path: root/tests/examplefiles/jinjadesignerdoc.rst
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-Designer Documentation
-This part of the Jinja documentaton is meant for template designers.
-The Jinja template language is designed to strike a balance between content
-and application logic. Nevertheless you can use a python like statement
-language. You don't have to know how Python works to create Jinja templates,
-but if you know it you can use some additional statements you may know from
-Here is a small example template:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
- <html xmlns="" lang="en" xml:lang="en">
- <head>
- <title>My Webpage</title>
- </head>
- <body>
- <ul id="navigation">
- {% for item in navigation %}
- <li><a href="{{ item.href|e }}">{{ item.caption|e }}</a></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
- <h1>My Webpage</h1>
- {{ variable }}
- </body>
- </html>
-This covers the default settings. The application developer might have changed
-the syntax from ``{% foo %}`` to ``<% foo %>`` or something similar. This
-documentation just covers the default values.
-A variable looks like ``{{ foobar }}`` where foobar is the variable name. Inside
-of statements (``{% some content here %}``) variables are just normal names
-without the braces around it. In fact ``{{ foobar }}`` is just an alias for
-the statement ``{% print foobar %}``.
-Variables are coming from the context provided by the application. Normally there
-should be a documentation regarding the context contents but if you want to know
-the content of the current context, you can add this to your template:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <pre>{{ debug()|e }}</pre>
-A context isn't flat which means that each variable can has subvariables, as long
-as it is representable as python data structure. You can access attributes of
-a variable using the dot and bracket operators. The following examples show
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ user.username }}
- is the same as
- {{ user['username'] }}
- you can also use a variable to access an attribute:
- {{ users[current_user].username }}
- If you have numerical indices you have to use the [] syntax:
- {{ users[0].username }}
-In the examples above you might have noticed the pipe symbols. Pipe symbols tell
-the engine that it has to apply a filter on the variable. Here is a small example:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ variable|replace('foo', 'bar')|escape }}
-If you want, you can also put whitespace between the filters.
-This will look for a variable `variable`, pass it to the filter `replace`
-with the arguments ``'foo'`` and ``'bar'``, and pass the result to the filter
-`escape` that automatically XML-escapes the value. The `e` filter is an alias for
-`escape`. Here is the complete list of supported filters:
-.. admonition:: note
- Filters have a pretty low priority. If you want to add fitered values
- you have to put them into parentheses. The same applies if you want to access
- attributes:
- .. sourcecode:: jinja
- correct:
- {{ (foo|filter) + (bar|filter) }}
- wrong:
- {{ foo|filter + bar|filter }}
- correct:
- {{ (foo|filter).attribute }}
- wrong:
- {{ foo|filter.attribute }}
-You can use the `is` operator to perform tests on a value:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ 42 is numeric }} -> true
- {{ "foobar" is numeric }} -> false
- {{ 'FOO' is upper }} -> true
-These tests are especially useful when used in `if` conditions.
-Global Functions
-Test functions and filter functions live in their own namespace. Global
-functions not. They behave like normal objects in the context. Beside the
-functions added by the application or framewhere there are two functions
-available per default:
- Works like the python `range function`_ just that it doesn't support
- ranges greater than ``1000000``.
- Function that outputs the contents of the context.
-To iterate over a sequence, you can use the `for` loop. It basically looks like a
-normal Python `for` loop and works pretty much the same:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <h1>Members</h1>
- <ul>
- {% for user in users %}
- <li>{{ loop.index }} / {{ loop.length }} - {{ user.username|escape }}</li>
- {% else %}
- <li><em>no users found</em></li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
-*Important* Contrary to Python is the optional ``else`` block only
-executed if there was no iteration because the sequence was empty.
-Inside of a `for` loop block you can access some special variables:
-| Variable | Description |
-| `loop.index` | The current iteration of the loop. |
-| `loop.index0` | The current iteration of the loop, |
-| | starting counting by 0. |
-| `loop.revindex` | The number of iterations from the end |
-| | of the loop. |
-| `loop.revindex0` | The number of iterations from the end |
-| | of the loop, starting counting by 0. |
-| `loop.first` | True if first iteration. |
-| `loop.last` | True if last iteration. |
-| `loop.even` | True if current iteration is even. |
-| `loop.odd` | True if current iteration is odd. |
-| `loop.length` | Total number of items in the sequence. |
-| `loop.parent` | The context of the parent loop. |
-Loops also support recursion. Let's assume you have a sitemap where each item
-might have a number of child items. A template for that could look like this:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <h1>Sitemap
- <ul id="sitemap">
- {% for item in sitemap recursive %}
- <li><a href="{{ item.url|e }}">{{ item.title|e }}</a>
- {% if item.children %}<ul>{{ loop(item.children) }}</ul>{% endif %}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
-What happens here? Basically the first thing that is different to a normal
-loop is the additional ``recursive`` modifier in the `for`-loop declaration.
-It tells the template engine that we want recursion. If recursion is enabled
-the special `loop` variable is callable. If you call it with a sequence it will
-automatically render the loop at that position with the new sequence as argument.
-Sometimes you might want to have different text snippets for each row in a list,
-for example to have alternating row colors. You can easily do this by using the
-``{% cycle %}`` tag:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <ul id="messages">
- {% for message in messages %}
- <li class="{% cycle 'row1', 'row2' %}">{{ message|e }}</li>
- {% endfor %}
- </ul>
-Each time Jinja encounters a `cycle` tag it will cycle through the list
-of given items and return the next one. If you pass it one item jinja assumes
-that this item is a sequence from the context and uses this:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <li style="color: {% cycle rowcolors %}">...</li>
-Jinja supports Python-like `if` / `elif` / `else` constructs:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% if %}
- user {{|e }} is active.
- {% elif user.deleted %}
- user {{|e }} was deleted some time ago.
- {% else %}
- i don't know what's wrong with {{ user.username|e }}
- {% endif %}
-If the user is active the first block is rendered. If not and the user was
-deleted the second one, in all other cases the third one.
-You can also use comparison operators:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- {% if amount < 0 %}
- <span style="color: red">{{ amount }}</span>
- {% else %}
- <span style="color: black">{{ amount }}</span>
- {% endif %}
-.. admonition:: Note
- Of course you can use `or` / `and` and parentheses to create more complex
- conditions, but usually the logic is already handled in the application and
- you don't have to create such complex constructs in the template code. However
- in some situations it might be a good thing to have the abilities to create
- them.
-Inside ``{{ variable }}`` blocks, `if` conditions and many other parts you can
-can use expressions. In expressions you can use any of the following operators:
- ======= ===================================================================
- ``+`` add the right operand to the left one.
- ``{{ 1 + 2 }}`` would return ``3``.
- ``-`` subtract the right operand from the left one.
- ``{{ 1 - 1 }}`` would return ``0``.
- ``/`` divide the left operand by the right one.
- ``{{ 1 / 2 }}`` would return ``0.5``.
- ``*`` multiply the left operand with the right one.
- ``{{ 2 * 2 }}`` would return ``4``.
- ``**`` raise the left operand to the power of the right
- operand. ``{{ 2**3 }}`` would return ``8``.
- ``in`` perform sequence membership test. ``{{ 1 in [1,2,3] }}`` would
- return true.
- ``is`` perform a test on the value. See the section about
- tests for more information.
- ``|`` apply a filter on the value. See the section about
- filters for more information.
- ``and`` return true if the left and the right operand is true.
- ``or`` return true if the left or the right operand is true.
- ``not`` negate a statement (see below)
- ``()`` call a callable: ``{{ user.get_username() }}``. Inside of the
- parentheses you can use variables: ``{{ user.get(username) }}``.
- ======= ===================================================================
-Note that there is no support for any bit operations or something similar.
-* special note regarding `not`: The `is` and `in` operators support negation
- using an infix notation too: ``foo is not bar`` and ``foo not in bar``
- instead of ``not foo is bar`` and ``not foo in bar``. All other expressions
- require a prefix notation: ``not (foo and bar)``.
-Boolean Values
-In If-Conditions Jinja performs a boolean check. All empty values (eg: empty
-lists ``[]``, empty dicts ``{}`` etc) evaluate to `false`. Numbers that are
-equal to `0`/`0.00` are considered `false` too. The boolean value of other
-objects depends on the behavior the application developer gave it. Usually
-items are `true`.
-Here some examples that should explain it:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% if [] %}
- will always be false because it's an empty list
- {% if {} %}
- false too.
- {% if ['foo'] %}
- this is true. Because the list is not empty.
- {% if "foobar" %}
- this is also true because the string is not empty.
-Some objects support slicing operations. For example lists:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% for item in items[:5] %}
- This will only iterate over the first 5 items of the list
- {% for item in items[5:10] %}
- This will only iterate from item 5 to 10.
- {% for item in items[:10:2] %}
- This will only yield items from start to ten and only returing
- even items.
-For more informations about slicing have a look at the `slicing chapter`_
-in the "Dive into Python" e-book.
-If you want to use a partial template in more than one place, you might want to
-create a macro from it:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- {% macro show_user user %}
- <h1>{{|e }}</h1>
- <div class="test">
- {{ user.description }}
- </div>
- {% endmacro %}
-Now you can use it from everywhere in the code by passing it an item:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% for user in users %}
- {{ show_user(user) }}
- {% endfor %}
-You can also specify more than one value:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- {% macro show_dialog title, text %}
- <div class="dialog">
- <h1>{{ title|e }}</h1>
- <div class="test">{{ text|e }}</div>
- </div>
- {% endmacro %}
- {{ show_dialog('Warning', 'something went wrong i guess') }}
-The most powerful part of Jinja is template inheritance. Template inheritance
-allows you to build a base "skeleton" template that contains all the common
-elements of your site and defines **blocks** that child templates can override.
-Sounds complicated but is very basic. It's easiest to understand it by starting
-with an example.
-Base Template
-This template, which we'll call ``base.html``, defines a simple HTML skeleton
-document that you might use for a simple two-column page. It's the job of
-"child" templates to fill the empty blocks with content:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
- "">
- <html xmlns="">
- <head>
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" />
- <title>{% block title %}{% endblock %} - My Webpage</title>
- {% block html_head %}{% endblock %}
- </head>
- <body>
- <div id="content">
- {% block content %}{% endblock %}
- </div>
- <div id="footer">
- {% block footer %}
- &copy; Copyright 2006 by <a href="http://mydomain.tld">myself</a>.
- {% endblock %}
- </div>
- </body>
-In this example, the ``{% block %}`` tags define four blocks that child templates
-can fill in. All the `block` tag does is to tell the template engine that a
-child template may override those portions of the template.
-Child Template
-A child template might look like this:
-.. sourcecode:: html+jinja
- {% extends "base.html" %}
- {% block title %}Index{% endblock %}
- {% block html_head %}
- <style type="text/css">
- .important {
- color: #336699;
- }
- </style>
- {% endblock %}
- {% block content %}
- <h1>Index</h1>
- <p class="important">
- Welcome on my awsome homepage.
- </p>
- {% endblock %}
-The ``{% extends %}`` tag is the key here. It tells the template engine that
-this template "extends" another template. When the template system evaluates
-this template, first it locates the parent.
-The filename of the template depends on the template loader. For example the
-``FileSystemLoader`` allows you to access other templates by giving the
-filename. You can access templates in subdirectories with an slash:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% extends "layout/default.html" %}
-But this behavior can depend on the application using Jinja.
-Note that since the child template didn't define the ``footer`` block, the
-value from the parent template is used instead.
-.. admonition:: Note
- You can't define multiple ``{% block %}`` tags with the same name in the
- same template. This limitation exists because a block tag works in "both"
- directions. That is, a block tag doesn't just provide a hole to fill - it
- also defines the content that fills the hole in the *parent*. If there were
- two similarly-named ``{% block %}`` tags in a template, that template's
- parent wouldn't know which one of the blocks' content to use.
-Template Inclusion
-You can load another template at a given position using ``{% include %}``.
-Usually it's a better idea to use inheritance but if you for example want to
-load macros, `include` works better than `extends`:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% include "myhelpers.html" %}
- {{ my_helper("foo") }}
-If you define a macro called ``my_helper`` in ``myhelpers.html``, you can now
-use it from the template as shown above.
-Filtering Blocks
-Sometimes it could be a good idea to filter a complete block of text. For
-example, if you want to escape some html code:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% filter escape %}
- <html>
- <code>goes here</code>
- </html>
- {% endfilter %}
-Of course you can chain filters too:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% filter lower|escape %}
- {% endfilter %}
-returns ``"&lt;b&gt;some text&lt;/b&gt;"``.
-Defining Variables
-You can also define variables in the namespace using the ``{% set %}`` tag:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% set foo = 'foobar' %}
- {{ foo }}
-This should ouput ``foobar``.
-Jinja has multiple scopes. A scope is something like a new transparent foil on
-a stack of foils. You can only write to the outermost foil but read all of them
-since you can look through them. If you remove the top foil all data on that
-foil disappears. Some tags in Jinja add a new layer to the stack. Currently
-these are `block`, `for`, `macro` and `filter`. This means that variables and
-other elements defined inside a macro, loop or some of the other tags listed
-above will be only available in that block. Here an example:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% macro angryhello name %}
- {% set angryname = name|upper %}
- Hello {{ name }}. Hello {{ name }}!
- HELLO {{ angryname }}!!!!!!111
- {% endmacro %}
-The variable ``angryname`` just exists inside the macro, not outside it.
-Defined macros appear on the context as variables. Because of this, they are
-affected by the scoping too. A macro defined inside of a macro is just available
-in those two macros (the macro itself and the macro it's defined in). For `set`
-and `macro` two additional rules exist: If a macro is defined in an extended
-template but outside of a visible block (thus outside of any block) will be
-available in all blocks below. This allows you to use `include` statements to
-load often used macros at once.
-Undefined Variables
-If you have already worked with python you probably know about the fact that
-undefined variables raise an exception. This is different in Jinja. There is a
-special value called `undefined` that represents values that do not exist.
-This special variable works complete different from any variables you maybe
-know. If you print it using ``{{ variable }}`` it will not appear because it's
-literally empty. If you try to iterate over it, it will work. But no items
-are returned. Comparing this value to any other value results in `false`.
-Even if you compare it to itself:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ undefined == undefined }}
- will return false. Not even undefined is undefined :)
- Use `is defined` / `is not defined`:
- {{ undefined is not defined }}
- will return true.
-There are also some additional rules regarding this special value. Any
-mathematical operators (``+``, ``-``, ``*``, ``/``) return the operand
-as result:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ undefined + "foo" }}
- returns "foo"
- {{ undefined - 42 }}
- returns 42. Note: not -42!
-In any expression `undefined` evaluates to `false`. It has no length, all
-attribute calls return undefined, calling too:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ undefined.attribute().attribute_too[42] }}
- still returns `undefined`.
-Sometimes you might want to add Jinja syntax elements into the template
-without executing them. In that case you have quite a few possibilities.
-For small parts this might be a good way:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {{ "{{ foo }} is variable syntax and {% foo %} is block syntax" }}
-When you have multiple elements you can use the ``raw`` block:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% raw %}
- Filtering blocks works like this in Jinja:
- {% filter escape %}
- <html>
- <code>goes here</code>
- </html>
- {% endfilter %}
- {% endraw %}
-Reserved Keywords
-Jinja has some keywords you cannot use a variable names. This limitation
-exists to make look coherent. Syntax highlighters won't mess things up and
-you will don't have unexpected output.
-The following keywords exist and cannot be used as identifiers:
- `and`, `block`, `cycle`, `elif`, `else`, `endblock`, `endfilter`,
- `endfor`, `endif`, `endmacro`, `endraw`, `endtrans`, `extends`, `filter`,
- `for`, `if`, `in`, `include`, `is`, `macro`, `not`, `or`, `pluralize`,
- `raw`, `recursive`, `set`, `trans`
-If you want to use such a name you have to prefix or suffix it or use
-alternative names:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% for macro_ in macros %}
- {{ macro_('foo') }}
- {% endfor %}
-If future Jinja releases add new keywords those will be "light" keywords which
-means that they won't raise an error for several releases but yield warnings
-on the application side. But it's very unlikely that new keywords will be
-If the application is configured for i18n, you can define translatable blocks
-for translators using the `trans` tag or the special underscore function:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% trans %}
- this is a translatable block
- {% endtrans %}
- {% trans "This is a translatable string" %}
- {{ _("This is a translatable string") }}
-The latter one is useful if you want translatable arguments for filters etc.
-If you want to have plural forms too, use the `pluralize` block:
-.. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% trans users=users %}
- One user found.
- {% pluralize %}
- {{ users }} users found.
- {% endtrans %}
- {% trans first=(users|first).username|escape, user=users|length %}
- one user {{ first }} found.
- {% pluralize users %}
- {{ users }} users found, the first one is called {{ first }}.
- {% endtrans %}
-If you have multiple arguments, the first one is assumed to be the indicator (the
-number that is used to determine the correct singular or plural form. If you
-don't have the indicator variable on position 1 you have to tell the `pluralize`
-tag the correct variable name.
-Inside translatable blocks you cannot use blocks or expressions (however you can
-still use the ``raw`` block which will work as expected). The variable
-print syntax (``{{ variablename }}``) is the only way to insert the variables
-defined in the ``trans`` header. Filters must be applied in the header.
-.. admonition:: note
- Please make sure that you always use pluralize blocks where required.
- Many languages have more complex plural forms than the English language.
- Never try to workaround that issue by using something like this:
- .. sourcecode:: jinja
- {% if count != 1 %}
- {{ count }} users found.
- {% else %}
- one user found.
- {% endif %}
-.. _slicing chapter:
-.. _range function: