path: root/tests/examplefiles/string.jl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/string.jl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1031 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/string.jl b/tests/examplefiles/string.jl
deleted file mode 100644
index 67bf6c70..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/string.jl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1031 +0,0 @@
-## core string functions ##
-length(s::String) = error("you must implement length(",typeof(s),")")
-next(s::String, i::Int) = error("you must implement next(",typeof(s),",Int)")
-next(s::DirectIndexString, i::Int) = (s[i],i+1)
-next(s::String, i::Integer) = next(s,int(i))
-## generic supplied functions ##
-start(s::String) = 1
-done(s::String,i) = (i > length(s))
-isempty(s::String) = done(s,start(s))
-ref(s::String, i::Int) = next(s,i)[1]
-ref(s::String, i::Integer) = s[int(i)]
-ref(s::String, x::Real) = s[iround(x)]
-ref{T<:Integer}(s::String, r::Range1{T}) = s[int(first(r)):int(last(r))]
-symbol(s::String) = symbol(cstring(s))
-string(s::String) = s
-print(s::String) = for c=s; print(c); end
-print(x...) = for i=x; print(i); end
-println(args...) = print(args..., '\n')
-show(s::String) = print_quoted(s)
-(*)(s::String...) = strcat(s...)
-(^)(s::String, r::Integer) = repeat(s,r)
-size(s::String) = (length(s),)
-size(s::String, d::Integer) = d==1 ? length(s) :
- error("in size: dimension ",d," out of range")
-strlen(s::DirectIndexString) = length(s)
-function strlen(s::String)
- i = start(s)
- if done(s,i)
- return 0
- end
- n = 1
- while true
- c, j = next(s,i)
- if done(s,j)
- return n
- end
- n += 1
- i = j
- end
-isvalid(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = (start(s) <= i <= length(s))
-function isvalid(s::String, i::Integer)
- try
- next(s,i)
- true
- catch
- false
- end
-prevind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i-1
-thisind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i
-nextind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i+1
-prevind(s::String, i::Integer) = thisind(s,thisind(s,i)-1)
-function thisind(s::String, i::Integer)
- for j = i:-1:1
- if isvalid(s,j)
- return j
- end
- end
- return 0 # out of range
-function nextind(s::String, i::Integer)
- for j = i+1:length(s)
- if isvalid(s,j)
- return j
- end
- end
- length(s)+1 # out of range
-ind2chr(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i
-chr2ind(s::DirectIndexString, i::Integer) = i
-function ind2chr(s::String, i::Integer)
- s[i] # throws error if invalid
- j = 1
- k = start(s)
- while true
- c, l = next(s,k)
- if i <= k
- return j
- end
- j += 1
- k = l
- end
-function chr2ind(s::String, i::Integer)
- if i < 1
- return i
- end
- j = 1
- k = start(s)
- while true
- c, l = next(s,k)
- if i == j
- return k
- end
- j += 1
- k = l
- end
-function strchr(s::String, c::Char, i::Integer)
- i = nextind(s,i)
- while !done(s,i)
- d, j = next(s,i)
- if c == d
- return i
- end
- i = j
- end
- return 0
-strchr(s::String, c::Char) = strchr(s, c, start(s))
-contains(s::String, c::Char) = (strchr(s,c)!=0)
-function chars(s::String)
- cx = Array(Char,strlen(s))
- i = 0
- for c in s
- cx[i += 1] = c
- end
- return cx
-function cmp(a::String, b::String)
- i = start(a)
- j = start(b)
- while !done(a,i) && !done(b,i)
- c, i = next(a,i)
- d, j = next(b,j)
- if c != d
- return c < d ? -1 : +1
- end
- end
- done(a,i) && !done(b,j) ? -1 :
- !done(a,i) && done(b,j) ? +1 : 0
-isequal(a::String, b::String) = cmp(a,b) == 0
-isless(a::String, b::String) = cmp(a,b) < 0
-# faster comparisons for byte strings
-cmp(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = lexcmp(,
-isequal(a::ByteString, b::ByteString) = length(a)==length(b) && cmp(a,b)==0
-## character column width function ##
-charwidth(c::Char) = max(0,int(ccall(:wcwidth, Int32, (Char,), c)))
-strwidth(s::String) = (w=0; for c in s; w += charwidth(c); end; w)
-strwidth(s::ByteString) = ccall(:u8_strwidth, Int, (Ptr{Uint8},),
-# TODO: implement and use u8_strnwidth that takes a length argument
-## generic string uses only length and next ##
-type GenericString <: String
- string::String
-length(s::GenericString) = length(s.string)
-next(s::GenericString, i::Int) = next(s.string, i)
-## plain old character arrays ##
-type CharString <: String
- chars::Array{Char,1}
- CharString(a::Array{Char,1}) = new(a)
- CharString(c::Char...) = new([ c[i] | i=1:length(c) ])
-CharString(x...) = CharString(map(char,x)...)
-next(s::CharString, i::Int) = (s.chars[i], i+1)
-length(s::CharString) = length(s.chars)
-strlen(s::CharString) = length(s)
-string(c::Char) = CharString(c)
-string(c::Char, x::Char...) = CharString(c, x...)
-## substrings reference original strings ##
-type SubString <: String
- string::String
- offset::Int
- length::Int
- SubString(s::String, i::Int, j::Int) = new(s, i-1, j-i+1)
- SubString(s::SubString, i::Int, j::Int) =
- new(s.string, i-1+s.offset, j-i+1)
-SubString(s::String, i::Integer, j::Integer) = SubString(s, int(i), int(j))
-function next(s::SubString, i::Int)
- if i < 1 || i > s.length
- error("string index out of bounds")
- end
- c, i = next(s.string, i+s.offset)
- c, i-s.offset
-length(s::SubString) = s.length
-# TODO: strlen(s::SubString) = ??
-# default implementation will work but it's slow
-# can this be delegated efficiently somehow?
-# that may require additional string interfaces
-function ref(s::String, r::Range1{Int})
- if first(r) < 1 || length(s) < last(r)
- error("in substring slice: index out of range")
- end
- SubString(s, first(r), last(r))
-## efficient representation of repeated strings ##
-type RepString <: String
- string::String
- repeat::Integer
-length(s::RepString) = length(s.string)*s.repeat
-strlen(s::RepString) = strlen(s.string)*s.repeat
-function next(s::RepString, i::Int)
- if i < 1 || i > length(s)
- error("string index out of bounds")
- end
- j = mod1(i,length(s.string))
- c, k = next(s.string, j)
- c, k-j+i
-function repeat(s::String, r::Integer)
- r < 0 ? error("can't repeat a string ",r," times") :
- r == 0 ? "" :
- r == 1 ? s :
- RepString(s,r)
-## reversed strings without data movement ##
-type RevString <: String
- string::String
-length(s::RevString) = length(s.string)
-strlen(s::RevString) = strlen(s.string)
-start(s::RevString) = (n=length(s); n-thisind(s.string,n)+1)
-function next(s::RevString, i::Int)
- n = length(s); j = n-i+1
- (s.string[j], n-thisind(s.string,j-1)+1)
-reverse(s::String) = RevString(s)
-reverse(s::RevString) = s.string
-## ropes for efficient concatenation, etc. ##
-# Idea: instead of this standard binary tree structure,
-# how about we keep an array of substrings, with an
-# offset array. We can do binary search on the offset
-# array so we get O(log(n)) indexing time still, but we
-# can compute the offsets lazily and avoid all the
-# futzing around while the string is being constructed.
-type RopeString <: String
- head::String
- tail::String
- depth::Int32
- length::Int
- RopeString(h::RopeString, t::RopeString) =
- depth(h.tail) + depth(t) < depth(h.head) ?
- RopeString(h.head, RopeString(h.tail, t)) :
- new(h, t, max(h.depth,t.depth)+1, length(h)+length(t))
- RopeString(h::RopeString, t::String) =
- depth(h.tail) < depth(h.head) ?
- RopeString(h.head, RopeString(h.tail, t)) :
- new(h, t, h.depth+1, length(h)+length(t))
- RopeString(h::String, t::RopeString) =
- depth(t.head) < depth(t.tail) ?
- RopeString(RopeString(h, t.head), t.tail) :
- new(h, t, t.depth+1, length(h)+length(t))
- RopeString(h::String, t::String) =
- new(h, t, 1, length(h)+length(t))
-depth(s::String) = 0
-depth(s::RopeString) = s.depth
-function next(s::RopeString, i::Int)
- if i <= length(s.head)
- return next(s.head, i)
- else
- c, j = next(s.tail, i-length(s.head))
- return c, j+length(s.head)
- end
-length(s::RopeString) = s.length
-strlen(s::RopeString) = strlen(s.head) + strlen(s.tail)
-strcat() = ""
-strcat(s::String) = s
-strcat(x...) = strcat(map(string,x)...)
-strcat(s::String, t::String...) =
- (t = strcat(t...); isempty(s) ? t : isempty(t) ? s : RopeString(s, t))
-print(s::RopeString) = print(s.head, s.tail)
-## transformed strings ##
-type TransformedString <: String
- transform::Function
- string::String
-length(s::TransformedString) = length(s.string)
-strlen(s::TransformedString) = strlen(s.string)
-function next(s::TransformedString, i::Int)
- c, j = next(s.string,i)
- c = s.transform(c, i)
- return c, j
-## uppercase and lowercase transformations ##
-uppercase(c::Char) = ccall(:towupper, Char, (Char,), c)
-lowercase(c::Char) = ccall(:towlower, Char, (Char,), c)
-uppercase(s::String) = TransformedString((c,i)->uppercase(c), s)
-lowercase(s::String) = TransformedString((c,i)->lowercase(c), s)
-ucfirst(s::String) = TransformedString((c,i)->i==1 ? uppercase(c) : c, s)
-lcfirst(s::String) = TransformedString((c,i)->i==1 ? lowercase(c) : c, s)
-const uc = uppercase
-const lc = lowercase
-## string map ##
-function map(f::Function, s::String)
- out = memio(length(s))
- for c in s
- write(out, f(c)::Char)
- end
- takebuf_string(out)
-## conversion of general objects to strings ##
-string(x) = print_to_string(show, x)
-cstring(x...) = print_to_string(print, x...)
-function cstring(p::Ptr{Uint8})
- p == C_NULL ? error("cannot convert NULL to string") :
- ccall(:jl_cstr_to_string, Any, (Ptr{Uint8},), p)::ByteString
-## string promotion rules ##
-promote_rule(::Type{UTF8String} , ::Type{ASCIIString}) = UTF8String
-promote_rule(::Type{UTF8String} , ::Type{CharString} ) = UTF8String
-promote_rule(::Type{ASCIIString}, ::Type{CharString} ) = UTF8String
-## printing literal quoted string data ##
-# TODO: this is really the inverse of print_unbackslashed
-function print_quoted_literal(s::String)
- print('"')
- for c = s; c == '"' ? print("\\\"") : print(c); end
- print('"')
-## string escaping & unescaping ##
-escape_nul(s::String, i::Int) =
- !done(s,i) && '0' <= next(s,i)[1] <= '7' ? L"\x00" : L"\0"
-is_hex_digit(c::Char) = '0'<=c<='9' || 'a'<=c<='f' || 'A'<=c<='F'
-need_full_hex(s::String, i::Int) = !done(s,i) && is_hex_digit(next(s,i)[1])
-function print_escaped(s::String, esc::String)
- i = start(s)
- while !done(s,i)
- c, j = next(s,i)
- c == '\0' ? print(escape_nul(s,j)) :
- c == '\e' ? print(L"\e") :
- c == '\\' ? print("\\\\") :
- contains(esc,c) ? print('\\', c) :
- iswprint(c) ? print(c) :
- 7 <= c <= 13 ? print('\\', "abtnvfr"[c-6]) :
- c <= '\x7f' ? print(L"\x", hex(c, 2)) :
- c <= '\uffff' ? print(L"\u", hex(c, need_full_hex(s,j) ? 4 : 2)) :
- print(L"\U", hex(c, need_full_hex(s,j) ? 8 : 4))
- i = j
- end
-escape_string(s::String) = print_to_string(length(s), print_escaped, s, "\"")
-print_quoted(s::String) = (print('"'); print_escaped(s, "\"\$"); print('"'))
-#" # work around syntax highlighting problem
-quote_string(s::String) = print_to_string(length(s)+2, print_quoted, s)
-# bare minimum unescaping function unescapes only given characters
-function print_unescaped_chars(s::String, esc::String)
- if !contains(esc,'\\')
- esc = strcat("\\", esc)
- end
- i = start(s)
- while !done(s,i)
- c, i = next(s,i)
- if c == '\\' && !done(s,i) && contains(esc,s[i])
- c, i = next(s,i)
- end
- print(c)
- end
-unescape_chars(s::String, esc::String) =
- print_to_string(length(s), print_unescaped_chars, s, esc)
-# general unescaping of traditional C and Unicode escape sequences
-function print_unescaped(s::String)
- i = start(s)
- while !done(s,i)
- c, i = next(s,i)
- if !done(s,i) && c == '\\'
- c, i = next(s,i)
- if c == 'x' || c == 'u' || c == 'U'
- n = k = 0
- m = c == 'x' ? 2 :
- c == 'u' ? 4 : 8
- while (k+=1) <= m && !done(s,i)
- c, j = next(s,i)
- n = '0' <= c <= '9' ? n<<4 + c-'0' :
- 'a' <= c <= 'f' ? n<<4 + c-'a'+10 :
- 'A' <= c <= 'F' ? n<<4 + c-'A'+10 : break
- i = j
- end
- if k == 1
- error("\\x used with no following hex digits")
- end
- if m == 2 # \x escape sequence
- write(uint8(n))
- else
- print(char(n))
- end
- elseif '0' <= c <= '7'
- k = 1
- n = c-'0'
- while (k+=1) <= 3 && !done(s,i)
- c, j = next(s,i)
- n = '0' <= c <= '7' ? n<<3 + c-'0' : break
- i = j
- end
- if n > 255
- error("octal escape sequence out of range")
- end
- write(uint8(n))
- else
- print(c == 'a' ? '\a' :
- c == 'b' ? '\b' :
- c == 't' ? '\t' :
- c == 'n' ? '\n' :
- c == 'v' ? '\v' :
- c == 'f' ? '\f' :
- c == 'r' ? '\r' :
- c == 'e' ? '\e' : c)
- end
- else
- print(c)
- end
- end
-unescape_string(s::String) = print_to_string(length(s), print_unescaped, s)
-## checking UTF-8 & ACSII validity ##
-byte_string_classify(s::ByteString) =
- ccall(:u8_isvalid, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int),, length(s))
- # 0: neither valid ASCII nor UTF-8
- # 1: valid ASCII
- # 2: valid UTF-8
-is_valid_ascii(s::ByteString) = byte_string_classify(s) == 1
-is_valid_utf8 (s::ByteString) = byte_string_classify(s) != 0
-check_ascii(s::ByteString) = is_valid_ascii(s) ? s : error("invalid ASCII sequence")
-check_utf8 (s::ByteString) = is_valid_utf8(s) ? s : error("invalid UTF-8 sequence")
-## string interpolation parsing ##
-function _jl_interp_parse(s::String, unescape::Function, printer::Function)
- sx = {}
- i = j = start(s)
- while !done(s,j)
- c, k = next(s,j)
- if c == '$'
- if !isempty(s[i:j-1])
- push(sx, unescape(s[i:j-1]))
- end
- ex, j = parseatom(s,k)
- push(sx, ex)
- i = j
- elseif c == '\\' && !done(s,k)
- if s[k] == '$'
- if !isempty(s[i:j-1])
- push(sx, unescape(s[i:j-1]))
- end
- i = k
- end
- c, j = next(s,k)
- else
- j = k
- end
- end
- if !isempty(s[i:])
- push(sx, unescape(s[i:j-1]))
- end
- length(sx) == 1 && isa(sx[1],ByteString) ? sx[1] :
- expr(:call, :print_to_string, printer, sx...)
-_jl_interp_parse(s::String, u::Function) = _jl_interp_parse(s, u, print)
-_jl_interp_parse(s::String) = _jl_interp_parse(s, x->check_utf8(unescape_string(x)))
-function _jl_interp_parse_bytes(s::String)
- writer(x...) = for w=x; write(w); end
- _jl_interp_parse(s, unescape_string, writer)
-## core string macros ##
-macro str(s); _jl_interp_parse(s); end
-macro S_str(s); _jl_interp_parse(s); end
-macro I_str(s); _jl_interp_parse(s, x->unescape_chars(x,"\"")); end
-macro E_str(s); check_utf8(unescape_string(s)); end
-macro B_str(s); _jl_interp_parse_bytes(s); end
-macro b_str(s); ex = _jl_interp_parse_bytes(s); :(($ex).data); end
-## shell-like command parsing ##
-function _jl_shell_parse(s::String, interp::Bool)
- in_single_quotes = false
- in_double_quotes = false
- args = {}
- arg = {}
- i = start(s)
- j = i
- function update_arg(x)
- if !isa(x,String) || !isempty(x)
- push(arg, x)
- end
- end
- function append_arg()
- if isempty(arg); arg = {"",}; end
- push(args, arg)
- arg = {}
- end
- while !done(s,j)
- c, k = next(s,j)
- if !in_single_quotes && !in_double_quotes && iswspace(c)
- update_arg(s[i:j-1])
- append_arg()
- j = k
- while !done(s,j)
- c, k = next(s,j)
- if !iswspace(c)
- i = j
- break
- end
- j = k
- end
- elseif interp && !in_single_quotes && c == '$'
- update_arg(s[i:j-1]); i = k; j = k
- if done(s,k)
- error("\$ right before end of command")
- end
- if iswspace(s[k])
- error("space not allowed right after \$")
- end
- ex, j = parseatom(s,j)
- update_arg(ex); i = j
- else
- if !in_double_quotes && c == '\''
- in_single_quotes = !in_single_quotes
- update_arg(s[i:j-1]); i = k
- elseif !in_single_quotes && c == '"'
- in_double_quotes = !in_double_quotes
- update_arg(s[i:j-1]); i = k
- elseif c == '\\'
- if in_double_quotes
- if done(s,k)
- error("unterminated double quote")
- end
- if s[k] == '"' || s[k] == '$'
- update_arg(s[i:j-1]); i = k
- c, k = next(s,k)
- end
- elseif !in_single_quotes
- if done(s,k)
- error("dangling backslash")
- end
- update_arg(s[i:j-1]); i = k
- c, k = next(s,k)
- end
- end
- j = k
- end
- end
- if in_single_quotes; error("unterminated single quote"); end
- if in_double_quotes; error("unterminated double quote"); end
- update_arg(s[i:])
- append_arg()
- if !interp
- return args
- end
- # construct an expression
- exprs = {}
- for arg in args
- push(exprs, expr(:tuple, arg))
- end
- expr(:tuple,exprs)
-_jl_shell_parse(s::String) = _jl_shell_parse(s,true)
-function shell_split(s::String)
- parsed = _jl_shell_parse(s,false)
- args = String[]
- for arg in parsed
- push(args, strcat(arg...))
- end
- args
-function print_shell_word(word::String)
- if isempty(word)
- print("''")
- end
- has_single = false
- has_special = false
- for c in word
- if iswspace(c) || c=='\\' || c=='\'' || c=='"' || c=='$'
- has_special = true
- if c == '\''
- has_single = true
- end
- end
- end
- if !has_special
- print(word)
- elseif !has_single
- print('\'', word, '\'')
- else
- print('"')
- for c in word
- if c == '"' || c == '$'
- print('\\')
- end
- print(c)
- end
- print('"')
- end
-function print_shell_escaped(cmd::String, args::String...)
- print_shell_word(cmd)
- for arg in args
- print(' ')
- print_shell_word(arg)
- end
-shell_escape(cmd::String, args::String...) =
- print_to_string(print_shell_escaped, cmd, args...)
-## interface to parser ##
-function parse(s::String, pos, greedy)
- # returns (expr, end_pos). expr is () in case of parse error.
- ex, pos = ccall(:jl_parse_string, Any,
- (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Int32),
- cstring(s), pos-1, greedy ? 1:0)
- if isa(ex,Expr) && is(ex.head,:error)
- throw(ParseError(ex.args[1]))
- end
- if ex == (); throw(ParseError("end of input")); end
- ex, pos+1 # C is zero-based, Julia is 1-based
-parse(s::String) = parse(s, 1, true)
-parse(s::String, pos) = parse(s, pos, true)
-parseatom(s::String) = parse(s, 1, false)
-parseatom(s::String, pos) = parse(s, pos, false)
-## miscellaneous string functions ##
-function lpad(s::String, n::Integer, p::String)
- m = n - strlen(s)
- if m <= 0; return s; end
- l = strlen(p)
- if l==1
- return p^m * s
- end
- q = div(m,l)
- r = m - q*l
- cstring(p^q*p[1:chr2ind(p,r)]*s)
-function rpad(s::String, n::Integer, p::String)
- m = n - strlen(s)
- if m <= 0; return s; end
- l = strlen(p)
- if l==1
- return s * p^m
- end
- q = div(m,l)
- r = m - q*l
- cstring(s*p^q*p[1:chr2ind(p,r)])
-lpad(s, n::Integer, p) = lpad(string(s), n, string(p))
-rpad(s, n::Integer, p) = rpad(string(s), n, string(p))
-lpad(s, n::Integer) = lpad(string(s), n, " ")
-rpad(s, n::Integer) = rpad(string(s), n, " ")
-function split(s::String, delims, include_empty::Bool)
- i = 1
- strs = String[]
- len = length(s)
- while true
- tokstart = tokend = i
- while !done(s,i)
- (c,i) = next(s,i)
- if contains(delims, c)
- break
- end
- tokend = i
- end
- tok = s[tokstart:(tokend-1)]
- if include_empty || !isempty(tok)
- push(strs, tok)
- end
- if !((i <= len) || (i==len+1 && tokend!=i))
- break
- end
- end
- strs
-split(s::String) = split(s, (' ','\t','\n','\v','\f','\r'), false)
-split(s::String, x) = split(s, x, true)
-split(s::String, x::Char, incl::Bool) = split(s, (x,), incl)
-function print_joined(strings, delim, last)
- i = start(strings)
- if done(strings,i)
- return
- end
- str, i = next(strings,i)
- print(str)
- while !done(strings,i)
- str, i = next(strings,i)
- print(done(strings,i) ? last : delim)
- print(str)
- end
-function print_joined(strings, delim)
- i = start(strings)
- while !done(strings,i)
- str, i = next(strings,i)
- print(str)
- if !done(strings,i)
- print(delim)
- end
- end
-print_joined(strings) = print_joined(strings, "")
-join(args...) = print_to_string(print_joined, args...)
-chop(s::String) = s[1:thisind(s,length(s))-1]
-chomp(s::String) = (i=thisind(s,length(s)); s[i]=='\n' ? s[1:i-1] : s)
-chomp(s::ByteString) =[end]==0x0a ? s[1:end-1] : s
-function lstrip(s::String)
- i = start(s)
- while !done(s,i)
- c, j = next(s,i)
- if !iswspace(c)
- return s[i:end]
- end
- i = j
- end
- ""
-function rstrip(s::String)
- r = reverse(s)
- i = start(r)
- while !done(r,i)
- c, j = next(r,i)
- if !iswspace(c)
- return s[1:end-i+1]
- end
- i = j
- end
- ""
-strip(s::String) = lstrip(rstrip(s))
-## string to integer functions ##
-function parse_int{T<:Integer}(::Type{T}, s::String, base::Integer)
- if !(2 <= base <= 36); error("invalid base: ",base); end
- i = start(s)
- if done(s,i)
- error("premature end of integer (in ",show_to_string(s),")")
- end
- c,i = next(s,i)
- sgn = one(T)
- if T <: Signed && c == '-'
- sgn = -sgn
- if done(s,i)
- error("premature end of integer (in ",show_to_string(s),")")
- end
- c,i = next(s,i)
- end
- base = convert(T,base)
- n::T = 0
- while true
- d = '0' <= c <= '9' ? c-'0' :
- 'A' <= c <= 'Z' ? c-'A'+10 :
- 'a' <= c <= 'z' ? c-'a'+10 : typemax(Int)
- if d >= base
- error(show_to_string(c)," is not a valid digit (in ",show_to_string(s),")")
- end
- # TODO: overflow detection?
- n = n*base + d
- if done(s,i)
- break
- end
- c,i = next(s,i)
- end
- return flipsign(n,sgn)
-parse_int(s::String, base::Integer) = parse_int(Int,s,base)
-parse_int(T::Type, s::String) = parse_int(T,s,10)
-parse_int(s::String) = parse_int(Int,s,10)
-parse_bin(T::Type, s::String) = parse_int(T,s,2)
-parse_oct(T::Type, s::String) = parse_int(T,s,8)
-parse_hex(T::Type, s::String) = parse_int(T,s,16)
-parse_bin(s::String) = parse_int(Int,s,2)
-parse_oct(s::String) = parse_int(Int,s,8)
-parse_hex(s::String) = parse_int(Int,s,16)
-integer (s::String) = int(s)
-unsigned(s::String) = uint(s)
-int (s::String) = parse_int(Int,s)
-uint (s::String) = parse_int(Uint,s)
-int8 (s::String) = parse_int(Int8,s)
-uint8 (s::String) = parse_int(Uint8,s)
-int16 (s::String) = parse_int(Int16,s)
-uint16 (s::String) = parse_int(Uint16,s)
-int32 (s::String) = parse_int(Int32,s)
-uint32 (s::String) = parse_int(Uint32,s)
-int64 (s::String) = parse_int(Int64,s)
-uint64 (s::String) = parse_int(Uint64,s)
-## integer to string functions ##
-const _jl_dig_syms = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".data
-function int2str(n::Union(Int64,Uint64), b::Integer, l::Int)
- if b < 2 || b > 36; error("int2str: invalid base ", b); end
- neg = n < 0
- n = unsigned(abs(n))
- b = convert(typeof(n), b)
- ndig = ndigits(n, b)
- sz = max(convert(Int, ndig), l) + neg
- data = Array(Uint8, sz)
- i = sz
- if ispow2(b)
- digmask = b-1
- shift = trailing_zeros(b)
- while i > neg
- ch = n & digmask
- data[i] = _jl_dig_syms[int(ch)+1]
- n >>= shift
- i -= 1
- end
- else
- while i > neg
- ch = n % b
- data[i] = _jl_dig_syms[int(ch)+1]
- n = div(n,b)
- i -= 1
- end
- end
- if neg
- data[1] = '-'
- end
- ASCIIString(data)
-int2str(n::Integer, b::Integer) = int2str(n, b, 0)
-int2str(n::Integer, b::Integer, l::Int) = int2str(int64(n), b, l)
-string(x::Signed) = dec(int64(x))
-cstring(x::Signed) = dec(int64(x))
-## string to float functions ##
-function float64_isvalid(s::String, out::Array{Float64,1})
- s = cstring(s)
- return (ccall(:jl_strtod, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Float64}), s, out)==0)
-function float32_isvalid(s::String, out::Array{Float32,1})
- s = cstring(s)
- return (ccall(:jl_strtof, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8},Ptr{Float32}), s, out)==0)
- local tmp::Array{Float64,1} = Array(Float64,1)
- local tmpf::Array{Float32,1} = Array(Float32,1)
- global float64, float32
- function float64(s::String)
- if !float64_isvalid(s, tmp)
- throw(ArgumentError("float64(String): invalid number format"))
- end
- return tmp[1]
- end
- function float32(s::String)
- if !float32_isvalid(s, tmpf)
- throw(ArgumentError("float32(String): invalid number format"))
- end
- return tmpf[1]
- end
-float(x::String) = float64(x)
-parse_float(x::String) = float64(x)
-parse_float(::Type{Float64}, x::String) = float64(x)
-parse_float(::Type{Float32}, x::String) = float32(x)
-# copying a byte string (generally not needed due to "immutability")
-strcpy{T<:ByteString}(s::T) = T(copy(
-# lexicographically compare byte arrays (used by Latin-1 and UTF-8)
-function lexcmp(a::Array{Uint8,1}, b::Array{Uint8,1})
- c = ccall(:memcmp, Int32, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Uint),
- a, b, min(length(a),length(b)))
- c < 0 ? -1 : c > 0 ? +1 : cmp(length(a),length(b))
-# find the index of the first occurrence of a byte value in a byte array
-function memchr(a::Array{Uint8,1}, b::Integer)
- p = pointer(a)
- q = ccall(:memchr, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Int32, Uint), p, b, length(a))
- q == C_NULL ? 0 : q - p + 1
-# concatenate byte arrays into a single array
-memcat() = Array(Uint8,0)
-memcat(a::Array{Uint8,1}) = copy(a)
-function memcat(arrays::Array{Uint8,1}...)
- n = 0
- for a in arrays
- n += length(a)
- end
- arr = Array(Uint8, n)
- ptr = pointer(arr)
- offset = 0
- for a in arrays
- ccall(:memcpy, Ptr{Uint8}, (Ptr{Uint8}, Ptr{Uint8}, Uint),
- ptr+offset, a, length(a))
- offset += length(a)
- end
- return arr
-# concatenate the data fields of byte strings
-memcat(s::ByteString) = memcat(
-memcat(sx::ByteString...) = memcat(map(s->, sx)...)