path: root/pygments/lexers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'pygments/lexers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/pygments/lexers/ b/pygments/lexers/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e4584f3..00000000
--- a/pygments/lexers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- pygments.lexers.smalltalk
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexers for Smalltalk and related languages.
- :copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, include, bygroups, default
-from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
- Number, Punctuation
-__all__ = ['SmalltalkLexer', 'NewspeakLexer']
-class SmalltalkLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Smalltalk <>`_ syntax.
- Contributed by Stefan Matthias Aust.
- Rewritten by Nils Winter.
- .. versionadded:: 0.10
- """
- name = 'Smalltalk'
- filenames = ['*.st']
- aliases = ['smalltalk', 'squeak', 'st']
- mimetypes = ['text/x-smalltalk']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'(<)(\w+:)(.*?)(>)', bygroups(Text, Keyword, Text, Text)),
- include('squeak fileout'),
- include('whitespaces'),
- include('method definition'),
- (r'(\|)([\w\s]*)(\|)', bygroups(Operator, Name.Variable, Operator)),
- include('objects'),
- (r'\^|\:=|\_', Operator),
- # temporaries
- (r'[\]({}.;!]', Text),
- ],
- 'method definition': [
- # Not perfect can't allow whitespaces at the beginning and the
- # without breaking everything
- (r'([a-zA-Z]+\w*:)(\s*)(\w+)',
- bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Name.Variable)),
- (r'^(\b[a-zA-Z]+\w*\b)(\s*)$', bygroups(Name.Function, Text)),
- (r'^([-+*/\\~<>=|&!?,@%]+)(\s*)(\w+)(\s*)$',
- bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Name.Variable, Text)),
- ],
- 'blockvariables': [
- include('whitespaces'),
- (r'(:)(\s*)(\w+)',
- bygroups(Operator, Text, Name.Variable)),
- (r'\|', Operator, '#pop'),
- default('#pop'), # else pop
- ],
- 'literals': [
- (r"'(''|[^'])*'", String, 'afterobject'),
- (r'\$.', String.Char, 'afterobject'),
- (r'#\(', String.Symbol, 'parenth'),
- (r'\)', Text, 'afterobject'),
- (r'(\d+r)?-?\d+(\.\d+)?(e-?\d+)?', Number, 'afterobject'),
- ],
- '_parenth_helper': [
- include('whitespaces'),
- (r'(\d+r)?-?\d+(\.\d+)?(e-?\d+)?', Number),
- (r'[-+*/\\~<>=|&#!?,@%\w:]+', String.Symbol),
- # literals
- (r"'(''|[^'])*'", String),
- (r'\$.', String.Char),
- (r'#*\(', String.Symbol, 'inner_parenth'),
- ],
- 'parenth': [
- # This state is a bit tricky since
- # we can't just pop this state
- (r'\)', String.Symbol, ('root', 'afterobject')),
- include('_parenth_helper'),
- ],
- 'inner_parenth': [
- (r'\)', String.Symbol, '#pop'),
- include('_parenth_helper'),
- ],
- 'whitespaces': [
- # skip whitespace and comments
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'"(""|[^"])*"', Comment),
- ],
- 'objects': [
- (r'\[', Text, 'blockvariables'),
- (r'\]', Text, 'afterobject'),
- (r'\b(self|super|true|false|nil|thisContext)\b',
- Name.Builtin.Pseudo, 'afterobject'),
- (r'\b[A-Z]\w*(?!:)\b', Name.Class, 'afterobject'),
- (r'\b[a-z]\w*(?!:)\b', Name.Variable, 'afterobject'),
- (r'#("(""|[^"])*"|[-+*/\\~<>=|&!?,@%]+|[\w:]+)',
- String.Symbol, 'afterobject'),
- include('literals'),
- ],
- 'afterobject': [
- (r'! !$', Keyword, '#pop'), # squeak chunk delimiter
- include('whitespaces'),
- (r'\b(ifTrue:|ifFalse:|whileTrue:|whileFalse:|timesRepeat:)',
- Name.Builtin, '#pop'),
- (r'\b(new\b(?!:))', Name.Builtin),
- (r'\:=|\_', Operator, '#pop'),
- (r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\w*:', Name.Function, '#pop'),
- (r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\w*', Name.Function),
- (r'\w+:?|[-+*/\\~<>=|&!?,@%]+', Name.Function, '#pop'),
- (r'\.', Punctuation, '#pop'),
- (r';', Punctuation),
- (r'[\])}]', Text),
- (r'[\[({]', Text, '#pop'),
- ],
- 'squeak fileout': [
- # Squeak fileout format (optional)
- (r'^"(""|[^"])*"!', Keyword),
- (r"^'(''|[^'])*'!", Keyword),
- (r'^(!)(\w+)( commentStamp: )(.*?)( prior: .*?!\n)(.*?)(!)',
- bygroups(Keyword, Name.Class, Keyword, String, Keyword, Text, Keyword)),
- (r"^(!)(\w+(?: class)?)( methodsFor: )('(?:''|[^'])*')(.*?!)",
- bygroups(Keyword, Name.Class, Keyword, String, Keyword)),
- (r'^(\w+)( subclass: )(#\w+)'
- r'(\s+instanceVariableNames: )(.*?)'
- r'(\s+classVariableNames: )(.*?)'
- r'(\s+poolDictionaries: )(.*?)'
- r'(\s+category: )(.*?)(!)',
- bygroups(Name.Class, Keyword, String.Symbol, Keyword, String, Keyword,
- String, Keyword, String, Keyword, String, Keyword)),
- (r'^(\w+(?: class)?)(\s+instanceVariableNames: )(.*?)(!)',
- bygroups(Name.Class, Keyword, String, Keyword)),
- (r'(!\n)(\].*)(! !)$', bygroups(Keyword, Text, Keyword)),
- (r'! !$', Keyword),
- ],
- }
-class NewspeakLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `Newspeak <>` syntax.
- .. versionadded:: 1.1
- """
- name = 'Newspeak'
- filenames = ['*.ns2']
- aliases = ['newspeak', ]
- mimetypes = ['text/x-newspeak']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'\b(Newsqueak2)\b', Keyword.Declaration),
- (r"'[^']*'", String),
- (r'\b(class)(\s+)(\w+)(\s*)',
- bygroups(Keyword.Declaration, Text, Name.Class, Text)),
- (r'\b(mixin|self|super|private|public|protected|nil|true|false)\b',
- Keyword),
- (r'(\w+\:)(\s*)([a-zA-Z_]\w+)',
- bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Name.Variable)),
- (r'(\w+)(\s*)(=)',
- bygroups(Name.Attribute, Text, Operator)),
- (r'<\w+>', Comment.Special),
- include('expressionstat'),
- include('whitespace')
- ],
- 'expressionstat': [
- (r'(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+|\d+[fF])[fF]?', Number.Float),
- (r'\d+', Number.Integer),
- (r':\w+', Name.Variable),
- (r'(\w+)(::)', bygroups(Name.Variable, Operator)),
- (r'\w+:', Name.Function),
- (r'\w+', Name.Variable),
- (r'\(|\)', Punctuation),
- (r'\[|\]', Punctuation),
- (r'\{|\}', Punctuation),
- (r'(\^|\+|\/|~|\*|<|>|=|@|%|\||&|\?|!|,|-|:)', Operator),
- (r'\.|;', Punctuation),
- include('whitespace'),
- include('literals'),
- ],
- 'literals': [
- (r'\$.', String),
- (r"'[^']*'", String),
- (r"#'[^']*'", String.Symbol),
- (r"#\w+:?", String.Symbol),
- (r"#(\+|\/|~|\*|<|>|=|@|%|\||&|\?|!|,|-)+", String.Symbol)
- ],
- 'whitespace': [
- (r'\s+', Text),
- (r'"[^"]*"', Comment)
- ],
- }