path: root/tests/examplefiles/example.j
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/example.j')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 564 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.j b/tests/examplefiles/example.j
deleted file mode 100644
index 16cdde86..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/example.j
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,564 +0,0 @@
-; Example JVM assembly
-; Tested with JasminXT 2.4
-.bytecode 49.0
-.class public final enum HelloWorld
-.super java/lang/Object
-.implements java/io/Serializable
-.signature "Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/io/Serializable;"
-.enclosing method hw/
-.annotation visible HelloWorld
- I I = 0
-.end annotation
-.debug "Happy debugging!"
-.inner interface public InnerInterface inner 'HelloWorld$InnerInterface' outer HelloWorld
-.inner class public InnerClass inner HelloWorld$InnerClass outer 'HelloWorld'
-.field public volatile transient I I
-.field static protected final serialVersionUID 'J' signature "TJ;" = 2147483648
-.field annotation protected 'protected' [[[Lcom/oracle/util/Checksums;
- .deprecated
- .signature "[[[Lcom/oracle/util/Checksums;"
- .attribute foo "foo.txt"
- .attribute 'foo' "foo.txt"
-.end field
-.field public newline I
-.field public static defaultString 'Ljava/lang/String;'
-.method public <init>()V
- .limit stack 3
-.line 7
- .var 0 is self LHelloWorld; from 0 to 1
- aload_0
- invokenonvirtual java/lang/Object/<init>()V
- return
-.end method
-.method static public main([Ljava/lang/String;)V
- .limit locals 7
- .limit stack 10
- .throws java.lang/RuntimeException
- .catch java/lang.ClassCastException from cast to 'extra_l' using /extra
- .signature "([Ljava/lang/String;)V"
- .stack
- offset /Input
- locals Object java/lang/String
- locals Uninitialized 'End'
- locals Uninitialized 0
- locals Top
- locals Integer
- locals Float
- locals Long
- locals Double
- locals Null
- locals UninitializedThis
- stack Object java/lang/String
- stack Uninitialized End
- stack 'Uninitialized' 0
- stack 'Top'
- stack Integer
- stack Float
- stack Long
- stack Double
- stack Null
- stack UninitializedThis
- .end stack
- .stack use 1 locals
- offset 'extra'
- .end stack
- .stack use locals
- .end stack
-.line 0xd
- .var 0 is args [Ljava/lang/String;
- aload_w 0
- arraylength
- ifne /Input
- iconst_1
- anewarray java/lang/String
- checkcast [Ljava/lang/String;
- astore_0
- aload_0
- iconst_0
- ldc "World"
- dup
- putstatic HelloWorld.defaultString Ljava/lang/String;
- aastore
- iconst_2
- iconst_3
- multianewarray [[C 2
- astore_1
- aload_1
- iconst_0
- aaload
- astore_2
- aload_1
- iconst_1
- aaload
- astore_3
- aload_3
- iconst_0
- invokestatic HelloWorld/int()I
- castore
- aload_3
- dconst_1
- dconst_0
- dsub
- d2i
- invokestatic HelloWorld/double()D
- d2i
- castore
- aload_3
- lconst_0
- dup2
- lxor
- lconst_1
- dup2
- ladd
- lsub
- lneg
- l2i
- invokestatic HelloWorld/long()J
- l2i
- castore
- aload_2
- fconst_0
- fconst_1
- fconst_2
- dup_x2
- fdiv
- fmul
- f2l
- l2i
- swap
- invokestatic HelloWorld/float(F)F
- f2i
- castore
-<<e :
- aload_2
- iconst_1
- i2s
- i2c
- i2b
- iconst_1
- newarray short
- dup
- iconst_0
- iconst_1
- newarray byte
- dup
- iconst_0
- sipush 0x65
- bastore
- iconst_0
- baload
- sastore
- iconst_0
- saload
- int2short
- int2char
- int2byte
- castore
- <<l :
- aload_2
- iconst_2
- bipush 0x1b
- iconst_1
- ishl
- dup
- lookupswitch
- 0: '/lookupswitch'
- 0x6c: /lookupswitch
- default: *2
- castore
- ldc2_w 2
- dup2
- lcmp
- .set i 4
- .set 'j' 5
- .var 4 is i I from 'i++' to End
- .var 5 is j I signature "I" from i++ to End
- istore 4
- goto 1
- iinc 4 1
-1: iconst_0
- istore_w 5
- goto_w 2
- iinc_w 5 1
-2: getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
- aload_1
- iload 4
- aaload
- iload_w 5
- caload
- invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(C)V
- iload 5
- iconst_1
- if_icmpne $+6
- jsr extra
- iload 5
- iconst_2
- if_icmplt j++
- iconst_1
- iload 4
- if_icmpgt i++
- getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
- invokestatic HelloWorld/get"example()LHelloWorld;
- getfield HelloWorld/newline I
- invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(C)V
- return
- astore 6
- iload 4
- tableswitch 0 1
- extra_l
- extra_string
- default: 'End'
- nop
- getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
- aload 0
- iconst_0
- aaload
- invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(Ljava/lang/String;)V
- ldc java/lang/String
- checkcast java/lang/Class
- pop
- ldc Ljava/lang/String;
- checkcast Ljava/lang/Class;
- pop
- iconst_1
- dup
- newarray boolean
- checkcast [Z
- pop
- newarray 'int'
- checkcast HelloWorld
- checkcast LHelloWorld;
- pop
- getstatic java/lang/System/out Ljava/io/PrintStream;
- dup
- ldc "\123.\456.\u006c.\n.\r.\t.\f.\b.\".\'.\\"
- iconst_5
- invokeinterface java/lang/CharSequence/charAt(I)C 2
- invokevirtual java/io/PrintStream/print(C)V
- pop
- ret 6
-.end method
-.method private static get"example()LHelloWorld;
- .limit locals 3
- .limit stack 4
- .catch all from 7 to 53 using 59
- aconst_null
- dup
- dup
- astore_w 0
- goto $+0x11
- astore_w 2
- putfield HelloWorld/newline I
- ret_w 2
- nop
- aload_0
- areturn
- ifnonnull $-2
- ifnull $+3
- new HelloWorld
- dup
- dup
- invokespecial HelloWorld/<init>()V
- astore 0
- aload 0
- monitorenter
- monitorexit
- new java/lang/RuntimeException
- dup
- invokespecial java/lang/RuntimeException/<init>()V
- athrow
- aconst_null
- dup
- aconst_null
- if_acmpeq $+3
- areturn
- jsr $+10
- aload_0
- dup
- aconst_null
- if_acmpne /try
- areturn
- astore_1
- aload_0
- ldc 10
- jsr_w finally
- ret 1
-'single\u0020quoted\u0020label': ; Messes up [@ below if lexed sloppily
-.end method
-.method varargs private static int()I
- .annotation invisible HelloWorld
- [@ [@ WhatIsThis??? = .annotation ; name, type, exttype
- I I = 1 ; name, type
- another-I I = 2
- Enum e Ljava/util/logging/Level; = FINE
- .end annotation
- .annotation
- s s = "foo"
- another-s s = "bar"
- Enum [e Ljava/util/logging/Level; = FINE FINE 'FINE' FINE
- .end annotation
- float F = 123.456
- .end annotation
- .annotation visibleparam 1 LHelloWorld;
- x [I = 0x01 0x02 0x03
- y I = 2
- .end annotation
- .annotation invisibleparam 255 HelloWorld
- a F = 1.2
- b D = 3.4
- .end annotation
- .annotation default
- I = 0
- .end annotation
- .limit locals 4
- .limit stack 20
- iconst_1
- newarray int
- dup
- dup
- instanceof [Z
- bipush 0x9
- bipush 0xB
- iand
- iconst_5
- iconst_4
- dup_x1
- iconst_m1
- iadd
- bipush +-111
- ineg
- swap
- idiv
- dup_x2
- dup
- ishr
- ishl
- imul
- ior
- bipush -73
- ixor
- isub
- dup
- iconst_1
- iadd
- irem
- iastore
- iconst_0
- iaload
- istore_0
- iload_0
- istore_1
- iload_1
- istore_2
- iload_2
- istore_3
- iload_3
- dup
- dup
- dup2_x1
- if_icmpeq $+33
- dup
- dup
- if_icmpge $+28
- dup
- dup
- if_icmple $+23
- dup
- ifle $+19
- dup
- ifeq $+15
- dup
- iflt $+11
- dup
- ifgt $+7
- dup
- ifge $+3
- ireturn
-.end method
-.method static private fpstrict double()D
- .limit locals 7
- .limit stack 11
- dconst_1
- dconst_0
- dcmpg
- newarray double
- dup
- dconst_0
- dup2
- dcmpl
- ldc2_w 128.
- ldc2_w -240.221d
- dneg
- ldc2_w 158.d
- dup2
- dadd
- dup2_x2
- drem
- ddiv
- pop2
- dconst_1
- dmul
- d2f
- f2d
- d2l
- l2i
- iconst_2
- iushr
- i2d
- dastore
- iconst_0
- daload
- dstore_0
- dload_0
- dstore_1
- dload_1
- dstore_2
- dload_2
- dstore_3
- dload_3
- dstore 4
- dload 4
- dstore_w 5
- dload_w 5
- dreturn
-.end method
-.method static long()J
- .limit locals 7
- .limit stack 11
- iconst_1
- newarray long
- dup
- iconst_0
- ldc2_w 5718613688
- ldc2_w 3143486100
- ldc2_w 0x3
- ldiv
- lmul
- ldc2_w -10000000000
- lrem
- ldc_w 0x60
- i2l
- lor
- ldc 0x33
- i2l
- land
- dup2
- iconst_1
- lshl
- iconst_3
- lshr
- iconst_3
- lushr
- ladd
- l2d
- d2l
- l2f
- f2l
- lastore
- iconst_0
- laload
- lstore_0
- lload_0
- lstore_1
- lload_1
- lstore_2
- lload_2
- lstore_3
- lload_3
- lstore 4
- lload 4
- lstore_w 5
- lload_w 5
- lreturn
-.end method
-.method private static float(F)F
- .limit locals 6
- .limit stack 9
- iconst_1
- newarray float
- dup
- fload_0
- dup
- fcmpg
- fload_0
- dup
- dup
- dup
- dup2_x2
- fadd
- fsub
- fneg
- frem
- ldc 70
- i2f
- fadd
- fadd
- swap
- pop
- fastore
- fload_0
- dup
- fcmpl
- faload
- fstore_0
- fload_0
- fstore_1
- fload_1
- fstore_2
- fload_2
- fstore_3
- fload_3
- fstore 4
- fload 4
- fstore_w 5
- fload_w 5
- freturn
-.end method
-.method abstract bridge synthetic 'acc1()V'
- breakpoint
-.end method
-.method native synchronized acc2()V
-.end method