path: root/tests/examplefiles/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 580 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cfd2c8b..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,580 +0,0 @@
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Fishshell Samples
-# |- Theme / bobthefish
-# |- Function / funced
-# |- Configuration /
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# name: bobthefish
-# bobthefish is a Powerline-style, Git-aware fish theme optimized for awesome.
-# You will probably need a Powerline-patched font for this to work:
-# I recommend picking one of these:
-# You can override some default options in your
-# set -g theme_display_user yes
-# set -g default_user your_normal_user
-set -g __bobthefish_current_bg NONE
-# Powerline glyphs
-set __bobthefish_branch_glyph \uE0A0
-set __bobthefish_ln_glyph \uE0A1
-set __bobthefish_padlock_glyph \uE0A2
-set __bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph \uE0B0
-set __bobthefish_right_arrow_glyph \uE0B1
-set __bobthefish_left_black_arrow_glyph \uE0B2
-set __bobthefish_left_arrow_glyph \uE0B3
-# Additional glyphs
-set __bobthefish_detached_glyph \u27A6
-set __bobthefish_nonzero_exit_glyph '! '
-set __bobthefish_superuser_glyph '$ '
-set __bobthefish_bg_job_glyph '% '
-set __bobthefish_hg_glyph \u263F
-# Python glyphs
-set __bobthefish_superscript_glyph \u00B9 \u00B2 \u00B3
-set __bobthefish_virtualenv_glyph \u25F0
-set __bobthefish_pypy_glyph \u1D56
-# Colors
-set __bobthefish_lt_green addc10
-set __bobthefish_med_green 189303
-set __bobthefish_dk_green 0c4801
-set __bobthefish_lt_red C99
-set __bobthefish_med_red ce000f
-set __bobthefish_dk_red 600
-set __bobthefish_slate_blue 255e87
-set __bobthefish_lt_orange f6b117
-set __bobthefish_dk_orange 3a2a03
-set __bobthefish_dk_grey 333
-set __bobthefish_med_grey 999
-set __bobthefish_lt_grey ccc
-set __bobthefish_dk_brown 4d2600
-set __bobthefish_med_brown 803F00
-set __bobthefish_lt_brown BF5E00
-set __bobthefish_dk_blue 1E2933
-set __bobthefish_med_blue 275379
-set __bobthefish_lt_blue 326D9E
-# ===========================
-# Helper methods
-# ===========================
-function __bobthefish_in_git -d 'Check whether pwd is inside a git repo'
- command which git > /dev/null 2>&1; and command git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree >/dev/null 2>&1
-function __bobthefish_in_hg -d 'Check whether pwd is inside a hg repo'
- command which hg > /dev/null 2>&1; and command hg stat > /dev/null 2>&1
-function __bobthefish_git_branch -d 'Get the current git branch (or commitish)'
- set -l ref (command git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null)
- if [ $status -gt 0 ]
- set -l branch (command git show-ref --head -s --abbrev |head -n1 2> /dev/null)
- set ref "$__bobthefish_detached_glyph $branch"
- end
- echo $ref | sed "s-refs/heads/-$__bobthefish_branch_glyph -"
-function __bobthefish_hg_branch -d 'Get the current hg branch'
- set -l branch (hg branch ^/dev/null)
- set -l book " @ "(hg book | grep \* | cut -d\ -f3)
- echo "$__bobthefish_branch_glyph $branch$book"
-function __bobthefish_pretty_parent -d 'Print a parent directory, shortened to fit the prompt'
- echo -n (dirname $argv[1]) | sed -e 's|/private||' -e "s|^$HOME|~|" -e 's-/\(\.\{0,1\}[^/]\)\([^/]*\)-/\1-g' -e 's|/$||'
-function __bobthefish_git_project_dir -d 'Print the current git project base directory'
- command git rev-parse --show-toplevel 2>/dev/null
-function __bobthefish_hg_project_dir -d 'Print the current hg project base directory'
- command hg root 2>/dev/null
-function __bobthefish_project_pwd -d 'Print the working directory relative to project root'
- echo "$PWD" | sed -e "s*$argv[1]**g" -e 's*^/**'
-# ===========================
-# Segment functions
-# ===========================
-function __bobthefish_start_segment -d 'Start a prompt segment'
- set_color -b $argv[1]
- set_color $argv[2]
- if [ "$__bobthefish_current_bg" = 'NONE' ]
- # If there's no background, just start one
- echo -n ' '
- else
- # If there's already a background...
- if [ "$argv[1]" = "$__bobthefish_current_bg" ]
- # and it's the same color, draw a separator
- echo -n "$__bobthefish_right_arrow_glyph "
- else
- # otherwise, draw the end of the previous segment and the start of the next
- set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg
- echo -n "$__bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph "
- set_color $argv[2]
- end
- end
- set __bobthefish_current_bg $argv[1]
-function __bobthefish_path_segment -d 'Display a shortened form of a directory'
- if test -w "$argv[1]"
- __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_grey $__bobthefish_med_grey
- else
- __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_dk_red $__bobthefish_lt_red
- end
- set -l directory
- set -l parent
- switch "$argv[1]"
- case /
- set directory '/'
- case "$HOME"
- set directory '~'
- case '*'
- set parent (__bobthefish_pretty_parent "$argv[1]")
- set parent "$parent/"
- set directory (basename "$argv[1]")
- end
- test "$parent"; and echo -n -s "$parent"
- set_color fff --bold
- echo -n "$directory "
- set_color normal
-function __bobthefish_finish_segments -d 'Close open prompt segments'
- if [ -n $__bobthefish_current_bg -a $__bobthefish_current_bg != 'NONE' ]
- set_color -b normal
- set_color $__bobthefish_current_bg
- echo -n "$__bobthefish_right_black_arrow_glyph "
- set_color normal
- end
- set -g __bobthefish_current_bg NONE
-# ===========================
-# Theme components
-# ===========================
-function __bobthefish_prompt_status -d 'Display symbols for a non zero exit status, root and background jobs'
- set -l nonzero
- set -l superuser
- set -l bg_jobs
- # Last exit was nonzero
- if [ $status -ne 0 ]
- set nonzero $__bobthefish_nonzero_exit_glyph
- end
- # if superuser (uid == 0)
- set -l uid (id -u $USER)
- if [ $uid -eq 0 ]
- set superuser $__bobthefish_superuser_glyph
- end
- # Jobs display
- if [ (jobs -l | wc -l) -gt 0 ]
- set bg_jobs $__bobthefish_bg_job_glyph
- end
- set -l status_flags "$nonzero$superuser$bg_jobs"
- if test "$nonzero" -o "$superuser" -o "$bg_jobs"
- __bobthefish_start_segment fff 000
- if [ "$nonzero" ]
- set_color $__bobthefish_med_red --bold
- echo -n $__bobthefish_nonzero_exit_glyph
- end
- if [ "$superuser" ]
- set_color $__bobthefish_med_green --bold
- echo -n $__bobthefish_superuser_glyph
- end
- if [ "$bg_jobs" ]
- set_color $__bobthefish_slate_blue --bold
- echo -n $__bobthefish_bg_job_glyph
- end
- set_color normal
- end
-function __bobthefish_prompt_user -d 'Display actual user if different from $default_user'
- if [ "$theme_display_user" = 'yes' ]
- if [ "$USER" != "$default_user" -o -n "$SSH_CLIENT" ]
- __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_lt_grey $__bobthefish_slate_blue
- echo -n -s (whoami) '@' (hostname | cut -d . -f 1) ' '
- end
- end
-function __bobthefish_prompt_hg -d 'Display the actual hg state'
- set -l dirty (command hg stat; or echo -n '*')
- set -l flags "$dirty"
- test "$flags"; and set flags ""
- set -l flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_green
- set -l flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_green
- if test "$dirty"
- set flag_bg $__bobthefish_med_red
- set flag_fg fff
- end
- __bobthefish_path_segment (__bobthefish_hg_project_dir)
- __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg
- echo -n -s $__bobthefish_hg_glyph ' '
- __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg
- set_color $flag_fg --bold
- echo -n -s (__bobthefish_hg_branch) $flags ' '
- set_color normal
- set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd (__bobthefish_hg_project_dir))
- if test "$project_pwd"
- if test -w "$PWD"
- __bobthefish_start_segment 333 999
- else
- __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_red $__bobthefish_lt_red
- end
- echo -n -s $project_pwd ' '
- end
-# TODO: clean up the fugly $ahead business
-function __bobthefish_prompt_git -d 'Display the actual git state'
- set -l dirty (command git diff --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code; or echo -n '*')
- set -l staged (command git diff --cached --no-ext-diff --quiet --exit-code; or echo -n '~')
- set -l stashed (command git rev-parse --verify refs/stash > /dev/null 2>&1; and echo -n '$')
- set -l ahead (command git branch -v 2> /dev/null | grep -Eo '^\* [^ ]* *[^ ]* *\[[^]]*\]' | grep -Eo '\[[^]]*\]$' | awk 'ORS="";/ahead/ {print "+"} /behind/ {print "-"}' | sed -e 's/+-/±/')
- set -l new (command git ls-files --other --exclude-standard);
- test "$new"; and set new '…'
- set -l flags "$dirty$staged$stashed$ahead$new"
- test "$flags"; and set flags " $flags"
- set -l flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_green
- set -l flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_green
- if test "$dirty" -o "$staged"
- set flag_bg $__bobthefish_med_red
- set flag_fg fff
- else
- if test "$stashed"
- set flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_orange
- set flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_orange
- end
- end
- __bobthefish_path_segment (__bobthefish_git_project_dir)
- __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg
- set_color $flag_fg --bold
- echo -n -s (__bobthefish_git_branch) $flags ' '
- set_color normal
- set -l project_pwd (__bobthefish_project_pwd (__bobthefish_git_project_dir))
- if test "$project_pwd"
- if test -w "$PWD"
- __bobthefish_start_segment 333 999
- else
- __bobthefish_start_segment $__bobthefish_med_red $__bobthefish_lt_red
- end
- echo -n -s $project_pwd ' '
- end
-function __bobthefish_prompt_dir -d 'Display a shortened form of the current directory'
- __bobthefish_path_segment "$PWD"
-function __bobthefish_in_virtualfish_virtualenv
- set -q VIRTUAL_ENV
-function __bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version -d 'Get current python version'
- switch (readlink (which python))
- case python2
- echo $__bobthefish_superscript_glyph[2]
- case python3
- echo $__bobthefish_superscript_glyph[3]
- case pypy
- echo $__bobthefish_pypy_glyph
- end
-function __bobthefish_virtualenv -d 'Get the current virtualenv'
- echo $__bobthefish_virtualenv_glyph(__bobthefish_virtualenv_python_version) (basename "$VIRTUAL_ENV")
-function __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish -d "Display activated virtual environment (only for virtualfish, virtualenv's changes prompt by itself)"
- set flag_bg $__bobthefish_lt_blue
- set flag_fg $__bobthefish_dk_blue
- __bobthefish_start_segment $flag_bg $flag_fg
- set_color $flag_fg --bold
- echo -n -s (__bobthefish_virtualenv) $flags ' '
- set_color normal
-# ===========================
-# Apply theme
-# ===========================
-function fish_prompt -d 'bobthefish, a fish theme optimized for awesome'
- __bobthefish_prompt_status
- __bobthefish_prompt_user
- if __bobthefish_in_virtualfish_virtualenv
- __bobthefish_prompt_virtualfish
- end
- if __bobthefish_in_git # TODO: do this right.
- __bobthefish_prompt_git # if something is in both git and hg, check the length of
- else if __bobthefish_in_hg # __bobthefish_git_project_dir vs __bobthefish_hg_project_dir
- __bobthefish_prompt_hg # and pick the longer of the two.
- else
- __bobthefish_prompt_dir
- end
- __bobthefish_finish_segments
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# funced - edit a function interactively
-# Synopsis
-# funced [OPTIONS] NAME
-# Description
-# funced provides an interface to edit the definition of the function NAME.
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-function funced --description 'Edit function definition'
- set -l editor $EDITOR
- set -l interactive
- set -l funcname
- while set -q argv[1]
- switch $argv[1]
- case -h --help
- __fish_print_help funced
- return 0
- case -e --editor
- set editor $argv[2]
- set -e argv[2]
- case -i --interactive
- set interactive 1
- case --
- set funcname $funcname $argv[2]
- set -e argv[2]
- case '-*'
- set_color red
- printf (_ "%s: Unknown option %s\n") funced $argv[1]
- set_color normal
- return 1
- case '*' '.*'
- set funcname $funcname $argv[1]
- end
- set -e argv[1]
- end
- if begin; set -q funcname[2]; or not test "$funcname[1]"; end
- set_color red
- _ "funced: You must specify one function name
- set_color normal
- return 1
- end
- set -l init
- switch $funcname
- case '-*'
- set init function -- $funcname\n\nend
- case '*'
- set init function $funcname\n\nend
- end
- # Break editor up to get its first command (i.e. discard flags)
- if test -n "$editor"
- set -l editor_cmd
- eval set editor_cmd $editor
- if not type -f "$editor_cmd[1]" >/dev/null
- _ "funced: The value for \$EDITOR '$editor' could not be used because the command '$editor_cmd[1]' could not be found
- "
- set editor fish
- end
- end
- # If no editor is specified, use fish
- if test -z "$editor"
- set editor fish
- end
- if begin; set -q interactive[1]; or test "$editor" = fish; end
- set -l IFS
- if functions -q -- $funcname
- # Shadow IFS here to avoid array splitting in command substitution
- set init (functions -- $funcname | fish_indent --no-indent)
- end
- set -l prompt 'printf "%s%s%s> " (set_color green) '$funcname' (set_color normal)'
- # Unshadow IFS since the fish_title breaks otherwise
- set -e IFS
- if read -p $prompt -c "$init" -s cmd
- # Shadow IFS _again_ to avoid array splitting in command substitution
- set -l IFS
- eval (echo -n $cmd | fish_indent)
- end
- return 0
- end
- set -q TMPDIR; or set -l TMPDIR /tmp
- set -l tmpname (printf "$TMPDIR/" %self (random))
- while test -f $tmpname
- set tmpname (printf "$TMPDIR/" %self (random))
- end
- if functions -q -- $funcname
- functions -- $funcname > $tmpname
- else
- echo $init > $tmpname
- end
- if eval $editor $tmpname
- . $tmpname
- end
- set -l stat $status
- rm -f $tmpname >/dev/null
- return $stat
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Main file for fish command completions. This file contains various
-# common helper functions for the command completions. All actual
-# completions are located in the completions subdirectory.
-## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Set default field separators
-set -g IFS \n\ \t
-# Set default search paths for completions and shellscript functions
-# unless they already exist
-set -l configdir ~/.config
-if set -q XDG_CONFIG_HOME
- set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
-# __fish_datadir, __fish_sysconfdir, __fish_help_dir, __fish_bin_dir
-# are expected to have been set up by read_init from fish.cpp
-# Set up function and completion paths. Make sure that the fish
-# default functions/completions are included in the respective path.
-if not set -q fish_function_path
- set fish_function_path $configdir/fish/functions $__fish_sysconfdir/functions $__fish_datadir/functions
-if not contains $__fish_datadir/functions $fish_function_path
- set fish_function_path[-1] $__fish_datadir/functions
-if not set -q fish_complete_path
- set fish_complete_path $configdir/fish/completions $__fish_sysconfdir/completions $__fish_datadir/completions
-if not contains $__fish_datadir/completions $fish_complete_path
- set fish_complete_path[-1] $__fish_datadir/completions
-# This is a Solaris-specific test to modify the PATH so that
-# Posix-conformant tools are used by default. It is separate from the
-# other PATH code because this directory needs to be prepended, not
-# appended, since it contains POSIX-compliant replacements for various
-# system utilities.
-if test -d /usr/xpg4/bin
- if not contains /usr/xpg4/bin $PATH
- set PATH /usr/xpg4/bin $PATH
- end
-# Add a few common directories to path, if they exists. Note that pure
-# console programs like makedep sometimes live in /usr/X11R6/bin, so we
-# want this even for text-only terminals.
-set -l path_list /bin /usr/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/bin $__fish_bin_dir
-# Root should also have the sbin directories in the path
-switch $USER
- case root
- set path_list $path_list /sbin /usr/sbin /usr/local/sbin
-for i in $path_list
- if not contains $i $PATH
- if test -d $i
- set PATH $PATH $i
- end
- end
-# Launch debugger on SIGTRAP
-function fish_sigtrap_handler --on-signal TRAP --no-scope-shadowing --description "Signal handler for the TRAP signal. Lanches a debug prompt."
- breakpoint
-# Whenever a prompt is displayed, make sure that interactive
-# mode-specific initializations have been performed.
-# This handler removes itself after it is first called.
-function __fish_on_interactive --on-event fish_prompt
- __fish_config_interactive
- functions -e __fish_on_interactive