path: root/tests/examplefiles/reversi.lsp
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authorcormullion <>2012-02-05 16:59:53 +0000
committercormullion <>2012-02-05 16:59:53 +0000
commit0af9aeea0bff0b5af3a8801140e641ac38b01ced (patch)
treed6d7653ebecd3c2f32d154639b20f7522c061a3c /tests/examplefiles/reversi.lsp
parent8c9b997e0c1a8ceaf692b7f48107936fcc0baef9 (diff)
added test files *.lsp
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/reversi.lsp')
1 files changed, 427 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/reversi.lsp b/tests/examplefiles/reversi.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fa9a333c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/reversi.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env newlisp
+;; @module reversi.lsp
+;; @description a simple version of Reversi: you as white against newLISP as black
+;; @version 0.1 alpha August 2007
+;; @author cormullion
+;; 2008-10-08 21:46:54
+;; updated for newLISP version 10. (changed nth-set to setf)
+;; this now does not work with newLISP version 9!
+;; This is my first attempt at writing a simple application using newLISP-GS.
+;; The game algorithms are basically by
+;; Peter Norvig
+;; and all I've done is translate to newLISP and add the interface...
+;; To-Do: work out how to handle the end of the game properly...
+;; To-Do: complete newlispdoc for the functions
+(constant 'empty 0)
+(constant 'black 1)
+(constant 'white 2)
+(constant 'outer 3) ; squares outside the 8x8 board
+(set '*board* '()) ; the master board is a 100 element list
+(set '*moves* '()) ; list of moves made
+; these are the 8 different directions from a square on the board
+(set 'all-directions '(-11 -10 -9 -1 1 9 10 11))
+; return a list of all the playable squares (the 8 by 8 grid inside the 10by10
+(define (all-squares)
+ (local (result)
+ (for (square 11 88)
+ (if (<= 1 (mod square 10) 8)
+ (push square result -1)))
+; make a board
+(define (make-board)
+ (set '*board* (dup outer 100))
+ (dolist (s (all-squares))
+ (setf (*board* s) empty)))
+; for testing and working at a terminal
+(define (print-board)
+ (print { })
+ (for (c 1 8)
+ (print c))
+ (set 'c 0)
+ (for (i 0 99)
+ (cond
+ ((= (*board* i) 0) (print {.}))
+ ((= (*board* i) 1) (print {b}))
+ ((= (*board* i) 2) (print {w})))
+ (if (and (<= i 88) (= (mod (+ i 1) 10) 0)) ; newline
+ (print "\n" (inc c))))
+ (println "\n"))
+; the initial starting pattern
+(define (initial-board)
+ (make-board)
+ (setf (*board* 44) white)
+ (setf (*board* 55) white)
+ (setf (*board* 45) black)
+ (setf (*board* 54) black))
+(define (opponent player)
+ (if (= player black) white black))
+(define (player-name player)
+ (if (= player white) "white" "black"))
+(define (valid-move? move)
+ (and
+ (integer? move)
+ (<= 11 move 88)
+ (<= 1 (mod move 10) 8)))
+(define (empty-square? square)
+ (and
+ (valid-move? square)
+ (= (*board* square) empty)))
+; test whether a move is legal. The square must be empty
+; and it must flip at least one of the opponent's piece
+(define (legal-move? move player)
+ (and
+ (empty-square? move)
+ (exists (fn (dir) (would-flip? move player dir)) all-directions)))
+; would this move by player result in any flips in the given direction?
+; if so, return the number of the 'opposite' (bracketing) piece's square
+(define (would-flip? move player dir)
+ (let
+ ((c (+ move dir)))
+ (and
+ (= (*board* c) (opponent player))
+ (find-bracketing-piece (+ c dir) player dir))))
+(define (find-bracketing-piece square player dir)
+ ; return the square of the bracketing piece, if any
+ (cond
+ ((= (*board* square) player) square)
+ ((= (*board* square) (opponent player))
+ (find-bracketing-piece (+ square dir) player dir))
+ (true nil)))
+(define (make-flips move player dir)
+ (let
+ ((bracketer (would-flip? move player dir))
+ (c (+ move dir)))
+ (if bracketer
+ (do-until (= c bracketer)
+ (setf (*board* c) player)
+ (push c *flips* -1)
+ (inc c dir)))))
+; make the move on the master game board, not yet visually
+(define (make-move move player)
+ (setf (*board* move) player)
+ (push move *moves* -1)
+ (set '*flips* '()) ; we're going to keep a record of the flips made
+ (dolist (dir all-directions)
+ (make-flips move player dir)))
+(define (next-to-play previous-player)
+ (let ((opp (opponent previous-player)))
+ (cond
+ ((any-legal-move? opp) opp)
+ ((any-legal-move? previous-player)
+ (println (player-name opp) " has no moves")
+ previous-player)
+ (true nil))))
+; are there any legal moves (returns first) for this player?
+(define (any-legal-move? player)
+ (exists (fn (move) (legal-move? move player))
+ (all-squares)))
+; a list of all legal moves might be useful
+(define (legal-moves player)
+ (let ((result '()))
+ (dolist (move (all-squares))
+ (if (legal-move? move player)
+ (push move result)))
+ (unique result)))
+; define any number of strategies that can be called on to calculate
+; the next computer move. This is the only one I've done... - make
+; any legal move at random!
+(define (random-strategy player)
+ (seed (date-value))
+ (apply amb (legal-moves player)))
+; get the next move using a particular strategy
+(define (get-move strategy player)
+ (let ((move (apply strategy (list player))))
+ (cond
+ ((and
+ (valid-move? move)
+ (legal-move? move player))
+ (make-move move player))
+ (true
+ (println "no valid or legal move for " (player-name player) )
+ nil))
+ move))
+; that's about all the game algorithms for now
+; now for the interface
+(if (= ostype "Win32")
+ (load (string (env "PROGRAMFILES") "/newlisp/guiserver.lsp"))
+ (load "/usr/share/newlisp/guiserver.lsp")
+(map set '(screen-width screen-height) (gs:get-screen))
+(set 'board-width 540)
+; center on screen
+(gs:frame 'Reversi (- (/ screen-width 2) (/ board-width 2)) 60 board-width 660 "Reversi")
+(gs:set-border-layout 'Reversi)
+(gs:canvas 'MyCanvas 'Reversi)
+ (gs:set-background 'MyCanvas '(.8 .9 .7 .8))
+ (gs:mouse-released 'MyCanvas 'mouse-released-action true)
+(gs:panel 'Controls)
+ (gs:button 'Start 'start-game "Start")
+(gs:panel 'Lower)
+ (gs:label 'WhiteScore "")
+ (gs:label 'BlackScore "")
+(gs:add-to 'Controls 'Start )
+(gs:add-to 'Lower 'WhiteScore 'BlackScore)
+(gs:add-to 'Reversi 'MyCanvas "center" 'Controls "north" 'Lower "south")
+(gs:set-anti-aliasing true)
+(gs:set-visible 'Reversi true)
+; size of board square, and radius/width of counter
+(set 'size 60 'width 30)
+; initialize the master board
+(define (initial-board)
+ (make-board)
+ (setf (*board* 44) white)
+ (setf (*board* 55) white)
+ (setf (*board* 45) black)
+ (setf (*board* 54) black)
+; draw a graphical repesentation of the board
+(define (draw-board)
+ (local (x y)
+ (dolist (i (all-squares))
+ (map set '(x y) (square-to-xy i))
+ (gs:draw-rect
+ (string x y)
+ (- (* y size) width ) ; !!!!!!
+ (- (* x size) width )
+ (* width 2)
+ (* width 2)
+ gs:white))))
+(define (draw-first-four-pieces)
+ (draw-piece 44 "white")
+ (draw-piece 55 "white")
+ (draw-piece 45 "black")
+ (draw-piece 54 "black"))
+; this next function can mark the legal moves available to a player
+(define (show-legal-moves player)
+ (local (legal-move-list x y)
+ (set 'legal-move-list (legal-moves player))
+ (dolist (m (all-squares))
+ (map set '(x y) (square-to-xy m))
+ (gs:draw-rect
+ (string x y)
+ (- (* y size) width ) ; !!!!!!
+ (- (* x size) width )
+ (* width 2)
+ (* width 2)
+ (if (find m legal-move-list) gs:blue gs:white)
+ )
+ )
+ )
+; convert the number of a square on the master board to coordinates
+(define (square-to-xy square)
+ (list (/ square 10) (mod square 10)))
+; draw one of the pieces
+(define (draw-piece square colour)
+ (local (x y)
+ (map set '(x y) (square-to-xy square))
+ (cond
+ ((= colour "white")
+ (gs:fill-circle
+ (string x y)
+ (* y size) ; !!!!!!! y first, cos y is x ;-)
+ (* x size)
+ width
+ gs:white))
+ ((= colour "black")
+ (gs:fill-circle
+ (string x y)
+ (* y size)
+ (* x size)
+ width
+ gs:black))
+ ((= colour "empty")
+ (gs:draw-rect
+ (string x y)
+ (- (* y size) width )
+ (- (* x size) width )
+ (* width 2)
+ (* width 2)
+ gs:white))
+ )))
+; animate the pieces flipping
+(define (flip-piece square player)
+; flip by drawing thinner and fatter ellipses
+; go from full disk in opposite colour to invisible
+; then from invisible to full disk in true colour
+ (local (x y colour)
+ (map set '(x y) (square-to-xy square))
+ ; delete original piece
+ (gs:delete-tag (string x y))
+ (set 'colour (if (= player 2) gs:black gs:white ))
+ (for (i width 1 -3)
+ (gs:fill-ellipse
+ (string x y {flip} i)
+ (* y size) ; y first :-) !!!
+ (* x size)
+ i
+ width
+ colour)
+ (sleep 20) ; this might need adjusting...
+ (gs:delete-tag (string x y {flip} i))
+ )
+ (set 'colour (if (= player 2) gs:white gs:black))
+ (for (i 1 width 3)
+ (gs:fill-ellipse
+ (string x y {flip} i)
+ (* y size) ; :-) !!!
+ (* x size)
+ i
+ width
+ colour)
+ (sleep 20)
+ (gs:delete-tag (string x y {flip} i))
+ )
+ ; draw the piece again
+ (gs:fill-circle
+ (string x y)
+ (* y size)
+ (* x size)
+ width
+ colour)
+ )
+(define (do-move move player)
+ (cond
+ ; check if the move is good ...
+ ((and (!= player nil)
+ (valid-move? move)
+ (legal-move? move player))
+ ; ... play it
+ ; make move on board
+ (make-move move player)
+ ; and on screen
+ (draw-piece move (player-name player))
+ (gs:update)
+ ; do flipping stuff
+ ; wait for a while
+ (sleep 1000)
+ ; then do flipping
+ (dolist (f *flips*)
+ (flip-piece f player))
+ (inc *move-number*)
+ (draw-piece move (player-name player))
+ (gs:update)
+ ; update scores
+ (gs:set-text 'WhiteScore
+ (string "White: " (first (count (list white) *board*))))
+ (gs:set-text 'BlackScore
+ (string "Black: " (first (count (list black) *board*))))
+ )
+ ; or return nil
+ (true
+ nil)))
+; the game is driven by the mouse clicks of the user
+; in reply, the computer plays a black piece
+; premature clicking is possible and possibly a bad thing...
+(define (mouse-released-action x y button modifiers tags)
+ ; extract the tag of the clicked square
+ (set 'move (int (string (first tags)) 0 10))
+ (if (do-move move player)
+ (begin
+ (set 'player (next-to-play player))
+ ; there is a training mode - legal squares are highlighted
+ ; you can uncomment the next line...
+ ; (show-legal-moves player)
+ (gs:update)
+ ; wait for black's reply
+ (gs:set-cursor 'Reversi "wait")
+ (gs:set-text 'Start "black's move - thinking...")
+ ; give the illusion of Deep Thought...
+ (sleep 2000)
+ ; black's reply
+ ; currently only the random strategy has been defined...
+ (set 'strategy random-strategy)
+ (set 'move (apply strategy (list player)))
+ (do-move move player)
+ (set 'player (next-to-play player))
+ ; (show-legal-moves player) ; to see black's moves
+ (gs:set-text 'Start "your move")
+ (gs:set-cursor 'Reversi "default")
+ (gs:update))))
+(define (start-game)
+ (gs:set-text 'Start "Click a square to place a piece!")
+ (gs:disable 'Start)
+ (set 'player white))
+(define (start)
+ (gs:set-text 'Start "Start")
+ (gs:enable 'Start)
+ (set '*move-number* 1
+ '*flips* '())
+ (initial-board)
+ (draw-board)
+ (draw-first-four-pieces))
+(gs:listen) \ No newline at end of file