path: root/tests/examplefiles/AcidStateAdvanced.hs
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authorMatth?us G. Chajdas <>2019-11-10 13:56:53 +0100
committerMatth?us G. Chajdas <>2019-11-10 13:56:53 +0100
commit1dd3124a9770e11b6684e5dd1e6bc15a0aa3bc67 (patch)
tree87a171383266dd1f64196589af081bc2f8e497c3 /tests/examplefiles/AcidStateAdvanced.hs
parentf1c080e184dc1bbc36eaa7cd729ff3a499de568a (diff)
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/AcidStateAdvanced.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 209 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/AcidStateAdvanced.hs b/tests/examplefiles/AcidStateAdvanced.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e3e7718..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/AcidStateAdvanced.hs
+++ /dev/null
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-{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
- , MultiParamTypeClasses, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, TemplateHaskell
- , TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
-module Main where
-import Control.Applicative (Applicative, Alternative, (<$>))
-import Control.Exception.Lifted (bracket)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)
-import Control.Monad (MonadPlus, mplus)
-import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT(..), ask)
-import Control.Monad.Trans (MonadIO(..))
-import Data.Acid ( AcidState(..), EventState(..), EventResult(..)
- , Query(..), QueryEvent(..), Update(..), UpdateEvent(..)
- , IsAcidic(..), makeAcidic, openLocalState
- )
-import Data.Acid.Local ( createCheckpointAndClose
- , openLocalStateFrom
- )
-import Data.Acid.Advanced (query', update')
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
-import Data.SafeCopy (SafeCopy, base, deriveSafeCopy)
-import Data.Data (Data, Typeable)
-import Data.Lens ((%=), (!=))
-import Data.Lens.Template (makeLens)
-import Data.Text.Lazy (Text)
-import Happstack.Server ( Happstack, HasRqData, Method(GET, POST), Request(rqMethod)
- , Response
- , ServerPartT(..), WebMonad, FilterMonad, ServerMonad
- , askRq, decodeBody, dir, defaultBodyPolicy, lookText
- , mapServerPartT, nullConf, nullDir, ok, simpleHTTP
- , toResponse
- )
-import Prelude hiding (head, id)
-import System.FilePath ((</>))
-import Text.Blaze ((!))
-import Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict (body, head, html, input, form, label, p, title, toHtml)
-import Text.Blaze.Html4.Strict.Attributes (action, enctype, for, id, method, name, type_, value)
-class HasAcidState m st where
- getAcidState :: m (AcidState st)
-query :: forall event m.
- ( Functor m
- , MonadIO m
- , QueryEvent event
- , HasAcidState m (EventState event)
- ) =>
- event
- -> m (EventResult event)
-query event =
- do as <- getAcidState
- query' (as :: AcidState (EventState event)) event
-update :: forall event m.
- ( Functor m
- , MonadIO m
- , UpdateEvent event
- , HasAcidState m (EventState event)
- ) =>
- event
- -> m (EventResult event)
-update event =
- do as <- getAcidState
- update' (as :: AcidState (EventState event)) event
--- | bracket the opening and close of the `AcidState` handle.
--- automatically creates a checkpoint on close
-withLocalState :: (MonadBaseControl IO m, MonadIO m, IsAcidic st, Typeable st) =>
- Maybe FilePath -- ^ path to state directory
- -> st -- ^ initial state value
- -> (AcidState st -> m a) -- ^ function which uses the `AcidState` handle
- -> m a
-withLocalState mPath initialState =
- bracket (liftIO $ (maybe openLocalState openLocalStateFrom mPath) initialState)
- (liftIO . createCheckpointAndClose)
--- State that stores a hit count
-data CountState = CountState { _count :: Integer }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Show)
-$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''CountState)
-$(makeLens ''CountState)
-initialCountState :: CountState
-initialCountState = CountState { _count = 0 }
-incCount :: Update CountState Integer
-incCount = count %= succ
-$(makeAcidic ''CountState ['incCount])
--- State that stores a greeting
-data GreetingState = GreetingState { _greeting :: Text }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Show)
-$(deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''GreetingState)
-$(makeLens ''GreetingState)
-initialGreetingState :: GreetingState
-initialGreetingState = GreetingState { _greeting = "Hello" }
-getGreeting :: Query GreetingState Text
-getGreeting = _greeting <$> ask
-setGreeting :: Text -> Update GreetingState Text
-setGreeting txt = greeting != txt
-$(makeAcidic ''GreetingState ['getGreeting, 'setGreeting])
-data Acid = Acid { acidCountState :: AcidState CountState
- , acidGreetingState :: AcidState GreetingState
- }
-withAcid :: Maybe FilePath -> (Acid -> IO a) -> IO a
-withAcid mBasePath action =
- let basePath = fromMaybe "_state" mBasePath
- in withLocalState (Just $ basePath </> "count") initialCountState $ \c ->
- withLocalState (Just $ basePath </> "greeting") initialGreetingState $ \g ->
- action (Acid c g)
-newtype App a = App { unApp :: ServerPartT (ReaderT Acid IO) a }
- deriving ( Functor, Alternative, Applicative, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadIO
- , HasRqData, ServerMonad ,WebMonad Response, FilterMonad Response
- , Happstack, MonadReader Acid)
-runApp :: Acid -> App a -> ServerPartT IO a
-runApp acid (App sp) = mapServerPartT (flip runReaderT acid) sp
-instance HasAcidState App CountState where
- getAcidState = acidCountState <$> ask
-instance HasAcidState App GreetingState where
- getAcidState = acidGreetingState <$> ask
-page :: App Response
-page =
- do nullDir
- g <- greet
- c <- update IncCount -- ^ a CountState event
- ok $ toResponse $
- html $ do
- head $ do
- title "acid-state demo"
- body $ do
- form ! action "/" ! method "POST" ! enctype "multipart/form-data" $ do
- label "new message: " ! for "msg"
- input ! type_ "text" ! id "msg" ! name "greeting"
- input ! type_ "submit" ! value "update message"
- p $ toHtml g
- p $ do "This page has been loaded "
- toHtml c
- " time(s)."
- where
- greet =
- do m <- rqMethod <$> askRq
- case m of
- POST ->
- do decodeBody (defaultBodyPolicy "/tmp/" 0 1000 1000)
- newGreeting <- lookText "greeting"
- update (SetGreeting newGreeting) -- ^ a GreetingState event
- return newGreeting
- GET ->
- do query GetGreeting -- ^ a GreetingState event
-main :: IO ()
-main =
- withAcid Nothing $ \acid ->
- simpleHTTP nullConf $ runApp acid page
-newtype FooState = FooState { foo :: Text }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, SafeCopy)
-initialFooState :: FooState
-initialFooState = FooState { foo = "foo" }
-askFoo :: Query FooState Text
-askFoo = foo <$> ask
-$(makeAcidic ''FooState ['askFoo])
-fooPlugin :: (Happstack m, HasAcidState m FooState) => m Response
-fooPlugin =
- dir "foo" $ do
- txt <- query AskFoo
- ok $ toResponse txt
-data Acid' = Acid' { acidCountState' :: AcidState CountState
- , acidGreetingState' :: AcidState GreetingState
- , acidFooState' :: AcidState FooState
- }
-withAcid' :: Maybe FilePath -> (Acid' -> IO a) -> IO a
-withAcid' mBasePath action =
- let basePath = fromMaybe "_state" mBasePath
- in withLocalState (Just $ basePath </> "count") initialCountState $ \c ->
- withLocalState (Just $ basePath </> "greeting") initialGreetingState $ \g ->
- withLocalState (Just $ basePath </> "foo") initialFooState $ \f ->
- action (Acid' c g f)
-newtype App' a = App' { unApp' :: ServerPartT (ReaderT Acid' IO) a }
- deriving ( Functor, Alternative, Applicative, Monad, MonadPlus, MonadIO
- , HasRqData, ServerMonad ,WebMonad Response, FilterMonad Response
- , Happstack, MonadReader Acid')
-instance HasAcidState App' FooState where
- getAcidState = acidFooState' <$> ask
-fooAppPlugin :: App' Response
-fooAppPlugin = fooPlugin
-fooReaderPlugin :: ReaderT (AcidState FooState) (ServerPartT IO) Response
-fooReaderPlugin = fooPlugin
-instance HasAcidState (ReaderT (AcidState FooState) (ServerPartT IO)) FooState where
- getAcidState = ask
-withFooPlugin :: (MonadIO m, MonadBaseControl IO m) =>
- FilePath -- ^ path to state directory
- -> (ServerPartT IO Response -> m a) -- ^ function that uses fooPlugin
- -> m a
-withFooPlugin basePath f =
- do withLocalState (Just $ basePath </> "foo") initialFooState $ \fooState ->
- f $ runReaderT fooReaderPlugin fooState
-main' :: IO ()
-main' =
- withFooPlugin "_state" $ \fooPlugin' ->
- withAcid Nothing $ \acid ->
- simpleHTTP nullConf $ fooPlugin' `mplus` runApp acid page