path: root/tests/examplefiles/test.adls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/test.adls')
1 files changed, 313 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.adls b/tests/examplefiles/test.adls
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index 00000000..1cdb2daf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/examplefiles/test.adls
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+-- Example of an openEHR Archetype, written in the Archetype Definition Language (ADL)
+-- Definition available here:
+-- Author: derived from the openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.adverse_reaction.v1 archetype at
+archetype (adl_version=2.0.5; rm_release=1.0.2; generated)
+ openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.adverse_reaction.v1.0.0
+ original_language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
+ lifecycle_state = <"unmanaged">
+ original_author = <
+ ["name"] = <"Heather Leslie">
+ ["organisation"] = <"Ocean Informatics">
+ ["email"] = <"">
+ ["date"] = <"2010-11-08">
+ >
+ copyright = <"© openEHR Foundation">
+ details = <
+ ["en"] = <
+ language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
+ purpose = <"To record information about any harmful...">
+ use = <"Use to record all information about the presence ...">
+ keywords = <"reaction", "allergy", "allergic", "adverse">
+ misuse = <"Not to be used for recording the absence (or ...">
+ >
+ >
+ other_contributors = <"Jane Doe, Australia">
+ other_details = <
+ ["references"] = <"Adverse Reaction, draft archetype, ...">
+ ["MD5-CAM-1.0.1"] = <"260699D2EFDE4F7C7BC3C6C501A51A61">
+ >
+ EVALUATION[id1] matches { -- Adverse Reaction
+ data matches {
+ ITEM_TREE[id2] matches {
+ items cardinality matches {1..*; unordered} matches {
+ ELEMENT[id3] matches { -- Substance/Agent
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id51]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id5] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Absolute Contraindication?
+ value matches {
+ DV_BOOLEAN[id52] matches {
+ value matches {True}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id50] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Future Use
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id53]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id7] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Overall Comment
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id54]
+ }
+ }
+ CLUSTER[id10] matches { -- Reaction Event
+ items matches {
+ ELEMENT[id11] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Specific Substance/Agent
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id55]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id12] matches { -- Manifestation
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id56]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id17] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reaction Type
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id57]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id22] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Certainty
+ value matches {
+ DV_CODED_TEXT[id58] matches {
+ defining_code matches {[ac1]} -- Certainty (synthesised)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id13] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reaction Description
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id59]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id28] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Onset of Reaction
+ value matches {
+ DV_DATE_TIME[id60]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id29] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Duration of Reaction
+ value matches {
+ }
+ }
+ allow_archetype CLUSTER[id30] matches { -- Additional Reaction Detail
+ include
+ archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.anatomical_location(-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1/}
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id19] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Exposure Description
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id62]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id21] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Earliest Exposure
+ value matches {
+ DV_DATE_TIME[id63]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id26] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Duration of Exposure
+ value matches {
+ }
+ }
+ allow_archetype CLUSTER[id20] matches { -- Additional Exposure Detail
+ include
+ archetype_id/value matches {/openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.amount(-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1|openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.medication_admin(-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1|openEHR-EHR-CLUSTER\.timing(-a-zA-Z0-9_]+)*\.v1/}
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id41] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Clinical Management Description
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id65]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id32] matches { -- Multimedia
+ value matches {
+ DV_MULTIMEDIA[id66] matches {
+ media_type
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ allow_archetype CLUSTER[id42] matches { -- Reporting Details
+ include
+ archetype_id/value matches {/.*/}
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id33] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reaction Comment
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id67]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protocol matches {
+ ITEM_TREE[id43] matches {
+ items matches {
+ ELEMENT[id45] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Reaction Reported?
+ value matches {
+ DV_BOOLEAN[id68] matches {
+ value matches {True, False}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id49] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Report Comment
+ value matches {
+ DV_TEXT[id69]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id46] matches { -- Adverse Reaction Report
+ value matches {
+ DV_URI[id70]
+ }
+ }
+ ELEMENT[id48] occurrences matches {0..1} matches { -- Supporting Clinical Record Information
+ value matches {
+ DV_EHR_URI[id71]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ term_definitions = <
+ ["en"] = <
+ ["id1"] = <
+ text = <"Adverse Reaction">
+ description = <"A harmful or undesirable, unexpected effect associated with exposure to any substance or agent, including food, plants, animals, venom from animal stings, or a medication at therapeutic or sub-therapeutic doses.">
+ >
+ ["id3"] = <
+ text = <"Substance/Agent">
+ description = <"Identification of a substance, agent, or a class of substance, that is considered to be responsible for the Adverse Reaction.">
+ >
+ ["id5"] = <
+ text = <"Absolute Contraindication?">
+ description = <"Is administration of this Substance/Agent absolutely contraindicated in this individual?">
+ >
+ ["id7"] = <
+ text = <"Overall Comment">
+ description = <"Additional narrative about the Adverse Reaction as a whole, not captured in other fields.">
+ >
+ ["id10"] = <
+ text = <"Reaction Event">
+ description = <"Details about each Adverse Reaction Event.">
+ >
+ ["id11"] = <
+ text = <"Specific Substance/Agent">
+ description = <"Specific identification of the actual Substance/Agent considered to be responsible for the Adverse Reaction event.">
+ >
+ ["id12"] = <
+ text = <"Manifestation">
+ description = <"Clinical manifestation of the Adverse Reaction expressed as a single word, phrase or brief description, e.g. nausea or rash.">
+ >
+ ["id13"] = <
+ text = <"Reaction Description">
+ description = <"Narrative description of the Adverse Reaction.">
+ >
+ ["id17"] = <
+ text = <"Reaction Type">
+ description = <"The type of Adverse Reaction as determined by the clinician.">
+ >
+ ["id19"] = <
+ text = <"Exposure Description">
+ description = <"Description about exposure to the Substance/Agent.">
+ >
+ ["id20"] = <
+ text = <"Additional Exposure Detail">
+ description = <"Additional detail about exposure/s for this Adverse Reaction event, including structured medication amount/frequency/route information.">
+ >
+ ["id21"] = <
+ text = <"Earliest Exposure">
+ description = <"Record of the date and/or time of the earliest or initial exposure to the Substance/Agent.">
+ >
+ ["id22"] = <
+ text = <"Certainty">
+ description = <"Degree of certainty, as assessed by a clinician, that the specific Substance/Agent was the cause of the Adverse Reaction.">
+ >
+ ["at23"] = <
+ text = <"Suspected">
+ description = <"Possibly the causative agent.">
+ >
+ ["at24"] = <
+ text = <"Probable">
+ description = <"Likely to be the causative agent, but not confirmed by testing or rechallenge.">
+ >
+ ["at25"] = <
+ text = <"Confirmed">
+ description = <"Confirmed as the causative agent, by testing or rechallenge.">
+ >
+ ["id26"] = <
+ text = <"Duration of Exposure">
+ description = <"The amount of time of exposure to the Substance/Agent.">
+ >
+ ["id28"] = <
+ text = <"Onset of Reaction">
+ description = <"Record of the date and/or time of the onset of the Adverse Reaction.">
+ >
+ ["id29"] = <
+ text = <"Duration of Reaction">
+ description = <"The amount of time that the Adverse Reaction was present.">
+ >
+ ["id30"] = <
+ text = <"Additional Reaction Detail">
+ description = <"Additional detail about the Adverse Reaction, including anatomical location.">
+ >
+ ["id32"] = <
+ text = <"Multimedia">
+ description = <"Inclusion of any multimedia file to support the recording of the Adverse Reaction event.">
+ >
+ ["id33"] = <
+ text = <"Reaction Comment">
+ description = <"Additional narrative about the Adverse Reaction event not captured in other fields.">
+ >
+ ["id41"] = <
+ text = <"Clinical Management Description">
+ description = <"Narrative description of the clinical management provided.">
+ >
+ ["id42"] = <
+ text = <"Reporting Details">
+ description = <"Further details required for reporting to regulatory bodies.">
+ >
+ ["id45"] = <
+ text = <"Reaction Reported?">
+ description = <"Was the Adverse Reaction reported to a regulatory body?">
+ >
+ ["id46"] = <
+ text = <"Adverse Reaction Report">
+ description = <"Link to an Adverse Reaction Report sent to a regulatory body.">
+ >
+ ["id48"] = <
+ text = <"Supporting Clinical Record Information">
+ description = <"Link to further information about the presentation and findings that exist elsewhere in the health record, including allergy test reports.">
+ >
+ ["id49"] = <
+ text = <"Report Comment">
+ description = <"Additional narrative about the Adverse Reaction Report, including the reason for non-reporting, if required.">
+ >
+ ["id50"] = <
+ text = <"Future Use">
+ description = <"Narrative description of clinician instructions or advice related to future exposure to, or administration of, the Substance/Agent.">
+ >
+ ["ac1"] = <
+ text = <"Certainty (synthesised)">
+ description = <"Degree of certainty, as assessed by a clinician, that the specific Substance/Agent was the cause of the Adverse Reaction. (synthesised)">
+ >
+ >
+ >
+ value_sets = <
+ ["ac1"] = <
+ id = <"ac1">
+ members = <"at23", "at24", "at25">
+ >
+ >