path: root/tests/examplefiles/test.xqy
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/examplefiles/test.xqy')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/tests/examplefiles/test.xqy b/tests/examplefiles/test.xqy
deleted file mode 100644
index c626ea96..00000000
--- a/tests/examplefiles/test.xqy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-(: made up functions, etc just to test xquery parsing (: even embedded comments
-on multiple :)
-xquery version "1.0";
-module namespace xqueryexample "";
-import module namespace importedns = "" at "no/such/file.xqy";
-declare namespace sess = "com.example.session";
-declare variable $amazing := "awesome";
-declare variable $SESSIONS as element(sess:session)* := c:sessions();
-declare option sess:clear "false";
-define function whatsit($param as xs:string) as xs:string {
- let $var1 := 1
- let $var2 := 2
- return (1 + 2 div ($var1 + $var2))
- let $let := <x>"test"</x>
- return (: some whitespace :) element element {
- attribute attribute { 1 },
- element test { 'a' },
- attribute foo { "bar" },
- fn:doc()[ foo/@bar eq $let ],
- //x/with/another/*/*:version/xpath/@attr }
-let $bride := "Bride"
-let $test := validate lax { <some>html</some> }
-let $test := validate strict { <some>html</some> }
-let $test := validate { <some>html</some> }
-let $test := $var1/*:Article (: comment here :) [fn:not()]
-let $test := $var1/@*:name/fn:string()
-let $noop := ordered { $test }
-let $noop := unordered { $test }
-let $noop :=
- for $version at $i in $versions/version
- let $row := if($i mod 2 eq 0) then "even" else "odd"
- order by $version descending
- return
-<html xmlns="">
- <outer>
- <movie>
- <title>The Princess { fn:capitalize($bride) }</title>
- </movie>
- <form action="" method="post" id="session-form" call="callsomething()">
- <input type="hidden" name="{$d:DEBUG-FIELD}" value="{$d:DEBUG}"/>
- {
- (: placeholder for local sessions :)
- element div {
- attribute id { "sessions-local" },
- attribute class { "hidden" },
- element h1 { "Local Sessions" },
- element p {
- 'These sessions use storage provided by your browser.',
- 'You can also ',
- element a {
- attribute href { 'session-import-local.xqy' },
- 'import' },
- ' sessions from local XML files.'
- }
- }
- }
- {
- for $i in $sessions
- let $id := c:session-id($i)
- let $uri := c:session-uri($i)
- (: we only care about the lock that expires last :)
- let $conflicting := c:conflicting-locks($uri, 1)
- let $name as xs:string := ($i/sess:name, "(unnamed)")[1]
- return element tr {
- element td { $name },
- element td { string($i/sec:user) },
- element td { data($i/sess:created) },
- element td { data($i/sess:last-modified) },
- element td {
- if (empty($conflicting)) then () else
- text {
- "by", $conflicting/lock:owner,
- "until", adjust-dateTime-to-timezone(
- x:epoch-seconds-to-dateTime(
- $conflicting/lock:timestamp + $conflicting/lock:timeout
- )
- )
- },
- (: only show resume button if there are no conflicting locks :)
- element input {
- attribute type { "button" },
- attribute title {
- data($i/sess:query-buffers/sess:query[1]) },
- attribute onclick {
- concat("list.resumeSession('", $id, "')") },
- attribute value {
- "Resume", (' ', $id)[ $d:DEBUG ] }
- }[ not($conflicting) ],
- $x:NBSP,
- (: clone button :)
- element input {
- attribute type { "button" },
- attribute title { "clone this session" },
- attribute onclick {
- concat("list.cloneSession('", $id, "', this)") },
- attribute value { "Clone", (' ', $id)[ $d:DEBUG ] }
- },
- $x:NBSP,
- (: export button :)
- element input {
- attribute type { "button" },
- attribute title { "export this session" },
- attribute onclick {
- concat("list.exportServerSession('", $id, "', this)") },
- attribute value { "Export", (' ', $id)[ $d:DEBUG ] }
- },
- $x:NBSP,
- (: only show delete button if there are no conflicting locks :)
- element input {
- attribute type { "button" },
- attribute title { "permanently delete this session" },
- attribute onclick {
- concat("list.deleteSession('", $id, "', this)") },
- attribute value { "Delete", (' ', $id)[ $d:DEBUG ] }
- }[ not($conflicting) ]
- }
- }
- }
- </form>
- </outer>
- <tr><td><!-- some commented things-->&nbsp;</td></tr>