path: root/tests/examplefiles/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1213 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/ b/tests/examplefiles/
deleted file mode 100644
index 49b40678..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1213 +0,0 @@
-(* *)
-(* Objective Caml *)
-(* *)
-(* Pierre Weis, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
-(* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *)
-(* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *)
-(* *)
-(* $Id:,v 1.65 2005/09/26 10:13:08 weis Exp $ *)
- Data structures definitions.
- **************************************************************)
-type size;;
-external size_of_int : int -> size = "%identity";;
-external int_of_size : size -> int = "%identity";;
-(* Tokens are one of the following : *)
-type pp_token =
-| Pp_text of string (* normal text *)
-| Pp_break of int * int (* complete break *)
-| Pp_tbreak of int * int (* go to next tabulation *)
-| Pp_stab (* set a tabulation *)
-| Pp_begin of int * block_type (* beginning of a block *)
-| Pp_end (* end of a block *)
-| Pp_tbegin of tblock (* beginning of a tabulation block *)
-| Pp_tend (* end of a tabulation block *)
-| Pp_newline (* to force a newline inside a block *)
-| Pp_if_newline (* to do something only if this very
- line has been broken *)
-| Pp_open_tag of string (* opening a tag name *)
-| Pp_close_tag (* closing the most recently opened tag *)
-and tag = string
-and block_type =
-| Pp_hbox (* Horizontal block no line breaking *)
-| Pp_vbox (* Vertical block each break leads to a new line *)
-| Pp_hvbox (* Horizontal-vertical block: same as vbox, except if this block
- is small enough to fit on a single line *)
-| Pp_hovbox (* Horizontal or Vertical block: breaks lead to new line
- only when necessary to print the content of the block *)
-| Pp_box (* Horizontal or Indent block: breaks lead to new line
- only when necessary to print the content of the block, or
- when it leads to a new indentation of the current line *)
-| Pp_fits (* Internal usage: when a block fits on a single line *)
-and tblock = Pp_tbox of int list ref (* Tabulation box *)
-(* The Queue:
- contains all formatting elements.
- elements are tuples (size, token, length), where
- size is set when the size of the block is known
- len is the declared length of the token. *)
-type pp_queue_elem = {
- mutable elem_size : size; token : pp_token; length : int
-(* Scan stack:
- each element is (left_total, queue element) where left_total
- is the value of pp_left_total when the element has been enqueued. *)
-type pp_scan_elem = Scan_elem of int * pp_queue_elem;;
-(* Formatting stack:
- used to break the lines while printing tokens.
- The formatting stack contains the description of
- the currently active blocks. *)
-type pp_format_elem = Format_elem of block_type * int;;
-(* General purpose queues, used in the formatter. *)
-type 'a queue_elem = | Nil | Cons of 'a queue_cell
-and 'a queue_cell = {mutable head : 'a; mutable tail : 'a queue_elem};;
-type 'a queue = {
- mutable insert : 'a queue_elem;
- mutable body : 'a queue_elem
-(* The formatter specific tag handling functions. *)
-type formatter_tag_functions = {
- mark_open_tag : tag -> string;
- mark_close_tag : tag -> string;
- print_open_tag : tag -> unit;
- print_close_tag : tag -> unit;
-(* A formatter with all its machinery. *)
-type formatter = {
- mutable pp_scan_stack : pp_scan_elem list;
- mutable pp_format_stack : pp_format_elem list;
- mutable pp_tbox_stack : tblock list;
- mutable pp_tag_stack : tag list;
- mutable pp_mark_stack : tag list;
- (* Global variables: default initialization is
- set_margin 78
- set_min_space_left 0. *)
- (* Value of right margin. *)
- mutable pp_margin : int;
- (* Minimal space left before margin, when opening a block. *)
- mutable pp_min_space_left : int;
- (* Maximum value of indentation:
- no blocks can be opened further. *)
- mutable pp_max_indent : int;
- (* Space remaining on the current line. *)
- mutable pp_space_left : int;
- (* Current value of indentation. *)
- mutable pp_current_indent : int;
- (* True when the line has been broken by the pretty-printer. *)
- mutable pp_is_new_line : bool;
- (* Total width of tokens already printed. *)
- mutable pp_left_total : int;
- (* Total width of tokens ever put in queue. *)
- mutable pp_right_total : int;
- (* Current number of opened blocks. *)
- mutable pp_curr_depth : int;
- (* Maximum number of blocks which can be simultaneously opened. *)
- mutable pp_max_boxes : int;
- (* Ellipsis string. *)
- mutable pp_ellipsis : string;
- (* Output function. *)
- mutable pp_output_function : string -> int -> int -> unit;
- (* Flushing function. *)
- mutable pp_flush_function : unit -> unit;
- (* Output of new lines. *)
- mutable pp_output_newline : unit -> unit;
- (* Output of indentation spaces. *)
- mutable pp_output_spaces : int -> unit;
- (* Are tags printed ? *)
- mutable pp_print_tags : bool;
- (* Are tags marked ? *)
- mutable pp_mark_tags : bool;
- (* Find opening and closing markers of tags. *)
- mutable pp_mark_open_tag : tag -> string;
- mutable pp_mark_close_tag : tag -> string;
- mutable pp_print_open_tag : tag -> unit;
- mutable pp_print_close_tag : tag -> unit;
- (* The pretty-printer queue. *)
- mutable pp_queue : pp_queue_elem queue
- Auxilliaries and basic functions.
- **************************************************************)
-(* Queues auxilliaries. *)
-let make_queue () = {insert = Nil; body = Nil};;
-let clear_queue q = q.insert <- Nil; q.body <- Nil;;
-let add_queue x q =
- let c = Cons {head = x; tail = Nil} in
- match q with
- | {insert = Cons cell} -> q.insert <- c; cell.tail <- c
- (* Invariant: when insert is Nil body should be Nil. *)
- | _ -> q.insert <- c; q.body <- c;;
-exception Empty_queue;;
-let peek_queue = function
- | {body = Cons {head = x}} -> x
- | _ -> raise Empty_queue;;
-let take_queue = function
- | {body = Cons {head = x; tail = tl}} as q ->
- q.body <- tl;
- if tl = Nil then q.insert <- Nil; (* Maintain the invariant. *)
- x
- | _ -> raise Empty_queue;;
-(* Enter a token in the pretty-printer queue. *)
-let pp_enqueue state ({length = len} as token) =
- state.pp_right_total <- state.pp_right_total + len;
- add_queue token state.pp_queue;;
-let pp_clear_queue state =
- state.pp_left_total <- 1; state.pp_right_total <- 1;
- clear_queue state.pp_queue;;
-(* Pp_infinity: large value for default tokens size.
- Pp_infinity is documented as being greater than 1e10; to avoid
- confusion about the word ``greater'', we choose pp_infinity greater
- than 1e10 + 1; for correct handling of tests in the algorithm,
- pp_infinity must be even one more than 1e10 + 1; let's stand on the
- safe side by choosing 1.e10+10.
- Pp_infinity could probably be 1073741823 that is 2^30 - 1, that is
- the minimal upper bound for integers; now that max_int is defined,
- this limit could also be defined as max_int - 1.
- However, before setting pp_infinity to something around max_int, we
- must carefully double-check all the integer arithmetic operations
- that involve pp_infinity, since any overflow would wreck havoc the
- pretty-printing algorithm's invariants. Given that this arithmetic
- correctness check is difficult and error prone and given that 1e10
- + 1 is in practice large enough, there is no need to attempt to set
- pp_infinity to the theoretically maximum limit. Is it not worth the
- burden ! *)
-let pp_infinity = 1000000010;;
-(* Output functions for the formatter. *)
-let pp_output_string state s = state.pp_output_function s 0 (String.length s)
-and pp_output_newline state = state.pp_output_newline ();;
-let pp_display_blanks state n = state.pp_output_spaces n;;
-(* To format a break, indenting a new line. *)
-let break_new_line state offset width =
- pp_output_newline state;
- state.pp_is_new_line <- true;
- let indent = state.pp_margin - width + offset in
- (* Don't indent more than pp_max_indent. *)
- let real_indent = min state.pp_max_indent indent in
- state.pp_current_indent <- real_indent;
- state.pp_space_left <- state.pp_margin - state.pp_current_indent;
- pp_display_blanks state state.pp_current_indent;;
-(* To force a line break inside a block: no offset is added. *)
-let break_line state width = break_new_line state 0 width;;
-(* To format a break that fits on the current line. *)
-let break_same_line state width =
- state.pp_space_left <- state.pp_space_left - width;
- pp_display_blanks state width;;
-(* To indent no more than pp_max_indent, if one tries to open a block
- beyond pp_max_indent, then the block is rejected on the left
- by simulating a break. *)
-let pp_force_break_line state =
- match state.pp_format_stack with
- | Format_elem (bl_ty, width) :: _ ->
- if width > state.pp_space_left then
- (match bl_ty with
- | Pp_fits -> () | Pp_hbox -> () | _ -> break_line state width)
- | _ -> pp_output_newline state;;
-(* To skip a token, if the previous line has been broken. *)
-let pp_skip_token state =
- (* When calling pp_skip_token the queue cannot be empty. *)
- match take_queue state.pp_queue with
- {elem_size = size; length = len} ->
- state.pp_left_total <- state.pp_left_total - len;
- state.pp_space_left <- state.pp_space_left + int_of_size size;;
- The main pretting printing functions.
- **************************************************************)
-(* To format a token. *)
-let format_pp_token state size = function
- | Pp_text s ->
- state.pp_space_left <- state.pp_space_left - size;
- pp_output_string state s;
- state.pp_is_new_line <- false
- | Pp_begin (off, ty) ->
- let insertion_point = state.pp_margin - state.pp_space_left in
- if insertion_point > state.pp_max_indent then
- (* can't open a block right there. *)
- begin pp_force_break_line state end;
- let offset = state.pp_space_left - off in
- let bl_type =
- begin match ty with
- | Pp_vbox -> Pp_vbox
- | _ -> if size > state.pp_space_left then ty else Pp_fits
- end in
- state.pp_format_stack <-
- Format_elem (bl_type, offset) :: state.pp_format_stack
- | Pp_end ->
- begin match state.pp_format_stack with
- | x :: (y :: l as ls) -> state.pp_format_stack <- ls
- | _ -> () (* No more block to close. *)
- end
- | Pp_tbegin (Pp_tbox _ as tbox) ->
- state.pp_tbox_stack <- tbox :: state.pp_tbox_stack
- | Pp_tend ->
- begin match state.pp_tbox_stack with
- | x :: ls -> state.pp_tbox_stack <- ls
- | _ -> () (* No more tabulation block to close. *)
- end
- | Pp_stab ->
- begin match state.pp_tbox_stack with
- | Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
- let rec add_tab n = function
- | [] -> [n]
- | x :: l as ls -> if n < x then n :: ls else x :: add_tab n l in
- tabs := add_tab (state.pp_margin - state.pp_space_left) !tabs
- | _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block. *)
- end
- | Pp_tbreak (n, off) ->
- let insertion_point = state.pp_margin - state.pp_space_left in
- begin match state.pp_tbox_stack with
- | Pp_tbox tabs :: _ ->
- let rec find n = function
- | x :: l -> if x >= n then x else find n l
- | [] -> raise Not_found in
- let tab =
- match !tabs with
- | x :: l ->
- begin try find insertion_point !tabs with Not_found -> x end
- | _ -> insertion_point in
- let offset = tab - insertion_point in
- if offset >= 0 then break_same_line state (offset + n) else
- break_new_line state (tab + off) state.pp_margin
- | _ -> () (* No opened tabulation block. *)
- end
- | Pp_newline ->
- begin match state.pp_format_stack with
- | Format_elem (_, width) :: _ -> break_line state width
- | _ -> pp_output_newline state
- end
- | Pp_if_newline ->
- if state.pp_current_indent != state.pp_margin - state.pp_space_left
- then pp_skip_token state
- | Pp_break (n, off) ->
- begin match state.pp_format_stack with
- | Format_elem (ty, width) :: _ ->
- begin match ty with
- | Pp_hovbox ->
- if size > state.pp_space_left
- then break_new_line state off width
- else break_same_line state n
- | Pp_box ->
- (* Have the line just been broken here ? *)
- if state.pp_is_new_line then break_same_line state n else
- if size > state.pp_space_left
- then break_new_line state off width else
- (* break the line here leads to new indentation ? *)
- if state.pp_current_indent > state.pp_margin - width + off
- then break_new_line state off width
- else break_same_line state n
- | Pp_hvbox -> break_new_line state off width
- | Pp_fits -> break_same_line state n
- | Pp_vbox -> break_new_line state off width
- | Pp_hbox -> break_same_line state n
- end
- | _ -> () (* No opened block. *)
- end
- | Pp_open_tag tag_name ->
- let marker = state.pp_mark_open_tag tag_name in
- pp_output_string state marker;
- state.pp_mark_stack <- tag_name :: state.pp_mark_stack
- | Pp_close_tag ->
- begin match state.pp_mark_stack with
- | tag_name :: tags ->
- let marker = state.pp_mark_close_tag tag_name in
- pp_output_string state marker;
- state.pp_mark_stack <- tags
- | _ -> () (* No more tag to close. *)
- end;;
-(* Print if token size is known or printing is delayed.
- Size is known when not negative.
- Printing is delayed when the text waiting in the queue requires
- more room to format than exists on the current line. *)
-let rec advance_left state =
- try
- match peek_queue state.pp_queue with
- {elem_size = size; token = tok; length = len} ->
- let size = int_of_size size in
- if not
- (size < 0 &&
- (state.pp_right_total - state.pp_left_total < state.pp_space_left))
- then begin
- ignore(take_queue state.pp_queue);
- format_pp_token state (if size < 0 then pp_infinity else size) tok;
- state.pp_left_total <- len + state.pp_left_total;
- advance_left state
- end
- with Empty_queue -> ();;
-let enqueue_advance state tok = pp_enqueue state tok; advance_left state;;
-(* To enqueue a string : try to advance. *)
-let make_queue_elem size tok len =
- {elem_size = size; token = tok; length = len};;
-let enqueue_string_as state size s =
- let len = int_of_size size in
- enqueue_advance state (make_queue_elem size (Pp_text s) len);;
-let enqueue_string state s =
- let len = String.length s in
- enqueue_string_as state (size_of_int len) s;;
-(* Routines for scan stack
- determine sizes of blocks. *)
-(* The scan_stack is never empty. *)
-let scan_stack_bottom =
- let q_elem = make_queue_elem (size_of_int (-1)) (Pp_text "") 0 in
- [Scan_elem (-1, q_elem)];;
-(* Set size of blocks on scan stack:
- if ty = true then size of break is set else size of block is set;
- in each case pp_scan_stack is popped. *)
-let clear_scan_stack state = state.pp_scan_stack <- scan_stack_bottom;;
-(* Pattern matching on scan stack is exhaustive,
- since scan_stack is never empty.
- Pattern matching on token in scan stack is also exhaustive,
- since scan_push is used on breaks and opening of boxes. *)
-let set_size state ty =
- match state.pp_scan_stack with
- | Scan_elem
- (left_tot,
- ({elem_size = size; token = tok} as queue_elem)) :: t ->
- let size = int_of_size size in
- (* test if scan stack contains any data that is not obsolete. *)
- if left_tot < state.pp_left_total then clear_scan_stack state else
- begin match tok with
- | Pp_break (_, _) | Pp_tbreak (_, _) ->
- if ty then
- begin
- queue_elem.elem_size <- size_of_int (state.pp_right_total + size);
- state.pp_scan_stack <- t
- end
- | Pp_begin (_, _) ->
- if not ty then
- begin
- queue_elem.elem_size <- size_of_int (state.pp_right_total + size);
- state.pp_scan_stack <- t
- end
- | _ -> () (* scan_push is only used for breaks and boxes. *)
- end
- | _ -> () (* scan_stack is never empty. *);;
-(* Push a token on scan stack. If b is true set_size is called. *)
-let scan_push state b tok =
- pp_enqueue state tok;
- if b then set_size state true;
- state.pp_scan_stack <-
- Scan_elem (state.pp_right_total, tok) :: state.pp_scan_stack;;
-(* To open a new block :
- the user may set the depth bound pp_max_boxes
- any text nested deeper is printed as the ellipsis string. *)
-let pp_open_box_gen state indent br_ty =
- state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth + 1;
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- let elem =
- make_queue_elem
- (size_of_int (- state.pp_right_total))
- (Pp_begin (indent, br_ty))
- 0 in
- scan_push state false elem else
- if state.pp_curr_depth = state.pp_max_boxes
- then enqueue_string state state.pp_ellipsis;;
-(* The box which is always opened. *)
-let pp_open_sys_box state = pp_open_box_gen state 0 Pp_hovbox;;
-(* Close a block, setting sizes of its subblocks. *)
-let pp_close_box state () =
- if state.pp_curr_depth > 1 then
- begin
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- begin
- pp_enqueue state
- {elem_size = size_of_int 0; token = Pp_end; length = 0};
- set_size state true; set_size state false
- end;
- state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth - 1;
- end;;
-(* Open a tag, pushing it on the tag stack. *)
-let pp_open_tag state tag_name =
- if state.pp_print_tags then begin
- state.pp_tag_stack <- tag_name :: state.pp_tag_stack;
- state.pp_print_open_tag tag_name end;
- if state.pp_mark_tags then
- pp_enqueue state
- {elem_size = size_of_int 0; token = Pp_open_tag tag_name; length = 0};;
-(* Close a tag, popping it from the tag stack. *)
-let pp_close_tag state () =
- if state.pp_mark_tags then
- pp_enqueue state
- {elem_size = size_of_int 0; token = Pp_close_tag; length = 0};
- if state.pp_print_tags then
- begin match state.pp_tag_stack with
- | tag_name :: tags ->
- state.pp_print_close_tag tag_name;
- state.pp_tag_stack <- tags
- | _ -> () (* No more tag to close. *)
- end;;
-let pp_set_print_tags state b = state.pp_print_tags <- b;;
-let pp_set_mark_tags state b = state.pp_mark_tags <- b;;
-let pp_get_print_tags state () = state.pp_print_tags;;
-let pp_get_mark_tags state () = state.pp_mark_tags;;
-let pp_set_tags state b = pp_set_print_tags state b; pp_set_mark_tags state b;;
-let pp_get_formatter_tag_functions state () = {
- mark_open_tag = state.pp_mark_open_tag;
- mark_close_tag = state.pp_mark_close_tag;
- print_open_tag = state.pp_print_open_tag;
- print_close_tag = state.pp_print_close_tag;
-let pp_set_formatter_tag_functions state {
- mark_open_tag = mot;
- mark_close_tag = mct;
- print_open_tag = pot;
- print_close_tag = pct;
- } =
- state.pp_mark_open_tag <- mot;
- state.pp_mark_close_tag <- mct;
- state.pp_print_open_tag <- pot;
- state.pp_print_close_tag <- pct;;
-(* Initialize pretty-printer. *)
-let pp_rinit state =
- pp_clear_queue state;
- clear_scan_stack state;
- state.pp_format_stack <- [];
- state.pp_tbox_stack <- [];
- state.pp_tag_stack <- [];
- state.pp_mark_stack <- [];
- state.pp_current_indent <- 0;
- state.pp_curr_depth <- 0;
- state.pp_space_left <- state.pp_margin;
- pp_open_sys_box state;;
-(* Flushing pretty-printer queue. *)
-let pp_flush_queue state b =
- while state.pp_curr_depth > 1 do
- pp_close_box state ()
- done;
- state.pp_right_total <- pp_infinity;
- advance_left state;
- if b then pp_output_newline state;
- pp_rinit state;;
- Procedures to format objects, and use boxes
- **************************************************************)
-(* To format a string. *)
-let pp_print_as_size state size s =
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes
- then enqueue_string_as state size s;;
-let pp_print_as state isize s =
- pp_print_as_size state (size_of_int isize) s;;
-let pp_print_string state s =
- pp_print_as state (String.length s) s;;
-(* To format an integer. *)
-let pp_print_int state i = pp_print_string state (string_of_int i);;
-(* To format a float. *)
-let pp_print_float state f = pp_print_string state (string_of_float f);;
-(* To format a boolean. *)
-let pp_print_bool state b = pp_print_string state (string_of_bool b);;
-(* To format a char. *)
-let pp_print_char state c =
- let s = String.create 1 in
- s.[0] <- c;
- pp_print_as state 1 s;;
-(* Opening boxes. *)
-let pp_open_hbox state () = pp_open_box_gen state 0 Pp_hbox
-and pp_open_vbox state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_vbox
-and pp_open_hvbox state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_hvbox
-and pp_open_hovbox state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_hovbox
-and pp_open_box state indent = pp_open_box_gen state indent Pp_box;;
-(* Print a new line after printing all queued text
- (same for print_flush but without a newline). *)
-let pp_print_newline state () =
- pp_flush_queue state true; state.pp_flush_function ()
-and pp_print_flush state () =
- pp_flush_queue state false; state.pp_flush_function ();;
-(* To get a newline when one does not want to close the current block. *)
-let pp_force_newline state () =
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- enqueue_advance state (make_queue_elem (size_of_int 0) Pp_newline 0);;
-(* To format something if the line has just been broken. *)
-let pp_print_if_newline state () =
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- enqueue_advance state (make_queue_elem (size_of_int 0) Pp_if_newline 0);;
-(* Breaks: indicate where a block may be broken.
- If line is broken then offset is added to the indentation of the current
- block else (the value of) width blanks are printed.
- To do (?) : add a maximum width and offset value. *)
-let pp_print_break state width offset =
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- let elem =
- make_queue_elem
- (size_of_int (- state.pp_right_total))
- (Pp_break (width, offset))
- width in
- scan_push state true elem;;
-let pp_print_space state () = pp_print_break state 1 0
-and pp_print_cut state () = pp_print_break state 0 0;;
-(* Tabulation boxes. *)
-let pp_open_tbox state () =
- state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth + 1;
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- let elem =
- make_queue_elem (size_of_int 0) (Pp_tbegin (Pp_tbox (ref []))) 0 in
- enqueue_advance state elem;;
-(* Close a tabulation block. *)
-let pp_close_tbox state () =
- if state.pp_curr_depth > 1 then begin
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- let elem = make_queue_elem (size_of_int 0) Pp_tend 0 in
- enqueue_advance state elem;
- state.pp_curr_depth <- state.pp_curr_depth - 1 end;;
-(* Print a tabulation break. *)
-let pp_print_tbreak state width offset =
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- let elem =
- make_queue_elem
- (size_of_int (- state.pp_right_total))
- (Pp_tbreak (width, offset))
- width in
- scan_push state true elem;;
-let pp_print_tab state () = pp_print_tbreak state 0 0;;
-let pp_set_tab state () =
- if state.pp_curr_depth < state.pp_max_boxes then
- let elem =
- make_queue_elem (size_of_int 0) Pp_stab 0 in
- enqueue_advance state elem;;
- Procedures to control the pretty-printers
- **************************************************************)
-(* Fit max_boxes. *)
-let pp_set_max_boxes state n = if n > 1 then state.pp_max_boxes <- n;;
-(* To know the current maximum number of boxes allowed. *)
-let pp_get_max_boxes state () = state.pp_max_boxes;;
-let pp_over_max_boxes state () = state.pp_curr_depth = state.pp_max_boxes;;
-(* Ellipsis. *)
-let pp_set_ellipsis_text state s = state.pp_ellipsis <- s
-and pp_get_ellipsis_text state () = state.pp_ellipsis;;
-(* To set the margin of pretty-printer. *)
-let pp_limit n =
- if n < pp_infinity then n else pred pp_infinity;;
-let pp_set_min_space_left state n =
- if n >= 1 then
- let n = pp_limit n in
- state.pp_min_space_left <- n;
- state.pp_max_indent <- state.pp_margin - state.pp_min_space_left;
- pp_rinit state;;
-(* Initially, we have :
- pp_max_indent = pp_margin - pp_min_space_left, and
- pp_space_left = pp_margin. *)
-let pp_set_max_indent state n =
- pp_set_min_space_left state (state.pp_margin - n);;
-let pp_get_max_indent state () = state.pp_max_indent;;
-let pp_set_margin state n =
- if n >= 1 then
- let n = pp_limit n in
- state.pp_margin <- n;
- let new_max_indent =
- (* Try to maintain max_indent to its actual value. *)
- if state.pp_max_indent <= state.pp_margin
- then state.pp_max_indent else
- (* If possible maintain pp_min_space_left to its actual value,
- if this leads to a too small max_indent, take half of the
- new margin, if it is greater than 1. *)
- max (max (state.pp_margin - state.pp_min_space_left)
- (state.pp_margin / 2)) 1 in
- (* Rebuild invariants. *)
- pp_set_max_indent state new_max_indent;;
-let pp_get_margin state () = state.pp_margin;;
-let pp_set_formatter_output_functions state f g =
- state.pp_output_function <- f; state.pp_flush_function <- g;;
-let pp_get_formatter_output_functions state () =
- (state.pp_output_function, state.pp_flush_function);;
-let pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions state
- ~out:f ~flush:g ~newline:h ~spaces:i =
- pp_set_formatter_output_functions state f g;
- state.pp_output_newline <- (function () -> h ());
- state.pp_output_spaces <- (function n -> i n);;
-let pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions state () =
- (state.pp_output_function, state.pp_flush_function,
- state.pp_output_newline, state.pp_output_spaces);;
-let pp_set_formatter_out_channel state os =
- state.pp_output_function <- output os;
- state.pp_flush_function <- (fun () -> flush os);;
- Creation of specific formatters
- **************************************************************)
-let default_pp_mark_open_tag s = "<" ^ s ^ ">";;
-let default_pp_mark_close_tag s = "</" ^ s ^ ">";;
-let default_pp_print_open_tag s = ();;
-let default_pp_print_close_tag = default_pp_print_open_tag;;
-let pp_make_formatter f g h i =
- (* The initial state of the formatter contains a dummy box. *)
- let pp_q = make_queue () in
- let sys_tok =
- make_queue_elem (size_of_int (-1)) (Pp_begin (0, Pp_hovbox)) 0 in
- add_queue sys_tok pp_q;
- let sys_scan_stack =
- (Scan_elem (1, sys_tok)) :: scan_stack_bottom in
- {pp_scan_stack = sys_scan_stack;
- pp_format_stack = [];
- pp_tbox_stack = [];
- pp_tag_stack = [];
- pp_mark_stack = [];
- pp_margin = 78;
- pp_min_space_left = 10;
- pp_max_indent = 78 - 10;
- pp_space_left = 78;
- pp_current_indent = 0;
- pp_is_new_line = true;
- pp_left_total = 1;
- pp_right_total = 1;
- pp_curr_depth = 1;
- pp_max_boxes = max_int;
- pp_ellipsis = ".";
- pp_output_function = f;
- pp_flush_function = g;
- pp_output_newline = h;
- pp_output_spaces = i;
- pp_print_tags = false;
- pp_mark_tags = false;
- pp_mark_open_tag = default_pp_mark_open_tag;
- pp_mark_close_tag = default_pp_mark_close_tag;
- pp_print_open_tag = default_pp_print_open_tag;
- pp_print_close_tag = default_pp_print_close_tag;
- pp_queue = pp_q
- };;
-(* Default function to output spaces. *)
-let blank_line = String.make 80 ' ';;
-let rec display_blanks state n =
- if n > 0 then
- if n <= 80 then state.pp_output_function blank_line 0 n else
- begin
- state.pp_output_function blank_line 0 80;
- display_blanks state (n - 80)
- end;;
-(* Default function to output new lines. *)
-let display_newline state () = state.pp_output_function "\n" 0 1;;
-let make_formatter f g =
- let ff = pp_make_formatter f g ignore ignore in
- ff.pp_output_newline <- display_newline ff;
- ff.pp_output_spaces <- display_blanks ff;
- ff;;
-let formatter_of_out_channel oc =
- make_formatter (output oc) (fun () -> flush oc);;
-let formatter_of_buffer b =
- make_formatter (Buffer.add_substring b) ignore;;
-let stdbuf = Buffer.create 512;;
-let str_formatter = formatter_of_buffer stdbuf;;
-let std_formatter = formatter_of_out_channel stdout;;
-let err_formatter = formatter_of_out_channel stderr;;
-let flush_str_formatter () =
- pp_flush_queue str_formatter false;
- let s = Buffer.contents stdbuf in
- Buffer.reset stdbuf;
- s;;
- Basic functions on the standard formatter
- **************************************************************)
-let open_hbox = pp_open_hbox std_formatter
-and open_vbox = pp_open_vbox std_formatter
-and open_hvbox = pp_open_hvbox std_formatter
-and open_hovbox = pp_open_hovbox std_formatter
-and open_box = pp_open_box std_formatter
-and close_box = pp_close_box std_formatter
-and open_tag = pp_open_tag std_formatter
-and close_tag = pp_close_tag std_formatter
-and print_as = pp_print_as std_formatter
-and print_string = pp_print_string std_formatter
-and print_int = pp_print_int std_formatter
-and print_float = pp_print_float std_formatter
-and print_char = pp_print_char std_formatter
-and print_bool = pp_print_bool std_formatter
-and print_break = pp_print_break std_formatter
-and print_cut = pp_print_cut std_formatter
-and print_space = pp_print_space std_formatter
-and force_newline = pp_force_newline std_formatter
-and print_flush = pp_print_flush std_formatter
-and print_newline = pp_print_newline std_formatter
-and print_if_newline = pp_print_if_newline std_formatter
-and open_tbox = pp_open_tbox std_formatter
-and close_tbox = pp_close_tbox std_formatter
-and print_tbreak = pp_print_tbreak std_formatter
-and set_tab = pp_set_tab std_formatter
-and print_tab = pp_print_tab std_formatter
-and set_margin = pp_set_margin std_formatter
-and get_margin = pp_get_margin std_formatter
-and set_max_indent = pp_set_max_indent std_formatter
-and get_max_indent = pp_get_max_indent std_formatter
-and set_max_boxes = pp_set_max_boxes std_formatter
-and get_max_boxes = pp_get_max_boxes std_formatter
-and over_max_boxes = pp_over_max_boxes std_formatter
-and set_ellipsis_text = pp_set_ellipsis_text std_formatter
-and get_ellipsis_text = pp_get_ellipsis_text std_formatter
-and set_formatter_out_channel =
- pp_set_formatter_out_channel std_formatter
-and set_formatter_output_functions =
- pp_set_formatter_output_functions std_formatter
-and get_formatter_output_functions =
- pp_get_formatter_output_functions std_formatter
-and set_all_formatter_output_functions =
- pp_set_all_formatter_output_functions std_formatter
-and get_all_formatter_output_functions =
- pp_get_all_formatter_output_functions std_formatter
-and set_formatter_tag_functions =
- pp_set_formatter_tag_functions std_formatter
-and get_formatter_tag_functions =
- pp_get_formatter_tag_functions std_formatter
-and set_print_tags =
- pp_set_print_tags std_formatter
-and get_print_tags =
- pp_get_print_tags std_formatter
-and set_mark_tags =
- pp_set_mark_tags std_formatter
-and get_mark_tags =
- pp_get_mark_tags std_formatter
-and set_tags =
- pp_set_tags std_formatter
- Printf implementation.
- **************************************************************)
-(* Error messages when processing formats. *)
-(* Trailer: giving up at character number ... *)
-let giving_up mess fmt i =
- "fprintf: " ^ mess ^ " ``" ^ fmt ^ "'', \
- giving up at character number " ^ string_of_int i ^
- (if i < String.length fmt
- then " (" ^ String.make 1 fmt.[i] ^ ")."
- else String.make 1 '.');;
-(* When an invalid format deserves a special error explanation. *)
-let format_invalid_arg mess fmt i = invalid_arg (giving_up mess fmt i);;
-(* Standard invalid format. *)
-let invalid_format fmt i = format_invalid_arg "bad format" fmt i;;
-(* Cannot find a valid integer into that format. *)
-let invalid_integer fmt i =
- invalid_arg (giving_up "bad integer specification" fmt i);;
-(* Finding an integer out of a sub-string of the format. *)
-let format_int_of_string fmt i s =
- let sz =
- try int_of_string s with
- | Failure s -> invalid_integer fmt i in
- size_of_int sz;;
-(* Getting strings out of buffers. *)
-let get_buffer_out b =
- let s = Buffer.contents b in
- Buffer.reset b;
- s;;
-(* [ppf] is supposed to be a pretty-printer that outputs in buffer [b]:
- to extract contents of [ppf] as a string we flush [ppf] and get the string
- out of [b]. *)
-let string_out b ppf =
- pp_flush_queue ppf false;
- get_buffer_out b;;
-(* Applies [printer] to a formatter that outputs on a fresh buffer,
- then returns the resulting material. *)
-let exstring printer arg =
- let b = Buffer.create 512 in
- let ppf = formatter_of_buffer b in
- printer ppf arg;
- string_out b ppf;;
-(* To turn out a character accumulator into the proper string result. *)
-let implode_rev s0 = function
- | [] -> s0
- | l -> String.concat "" (List.rev (s0 :: l));;
-external format_to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 -> string = "%identity";;
-(* [fprintf_out] is the printf-like function generator: given the
- - [str] flag that tells if we are printing into a string,
- - the [out] function that has to be called at the end of formatting,
- it generates a [fprintf] function that takes as arguments a [ppf]
- formatter and a printing format to print the rest of arguments
- according to the format.
- Regular [fprintf]-like functions of this module are obtained via partial
- applications of [fprintf_out]. *)
-let mkprintf str get_out =
- let rec kprintf k fmt =
- let fmt = format_to_string fmt in
- let len = String.length fmt in
- let kpr fmt v =
- let ppf = get_out fmt in
- let print_as = ref None in
- let pp_print_as_char c =
- match !print_as with
- | None -> pp_print_char ppf c
- | Some size ->
- pp_print_as_size ppf size (String.make 1 c);
- print_as := None
- and pp_print_as_string s =
- match !print_as with
- | None -> pp_print_string ppf s
- | Some size ->
- pp_print_as_size ppf size s;
- print_as := None in
- let rec doprn n i =
- if i >= len then Obj.magic (k ppf) else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | '%' ->
- Printf.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | '@' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
- begin match fmt.[i] with
- | '[' ->
- do_pp_open_box ppf n (succ i)
- | ']' ->
- pp_close_box ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '{' ->
- do_pp_open_tag ppf n (succ i)
- | '}' ->
- pp_close_tag ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ' ' ->
- pp_print_space ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ',' ->
- pp_print_cut ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '?' ->
- pp_print_flush ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '.' ->
- pp_print_newline ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '\n' ->
- pp_force_newline ppf ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ';' ->
- do_pp_break ppf n (succ i)
- | '<' ->
- let got_size size n i =
- print_as := Some size;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n (succ i) got_size
- | '@' as c ->
- pp_print_as_char c;
- doprn n (succ i)
- | c -> invalid_format fmt i
- end
- | c ->
- pp_print_as_char c;
- doprn n (succ i)
- and cont_s n s i =
- pp_print_as_string s; doprn n i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- if str then
- pp_print_as_string ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg)
- else
- printer ppf arg;
- doprn n i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- if str then
- pp_print_as_string ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ())
- else
- printer ppf;
- doprn n i
- and cont_f n i =
- pp_print_flush ppf (); doprn n i
- and cont_m n sfmt i =
- kprintf (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn n i)) sfmt
- and get_int n i c =
- if i >= len then invalid_integer fmt i else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | ' ' -> get_int n (succ i) c
- | '%' ->
- let cont_s n s i = c (format_int_of_string fmt i s) n i
- and cont_a n printer arg i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_t n printer i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_f n i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_m n sfmt i = invalid_integer fmt i in
- Printf.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | _ ->
- let rec get j =
- if j >= len then invalid_integer fmt j else
- match fmt.[j] with
- | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> get (succ j)
- | _ ->
- let size =
- if j = i then size_of_int 0 else
- format_int_of_string fmt j (String.sub fmt i (j - i)) in
- c size n j in
- get i
- and skip_gt i =
- if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | ' ' -> skip_gt (succ i)
- | '>' -> succ i
- | _ -> invalid_format fmt i
- and get_box_kind i =
- if i >= len then Pp_box, i else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | 'h' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then Pp_hbox, i else
- begin match fmt.[i] with
- | 'o' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then format_invalid_arg "bad box format" fmt i else
- begin match fmt.[i] with
- | 'v' -> Pp_hovbox, succ i
- | c ->
- format_invalid_arg
- ("bad box name ho" ^ String.make 1 c) fmt i end
- | 'v' -> Pp_hvbox, succ i
- | c -> Pp_hbox, i
- end
- | 'b' -> Pp_box, succ i
- | 'v' -> Pp_vbox, succ i
- | _ -> Pp_box, i
- and get_tag_name n i c =
- let rec get accu n i j =
- if j >= len
- then c (implode_rev (String.sub fmt i (j - i)) accu) n j else
- match fmt.[j] with
- | '>' -> c (implode_rev (String.sub fmt i (j - i)) accu) n j
- | '%' ->
- let s0 = String.sub fmt i (j - i) in
- let cont_s n s i = get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- let s =
- if str
- then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg
- else exstring printer arg in
- get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- let s =
- if str
- then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ()
- else exstring (fun ppf () -> printer ppf) () in
- get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_f n i =
- format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i
- and cont_m n sfmt i =
- format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i in
- Printf.scan_format fmt v n j cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | c -> get accu n i (succ j) in
- get [] n i i
- and do_pp_break ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i end else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | '<' ->
- let rec got_nspaces nspaces n i =
- get_int n i (got_offset nspaces)
- and got_offset nspaces offset n i =
- pp_print_break ppf (int_of_size nspaces) (int_of_size offset);
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n (succ i) got_nspaces
- | c -> pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i
- and do_pp_open_box ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i end else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | '<' ->
- let kind, i = get_box_kind (succ i) in
- let got_size size n i =
- pp_open_box_gen ppf (int_of_size size) kind;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n i got_size
- | c -> pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i
- and do_pp_open_tag ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i end else
- match fmt.[i] with
- | '<' ->
- let got_name tag_name n i =
- pp_open_tag ppf tag_name;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_tag_name n (succ i) got_name
- | c -> pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i in
- doprn (Printf.index_of_int 0) 0 in
- Printf.kapr kpr fmt in
- kprintf;;
- Defining [fprintf] and various flavors of [fprintf].
- **************************************************************)
-let kfprintf k ppf = mkprintf false (fun _ -> ppf) k;;
-let fprintf ppf = kfprintf ignore ppf;;
-let printf fmt = fprintf std_formatter fmt;;
-let eprintf fmt = fprintf err_formatter fmt;;
-let kbprintf k b =
- mkprintf false (fun _ -> formatter_of_buffer b) k;;
-let bprintf b = kbprintf ignore b;;
-let ksprintf k =
- let b = Buffer.create 512 in
- let k ppf = k (string_out b ppf) in
- mkprintf true (fun _ -> formatter_of_buffer b) k;;
-let kprintf = ksprintf;;
-let sprintf fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> s) fmt;;
-at_exit print_flush;;