path: root/pygments/lexers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 393 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fa7270c..00000000
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- pygments.lexers.crystal
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexer for Crystal.
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import re
-from pygments.lexer import ExtendedRegexLexer, include, \
- bygroups, default, LexerContext, words
-from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
- Number, Punctuation, Error
-__all__ = ['CrystalLexer']
-line_re = re.compile('.*?\n')
- '!=', '!~', '!', '%', '&&', '&', '**', '*', '+', '-', '/', '<=>', '<<', '<=', '<',
- '===', '==', '=~', '=', '>=', '>>', '>', '[]=', '[]?', '[]', '^', '||', '|', '~'
-class CrystalLexer(ExtendedRegexLexer):
- """
- For `Crystal <>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.2
- """
- name = 'Crystal'
- aliases = ['cr', 'crystal']
- filenames = ['*.cr']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-crystal']
- flags = re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE
- def heredoc_callback(self, match, ctx):
- # okay, this is the hardest part of parsing Crystal...
- # match: 1 = <<-?, 2 = quote? 3 = name 4 = quote? 5 = rest of line
- start = match.start(1)
- yield start, Operator, # <<-?
- yield match.start(2), String.Heredoc, # quote ", ', `
- yield match.start(3), String.Delimiter, # heredoc name
- yield match.start(4), String.Heredoc, # quote again
- heredocstack = ctx.__dict__.setdefault('heredocstack', [])
- outermost = not bool(heredocstack)
- heredocstack.append(( == '<<-',
- ctx.pos = match.start(5)
- ctx.end = match.end(5)
- # this may find other heredocs
- for i, t, v in self.get_tokens_unprocessed(context=ctx):
- yield i, t, v
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- if outermost:
- # this is the outer heredoc again, now we can process them all
- for tolerant, hdname in heredocstack:
- lines = []
- for match in line_re.finditer(ctx.text, ctx.pos):
- if tolerant:
- check =
- else:
- check =
- if check == hdname:
- for amatch in lines:
- yield amatch.start(), String.Heredoc,
- yield match.start(), String.Delimiter,
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- break
- else:
- lines.append(match)
- else:
- # end of heredoc not found -- error!
- for amatch in lines:
- yield amatch.start(), Error,
- ctx.end = len(ctx.text)
- del heredocstack[:]
- def gen_crystalstrings_rules():
- def intp_regex_callback(self, match, ctx):
- yield match.start(1), String.Regex, # begin
- nctx = LexerContext(, 0, ['interpolated-regex'])
- for i, t, v in self.get_tokens_unprocessed(context=nctx):
- yield match.start(3)+i, t, v
- yield match.start(4), String.Regex, # end[imsx]*
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- def intp_string_callback(self, match, ctx):
- yield match.start(1), String.Other,
- nctx = LexerContext(, 0, ['interpolated-string'])
- for i, t, v in self.get_tokens_unprocessed(context=nctx):
- yield match.start(3)+i, t, v
- yield match.start(4), String.Other, # end
- ctx.pos = match.end()
- states = {}
- states['strings'] = [
- (r'\:@{0,2}[a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?', String.Symbol),
- (words(CRYSTAL_OPERATORS, prefix=r'\:@{0,2}'), String.Symbol),
- (r":'(\\\\|\\'|[^'])*'", String.Symbol),
- # This allows arbitrary text after '\ for simplicity
- (r"'(\\\\|\\'|[^']|\\[^'\\]+)'", String.Char),
- (r':"', String.Symbol, 'simple-sym'),
- # Crystal doesn't have "symbol:"s but this simplifies function args
- (r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(:)(?!:)', bygroups(String.Symbol, Punctuation)),
- (r'"', String.Double, 'simple-string'),
- (r'(?<!\.)`', String.Backtick, 'simple-backtick'),
- ]
- # double-quoted string and symbol
- for name, ttype, end in ('string', String.Double, '"'), \
- ('sym', String.Symbol, '"'), \
- ('backtick', String.Backtick, '`'):
- states['simple-'+name] = [
- include('string-escaped' if name == 'sym' else 'string-intp-escaped'),
- (r'[^\\%s#]+' % end, ttype),
- (r'[\\#]', ttype),
- (end, ttype, '#pop'),
- ]
- # braced quoted strings
- for lbrace, rbrace, bracecc, name in \
- ('\\{', '\\}', '{}', 'cb'), \
- ('\\[', '\\]', '\\[\\]', 'sb'), \
- ('\\(', '\\)', '()', 'pa'), \
- ('<', '>', '<>', 'ab'):
- states[name+'-intp-string'] = [
- (r'\\[' + lbrace + ']', String.Other),
- (lbrace, String.Other, '#push'),
- (rbrace, String.Other, '#pop'),
- include('string-intp-escaped'),
- (r'[\\#' + bracecc + ']', String.Other),
- (r'[^\\#' + bracecc + ']+', String.Other),
- ]
- states['strings'].append((r'%' + lbrace, String.Other,
- name+'-intp-string'))
- states[name+'-string'] = [
- (r'\\[\\' + bracecc + ']', String.Other),
- (lbrace, String.Other, '#push'),
- (rbrace, String.Other, '#pop'),
- (r'[\\#' + bracecc + ']', String.Other),
- (r'[^\\#' + bracecc + ']+', String.Other),
- ]
- #
- states['strings'].append((r'%[wi]' + lbrace, String.Other,
- name+'-string'))
- states[name+'-regex'] = [
- (r'\\[\\' + bracecc + ']', String.Regex),
- (lbrace, String.Regex, '#push'),
- (rbrace + '[imsx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'[\\#' + bracecc + ']', String.Regex),
- (r'[^\\#' + bracecc + ']+', String.Regex),
- ]
- states['strings'].append((r'%r' + lbrace, String.Regex,
- name+'-regex'))
- # these must come after %<brace>!
- states['strings'] += [
- # %r regex
- (r'(%r([\W_]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2[imsx]*)',
- intp_regex_callback),
- # regular fancy strings with qsw
- (r'(%[wi]([\W_]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2)',
- intp_string_callback),
- # special forms of fancy strings after operators or
- # in method calls with braces
- (r'(?<=[-+/*%=<>&!^|~,(])(\s*)(%([\t ])(?:(?:\\\3|(?!\3).)*)\3)',
- bygroups(Text, String.Other, None)),
- # and because of fixed width lookbehinds the whole thing a
- # second time for line startings...
- (r'^(\s*)(%([\t ])(?:(?:\\\3|(?!\3).)*)\3)',
- bygroups(Text, String.Other, None)),
- # all regular fancy strings without qsw
- (r'(%([\[{(<]))((?:\\\2|(?!\2).)*)(\2)',
- intp_string_callback),
- ]
- return states
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'#.*?$', Comment.Single),
- # keywords
- (words('''
- abstract asm as begin break case do else elsif end ensure extend ifdef if
- include instance_sizeof next of pointerof private protected rescue return
- require sizeof super then typeof unless until when while with yield
- '''.split(), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword),
- (words(['true', 'false', 'nil'], suffix=r'\b'), Keyword.Constant),
- # start of function, class and module names
- (r'(module|lib)(\s+)([a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:::[a-zA-Z_]\w*)*)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace)),
- (r'(def|fun|macro)(\s+)((?:[a-zA-Z_]\w*::)*)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace), 'funcname'),
- (r'def(?=[*%&^`~+-/\[<>=])', Keyword, 'funcname'),
- (r'(class|struct|union|type|alias|enum)(\s+)((?:[a-zA-Z_]\w*::)*)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Text, Name.Namespace), 'classname'),
- (r'(self|out|uninitialized)\b|(is_a|responds_to)\?', Keyword.Pseudo),
- # macros
- (words('''
- debugger record pp assert_responds_to spawn parallel
- getter setter property delegate def_hash def_equals def_equals_and_hash
- forward_missing_to
- '''.split(), suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'getter[!?]|property[!?]|__(DIR|FILE|LINE)__\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- # builtins
- #
- (words('''
- Object Value Struct Reference Proc Class Nil Symbol Enum Void
- Bool Number Int Int8 Int16 Int32 Int64 UInt8 UInt16 UInt32 UInt64
- Float Float32 Float64 Char String
- Pointer Slice Range Exception Regex
- Mutex StaticArray Array Hash Set Tuple Deque Box Process File
- Dir Time Channel Concurrent Scheduler
- abort at_exit caller delay exit fork future get_stack_top gets
- lazy loop main p print printf puts
- raise rand read_line sleep sprintf system with_color
- '''.split(), prefix=r'(?<!\.)', suffix=r'\b'), Name.Builtin),
- # normal heredocs
- (r'(?<!\w)(<<-?)(["`\']?)([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\2)(.*?\n)',
- heredoc_callback),
- # empty string heredocs
- (r'(<<-?)("|\')()(\2)(.*?\n)', heredoc_callback),
- (r'__END__', Comment.Preproc, 'end-part'),
- # multiline regex (after keywords or assignments)
- (r'(?:^|(?<=[=<>~!:])|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)when\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)or\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)and\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.index\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.scan\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.sub\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.sub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.gsub\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.gsub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=\.match\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)if\s)|'
- r'(?<=(?:\s|;)elsif\s)|'
- r'(?<=^when\s)|'
- r'(?<=^index\s)|'
- r'(?<=^scan\s)|'
- r'(?<=^sub\s)|'
- r'(?<=^gsub\s)|'
- r'(?<=^sub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=^gsub!\s)|'
- r'(?<=^match\s)|'
- r'(?<=^if\s)|'
- r'(?<=^elsif\s)'
- r')(\s*)(/)', bygroups(Text, String.Regex), 'multiline-regex'),
- # multiline regex (in method calls or subscripts)
- (r'(?<=\(|,|\[)/', String.Regex, 'multiline-regex'),
- # multiline regex (this time the funny no whitespace rule)
- (r'(\s+)(/)(?![\s=])', bygroups(Text, String.Regex),
- 'multiline-regex'),
- # lex numbers and ignore following regular expressions which
- # are division operators in fact (grrrr. i hate that. any
- # better ideas?)
- # since pygments 0.7 we also eat a "?" operator after numbers
- # so that the char operator does not work. Chars are not allowed
- # there so that you can use the ternary operator.
- # stupid example:
- # x>=0?n[x]:""
- (r'(0o[0-7]+(?:_[0-7]+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Oct, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0x[0-9A-Fa-f]+(?:_[0-9A-Fa-f]+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Hex, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0b[01]+(?:_[01]+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Bin, Text, Operator)),
- # 3 separate expressions for floats because any of the 3 optional
- # parts makes it a float
- (r'((?:0(?![0-9])|[1-9][\d_]*)(?:\.\d[\d_]*)(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)?'
- r'(?:_?f[0-9]+)?)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Float, Text, Operator)),
- (r'((?:0(?![0-9])|[1-9][\d_]*)(?:\.\d[\d_]*)?(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)'
- r'(?:_?f[0-9]+)?)(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Float, Text, Operator)),
- (r'((?:0(?![0-9])|[1-9][\d_]*)(?:\.\d[\d_]*)?(?:e[+-]?[0-9]+)?'
- r'(?:_?f[0-9]+))(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Float, Text, Operator)),
- (r'(0\b|[1-9][\d]*(?:_\d+)*(?:_?[iu][0-9]+)?)\b(\s*)([/?])?',
- bygroups(Number.Integer, Text, Operator)),
- # Names
- (r'@@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable.Class),
- (r'@[a-zA-Z_]\w*', Name.Variable.Instance),
- (r'\$\w+', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'\$[!@&`\'+~=/\\,;.<>_*$?:"^-]', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'\$-[0adFiIlpvw]', Name.Variable.Global),
- (r'::', Operator),
- include('strings'),
- # chars
- (r'\?(\\[MC]-)*' # modifiers
- r'(\\([\\befnrtv#"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[0-7]{1,3})|\S)'
- r'(?!\w)',
- String.Char),
- (r'[A-Z][A-Z_]+\b', Name.Constant),
- # macro expansion
- (r'\{%', String.Interpol, 'in-macro-control'),
- (r'\{\{', String.Interpol, 'in-macro-expr'),
- # attributes
- (r'(@\[)(\s*)([A-Z]\w*)',
- bygroups(Operator, Text, Name.Decorator), 'in-attr'),
- # this is needed because Crystal attributes can look
- # like keywords (class) or like this: ` ?!?
- (words(CRYSTAL_OPERATORS, prefix=r'(\.|::)'),
- bygroups(Operator, Name.Operator)),
- (r'(\.|::)([a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?|[*%&^`~+\-/\[<>=])',
- bygroups(Operator, Name)),
- # Names can end with [!?] unless it's "!="
- (r'[a-zA-Z_]\w*(?:[!?](?!=))?', Name),
- (r'(\[|\]\??|\*\*|<=>?|>=|<<?|>>?|=~|===|'
- r'!~|&&?|\|\||\.{1,3})', Operator),
- (r'[-+/*%=<>&!^|~]=?', Operator),
- (r'[(){};,/?:\\]', Punctuation),
- (r'\s+', Text)
- ],
- 'funcname': [
- (r'(?:([a-zA-Z_]\w*)(\.))?'
- r'([a-zA-Z_]\w*[!?]?|\*\*?|[-+]@?|'
- r'[/%&|^`~]|\[\]=?|<<|>>|<=?>|>=?|===?)',
- bygroups(Name.Class, Operator, Name.Function), '#pop'),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'classname': [
- (r'[A-Z_]\w*', Name.Class),
- (r'(\()(\s*)([A-Z_]\w*)(\s*)(\))',
- bygroups(Punctuation, Text, Name.Class, Text, Punctuation)),
- default('#pop')
- ],
- 'in-intp': [
- (r'\{', String.Interpol, '#push'),
- (r'\}', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
- include('root'),
- ],
- 'string-intp': [
- (r'#\{', String.Interpol, 'in-intp'),
- ],
- 'string-escaped': [
- (r'\\([\\befnstv#"\']|x[a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}|[0-7]{1,3})', String.Escape)
- ],
- 'string-intp-escaped': [
- include('string-intp'),
- include('string-escaped'),
- ],
- 'interpolated-regex': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'[\\#]', String.Regex),
- (r'[^\\#]+', String.Regex),
- ],
- 'interpolated-string': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'[\\#]', String.Other),
- (r'[^\\#]+', String.Other),
- ],
- 'multiline-regex': [
- include('string-intp'),
- (r'\\\\', String.Regex),
- (r'\\/', String.Regex),
- (r'[\\#]', String.Regex),
- (r'[^\\/#]+', String.Regex),
- (r'/[imsx]*', String.Regex, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'end-part': [
- (r'.+', Comment.Preproc, '#pop')
- ],
- 'in-macro-control': [
- (r'\{%', String.Interpol, '#push'),
- (r'%\}', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
- (r'for\b|in\b', Keyword),
- include('root'),
- ],
- 'in-macro-expr': [
- (r'\{\{', String.Interpol, '#push'),
- (r'\}\}', String.Interpol, '#pop'),
- include('root'),
- ],
- 'in-attr': [
- (r'\[', Operator, '#push'),
- (r'\]', Operator, '#pop'),
- include('root'),
- ],
- }
- tokens.update(gen_crystalstrings_rules())