path: root/tests/examplefiles/example.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/example.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 274 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/example.lua b/tests/examplefiles/example.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ecd6a13..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/example.lua
+++ /dev/null
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- Auctioneer Advanced
- Version: <%version%> (<%codename%>)
- Revision: $Id: CoreMain.lua 2233 2007-09-25 03:57:33Z norganna $
- URL:
- This is an addon for World of Warcraft that adds statistical history to the auction data that is collected
- when the auction is scanned, so that you can easily determine what price
- you will be able to sell an item for at auction or at a vendor whenever you
- mouse-over an item in the game
- License:
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program(see GPL.txt); if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
- Note:
- This AddOn's source code is specifically designed to work with
- World of Warcraft's interpreted AddOn system.
- You have an implicit licence to use this AddOn with these facilities
- since that is its designated purpose as per:
- See CoreAPI.lua for a description of the modules API
-if (not AucAdvanced) then AucAdvanced = {} end
-if (not AucAdvancedData) then AucAdvancedData = {} end
-if (not AucAdvancedLocal) then AucAdvancedLocal = {} end
-if (not AucAdvancedConfig) then AucAdvancedConfig = {} end
-if (AucAdvanced.Version == "<".."%version%>") then
- AucAdvanced.Version = "5.0.DEV";
-local private = {}
--- For our modular stats system, each stats engine should add their
--- subclass to AucAdvanced.Modules.<type>.<name> and store their data into their own
--- data table in AucAdvancedData.Stats.<type><name>
-if (not AucAdvanced.Modules) then AucAdvanced.Modules = {Stat={},Util={},Filter={}} end
-if (not AucAdvancedData.Stats) then AucAdvancedData.Stats = {} end
-if (not AucAdvancedLocal.Stats) then AucAdvancedLocal.Stats = {} end
-function private.TooltipHook(vars, ret, frame, name, hyperlink, quality, quantity, cost, additional)
- if EnhTooltip.LinkType(hyperlink) ~= "item" then
- return -- Auctioneer hooks into item tooltips only
- end
- -- Check to see if we need to force load scandata
- local getter = AucAdvanced.Settings.GetSetting
- if (getter("scandata.tooltip.display") and getter("scandata.force")) then
- AucAdvanced.Scan.GetImage()
- end
- for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do
- for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do
- if (engineLib.Processor) then engineLib.Processor("tooltip", frame, name, hyperlink, quality, quantity, cost, additional) end
- end
- end
-function private.HookAH()
- hooksecurefunc("AuctionFrameBrowse_Update", AucAdvanced.API.ListUpdate)
- for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do
- for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do
- if (engineLib.Processor) then
- engineLib.Processor("auctionui")
- end
- end
- end
-function private.OnLoad(addon)
- addon = addon:lower()
- -- Check if the actual addon itself is loading
- if (addon == "auc-advanced") then
- Stubby.RegisterAddOnHook("Blizzard_AuctionUi", "Auc-Advanced", private.HookAH)
- Stubby.RegisterFunctionHook("EnhTooltip.AddTooltip", 600, private.TooltipHook)
- for pos, module in ipairs(AucAdvanced.EmbeddedModules) do
- -- These embedded modules have also just been loaded
- private.OnLoad(module)
- end
- end
- -- Notify the actual module if it exists
- local auc, sys, eng = strsplit("-", addon)
- if (auc == "auc" and sys and eng) then
- for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do
- if (sys == system:lower()) then
- for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do
- if (eng == engine:lower() and engineLib.OnLoad) then
- engineLib.OnLoad(addon)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Check all modules' load triggers and pass event to processors
- for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do
- for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do
- if (engineLib.LoadTriggers and engineLib.LoadTriggers[addon]) then
- if (engineLib.OnLoad) then
- engineLib.OnLoad(addon)
- end
- end
- if (engineLib.Processor and auc == "auc" and sys and eng) then
- engineLib.Processor("load", addon)
- end
- end
- end
-function private.OnUnload()
- for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do
- for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do
- if (engineLib.OnUnload) then
- engineLib.OnUnload()
- end
- end
- end
-private.Schedule = {}
-function private.OnEvent(...)
- local event, arg = select(2, ...)
- if (event == "ADDON_LOADED") then
- local addon = string.lower(arg)
- if (addon:sub(1,4) == "auc-") then
- private.OnLoad(addon)
- end
- elseif (event == "AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW") then
- -- Do Nothing for now
- elseif (event == "AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED") then
- AucAdvanced.Scan.Interrupt()
- elseif (event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT") then
- AucAdvanced.Scan.Commit(true)
- private.OnUnload()
- elseif event == "UNIT_INVENTORY_CHANGED"
- or event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED"
- or event == "CURSOR_UPDATE"
- or event == "BAG_UPDATE"
- then
- private.Schedule["inventory"] = GetTime() + 0.15
- end
-function private.OnUpdate(...)
- if event == "inventory" then
- AucAdvanced.Post.AlertBagsChanged()
- end
- local now = GetTime()
- for event, time in pairs(private.Schedule) do
- if time > now then
- for system, systemMods in pairs(AucAdvanced.Modules) do
- for engine, engineLib in pairs(systemMods) do
- if engineLib.Processor then
- engineLib.Processor(event, time)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- private.Schedule[event] = nil
- end
-private.Frame = CreateFrame("Frame")
-private.Frame:SetScript("OnEvent", private.OnEvent)
-private.Frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", private.OnUpdate)
--- Auctioneer's debug functions
-AucAdvanced.Debug = {}
-local addonName = "Auctioneer" -- the addon's name as it will be displayed in
- -- the debug messages
--- Prints the specified message to nLog.
--- syntax:
--- errorCode, message = debugPrint([message][, category][, title][, errorCode][, level])
--- parameters:
--- message - (string) the error message
--- nil, no error message specified
--- category - (string) the category of the debug message
--- nil, no category specified
--- title - (string) the title for the debug message
--- nil, no title specified
--- errorCode - (number) the error code
--- nil, no error code specified
--- level - (string) nLog message level
--- Any nLog.levels string is valid.
--- nil, no level specified
--- returns:
--- errorCode - (number) errorCode, if one is specified
--- nil, otherwise
--- message - (string) message, if one is specified
--- nil, otherwise
-function AucAdvanced.Debug.DebugPrint(message, category, title, errorCode, level)
- return DebugLib.DebugPrint(addonName, message, category, title, errorCode, level)
--- Used to make sure that conditions are met within functions.
--- If test is false, the error message will be written to nLog and the user's
--- default chat channel.
--- syntax:
--- assertion = assert(test, message)
--- parameters:
--- test - (any) false/nil, if the assertion failed
--- anything else, otherwise
--- message - (string) the message which will be output to the user
--- returns:
--- assertion - (boolean) true, if the test passed
--- false, otherwise
-function AucAdvanced.Debug.Assert(test, message)
- return DebugLib.Assert(addonName, test, message)
-Here follow further tests of Lua syntax.
-local t = {
- [ [[
-]==] \]]]=1|2; a={b={c={}}},
- 1, 1., 1.2, .2, 1e3, 1.e3, 1.2e3, .2e3, 1.2e+3, 1.2E-3;
- 0xA, 0Xa, 0xA., 0x.F, 0xA.F, 0xA.Fp1, 0xA.FP+1, 0Xa.fp-1;
-function t.f()
- goto eof
- os.exit()
- :: eof ::
-function t . a --[==[x]==] .b --[==[y]==] --
--- () end
- . c : d (file)
- return '.\a.\b.\f.\n.\r.\t.\v.\\.\".\'.\
- .\0.\00.\000.\0000.\xFa.\u{1}.\u{1234}'