path: root/tests/examplefiles/boot-9.scm
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/boot-9.scm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1557 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/boot-9.scm b/tests/examplefiles/boot-9.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f6ae246..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/boot-9.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1557 +0,0 @@
-;;; installed-scm-file
-;;;; Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-;;;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;;;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-;;;; any later version.
-;;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;;; along with this software; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
-;;;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330,
-;;;; Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
-;;;; As a special exception, the Free Software Foundation gives permission
-;;;; for additional uses of the text contained in its release of GUILE.
-;;;; The exception is that, if you link the GUILE library with other files
-;;;; to produce an executable, this does not by itself cause the
-;;;; resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-;;;; Your use of that executable is in no way restricted on account of
-;;;; linking the GUILE library code into it.
-;;;; This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why
-;;;; the executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
-;;;; This exception applies only to the code released by the
-;;;; Free Software Foundation under the name GUILE. If you copy
-;;;; code from other Free Software Foundation releases into a copy of
-;;;; GUILE, as the General Public License permits, the exception does
-;;;; not apply to the code that you add in this way. To avoid misleading
-;;;; anyone as to the status of such modified files, you must delete
-;;;; this exception notice from them.
-;;;; If you write modifications of your own for GUILE, it is your choice
-;;;; whether to permit this exception to apply to your modifications.
-;;;; If you do not wish that, delete this exception notice.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; This file is the first thing loaded into Guile. It adds many mundane
-;;; definitions and a few that are interesting.
-;;; The module system (hence the hierarchical namespace) are defined in this
-;;; file.
-;;; Code:
-;;; {Deprecation}
-;; We don't have macros here, but we do want to define
-;; `begin-deprecated' early.
-(define begin-deprecated
- (procedure->memoizing-macro
- (lambda (exp env)
- (if (include-deprecated-features)
- `(begin ,@(cdr exp))
- `#f))))
-;;; {Features}
-(define (provide sym)
- (if (not (memq sym *features*))
- (set! *features* (cons sym *features*))))
-;;; Return #t iff FEATURE is available to this Guile interpreter.
-;;; In SLIB, provided? also checks to see if the module is available.
-;;; We should do that too, but don't.
-(define (provided? feature)
- (and (memq feature *features*) #t))
- (define (feature? sym)
- (issue-deprecation-warning
- "`feature?' is deprecated. Use `provided?' instead.")
- (provided? sym)))
-;;; let format alias simple-format until the more complete version is loaded
-(define format simple-format)
-;;; {R4RS compliance}
-(primitive-load-path "ice-9/r4rs.scm")
-;;; {Simple Debugging Tools}
-;; peek takes any number of arguments, writes them to the
-;; current ouput port, and returns the last argument.
-;; It is handy to wrap around an expression to look at
-;; a value each time is evaluated, e.g.:
-;; (+ 10 (troublesome-fn))
-;; => (+ 10 (pk 'troublesome-fn-returned (troublesome-fn)))
-(define (peek . stuff)
- (newline)
- (display ";;; ")
- (write stuff)
- (newline)
- (car (last-pair stuff)))
-(define pk peek)
-(define (warn . stuff)
- (with-output-to-port (current-error-port)
- (lambda ()
- (newline)
- (display ";;; WARNING ")
- (display stuff)
- (newline)
- (car (last-pair stuff)))))
-;;; {Trivial Functions}
-(define (identity x) x)
-(define (1+ n) (+ n 1))
-(define (1- n) (+ n -1))
-(define (and=> value procedure) (and value (procedure value)))
-(define (make-hash-table k) (make-vector k '()))
- (define (id x)
- (issue-deprecation-warning "`id' is deprecated. Use `identity' instead.")
- (identity x))
- (define (-1+ n)
- (issue-deprecation-warning "`-1+' is deprecated. Use `1-' instead.")
- (1- n))
- (define (return-it . args)
- (issue-deprecation-warning "`return-it' is deprecated. Use `noop' instead.")
- (apply noop args)))
-;;; apply-to-args is functionally redundant with apply and, worse,
-;;; is less general than apply since it only takes two arguments.
-;;; On the other hand, apply-to-args is a syntacticly convenient way to
-;;; perform binding in many circumstances when the "let" family of
-;;; of forms don't cut it. E.g.:
-;;; (apply-to-args (return-3d-mouse-coords)
-;;; (lambda (x y z)
-;;; ...))
-(define (apply-to-args args fn) (apply fn args))
-;;; {Integer Math}
-(define (ipow-by-squaring x k acc proc)
- (cond ((zero? k) acc)
- ((= 1 k) (proc acc x))
- (else (ipow-by-squaring (proc x x)
- (quotient k 2)
- (if (even? k) acc (proc acc x))
- proc))))
- (define (string-character-length s)
- (issue-deprecation-warning "`string-character-length' is deprecated. Use `string-length' instead.")
- (string-length s))
- (define (flags . args)
- (issue-deprecation-warning "`flags' is deprecated. Use `logior' instead.")
- (apply logior args)))
-;;; {Symbol Properties}
-(define (symbol-property sym prop)
- (let ((pair (assoc prop (symbol-pref sym))))
- (and pair (cdr pair))))
-(define (set-symbol-property! sym prop val)
- (let ((pair (assoc prop (symbol-pref sym))))
- (if pair
- (set-cdr! pair val)
- (symbol-pset! sym (acons prop val (symbol-pref sym))))))
-(define (symbol-property-remove! sym prop)
- (let ((pair (assoc prop (symbol-pref sym))))
- (if pair
- (symbol-pset! sym (delq! pair (symbol-pref sym))))))
-;;; {General Properties}
-;; This is a more modern interface to properties. It will replace all
-;; other property-like things eventually.
-(define (make-object-property)
- (let ((prop (primitive-make-property #f)))
- (make-procedure-with-setter
- (lambda (obj) (primitive-property-ref prop obj))
- (lambda (obj val) (primitive-property-set! prop obj val)))))
-;;; {Arrays}
-(if (provided? 'array)
- (primitive-load-path "ice-9/arrays.scm"))
-;;; {Keywords}
-(define (symbol->keyword symbol)
- (make-keyword-from-dash-symbol (symbol-append '- symbol)))
-(define (keyword->symbol kw)
- (let ((sym (symbol->string (keyword-dash-symbol kw))))
- (string->symbol (substring sym 1 (string-length sym)))))
-(define (kw-arg-ref args kw)
- (let ((rem (member kw args)))
- (and rem (pair? (cdr rem)) (cadr rem))))
-;;; {Structs}
-(define (struct-layout s)
- (struct-ref (struct-vtable s) vtable-index-layout))
-;;; Environments
-(define the-environment
- (procedure->syntax
- (lambda (x e)
- e)))
-(define the-root-environment (the-environment))
-(define (environment-module env)
- (let ((closure (and (pair? env) (car (last-pair env)))))
- (and closure (procedure-property closure 'module))))
-;;; {Records}
-;; Printing records: by default, records are printed as
-;; #<type-name field1: val1 field2: val2 ...>
-;; You can change that by giving a custom printing function to
-;; MAKE-RECORD-TYPE (after the list of field symbols). This function
-;; will be called like
-;; (<printer> object port)
-;; It should print OBJECT to PORT.
-(define (inherit-print-state old-port new-port)
- (if (get-print-state old-port)
- (port-with-print-state new-port (get-print-state old-port))
- new-port))
-;; 0: type-name, 1: fields
-(define record-type-vtable
- (make-vtable-vtable "prpr" 0
- (lambda (s p)
- (cond ((eq? s record-type-vtable)
- (display "#<record-type-vtable>" p))
- (else
- (display "#<record-type " p)
- (display (record-type-name s) p)
- (display ">" p))))))
-(define (record-type? obj)
- (and (struct? obj) (eq? record-type-vtable (struct-vtable obj))))
-(define (make-record-type type-name fields . opt)
- (let ((printer-fn (and (pair? opt) (car opt))))
- (let ((struct (make-struct record-type-vtable 0
- (make-struct-layout
- (apply string-append
- (map (lambda (f) "pw") fields)))
- (or printer-fn
- (lambda (s p)
- (display "#<" p)
- (display type-name p)
- (let loop ((fields fields)
- (off 0))
- (cond
- ((not (null? fields))
- (display " " p)
- (display (car fields) p)
- (display ": " p)
- (display (struct-ref s off) p)
- (loop (cdr fields) (+ 1 off)))))
- (display ">" p)))
- type-name
- (copy-tree fields))))
- ;; Temporary solution: Associate a name to the record type descriptor
- ;; so that the object system can create a wrapper class for it.
- (set-struct-vtable-name! struct (if (symbol? type-name)
- type-name
- (string->symbol type-name)))
- struct)))
-(define (record-type-name obj)
- (if (record-type? obj)
- (struct-ref obj vtable-offset-user)
- (error 'not-a-record-type obj)))
-(define (record-type-fields obj)
- (if (record-type? obj)
- (struct-ref obj (+ 1 vtable-offset-user))
- (error 'not-a-record-type obj)))
-(define (record-constructor rtd . opt)
- (let ((field-names (if (pair? opt) (car opt) (record-type-fields rtd))))
- (local-eval `(lambda ,field-names
- (make-struct ',rtd 0 ,@(map (lambda (f)
- (if (memq f field-names)
- f
- #f))
- (record-type-fields rtd))))
- the-root-environment)))
-(define (record-predicate rtd)
- (lambda (obj) (and (struct? obj) (eq? rtd (struct-vtable obj)))))
-(define (record-accessor rtd field-name)
- (let* ((pos (list-index (record-type-fields rtd) field-name)))
- (if (not pos)
- (error 'no-such-field field-name))
- (local-eval `(lambda (obj)
- (and (eq? ',rtd (record-type-descriptor obj))
- (struct-ref obj ,pos)))
- the-root-environment)))
-(define (record-modifier rtd field-name)
- (let* ((pos (list-index (record-type-fields rtd) field-name)))
- (if (not pos)
- (error 'no-such-field field-name))
- (local-eval `(lambda (obj val)
- (and (eq? ',rtd (record-type-descriptor obj))
- (struct-set! obj ,pos val)))
- the-root-environment)))
-(define (record? obj)
- (and (struct? obj) (record-type? (struct-vtable obj))))
-(define (record-type-descriptor obj)
- (if (struct? obj)
- (struct-vtable obj)
- (error 'not-a-record obj)))
-(provide 'record)
-;;; {Booleans}
-(define (->bool x) (not (not x)))
-;;; {Symbols}
-(define (symbol-append . args)
- (string->symbol (apply string-append (map symbol->string args))))
-(define (list->symbol . args)
- (string->symbol (apply list->string args)))
-(define (symbol . args)
- (string->symbol (apply string args)))
-;;; {Lists}
-(define (list-index l k)
- (let loop ((n 0)
- (l l))
- (and (not (null? l))
- (if (eq? (car l) k)
- n
- (loop (+ n 1) (cdr l))))))
-(define (make-list n . init)
- (if (pair? init) (set! init (car init)))
- (let loop ((answer '())
- (n n))
- (if (<= n 0)
- answer
- (loop (cons init answer) (- n 1)))))
-;;; {and-map and or-map}
-;;; (and-map fn lst) is like (and (fn (car lst)) (fn (cadr lst)) (fn...) ...)
-;;; (or-map fn lst) is like (or (fn (car lst)) (fn (cadr lst)) (fn...) ...)
-;; and-map f l
-;; Apply f to successive elements of l until exhaustion or f returns #f.
-;; If returning early, return #f. Otherwise, return the last value returned
-;; by f. If f has never been called because l is empty, return #t.
-(define (and-map f lst)
- (let loop ((result #t)
- (l lst))
- (and result
- (or (and (null? l)
- result)
- (loop (f (car l)) (cdr l))))))
-;; or-map f l
-;; Apply f to successive elements of l until exhaustion or while f returns #f.
-;; If returning early, return the return value of f.
-(define (or-map f lst)
- (let loop ((result #f)
- (l lst))
- (or result
- (and (not (null? l))
- (loop (f (car l)) (cdr l))))))
-(if (provided? 'posix)
- (primitive-load-path "ice-9/posix.scm"))
-(if (provided? 'socket)
- (primitive-load-path "ice-9/networking.scm"))
-(define file-exists?
- (if (provided? 'posix)
- (lambda (str)
- (->bool (false-if-exception (stat str))))
- (lambda (str)
- (let ((port (catch 'system-error (lambda () (open-file str OPEN_READ))
- (lambda args #f))))
- (if port (begin (close-port port) #t)
- #f)))))
-(define file-is-directory?
- (if (provided? 'posix)
- (lambda (str)
- (eq? (stat:type (stat str)) 'directory))
- (lambda (str)
- (let ((port (catch 'system-error
- (lambda () (open-file (string-append str "/.")
- (lambda args #f))))
- (if port (begin (close-port port) #t)
- #f)))))
-(define (has-suffix? str suffix)
- (let ((sufl (string-length suffix))
- (sl (string-length str)))
- (and (> sl sufl)
- (string=? (substring str (- sl sufl) sl) suffix))))
-(define (system-error-errno args)
- (if (eq? (car args) 'system-error)
- (car (list-ref args 4))
- #f))
-;;; {Error Handling}
-(define (error . args)
- (save-stack)
- (if (null? args)
- (scm-error 'misc-error #f "?" #f #f)
- (let loop ((msg "~A")
- (rest (cdr args)))
- (if (not (null? rest))
- (loop (string-append msg " ~S")
- (cdr rest))
- (scm-error 'misc-error #f msg args #f)))))
-;; bad-throw is the hook that is called upon a throw to a an unhandled
-;; key (unless the throw has four arguments, in which case
-;; it's usually interpreted as an error throw.)
-;; If the key has a default handler (a throw-handler-default property),
-;; it is applied to the throw.
-(define (bad-throw key . args)
- (let ((default (symbol-property key 'throw-handler-default)))
- (or (and default (apply default key args))
- (apply error "unhandled-exception:" key args))))
-(define (tm:sec obj) (vector-ref obj 0))
-(define (tm:min obj) (vector-ref obj 1))
-(define (tm:hour obj) (vector-ref obj 2))
-(define (tm:mday obj) (vector-ref obj 3))
-(define (tm:mon obj) (vector-ref obj 4))
-(define (tm:year obj) (vector-ref obj 5))
-(define (tm:wday obj) (vector-ref obj 6))
-(define (tm:yday obj) (vector-ref obj 7))
-(define (tm:isdst obj) (vector-ref obj 8))
-(define (tm:gmtoff obj) (vector-ref obj 9))
-(define (tm:zone obj) (vector-ref obj 10))
-(define (set-tm:sec obj val) (vector-set! obj 0 val))
-(define (set-tm:min obj val) (vector-set! obj 1 val))
-(define (set-tm:hour obj val) (vector-set! obj 2 val))
-(define (set-tm:mday obj val) (vector-set! obj 3 val))
-(define (set-tm:mon obj val) (vector-set! obj 4 val))
-(define (set-tm:year obj val) (vector-set! obj 5 val))
-(define (set-tm:wday obj val) (vector-set! obj 6 val))
-(define (set-tm:yday obj val) (vector-set! obj 7 val))
-(define (set-tm:isdst obj val) (vector-set! obj 8 val))
-(define (set-tm:gmtoff obj val) (vector-set! obj 9 val))
-(define (set-tm:zone obj val) (vector-set! obj 10 val))
-(define (tms:clock obj) (vector-ref obj 0))
-(define (tms:utime obj) (vector-ref obj 1))
-(define (tms:stime obj) (vector-ref obj 2))
-(define (tms:cutime obj) (vector-ref obj 3))
-(define (tms:cstime obj) (vector-ref obj 4))
-(define file-position ftell)
-(define (file-set-position port offset . whence)
- (let ((whence (if (eq? whence '()) SEEK_SET (car whence))))
- (seek port offset whence)))
-(define (move->fdes fd/port fd)
- (cond ((integer? fd/port)
- (dup->fdes fd/port fd)
- (close fd/port)
- fd)
- (else
- (primitive-move->fdes fd/port fd)
- (set-port-revealed! fd/port 1)
- fd/port)))
-(define (release-port-handle port)
- (let ((revealed (port-revealed port)))
- (if (> revealed 0)
- (set-port-revealed! port (- revealed 1)))))
-(define (dup->port port/fd mode . maybe-fd)
- (let ((port (fdopen (apply dup->fdes port/fd maybe-fd)
- mode)))
- (if (pair? maybe-fd)
- (set-port-revealed! port 1))
- port))
-(define (dup->inport port/fd . maybe-fd)
- (apply dup->port port/fd "r" maybe-fd))
-(define (dup->outport port/fd . maybe-fd)
- (apply dup->port port/fd "w" maybe-fd))
-(define (dup port/fd . maybe-fd)
- (if (integer? port/fd)
- (apply dup->fdes port/fd maybe-fd)
- (apply dup->port port/fd (port-mode port/fd) maybe-fd)))
-(define (duplicate-port port modes)
- (dup->port port modes))
-(define (fdes->inport fdes)
- (let loop ((rest-ports (fdes->ports fdes)))
- (cond ((null? rest-ports)
- (let ((result (fdopen fdes "r")))
- (set-port-revealed! result 1)
- result))
- ((input-port? (car rest-ports))
- (set-port-revealed! (car rest-ports)
- (+ (port-revealed (car rest-ports)) 1))
- (car rest-ports))
- (else
- (loop (cdr rest-ports))))))
-(define (fdes->outport fdes)
- (let loop ((rest-ports (fdes->ports fdes)))
- (cond ((null? rest-ports)
- (let ((result (fdopen fdes "w")))
- (set-port-revealed! result 1)
- result))
- ((output-port? (car rest-ports))
- (set-port-revealed! (car rest-ports)
- (+ (port-revealed (car rest-ports)) 1))
- (car rest-ports))
- (else
- (loop (cdr rest-ports))))))
-(define (port->fdes port)
- (set-port-revealed! port (+ (port-revealed port) 1))
- (fileno port))
-(define (setenv name value)
- (if value
- (putenv (string-append name "=" value))
- (putenv name)))
-;;; {Load Paths}
-;;; Here for backward compatability
-(define scheme-file-suffix (lambda () ".scm"))
-(define (in-vicinity vicinity file)
- (let ((tail (let ((len (string-length vicinity)))
- (if (zero? len)
- #f
- (string-ref vicinity (- len 1))))))
- (string-append vicinity
- (if (or (not tail)
- (eq? tail #\/))
- ""
- "/")
- file)))
-;;; {Help for scm_shell}
-;;; The argument-processing code used by Guile-based shells generates
-;;; Scheme code based on the argument list. This page contains help
-;;; functions for the code it generates.
-(define (command-line) (program-arguments))
-;; This is mostly for the internal use of the code generated by
-;; scm_compile_shell_switches.
-(define (load-user-init)
- (let* ((home (or (getenv "HOME")
- (false-if-exception (passwd:dir (getpwuid (getuid))))
- "/")) ;; fallback for cygwin etc.
- (init-file (in-vicinity home ".guile")))
- (if (file-exists? init-file)
- (primitive-load init-file))))
-;;; {Loading by paths}
-;;; Load a Scheme source file named NAME, searching for it in the
-;;; directories listed in %load-path, and applying each of the file
-;;; name extensions listed in %load-extensions.
-(define (load-from-path name)
- (start-stack 'load-stack
- (primitive-load-path name)))
-;;; {Transcendental Functions}
-;;; Derived from "Transcen.scm", Complex trancendental functions for SCM.
-;;; Written by Jerry D. Hedden, (C) FSF.
-;;; See the file `COPYING' for terms applying to this program.
-(define (exp z)
- (if (real? z) ($exp z)
- (make-polar ($exp (real-part z)) (imag-part z))))
-(define (log z)
- (if (and (real? z) (>= z 0))
- ($log z)
- (make-rectangular ($log (magnitude z)) (angle z))))
-(define (sqrt z)
- (if (real? z)
- (if (negative? z) (make-rectangular 0 ($sqrt (- z)))
- ($sqrt z))
- (make-polar ($sqrt (magnitude z)) (/ (angle z) 2))))
-(define expt
- (let ((integer-expt integer-expt))
- (lambda (z1 z2)
- (cond ((integer? z2)
- (if (negative? z2)
- (/ 1 (integer-expt z1 (- z2)))
- (integer-expt z1 z2)))
- ((and (real? z2) (real? z1) (>= z1 0))
- ($expt z1 z2))
- (else
- (exp (* z2 (log z1))))))))
-(define (sinh z)
- (if (real? z) ($sinh z)
- (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
- (make-rectangular (* ($sinh x) ($cos y))
- (* ($cosh x) ($sin y))))))
-(define (cosh z)
- (if (real? z) ($cosh z)
- (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
- (make-rectangular (* ($cosh x) ($cos y))
- (* ($sinh x) ($sin y))))))
-(define (tanh z)
- (if (real? z) ($tanh z)
- (let* ((x (* 2 (real-part z)))
- (y (* 2 (imag-part z)))
- (w (+ ($cosh x) ($cos y))))
- (make-rectangular (/ ($sinh x) w) (/ ($sin y) w)))))
-(define (asinh z)
- (if (real? z) ($asinh z)
- (log (+ z (sqrt (+ (* z z) 1))))))
-(define (acosh z)
- (if (and (real? z) (>= z 1))
- ($acosh z)
- (log (+ z (sqrt (- (* z z) 1))))))
-(define (atanh z)
- (if (and (real? z) (> z -1) (< z 1))
- ($atanh z)
- (/ (log (/ (+ 1 z) (- 1 z))) 2)))
-(define (sin z)
- (if (real? z) ($sin z)
- (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
- (make-rectangular (* ($sin x) ($cosh y))
- (* ($cos x) ($sinh y))))))
-(define (cos z)
- (if (real? z) ($cos z)
- (let ((x (real-part z)) (y (imag-part z)))
- (make-rectangular (* ($cos x) ($cosh y))
- (- (* ($sin x) ($sinh y)))))))
-(define (tan z)
- (if (real? z) ($tan z)
- (let* ((x (* 2 (real-part z)))
- (y (* 2 (imag-part z)))
- (w (+ ($cos x) ($cosh y))))
- (make-rectangular (/ ($sin x) w) (/ ($sinh y) w)))))
-(define (asin z)
- (if (and (real? z) (>= z -1) (<= z 1))
- ($asin z)
- (* -i (asinh (* +i z)))))
-(define (acos z)
- (if (and (real? z) (>= z -1) (<= z 1))
- ($acos z)
- (+ (/ (angle -1) 2) (* +i (asinh (* +i z))))))
-(define (atan z . y)
- (if (null? y)
- (if (real? z) ($atan z)
- (/ (log (/ (- +i z) (+ +i z))) +2i))
- ($atan2 z (car y))))
-(define (log10 arg)
- (/ (log arg) (log 10)))
-;;; {Reader Extensions}
-;;; Reader code for various "#c" forms.
-(read-hash-extend #\' (lambda (c port)
- (read port)))
-(define read-eval? (make-fluid))
-(fluid-set! read-eval? #f)
-(read-hash-extend #\.
- (lambda (c port)
- (if (fluid-ref read-eval?)
- (eval (read port) (interaction-environment))
- (error
- "#. read expansion found and read-eval? is #f."))))
-;;; {Command Line Options}
-(define (get-option argv kw-opts kw-args return)
- (cond
- ((null? argv)
- (return #f #f argv))
- ((or (not (eq? #\- (string-ref (car argv) 0)))
- (eq? (string-length (car argv)) 1))
- (return 'normal-arg (car argv) (cdr argv)))
- ((eq? #\- (string-ref (car argv) 1))
- (let* ((kw-arg-pos (or (string-index (car argv) #\=)
- (string-length (car argv))))
- (kw (symbol->keyword (substring (car argv) 2 kw-arg-pos)))
- (kw-opt? (member kw kw-opts))
- (kw-arg? (member kw kw-args))
- (arg (or (and (not (eq? kw-arg-pos (string-length (car argv))))
- (substring (car argv)
- (+ kw-arg-pos 1)
- (string-length (car argv))))
- (and kw-arg?
- (begin (set! argv (cdr argv)) (car argv))))))
- (if (or kw-opt? kw-arg?)
- (return kw arg (cdr argv))
- (return 'usage-error kw (cdr argv)))))
- (else
- (let* ((char (substring (car argv) 1 2))
- (kw (symbol->keyword char)))
- (cond
- ((member kw kw-opts)
- (let* ((rest-car (substring (car argv) 2 (string-length (car argv))))
- (new-argv (if (= 0 (string-length rest-car))
- (cdr argv)
- (cons (string-append "-" rest-car) (cdr argv)))))
- (return kw #f new-argv)))
- ((member kw kw-args)
- (let* ((rest-car (substring (car argv) 2 (string-length (car argv))))
- (arg (if (= 0 (string-length rest-car))
- (cadr argv)
- rest-car))
- (new-argv (if (= 0 (string-length rest-car))
- (cddr argv)
- (cdr argv))))
- (return kw arg new-argv)))
- (else (return 'usage-error kw argv)))))))
-(define (for-next-option proc argv kw-opts kw-args)
- (let loop ((argv argv))
- (get-option argv kw-opts kw-args
- (lambda (opt opt-arg argv)
- (and opt (proc opt opt-arg argv loop))))))
-(define (display-usage-report kw-desc)
- (for-each
- (lambda (kw)
- (or (eq? (car kw) #t)
- (eq? (car kw) 'else)
- (let* ((opt-desc kw)
- (help (cadr opt-desc))
- (opts (car opt-desc))
- (opts-proper (if (string? (car opts)) (cdr opts) opts))
- (arg-name (if (string? (car opts))
- (string-append "<" (car opts) ">")
- ""))
- (left-part (string-append
- (with-output-to-string
- (lambda ()
- (map (lambda (x) (display (keyword->symbol x)) (display " "))
- opts-proper)))
- arg-name))
- (middle-part (if (and (< (string-length left-part) 30)
- (< (string-length help) 40))
- (make-string (- 30 (string-length left-part)) #\ )
- "\n\t")))
- (display left-part)
- (display middle-part)
- (display help)
- (newline))))
- kw-desc))
-(define (transform-usage-lambda cases)
- (let* ((raw-usage (delq! 'else (map car cases)))
- (usage-sans-specials (map (lambda (x)
- (or (and (not (list? x)) x)
- (and (symbol? (car x)) #t)
- (and (boolean? (car x)) #t)
- x))
- raw-usage))
- (usage-desc (delq! #t usage-sans-specials))
- (kw-desc (map car usage-desc))
- (kw-opts (apply append (map (lambda (x) (and (not (string? (car x))) x)) kw-desc)))
- (kw-args (apply append (map (lambda (x) (and (string? (car x)) (cdr x))) kw-desc)))
- (transmogrified-cases (map (lambda (case)
- (cons (let ((opts (car case)))
- (if (or (boolean? opts) (eq? 'else opts))
- opts
- (cond
- ((symbol? (car opts)) opts)
- ((boolean? (car opts)) opts)
- ((string? (caar opts)) (cdar opts))
- (else (car opts)))))
- (cdr case)))
- cases)))
- `(let ((%display-usage (lambda () (display-usage-report ',usage-desc))))
- (lambda (%argv)
- (let %next-arg ((%argv %argv))
- (get-option %argv
- ',kw-opts
- ',kw-args
- (lambda (%opt %arg %new-argv)
- (case %opt
- ,@ transmogrified-cases))))))))
-;;; {Low Level Modules}
-;;; These are the low level data structures for modules.
-;;; !!! warning: The interface to lazy binder procedures is going
-;;; to be changed in an incompatible way to permit all the basic
-;;; module ops to be virtualized.
-;;; (make-module size use-list lazy-binding-proc) => module
-;;; module-{obarray,uses,binder}[|-set!]
-;;; (module? obj) => [#t|#f]
-;;; (module-locally-bound? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
-;;; (module-bound? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
-;;; (module-symbol-locally-interned? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
-;;; (module-symbol-interned? module symbol) => [#t|#f]
-;;; (module-local-variable module symbol) => [#<variable ...> | #f]
-;;; (module-variable module symbol) => [#<variable ...> | #f]
-;;; (module-symbol-binding module symbol opt-value)
-;;; => [ <obj> | opt-value | an error occurs ]
-;;; (module-make-local-var! module symbol) => #<variable...>
-;;; (module-add! module symbol var) => unspecified
-;;; (module-remove! module symbol) => unspecified
-;;; (module-for-each proc module) => unspecified
-;;; (make-scm-module) => module ; a lazy copy of the symhash module
-;;; (set-current-module module) => unspecified
-;;; (current-module) => #<module...>
-;;; {Printing Modules}
-;; This is how modules are printed. You can re-define it.
-;; (Redefining is actually more complicated than simply redefining
-;; %print-module because that would only change the binding and not
-;; the value stored in the vtable that determines how record are
-;; printed. Sigh.)
-(define (%print-module mod port) ; unused args: depth length style table)
- (display "#<" port)
- (display (or (module-kind mod) "module") port)
- (let ((name (module-name mod)))
- (if name
- (begin
- (display " " port)
- (display name port))))
- (display " " port)
- (display (number->string (object-address mod) 16) port)
- (display ">" port))
-;; module-type
-;; A module is characterized by an obarray in which local symbols
-;; are interned, a list of modules, "uses", from which non-local
-;; bindings can be inherited, and an optional lazy-binder which
-;; is a (CLOSURE module symbol) which, as a last resort, can provide
-;; bindings that would otherwise not be found locally in the module.
-;; NOTE: If you change here, you also need to change libguile/modules.h.
-(define module-type
- (make-record-type 'module
- '(obarray uses binder eval-closure transformer name kind
- observers weak-observers observer-id)
- %print-module))
-;; make-module &opt size uses binder
-;; Create a new module, perhaps with a particular size of obarray,
-;; initial uses list, or binding procedure.
-(define make-module
- (lambda args
- (define (parse-arg index default)
- (if (> (length args) index)
- (list-ref args index)
- default))
- (if (> (length args) 3)
- (error "Too many args to make-module." args))
- (let ((size (parse-arg 0 1021))
- (uses (parse-arg 1 '()))
- (binder (parse-arg 2 #f)))
- (if (not (integer? size))
- (error "Illegal size to make-module." size))
- (if (not (and (list? uses)
- (and-map module? uses)))
- (error "Incorrect use list." uses))
- (if (and binder (not (procedure? binder)))
- (error
- "Lazy-binder expected to be a procedure or #f." binder))
- (let ((module (module-constructor (make-vector size '())
- uses binder #f #f #f #f
- '()
- (make-weak-value-hash-table 31)
- 0)))
- ;; We can't pass this as an argument to module-constructor,
- ;; because we need it to close over a pointer to the module
- ;; itself.
- (set-module-eval-closure! module (standard-eval-closure module))
- module))))
-(define module-constructor (record-constructor module-type))
-(define module-obarray (record-accessor module-type 'obarray))
-(define set-module-obarray! (record-modifier module-type 'obarray))
-(define module-uses (record-accessor module-type 'uses))
-(define set-module-uses! (record-modifier module-type 'uses))
-(define module-binder (record-accessor module-type 'binder))
-(define set-module-binder! (record-modifier module-type 'binder))
-;; NOTE: This binding is used in libguile/modules.c.
-(define module-eval-closure (record-accessor module-type 'eval-closure))
-(define module-transformer (record-accessor module-type 'transformer))
-(define set-module-transformer! (record-modifier module-type 'transformer))
-(define module-name (record-accessor module-type 'name))
-(define set-module-name! (record-modifier module-type 'name))
-(define module-kind (record-accessor module-type 'kind))
-(define set-module-kind! (record-modifier module-type 'kind))
-(define module-observers (record-accessor module-type 'observers))
-(define set-module-observers! (record-modifier module-type 'observers))
-(define module-weak-observers (record-accessor module-type 'weak-observers))
-(define module-observer-id (record-accessor module-type 'observer-id))
-(define set-module-observer-id! (record-modifier module-type 'observer-id))
-(define module? (record-predicate module-type))
-(define set-module-eval-closure!
- (let ((setter (record-modifier module-type 'eval-closure)))
- (lambda (module closure)
- (setter module closure)
- ;; Make it possible to lookup the module from the environment.
- ;; This implementation is correct since an eval closure can belong
- ;; to maximally one module.
- (set-procedure-property! closure 'module module))))
- (define (eval-in-module exp mod)
- (issue-deprecation-warning
- "`eval-in-module' is deprecated. Use `eval' instead.")
- (eval exp mod)))
-;;; {Observer protocol}
-(define (module-observe module proc)
- (set-module-observers! module (cons proc (module-observers module)))
- (cons module proc))
-(define (module-observe-weak module proc)
- (let ((id (module-observer-id module)))
- (hash-set! (module-weak-observers module) id proc)
- (set-module-observer-id! module (+ 1 id))
- (cons module id)))
-(define (module-unobserve token)
- (let ((module (car token))
- (id (cdr token)))
- (if (integer? id)
- (hash-remove! (module-weak-observers module) id)
- (set-module-observers! module (delq1! id (module-observers module)))))
- *unspecified*)
-(define (module-modified m)
- (for-each (lambda (proc) (proc m)) (module-observers m))
- (hash-fold (lambda (id proc res) (proc m)) #f (module-weak-observers m)))
-;;; {Module Searching in General}
-;;; We sometimes want to look for properties of a symbol
-;;; just within the obarray of one module. If the property
-;;; holds, then it is said to hold ``locally'' as in, ``The symbol
-;;; DISPLAY is locally rebound in the module `safe-guile'.''
-;;; Other times, we want to test for a symbol property in the obarray
-;;; of M and, if it is not found there, try each of the modules in the
-;;; uses list of M. This is the normal way of testing for some
-;;; property, so we state these properties without qualification as
-;;; in: ``The symbol 'fnord is interned in module M because it is
-;;; interned locally in module M2 which is a member of the uses list
-;;; of M.''
-;; module-search fn m
-;; return the first non-#f result of FN applied to M and then to
-;; the modules in the uses of m, and so on recursively. If all applications
-;; return #f, then so does this function.
-(define (module-search fn m v)
- (define (loop pos)
- (and (pair? pos)
- (or (module-search fn (car pos) v)
- (loop (cdr pos)))))
- (or (fn m v)
- (loop (module-uses m))))
-;;; {Is a symbol bound in a module?}
-;;; Symbol S in Module M is bound if S is interned in M and if the binding
-;;; of S in M has been set to some well-defined value.
-;; module-locally-bound? module symbol
-;; Is a symbol bound (interned and defined) locally in a given module?
-(define (module-locally-bound? m v)
- (let ((var (module-local-variable m v)))
- (and var
- (variable-bound? var))))
-;; module-bound? module symbol
-;; Is a symbol bound (interned and defined) anywhere in a given module
-;; or its uses?
-(define (module-bound? m v)
- (module-search module-locally-bound? m v))
-;;; {Is a symbol interned in a module?}
-;;; Symbol S in Module M is interned if S occurs in
-;;; of S in M has been set to some well-defined value.
-;;; It is possible to intern a symbol in a module without providing
-;;; an initial binding for the corresponding variable. This is done
-;;; with:
-;;; (module-add! module symbol (make-undefined-variable))
-;;; In that case, the symbol is interned in the module, but not
-;;; bound there. The unbound symbol shadows any binding for that
-;;; symbol that might otherwise be inherited from a member of the uses list.
-(define (module-obarray-get-handle ob key)
- ((if (symbol? key) hashq-get-handle hash-get-handle) ob key))
-(define (module-obarray-ref ob key)
- ((if (symbol? key) hashq-ref hash-ref) ob key))
-(define (module-obarray-set! ob key val)
- ((if (symbol? key) hashq-set! hash-set!) ob key val))
-(define (module-obarray-remove! ob key)
- ((if (symbol? key) hashq-remove! hash-remove!) ob key))
-;; module-symbol-locally-interned? module symbol
-;; is a symbol interned (not neccessarily defined) locally in a given module
-;; or its uses? Interned symbols shadow inherited bindings even if
-;; they are not themselves bound to a defined value.
-(define (module-symbol-locally-interned? m v)
- (not (not (module-obarray-get-handle (module-obarray m) v))))
-;; module-symbol-interned? module symbol
-;; is a symbol interned (not neccessarily defined) anywhere in a given module
-;; or its uses? Interned symbols shadow inherited bindings even if
-;; they are not themselves bound to a defined value.
-(define (module-symbol-interned? m v)
- (module-search module-symbol-locally-interned? m v))
-;;; {Mapping modules x symbols --> variables}
-;; module-local-variable module symbol
-;; return the local variable associated with a MODULE and SYMBOL.
-;;; This function is very important. It is the only function that can
-;;; return a variable from a module other than the mutators that store
-;;; new variables in modules. Therefore, this function is the location
-;;; of the "lazy binder" hack.
-;;; If symbol is defined in MODULE, and if the definition binds symbol
-;;; to a variable, return that variable object.
-;;; If the symbols is not found at first, but the module has a lazy binder,
-;;; then try the binder.
-;;; If the symbol is not found at all, return #f.
-(define (module-local-variable m v)
-; (caddr
-; (list m v
- (let ((b (module-obarray-ref (module-obarray m) v)))
- (or (and (variable? b) b)
- (and (module-binder m)
- ((module-binder m) m v #f)))))
-;; module-variable module symbol
-;; like module-local-variable, except search the uses in the
-;; case V is not found in M.
-;; NOTE: This function is superseded with C code (see modules.c)
-;;; when using the standard eval closure.
-(define (module-variable m v)
- (module-search module-local-variable m v))
-;;; {Mapping modules x symbols --> bindings}
-;;; These are similar to the mapping to variables, except that the
-;;; variable is dereferenced.
-;; module-symbol-binding module symbol opt-value
-;; return the binding of a variable specified by name within
-;; a given module, signalling an error if the variable is unbound.
-;; If the OPT-VALUE is passed, then instead of signalling an error,
-;; return OPT-VALUE.
-(define (module-symbol-local-binding m v . opt-val)
- (let ((var (module-local-variable m v)))
- (if var
- (variable-ref var)
- (if (not (null? opt-val))
- (car opt-val)
- (error "Locally unbound variable." v)))))
-;; module-symbol-binding module symbol opt-value
-;; return the binding of a variable specified by name within
-;; a given module, signalling an error if the variable is unbound.
-;; If the OPT-VALUE is passed, then instead of signalling an error,
-;; return OPT-VALUE.
-(define (module-symbol-binding m v . opt-val)
- (let ((var (module-variable m v)))
- (if var
- (variable-ref var)
- (if (not (null? opt-val))
- (car opt-val)
- (error "Unbound variable." v)))))
-;;; {Adding Variables to Modules}
-;; module-make-local-var! module symbol
-;; ensure a variable for V in the local namespace of M.
-;; If no variable was already there, then create a new and uninitialzied
-;; variable.
-(define (module-make-local-var! m v)
- (or (let ((b (module-obarray-ref (module-obarray m) v)))
- (and (variable? b)
- (begin
- (module-modified m)
- b)))
- (and (module-binder m)
- ((module-binder m) m v #t))
- (begin
- (let ((answer (make-undefined-variable)))
- (variable-set-name-hint! answer v)
- (module-obarray-set! (module-obarray m) v answer)
- (module-modified m)
- answer))))
-;; module-ensure-local-variable! module symbol
-;; Ensure that there is a local variable in MODULE for SYMBOL. If
-;; there is no binding for SYMBOL, create a new uninitialized
-;; variable. Return the local variable.
-(define (module-ensure-local-variable! module symbol)
- (or (module-local-variable module symbol)
- (let ((var (make-undefined-variable)))
- (variable-set-name-hint! var symbol)
- (module-add! module symbol var)
- var)))
-;; module-add! module symbol var
-;; ensure a particular variable for V in the local namespace of M.
-(define (module-add! m v var)
- (if (not (variable? var))
- (error "Bad variable to module-add!" var))
- (module-obarray-set! (module-obarray m) v var)
- (module-modified m))
-;; module-remove!
-;; make sure that a symbol is undefined in the local namespace of M.
-(define (module-remove! m v)
- (module-obarray-remove! (module-obarray m) v)
- (module-modified m))
-(define (module-clear! m)
- (vector-fill! (module-obarray m) '())
- (module-modified m))
-;; MODULE-FOR-EACH -- exported
-;; Call PROC on each symbol in MODULE, with arguments of (SYMBOL VARIABLE).
-(define (module-for-each proc module)
- (let ((obarray (module-obarray module)))
- (do ((index 0 (+ index 1))
- (end (vector-length obarray)))
- ((= index end))
- (for-each
- (lambda (bucket)
- (proc (car bucket) (cdr bucket)))
- (vector-ref obarray index)))))
-(define (module-map proc module)
- (let* ((obarray (module-obarray module))
- (end (vector-length obarray)))
- (let loop ((i 0)
- (answer '()))
- (if (= i end)
- answer
- (loop (+ 1 i)
- (append!
- (map (lambda (bucket)
- (proc (car bucket) (cdr bucket)))
- (vector-ref obarray i))
- answer))))))
-;;; {Low Level Bootstrapping}
-;; make-root-module
-;; A root module uses the pre-modules-obarray as its obarray. This
-;; special obarray accumulates all bindings that have been established
-;; before the module system is fully booted.
-;; (The obarray continues to be used by code that has been closed over
-;; before the module system has been booted.)
-(define (make-root-module)
- (let ((m (make-module 0)))
- (set-module-obarray! m (%get-pre-modules-obarray))
- m))
-;; make-scm-module
-;; The root interface is a module that uses the same obarray as the
-;; root module. It does not allow new definitions, tho.
-(define (make-scm-module)
- (let ((m (make-module 0)))
- (set-module-obarray! m (%get-pre-modules-obarray))
- (set-module-eval-closure! m (standard-interface-eval-closure m))
- m))
-;;; {Module-based Loading}
-(define (save-module-excursion thunk)
- (let ((inner-module (current-module))
- (outer-module #f))
- (dynamic-wind (lambda ()
- (set! outer-module (current-module))
- (set-current-module inner-module)
- (set! inner-module #f))
- thunk
- (lambda ()
- (set! inner-module (current-module))
- (set-current-module outer-module)
- (set! outer-module #f)))))
-(define basic-load load)
-(define (load-module filename)
- (save-module-excursion
- (lambda ()
- (let ((oldname (and (current-load-port)
- (port-filename (current-load-port)))))
- (basic-load (if (and oldname
- (> (string-length filename) 0)
- (not (char=? (string-ref filename 0) #\/))
- (not (string=? (dirname oldname) ".")))
- (string-append (dirname oldname) "/" filename)
- filename))))))
-;;; {MODULE-REF -- exported}
-;; Returns the value of a variable called NAME in MODULE or any of its
-;; used modules. If there is no such variable, then if the optional third
-;; argument DEFAULT is present, it is returned; otherwise an error is signaled.
-(define (module-ref module name . rest)
- (let ((variable (module-variable module name)))
- (if (and variable (variable-bound? variable))
- (variable-ref variable)
- (if (null? rest)
- (error "No variable named" name 'in module)
- (car rest) ; default value
- ))))
-;; MODULE-SET! -- exported
-;; Sets the variable called NAME in MODULE (or in a module that MODULE uses)
-;; to VALUE; if there is no such variable, an error is signaled.
-(define (module-set! module name value)
- (let ((variable (module-variable module name)))
- (if variable
- (variable-set! variable value)
- (error "No variable named" name 'in module))))
-;; MODULE-DEFINE! -- exported
-;; Sets the variable called NAME in MODULE to VALUE; if there is no such
-;; variable, it is added first.
-(define (module-define! module name value)
- (let ((variable (module-local-variable module name)))
- (if variable
- (begin
- (variable-set! variable value)
- (module-modified module))
- (let ((variable (make-variable value)))
- (variable-set-name-hint! variable name)
- (module-add! module name variable)))))
-;; MODULE-DEFINED? -- exported
-;; Return #t iff NAME is defined in MODULE (or in a module that MODULE
-;; uses)
-(define (module-defined? module name)
- (let ((variable (module-variable module name)))
- (and variable (variable-bound? variable))))
-;; MODULE-USE! module interface
-;; Add INTERFACE to the list of interfaces used by MODULE.
-(define (module-use! module interface)
- (set-module-uses! module
- (cons interface (delq! interface (module-uses module))))
- (module-modified module))
-;;; {Recursive Namespaces}
-;;; A hierarchical namespace emerges if we consider some module to be
-;;; root, and variables bound to modules as nested namespaces.
-;;; The routines in this file manage variable names in hierarchical namespace.
-;;; Each variable name is a list of elements, looked up in successively nested
-;;; modules.
-;;; (nested-ref some-root-module '(foo bar baz))
-;;; => <value of a variable named baz in the module bound to bar in
-;;; the module bound to foo in some-root-module>
-;;; There are:
-;;; ;; a-root is a module
-;;; ;; name is a list of symbols
-;;; nested-ref a-root name
-;;; nested-set! a-root name val
-;;; nested-define! a-root name val
-;;; nested-remove! a-root name
-;;; (current-module) is a natural choice for a-root so for convenience there are
-;;; also:
-;;; local-ref name == nested-ref (current-module) name
-;;; local-set! name val == nested-set! (current-module) name val
-;;; local-define! name val == nested-define! (current-module) name val
-;;; local-remove! name == nested-remove! (current-module) name
-(define (nested-ref root names)
- (let loop ((cur root)
- (elts names))
- (cond
- ((null? elts) cur)
- ((not (module? cur)) #f)
- (else (loop (module-ref cur (car elts) #f) (cdr elts))))))
-(define (nested-set! root names val)
- (let loop ((cur root)
- (elts names))
- (if (null? (cdr elts))
- (module-set! cur (car elts) val)
- (loop (module-ref cur (car elts)) (cdr elts)))))
-(define (nested-define! root names val)
- (let loop ((cur root)
- (elts names))
- (if (null? (cdr elts))
- (module-define! cur (car elts) val)
- (loop (module-ref cur (car elts)) (cdr elts)))))
-(define (nested-remove! root names)
- (let loop ((cur root)
- (elts names))
- (if (null? (cdr elts))
- (module-remove! cur (car elts))
- (loop (module-ref cur (car elts)) (cdr elts)))))
-(define (local-ref names) (nested-ref (current-module) names))
-(define (local-set! names val) (nested-set! (current-module) names val))
-(define (local-define names val) (nested-define! (current-module) names val))
-(define (local-remove names) (nested-remove! (current-module) names))
-;;; boot-9.scm ends here