posh', 'ps1']
- filenames = ['*.ps1']
+ aliases = ['powershell', 'posh', 'ps1', 'psm1']
+ filenames = ['*.ps1','*.psm1']
mimetypes = ['text/x-powershell']
@@ -342,7 +344,7 @@ class PowerShellLexer(RegexLexer):
'dynamicparam do default continue cmdletbinding break begin alias \\? '
'% #script #private #local #global mandatory parametersetname position '
'valuefrompipeline valuefrompipelinebypropertyname '
- 'valuefromremainingarguments helpmessage try catch').split()
+ 'valuefromremainingarguments helpmessage try catch throw').split()
operators = (
'and as band bnot bor bxor casesensitive ccontains ceq cge cgt cle '
@@ -368,12 +370,15 @@ class PowerShellLexer(RegexLexer):
tokens = {
'root': [
+ # we need to count pairs of parentheses for correct highlight
+ # of '$(...)' blocks in strings
+ (r'\(', Punctuation, 'child'),
(r'\s+', Text),
(r'^(\s*#[#\s]*)(\.(?:%s))([^\n]*$)' % '|'.join(commenthelp),
bygroups(Comment, String.Doc, Comment)),
(r'#[^\n]*?$', Comment),
(r'(&lt;|<)#', Comment.Multiline, 'multline'),
- (r'@"\n.*?\n"@', String.Heredoc),
+ (r'@"\n', String.Heredoc, 'heredoc-double'),
(r"@'\n.*?\n'@", String.Heredoc),
# escaped syntax
(r'`[\'"$@-]', Punctuation),
@@ -387,7 +392,11 @@ class PowerShellLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'\[[a-z_\[][a-z0-9_. `,\[\]]*\]', Name.Constant), # .net [type]s
(r'-[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*', Name),
(r'\w+', Name),
- (r'[.,{}\[\]$()=+*/\\&%!~?^`|<>-]', Punctuation),
+ (r'[.,;@{}\[\]$()=+*/\\&%!~?^`|<>-]|::', Punctuation),
+ ],
+ 'child': [
+ (r'\)', Punctuation, '#pop'),
+ include('root'),
'multline': [
(r'[^#&.]+', Comment.Multiline),
@@ -396,15 +405,17 @@ class PowerShellLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'[#&.]', Comment.Multiline),
'string': [
+ (r"`[0abfnrtv'\"\$]", String.Escape),
(r'[^$`"]+', String.Double),
- (r'\$\(', String.Interpol, 'interpol'),
- (r'`"|""', String.Double),
+ (r'\$\(', Punctuation, 'child'),
+ (r'""', String.Double),
(r'[`$]', String.Double),
(r'"', String.Double, '#pop'),
- 'interpol': [
- (r'[^$)]+', String.Interpol),
- (r'\$\(', String.Interpol, '#push'),
- (r'\)', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
+ 'heredoc-double': [
+ (r'\n"@', String.Heredoc, '#pop'),
+ (r'\$\(', Punctuation, 'child'),
+ (r'[^@\n]+"]', String.Heredoc),
+ (r".", String.Heredoc),
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index ff4a0453..63fc5f37 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ class CheetahHtmlLexer(DelegatingLexer):
name = 'HTML+Cheetah'
- aliases = ['html+cheetah', 'html+spitfire']
+ aliases = ['html+cheetah', 'html+spitfire', 'htmlcheetah']
mimetypes = ['text/html+cheetah', 'text/html+spitfire']
def __init__(self, **options):
@@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@ class HtmlDjangoLexer(DelegatingLexer):
name = 'HTML+Django/Jinja'
- aliases = ['html+django', 'html+jinja']
+ aliases = ['html+django', 'html+jinja', 'htmldjango']
alias_filenames = ['*.html', '*.htm', '*.xhtml']
mimetypes = ['text/html+django', 'text/html+jinja']
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index 47c575c0..f3feec83 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ class IniLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'INI'
- aliases = ['ini', 'cfg']
+ aliases = ['ini', 'cfg', 'dosini']
filenames = ['*.ini', '*.cfg']
mimetypes = ['text/x-ini']
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ class PropertiesLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Properties'
- aliases = ['properties']
+ aliases = ['properties', 'jproperties']
filenames = ['*.properties']
mimetypes = ['text/x-java-properties']
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ class SourcesListLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'Debian Sourcelist'
- aliases = ['sourceslist', 'sources.list']
+ aliases = ['sourceslist', 'sources.list', 'debsources']
filenames = ['sources.list']
mimetype = ['application/x-debian-sourceslist']
@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ class DebianControlLexer(RegexLexer):
*New in Pygments 0.9.*
name = 'Debian Control file'
- aliases = ['control']
+ aliases = ['control', 'debcontrol']
filenames = ['control']
tokens = {
@@ -1709,12 +1709,12 @@ class HttpLexer(RegexLexer):
tokens = {
'root': [
- r'(HTTPS?)(/)(1\.[01])(\r?\n|$)',
+ r'(HTTP)(/)(1\.[01])(\r?\n|$)',
bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Name.Namespace, Text,
Keyword.Reserved, Operator, Number, Text),
- (r'(HTTPS?)(/)(1\.[01])( +)(\d{3})( +)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|$)',
+ (r'(HTTP)(/)(1\.[01])( +)(\d{3})( +)([^\r\n]+)(\r?\n|$)',
bygroups(Keyword.Reserved, Operator, Number, Text, Number,
Text, Name.Exception, Text),
@@ -1848,6 +1848,8 @@ class EbnfLexer(RegexLexer):
Lexer for `ISO/IEC 14977 EBNF
+ *New in Pygments 1.7.*
name = 'EBNF'
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
index dc8c7c5f..10fb7672 100644
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ b/pygments/lexers/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ class JavascriptLexer(RegexLexer):
(r'[{(\[;,]', Punctuation, 'slashstartsregex'),
(r'[})\].]', Punctuation),
- r'throw|try|catch|finally|new|delete|typeof|instanceof|void|'
+ r'throw|try|catch|finally|new|delete|typeof|instanceof|void|yield|'
r'this)\b', Keyword, 'slashstartsregex'),
(r'(var|let|with|function)\b', Keyword.Declaration, 'slashstartsregex'),
@@ -1133,7 +1133,7 @@ class HaxeLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'haXe'
- aliases = ['hx', 'haXe']
+ aliases = ['hx', 'haXe', 'haxe']
filenames = ['*.hx']
mimetypes = ['text/haxe']
@@ -1797,7 +1797,7 @@ class CoffeeScriptLexer(RegexLexer):
name = 'CoffeeScript'
- aliases = ['coffee-script', 'coffeescript']
+ aliases = ['coffee-script', 'coffeescript', 'coffee']
filenames = ['*.coffee']
mimetypes = ['text/coffeescript']
diff --git a/pygments/ b/pygments/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cba1cab2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pygments/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.modeline
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ A simple modeline parser (based on pymodeline).
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2013 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import re
+__all__ = ['get_filetype_from_buffer']
+modeline_re = re.compile(r'''
+ (?: vi | vim | ex ) (?: [<=>]? \d* )? :
+ .* (?: ft | filetype | syn | syntax ) = ( [^:\s]+ )
+''', re.VERBOSE)
+def get_filetype_from_line(l):
+ m =
+ if m:
+ return
+def get_filetype_from_buffer(buf, max_lines=5):
+ """
+ Scan the buffer for modelines and return filetype if one is found.
+ """
+ lines = buf.splitlines()
+ for l in lines[-1:-max_lines-1:-1]:
+ ret = get_filetype_from_line(l)
+ if ret:
+ return ret
+ for l in lines[max_lines:0:-1]:
+ ret = get_filetype_from_line(l)
+ if ret:
+ return ret
+ return None