path: root/tests/examplefiles/DancingSudoku.lhs
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- A Sukodku solver by Chris Kuklewicz (haskell (at) list (dot) mightyreason (dot) com)
- The usual BSD license applies, copyright 2006.
- Uploaded to HaskellWiki as DancingSudoku.lhs
- I compile on a powerbook G4 (Mac OS X, ghc 6.4.2) using
- ghc -optc-O3 -funbox-strict-fields -O2 --make -fglasgow-exts
- This is a translation of Knuth's GDANCE from dance.w / dance.c
- I have an older verison that uses lazy ST to return the solutions on
- demand, which was more useful when trying to generate new puzzles to
- solve.
-> module Main where
-> import Prelude hiding (read)
-> import Control.Monad
-> import Control.Monad.Fix
-> import Data.Array.IArray
-> import Control.Monad.ST.Strict
-> import Data.STRef.Strict
-> import Data.Char(intToDigit,digitToInt)
-> import Data.List(unfoldr,intersperse,inits)
-> new = newSTRef
-> {-# INLINE new #-}
-> read = readSTRef
-> {-# INLINE read #-}
-> write = writeSTRef
-> {-# INLINE write #-}
-> modify = modifySTRef
-> {-# INLINE modify #-}
- Data types to prevent mixing different index and value types
-> type A = Int
-> newtype R = R A deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Ix,Enum)
-> newtype C = C A deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Ix,Enum)
-> newtype V = V A deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Ix,Enum)
-> newtype B = B A deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Ix,Enum)
- Sudoku also has block constraints, so we want to look up a block
- index in an array:
-> lookupBlock :: Array (R,C) B
-> lookupBlock = listArray bb [ toBlock ij | ij <- range bb ]
-> where ra :: Array Int B
-> ra = listArray (0,pred (rangeSize b)) [B (fst b) .. B (snd b)]
-> toBlock (R i,C j) = ra ! ( (div (index b j) 3)+3*(div (index b i) 3) )
- The values for an unknown location is 'u'.
- The bound and range are given by b and rng. And bb is a 2D bound.
-> u = V 0 -- unknown value
-> b :: (Int,Int)
-> b = (1,9) -- min and max bounds
-> rng = enumFromTo (fst b) (snd b) -- list from '1' to '9'
-> bb = ((R (fst b),C (fst b)),(R (snd b),C (snd b)))
- A Spec can be turned into a parsed array with ease:
-> type Hint = ((R,C),V)
-> newtype Spec = Spec [Hint] deriving (Eq,Show)
-> type PA = Array (R,C) V
-> parse :: Spec -> PA
-> parse (Spec parsed) = let acc old new = new
-> in accumArray acc u bb parsed
- The dancing links algorithm depends on a sparse 2D node structure.
- Each column represents a constraint. Each row represents a Hint.
- The number of possible hints is 9x9x9 = 271
-> type (MutInt st) = (STRef st) Int
- The pointer types:
-> type (NodePtr st) = (STRef st) (Node st)
-> type (HeadPtr st) = (STRef st) (Head st)
- The structures is a 2D grid of nodes, with Col's on the top of
- columns and a sparse collection of nodes. Note that topNode of Head
- is not a strict field. This is because the topNode needs to refer to
- the Head, and they are both created monadically.
-> type HeadName = (Int,Int,Int) -- see below for meaning
-> data Head st = Head {headName:: !HeadName
-> ,topNode:: (Node st) -- header node for this column
-> ,len:: !(MutInt st) -- number of nodes below this head
-> ,next,prev:: !(HeadPtr st) -- doubly-linked list
-> }
-> data Node st = Node {getHint:: !Hint
-> ,getHead:: !(Head st) -- head for the column this node is in
-> ,up,down,left,right :: !(NodePtr st) -- two doubly-linked lists
-> }
-> instance Eq (Head st) where
-> a == b = headName a == headName b
-> instance Eq (Node st) where
-> a == b = up a == up b
- To initialize the structures is a bit tedious. Knuth's code reads in
- the problem description from a data file and builds the structure
- based on that. Rather than short strings, I will use HeadName as the
- identifier.
- The columns are (0,4,5) for nodes that put some value in Row 4 Col 5
- (1,2,3) for nodes that put Val 3 in Row 2 and some column
- (2,7,4) for nodes that put Val 4 in Col 7 and some row
- (3,1,8) for nodes that put Val 8 in some (row,column) in Block 1
- The first head is (0,0,0) which is the root. The non-root head data
- will be put in an array with the HeadName as an index.
-> headNames :: [HeadName]
-> headNames = let names = [0,1,2,3]
-> in (0,0,0):[ (l,i,j) | l<-names,i<-rng,j<-rng]
- A "row" of left-right linked nodes is a move. It is defined by a
- list of head names.
-> type Move = [(Hint,HeadName)]
- Initial hints are enforced by making them the only legal move for
- that location. Blank entries with value 'u = V 0' have a move for
- all possible values [V 1..V 9].
-> parseSpec :: Spec -> [Move]
-> parseSpec spec =
-> let rowsFrom :: Hint -> [Move]
-> rowsFrom (rc@(R r,C c),mv@(V v')) =
-> if mv == u then [ rsyms v | v <- rng ]
-> else [ rsyms v' ]
-> where (B b) = lookupBlock ! rc
-> rsyms :: A -> Move
-> rsyms v = map ( (,) (rc,V v) ) [(0,r,c),(1,r,v),(2,c,v),(3,b,v)]
-> in concatMap rowsFrom (assocs (parse spec))
- mkDList creates doubly linked lists using a monadic smart
- constructor and the recursive "mdo" notation as documented at
- For more fun with this, see the wiki page at
-> mkDList :: (MonadFix m) => (b -> a -> b -> m b) -> [a] -> m b
-> mkDList _ [] = error "must have at least one element"
-> mkDList mkNode xs = mdo (first,last) <- go last xs first
-> return first
-> where go prev [] next = return (next,prev)
-> go prev (x:xs) next = mdo this <- mkNode prev x rest
-> (rest,last) <- go this xs next
-> return (this,last)
- toSimple takes a function and a header node and iterates (read . function)
- until the header is reached again, but does not return the header
- itself.
-> toSingle step header = loop =<< (read . step) header
-> where loop y = if header/=y then liftM (y:) (read (step y) >>= loop)
-> else return []
- forEach is an optimization of (toSimple step header >>= mapM_ act)
-> forEach step header act = loop =<< (read . step) header
-> where loop y = if header/=y then (act y >> (read (step y)) >>= loop)
-> else return ()
- Now make the root node and all the head nodes. This also exploits mdo:
-> makeHeads :: [HeadName] -> (ST st) (Head st)
-> makeHeads names = mkDList makeHead names
-> where makeHead before name after = mdo
-> ~newTopNode <- liftM4 (Node ((R 0,C 0),V 0) newHead) (new newTopNode) (new newTopNode)
-> (new newTopNode) (new newTopNode)
-> newHead <- liftM3 (Head name newTopNode)
-> (new 0) (new after) (new before)
-> return newHead
- The Head nodes will be places in an array for easy lookup while building moves:
-> type HArray st = Array HeadName (Head st)
-> hBounds = ((0,1,1),(3,9,9))
-> type Root st = (Head st,HArray st)
- The addMove function creates the (four) nodes that represent a move and adds
- them to the data structure. The HArray in Root makes for a fast
- lookup of the Head data.
-> addMove :: forall st. (Root st) -> Move -> (ST st) (Node st)
-> addMove (_,ha) move = mkDList addNode move
-> where addNode :: (Node st) -> (Hint,HeadName) -> (Node st) -> (ST st) (Node st)
-> addNode before (hint,name) after = do
-> let head = ha ! name
-> let below = topNode head
-> above <- read (up below)
-> newNode <- liftM4 (Node hint head) (new above) (new below)
-> (new before) (new after)
-> write (down above) newNode
-> write (up below) newNode
-> modify (len head) succ
-> l <- read (len head)
-> seq l (return newNode)
- Create the column headers, including the fast lookup array. These
- will be resused between puzzles.
-> initHA :: (ST st) (Root st)
-> initHA = do
-> root <- makeHeads headNames
-> heads <- toSingle next root
-> let ha = array hBounds (zip (map headName heads) heads)
-> return (root,ha)
- Take the Root from initHA and a puzzle Spec and fill in all the Nodes.
-> initRoot :: (Root st) -> Spec -> (ST st) ()
-> initRoot root spec = do
-> let moves = parseSpec spec
-> mapM_ (addMove root) moves
- Return the column headers to their condition after initHA
-> resetRoot :: (Root st) -> (ST st) ()
-> resetRoot (root,ha) = do
-> let heads@(first:_) = elems ha
-> let resetHead head = do
-> write (len head) 0
-> let node = topNode head
-> write (down node) node
-> write (up node) node
-> reset (last:[]) = do
-> write (prev root) last
-> write (next root) first
-> reset (before:xs@(head:[])) = do
-> resetHead head
-> write (prev head) before
-> write (next head) root
-> reset xs
-> reset (before:xs@(head:after:_)) = do
-> resetHead head
-> write (prev head) before
-> write (next head) after
-> reset xs
-> reset (root:heads)
- getBest iterates over the unmet constraints (i.e. the Head that are
- reachable from root). It locates the one with the lowest number of
- possible moves that will solve it, aborting early if it finds 0 or 1
- moves.
-> getBest :: (Head st) -> (ST st) (Maybe (Head st))
-> getBest root = do
-> first <- read (next root)
-> if first == root then return Nothing
-> else do
-> let findMin m best head | head == root = return (Just best)
-> | otherwise = do
-> l <- read (len head)
-> if l <= 1 then return (Just head)
-> else if l < m then findMin l head =<< read (next head)
-> else findMin l best =<< read (next head)
-> findMin 10 first first
- The unlink and relink operations are from where Knuth got the name
- "dancing links". So long as "a" does not change in between, the
- relink call will undo the unlink call. Similarly, the unconver will
- undo the changes of cover and unconverOthers will undo coverOthers.
-> unlink :: (a->STRef st a) -> (a->STRef st a) -> a -> (ST st) ()
-> unlink prev next a = do
-> before <- read (prev a)
-> after <- read (next a)
-> write (next before) after
-> write (prev after) before
-> relink :: (a->STRef st a) -> (a->STRef st a) -> a -> (ST st) ()
-> relink prev next a = do
-> before <- read (prev a)
-> after <- read (next a)
-> write (next before) a
-> write (prev after) a
-> cover :: (Head st) -> (ST st) ()
-> cover head = do
-> unlink prev next head
-> let eachDown rr = forEach right rr eachRight
-> eachRight nn = do
-> unlink up down nn
-> modify (len $ getHead nn) pred
-> forEach down (topNode head) eachDown
-> uncover :: (Head st) -> (ST st) ()
-> uncover head = do
-> let eachUp rr = forEach left rr eachLeft
-> eachLeft nn = do
-> modify (len $ getHead nn) succ
-> relink up down nn
-> forEach up (topNode head) eachUp
-> relink prev next head
-> coverOthers :: (Node st) -> (ST st) ()
-> coverOthers node = forEach right node (cover . getHead)
-> uncoverOthers :: (Node st) -> (ST st) ()
-> uncoverOthers node = forEach left node (uncover . getHead)
- A helper function for gdance:
-> choicesToSpec :: [(Node st)] -> Spec
-> choicesToSpec = Spec . (map getHint)
- This is the heart of the algorithm. I have altered it to return only
- the first solution, or produce an error if none is found.
- Knuth used several goto links to do what is done below with tail
- recursion.
-> gdance :: (Head st) -> (ST st) Spec -- [Spec]
-> gdance root =
-> let
-> forward choices = do
-> maybeHead <- getBest root
-> case maybeHead of
-> Nothing -> if null choices
-> then error "No choices in forward" -- return [] -- for [Spec]
-> else do -- nextSols <- recover choices -- for [Spec]
-> return $ (choicesToSpec choices) -- :nextSols -- for [Spec]
-> Just head -> do cover head
-> startRow <- readSTRef (down (topNode head))
-> advance (startRow:choices)
-> advance choices@(newRow:oldChoices) = do
-> let endOfRows = topNode (getHead newRow)
-> if (newRow == endOfRows)
-> then do uncover (getHead newRow)
-> if (null oldChoices)
-> then error "No choices in advance" -- return [] -- for [Spec]
-> else recover oldChoices
-> else do coverOthers newRow
-> forward choices
-> recover (oldRow:oldChoices) = do
-> uncoverOthers oldRow
-> newRow <- readSTRef (down oldRow)
-> advance (newRow:oldChoices)
-> in forward []
- Convert a text board into a Spec
-> parseBoard :: String -> Spec
-> parseBoard s = Spec (zip rcs vs'check)
-> where rcs :: [(R,C)]
-> rcs = [ (R r,C c) | r <- rng, c <- rng ]
-> isUnset c = (c=='.') || (c==' ') || (c=='0')
-> isHint c = ('1'<=c) && (c<='9')
-> cs = take 81 $ filter (\c -> isUnset c || isHint c) s
-> vs :: [V]
-> vs = map (\c -> if isUnset c then u else (V $ digitToInt c)) cs
-> vs'check = if 81==length vs then vs else error ("parse of board failed\n"++s)
- This is quite useful as a utility function which partitions the list into groups of n elements.
- Used by showSpec.
-> groupTake :: Int->[a]->[[a]]
-> groupTake n b = unfoldr foo b
-> where foo [] = Nothing
-> foo b = Just (splitAt n b)
- Make a nice 2D ascii board from the Spec (not used at the moment)
-> showSpec :: Spec -> String
-> showSpec spec = let pa = parse spec
-> g = groupTake 9 (map (\(V v) -> if v == 0 then '.' else intToDigit v) $ elems pa)
-> addV line = concat $ intersperse "|" (groupTake 3 line)
-> addH list = concat $ intersperse ["---+---+---"] (groupTake 3 list)
-> in unlines $ addH (map addV g)
- One line display
-> showCompact spec = map (\(V v) -> intToDigit v) (elems (parse spec))
- The main routine is designed to handle the input from
-> main = do
-> all <- getContents
-> let puzzles = zip [1..] (map parseBoard (lines all))
-> root <- stToIO initHA
-> let act :: (Int,Spec) -> IO ()
-> act (i,spec) = do
-> answer <- stToIO (do initRoot root spec
-> answer <- gdance (fst root)
-> resetRoot root
-> return answer)
-> print (i,showCompact answer)
-> mapM_ act puzzles
-> inits' xn@(_:_) = zipWith take [0..] $ map (const xn) $ undefined:xn
-> inits' _ = undefined