path: root/tests/examplefiles/test.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/test.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 211 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.adb b/tests/examplefiles/test.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index b79f3a5b..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
--- Model IED Simulator
--- COL Gene Ressler, 1 December 2007
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
-use Ada.Strings.Fixed;
-with Ada.Strings;
-with Ada.Strings.Bounded;
-with Binary_Search;
-with Ada.Containers.Generic_Array_Sort;
-package body Scanner is
- Constant_123 : constant Character := Character'Val (16#00#);
- MAX_KEYWORD_LENGTH_C : constant Natural := 24;
- New_Constant : constant New_Type
- := 2;
- KEYWORDS_C : constant Keyword_Array_T :=
- (To_BS("description"),
- To_BS("with"));
- procedure Blah;
- procedure blah is
- begin
- Declaration:
- declare
- Joe : Type_Type := Random;
- begin
- Do_Something;
- end Declaration;
- Loop_ID:
- loop
- Loop_Do;
- exit when 1=2;
- end loop Loop_ID;
- if True or else False then
- Do_This();
- elsif not False and then True then
- Do_That;
- else
- Panic;
- end if;
- end blah;
- function "*" (Left, Right : in Integer) return Integer is
- begin
- <<Goto_Label>>
- goto Goto_Label;
- return Left + Right;
- end "*";
- function Function_Specification
- (Param_1 : in Blah;
- Param2, param3 : in access Blah_Type := 0)
- return It_Type;
- package Rename_Check renames Ada.Text_IO;
- type New_Float is delta 0.001 digits 12;
- package Package_Inst is new Ada.Strings.Bounded.Generic_Bounded_Length
- type Array_Decl12 is array (Positive range <>) of SB.Bounded_String;
- type Array_Decl3 is array (New_Type range Thing_1 .. Thing_2) of SB.Bounded_String;
- type Boring_Type is
- (Start,
- End_Error);
- subtype Sub_Type_check is Character range '0' .. '9';
- Initialized_Array : constant Transistion_Array_T :=
- (Start =>
- (Letter_Lower | Letter_Upper => Saw_Alpha,
- ' ' | HT | CR | LF => Start,
- others => Begin_Error),
- End_Error => (others => Start)
- );
- type Recorder is record
- Advance : Boolean;
- Return_Token : Token_T;
- end record;
- for Recorder use 8;
- type Null_Record is null record;
- type Discriminated_Record (Size : Natural) is
- record
- A : String (1 .. Size);
- end record;
- pragma Unchecked_Union (Union);
- pragma Convention (C, Union);
- type Person is tagged
- record
- Name : String (1 .. 10);
- Gender : Gender_Type;
- end record;
- type Programmer is new Person with
- record
- Skilled_In : Language_List;
- Favorite_Langauge : Python_Type;
- end record;
- type Programmer is new Person
- and Printable
- with
- record
- Skilled_In : Language_List;
- Blah : aliased Integer;
- end record;
- ---------------------
- -- Scan_Next_Token --
- ---------------------
- task Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type is
- entry Insert (An_Item : in Item);
- entry Remove (An_Item : out Item);
- end Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type;
- task body Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type is
- Q_Size : constant := 100;
- subtype Q_Range is Positive range 1 .. Q_Size;
- Length : Natural range 0 .. Q_Size := 0;
- Head, Tail : Q_Range := 1;
- Data : array (Q_Range) of Item;
- begin
- loop
- select
- when Length < Q_Size =>
- accept Insert (An_Item : in Item) do
- Data(Tail) := An_Item;
- end Insert;
- Tail := Tail mod Q_Size + 1;
- Length := Length + 1;
- or
- when Length > 0 =>
- accept Remove (An_Item : out Item) do
- An_Item := Data(Head);
- end Remove;
- Head := Head mod Q_Size + 1;
- Length := Length - 1;
- end select;
- end loop;
- end Cyclic_Buffer_Task_Type;
- procedure Scan_Next_Token
- (S : in String;
- Start_Index : out Positive;
- End_Index : in out Natural; -- Tricky comment
- Line_Number : in out Positive;
- Token : out Token_T);
- procedure Scan_Next_Token
- (S : in String;
- Start_Index : out Positive;
- End_Index : in out Natural; -- Another comment
- Line_Number : in out Positive;
- Token : out Token_T)
- is
- begin
- Scanner_Loop:
- loop
- if New_State = End_Error then
- exit Scanner_Loop;
- end if;
- if State = Start and New_State /= Start then
- Start_Index := Peek_Index;
- end if;
- end loop Scanner_Loop;
- end Scan_Next_Token;
- procedure Advance is
- begin
- Peek_Index := Peek_Index + 1;
- end Advance;
- -- Eliminate the leading space that Ada puts in front of positive
- -- integer images.
- function Image(N : in Integer) return String is
- S : String := Integer'Image(N);
- begin
- if S(1) = ' ' then
- return S(2 .. S'Last);
- end if;
- return S;
- end Image;
-end Scanner;