path: root/tests/examplefiles/SmallCheck.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/SmallCheck.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 378 deletions
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--- a/tests/examplefiles/SmallCheck.hs
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--- SmallCheck: another lightweight testing library.
--- Colin Runciman, August 2006
--- Version 0.2 (November 2006)
--- After QuickCheck, by Koen Claessen and John Hughes (2000-2004).
-module SmallCheck (
- smallCheck, depthCheck,
- Property, Testable,
- forAll, forAllElem,
- exists, existsDeeperBy, thereExists, thereExistsElem,
- (==>),
- Series, Serial(..),
- (\/), (><), two, three, four,
- cons0, cons1, cons2, cons3, cons4,
- alts0, alts1, alts2, alts3, alts4,
- N(..), Nat, Natural,
- depth, inc, dec
- ) where
-import Data.List (intersperse)
-import Control.Monad (when)
-import System.IO (stdout, hFlush)
------------------- <Series of depth-bounded values> -----------------
--- Series arguments should be interpreted as a depth bound (>=0)
--- Series results should have finite length
-type Series a = Int -> [a]
--- sum
-infixr 7 \/
-(\/) :: Series a -> Series a -> Series a
-s1 \/ s2 = \d -> s1 d ++ s2 d
--- product
-infixr 8 ><
-(><) :: Series a -> Series b -> Series (a,b)
-s1 >< s2 = \d -> [(x,y) | x <- s1 d, y <- s2 d]
-------------------- <methods for type enumeration> ------------------
--- enumerated data values should be finite and fully defined
--- enumerated functional values should be total and strict
--- bounds:
--- for data values, the depth of nested constructor applications
--- for functional values, both the depth of nested case analysis
--- and the depth of results
-class Serial a where
- series :: Series a
- coseries :: Serial b => Series (a->b)
-instance Serial () where
- series _ = [()]
- coseries d = [ \() -> b
- | b <- series d ]
-instance Serial Int where
- series d = [(-d)..d]
- coseries d = [ \i -> if i > 0 then f (N (i - 1))
- else if i < 0 then g (N (abs i - 1))
- else z
- | z <- alts0 d, f <- alts1 d, g <- alts1 d ]
-instance Serial Integer where
- series d = [ toInteger (i :: Int)
- | i <- series d ]
- coseries d = [ f . (fromInteger :: Integer->Int)
- | f <- series d ]
-newtype N a = N a
-instance Show a => Show (N a) where
- show (N i) = show i
-instance (Integral a, Serial a) => Serial (N a) where
- series d = map N [0..d']
- where
- d' = fromInteger (toInteger d)
- coseries d = [ \(N i) -> if i > 0 then f (N (i - 1))
- else z
- | z <- alts0 d, f <- alts1 d ]
-type Nat = N Int
-type Natural = N Integer
-instance Serial Float where
- series d = [ encodeFloat sig exp
- | (sig,exp) <- series d,
- odd sig || sig==0 && exp==0 ]
- coseries d = [ f . decodeFloat
- | f <- series d ]
-instance Serial Double where
- series d = [ frac (x :: Float)
- | x <- series d ]
- coseries d = [ f . (frac :: Double->Float)
- | f <- series d ]
-frac :: (Real a, Fractional a, Real b, Fractional b) => a -> b
-frac = fromRational . toRational
-instance Serial Char where
- series d = take (d+1) ['a'..'z']
- coseries d = [ \c -> f (N (fromEnum c - fromEnum 'a'))
- | f <- series d ]
-instance (Serial a, Serial b) =>
- Serial (a,b) where
- series = series >< series
- coseries = map uncurry . coseries
-instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) =>
- Serial (a,b,c) where
- series = \d -> [(a,b,c) | (a,(b,c)) <- series d]
- coseries = map uncurry3 . coseries
-instance (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) =>
- Serial (a,b,c,d) where
- series = \d -> [(a,b,c,d) | (a,(b,(c,d))) <- series d]
- coseries = map uncurry4 . coseries
-uncurry3 :: (a->b->c->d) -> ((a,b,c)->d)
-uncurry3 f (x,y,z) = f x y z
-uncurry4 :: (a->b->c->d->e) -> ((a,b,c,d)->e)
-uncurry4 f (w,x,y,z) = f w x y z
-two :: Series a -> Series (a,a)
-two s = s >< s
-three :: Series a -> Series (a,a,a)
-three s = \d -> [(x,y,z) | (x,(y,z)) <- (s >< s >< s) d]
-four :: Series a -> Series (a,a,a,a)
-four s = \d -> [(w,x,y,z) | (w,(x,(y,z))) <- (s >< s >< s >< s) d]
-cons0 ::
- a -> Series a
-cons0 c _ = [c]
-cons1 :: Serial a =>
- (a->b) -> Series b
-cons1 c d = [c z | d > 0, z <- series (d-1)]
-cons2 :: (Serial a, Serial b) =>
- (a->b->c) -> Series c
-cons2 c d = [c y z | d > 0, (y,z) <- series (d-1)]
-cons3 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) =>
- (a->b->c->d) -> Series d
-cons3 c d = [c x y z | d > 0, (x,y,z) <- series (d-1)]
-cons4 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) =>
- (a->b->c->d->e) -> Series e
-cons4 c d = [c w x y z | d > 0, (w,x,y,z) <- series (d-1)]
-alts0 :: Serial a =>
- Series a
-alts0 d = series d
-alts1 :: (Serial a, Serial b) =>
- Series (a->b)
-alts1 d = if d > 0 then series (dec d)
- else [\_ -> x | x <- series d]
-alts2 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c) =>
- Series (a->b->c)
-alts2 d = if d > 0 then series (dec d)
- else [\_ _ -> x | x <- series d]
-alts3 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d) =>
- Series (a->b->c->d)
-alts3 d = if d > 0 then series (dec d)
- else [\_ _ _ -> x | x <- series d]
-alts4 :: (Serial a, Serial b, Serial c, Serial d, Serial e) =>
- Series (a->b->c->d->e)
-alts4 d = if d > 0 then series (dec d)
- else [\_ _ _ _ -> x | x <- series d]
-instance Serial Bool where
- series = cons0 True \/ cons0 False
- coseries d = [ \x -> if x then b1 else b2
- | (b1,b2) <- series d ]
-instance Serial a => Serial (Maybe a) where
- series = cons0 Nothing \/ cons1 Just
- coseries d = [ \m -> case m of
- Nothing -> z
- Just x -> f x
- | z <- alts0 d ,
- f <- alts1 d ]
-instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (Either a b) where
- series = cons1 Left \/ cons1 Right
- coseries d = [ \e -> case e of
- Left x -> f x
- Right y -> g y
- | f <- alts1 d ,
- g <- alts1 d ]
-instance Serial a => Serial [a] where
- series = cons0 [] \/ cons2 (:)
- coseries d = [ \xs -> case xs of
- [] -> y
- (x:xs') -> f x xs'
- | y <- alts0 d ,
- f <- alts2 d ]
--- Warning: the coseries instance here may generate duplicates.
-instance (Serial a, Serial b) => Serial (a->b) where
- series = coseries
- coseries d = [ \f -> g [f x | x <- series d]
- | g <- series d ]
--- For customising the depth measure. Use with care!
-depth :: Int -> Int -> Int
-depth d d' | d >= 0 = d'+1-d
- | otherwise = error "SmallCheck.depth: argument < 0"
-dec :: Int -> Int
-dec d | d > 0 = d-1
- | otherwise = error "SmallCheck.dec: argument <= 0"
-inc :: Int -> Int
-inc d = d+1
--- show the extension of a function (in part, bounded both by
--- the number and depth of arguments)
-instance (Serial a, Show a, Show b) => Show (a->b) where
- show f =
- if maxarheight == 1
- && sumarwidth + length ars * length "->;" < widthLimit then
- "{"++(
- concat $ intersperse ";" $ [a++"->"++r | (a,r) <- ars]
- )++"}"
- else
- concat $ [a++"->\n"++indent r | (a,r) <- ars]
- where
- ars = take lengthLimit [ (show x, show (f x))
- | x <- series depthLimit ]
- maxarheight = maximum [ max (height a) (height r)
- | (a,r) <- ars ]
- sumarwidth = sum [ length a + length r
- | (a,r) <- ars]
- indent = unlines . map (" "++) . lines
- height = length . lines
- (widthLimit,lengthLimit,depthLimit) = (80,20,3)::(Int,Int,Int)
----------------- <properties and their evaluation> ------------------
--- adapted from QuickCheck originals: here results come in lists,
--- properties have depth arguments, stamps (for classifying random
--- tests) are omitted, existentials are introduced
-newtype PR = Prop [Result]
-data Result = Result {ok :: Maybe Bool, arguments :: [String]}
-nothing :: Result
-nothing = Result {ok = Nothing, arguments = []}
-result :: Result -> PR
-result res = Prop [res]
-newtype Property = Property (Int -> PR)
-class Testable a where
- property :: a -> Int -> PR
-instance Testable Bool where
- property b _ = Prop [Result (Just b) []]
-instance Testable PR where
- property prop _ = prop
-instance (Serial a, Show a, Testable b) => Testable (a->b) where
- property f = f' where Property f' = forAll series f
-instance Testable Property where
- property (Property f) d = f d
-evaluate :: Testable a => a -> Series Result
-evaluate x d = rs where Prop rs = property x d
-forAll :: (Show a, Testable b) => Series a -> (a->b) -> Property
-forAll xs f = Property $ \d -> Prop $
- [ r{arguments = show x : arguments r}
- | x <- xs d, r <- evaluate (f x) d ]
-forAllElem :: (Show a, Testable b) => [a] -> (a->b) -> Property
-forAllElem xs = forAll (const xs)
-thereExists :: Testable b => Series a -> (a->b) -> Property
-thereExists xs f = Property $ \d -> Prop $
- [ Result
- ( Just $ or [ all pass (evaluate (f x) d)
- | x <- xs d ] )
- [] ]
- where
- pass (Result Nothing _) = True
- pass (Result (Just b) _) = b
-thereExistsElem :: Testable b => [a] -> (a->b) -> Property
-thereExistsElem xs = thereExists (const xs)
-exists :: (Serial a, Testable b) =>
- (a->b) -> Property
-exists = thereExists series
-existsDeeperBy :: (Serial a, Testable b) =>
- (Int->Int) -> (a->b) -> Property
-existsDeeperBy f = thereExists (series . f)
-infixr 0 ==>
-(==>) :: Testable a => Bool -> a -> Property
-True ==> x = Property (property x)
-False ==> x = Property (const (result nothing))
---------------------- <top-level test drivers> ----------------------
--- similar in spirit to QuickCheck but with iterative deepening
--- test for values of depths 0..d stopping when a property
--- fails or when it has been checked for all these values
-smallCheck :: Testable a => Int -> a -> IO String
-smallCheck d = iterCheck 0 (Just d)
-depthCheck :: Testable a => Int -> a -> IO String
-depthCheck d = iterCheck d (Just d)
-iterCheck :: Testable a => Int -> Maybe Int -> a -> IO String
-iterCheck dFrom mdTo t = iter dFrom
- where
- iter :: Int -> IO String
- iter d = do
- let Prop results = property t d
- (ok,s) <- check (mdTo==Nothing) 0 0 True results
- maybe (iter (d+1))
- (\dTo -> if ok && d < dTo
- then iter (d+1)
- else return s)
- mdTo
-check :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Bool -> [Result] -> IO (Bool, String)
-check i n x ok rs | null rs = do
- let s = " Completed "++show n++" test(s)"
- y = if i then "." else " without failure."
- z | x > 0 = " But "++show x++" did not meet ==> condition."
- | otherwise = ""
- return (ok, s ++ y ++ z)
-check i n x ok (Result Nothing _ : rs) = do
- progressReport i n x
- check i (n+1) (x+1) ok rs
-check i n x f (Result (Just True) _ : rs) = do
- progressReport i n x
- check i (n+1) x f rs
-check i n x f (Result (Just False) args : rs) = do
- let s = " Failed test no. "++show (n+1)++". Test values follow."
- s' = s ++ ": " ++ concat (intersperse ", " args)
- if i then
- check i (n+1) x False rs
- else
- return (False, s')
-progressReport :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
-progressReport _ _ _ = return ()