path: root/tests/examplefiles/simple.croc
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/simple.croc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 747 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/simple.croc b/tests/examplefiles/simple.croc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f12771a..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/simple.croc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,747 +0,0 @@
-module simple;
-// Importing stuff.
- function loadMod(name, ns)
- {
- assert(name == "mod");
- ns.x = "I'm x";
- = function foo()
- {
- writefln("foo");
- };
- = function bar(x)
- {
- return x[0];
- };
- ns.baz = function baz()
- {
- writefln(x);
- };
- foreach(k, v; ns)
- if(isFunction(v))
- v.environment(ns);
- }
- setModuleLoader("mod", loadMod);
- import mod : foo, bar;
- foo();
- writefln(bar([5]));
- mod.baz();
- writefln();
-// Super calls.
- class Base
- {
- function fork()
- {
- writefln("Base fork.");
- }
- }
- class Derived : Base
- {
- function fork()
- {
- writefln("Derived fork!");
- super.fork();
- }
- }
- local d = Derived();
- d.fork();
- writefln();
-// Coroutines and coroutine iteration.
- local countDown = coroutine function countDown(x)
- {
- yield();
- while(x > 0)
- {
- yield(x);
- x--;
- }
- };
- foreach(v; countDown, 5)
- writefln(v);
- writefln();
- local forEach = coroutine function forEach(t)
- {
- yield();
- foreach(k, v; t)
- yield(k, v);
- };
- foreach(_, k, v; forEach, {hi = 1, bye = 2})
- writefln("key: ", k, ", value: ", v);
- writefln();
-// Testing tailcalls.
- function recurse(x)
- {
- writefln("recurse: ", x);
- if(x == 0)
- return toString(x);
- else
- return recurse(x - 1);
- }
- writefln(recurse(5));
- writefln();
- class A
- {
- function f(x)
- {
- writefln("A.f: ", x);
- if(x == 0)
- return toString(x);
- else
- return this.f(x - 1); // call it as this.f to force a 'method' instruction to be generated
- }
- }
- local a = A();
- writefln(a.f(5));
- writefln();
- // A function which lets us define properties for a class.
- // The varargs should be a bunch of tables, each with a 'name' field, and 'getter' and/or 'setter' fields.
- function mixinProperties(classType, vararg)
- {
- classType.mProps = { };
- classType.opIndex = function opIndex(key)
- {
- local prop = mProps[key];
- if(prop is null)
- throw format(classType, ".opIndex() - Property '%s' does not exist", key);
- local getter = prop.getter;
- if(getter is null)
- throw format(classType, ".opIndex() - Property '%s' has no getter", key);
- return getter(with this);
- };
- classType.opIndexAssign = function opIndexAssign(key, value)
- {
- local prop = mProps[key];
- if(prop is null)
- throw format(classType, ".opIndexAssign() - Property '%s' does not exist", key);
- local setter = prop.setter;
- if(setter is null)
- throw format(classType, ".opIndexAssign() - Property '%s' has no setter", key);
- setter(with this, value);
- };
- foreach(i, prop; [vararg])
- {
- if(!isTable(prop))
- throw format("mixinProperties() - property ", i, " is not a table");
- if( is null)
- throw format("mixinProperties() - property ", i, " has no name");
- if(prop.setter is null && prop.getter is null)
- throw format("mixinProperties() - property '%s' has no getter or setter",;
- classType.mProps[] = prop;
- }
- }
- // Create a class to test out.
- class PropTest
- {
- mX = 0;
- mY = 0;
- mName = "";
- function constructor(name)
- {
- mName = name;
- }
- function toString()
- {
- return format("name = '", mName, "' x = ", mX, " y = ", mY);
- }
- }
- // Mix in the properties.
- mixinProperties
- (
- PropTest,
- {
- name = "x",
- function setter(value)
- {
- mX = value;
- }
- function getter()
- {
- return mX;
- }
- },
- {
- name = "y",
- function setter(value)
- {
- mY = value;
- }
- function getter()
- {
- return mY;
- }
- },
- {
- name = "name",
- function getter()
- {
- return mName;
- }
- }
- );
- // Create an instance and try it out.
- local p = PropTest("hello");
- writefln(p);
- p.x = 46;
- p.y = 123;
- p.x = p.x + p.y;
- writefln(p);
- // Try to access a nonexistent property.
- try
- = "crap";
- catch(e)
- {
- writefln("caught: ", e);
- writefln(getTraceback());
- }
- writefln();
-// Some container classes.
- class PQ
- {
- mData;
- mLength = 0;
- function constructor()
- {
- mData =;
- }
- function insert(data)
- {
- resizeArray();
- mData[mLength] = data;
- local index = mLength;
- local parentIndex = (index - 1) / 2;
- while(index > 0 && mData[parentIndex] > mData[index])
- {
- local temp = mData[parentIndex];
- mData[parentIndex] = mData[index];
- mData[index] = temp;
- index = parentIndex;
- parentIndex = (index - 1) / 2;
- }
- mLength += 1;
- }
- function remove()
- {
- if(mLength == 0)
- throw "PQ.remove() - No items to remove";
- local data = mData[0];
- mLength -= 1;
- mData[0] = mData[mLength];
- local index = 0;
- local left = 1;
- local right = 2;
- while(index < mLength)
- {
- local smaller;
- if(left >= mLength)
- {
- if(right >= mLength)
- break;
- else
- smaller = right;
- }
- else
- {
- if(right >= mLength)
- smaller = left;
- else
- {
- if(mData[left] < mData[right])
- smaller = left;
- else
- smaller = right;
- }
- }
- if(mData[index] > mData[smaller])
- {
- local temp = mData[index];
- mData[index] = mData[smaller];
- mData[smaller] = temp;
- index = smaller;
- left = (index * 2) + 1;
- right = left + 1;
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- return data;
- }
- function resizeArray()
- {
- if(mLength >= #mData)
- mData.length((#mData + 1) * 2 - 1);
- }
- function hasData()
- {
- return mLength != 0;
- }
- }
- class Stack
- {
- mHead = null;
- function push(data)
- {
- local t = { data = data, next = mHead };
- mHead = t;
- }
- function pop()
- {
- if(mHead is null)
- throw "Stack.pop() - No items to pop";
- local item = mHead;
- mHead =;
- return;
- }
- function hasData()
- {
- return mHead !is null;
- }
- }
- class Queue
- {
- mHead = null;
- mTail = null;
- function push(data)
- {
- local t = { data = data, next = null };
- if(mTail is null)
- {
- mHead = t;
- mTail = t;
- }
- else
- {
- = t;
- mTail = t;
- }
- }
- function pop()
- {
- if(mTail is null)
- throw "Queue.pop() - No items to pop";
- local item = mHead;
- mHead =;
- if(mHead is null)
- mTail = null;
- return;
- }
- function hasData()
- {
- return mHead !is null;
- }
- }
- writefln("Priority queue (heap)");
- local prioQ = PQ();
- for(i : 0 .. 10)
- prioQ.insert(math.rand(0, 20));
- while(prioQ.hasData())
- writefln(prioQ.remove());
- writefln();
- writefln("Stack");
- local stack = Stack();
- for(i : 0 .. 5)
- stack.push(i + 1);
- while(stack.hasData())
- writefln(stack.pop());
- writefln();
- writefln("Queue");
- local queue = Queue();
- for(i : 0 .. 5)
- queue.push(i + 1);
- while(queue.hasData())
- writefln(queue.pop());
- writefln();
-// opApply tests.
- class Test
- {
- mData = [4, 5, 6];
- function opApply(extra)
- {
- if(isString(extra) && extra == "reverse")
- {
- local function iterator_reverse(index)
- {
- index--;
- if(index < 0)
- return;
- return index, mData[index];
- }
- return iterator_reverse, this, #mData;
- }
- else
- {
- local function iterator(index)
- {
- index++;
- if(index >= #mData)
- return;
- return index, mData[index];
- }
- return iterator, this, -1;
- }
- }
- }
- local test = Test();
- foreach(k, v; test)
- writefln("test[", k, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
- foreach(k, v; test, "reverse")
- writefln("test[", k, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
- test =
- {
- fork = 5,
- knife = 10,
- spoon = "hi"
- };
- foreach(k, v; test)
- writefln("test[", k, "] = ", v);
- test = [5, 10, "hi"];
- writefln();
- foreach(k, v; test)
- writefln("test[", k, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
- foreach(k, v; test, "reverse")
- writefln("test[", k, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
- foreach(k, v; "hello")
- writefln("str[", k, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
- foreach(k, v; "hello", "reverse")
- writefln("str[", k, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
-// Testing upvalues in for loops.
- local arr =;
- for(i : 0 .. 10)
- arr[i] = function() { return i; };
- writefln("This should be the values 0 through 9:");
- foreach(func; arr)
- writefln(func());
- writefln();
-// Testing nested functions.
- function outer()
- {
- local x = 3;
- function inner()
- {
- x++;
- writefln("inner x: ", x);
- }
- writefln("outer x: ", x);
- inner();
- writefln("outer x: ", x);
- return inner;
- }
- local func = outer();
- func();
- writefln();
-// Testing Exceptions.
- function thrower(x)
- {
- if(x >= 3)
- throw "Sorry, x is too big for me!";
- }
- function tryCatch(iterations)
- {
- try
- {
- for(i : 0 .. iterations)
- {
- writefln("tryCatch: ", i);
- thrower(i);
- }
- }
- catch(e)
- {
- writefln("tryCatch caught: ", e);
- throw e;
- }
- finally
- writefln("tryCatch finally");
- }
- try
- {
- tryCatch(2);
- tryCatch(5);
- }
- catch(e)
- writefln("caught: ", e);
- writefln();
-// Testing arrays.
- local array = [7, 9, 2, 3, 6];
- array.sort();
- foreach(i, v; array)
- writefln("arr[", i, "] = ", v);
- array ~= ["foo", "far"];
- writefln();
- foreach(i, v; array)
- writefln("arr[", i, "] = ", v);
- writefln();
-// Testing vararg functions.
- function vargs(vararg)
- {
- local args = [vararg];
- writefln("num varargs: ", #args);
- foreach(i, v; args)
- writefln("args[", i, "] = ", v);
- }
- vargs();
- writefln();
- vargs(2, 3, 5, "foo", "bar");
- writefln();
-// Testing switches.
- foreach(v; ["hi", "bye", "foo"])
- {
- switch(v)
- {
- case "hi":
- writefln("switched to hi");
- break;
- case "bye":
- writefln("switched to bye");
- break;
- default:
- writefln("switched to something else");
- break;
- }
- }
- writefln();
- foreach(v; [null, false, 1, 2.3, 'x', "hi"])
- {
- switch(v)
- {
- case null: writefln("null"); break;
- case false: writefln("false"); break;
- case 1: writefln("1"); break;
- case 2.3: writefln("2.3"); break;
- case 'x': writefln("x"); break;
- case "hi": writefln("hi"); break;
- }
- }
- writefln();
- class A
- {
- mValue;
- this(value)
- {
- mValue = value;
- }
- function opCmp(other)
- {
- assert(other as A);
- return mValue <=> other.mValue;
- }
- }
- local a1 = A(1);
- local a2 = A(2);
- local a3 = A(3);
- for(s : 1 .. 4)
- {
- local ss = A(s);
- switch(ss)
- {
- case a1:
- writefln(1);
- break;
- case a2:
- writefln(2);
- break;
- case a3:
- writefln(3);
- break;
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file