path: root/tests/examplefiles/json.lasso9
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/json.lasso9')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 213 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/json.lasso9 b/tests/examplefiles/json.lasso9
deleted file mode 100644
index 732ab2af..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/json.lasso9
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
- trait_json_serialize
- Objects with this trait will be assumed to convert to json data
- when its ->asString method is called
-define trait_json_serialize => trait {
- require asString()
-define json_serialize(e::bytes)::string => ('"' + (string(#e)->Replace(`\`, `\\`) & Replace('\"', '\\"') & Replace('\r', '\\r') & Replace('\n', '\\n') & Replace('\t', '\\t') & Replace('\f', '\\f') & Replace('\b', '\\b') &) + '"')
-define json_serialize(e::string)::string => ('"' + (string(#e)->Replace(`\`, `\\`) & Replace('\"', '\\"') & Replace('\r', '\\r') & Replace('\n', '\\n') & Replace('\t', '\\t') & Replace('\f', '\\f') & Replace('\b', '\\b') &) + '"')
-define json_serialize(e::json_literal)::string => (#e->asstring)
-define json_serialize(e::integer)::string => (#e->asstring)
-define json_serialize(e::decimal)::string => (#e->asstring)
-define json_serialize(e::boolean)::string => (#e->asstring)
-define json_serialize(e::null)::string => ('null')
-define json_serialize(e::date)::string => ('"' + #e->format(#e->gmt ? '%QT%TZ' | '%Q%T') + '"')
-define json_serialize(e::array)::string => {
- local(output) = '';
- local(delimit) = '';
- #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; }
- return('[' + #output + ']');
-define json_serialize(e::staticarray)::string => {
- local(output) = '';
- local(delimit) = '';
- #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; }
- return('[' + #output + ']');
-define json_serialize(e::trait_forEach)::string => {
- local(output) = '';
- local(delimit) = '';
- #e->foreach => { #output += #delimit + json_serialize(#1); #delimit = ', '; }
- return('[' + #output + ']');
-define json_serialize(e::map)::string => {
- local(output = with pr in #e->eachPair
- select json_serialize(#pr->first->asString) + ': ' + json_serialize(#pr->second))
- return '{' + #output->join(',') + '}'
-define json_serialize(e::json_object)::string => {
- local(output) = '';
- local(delimit) = '';
- #e->foreachpair => { #output += #delimit + #1->first + ': ' + json_serialize(#1->second); #delimit = ', '; }
- return('{' + #output + '}');
-define json_serialize(e::trait_json_serialize) => #e->asString
-define json_serialize(e::any)::string => json_serialize('<LassoNativeType>' + #e->serialize + '</LassoNativeType>')
-// Bil Corry fixes for decoding json
-define json_consume_string(ibytes::bytes) => {
- local(obytes) = bytes;
- local(temp) = 0;
- while((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 34);
- #obytes->import8bits(#temp);
- (#temp == 92) ? #obytes->import8bits(#ibytes->export8bits); // Escape \
- /while;
- local(output = string(#obytes)->unescape)
- //Replace('\\"', '\"') & Replace('\\r', '\r') & Replace('\\n', '\n') & Replace('\\t', '\t') & Replace('\\f', '\f') & Replace('\\b', '\b') &;
- if(#output->BeginsWith('<LassoNativeType>') && #output->EndsWith('</LassoNativeType>'));
- Protect;
- return serialization_reader(xml(#output - '<LassoNativeType>' - '</LassoNativeType>'))->read
- /Protect;
- else( (#output->size == 16 or #output->size == 15) and regexp(`\d{8}T\d{6}Z?`, '', #output)->matches)
- return date(#output, -Format=#output->size == 16?`yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmssZ`|`yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss`)
- /if
- return #output
-// Bil Corry fix + Ke fix
-define json_consume_token(ibytes::bytes, temp::integer) => {
- local(obytes = bytes->import8bits(#temp) &,
- delimit = array(9, 10, 13, 32, 44, 58, 93, 125)) // \t\r\n ,:]}
- while(#delimit !>> (#temp := #ibytes->export8bits))
- #obytes->import8bits(#temp)
- /while
- #temp == 125? // }
- #ibytes->marker -= 1
-// Is also end of token if end of array[]
- #temp == 93? // ]
- #ibytes->marker -= 1
- local(output = string(#obytes))
- #output == 'true'?
- return true
- #output == 'false'?
- return false
- #output == 'null'?
- return null
- string_IsNumeric(#output)?
- return (#output >> '.')? decimal(#output) | integer(#output)
- return #output
-// Bil Corry fix
-define json_consume_array(ibytes::bytes)::array => {
- Local(output) = array;
- local(delimit) = array( 9, 10, 13, 32, 44); // \t\r\n ,
- local(temp) = 0;
- While((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 93); // ]
- If(#delimit >> #temp);
- // Discard whitespace
- Else(#temp == 34); // "
- #output->insert(json_consume_string(#ibytes));
- Else(#temp == 91); // [
- #output->insert(json_consume_array(#ibytes));
- Else(#temp == 123); // {
- #output->insert(json_consume_object(#ibytes));
- Else;
- #output->insert(json_consume_token(#ibytes, #temp));
- (#temp == 93) ? Loop_Abort;
- /If;
- /While;
- Return(#output);
-// Bil Corry fix
-define json_consume_object(ibytes::bytes)::map => {
- Local('output' = map,
- 'delimit' = array( 9, 10, 13, 32, 44), // \t\r\n ,
- 'temp' = 0,
- 'key' = null,
- 'val' = null);
- While((#temp := #ibytes->export8bits) != 125); // }
- If(#delimit >> #temp);
- // Discard whitespace
- Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 34)); // "
- #output->insert(#key = json_consume_string(#ibytes));
- #key = null;
- Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 91)); // [
- #output->insert(#key = json_consume_array(#ibytes));
- #key = null;
- Else((#key !== null) && (#temp == 123)); // {
- #output->insert(#key = json_consume_object(#ibytes));
- #key = null;
- Else((#key !== null));
- #output->insert(#key = json_consume_token(#ibytes, #temp));
- #key = null;
- Else;
- #key = json_consume_string(#ibytes);
- while(#delimit >> (#temp := #ibytes->export8bits));
- /while;
- #temp != 58 ? Loop_Abort;
- /If;
- /While;
- If((#output >> '__jsonclass__') && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->isa('array')) && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->size >= 2) && (#output->Find('__jsonclass__')->First == 'deserialize'));
- Return(#output->find('__jsonclass__')->Second->First);
- Else((#output >> 'native') && (#output >> 'comment') && (#output->find('comment') == ''));
- Return(#output->find('native'));
- /If;
- Return(#output);
-// Bil Corry fix + Ke fix
-define json_deserialize(ibytes::bytes)::any => {
- #ibytes->removeLeading(bom_utf8);
-// Reset marker on provided bytes
- #ibytes->marker = 0
- Local(temp) = #ibytes->export8bits;
- If(#temp == 91); // [
- Return(json_consume_array(#ibytes));
- Else(#temp == 123); // {
- Return(json_consume_object(#ibytes));
- else(#temp == 34) // "
- return json_consume_string(#ibytes)
- /If;
-define json_deserialize(s::string) => json_deserialize(bytes(#s))
-/**! json_literal - This is a subclass of String used for JSON encoding.
- A json_literal works exactly like a string, but will be inserted directly
- rather than being encoded into JSON. This allows JavaScript elements
- like functions to be inserted into JSON objects. This is most useful
- when the JSON object will be used within a JavaScript on the local page.
- [Map: 'fn'=Literal('function(){ ...})] => {'fn': function(){ ...}}
-define json_literal => type {
- parent string
-/**! json_object - This is a subclass of Map used for JSON encoding.
- An object works exactly like a map, but when it is encoded into JSON all
- of the keys will be inserted literally. This makes it easy to create a
- JavaScript object without extraneous quote marks.
- Object('name'='value') => {name: "value"}
-define json_object => type {
- parent map
- public onCreate(...) => ..onCreate(:#rest or (:))
-define json_rpccall(method::string, params=map, id='', host='') => {
- #id == '' ? #host = Lasso_UniqueID;
- #host == '' ? #host = 'http://localhost/lassoapps.8/rpc/rpc.lasso';
- Return(Decode_JSON(Include_URL(#host, -PostParams=Encode_JSON(Map('method' = #method, 'params' = #params, 'id' = #id)))));