path: root/tests/examplefiles/OrderedMap.hx
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/OrderedMap.hx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 584 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/OrderedMap.hx b/tests/examplefiles/OrderedMap.hx
deleted file mode 100644
index 13b21f26..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/OrderedMap.hx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,584 +0,0 @@
-package util;
-import util.Map;
-import util.Collection;
-import util.Set;
-import util.Option;
-import util.Debug;
-import util.Throwable;
-using util.StringFormat;
- * An ordered map of (key,value) pairs. The key ordering is defined by
- * a comparison function specified at construction. Duplicate keys
- * are not allowed.
- *
- * Worst Case Time and Space Complexities:
- * [operation] [time] [space]
- * insert O(lg(n)) O(lg(n))
- * find O(lg(n)) O(1)
- * delete O(lg(n)) O(lg(n))
- * range-query O(lg(n))* O(lg(n))
- * iteration O(n)** O(lg(n))
- * *range-query returns an iterator over elements in the range
- * **total cost of iterating over the entire map
- *
- * The map is backed by a Left-Leaning Red-Black 2-3 Tree
- * adapted from Robert Sedgewick (2008) (
- *
- * Implementation choices (let size of tree be n)
- * - Parent Pointers
- * - This implementation omits parent pointers.
- * - Omitting parent pointers saves n words of persistent memory
- * at the expense of lg(n) stack space per operation.
- * - Without parent pointers, most operations in the tree must
- * either use recursion, or simulate recursion by saving a history
- * of nodes via a stack. For example, each iterator will require
- * lg(n) extra space to track progress through the tree. Insertions
- * and deletions into the tree will also invalidate any existing
- * iterators.
- * - Node Size Information
- * - This implementation omits the size of each node.
- * - Omitting size information saves n words of long-term memory at
- * the expense of not providing a find-kth operation.
- * - This seems like a reasonable trade-off as range queries are
- * generally more common than find-kth operations. The implementation
- * used below could easily be modified to provide a version with
- * size information should find-kth be of specific interest.
- * - Recursive vs. Iterative
- * - This implementation uses recursive algorithms.
- * - The recursive implementations allow the code to remain compact and
- * understandable. Since the height of LLRB 2-3 Trees is gaurenteed
- * to be at most 2lg(n), stack overflow is typically not a concern.
- * Unlike the standard single-rotation red-black algorithm, LLRB
- * operations are not tail-recursive, so even an iterative
- * version will require lg(n) extra memory.
- */
-class OrderedMap<K,V>
- private var root :Null<Node<K,V>>;
- private var nodeCount :Int;
- private var comp :K -> K -> Int;
- public function new( keyComp :K -> K -> Int )
- {
- root = null;
- comp = keyComp;
- nodeCount = 0;
- assertInvariants();
- }
- /**
- * @returns Some(v) if (\key,v) is in the map, None otherwise.
- */
- public function get(key :K) :Option<V>
- {
- //normal BST search
- var n = root;
- while( n != null )
- {
- var cmp = comp(key,n.key);
- if( cmp < 0 )
- {
- n = n.left;
- }
- else if ( cmp > 0 )
- {
- n = n.right;
- }
- else
- {
- return Some(n.val);
- }
- }
- return None;
- }
- /**
- * Puts (\key,\val) into the map or replaces the current value of \key
- * with \val.
- *
- * @return None if \key currently is not in the map, or Some(v) if (\key,v)
- * was in the map before the put operation.
- */
- public function set(key :K, val :V) :Option<V>
- {
- var ret = new Ref<V>(null);
- root = insertNode(root,key,val,ret);
- root.color = black;
- assertInvariants();
- if( ret.r == null )
- {
- return None;
- }
- return Some(ret.r);
- }
- private function insertNode(n :Node<K,V>, key :K, val :V, ret :Ref<V>)
- {
- //do the insertion at the leaf level
- if( n == null )
- {
- ++nodeCount;
- return new Node<K,V>(key,val);
- }
- //normal BST search
- var cmp = comp(key,n.key);
- if( cmp < 0 )
- {
- n.left = insertNode(n.left,key,val,ret);
- }
- else if( cmp > 0 )
- {
- n.right = insertNode(n.right,key,val,ret);
- }
- else
- {
- //the key is already in the map, update the value
- ret.r = n.val;
- n.val = val;
- }
- return fixInvariants(n);
- }
- /**
- * Removes (\key,v) from the map if it exists.
- *
- * @return None if (\key,v) wasn't in the map, Some(v) otherwise.
- */
- public function remove(key :K) :Option<V>
- {
- var ret = new Ref<V>(null);
- if( root != null )
- {
- root = deleteNode(root,key,ret);
- if( root != null )
- {
- root.color = black;
- }
- }
- assertInvariants();
- if( ret.r == null )
- {
- return None;
- }
- return Some(ret.r);
- }
- private function deleteNode( n :Node<K,V>, key :K, ret :Ref<V> )
- {
- if( comp(key,n.key) < 0 )
- {
- if( isBlack(n.left) && isBlack(n.left.left) )
- {
- //ensure we move into a 3-node
- n = moveRedLeft(n);
- }
- n.left = deleteNode(n.left,key,ret);
- }
- else
- {
- if( isRed(n.left) )
- {
- //ensure we move into a 3-node
- n = rotateRight(n);
- }
- if( comp(key,n.key) == 0 && n.right == null )
- {
- //delete the node
- ret.r = n.val;
- --nodeCount;
- return null;
- }
- if( isBlack(n.right) && isBlack(n.right.left) )
- {
- //ensure we move into a 3-node
- n = moveRedRight(n);
- }
- if( comp(key,n.key) == 0 )
- {
- Debug.assert(n.right != null);
- ret.r = n.val;
- //ensure we are deleting a node with at most one child
- var min = minNode(n.right);
- n.val = min.val;
- n.key = min.key;
- n.right = deleteMinNode(n.right);
- }
- else
- {
- n.right = deleteNode(n.right,key,ret);
- }
- }
- return fixInvariants(n);
- }
- /** returns a view of the set of keys in this TreeMap **/
- public function keys() :SetView<K>
- {
- var _this = this;
- return {
- size: function() return _this.size(),
- iterator: function() return IterTools.mapIter(new NodeIterator(_this.root),function(x) return x.key),
- exists: function(x) {
- return switch(_this.get(x))
- {
- case None: false;
- case Some(_): true;
- };
- },
- };
- }
- /** returns a view of the collection of values in this TreeMap **/
- public function values() :CollectionView<V>
- {
- var _this = this;
- return {
- size: function() return _this.size(),
- iterator: function() return IterTools.mapIter(new NodeIterator(_this.root),function(x) return x.val),
- };
- }
- /** returns a view of the (key,value) pairs in this TreeMap **/
- public function entries() :CollectionView<Entry<K,V>>
- {
- var _this = this;
- return {
- size: function() {
- return _this.size();
- },
- iterator: function() {
- return cast new NodeIterator(_this.root);
- },
- };
- }
- /** returns the number of (key,value) pairs in the map **/
- public function size() :Int
- {
- return nodeCount;
- }
- public function toString() :String
- {
- var sb = new StringBuf();
- sb.add("{");
- for( entry in this.entries() )
- {
- sb.add("%y => %y, ".sprintf([entry.key,entry.val]));
- }
- sb.add("}");
- return sb.toString();
- }
- private static function isRed<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- if( n == null ) return false;
- return switch(n.color)
- {
- case red: true;
- case black: false;
- };
- }
- private static inline function isBlack<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- return !isRed(n);
- }
- private static function colorFlip<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- n.color = oppositeColor(n.color);
- n.left.color = oppositeColor(n.left.color);
- n.right.color = oppositeColor(n.right.color);
- }
- private static inline function oppositeColor( c :Color )
- {
- return switch(c)
- {
- case red: black;
- case black: red;
- };
- }
- private static function rotateLeft<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- Debug.assert(n != null);
- Debug.assert(n.right != null);
- /*
- n x
- / \ / \
- a x => n c
- / \ / \
- b c a b
- */
- var x = n.right;
- n.right = x.left;
- x.left = n;
- x.color = n.color;
- n.color = red;
- return x;
- }
- private static function rotateRight<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- Debug.assert( n != null );
- Debug.assert( n.left != null );
- /*
- n x
- / \ / \
- x c => a n
- / \ / \
- a b b c
- */
- var x = n.left;
- n.left = x.right;
- x.right = n;
- x.color = n.color;
- n.color = red;
- return x;
- }
- private static function moveRedLeft<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- //borrow extra node from right child (which is a 3-node)
- colorFlip(n);
- if( isRed(n.right.left) )
- {
- n.right = rotateRight(n.right);
- n = rotateLeft(n);
- colorFlip(n);
- }
- return n;
- }
- private static function moveRedRight<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- //borrow extra node from left child (which is a 3-node)
- colorFlip(n);
- if( isRed(n.left.left) )
- {
- n = rotateRight(n);
- colorFlip(n);
- }
- return n;
- }
- private static function fixInvariants<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- if( isRed(n.right) && isBlack(n.left) )
- {
- //ensure left-leaning property
- n = rotateLeft(n);
- }
- if( isRed(n.left) && isRed(n.left.left) )
- {
- //balance 4-node
- n = rotateRight(n);
- }
- if( isRed(n.left) && isRed(n.right) )
- {
- //split 4-node
- colorFlip(n);
- }
- return n;
- }
- private function deleteMinNode<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- if( n.left == null )
- {
- //delete
- --nodeCount;
- return null;
- }
- if( isBlack(n.left) && isBlack(n.left.left) )
- {
- n = moveRedLeft(n);
- }
- n.left = deleteMinNode(n.left);
- return fixInvariants(n);
- }
- private static function minNode<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- Debug.assert(n != null);
- while( n.left != null )
- {
- n = n.left;
- }
- return n;
- }
- private static function maxNode<K,V>( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- Debug.assert(n != null);
- while( n.right != null )
- {
- n = n.right;
- }
- return n;
- }
- /** Used to verify that the invariants of the tree hold **/
- private inline function assertInvariants()
- {
- #if DEBUG
- Debug.assert( isBlack(root), "root is black: " + root );
- assertIsTree(root,new List<Node<K,V>>());
- assertBlackNodeCount(root);
- assertBSTOrdering(root,comp);
- #end
- }
- private static function assertIsTree<K,V>( n: Node<K,V>, visited :List<Node<K,V>> )
- {
- if( n == null )
- {
- return;
- }
- for( r in visited )
- {
- Debug.assert( n != r );
- }
- visited.push(n);
- assertIsTree(n.left,visited);
- assertIsTree(n.right,visited);
- }
- private static function assertBlackNodeCount<K,V>( n: Node<K,V> ) :Int
- {
- if( n == null )
- {
- return 1;
- }
- var leftCount = assertBlackNodeCount(n.left);
- var rightCount = assertBlackNodeCount(n.right);
- Debug.assert(
- leftCount == rightCount,
- "num of black nodes in all paths for left and right child not equal" + n
- );
- return leftCount + switch(n.color) {
- case red: 0;
- case black: 1;
- }
- }
- private static function assertBSTOrdering<K,V>( n: Node<K,V>, compK :K -> K -> Int ) :Void
- {
- if( n == null )
- {
- return;
- }
- if( n.left != null && n.left.val != null )
- {
- Debug.assert( compK(n.left.key,n.key) < 0, "left child not less than its parent" + n );
- assertBSTOrdering(n.left,compK);
- }
- if( n.right != null && n.right.val != null )
- {
- Debug.assert( compK(n.key,n.right.key) < 0, "parent not less than its right child" + n );
- assertBSTOrdering(n.right,compK);
- }
- }
-private enum Color
- red;
- black;
-private class Node<K,V> /*implements Entry<K,V>*/
- public var left :Null<Node<K,V>>;
- public var right :Null<Node<K,V>>;
- public var color :Color;
- public var key :K;
- public var val :V;
- public function new(k :K, v :V)
- {
- key = k;
- val = v;
- color = red;
- }
-private class NodeIterator<K,V>
- private var curr :Node<K,V>;
- private var fringe :Array<Node<K,V>>;
- public function new( root :Node<K,V> )
- {
- fringe = new Array<Node<K,V>>();
- traverseToMin(root);
- curr = fringe.pop();
- }
- public inline function hasNext() :Bool
- {
- return curr != null;
- }
- public function next() :Node<K,V>
- {
- if( !hasNext() )
- {
- throw new NoSuchElement();
- }
- var ret = curr;
- if( fringe.length > 0 )
- {
- curr = fringe.pop();
- traverseToMin(curr.right);
- }
- else
- {
- curr = null;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- private function traverseToMin( n :Node<K,V> )
- {
- while( n != null )
- {
- fringe.push(n);
- n = n.left;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file