path: root/pygments/lexers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 38d80774..00000000
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexer for SAS.
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import re
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, words
-from pygments.token import Comment, Keyword, Name, Number, String, Text, \
- Other, Generic
-__all__ = ['SASLexer']
-class SASLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `SAS <>`_ files.
- .. versionadded:: 2.2
- """
- # Syntax from syntax/sas.vim by James Kidd <>
- name = 'SAS'
- aliases = ['sas']
- filenames = ['*.SAS', '*.sas']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-sas', 'text/sas', 'application/x-sas']
- flags = re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE
- builtins_macros = (
- "bquote", "nrbquote", "cmpres", "qcmpres", "compstor", "datatyp",
- "display", "do", "else", "end", "eval", "global", "goto", "if",
- "index", "input", "keydef", "label", "left", "length", "let",
- "local", "lowcase", "macro", "mend", "nrquote",
- "nrstr", "put", "qleft", "qlowcase", "qscan",
- "qsubstr", "qsysfunc", "qtrim", "quote", "qupcase", "scan",
- "str", "substr", "superq", "syscall", "sysevalf", "sysexec",
- "sysfunc", "sysget", "syslput", "sysprod", "sysrc", "sysrput",
- "then", "to", "trim", "unquote", "until", "upcase", "verify",
- "while", "window"
- )
- builtins_conditionals = (
- "do", "if", "then", "else", "end", "until", "while"
- )
- builtins_statements = (
- "abort", "array", "attrib", "by", "call", "cards", "cards4",
- "catname", "continue", "datalines", "datalines4", "delete", "delim",
- "delimiter", "display", "dm", "drop", "endsas", "error", "file",
- "filename", "footnote", "format", "goto", "in", "infile", "informat",
- "input", "keep", "label", "leave", "length", "libname", "link",
- "list", "lostcard", "merge", "missing", "modify", "options", "output",
- "out", "page", "put", "redirect", "remove", "rename", "replace",
- "retain", "return", "select", "set", "skip", "startsas", "stop",
- "title", "update", "waitsas", "where", "window", "x", "systask"
- )
- builtins_sql = (
- "add", "and", "alter", "as", "cascade", "check", "create",
- "delete", "describe", "distinct", "drop", "foreign", "from",
- "group", "having", "index", "insert", "into", "in", "key", "like",
- "message", "modify", "msgtype", "not", "null", "on", "or",
- "order", "primary", "references", "reset", "restrict", "select",
- "set", "table", "unique", "update", "validate", "view", "where"
- )
- builtins_functions = (
- "abs", "addr", "airy", "arcos", "arsin", "atan", "attrc",
- "attrn", "band", "betainv", "blshift", "bnot", "bor",
- "brshift", "bxor", "byte", "cdf", "ceil", "cexist", "cinv",
- "close", "cnonct", "collate", "compbl", "compound",
- "compress", "cos", "cosh", "css", "curobs", "cv", "daccdb",
- "daccdbsl", "daccsl", "daccsyd", "dacctab", "dairy", "date",
- "datejul", "datepart", "datetime", "day", "dclose", "depdb",
- "depdbsl", "depsl", "depsyd",
- "deptab", "dequote", "dhms", "dif", "digamma",
- "dim", "dinfo", "dnum", "dopen", "doptname", "doptnum",
- "dread", "dropnote", "dsname", "erf", "erfc", "exist", "exp",
- "fappend", "fclose", "fcol", "fdelete", "fetch", "fetchobs",
- "fexist", "fget", "fileexist", "filename", "fileref",
- "finfo", "finv", "fipname", "fipnamel", "fipstate", "floor",
- "fnonct", "fnote", "fopen", "foptname", "foptnum", "fpoint",
- "fpos", "fput", "fread", "frewind", "frlen", "fsep", "fuzz",
- "fwrite", "gaminv", "gamma", "getoption", "getvarc", "getvarn",
- "hbound", "hms", "hosthelp", "hour", "ibessel", "index",
- "indexc", "indexw", "input", "inputc", "inputn", "int",
- "intck", "intnx", "intrr", "irr", "jbessel", "juldate",
- "kurtosis", "lag", "lbound", "left", "length", "lgamma",
- "libname", "libref", "log", "log10", "log2", "logpdf", "logpmf",
- "logsdf", "lowcase", "max", "mdy", "mean", "min", "minute",
- "mod", "month", "mopen", "mort", "n", "netpv", "nmiss",
- "normal", "note", "npv", "open", "ordinal", "pathname",
- "pdf", "peek", "peekc", "pmf", "point", "poisson", "poke",
- "probbeta", "probbnml", "probchi", "probf", "probgam",
- "probhypr", "probit", "probnegb", "probnorm", "probt",
- "put", "putc", "putn", "qtr", "quote", "ranbin", "rancau",
- "ranexp", "rangam", "range", "rank", "rannor", "ranpoi",
- "rantbl", "rantri", "ranuni", "repeat", "resolve", "reverse",
- "rewind", "right", "round", "saving", "scan", "sdf", "second",
- "sign", "sin", "sinh", "skewness", "soundex", "spedis",
- "sqrt", "std", "stderr", "stfips", "stname", "stnamel",
- "substr", "sum", "symget", "sysget", "sysmsg", "sysprod",
- "sysrc", "system", "tan", "tanh", "time", "timepart", "tinv",
- "tnonct", "today", "translate", "tranwrd", "trigamma",
- "trim", "trimn", "trunc", "uniform", "upcase", "uss", "var",
- "varfmt", "varinfmt", "varlabel", "varlen", "varname",
- "varnum", "varray", "varrayx", "vartype", "verify", "vformat",
- "vformatd", "vformatdx", "vformatn", "vformatnx", "vformatw",
- "vformatwx", "vformatx", "vinarray", "vinarrayx", "vinformat",
- "vinformatd", "vinformatdx", "vinformatn", "vinformatnx",
- "vinformatw", "vinformatwx", "vinformatx", "vlabel",
- "vlabelx", "vlength", "vlengthx", "vname", "vnamex", "vtype",
- "vtypex", "weekday", "year", "yyq", "zipfips", "zipname",
- "zipnamel", "zipstate"
- )
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- include('comments'),
- include('proc-data'),
- include('cards-datalines'),
- include('logs'),
- include('general'),
- (r'.', Text),
- ],
- # SAS is multi-line regardless, but * is ended by ;
- 'comments': [
- (r'^\s*\*.*?;', Comment),
- (r'/\*.*?\*/', Comment),
- (r'^\s*\*(.|\n)*?;', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'/[*](.|\n)*?[*]/', Comment.Multiline),
- ],
- # Special highlight for proc, data, quit, run
- 'proc-data': [
- (r'(^|;)\s*(proc \w+|data|run|quit)[\s;]',
- Keyword.Reserved),
- ],
- # Special highlight cards and datalines
- 'cards-datalines': [
- (r'^\s*(datalines|cards)\s*;\s*$', Keyword, 'data'),
- ],
- 'data': [
- (r'(.|\n)*^\s*;\s*$', Other, '#pop'),
- ],
- # Special highlight for put NOTE|ERROR|WARNING (order matters)
- 'logs': [
- (r'\n?^\s*%?put ', Keyword, 'log-messages'),
- ],
- 'log-messages': [
- (r'NOTE(:|-).*', Generic, '#pop'),
- (r'WARNING(:|-).*', Generic.Emph, '#pop'),
- (r'ERROR(:|-).*', Generic.Error, '#pop'),
- include('general'),
- ],
- 'general': [
- include('keywords'),
- include('vars-strings'),
- include('special'),
- include('numbers'),
- ],
- # Keywords, statements, functions, macros
- 'keywords': [
- (words(builtins_statements,
- prefix = r'\b',
- suffix = r'\b'),
- Keyword),
- (words(builtins_sql,
- prefix = r'\b',
- suffix = r'\b'),
- Keyword),
- (words(builtins_conditionals,
- prefix = r'\b',
- suffix = r'\b'),
- Keyword),
- (words(builtins_macros,
- prefix = r'%',
- suffix = r'\b'),
- Name.Builtin),
- (words(builtins_functions,
- prefix = r'\b',
- suffix = r'\('),
- Name.Builtin),
- ],
- # Strings and user-defined variables and macros (order matters)
- 'vars-strings': [
- (r'&[a-z_]\w{0,31}\.?', Name.Variable),
- (r'%[a-z_]\w{0,31}', Name.Function),
- (r'\'', String, 'string_squote'),
- (r'"', String, 'string_dquote'),
- ],
- 'string_squote': [
- ('\'', String, '#pop'),
- (r'\\\\|\\"|\\\n', String.Escape),
- # AFAIK, macro variables are not evaluated in single quotes
- # (r'&', Name.Variable, 'validvar'),
- (r'[^$\'\\]+', String),
- (r'[$\'\\]', String),
- ],
- 'string_dquote': [
- (r'"', String, '#pop'),
- (r'\\\\|\\"|\\\n', String.Escape),
- (r'&', Name.Variable, 'validvar'),
- (r'[^$&"\\]+', String),
- (r'[$"\\]', String),
- ],
- 'validvar': [
- (r'[a-z_]\w{0,31}\.?', Name.Variable, '#pop'),
- ],
- # SAS numbers and special variables
- 'numbers': [
- (r'\b[+-]?([0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?|\.[0-9]+|\.)(E[+-]?[0-9]+)?i?\b',
- Number),
- ],
- 'special': [
- (r'(null|missing|_all_|_automatic_|_character_|_n_|'
- r'_infile_|_name_|_null_|_numeric_|_user_|_webout_)',
- Keyword.Constant),
- ],
- # 'operators': [
- # (r'(-|=|<=|>=|<|>|<>|&|!=|'
- # r'\||\*|\+|\^|/|!|~|~=)', Operator)
- # ],
- }